path: root/contrib/package/olsrd-luci/files/etc/init.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/package/olsrd-luci/files/etc/init.d')
1 files changed, 544 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/package/olsrd-luci/files/etc/init.d/olsrd b/contrib/package/olsrd-luci/files/etc/init.d/olsrd
index 04c3a75787..2cadcafd9d 100755
--- a/contrib/package/olsrd-luci/files/etc/init.d/olsrd
+++ b/contrib/package/olsrd-luci/files/etc/init.d/olsrd
@@ -1,37 +1,556 @@
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alina Friedrichsen <>
+# Special thanks to bittorf wireless ))
+OLSRD_OLSRD_SCHEMA='ignore:internal config_file:internal DebugLevel=0 IpVersion=4 AllowNoInt:bool=1 Pollrate=0.025 TcRedundancy=2 MprCoverage=3 LinkQualityFishEye=1 LinkQualityWinSize=100 LinkQualityDijkstraLimit=0+9.0 LinkQualityLevel=2 UseHysteresis:bool=0 FIBMetric=flat ClearScreen:bool=1 Willingness=3 LinkQualityAging=0.1 LinkQualityAlgorithm=etx_fpm'
+OLSRD_IPCCONNECT_SCHEMA='ignore:internal Host:list Net:list2'
+OLSRD_LOADPLUGIN_SCHEMA='ignore:internal library:internal Host:list Net:list2 Ping:list redistribute:list NonOlsrIf:list name:list lat lon latlon_infile HNA:list2 hosts:list2'
+OLSRD_INTERFACE_SCHEMA='ignore:internal interface:internal AutoDetectChanges:bool Ip4Broadcast= HelloInterval=2.0 HelloValidityTime=40.0 TcInterval=5.0 TcValidityTime=100.0 MidInterval=18.0 MidValidityTime=324.0 HnaInterval=18.0 HnaValidityTime=108.0'
-start() {
- ### load defaults
- [ -f $DEFAULT ] && . $DEFAULT
- ### generate config
- mkdir -p ${CONF%/*}
- lua /lib/config/olsr.lua > $CONF
- ### check for running instance (start-stop-daemon is too stupid to do this)
- if [ -s $PID ]; then
- if kill -0 $(cat $PID) 2>&-; then
- echo "there is already a running instance ($(cat $PID))"
- exit 1
+T=' '
+validate_varname() {
+ local varname=$1
+ [ -z "$varname" -o "$varname" != "${varname%%[!A-Za-z0-9_]*}" ] && return 1
+ return 0
+validate_ifname() {
+ local ifname=$1
+ [ -z "$ifname" -o "$ifname" != "${ifname%%[!A-Za-z0-9.:_-]*}" ] && return 1
+ return 0
+validate_olsrd_option() {
+ local str=$1
+ [ -z "$str" -o "$str" != "${str%%[! 0-9A-Za-z./:_-]*}" ] && return 1
+ return 0
+get_ifname() {
+ local interface=$1
+ validate_varname "$interface" || return 1
+ local ifname
+ config_get ifname "$interface" ifname
+ validate_ifname "$ifname" || return 1
+ IFNAME=$ifname
+ return 0
+system_config() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ local cfgt
+ local hostname
+ local latlon
+ config_get cfgt "$cfg" TYPE
+ if [ "$cfgt" = "system" ]; then
+ config_get hostname "$cfg" hostname
+ hostname=${hostname:-OpenWrt}
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$SYSTEM_LAT" -o -z "$SYSTEM_LON" ]; then
+ config_get latlon "$cfg" latlon
+ IFS=" ${T}${N},"
+ set -- $latlon
+ unset IFS
+ fi
+olsrd_find_config_file() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 0
+ config_get_bool ignore "$cfg" ignore 0
+ [ "$ignore" -ne 0 ] && return 0
+ config_get OLSRD_CONFIG_FILE "$cfg" config_file
+ return 0
+warning_invalid_value() {
+ local package=$1
+ validate_varname "$package" || package=
+ local config=$2
+ validate_varname "$config" || config=
+ local option=$3
+ validate_varname "$option" || option=
+ echo -n "Warning: Invalid value" 1>&2
+ if [ -n "$package" -a -n "$config" ]; then
+ echo -n " in option '$package.$config${option:+.}$option'" 1>&2
+ fi
+ echo ", skipped" 1>&2
+ return 0
+olsrd_write_option() {
+ local param=$1
+ local cfg=$2
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 1
+ local option=$3
+ validate_varname "$option" || return 1
