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Diffstat (limited to 'applications')
61 files changed, 0 insertions, 2468 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n/asterisk.en.lua b/applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n/asterisk.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index aa5796b4af..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n/asterisk.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ -asterisk_asterisk = 'Asterisk General Options' -asterisk_asterisk_agidir = 'AGI directory' -asterisk_asterisk_cacherecordfiles = 'Cache recorded sound files during recording' -asterisk_asterisk_debug = 'Debug Level' -asterisk_asterisk_dontwarn = 'Disable some warnings' -asterisk_asterisk_dumpcore = 'Dump core on crash' -asterisk_asterisk_highpriority = 'High Priority' -asterisk_asterisk_initcrypto = 'Initialise Crypto' -asterisk_asterisk_internaltiming = 'Use Internal Timing' -asterisk_asterisk_logdir = 'Log directory' -asterisk_asterisk_maxcalls = 'Maximum number of calls allowed' -asterisk_asterisk_maxload = 'Maximum load to stop accepting new calls' -asterisk_asterisk_nocolor = 'Disable console colors' -asterisk_asterisk_recordcachedir = 'Sound files Cache directory' -asterisk_asterisk_rungroup = 'The Group to run as' -asterisk_asterisk_runuser = 'The User to run as' -asterisk_asterisk_spooldir = 'Voicemail Spool directory' -asterisk_asterisk_systemname = 'Prefix UniquID with system name' -asterisk_asterisk_transcodeviasln = 'Build transcode paths via SLINEAR, not directly' -asterisk_asterisk_transmitsilenceduringrecord = 'Transmit SLINEAR silence while recording a channel' -asterisk_asterisk_verbose = 'Verbose Level' -asterisk_asterisk_zone = 'Time Zone' -asterisk_dialplan = 'Section dialplan' -asterisk_dialplan_include = 'include' -asterisk_dialplanexten = 'Dialplan Extension' -asterisk_dialplangeneral = 'Dialplan General Options' -asterisk_dialplangeneral_allowtransfer = 'Allow transfer' -asterisk_dialplangeneral_canreinvite = 'Reinvite/redirect media connections' -asterisk_dialplangeneral_clearglobalvars = 'Clear global vars' -asterisk_dialplangoto = 'Dialplan Goto' -asterisk_dialplanmeetme = 'Dialplan Conference' -asterisk_dialplansaytime = 'Dialplan Time' -asterisk_dialplanvoice = 'Dialplan Voicemail' -asterisk_dialzone = 'Dial Zones for Dialplan' -asterisk_dialzone_addprefix = 'Prefix to add matching dialplans' -asterisk_dialzone_international = 'Match International prefix' -asterisk_dialzone_localprefix = 'Prefix (0) to add/remove to/from international numbers' -asterisk_dialzone_localzone = 'localzone' -asterisk_dialzone_match = 'Match plan' -asterisk_dialzone_uses = 'Connection to use' -asterisk_featuremap = 'Feature Key maps' -asterisk_featuremap_atxfer = 'Attended transfer key' -asterisk_featuremap_blindxfer = 'Blind transfer key' -asterisk_featuremap_disconnect = 'Key to Disconnect call' -asterisk_featuremap_parkcall = 'Key to Park call' -asterisk_featurepark = 'Parking Feature' -asterisk_featurepark_adsipark = 'ADSI Park' -asterisk_featurepark_atxfernoanswertimeout = 'Attended transfer timeout (sec)' -asterisk_featurepark_automon = 'One touch record key' -asterisk_featurepark_context = 'Name of call context for parking' -asterisk_featurepark_courtesytone = 'Sound file to play to parked caller' -asterisk_featurepark_featuredigittimeout = 'Max time (ms) between digits for feature activation' -asterisk_featurepark_findslot = 'Method to Find Parking slot' -asterisk_featurepark_parkedmusicclass = 'parkedmusicclass' -asterisk_featurepark_parkedplay = 'Play courtesy tone to' -asterisk_featurepark_parkenabled = 'Enable Parking' -asterisk_featurepark_parkext = 'Extension to dial to park' -asterisk_featurepark_parkingtime = 'Parking time (secs)' -asterisk_featurepark_parkpos = 'Range of extensions for call parking' -asterisk_featurepark_pickupexten = 'Pickup extension' -asterisk_featurepark_transferdigittimeout = 'Seconds to wait bewteen digits when transferring' -asterisk_featurepark_xferfailsound = 'sound when attended transfer is complete' -asterisk_featurepark_xfersound = 'Sound when attended transfer fails' -asterisk_hardwarereboot = 'Reload Hardware Config' -asterisk_hardwarereboot_method = 'Reboot Method' -asterisk_hardwarereboot_param = 'Parameter' -asterisk_iax = 'SIP Connection' -asterisk_iax_alwaysinternational = 'Always Dial International' -asterisk_iax_context = 'context' -asterisk_iax_countrycode = 'Country Code for connection' -asterisk_iax_extension = 'Add as Extension' -asterisk_iax_host = 'Host name (or blank)' -asterisk_iax_internationalprefix = 'International Dial Prefix' -asterisk_iax_prefix = 'Dial Prefix (for external line)' -asterisk_iax_secret = 'Secret' -asterisk_iax_timeout = 'Dial Timeout (sec)' -asterisk_iax_type = 'Option type' -asterisk_iax_username = 'User name' -asterisk_iaxgeneral = 'IAX General Options' -asterisk_iaxgeneral_allow = 'Allow Codecs' -asterisk_iaxgeneral_canreinvite = 'Reinvite/redirect media connections' -asterisk_iaxgeneral_static = 'Static' -asterisk_iaxgeneral_writeprotect = 'Write Protect' -asterisk_meetme = 'Meetme Conference' -asterisk_meetme_adminpin = 'Admin PIN' -asterisk_meetme_pin = 'Meeting PIN' -asterisk_meetmegeneral = 'Meetme Conference General Options' -asterisk_meetmegeneral_audiobuffers = 'Number of 20ms audio buffers to be used' -asterisk_module = 'Modules' -asterisk_module_appalarmreceiver = 'Alarm Receiver Application' -asterisk_module_appauthenticate = 'Authentication Application' -asterisk_module_appcdr = 'Make sure asterisk doesnt save CDR' -asterisk_module_appchanisavail = 'Check if channel is available' -asterisk_module_appchanspy = 'Listen in on any channel' -asterisk_module_appcontrolplayback = 'Control Playback Application' -asterisk_module_appcut = 'Cuts up variables' -asterisk_module_appdb = 'Database access functions' -asterisk_module_appdial = 'Dialing Application' -asterisk_module_appdictate = 'Virtual Dictation Machine Application' -asterisk_module_appdirectedpickup = 'Directed Call Pickup Support' -asterisk_module_appdirectory = 'Extension Directory' -asterisk_module_appdisa = 'DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application' -asterisk_module_appdumpchan = 'Dump channel variables Application' -asterisk_module_appecho = 'Simple Echo Application' -asterisk_module_appenumlookup = 'ENUM Lookup' -asterisk_module_appeval = 'Reevaluates strings' -asterisk_module_appexec = 'Executes applications' -asterisk_module_appexternalivr = 'External IVR application interface' -asterisk_module_appforkcdr = 'Fork The CDR into 2 seperate entities' -asterisk_module_appgetcpeid = 'Get ADSI CPE ID' -asterisk_module_appgroupcount = 'Group Management Routines' -asterisk_module_appices = 'Encode and Stream via icecast and ices' -asterisk_module_appimage = 'Image Transmission Application' -asterisk_module_applookupblacklist = 'Look up Caller*ID name/number from black' -asterisk_module_applookupcidname = 'Look up CallerID Name from local databas' -asterisk_module_appmacro = 'Extension Macros' -asterisk_module_appmath = 'A simple math Application' -asterisk_module_appmd5 = 'MD5 checksum Application' -asterisk_module_appmilliwatt = 'Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application' -asterisk_module_appmixmonitor = 'Record a call and mix the audio during the recording' -asterisk_module_appparkandannounce = 'Call Parking and Announce Application' -asterisk_module_appplayback = 'Trivial Playback Application' -asterisk_module_appprivacy = 'Require phone number to be entered' -asterisk_module_appqueue = 'True Call Queueing' -asterisk_module_apprandom = 'Random goto' -asterisk_module_appread = 'Read Variable Application' -asterisk_module_appreadfile = 'Read in a file' -asterisk_module_apprealtime = 'Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite' -asterisk_module_apprecord = 'Trivial Record Application' -asterisk_module_appsayunixtime = 'Say time' -asterisk_module_appsenddtmf = 'Send DTMF digits Application' -asterisk_module_appsendtext = 'Send Text Applications' -asterisk_module_appsetcallerid = 'Set CallerID Application' -asterisk_module_appsetcdruserfield = 'CDR user field apps' -asterisk_module_appsetcidname = 'load => .so ; Set CallerID Name' -asterisk_module_appsetcidnum = 'load => .so ; Set CallerID Number' -asterisk_module_appsetrdnis = 'Set RDNIS Number' -asterisk_module_appsettransfercapability = 'Set ISDN Transfer Capability' -asterisk_module_appsms = 'SMS/PSTN handler' -asterisk_module_appsofthangup = 'Hangs up the requested channel' -asterisk_module_appstack = 'Stack Routines' -asterisk_module_appsystem = 'Generic System() application' -asterisk_module_apptalkdetect = 'Playback with Talk Detection' -asterisk_module_apptest = 'Interface Test Application' -asterisk_module_apptransfer = 'Transfer' -asterisk_module_apptxtcidname = 'TXTCIDName' -asterisk_module_appurl = 'Send URL Applications' -asterisk_module_appuserevent = 'Custom User Event Application' -asterisk_module_appverbose = 'Send verbose output' -asterisk_module_appvoicemail = 'Voicemail' -asterisk_module_appwaitforring = 'Waits until first ring after time' -asterisk_module_appwaitforsilence = 'Wait For Silence Application' -asterisk_module_appwhile = 'While Loops and Conditional Execution' -asterisk_module_cdrcsv = 'Comma Separated Values CDR Backend' -asterisk_module_cdrcustom = 'Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend' -asterisk_module_cdrmanager = 'Asterisk Call Manager CDR Backend' -asterisk_module_cdrmysql = 'MySQL CDR Backend' -asterisk_module_cdrpgsql = 'PostgreSQL CDR Backend' -asterisk_module_cdrsqlite = 'SQLite CDR Backend' -asterisk_module_chanagent = 'Agent Proxy Channel' -asterisk_module_chanalsa = 'Channel driver for GTalk' -asterisk_module_changtalk = 'Channel driver for GTalk' -asterisk_module_chaniax2 = 'Option chan_iax2' -asterisk_module_chanlocal = 'Local Proxy Channel' -asterisk_module_chansip = 'Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)' -asterisk_module_codecadpcm = 'Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder' -asterisk_module_codecalaw = 'A-law Coder/Decoder' -asterisk_module_codecamu = 'A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder' -asterisk_module_codecg726 = 'ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder' -asterisk_module_codecgsm = 'GSM/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translation' -asterisk_module_codecspeex = 'Speex/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator' -asterisk_module_codeculaw = 'Mu-law Coder/Decoder' -asterisk_module_formatau = 'Sun Microsystems AU format (signed linear)' -asterisk_module_formatg723 = 'G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format' -asterisk_module_formatg726 = 'Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data' -asterisk_module_formatg729 = 'Raw G729 data' -asterisk_module_formatgsm = 'Raw GSM data' -asterisk_module_formath263 = 'Raw h263 data' -asterisk_module_formatjpeg = 'JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group) Image' -asterisk_module_formatpcm = 'Raw uLaw 8khz Audio support (PCM)' -asterisk_module_formatpcmalaw = 'load => .so ; Raw aLaw 8khz PCM Audio support' -asterisk_module_formatsln = 'Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)' -asterisk_module_formatvox = 'Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format' -asterisk_module_formatwav = 'Microsoft WAV format (8000hz Signed Line' -asterisk_module_formatwavgsm = 'Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)' -asterisk_module_funccallerid = 'Caller ID related dialplan functions' -asterisk_module_funcenum = 'ENUM Functions' -asterisk_module_funcuri = 'URI encoding / decoding functions' -asterisk_module_pbxael = 'Asterisk Extension Language Compiler' -asterisk_module_pbxconfig = 'Text Extension Configuration' -asterisk_module_pbxfunctions = 'load => .so ; Builtin dialplan functions' -asterisk_module_pbxloopback = 'Loopback Switch' -asterisk_module_pbxrealtime = 'Realtime Switch' -asterisk_module_pbxspool = 'Outgoing Spool Support' -asterisk_module_pbxwilcalu = 'Wil Cal U (Auto Dialer)' -asterisk_module_resconfigmysql = 'MySQL Config Resource' -asterisk_module_resconfigodbc = 'ODBC Config Resource' -asterisk_module_resconfigpgsql = 'PGSQL Module' -asterisk_module_rescrypto = 'Cryptographic Digital Signatures' -asterisk_module_resfeatures = 'Call Parking Resource' -asterisk_module_resindications = 'Indications Configuration' -asterisk_module_resmonitor = 'Call Monitoring Resource' -asterisk_module_resmusiconhold = 'Music On Hold Resource' -asterisk_module_resodbc = 'ODBC Resource' -asterisk_module_ressmdi = 'SMDI Module' -asterisk_module_ressnmp = 'SNMP Module' -asterisk_moh = 'Music On Hold' -asterisk_moh_application = 