path: root/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/Makefile b/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a9281ca20a..0000000000
--- a/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2011 Manuel Munz <freifunk at somakoma de>
-# This is free software, licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
-include $(TOPDIR)/
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-define Package/freifunk-mapupdate
- SECTION:=luci
- SUBMENU:=9. Freifunk
- TITLE:=Update script for freifunkmap
- DEPENDS:=+olsrd-mod-nameservice
-define Package/freifunk-mapupdate/description
- This script updates the freifunkmap (also known as the global map, see every hour. Config file is /etc/config/freifunk-mapupdate.
-define Build/Prepare
- mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
-define Build/Configure
-define Build/Compile
-define Package/freifunk-mapupdate/install
- $(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,freifunk-mapupdate))
diff --git a/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/files/etc/config/freifunk-mapupdate b/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/files/etc/config/freifunk-mapupdate
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e98f956d5..0000000000
--- a/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/files/etc/config/freifunk-mapupdate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-config 'mapupdate' 'mapupdate'
- option 'enabled' '1'
- option 'mapserver' ''
diff --git a/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/files/usr/sbin/ b/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/files/usr/sbin/
deleted file mode 100755
index b06e145d65..0000000000
--- a/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/files/usr/sbin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-if [ ! "$(uci -q get freifunk-mapupdate.mapupdate.enabled)" == 1 ]; then
- exit 1
-MAPSERVER="$(uci -q get freifunk-mapupdate.mapupdate.mapserver)"
-[ -z "$MAPSERVER" ] && logger -t "freifunk-mapupdate:" "No mapserver configured" && exit 1
-#check if nameservice plugin is installed and enabled, else exit
-nslib=`uci show olsrd |grep olsrd_nameservice |awk {' FS="."; print $1"."$2 '}`
-if [ -n "$nslib" ]; then
- LATLONFILE="$(uci -q get $nslib.latlon_file)"
- if [ -z "$LATLONFILE" ]; then
- LATLONFILE="/var/run/latlon.js"
- fi
- if [ ! -p "$LATLONFILE" ]; then
- logger -t "freifunk-mapupdate:" "latlon_file not found."; exit 1
- fi
- logger -t "freifunk-mapupdate:" "nameservice plugin not found in olsrd config."
- exit 1
-HOSTNAME="$(uci show system |grep hostname |cut -d "=" -f 2)"
-# Get info for myself
-SELF=$(cat $LATLONFILE |grep ^Self | sed -e 's/Self(//' -e 's/);//' -e "s/'//g")
-OLSR_IP="$(echo $SELF |awk '{ FS=",";print $1 }')"
-LOCATION="$(uci show system |grep .location |cut -d "=" -f 2)"
-[ -n "$LOCATION" ] && NOTE="$LOCATION<br>"
-FFNOTE="$(uci -q get"
-[ -n "$FFNOTE" ] && NOTE="$NOTE $FFNOTE"
-NOTE="<h3><a href='http://$OLSR_IP' target='_blank'>$HOSTNAME</a></h3><p>$NOTE"
-NOTE=`echo -e "$NOTE" | sed -e 's/\ /%20/g' -e 's/&/%26/g' -e 's/"/%22/g'`
-UPDATESTRING="$(echo $SELF |awk '{ FS=",";print $2 }'), $(echo $SELF |awk '{ FS=",";print $3 }')"
-# write our coordinates to mygooglemapscoords.txt to make Freifunk Firmware happy
-echo "$UPDATESTRING" > /tmp/mygooglemapscoords.txt
-[ ! -L /www/mygooglemapscoords.txt ] && ln -s /tmp/mygooglemapscoords.txt /www/mygooglemapscoords.txt
-# get neighbor Info (lat, lon, lq)
-while read line; do
- NEIGHUPD="$(echo $line |awk '{ FS=","; print $6 }'), $(echo $line |awk '{ FS=","; print $7 }'), $(echo $line |awk '{ FS=",";print $4 }')"
-done << EOF
-`grep "PLink('$OLSR_IP" $LATLONFILE | sed -e 's/PLink(//' -e 's/);//' -e "s/'//g"`
-UPDATE=`echo -e "$UPDATESTRING" | sed s/\ /%20/g`
-result="$(wget "$MAPSERVER?update=$UPDATE&updateiv=3600&olsrip=$OLSR_IP&note=${NOTE}${HF_INFO}" -qO -)"
-if [ ! "$result" == "success update" ]; then
- logger -t "freifunk-mapupdate:" "Update failed: $result"
diff --git a/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/root/etc/uci-defaults/50_freifunk-mapupdate b/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/root/etc/uci-defaults/50_freifunk-mapupdate
deleted file mode 100644
index dee7f1bb58..0000000000
--- a/contrib/package/freifunk-mapupdate/root/etc/uci-defaults/50_freifunk-mapupdate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-test -f /etc/crontabs/root || touch /etc/crontabs/root
-SEED="$( dd if=/dev/urandom bs=2 count=1 2>&- | hexdump | if read line; then echo 0x${line#* }; fi )"
-MIN="$(( $SEED % 59 ))"
-grep -q "" /etc/crontabs/root || echo "$MIN * * * * /usr/sbin/" >> /etc/crontabs/root
-/etc/init.d/cron restart