+ local value=$4
+ local option_type=$5
+ if [ "$option_type" = bool ]; then
+ case "$value" in
+ 1|on|true|enabled|yes) value=yes;;
+ 0|off|false|disabled|no) value=no;;
+ *) warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "$option"; return 1;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if ! validate_olsrd_option "$value"; then
+ warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "$option"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$value" != "${value%%[G-Zg-z_-]*}" ]; then
+ if [ "$value" != "yes" -a "$value" != "no" ]; then
+ value="\"$value\""
- ### start olsrd
- start-stop-daemon -b -m -p $PID -x $BIN -S -- -f $CONF -nofork $OPTIONS
+ echo -n "${N}$param$option $value"
+ return 0
-stop() {
- ### stop olsrd
- start-stop-daemon -q -p $PID -a ${BIN##*/} -K
+olsrd_write_plparam() {
+ local param=$1
+ local cfg=$2
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 1
+ local option=$3
+ validate_varname "$option" || return 1
+ local value=$4
+ local option_type=$5
+ local _option
+ if [ "$option_type" = bool ]; then
+ case "$value" in
+ 1|on|true|enabled|yes) value=yes;;
+ 0|off|false|disabled|no) value=no;;
+ *) warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "$option"; return 1;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if ! validate_olsrd_option "$value"; then
+ warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "$option"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ IFS='-_'
+ set -- $option
+ option="$*"
+ unset IFS
+ _option="$option"
+ if [ "$option" = 'hosts' ]; then
+ set -- $value
+ option=$1
+ shift
+ value="$*"
+ fi
+ echo -n "${N}${param}PlParam \"$option\" \"$value\""
+ return 0
+config_update_schema() {
+ unset IFS
+ local schema_varname=$1
+ validate_varname "$schema_varname" || return 1
+ local command=$2
+ validate_varname "$command" || return 1
+ local option=$3
+ validate_varname "$option" || return 1
+ local value=$4
+ local schema
+ local cur_option
+ case "$varname" in
+ *_LENGTH) return 0;;
+ *_ITEM*) return 0;;
+ esac
+ eval "export -n -- \"schema=\${$schema_varname}\""
+ for cur_option in $schema; do
+ [ "${cur_option%%[:=]*}" = "$option" ] && return 0
+ done
+ if [ "$command" = list ]; then
+ set -- $value
+ if [ "$#" -ge "3" ]; then
+ schema_entry="$option:list3"
+ elif [ "$#" -ge "2" ]; then
+ schema_entry="$option:list2"
+ else
+ schema_entry="$option:list"
+ fi
+ else
+ schema_entry="$option"
+ fi
+ append "$schema_varname" "$schema_entry"
+ return 0
-restart() {
- ### override generic restart because we need some time between stop and start
- stop; sleep 3; start
+config_write_options() {
+ unset IFS
+ local schema=$1
+ local cfg=$2
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 1
+ local write_func=$3
+ [ -z "$write_func" ] && output_func=echo
+ local write_param=$4
+ local schema_entry
+ local option
+ local option_length
+ local option_type
+ local default
+ local value
+ local list_size
+ local list_item
+ local list_value
+ local i
+ local position
+ for schema_entry in $schema; do
+ default=${schema_entry#*[=]}
+ [ "$default" = "$schema_entry" ] && default=
+ option=${schema_entry%%[=]*}
+ IFS=':'
+ set -- $option
+ unset IFS
+ option=$1
+ option_type=$2
+ validate_varname "$option" || continue
+ [ -z "$option_type" ] || validate_varname "$option_type" || continue
+ [ "$option_type" = internal ] && continue
+ config_get value "$cfg" "$option"
+ if [ -z "$value" ]; then
+ IFS='+'
+ set -- $default
+ unset IFS
+ value=$*
+ elif [ "$value" = '-' -a -n "$default" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ [ -z "$value" ] && continue