'Application' -asterisk_moh_directory = 'Directory of Music' -asterisk_moh_mode = 'Option mode' -asterisk_moh_random = 'Random Play' -asterisk_sip = 'SIP Connection' -asterisk_sip_alwaysinternational = 'Always Dial International' -asterisk_sip_canreinvite = 'Reinvite/redirect media connections' -asterisk_sip_context = 'context' -asterisk_sip_countrycode = 'Country Code for connection' -asterisk_sip_dtmfmode = 'DTMF mode' -asterisk_sip_extension = 'Add as Extension' -asterisk_sip_fromdomain = 'Primary domain identity for From: headers' -asterisk_sip_fromuser = 'From user (required by many SIP providers)' -asterisk_sip_host = 'Host name (or blank)' -asterisk_sip_incoming = 'Ring on incoming dialplan contexts' -asterisk_sip_insecure = 'Allow Insecure for' -asterisk_sip_internationalprefix = 'International Dial Prefix' -asterisk_sip_mailbox = 'Mailbox for MWI' -asterisk_sip_nat = 'NAT between phone and Asterisk' -asterisk_sip_pedantic = 'Check tags in headers' -asterisk_sip_port = 'SIP Port' -asterisk_sip_prefix = 'Dial Prefix (for external line)' -asterisk_sip_qualify = 'Reply Timeout (ms) for down connection' -asterisk_sip_register = 'Register connection' -asterisk_sip_secret = 'Secret' -asterisk_sip_selfmailbox = 'Dial own extension for mailbox' -asterisk_sip_timeout = 'Dial Timeout (sec)' -asterisk_sip_type = 'Client Type' -asterisk_sip_username = 'Username' -asterisk_sipgeneral = 'Section sipgeneral' -asterisk_sipgeneral_allow = 'Allow codecs' -asterisk_sipgeneral_port = 'SIP Port' -asterisk_sipgeneral_realm = 'SIP realm' -asterisk_voicegeneral = 'Voicemail general options' -asterisk_voicegeneral_serveremail = 'From Email address of server' -asterisk_voicemail = 'Voice Mail boxes' -asterisk_voicemail_attach = 'Email contains attachment' -asterisk_voicemail_email = 'Email' -asterisk_voicemail_name = 'Display Name' -asterisk_voicemail_password = 'Password' -asterisk_voicemail_zone = 'zone' -asterisk_voicezone = 'Voice Zone settings' -asterisk_voicezone_message = 'Message Format' -asterisk_voicezone_zone = 'Time Zone' diff --git a/applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua b/applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 23292fc394..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ -coovachilli = 'CoovaChilli' -coovachilli_general = 'General configuration' -coovachilli_general_desc = 'General CoovaChilli settings' -coovachilli_general_cmdsock = 'Command socket' -coovachilli_general_cmdsock_desc = 'UNIX socket used for communication with chilli_query' -coovachilli_general_interval = 'Config refresh interval' -coovachilli_general_interval_desc = 'Re-read configuration file and do DNS lookups every interval seconds. This has the same effect as sending the HUP signal. If interval is 0 (zero) this feature is disabled. ' -coovachilli_general_pidfile = 'Pid file' -coovachilli_general_pidfile_desc = 'Filename to put the process id' -coovachilli_general_statedir = 'State directory' -coovachilli_general_statedir_desc = 'Directory of non-volatile data' -coovachilli_tun = 'TUN/TAP configuration' -coovachilli_tun_desc = 'Network/Tun configuration' -coovachilli_tun_condown = 'Network down script' -coovachilli_tun_condown_desc = 'Script executed after a session has moved from authorized state to unauthorized' -coovachilli_tun_conup = 'Network up script' -coovachilli_tun_conup_desc = 'Script executed after the tun network interface has been brought up' -coovachilli_tun_dns1 = 'Primary DNS Server' -coovachilli_tun_dns1_desc = 'Is used to inform the client about the DNS address to use for host name resolution' -coovachilli_tun_dns2 = 'Secondary DNS Server' -coovachilli_tun_dns2_desc = 'Is used to inform the client about the DNS address to use for host name resolution' -coovachilli_tun_domain = 'Domain name' -coovachilli_tun_domain_desc = 'Is used to inform the client about the domain name to use for DNS lookups' -coovachilli_tun_dynip = 'Dynamic IP address pool' -coovachilli_tun_dynip_desc = 'Specifies a pool of dynamic IP addresses' -coovachilli_tun_ipdown = 'IP down script' -coovachilli_tun_ipdown_desc = 'Script executed after the tun network interface has been taken down' -coovachilli_tun_ipup = 'IP up script' -coovachilli_tun_ipup_desc = 'Script executed after the TUN/TAP network interface has been brought up' -coovachilli_tun_net = 'Uplink subnet' -coovachilli_tun_net_desc = 'Network address of the uplink interface (CIDR notation)' -coovachilli_tun_statip = 'Static IP address pool' -coovachilli_tun_statip_desc = 'Specifies a pool of static IP addresses' -coovachilli_tun_tundev = 'TUN/TAP device' -coovachilli_tun_tundev_desc = 'The specific device to use for the TUN/TAP interface' -coovachilli_tun_txqlen = 'TX queue length' -coovachilli_tun_txqlen_desc = 'The TX queue length to set on the TUN/TAP interface' -coovachilli_tun_usetap = 'Use TAP device' -coovachilli_tun_usetap_desc = 'Use the TAP interface instead of TUN' -coovachilli_dhcp = 'DHCP configuration' -coovachilli_dhcp_desc = 'Set DHCP options for connecting clients' -coovachilli_dhcp_dhcpend = 'DHCP end number' -coovachilli_dhcp_dhcpend_desc = 'Where to stop assigning IP addresses (default 254)' -coovachilli_dhcp_dhcpif = 'DHCP interface' -coovachilli_dhcp_dhcpif_desc = 'Ethernet interface to listen to for the downlink interface' -coovachilli_dhcp_dhcpmac = 'Listen MAC address' -coovachilli_dhcp_dhcpmac_desc = 'MAC address to listen to. If not specified the MAC address of the interface will be used' -coovachilli_dhcp_dhcpstart = 'DHCP start number' -coovachilli_dhcp_dhcpstart_desc = 'Where to start assigning IP addresses (default 10)' -coovachilli_dhcp_eapolenable = 'Enable IEEE 802.1x' -coovachilli_dhcp_eapolenable_desc = 'Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication and listen for EAP requests' -coovachilli_dhcp_lease = 'Leasetime' -coovachilli_dhcp_lease_desc = 'Use a DHCP lease of seconds (default 600)' -coovachilli_radius = 'RADIUS configuration' -coovachilli_radius_desc = 'RADIUS configuration' -coovachilli_radius_acctupdate = 'Allow session update through RADIUS' -coovachilli_radius_acctupdate_desc = 'Allow updating of session parameters with RADIUS attributes sent in Accounting-Response' -coovachilli_radius_adminpasswd = 'Admin password' -coovachilli_radius_adminpasswd_desc = 'Password to use for Administrative-User authentication in order to pick up chilli configurations and establish a device "system" session' -coovachilli_radius_adminuser = 'Admin user' -coovachilli_radius_adminuser_desc = 'User-name to use for Administrative-User authentication in order to pick up chilli configurations and establish a device "system" session' -coovachilli_radius_coanoipcheck = 'Do not check disconnection requests' -coovachilli_radius_coanoipcheck_desc = 'Do not check the source IP address of radius disconnect requests' -coovachilli_radius_coaport = 'RADIUS disconnect port' -coovachilli_radius_coaport_desc = 'UDP port to listen to for accepting radius disconnect requests' -coovachilli_radius_nasip = 'NAS IP' -coovachilli_radius_nasip_desc = 'Value to use in RADIUS NAS-IP-Address attribute' -coovachilli_radius_nasmac = 'NAS MAC' -coovachilli_radius_nasmac_desc = 'MAC address value to use in RADIUS Called-Station-ID attribute' -coovachilli_radius_openidauth = 'Allow OpenID authentication' -coovachilli_radius_openidauth_desc = 'Allows OpenID authentication by sending ChilliSpot-Config=allow-openidauth in RADIUS Access-Requests' -coovachilli_radius_radiusacctport = 'RADIUS accounting port' -coovachilli_radius_radiusacctport_desc = 'The UDP port number to use for radius accounting requests (default 1813)' -coovachilli_radius_radiusauthport = 'RADIUS authentication port' -coovachilli_radius_radiusauthport_desc = 'The UDP port number to use for radius authentication requests (default 1812)' -coovachilli_radius_radiuscalled = 'Option radiuscalled' -coovachilli_radius_radiuslisten = 'RADIUS listen address' -coovachilli_radius_radiuslisten_desc = 'Local interface IP address to use for the radius interface' -coovachilli_radius_radiuslocationid = 'RADIUS location ID' -coovachilli_radius_radiuslocationid_desc = 'WISPr Location ID' -coovachilli_radius_radiuslocationname = 'RADIUS location name' -coovachilli_radius_radiuslocationname_desc = 'WISPr Location Name' -coovachilli_radius_radiusnasid = 'NAS ID' -coovachilli_radius_radiusnasid_desc = 'Network access server identifier' -coovachilli_radius_radiusnasip = 'Option radiusnasip' -coovachilli_radius_radiusnasporttype = 'NAS port type' -coovachilli_radius_radiusnasporttype_desc = 'Value of NAS-Port-Type attribute. Defaults to 19 (Wireless-IEEE-802.11)' -coovachilli_radius_radiusoriginalurl = 'Send RADIUS VSA' -coovachilli_radius_radiusoriginalurl_desc = 'Send the ChilliSpot-OriginalURL RADIUS VSA in Access-Request' -coovachilli_radius_radiussecret = 'RADIUS secret' -coovachilli_radius_radiussecret_desc = 'Radius shared secret for both servers' -coovachilli_radius_radiusserver1 = 'RADIUS server 1' -coovachilli_radius_radiusserver1_desc = 'The IP address of radius server 1' -coovachilli_radius_radiusserver2 = 'RADIUS server 2' -coovachilli_radius_radiusserver2_desc = 'The IP address of radius server 2' -coovachilli_radius_swapoctets = 'Swap octets' -coovachilli_radius_swapoctets_desc = 'Swap the meaning of "input octets" and "output octets" as it related to RADIUS attribtues' -coovachilli_radius_wpaguests = 'Allow WPA guests' -coovachilli_radius_wpaguests_desc = 'Allows WPA Guest authentication by sending ChilliSpot-Config=allow-wpa-guests in RADIUS Access-Requests' -coovachilli_proxy = 'RADIUS proxy settings' -coovachilli_proxy_desc = 'RADIUS proxy settings' -coovachilli_proxy_proxyclient = 'Proxy client' -coovachilli_proxy_proxyclient_desc = 'IP address from which radius requests are accepted. If omitted the server will not accept radius requests' -coovachilli_proxy_proxylisten = 'Proxy listen address' -coovachilli_proxy_proxylisten_desc = 'Local interface IP address to use for accepting radius requests' -coovachilli_proxy_proxyport = 'Proxy port' -coovachilli_proxy_proxyport_desc = 'UDP Port to listen to for accepting radius requests' -coovachilli_proxy_proxysecret = 'Proxy secret' -coovachilli_proxy_proxysecret_desc = 'Radius shared secret for clients' -coovachilli_uam = 'UAM configuration' -coovachilli_uam_desc = 'Unified Configuration Method settings' -coovachilli_uam_chillixml = 'Use Chilli XML' -coovachilli_uam_chillixml_desc = 'Return the so-called Chilli XML along with WISPr XML' -coovachilli_uam_defidletimeout = 'Default idle timeout' -coovachilli_uam_defidletimeout_desc = 'Default idle timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)' -coovachilli_uam_definteriminterval = 'Default interim interval' -coovachilli_uam_definteriminterval_desc = 'Default interim-interval for RADIUS accounting unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)' -coovachilli_uam_defsessiontimeout = 'Default session timeout' -coovachilli_uam_defsessiontimeout_desc = 'Default session timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)' -coovachilli_uam_dnsparanoia = 'Inspect DNS traffic' -coovachilli_uam_dnsparanoia_desc = 'Inspect DNS packets and drop responses with any non- A, CNAME, SOA, or MX records to prevent dns tunnels (experimental)' -coovachilli_uam_localusers = 'Local users file' -coovachilli_uam_localusers_desc = 'A colon seperated file containing usernames and passwords of locally authenticated users' -coovachilli_uam_locationname = 'Location name' -coovachilli_uam_locationname_desc = 'Human readable location name used in JSON interface' -coovachilli_uam_nouamsuccess = 'Do not redirect to UAM server' -coovachilli_uam_nouamsuccess_desc = 'Do not return to UAM server on login success, just redirect to original URL' -coovachilli_uam_nouamwispr = 'Do not do WISPr' -coovachilli_uam_nouamwispr_desc = 'Do not do any WISPr XML, assume the back-end is doing this instead' -coovachilli_uam_postauthproxy = 'Post auth proxy' -coovachilli_uam_postauthproxy_desc = 'Used with postauthproxyport to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server' -coovachilli_uam_postauthproxyport = 'Post auth proxy port' -coovachilli_uam_postauthproxyport_desc = 'Used with postauthproxy to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server' -coovachilli_uam_uamallowed = 'Allowed resources' -coovachilli_uam_uamallowed_desc = 'List of resources the client can access without first authenticating' -coovachilli_uam_uamanydns = 'Allow any DNS server' -coovachilli_uam_uamanydns_desc = 'Allow any DNS server for unauthenticated clients' -coovachilli_uam_uamanyip = 'Allow any IP address' -coovachilli_uam_uamanyip_desc = 'Allow clients to use any IP settings they wish by spoofing ARP (experimental)' -coovachilli_uam_uamdomain = 'Allowed domains' -coovachilli_uam_uamdomain_desc = 'Defines a list of domain names to automatically add to the walled garden' -coovachilli_uam_uamhomepage = 'UAM homepage' -coovachilli_uam_uamhomepage_desc = 'URL of homepage to redirect unauthenticated users to' -coovachilli_uam_uamiport = 'UAM static content port' -coovachilli_uam_uamiport_desc = 'TCP port to bind to for only serving embedded content' -coovachilli_uam_uamlisten = 'UAM listening address' -coovachilli_uam_uamlisten_desc = 'IP address to listen to for authentication of clients' -coovachilli_uam_uamlogoutip = 'UAM logout IP' -coovachilli_uam_uamlogoutip_desc = 'Use this IP address to instantly logout a client accessing it (defaults to' -coovachilli_uam_uamport = 'UAM listening port' -coovachilli_uam_uamport_desc = 'TCP port to bind to for authenticating clients (default 3990)' -coovachilli_uam_uamsecret = 'UAM secret' -coovachilli_uam_uamsecret_desc = 'Shared secret between uamserver and chilli' -coovachilli_uam_uamserver = 'UAM server' -coovachilli_uam_uamserver_desc = 'URL of web server to use for authenticating clients' -coovachilli_uam_uamui = 'UAM user interface' -coovachilli_uam_uamui_desc = 'An init.d style program to handle local content on the uamuiport web server' -coovachilli_uam_usestatusfile = 'Use status file' -coovachilli_uam_usestatusfile_desc = 'Write the status of clients in a non-volatile state file (experimental)' -coovachilli_uam_wisprlogin = 'WISPr login url' -coovachilli_uam_wisprlogin_desc = 'Specific URL to be given in WISPr XML LoginURL' -coovachilli_uam_wwwbin = 'CGI program' -coovachilli_uam_wwwbin_desc = 'Executable to run as a CGI type program (like haserl) for URLs with extention .chi' -coovachilli_uam_wwwdir = 'Web content directory' -coovachilli_uam_wwwdir_desc = 'Directory where embedded local web content is placed' -coovachilli_macauth = 'MAC configuration' -coovachilli_macauth_desc = 'Configure MAC authentication' -coovachilli_macauth_macallowed = 'Allowed MAC addresses' -coovachilli_macauth_macallowed_desc = 'List of MAC addresses for which MAC authentication will be performed' -coovachilli_macauth_macallowlocal = 'Authenticate locally allowed MACs' -coovachilli_macauth_macallowlocal_desc = 'Authenticate allowed MAC addresses without the use of RADIUS' -coovachilli_macauth_macauth = 'Enable MAC authentification' -coovachilli_macauth_macauth_desc = 'Try to authenticate all users based on their mac address alone' -coovachilli_macauth_macpasswd = 'Password' -coovachilli_macauth_macpasswd_desc = 'Password used when performing MAC authentication' -coovachilli_macauth_macsuffix = 'Suffix' -coovachilli_macauth_macsuffix_desc = 'Suffix to add to the MAC address in order to form the User-Name, which is sent to the radius server' diff --git a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.de.lua b/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index f731b7ceea..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -ddns = 'Dynamisches DNS' -ddns_desc = 'Dynamisches DNS erlaubt es, den Router bei dynamischer IP-Adresse über einen festen DNS-Namen zu erreichen.' -ddns_service_ipsource = 'Quelle der IP-Adresse' -ddns_service_checkinterval = 'Teste auf neue IP alle' -ddns_service_checkunit = 'Test-Zeiteinheit' -ddns_service_forceinterval = 'Erzwinge Aktualisierung alle' -ddns_service_forceunit = 'Erzwinge-Zeiteinheit' -ddns_service_updateurl = 'Eigene Update-URL' diff --git a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.en.lua b/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b8afdf4467..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -ddns = 'Dynamic DNS' -ddns_desc = 'Dynamic DNS allows that your router can be reached with a fixed hostname while having a dynamically changing IP-Address.' -ddns_service_ipsource = 'Source of IP-Address' -ddns_service_checkinterval = 'Check for changed IP every' -ddns_service_checkunit = 'Check-Time unit' -ddns_service_forceinterval = 'Force update every' -ddns_service_forceunit = 'Force-Time unit' -ddns_service_updateurl = 'Custom Update-URL' diff --git a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.fr.lua b/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.fr.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 8e5b6fa473..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.fr.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -ddns = 'DNS Dynamique' -ddns_desc = 'Le DNS Dynamique permet au routeur d'être joint avec un nom d'hôte fixe bien que changeant dynamiquement d'adresse IP.' -ddns_service_ipsource = 'Source de l'adresse IP' -ddns_service_checkinterval = 'Vérifier l'adresse IP toutes les' -ddns_service_checkunit = 'Unité de temps' -ddns_service_forceinterval = 'Vérification forcée toutes les' -ddns_service_forceunit = 'Unité de temps' -ddns_service_updateurl = 'Url de mise à jour personnalisée' diff --git a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 58375c28ac..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -ddns = 'DNS Dinâmico' -ddns_desc = 'DNS dinâmico permite que o seu router possa ser encontrado a partir de um hostname fixo, mesmo usando um Endereço-IP dinâmico.' -ddns_service_ipsource = 'Origem do Endereço-IP' -ddns_service_checkinterval = 'Verificar a cada mudança de IP' -ddns_service_checkunit = 'Unidade de tempo para verificação' -ddns_service_forceinterval = 'Forçar atualização a cada' -ddns_service_forceunit = 'Unidade de tempo para atualização forçada' -ddns_service_updateurl = 'URL para atualização customizada' diff --git a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.de.lua b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 9659839e68..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -fw_portfw = 'Portweiterleitung' -fw_redirect = 'Umleitungen' -fw_redirect_desc = 'Umleitungen erlauben es das Ziel von weitergeleiteten Paketen zu verändern.' -fw_forwarding = 'Zone-zu-Zone Verkehr' -fw_fw = 'Firewall' -fw_zone = 'Zone' -fw_zones = 'Zonen' -fw_custfwd = 'Erweiterte Weiterleitung' -firewall_rule = 'Erweiterte Regeln' -firewall_rule_desc = 'Mit erweiterten Regeln kann die Firewall an die eigenen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden. Es werden nur neue Verbindungen betrachtet. Pakete, die zu bereits bestehenden Verbindungen gehören werden automatisch akzeptiert.' -fw_fw1 = 'Die Firewall erstellt Netzwerkzonen über bestimmte Netzwerkschnittstellen um den Netzverkehr zu trennen.' -fw_src = 'Quelle' -fw_dest = 'Ziel' -fw_traffic = 'Verkehrskontrolle' -fw_mtufix = 'MSS Clamping' -fw_dropinvalid = 'Ungültige Pakete verwerfen' -firewall_rule_src = 'Eingangszone' -firewall_rule_dest = 'Ausgangszone' -firewall_rule_srcip = 'Quelladresse' -firewall_rule_destip = 'Zieladresse' -firewall_rule_srcmac = 'Quell-MAC-Adresse' -firewall_rule_srcport = 'Quellport' -firewall_rule_destport = 'Zielport' -firewall_rule_target = 'Aktion' -fw_accept = 'annehmen' -fw_reject = 'zurückweisen' -fw_drop = 'verwerfen' -fw_portfw1 = 'Portweiterleitungen ermöglichen es interne Netzwerkdienste aus einem externen Netzwerk heraus erreichbar zu machen.' -firewall_redirect_src_desc = 'Externe Zone' -firewall_redirect_srcdport = 'Externer Port' -firewall_redirect_srcdport_desc = 'Port od. Erster-Letzter Port' -firewall_redirect_destip = 'Interne Adresse' -firewall_redirect_destip_desc = 'IP-Adresse' -firewall_redirect_destport = 'Interner Port (optional)' -firewall_redirect_destport_desc = 'Port od. Erster-Letzter Port' -firewall_redirect_srcip = 'Quelladresse' -firewall_redirect_srcmac = 'Quell-MAC-Adresse' -fw_forwarding1 = 'An dieser Stelle kann festgelegt zwischen welchen Zonen Netzverkehr hin und her fließen kann. Es werden nur neue Verbindungen betrachtet. Pakete, die zu bereits bestehenden Verbindungen gehören werden automatisch akzeptiert. Bei gelegentlich auftretenden Verbindungsproblemen kann MSS Clamping helfen, ansonsten sollte dies aus Performancegründen deaktiviert bleiben.' -firewall_forwarding_src = 'Eingang' -firewall_forwarding_dest = 'Ausgang' -firewall_defaults = 'Grundeinstellungen' -firewall_defaults_desc = 'Grundeinstellungen die verwendet werden, wenn keine andere Regel angewandt werden kann.' -firewall_defaults_synflood = 'Schutz vor SYN-flood-Attacken' -firewall_defaults_input = 'Eingehender Verkehr' -firewall_defaults_output = 'Ausgehender Verkehr' -firewall_defaults_forward = 'Weitergeleiteter Verkehr' -firewall_zone_desc = 'Zonen teilen das Netzwerk in mehrere Bereiche ein um Netzverkehr sicher zu trennen. Ein oder mehrere Netzwerke gehören zu einer Zone. Das MASQ-Flag legt fest, dass aller ausgehende Netzverkehr einer Zone NAT-maskiert wird.' -firewall_zone_input = 'Eingehender Verkehr' -firewall_zone_input_desc = 'Standardaktion' -firewall_zone_output = 'Ausgehender Verkehr' -firewall_zone_output_desc = 'Standardaktion' -firewall_zone_forward = 'Weitergeleiteter Verkehr' -firewall_zone_forward_desc = 'Standardaktion' -firewall_zone_masq = 'MASQ' -firewall_zone_network = 'Netzwerke' -firewall_zone_network_desc = 'verbundene Netzwerke' diff --git a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 14bfa3c315..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -fw_portfw = 'Port forwarding' -fw_redirect = 'Traffic Redirection' -fw_redirect_desc = 'Traffic redirection allows you to change the destination address of forwarded packets.' -fw_forwarding = 'Zone-to-Zone traffic' -fw_fw = 'Firewall' -fw_zone = 'Zone' -fw_zones = 'Zones' -fw_custfwd = 'Custom forwarding' -fw_fw1 = 'The firewall creates zones over your network interfaces to control network traffic flow.' -firewall_rule = 'Advanced Rules' -firewall_rule_desc = 'Advanced rules let you customize the firewall to your needs. Only new connections will be matched. Packets belonging to already open connections are automatically allowed to pass the firewall.' -firewall_rule_src = 'Input Zone' -firewall_rule_dest = 'Output Zone' -firewall_rule_srcip = 'Source address' -firewall_rule_destip = 'Destination address' -firewall_rule_srcmac = 'Source MAC-Address' -firewall_rule_srcport = 'Source port' -firewall_rule_destport = 'Destination port' -firewall_rule_target = 'Action' -fw_accept = 'accept' -fw_reject = 'reject' -fw_drop = 'drop' -fw_src = 'Source' -fw_dest = 'Destination' -fw_traffic = 'Traffic Control' -fw_mtufix = 'MSS Clamping' -fw_dropinvalid = 'Drop invalid packets' -fw_portfw1 = 'Port forwarding allows to provide network services in the internal network to an external network.' -firewall_redirect_src_desc = 'External Zone' -firewall_redirect_srcdport = 'External port' -firewall_redirect_srcdport_desc = 'port or range as first-last' -firewall_redirect_srcip = 'Source address' -firewall_redirect_srcmac = 'Source MAC' -firewall_redirect_destip = 'Internal address' -firewall_redirect_destip_desc = 'IP-Address' -firewall_redirect_destport = 'Internal port (optional)' -firewall_redirect_destport_desc = 'port or range as first-last' -fw_forwarding1 = 'Here you can specify which network traffic is allowed to flow between network zones. Only new connections will be matched. Packets belonging to already open connections are automatically allowed to pass the firewall. If you experience occasional connection problems try enabling MSS Clamping otherwise disable it for performance reasons.' -firewall_forwarding_src = 'Input' -firewall_forwarding_dest = 'Output' -firewall_defaults = 'Defaults' -firewall_defaults_desc = 'These are the default settings that are used if no other rules match.' -firewall_defaults_synflood = 'SYN-flood protection' -firewall_defaults_input = 'Incoming Traffic' -firewall_defaults_output = 'Outgoing Traffic' -firewall_defaults_forward = 'Forwarded Traffic' -firewall_zone_desc = 'Zones part the network interfaces into certain isolated areas to separate network traffic. One or more networks can belong to a zone. The MASQ-flag enables NAT masquerading for all outgoing traffic on this zone.' -firewall_zone_input = 'Incoming Traffic' -firewall_zone_input_desc = 'Default Policy' -firewall_zone_output = 'Outgoing Traffic' -firewall_zone_output_desc = 'Default Policy' -firewall_zone_forward = 'Forwarded Traffic' -firewall_zone_forward_desc = 'Default Policy' -firewall_zone_masq = 'MASQ' -firewall_zone_network = 'Networks' -firewall_zone_network_desc = 'contained networks' diff --git a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.fr.lua b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.fr.lua deleted file mode 100644 index a3b11e8a7c..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.fr.