+ case "$option_type" in
+ list) list_size=1;;
+ list2) list_size=2;;
+ list3) list_size=3;;
+ *) list_size=0;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$list_size" -gt 0 ]; then
+ config_get option_length "$cfg" "${option}_LENGTH"
+ if [ -n "$option_length" ]; then
+ i=1
+ while [ "$i" -le "$option_length" ]; do
+ config_get list_value "$cfg" "${option}_ITEM$i"
+ "$write_func" "$write_param" "$cfg" "$option" "$list_value" "$option_type" || break
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
+ else
+ list_value=
+ i=0
+ for list_item in $value; do
+ append "list_value" "$list_item"
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ position=$((i % list_size))
+ if [ "$position" -eq 0 ]; then
+ "$write_func" "$write_param" "$cfg" "$option" "$list_value" "$option_type" || break
+ list_value=
+ fi
+ done
+ [ "$position" -ne 0 ] && "$write_func" "$write_param" "$cfg" "$option" "$list_value" "$option_type"
+ fi
+ else
+ "$write_func" "$write_param" "$cfg" "$option" "$value" "$option_type"
+ fi
+ done
+ return 0
+olsrd_write_olsrd() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 0
+ local ignore
+ config_get_bool ignore "$cfg" ignore 0
+ [ "$ignore" -ne 0 ] && return 0
+ [ "$OLSRD_COUNT" -gt 0 ] && return 0
+ config_write_options "$OLSRD_OLSRD_SCHEMA" "$cfg" olsrd_write_option
+ echo
+ return 0
+olsrd_write_ipcconnect() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 0
+ local ignore
+ config_get_bool ignore "$cfg" ignore 0
+ [ "$ignore" -ne 0 ] && return 0
+ [ "$IPCCONNECT_COUNT" -gt 0 ] && return 0
+ echo -n "${N}IpcConnect${N}{"
+ config_write_options "$OLSRD_IPCCONNECT_SCHEMA" "$cfg" olsrd_write_option "${T}"
+ echo "${N}}"
+ return 0
+olsrd_write_hna4() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 0
+ local ignore
+ config_get_bool ignore "$cfg" ignore 0
+ [ "$ignore" -ne 0 ] && return 0
+ config_get netaddr "$cfg" netaddr
+ if ! validate_olsrd_option "$netaddr"; then
+ warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "netaddr"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ config_get netmask "$cfg" netmask
+ if ! validate_olsrd_option "$netmask"; then
+ warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "netmask"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ [ "$HNA4_COUNT" -le 0 ] && echo -n "${N}Hna4${N}{"
+ echo -n "${N}${T}$netaddr $netmask"
+ HNA4_COUNT=$((HNA4_COUNT + 1))
+ return 0
+olsrd_write_hna6() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 0
+ local ignore
+ config_get_bool ignore "$cfg" ignore 0
+ [ "$ignore" -ne 0 ] && return 0
+ config_get netaddr "$cfg" netaddr
+ if ! validate_olsrd_option "$netaddr"; then
+ warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "netaddr"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ config_get prefix "$cfg" prefix
+ if ! validate_olsrd_option "$prefix"; then
+ warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "prefix"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ [ "$HNA6_COUNT" -le 0 ] && echo -n "${N}Hna6${N}{"
+ echo -n "${N}${T}$netaddr $prefix"
+ HNA6_COUNT=$((HNA6_COUNT + 1))
+ return 0
+olsrd_write_loadplugin() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 0
+ local ignore
+ local name
+ local suffix
+ local lat
+ local lon
+ local latlon_infile
+ config_get_bool ignore "$cfg" ignore 0
+ [ "$ignore" -ne 0 ] && return 0
+ config_get library "$cfg" library
+ if ! validate_olsrd_option "$library"; then
+ warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "library"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if ! [ -x "/lib/$library" -o -x "/usr/lib/$library" -o -x "/usr/local/lib/$library" ]; then