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -fw_portfw = 'Redirection de port' -fw_redirect = 'Redirection de trafic' -fw_redirect_desc = 'La redirection de trafic vous permet de changer l'adresse de destination des paquets transférés.' -fw_forwarding = 'Trafic inter-zone' -fw_fw = 'Pare-Feu' -fw_zone = 'Zone' -fw_zones = 'Zones' -fw_custfwd = 'Transfert particulière' -fw_fw1 = 'Le pare-feu crée des zone à partir des interfaces réseaux pour controller le trafic réseau.' -firewall_rule = 'Règles Avancées' -firewall_rule_desc = 'Les règles avancées vous laisse personnaliser le pare-feu selon vos besoins. Seules les nouvelles connexions seront prises en compte. Les paquets appartenant à des connexions déjà ouvertes sont automatiquement admises à passer le pare-feu.' -firewall_rule_src = 'Zone d'Entrée (Input)' -firewall_rule_dest = 'Zone de Sortie (Output)' -firewall_rule_srcip = 'Adresse source' -firewall_rule_destip = 'Adresse de destination' -firewall_rule_srcmac = 'Adresse MAC source' -firewall_rule_srcport = 'Port source' -firewall_rule_destport = 'Port de destination' -firewall_rule_target = 'Action' -fw_accept = 'accepter' -fw_reject = 'rejeter' -fw_drop = 'ignorer (drop)' -fw_src = 'Source' -fw_dest = 'Destination' -fw_traffic = 'Contrôle de Trafic' -fw_mtufix = 'MSS-Correction' -fw_dropinvalid = 'Drop incorrect packets' -fw_portfw1 = 'La redirection de port vous permet d'exposer des services réseaux de votre réseau local au réseau externe.' -firewall_redirect_src_desc = 'Zone externe' -firewall_redirect_srcdport = 'Port externe' -firewall_redirect_srcdport_desc = 'port ou plage de ports (premier-dernier)' -firewall_redirect_srcip = 'Adresse source' -firewall_redirect_srcmac = 'MAC source' -firewall_redirect_destip = 'Adresse interne' -firewall_redirect_destip_desc = 'Adresse IP' -firewall_redirect_destport = 'Port interne' -firewall_redirect_destport_desc = 'port ou plage de ports (premier-dernier)' -fw_forwarding1 = 'Ici, vous pouvez spécifier quel trafic réseau est autorisé à transiter entre les zones réseaux. Seules les nouvelles connexions seront prises en compte. Les paquets appartenant à des connexions déjà ouvertes sont automatiquement admises à passer le pare-feu.' -firewall_forwarding_src = 'Entrée (Input)' -firewall_forwarding_dest = 'Sortie (Output)' -firewall_defaults = 'Défauts' -firewall_defaults_desc = 'Ceci sont les paramètres par défaut qui sont utilisés si aucune autre règle ne s'applique.' -firewall_defaults_synflood = 'Protection anti SYN-flood' -firewall_defaults_input = 'Trafic Entrant' -firewall_defaults_output = 'Trafic Sortant' -firewall_defaults_forward = 'Trafic Transféré' -firewall_zone_desc = 'Les zones partagent les interfaces réseaux en régions isolées pour séparer les trafic réseaux. Seules les nouvelles connexions seront prises en compte. Les paquets appartenant à des connexions déjà ouvertes sont automatiquement admises à passer le pare-feu.' -firewall_zone_input = 'Trafic Entrant' -firewall_zone_input_desc = 'Politique par Défaut' -firewall_zone_output = 'Trafic Sortant' -firewall_zone_output_desc = 'Politique par Défaut' -firewall_zone_forward = 'Trafic Transféré' -firewall_zone_forward_desc = 'Politique par Défaut' -firewall_zone_masq = 'MASQ' -firewall_zone_network = 'Réseaux' -firewall_zone_network_desc = 'réseaux compris' diff --git a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 3b38dc50f9..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -fw_portfw = 'Redirecionamento de portas' -fw_redirect = 'Redirecionamento de Tráfego' -fw_redirect_desc = 'Redirecionamento do tráfego permite que você altere o endereço de destino dos pacotes enviados.' -fw_forwarding = 'Tráfego de Zona-para-Zona' -fw_fw = 'Firewall' -fw_zone = 'Zona' -fw_zones = 'Zonas' -fw_custfwd = 'Redirecionamento customizado' -fw_fw1 = 'O firewall cria zonas sobre suas interfaces de rede para controlar o fluxo do tráfego.' -firewall_rule = 'Regras Avançadas' -firewall_rule_desc = 'As regras avançadas permitem que você personalize o firewall de acordo com suas necessidades. Somente novas conexões serão processadas. Pacotes pertencentes às conexões já abertas estão automaticamente permitidos para passar pelo firewall.' -firewall_rule_src = 'Zona de Entrada' -firewall_rule_dest = 'Zona de Saída' -firewall_rule_srcip = 'Endereço de origem' -firewall_rule_destip = 'Endereço de destino' -firewall_rule_srcmac = 'Endereço-MAC de origem' -firewall_rule_srcport = 'Porta de origem' -firewall_rule_destport = 'Porta de destino' -firewall_rule_target = 'Ação' -fw_accept = 'aceitar' -fw_reject = 'rejeitar' -fw_drop = 'dropar' -fw_src = 'Origem' -fw_dest = 'Destino' -fw_traffic = 'Controle de Tráfego' -fw_mtufix = 'MSS-Correction' -fw_dropinvalid = 'Drop invalid packets' -fw_portfw1 = 'O redirecionamento de portas permite prover serviços de rede na rede interna para uma rede externa.' -firewall_redirect_src_desc = 'Zona Externa' -firewall_redirect_srcdport = 'Porta Externa' -firewall_redirect_srcdport_desc = 'porta ou intervalo primeira-última' -firewall_redirect_srcip = 'Endereço de origem' -firewall_redirect_srcmac = 'MAC de origem' -firewall_redirect_destip = 'Endereço interno' -firewall_redirect_destip_desc = 'Endereço-IP' -firewall_redirect_destport = 'Porta interna (opcional)' -firewall_redirect_destport_desc = 'porta ou intervalo primeira-última' -fw_forwarding1 = 'Aqui você pode especificar qual tráfego de rede será permitido para o fluxo entre zonas das redes. Somente novas conexões serão processadas. Pacotes pertencentes à conexões já abertas estão automaticamente permitidos para passar pelo firewall.' -firewall_forwarding_src = 'Entrada' -firewall_forwarding_dest = 'Saída' -firewall_defaults = 'Padrões' -firewall_defaults_desc = 'Estas são as configurações padrões, que serão usadas se não houver outras regras.' -firewall_defaults_synflood = 'Proteção SYN-flood' -firewall_defaults_input = 'Tráfego de Entrada' -firewall_defaults_output = 'Tráfego de Saída' -firewall_defaults_forward = 'Tráfego Redirecionado' -firewall_zone_desc = 'Zonas são interfaces de redes usadas para separar o tráfego da rede. Uma ou mais redes podem pertencer a uma zona. A flag-MASQ ativa o mascaramento NAT para todo o tráfego de saída desta zona.' -firewall_zone_input = 'Tráfego de Entrada' -firewall_zone_input_desc = 'Política Padrão' -firewall_zone_output = 'Tráfego de Saída' -firewall_zone_output_desc = 'Política Padrão' -firewall_zone_forward = 'Tráfego Redirecionado' -firewall_zone_forward_desc = 'Política Padrão' -firewall_zone_masq = 'MASQ' -firewall_zone_network = 'Redes' -firewall_zone_network_desc = 'redes contidas' diff --git a/applications/luci-hd_idle/luasrc/i18n/hd_idle.de.lua b/applications/luci-hd_idle/luasrc/i18n/hd_idle.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index ca276ab4f0..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-hd_idle/luasrc/i18n/hd_idle.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -disk = 'Festplatte' -enable_debug = 'Debug-Ausgaben aktivieren' -hd_idle = 'hd-idle' -hd_idle_desc = 'hd-idle ist ein Hilfsprogramm um externe Festplatten nach einer festgelegten Leerlaufzeit herunter zu fahren.' -idle_time_interval = 'Leerlaufzeit' -idle_time_unit = 'Leerlaufzeiteinheit' -settings = 'Einstellungen' diff --git a/applications/luci-hd_idle/luasrc/i18n/hd_idle.en.lua b/applications/luci-hd_idle/luasrc/i18n/hd_idle.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 2ec778002d..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-hd_idle/luasrc/i18n/hd_idle.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -disk = 'Disk' -enable_debug = 'Enable debug' -hd_idle = 'hd-idle' -hd_idle_desc = 'hd-idle is a utility program for spinning-down external disks after a period of idle time.' -idle_time_interval = 'Idle-Time' -idle_time_unit = 'Idle-Time unit' -settings = 'Settings' diff --git a/applications/luci-hd_idle/luasrc/i18n/hd_idle.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-hd_idle/luasrc/i18n/hd_idle.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index a1d253d087..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-hd_idle/luasrc/i18n/hd_idle.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -disk = 'Disco' -enable_debug = 'Habilitar debug' -hd_idle = 'Hd-idle' -hd_idle_desc = 'Hd-idle é um programa utilitário para ativar o modo "economia de energia" (spinning-down) de discos externos após um período de ociosidade.' -idle_time_interval = 'Tempo de ociosidade' -idle_time_unit = 'Unidade do tempo de ociosidade' -settings = 'Configurações' diff --git a/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.de.lua b/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 13b6a4a8c1..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -initmgr = 'Startscripte' -initmgr_desc = 'Hier können installierte Startscripte aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden. Änderungen werden erst mit einem Geräteneustart angewendet.<br /><strong>Warnung: Wenn essentialle Startscripte wie "network" deaktiviert werden könnte das Gerät unerreichbar werden!</strong>' -initmgr_index = 'Startpriorität' -initmgr_name = 'Startscript' -initmgr_enabled = 'Aktivieren/Deaktivieren' diff --git a/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.el.lua b/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.el.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c1c7e8cd34..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.el.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -initmgr = 'Σενάρια Εκκίνησης' -initmgr_desc = 'Μπορείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε ή να απενεργοποιήσετε σενάρια εκκίνησης εδώ. Οι αλλαγές θα εφαρμοστούν αφού επανεκκινήσετε τη συσκευή.<br /><strong>Προειδοποίηση: Αν απενεργοποιήσετε απαραίτητα σενάρια εκκίνησης όπως το "network", η συσκευή σας μπορεί να γίνει μη-προσβάσιμη!</strong>' -initmgr_index = 'Προτεραιότητα εκκίνησης' -initmgr_name = 'Σενάριο εκκίνησης' -initmgr_enabled = 'Ενεργοποίηση/Απενεργοποίηση' diff --git a/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.en.lua b/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 6e6da7b814..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -initmgr = 'Initscripts' -initmgr_desc = 'You can enable or disable installed init scripts here. Changes will applied after a device reboot.<br /><strong>Warning: If you disable essential init scripts like "network", your device might become inaccesable!</strong>' -initmgr_index = 'Start priority' -initmgr_name = 'Initscript' -initmgr_enabled = 'Enable/Disable' diff --git a/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index f6e3d5d1e6..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-initmgr/luasrc/i18n/initmgr.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -initmgr = 'Scripts de Inicialização' -initmgr_desc = 'Você pode ativar ou desativar os scripts de inicialização instalados aqui. As mudanças serão aplicadas após a reinicialização do equipamento.<br /><strong>Aviso: Se você desativar algum script de inicialização essencial como por exemplo "rede/network", o dispositivo poderá tornar-se inacessível!</strong>' -initmgr_index = 'Prioridade de inicialização' -initmgr_name = 'Script de inicialização' -initmgr_enabled = 'Ativar/Desativar' diff --git a/applications/luci-livestats/luasrc/i18n/livestats.de.lua b/applications/luci-livestats/luasrc/i18n/livestats.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 33c1eb19c5..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-livestats/luasrc/i18n/livestats.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -livestats_incoming = "eingehend" -livestats_outgoing = "ausgehend" -livestats_traffic = "Netzverkehr auf" -livestats_wifi = "Signal-Rauschabstand für" -livestats_loadavg = "Durchschnittliche Systemlast" -livestats_stat_wireless = "Echtzeit-Drahtlosstatus" -livestats_stat_traffic = "Echtzeit-Netzwerkverkehr" -livestats_stat_loadavg = "Echtzeit-Systemlast"
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/applications/luci-livestats/luasrc/i18n/livestats.el.lua b/applications/luci-livestats/luasrc/i18n/livestats.el.lua deleted file mode 100644 index caca926a50..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-livestats/luasrc/i18n/livestats.el.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -livestats_incoming = "εισερχόμενα" -livestats_outgoing = "εξερχόμενα" -livestats_traffic = "κίνηση σε" -livestats_wifi = "σηματοθορυβικός λόγος για" -livestats_loadavg = "μέσος όρος φόρτου" -livestats_stat_wireless = "Στατιστικά Ασύρματου σε Πραγμ. Χρόνο" -livestats_stat_traffic = "Κίνηση Δικτύου σε Πραγμ. Χρόνο" -livestats_stat_loadavg = "Φόρτος Συστήματος σε Πραγμ. Χρόνο"
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/applications/luci-livestats/luasrc/i18n/livestats.en.lua b/applications/luci-livestats/luasrc/i18n/livestats.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 04d326a1ab..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-livestats/luasrc/i18n/livestats.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -livestats_incoming = "incoming" -livestats_outgoing = "outgoing" -livestats_traffic = "traffic on" -livestats_wifi = "signal-to-noise ratio for" -livestats_loadavg = "load average" -livestats_stat_wireless = "Realtime Wireless Status" -livestats_stat_traffic = "Realtime Network Traffic" -livestats_stat_loadavg = "Realtime System Load"
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio/luasrc/i18n/mmc_over_gpio.de.lua b/applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio/luasrc/i18n/mmc_over_gpio.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 543f98d886..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio/luasrc/i18n/mmc_over_gpio.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -mmc_over_gpio = 'MMC/SD Treiberkonfiguration' -mmc_over_gpio_desc = 'Konfiguriert die Einstellungen des MMC/SD Karten Treibers' -settings = 'Einstellungen' diff --git a/applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio/luasrc/i18n/mmc_over_gpio.en.lua b/applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio/luasrc/i18n/mmc_over_gpio.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index a1ee564891..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio/luasrc/i18n/mmc_over_gpio.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -mmc_over_gpio = 'MMC/SD driver configuration' -mmc_over_gpio_desc = 'MMC/SD driver configuration' -settings = 'Settings' diff --git a/applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio/luasrc/i18n/mmc_over_gpio.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio/luasrc/i18n/mmc_over_gpio.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 954a89d89a..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio/luasrc/i18n/mmc_over_gpio.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -mmc_over_gpio = 'Configuração do driver MMC/SD' -mmc_over_gpio_desc = 'Configuração do driver MMC/SD' -settings = 'Configurações' diff --git a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.de.lua b/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 42ca43407d..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -ntpc = 'Zeitsynchronisation' -ntpc_desc = 'Synchronisiert die Systemzeit' -ntpc_timeserver = 'Zeitserver' -ntpc_interval = 'Aktualisierungsintervall (in s)' -ntpc_count = 'Anzahl der Zeitmessungen' -ntpc_count_desc = 'leer = unendlich' -ntpc_drift = 'Zeitgeberjustierung' -ntpc_drift_freq = 'Frequenzabweichung' -ntpc_current = 'Aktuelle Systemzeit' diff --git a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.el.lua b/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.el.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 894cda9c2f..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.el.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -ntpc = 'Συγχρονισμός Ώρας' -ntpc_desc = 'Συγχρονίζει την ώρα του συστήματος' -ntpc_timeserver = 'Εξυπηρετητής Ώρας' -ntpc_interval = 'Περίοδος Ενημέρωσης (σε s)' -ntpc_count = 'Αριθμός Μετρήσεων Ώρας' -ntpc_count_desc = 'άδειο = άπειρος' -ntpc_drift = 'Ρύθμιση Ρολογιού' -ntpc_drift_freq = 'Συχνότητα Μετάθεσης' -ntpc_current = 'Τρέχουσα ώρα συστήματος' diff --git a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.en.lua b/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 35e39044dc..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -ntpc = 'Time Synchronisation' -ntpc_desc = 'Synchronizes the system time' -ntpc_timeserver = 'Time Server' -ntpc_interval = 'Update Interval (in s)' -ntpc_count = 'Count of Time Measurements' -ntpc_count_desc = 'empty = infinite' -ntpc_drift = 'Clock Adjustment' -ntpc_drift_freq = 'Offset Frequency' -ntpc_current = 'Current system time' diff --git a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index be3ce5b702..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -ntpc = 'Sincronização de Horário' -ntpc_desc = 'Sincroniza a hora do sistema' -ntpc_timeserver = 'Servidor de Hora' -ntpc_interval = 'Intervalo de Atualização (em s)' -ntpc_count = 'Quantas vezes irá atualizar' -ntpc_count_desc = 'vazio = infinito' -ntpc_drift = 'Ajuste do Relógio' -ntpc_drift_freq = 'Frequência do Offset' -ntpc_current = 'Hora atual do sistema' diff --git a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.de.lua b/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 97a2d943e6..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -olsrd = 'OLSR Daemon' -olsrd_neighbour_ip = 'Nachbar-IP' -olsrd_local_ip = 'Lokale Interface-IP' -olsrd_network = 'Angekündigtes Netzwerk' -olsrd_gateway = 'OLSR-Gateway' -olsrd_node = 'OLSR-Knoten' -olsrd_error = 'Es konnte keine Verbindung zum OLSR-Daemon hergestellt werden!' -olsrd_error_desc = 'Stellen Sie sicher das OLSRd läuft und das "txtinfo" Plugin auf Port 2006 geladen und "" als Accept-Host gesetzt ist.' -olsrd_hna = 'OLSR - HNA-Ankündigungen' -olsrd_plugins = 'OLSR - Plugins' -olsrd_links = 'OLSR-Verbindungen' -olsrd_links_desc = 'Übersicht über aktuell bestehende OLSR-Verbindungen' -olsrd_links_etx_desc = 'Zu erwartende Sendeversuche pro Paket' -olsrd_links_lq_desc = 'Erfolgsquote gesendeter Pakete' -olsrd_links_nlq_desc = 'Erfolgsquote empfangener Pakete' -olsrd_routes = 'Bekannte OLSR-Routen' -olsrd_routes_desc = 'Übersicht über zur Zeit bekannte Routen zu anderen OLSR-Knoten' -olsrd_topology = 'Aktive OLSR-Knoten' -olsrd_topology_desc = 'Übersicht über zur Zeit bekannte andere OLSR-Knoten' -olsrd_topology_lasthop = 'letzter Hop' -olsrd_hna2 = 'Aktive HNA-Ankündigungen' -olsrd_hna_desc = 'Übersicht über zur Zeit aktive OLSR-Netzwerk-Ankündigungen' -olsrd_mid = 'Aktive MID-Ankündigungen' -olsrd_mid_desc = 'Übersicht über bekannte Mehrfachschnittstellenmeldungen' -olsrd_mid_aliases = 'Sekundäre OLSR Schnittstellen' -olsrd_etx_ff = 'Freifunk' -olsrd_etx_float = 'Gleitkomma' -olsrd_etx_fpm = 'Festkomma' -olsrd_olsrd = 'Allgemeine Einstellungen' -olsrd_olsrd_allownoint = 'Start ohne Netzwerk' -olsrd_olsrd_clearscreen = 'Ansicht zurücksetzen' -olsrd_olsrd_debuglevel = 'Debugmodus' -olsrd_olsrd_fibmetric = 'FIB-Metrik' -olsrd_olsrd_ipversion = 'Internet Protokoll' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityaging = 'VQ-Alterung' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityalgorithm = 'VQ-Algorithmus' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitydijkstralimit = 'VQ-Dijkstralimit' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityfisheye = 'VQ-Fisheye' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel = 'VQ-Level' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_1 = 'MPR-Auswahl' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_2 = 'MPR-Auswahl und Routing' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitywinsize = 'VQ-Fenstergröße' -olsrd_olsrd_mprcoverage = 'MPR-Erfassung' -olsrd_olsrd_pollrate = 'Abfragerate' -olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy = 'TC-Redundanz' -olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_0 = 'MPR-Selektoren' -olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_1 = 'MPR-Selektoren und MPR' -olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_2 = 'Alle Nachbarn' -olsrd_olsrd_usehysteresis = 'Hysterese aktivieren' -olsrd_olsrd_willingness = 'Bereitschaft' -olsrd_interface_hellointerval = 'Hello-Intervall' -olsrd_interface_hellovaliditytime = 'Hello-Gültigkeit' -olsrd_interface_hnainterval = 'HNA-Intervall' -olsrd_interface_hnavaliditytime = 'HNA-Gültigkeit' -olsrd_interface_ip4broadcast = 'IPv4 Broadcast' -olsrd_interface_midinterval = 'MID-Intervall' -olsrd_interface_midvaliditytime = 'MID-Gültigkeit' -olsrd_interface_tcinterval = 'TC-Intervall' -olsrd_interface_tcvaliditytime = 'TC-Gültigkeit' -olsrd_interface_ip6addrtype = 'IPv6 Adresstyp' -olsrd_ipcconnect = 'IPC-Einstellungen' -olsrd_ipcconnect_desc = 'IPC-Verbindungen ermöglichen die Fernsteuerung des lokalen OLSR-Prozesses durch externe Programme' -olsrd_ipcconnect_host = 'Erlaubte Hostadressen' -olsrd_ipcconnect_host_desc = 'Mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections = 'Maximale Anzahl von Verbindungen' -olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections_desc = '0 deaktiviert IPC' -olsrd_ipcconnect_net = 'Erlaubte Netzbereiche' -olsrd_ipcconnect_net_desc = 'Adresse Maske; mehrere mit Leerzeichen' -olsrd_hna4 = 'IPv4 HNA-Ankündigungen' -olsrd_hna4_desc = 'Hna4-Entries ermöglichen die Ankündigung von lokalen IPv4 Host- und Netz-Routen im Mesh-Netzwerk' -olsrd_hna4_netaddr = 'Netzwerk-Adresse' -olsrd_hna4_netaddr_desc = 'IPv4 Adresse' -olsrd_hna4_netmask = 'Netzmaske' -olsrd_hna4_netmask_desc = 'IPv4 Adresse' -olsrd_hna6 = 'IPv6 HNA-Ankündigungen' -olsrd_hna6_desc = 'Hna6-Entries ermöglichen die Ankündigung von lokalen IPv6 Host- und Netz-Routen im Mesh-Netzwerk' -olsrd_hna6_netaddr = 'Netzwerk-Adresse' -olsrd_hna6_netaddr_desc = 'IPv6 Adresse' -olsrd_hna6_prefix = 'Prefix' -olsrd_hna6_prefix_desc = 'IPv6 Prefix' -olsrd_loadplugin = 'Pluginkonfiguration' -olsrd_loadplugin_ignore = 'Plugin aktivieren' -olsrd_loadplugin_library = 'Bibliothek' -olsrd_loadplugin_accept = 'Verbindungsaufbau von Addressen zulassen' -olsrd_loadplugin_ping = 'Pingtest Adressen' -olsrd_loadplugin_interval = 'Intervall' -olsrd_loadplugin_hna = 'HNA Ankündigungen' -olsrd_loadplugin_hna_desc = 'Format: IP-Adresse Netzmaske / OLSR kündigt dieses Netzwerk an sobald das Gateway erreichbar ist' -olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts = 'Alternative \"hosts\" Datei' -olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts_desc = 'Der Inhalt dieser Datei wird mit in die autogenerierte \"hosts\" Datei übernommen' -olsrd_loadplugin_dnsserver = 'DNS-Server' -olsrd_loadplugin_hosts = 'Alternative Hostnamen' -olsrd_loadplugin_hosts_desc = 'Format: Interface-IP Hostname' -olsrd_loadplugin_hostsfile = 'Pfad zur \"hosts\" Datei' -olsrd_loadplugin_lat = 'Latitude' -olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile = 'Ausgabedatei für Koordinaten' -olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile_desc = 'OLSR schreibt alle empfangenen Koordinaten anderer Knoten in diese Datei' -olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile = 'Eingabedatei für Koordinaten' -olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile_desc = 'OLSR prüft diese Datei periodisch auf neue Koordinaten und propagiert diese' -olsrd_loadplugin_lon = 'Longitude' -olsrd_loadplugin_name = 'Hostnamen' -olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript = 'Kommando bei Namensänderungen' -olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript_desc = 'OLSR ruft dieses Kommando auf sobald sich Einträge in der \"hosts\" Datei ändern' -olsrd_loadplugin_resolvfile = 'Pfad zur \"resolv\" Datei' -olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript = 'Kommando bei Serviceänderungen' -olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript_desc = 'OLSR ruft dieses Kommando auf sobald neue Service-Ankündigungen empfangen werden' -olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile = 'PID-Datei für SIGHUP Signale' -olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile_desc = 'OLSR sendet ein HUP Signal an den in der PID Datei angegebenen Prozess sobald sich die \"hosts\" oder \"resolv\" Datei ändert' -olsrd_loadplugin_suffix = 'Domain-Suffix' -olsrd_loadplugin_timeout = 'Timeout' -olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterface = 'Name für die BMF-Schnittstelle' -olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterfaceid = 'IP-Adresse für die BMF-Schnittstelle' -olsrd_loadplugin_dolocalbroadcast = 'Lokale Broadcasts weiterleiten' -olsrd_loadplugin_capturepacketsonolsrinterfaces = 'Broadcasts von OLSR-Schnittstellen weiterleiten' -olsrd_loadplugin_bmfmechanism = 'Verteilungsmechanismus' -olsrd_loadplugin_broadcastretransmitcount = 'Anzahl der Neuversendungen pro Paket' -olsrd_loadplugin_fanoutlimit = 'Mindestanzahl der Nachbarn für Broadcastweiterleitung' -olsrd_loadplugin_nonolsrif = 'Nicht-OLSR-Interfaces' -olsrd_loadplugin_port = 'Verwendeter Port' -olsrd_loadplugin_host = 'Verbindungsaufbau von Hosts zulassen' -olsrd_loadplugin_net = 'Verbindungsaufbau von Subnetzen zulassen' -olsrd_loadplugin_net_desc = 'Format: IP-Adresse Netzmaske' -olsrd_loadplugin_redistribute = 'Verwendete Protokolle' -olsrd_loadplugin_exportroutes = 'Routen nur an Quagga oder auch an Kernel exportieren' -olsrd_loadplugin_localpref = 'Lokale Routen immer bevorzugen' -olsrd_loadplugin_distance = 'Distanz für exportierte Routen' -olsrd_loadplugin_keyfile = 'Schlüsseldatei' -olsrd_loadplugin_file = 'Watchdog Zeitstempeldatei' -olsrd_loadplugin_interval = 'Aktualisierungsinterval in Sekunden' diff --git a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua b/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 5b7f6d3c45..