+ echo "Warning: Plugin library '$library' not found, skipped" 1>&2
+ return 0
+ fi
+ case "$library" in
+ olsrd_nameservice.*)
+ config_get name "$cfg" name
+ [ -z "$name" ] && config_set "$cfg" name $SYSTEM_HOSTNAME
+ config_get suffix "$cfg" suffix
+ [ -z "$suffix" ] && config_set "$cfg" suffix '.olsr'
+ config_get lat "$cfg" lat
+ config_get lon "$cfg" lon
+ config_get latlon_infile "$cfg" latlon_infile
+ if [ \( -z "$lat" -o -z "$lat" \) -a -z "$latlon_infile" ]; then
+ if [ -f '/var/run/latlon.txt' ]; then
+ config_set "$cfg" lat ''
+ config_set "$cfg" lon ''
+ config_set "$cfg" latlon_infile '/var/run/latlon.txt'
+ else
+ config_set "$cfg" lat "$SYSTEM_LAT"
+ config_set "$cfg" lon "$SYSTEM_LON"
+ fi
+ fi
+ config_get latlon_file "$cfg" latlon_file
+ [ -z "$latlon_file" ] && config_set "$cfg" latlon_file '/var/run/latlon.js'
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo -n "${N}LoadPlugin \"$library\"${N}{"
+ config_write_options "$OLSRD_LOADPLUGIN_SCHEMA" "$cfg" olsrd_write_plparam "${T}"
+ echo "${N}}"
+ return 0
+olsrd_write_interface() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ validate_varname "$cfg" || return 0
+ local ignore
+ local interfaces
+ local interface
+ local ifnames
+ config_get_bool ignore "$cfg" ignore 0
+ [ "$ignore" -ne 0 ] && return 0
+ ifnames=
+ config_get interfaces "$cfg" interface
+ for interface in $interfaces; do
+ if validate_varname "$interface"; then
+ if get_ifname "$interface"; then
+ ifnames="$ifnames \"$IFNAME\""
+ else
+ echo "Warning: Interface '$interface' not found, skipped" 1>&2
+ fi
+ else
+ warning_invalid_value olsrd "$cfg" "interface"
+ fi
+ done
+ [ -z "$ifnames" ] && return 0
+ echo -n "${N}Interface$ifnames${N}{"
+ config_write_options "$OLSRD_INTERFACE_SCHEMA" "$cfg" olsrd_write_option "${T}"
+ echo "${N}}"
+ return 0
+olsrd_update_schema() {
+ local command="$1"
+ validate_varname "$command" || return 0
+ local varname="$2"
+ validate_varname "$varname" || return 0
+ local value="$3"
+ local cfg="$CONFIG_SECTION"
+ local cfgt
+ local cur_varname
+ config_get cfgt "$cfg" TYPE
+ case "$cfgt" in
+ olsrd) config_update_schema OLSRD_OLSRD_SCHEMA "$command" "$varname" "$value";;
+ IpcConnect) config_update_schema OLSRD_IPCCONNECT_SCHEMA "$command" "$varname" "$value";;
+ LoadPlugin) config_update_schema OLSRD_LOADPLUGIN_SCHEMA "$command" "$varname" "$value";;
+ Interface) config_update_schema OLSRD_INTERFACE_SCHEMA "$command" "$varname" "$value";;
+ esac
+ return 0
+olsrd_write_config() {
+ config_foreach olsrd_write_olsrd olsrd
+ config_foreach olsrd_write_ipcconnect IpcConnect
+ config_foreach olsrd_write_hna4 Hna4
+ [ "$HNA4_COUNT" -gt 0 ] && echo "${N}}"
+ config_foreach olsrd_write_hna6 Hna6
+ [ "$HNA6_COUNT" -gt 0 ] && echo "${N}}"
+ config_foreach olsrd_write_loadplugin LoadPlugin
+ config_foreach olsrd_write_interface Interface
+ echo
+ return 0
+start() {
+ config_load system
+ config_foreach system_config system
+ option_cb() {
+ olsrd_update_schema "option" "$@"
+ }
+ list_cb() {
+ olsrd_update_schema "list" "$@"
+ }
+ include /lib/network
+ scan_interfaces
+ config_load olsrd
+ reset_cb
+ config_foreach olsrd_find_config_file olsrd
+ if [ -z "$OLSRD_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
+ mkdir -p -- /var/etc/
+ olsrd_write_config > /var/etc/olsrd.conf
+ if [ "$INTERFACES_COUNT" -gt 0 -a "$OLSRD_COUNT" -gt 0 ]; then
+ OLSRD_CONFIG_FILE=/var/etc/olsrd.conf
+ fi
+ fi
+ [ -z "$OLSRD_CONFIG_FILE" ] && return 1
+ olsrd -f "$OLSRD_CONFIG_FILE" -nofork < /dev/null > /dev/null &
+stop() {
+ killall olsrd