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -olsrd = 'OLSR Daemon' -olsrd_neighbour_ip = 'Neighbour IP' -olsrd_local_ip = 'Local interface IP' -olsrd_network = 'Announced network' -olsrd_gateway = 'OLSR gateway' -olsrd_node = 'OLSR node' -olsrd_error = 'Unable to connect to the OLSR daemon!' -olsrd_error_desc = 'Make sure that OLSRd is running, the "txtinfo" plugin is loaded, configured on port 2006 and accepts connections from "".' -olsrd_hna = 'OLSR - HNA-Announcements' -olsrd_plugins = 'OLSR - Plugins' -olsrd_links = 'OLSR connections' -olsrd_links_desc = 'Overview of currently established OLSR connections' -olsrd_links_etx_desc = 'Expected retransmission count' -olsrd_links_lq_desc = 'Success rate of sent packages' -olsrd_links_nlq_desc = 'Success rate of received packages' -olsrd_routes = 'Known OLSR routes' -olsrd_routes_desc = 'Overview of currently known routes to other OLSR nodes' -olsrd_topology = 'Active OLSR nodes' -olsrd_topology_desc = 'Overview of currently known OLSR nodes' -olsrd_topology_lasthop = 'Last hop' -olsrd_hna2 = 'Active host net announcements' -olsrd_hna_desc = 'Overview of currently active OLSR host net announcements' -olsrd_mid = 'Active MID announcements' -olsrd_mid_desc = 'Overview of known multiple interface announcements' -olsrd_mid_aliases = 'Secondary OLSR interfaces' -olsrd_etx_ff = 'Freifunk' -olsrd_etx_float = 'floating point' -olsrd_etx_fpm = 'fixed point math' -olsrd_olsrd = 'General settings' -olsrd_olsrd_allownoint = 'Start without network' -olsrd_olsrd_clearscreen = 'Clear screen' -olsrd_olsrd_debuglevel = 'Debugmode' -olsrd_olsrd_fibmetric = 'FIB metric' -olsrd_olsrd_ipversion = 'Internet protocol' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityaging = 'LQ aging' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityalgorithm = 'LQ algorithm' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitydijkstralimit = 'LQ Dijkstra limit' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityfisheye = 'LQ fisheye' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel = 'LQ level' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_1 = 'MPR selection' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_2 = 'MPR selection and routing' -olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitywinsize = 'LQ window size' -olsrd_olsrd_mprcoverage = 'MPR coverage' -olsrd_olsrd_pollrate = 'Pollrate' -olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy = 'TC redundancy' -olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_0 = 'MPR selectors' -olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_1 = 'MPR selectors and MPR' -olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_2 = 'all neighbours' -olsrd_olsrd_usehysteresis = 'Use hysteresis' -olsrd_olsrd_willingness = 'Willingness' -olsrd_interface_hellointerval = 'Hello interval' -olsrd_interface_hellovaliditytime = 'Hello validity time' -olsrd_interface_hnainterval = 'HNA interval' -olsrd_interface_hnavaliditytime = 'HNA validity time' -olsrd_interface_ip4broadcast = 'IPv4 broadcast' -olsrd_interface_midinterval = 'MID interval' -olsrd_interface_midvaliditytime = 'MID validity time' -olsrd_interface_tcinterval = 'TC interval' -olsrd_interface_tcvaliditytime = 'TC validity time' -olsrd_interface_ip6addrtype = 'IPv6 address type' -olsrd_ipcconnect = 'IPC settings' -olsrd_ipcconnect_desc = 'IPC connections enable you to remote-control the local OLSRd instance using external programs' -olsrd_ipcconnect_host = 'Allowed host addresses' -olsrd_ipcconnect_host_desc = 'Multiple separated by spaces' -olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections = 'Maxmimum connection count' -olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections_desc = 'Set to 0 to disable IPC' -olsrd_ipcconnect_net = 'Allowed subnets' -olsrd_ipcconnect_net_desc = 'Address Mask; multiple separated by space' -olsrd_hna4 = 'IPv4 HNA announcements' -olsrd_hna4_desc = 'Hna4 entries allow you to propagate local IPv4 host- and network-routes into the mesh network' -olsrd_hna4_netaddr = 'Network address' -olsrd_hna4_netaddr_desc = 'IPv4 address' -olsrd_hna4_netmask = 'Netmask' -olsrd_hna4_netmask_desc = 'IPv4 address' -olsrd_hna6 = 'IPv6 HNA announcements' -olsrd_hna6_desc = 'Hna6 entries allow you to propagate local IPv6 host- and network-routes into the mesh network' -olsrd_hna6_netaddr = 'Network address' -olsrd_hna6_netaddr_desc = 'IPv6 address' -olsrd_hna6_prefix = 'Prefix' -olsrd_hna6_prefix_desc = 'IPv6 prefix' -olsrd_loadplugin = 'Plugin configuration' -olsrd_loadplugin_ignore = 'Enable plugin' -olsrd_loadplugin_library = 'Library' -olsrd_loadplugin_accept = 'Allow connections from this hosts' -olsrd_loadplugin_ping = 'Ping test addresses' -olsrd_loadplugin_interval = 'Interval' -olsrd_loadplugin_hna = 'HNA announcements' -olsrd_loadplugin_hna_desc = 'Format: IP-Address Netmask / OLSR will announce this network once it is reachable' -olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts = 'Alternative \"hosts\" file' -olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts_desc = 'The contents of this file will be appended to the autogenerated \"hosts\" file' -olsrd_loadplugin_dnsserver = 'DNS server' -olsrd_loadplugin_hosts = 'Alternative hostnames' -olsrd_loadplugin_hosts_desc = 'Format: Interface-IP Hostname' -olsrd_loadplugin_hostsfile = 'Path to the \"hosts\" file' -olsrd_loadplugin_lat = 'Latitude' -olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile = 'Output file for coordinates' -olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile_desc = 'OLSR will write received coordinates of other nodes to this file' -olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile = 'Input file for coordinates' -olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile_desc = 'OLSR periodically checks this file for new coordinates and propagates them' -olsrd_loadplugin_lon = 'Longitude' -olsrd_loadplugin_name = 'Hostnames' -olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript = 'Command for name changes' -olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript_desc = 'OLSR executes this command once entries in the \"hosts\" are changed' -olsrd_loadplugin_resolvfile = 'Path to the \"resolv\" file' -olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript = 'Command for service changes' -olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript_desc = 'OLSR excutes this command once new service announcements are received' -olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile = 'PID file for SIGHUP signals' -olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile_desc = 'OLSR sends a HUP signal to this PID once the \"hosts\" oder \"resolv\" file is changed' -olsrd_loadplugin_suffix = 'Domain suffix' -olsrd_loadplugin_timeout = 'Timeout' -olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterface = 'Name of the BMF interface' -olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterfaceid = 'IP address of the BMF interface' -olsrd_loadplugin_dolocalbroadcast = 'Redirect local broadcasts' -olsrd_loadplugin_capturepacketsonolsrinterfaces = 'Also redirect broadcasts from OLSR interfaces' -olsrd_loadplugin_bmfmechanism = 'Propagation mechanism' -olsrd_loadplugin_broadcastretransmitcount = 'Number of retransmissions per package' -olsrd_loadplugin_fanoutlimit = 'Minimum number of neighbours for broadcast redirection' -olsrd_loadplugin_nonolsrif = 'Non-OLSR interfaces' -olsrd_loadplugin_port = 'Used port' -olsrd_loadplugin_host = 'Allow connections from hosts' -olsrd_loadplugin_net = 'Allow connections from subnets' -olsrd_loadplugin_net_desc = 'Format: IP-AddresseNetmask' -olsrd_loadplugin_redistribute = 'Used protocols' -olsrd_loadplugin_exportroutes = 'Only export routes to Quagga or to kernel too' -olsrd_loadplugin_localpref = 'Always prefer local routes' -olsrd_loadplugin_distance = 'Distance of exported routes' -olsrd_loadplugin_keyfile = 'Key file' -olsrd_loadplugin_file = 'Watchdog timestamp file' -olsrd_loadplugin_interval = 'Refresh interval in seconds' diff --git a/applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/i18n/openvpn.en.lua b/applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/i18n/openvpn.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 0e48944cdd..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/i18n/openvpn.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ -openvpn="OpenVPN" - -openvpn_switch_basic="« Switch to basic configuration" -openvpn_switch_advanced="Switch to advanced configuration »" - -openvpn_enable="Enabled" -openvpn_active="Started" -openvpn_active_no="no" -openvpn_active_yes="yes (%i)" -openvpn_port="Port" -openvpn_proto="Protocol" - -openvpn_instance="Instance \"%s\"" - -openvpn_overview="OpenVPN instances" -openvpn_overview_desc="Below is a list of configured OpenVPN instances and their current state" - -openvpn_service="Daemon configuration" -openvpn_networking="Networking options" -openvpn_vpn="VPN options" -openvpn_cryptography="Cryptography settings" - -openvpn_param_config="Read configuration options from file" -openvpn_param_local="Local host name or ip address" -openvpn_param_remote="Remote host name or ip address" -openvpn_param_remote_random="Randomly choose remote server" -openvpn_param_mode="Major mode" -openvpn_param_proto="Use protocol" -openvpn_param_connect_retry="Connection retry interval" -openvpn_param_connect_timeout="Connection timeout" -openvpn_param_connect_retry_max="Maximum connection attempt retries" -openvpn_param_auto_proxy="Try to sense proxy settings automatically" -openvpn_param_http_proxy="Connect to remote host" -openvpn_param_http_proxy_retry="Retry indefinitely on HTTP proxy errors" -openvpn_param_http_proxy_timeout="Proxy timeout in seconds" -openvpn_param_http_proxy_option="Set extended HTTP proxy options" -openvpn_param_socks_proxy="Connect through Socks5 proxy" -openvpn_param_socks_proxy_retry="Retry indefinitely on Socks proxy errors" -openvpn_param_resolv_retry="If hostname resolve fails, retry" -openvpn_param_float="Allow remote to change its IP or port" -openvpn_param_ipchange="Execute shell command on remote ip change" -openvpn_param_port="TCP/UDP port # for both local and remote" -openvpn_param_lport="TCP/UDP port # for local (default=1194)" -openvpn_param_rport="TCP/UDP port # for remote (default=1194)" -openvpn_param_bind="Bind to local address and port" -openvpn_param_nobind="Do not bind to local address and port" -openvpn_param_dev="tun/tap device" -openvpn_param_dev_type="Type of used device" -openvpn_param_dev_node="Use tun/tap device node" -openvpn_param_lladdr="Set the link layer address of the tap device" -openvpn_param_topology="'net30', 'p2p', or 'subnet'" -openvpn_param_tun_ipv6="Make tun device IPv6 capable" -openvpn_param_ifconfig="Configure device to use IP address" -openvpn_param_ifconfig_noexec="Don't actually execute ifconfig" -openvpn_param_ifconfig_nowarn="Don't warn on ifconfig inconsistencies" -openvpn_param_route="Add route after establishing connection" -openvpn_param_route_gateway="Specify a default gateway for routes" -openvpn_param_route_metric="Specify a default metric for routes" -openvpn_param_route_delay="Delay n seconds after connection " -openvpn_param_route_up="Execute shell cmd after routes are added" -openvpn_param_route_noexec="Don't add routes automatically" -openvpn_param_route_nopull="Don't pull options from server" -openvpn_param_redirect_gateway="Automatically redirect default route" -openvpn_param_setenv="Pass environment variables to script" -openvpn_param_shaper="Shaping for peer bandwidth" -openvpn_param_keepalive="Set timeouts in server mode" -openvpn_param_inactive="tun/tap inactivity timeout" -openvpn_param_ping_exit="Remote ping timeout" -openvpn_param_ping_restart="Restart after remote ping timeout" -openvpn_param_ping_timer_rem="Only process ping timeouts if routes exist" -openvpn_param_ping="Ping remote every n seconds over TCP/UDP port" -openvpn_param_multihome="Configure a multi-homed UDP server" -openvpn_param_fast_io="Optimize TUN/TAP/UDP writes" -openvpn_param_remap_usr1="Remap SIGUSR1 signals" -openvpn_param_persist_tun="Keep tun/tap device open on restart" -openvpn_param_persist_remote_ip="Keep remote IP address on restart" -openvpn_param_persist_local_ip="Keep local IP address on restart" -openvpn_param_persist_key="Don't re-read key on restart" -openvpn_param_passtos="TOS passthrough (applies to IPv4 only)" -openvpn_param_tun_mtu="Set tun/tap device MTU" -openvpn_param_tun_mtu_extra="Set tun/tap device overhead" -openvpn_param_link_mtu="Set TCP/UDP MTU" -openvpn_param_mtu_disc="Enable Path MTU discovery" -openvpn_param_mtu_test="Empirically measure MTU" -openvpn_param_fragment="Enable internal datagram fragmentation" -openvpn_param_mssfix="Set upper bound on TCP MSS" -openvpn_param_sndbuf="Set the TCP/UDP send buffer size" -openvpn_param_rcvbuf="Set the TCP/UDP receive buffer size" -openvpn_param_txqueuelen="Set tun/tap TX queue length" -openvpn_param_mlock="Disable Paging" -openvpn_param_up="Shell cmd to execute after tun device open" -openvpn_param_up_delay="Delay tun/tap open and up script execution" -openvpn_param_down="Shell cmd to run after tun device close" -openvpn_param_down_pre="Call down cmd/script before TUN/TAP close" -openvpn_param_up_restart="Run up/down scripts for all restarts" -openvpn_param_user="Set UID to user" -openvpn_param_group="Set GID to group" -openvpn_param_chroot="Chroot to directory after initialization" -openvpn_param_cd="Change to directory before initialization" -openvpn_param_daemon="Daemonize after initialization" -openvpn_param_syslog="Output to syslog and do not daemonize" -openvpn_param_inetd="Run as an inetd or xinetd server" -openvpn_param_log="Write log to file" -openvpn_param_log_append="Append log to file" -openvpn_param_suppress_timestamps="Don't log timestamps" -openvpn_param_writepid="Write process ID to file" -openvpn_param_nice="Change process priority" -openvpn_param_echo="Echo parameters to log" -openvpn_param_verb="Set output verbosity" -openvpn_param_mute="Limit repeated log messages" -openvpn_param_status="Write status to file every n seconds" -openvpn_param_status_version="Status file format version" -openvpn_param_disable_occ="Disable options consistency check" -openvpn_param_gremlin="Special stress testing mode" -openvpn_param_comp_lzo="Use fast LZO compression" -openvpn_param_comp_noadapt="Don't use adaptive lzo compression" -openvpn_param_management="Enable management interface on <IP> <port>" -openvpn_param_management_client="Management interface will connect as a TCP client" -openvpn_param_management_query_passwords="Query management channel for private key" -openvpn_param_management_hold="Start OpenVPN in a hibernating state" -openvpn_param_management_signal="Issue SIGUSR1 on management disconnect" -openvpn_param_management_forget_disconnect="Forget passwords on management disconnect" -openvpn_param_management_log_cache="Number of lines for log file history" -openvpn_param_plugin="Load plug-in module" -openvpn_param_server="Configure server mode" -openvpn_param_server_bridge="Configure server bridge" -openvpn_param_push="Push options to peer" -openvpn_param_push_reset="Don't inherit global push options" -openvpn_param_ifconfig_pool="Set aside a pool of subnets" -openvpn_param_ifconfig_pool_linear="Use individual addresses rather than /30 subnets" -openvpn_param_ifconfig_pool_persist="Persist/unpersist ifconfig-pool" -openvpn_param_ifconfig_push="Push an ifconfig option to remote" -openvpn_param_iroute="Route subnet to client" -openvpn_param_disable="Client is disabled" -openvpn_param_client_cert_not_required="Don't require client certificate" -openvpn_param_username_as_common_name="Use username as common name" -openvpn_param_auth_user_pass_verify="Script to verify interactive authentication" -openvpn_param_client_to_client="Allow client-to-client traffic" -openvpn_param_duplicate_cn="Allow multiple clients with same certificate" -openvpn_param_client_connect="Run script cmd on client connection" -openvpn_param_client_disconnect="Run script cmd on client disconnection" -openvpn_param_client_config_dir="Directory for custom client config files" -openvpn_param_ccd_exclusive="Refuse connection if no custom client config" -openvpn_param_tmp_dir="Temporary directory for client-connect return file" -openvpn_param_hash_size="Set size of real and virtual address hash tables" -openvpn_param_bcast_buffers="Number of allocated broadcast buffers" -openvpn_param_tcp_queue_limit="Maximum number of queued TCP output packets" -openvpn_param_learn_address="Script to validate client virtual addresses" -openvpn_param_connect_freq="Allowed maximum of new connections" -openvpn_param_max_clients="Allowed maximum of connected clients" -openvpn_param_max_routes_per_client="Allowed maximum of internal" -openvpn_param_port_share="Proxy incoming HTTPS sessions" -openvpn_param_client="Configure client mode" -openvpn_param_auth_user_pass="Authenticate using username/password" -openvpn_param_pull="Accept options pushed from server" -openvpn_param_auth_retry="Handling of authentication failures" -openvpn_param_explicit_exit_notify="Send notification to peer on disconnect" -openvpn_param_secret="Enable Static Key encryption mode (non-TLS)" -openvpn_param_auth="HMAC authentication for packets" -openvpn_param_cipher="Encryption cipher for packets" -openvpn_param_keysize="Size of cipher key" -openvpn_param_engine="Enable OpenSSL hardware crypto engines" -openvpn_param_no_replay="Disable replay protection" -openvpn_param_mute_replay_warnings="Silence the output of replay warnings" -openvpn_param_replay_window="Replay protection sliding window size" -openvpn_param_no_iv="Disable cipher initialisation vector" -openvpn_param_replay_persist="Persist replay-protection state" -openvpn_param_test_crypto="Run a self-test of crypto features" -openvpn_param_tls_server="Enable TLS and assume server role" -openvpn_param_tls_client="Enable TLS and assume client role" -openvpn_param_key_method="Data channel key exchange method" -openvpn_param_ca="Certificate authority" -openvpn_param_capath="Directory of trusted certificates (CAs and CRLs)" -openvpn_param_dh="Diffie Hellman parameters" -openvpn_param_cert="Local certificate" -openvpn_param_key="Local private key" -openvpn_param_pkcs12="PKCS#12 file containing keys" -openvpn_param_tls_cipher="TLS cipher" -openvpn_param_tls_timeout="Retransmit timeout on TLS control channel" -openvpn_param_reneg_bytes="Renegotiate data chan. key after bytes" -openvpn_param_reneg_pkts="Renegotiate data chan. key after packets" -openvpn_param_reneg_sec="Renegotiate data chan. key after seconds" -openvpn_param_hand_window="Timeframe for key exchange" -openvpn_param_tran_window="Key transition window" -openvpn_param_single_session="Allow only one session" -openvpn_param_tls_exit="Exit on TLS negotiation failure" -openvpn_param_tls_auth="Additional authentication over TLS" -openvpn_param_askpass="Get PEM password from controlling tty before we daemonize" -openvpn_param_auth_nocache="Don't cache --askpass or --auth-user-pass passwords" -openvpn_param_crl_verify="Check peer certificate against a CRL" -openvpn_param_tls_verify="Shell command to verify X509 name" -openvpn_param_tls_remote="Only accept connections from given X509 name" -openvpn_param_ns_cert_type="Require explicit designation on certificate" -openvpn_param_remote_cert_ku="Require explicit key usage on certificate" -openvpn_param_remote_cert_eku="Require extended explicit key usage on certificate" -openvpn_param_remote_cert_tls="Require normal and extended key usage on certificate" diff --git a/applications/luci-p910nd/luasrc/i18n/p910nd.de.lua b/applications/luci-p910nd/luasrc/i18n/p910nd.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b8cf6e6f4e..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-p910nd/luasrc/i18n/p910nd.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -p910nd = 'p910nd - Drucker server' -p910nd_desc = 'Bevor p910nd verwendet werden kann muessen Pakete fuer USB (kmod-usb-printer) und Parallelport (kmod-lp) Support installiert werden.' -bidirectional = 'Bidirektionaler Modus' -port_help = 'p910nd hoert auf Port 910+N. Z.B. 9100 fuer ersten Drucker' diff --git a/applications/luci-p910nd/luasrc/i18n/p910nd.en.lua b/applications/luci-p910nd/luasrc/i18n/p910nd.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c9b3c8f784..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-p910nd/luasrc/i18n/p910nd.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -p910nd = 'p910nd - Printer server' -p910nd_desc = 'First you have to install the packages to get support for USB (kmod-usb-printer) or parallel port (kmod-lp).' -bidirectional = 'Bidirectional mode' -port_help = 'p910nd listens on port 910+N. E.g. 9100 for the first printer.' diff --git a/applications/luci-p910nd/luasrc/i18n/p910nd.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-p910nd/luasrc/i18n/p910nd.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 71e4acba77..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-p910nd/luasrc/i18n/p910nd.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -p910nd = 'P910nd - Servidor de impressão' -p910nd_desc = 'Primeiro você deve instalar os pacotes para obter suporte USB (kmod-usb-printer) ou porta paralela (kmod-lp).' -bidirectional = 'Modo bidirecional' -port_help = 'p910nd escuta na porta 910+N. Ex. 9100 para a primeira impressora.' diff --git a/applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua b/applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 23b18363c7..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -polipo = 'Polipo' -polipo_cache = 'On-Disk Cache' -polipo_cache_cacheisshared = 'Shared cache' -polipo_cache_cacheisshared_desc = 'Enable if cache (proxy) is shared by multiple users.' -polipo_cache_desc = 'To enable polipo on-disk cache cleaning (highly recommended), you should add a cron job in Scheduled Tasks services that will execute /usr/sbin/polipo_purge script. For example to perform disk cache cleanup every day at 6:00 in the morning you should add the following line in Scheduled Tasks "0 6 * * * /usr/sbin/polipo_purge" (without quotes).' -polipo_cache_diskcacheroot = 'Disk cache location' -polipo_cache_diskcacheroot_desc = 'Location where polipo will cache files permanently. Use of external storage devices is recommended, because the cache can grow considerably. Leave it empty to disable on-disk cache.' -polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatesize = 'Truncate cache files size (in bytes)' -polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatesize_desc = 'Size to which cached files should be truncated. (default value: 1048576)' -polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatetime = 'Truncate cache files time' -polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatetime_desc = 'Time after which cached files will be truncated. (default value: 4d12h)' -polipo_cache_diskcacheunlinktime = 'Delete cache files time' -polipo_cache_diskcacheunlinktime_desc = 'Time after which cached files will be deleted. (default value: 32d)' -polipo_desc = 'Polipo is a small and fast caching web proxy.' -polipo_general = 'General' -polipo_general_allowedclients = 'Allowed clients' -polipo_general_allowedclients_desc = 'When listen address is set to or :: (IPv6), you must list clients that are allowed to connect. The format is IP address or network address (,, 2001:660:116::/48 (IPv6)).' -polipo_general_chunkhighmark = 'In RAM cache size (in bytes)' -polipo_general_chunkhighmark_desc = 'How much RAM should Polipo use for its cache.' -polipo_general_dnsnameserver = 'DNS server address' -polipo_general_dnsnameserver_desc = 'Set the DNS server address to use, if you want Polipo to use different DNS server than the host system.' -polipo_general_dnsqueryipv6 = 'Query DNS for IPv6' -polipo_general_dnsqueryipv6_desc = 'false = Do not query IPv6; reluctantly = Query both, prefer IPv4; happily = Query both, prefer IPv6; true = Query only IPv6' -polipo_general_dnsusegethostbyname = 'Query DNS by hostname' -polipo_general_dnsusegethostbyname_desc = 'false = Never use system DNS resolver; reluctantly = Query DNS directly, if DNS server is unavailable fail to system DNS resolver; happily = Query DNS directly, if host could not be found fallback to system DNS resolver; true = Always use system DNS resolver' -polipo_general_logfacility = 'Syslog facility' -polipo_general_logfile = 'Log file location' -polipo_general_logfile_desc = 'Use of external storage device is recommended, because the log file is written frequently and can grow considerably.' -polipo_general_logsyslog = 'Log to syslog' -polipo_general_parentauthcredentials = 'Parent proxy authentication' -polipo_general_parentauthcredentials_desc = 'Basic HTTP authentication supported. Provide username and password in username:password format.' -polipo_general_parentproxy = 'Parent proxy address' -polipo_general_parentproxy_desc = 'Parent proxy address (in host:port format), to which Polipo will forward the requests.' -polipo_general_proxyaddress = 'Listen address' -polipo_general_proxyaddress_desc = 'The interface on which Polipo will listen. To listen on all interfaces use or :: (IPv6).' -polipo_general_proxyport = 'Listen port' -polipo_general_proxyport_desc = 'Port on which Polipo will listen. (default value: 8123)' -polipo_pmm = 'Poor Man's Multiplexing' -polipo_pmm_desc = 'Poor Man's Multiplexing (PMM) is a technique that simulates multiplexing by requesting an instance in multiple segments. It tries to lower the latency caused by the weakness of HTTP protocol. NOTE: some sites may not work with PMM enabled.' -polipo_pmm_pmmfirstsize = 'First PMM segment size (in bytes)' -polipo_pmm_pmmfirstsize_desc = 'Size of the first PMM segment. If not defined, it defaults to twice the PMM segment size.' -polipo_pmm_pmmsize = 'PMM segments size (in bytes)' -polipo_pmm_pmmsize_desc = 'To enable PMM, PMM segment size must be set to some positive value.' diff --git a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.de.lua b/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 0f15f859dc..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -qos = 'Quality of Service' -qos_interface_classgroup = 'Klassifizierung' -qos_interface_overhead = 'Overheadberechnung' -qos_interface_halfduplex = 'Half-duplex' -qos_interface_download = 'Downlink' -qos_interface_upload = 'Uplink' -qos_classify = 'Priorisierung' -qos_classify_target = 'Priorität' -qos_classify_srchost = 'Quelladresse' -qos_classify_srchost_dest = 'Quellnetz / Quellhost' -qos_classify_dsthost = 'Zieladresse' -qos_classify_dsthost_dest = 'Zielnetz / Zielhost' -qos_classify_portrange = 'Portbereich' -qos_bulk = 'niedrig' -qos_normal = 'normal' -qos_express = 'express' -qos_priority = 'priorisiert' -qos_connbytes = 'Bytes gesendet' diff --git a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.en.lua b/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index befab67ec0..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -qos = 'Quality of Service' -qos_desc = 'With QoS you can priorize network traffic selected by adresses, ports or services.' -qos_interface_classgroup = 'Classification' -qos_interface_overhead = 'Calculate Overhead' -qos_interface_halfduplex = 'Half-duplex' -qos_interface_download = 'Downlink' -qos_interface_upload = 'Uplink' -qos_classify = 'Prioritization' -qos_classify_target = 'Priority' -qos_classify_srchost = 'Source address' -qos_classify_srchost_dest = 'source network / source host' -qos_classify_dsthost = 'Target address' -qos_classify_dsthost_dest = 'target network / target host' -qos_classify_portrange = 'portrange' -qos_bulk = 'low' -qos_normal = 'normal' -qos_express = 'express' -qos_priority = 'priority' -qos_connbytes = 'Bytes sent' diff --git a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.fr.lua b/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.fr.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 9377d300d7..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.fr.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -qos = 'Qualité de service' -qos_bulk = 'lent' -qos_classify = 'Priorité' -qos_classify_dsthost = 'Adresse de destination' -qos_classify_dsthost_dest = 'Réseau de destination / Hôte de destination' -qos_classify_portrange = 'ports' -qos_classify_srchost = 'Adresse source' -qos_classify_srchost_dest = 'Réseau source / Hôte source' -qos_classify_target = 'Priorité' -qos_desc = 'Avec la QOS, vous pouvez donner des priorités au trafic de votre réseau en fonction des adresses, des ports ou des services présents.' -qos_express = 'express' -qos_interface_classgroup = 'Classification' -qos_interface_download = 'Liaison descendante' -qos_interface_overhead = 'calcul de la surcharge' -qos_interface_halfduplex = 'Half-duplex' -qos_interface_upload = 'Liaison montante' -qos_normal = 'normal' -qos_priority = 'prioritaire' diff --git a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 6b15ed4d85..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -qos = 'Qualidade de Serviço' -qos_desc = 'Com QoS você pode priozirar o tráfego da rede selecionada por endereços, portas ou serviços.' -qos_interface_classgroup = 'Classificação' -qos_interface_overhead = 'Calcular Overhead' -qos_interface_halfduplex = 'Half-duplex' -qos_interface_download = 'Link para download' -qos_interface_upload = 'Link para upload' -qos_classify = 'Priorização' -qos_classify_target = 'Prioridade' -qos_classify_srchost = 'Endereço de origem' -qos_classify_srchost_dest = 'rede de origem / host de origem' -qos_classify_dsthost = 'Endereço de destino' -qos_classify_dsthost_dest = 'rede de destino / host de destino' -qos_classify_portrange = 'faixa de portas' -qos_bulk = 'baixa' -qos_normal = 'normal' -qos_express = 'expressa' -qos_priority = 'alta' diff --git a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.de.lua b/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 8273895b48..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -samba = 'Netzwerkfreigaben' -samba_samba_name = 'Hostname' -samba_samba_description = 'Beschreibung' -samba_samba_workgroup = 'Arbeitsgruppe' -samba_samba_homes = 'Heimatverzeichnisse freigeben' -samba_samba_homes_desc = 'Systembenutzer können ihre Heimatverzeichnis über Netzwerkfreigaben erreichen.' -samba_sambashare = 'Dateifreigaben' -samba_sambashare_path = 'Freigabepfad' -samba_sambashare_path_desc = 'Physischer Pfad' -samba_sambashare_users = 'Erlaubte Benutzer' -samba_sambashare_users_desc = 'optional' -samba_sambashare_readonly = 'Nur Lesen' -samba_sambashare_guestok = 'Gäste erlauben' -samba_sambashare_createmask = 'Anlegemaske' -samba_sambashare_createmask_desc = 'Maske für neue Dateien' -samba_sambashare_dirmask = 'Verzeichnismaske' -samba_sambashare_dirmask_desc = 'Maske für neue Verzeichnisse' diff --git a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.en.lua b/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 30e93394d6..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -samba = 'Network Shares' -samba_samba_name = 'Hostname' -samba_samba_description = 'Description' -samba_samba_workgroup = 'Workgroup' -samba_samba_homes = 'Share home-directories' -samba_samba_homes_desc = 'System users can reach their home directories via network shares.' -samba_sambashare = 'Shared Directories' -samba_sambashare_path = 'Shared Directory' -samba_sambashare_path_desc = 'Physical Path' -samba_sambashare_users = 'Allowed Users' -samba_sambashare_users_desc = 'optional' -samba_sambashare_readonly = 'Read Only' -samba_sambashare_guestok = 'Allow Guests' -samba_sambashare_createmask = 'Create Mask' -samba_sambashare_createmask_desc = 'Mask for new files' -samba_sambashare_dirmask = 'Directory Mask' -samba_sambashare_dirmask_desc = 'Mask for new directories' diff --git a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 9129ef6f43..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -samba = 'Compartilhamentos de Rede' -samba_samba_name = 'Hostname' -samba_samba_description = 'Descrição' -samba_samba_workgroup = 'Grupo de Trabalho' -samba_samba_homes = 'Compartilhar diretórios home' -samba_samba_homes_desc = 'Usuários do sistema poderão acessar seu diretório home através dos compartilhamentos de rede.' -samba_sambashare = 'Diretórios Compartilhados' -samba_sambashare_path = 'Diretório Compartilhado' -samba_sambashare_path_desc = 'Caminho Físico' -samba_sambashare_users = 'Usuários Permitidos' -samba_sambashare_users_desc = 'opcional' -samba_sambashare_readonly = 'Somente Leitura' -samba_sambashare_guestok = 'Permitir Convidados' -samba_sambashare_createmask = 'Criar Máscara' -samba_sambashare_createmask_desc = 'Máscara para novos arquivos' -samba_sambashare_dirmask = 'Máscara do Diretório' -samba_sambashare_dirmask_desc = 'Máscara para novos diretórios' diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/rrdtool.de.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/rrdtool.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index afd97f0295..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/rrdtool.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_noise = [[%H: Drahtlos - Signal-Noise-Verhltnis]] -stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_noise = [[dBm]] -stat_ds_signal_noise = [[Noise-Level]] -stat_ds_signal_power = [[Signalstrke]] -stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_quality = [[%H: Drahtlos - Signalqualitt]] -stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_quality = [[n]] -stat_ds_signal_quality = [[Signalqualitt]] -stat_dg_title_ping = [[%H: ICMP Antwortzeiten]] -stat_dg_label_ping = [[ms]] -stat_ds_ping = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_iptables__ipt_packets = [[%H: Firewall - Verarbeitete Pakete]] -stat_dg_label_iptables__ipt_packets = [[Pakete/s]] -stat_ds_ipt_packets = [[Kette "%di"]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_octets = [[%H: Netlink - Transfer auf %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]] -stat_ds_if_octets = [[Bytes (%ds)]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_packets = [[%H: Netlink - Pakete auf %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_packets = [[Pakete/s]] -stat_ds_if_packets = [[Verarbeitet (%ds)]] -stat_ds_if_dropped = [[Verworfen (%ds)]] -stat_ds_if_errors = [[Fehler (%ds)]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_multicast = [[%H: Netlink - Multicast auf %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_multicast = [[Pakete/s]] -stat_ds_if_multicast = [[Pakete]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_collisions = [[%H: Netlink - Kollisionen auf %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_collisions = [[Kollisionen/s]] -stat_ds_if_collisions = [[Kollisionen]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[%H: Netlink - Fehler auf %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[Fehler/s]] -stat_ds_if_tx_errors = [[%di]] -stat_ds_if_rx_errors = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_processes = [[%H: Prozesse]] -stat_dg_label_processes = [[Prozesse/s]] -stat_ds_ps_state = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = [[%H: Prozess %pi - Verbrauchte CPU Zeit]] -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = [[Jiffies]] -stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = [[System]] -stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = [[User]] -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = [[%H: Prozess %pi - Threads und Prozesse]] -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = [[Anzahl]] -stat_ds_ps_count__threads = [[Threads]] -stat_ds_ps_count__processes = [[Prozesse]] -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[%H: Prozess %pi - Speicherzugriffsfehler]] -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[Zugriffsfehler]] -stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = [[Zugriffsfehler]] -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = [[%H: Process %pi - Virtueller Speicher]] -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = [[Bytes]] -stat_ds_ps_rss = [[virtueller Speicher]] -stat_dg_title_cpu = [[%H: Auslastung auf Prozessor #%pi]] -stat_dg_label_cpu = [[%]] -stat_ds_cpu = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_interface__if_octets = [[%H: Transfer auf %di]] -stat_dg_label_interface__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]] -stat_dg_title_interface__if_packets = [[%H: Pakete auf %di]] -stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = [[Pakete/s]] -stat_dg_title_tcpconns = [[%H: TCP-Verbindungen auf Port %pi]] -stat_dg_label_tcpconns = [[Verbindungen/s]] -stat_ds_tcp_connections = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_df = [[%H: Speicherverbrauch auf %di]] -stat_dg_label_df = [[Bytes]] -stat_ds_df__free = [[verfgbar]] -stat_ds_df__used = [[belegt ]] -stat_dg_title_irq = [[%H: Interrupts]] -stat_dg_label_irq = [[Aufrufe/s]] -stat_ds_irq = [[IRQ %di]] -stat_dg_title_load = [[%H: Systemlast]] -stat_dg_label_load = [[Last]] -stat_ds_load__shortterm = [[1 Minute]] -stat_ds_load__midterm = [[5 Minuten]] -stat_ds_load__longterm = [[15 Minuten]] diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/rrdtool.en.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/rrdtool.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 2da4be8322..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/rrdtool.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_noise = [[%H: Wireless - Signal Noise Ratio]] -stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_noise = [[dBm]] -stat_ds_signal_noise = [[Noise Level]] -stat_ds_signal_power = [[Signal Strength]] -stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_quality = [[%H: Wireless - Signal Quality]] -stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_quality = [[n]] -stat_ds_signal_quality = [[Signal Quality]] -stat_dg_title_ping = [[%H: ICMP Roundtrip Times]] -stat_dg_label_ping = [[ms]] -stat_ds_ping = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_iptables__ipt_packets = [[%H: Firewall - Processed Packets]] -stat_dg_label_iptables__ipt_packets = [[Packets/s]] -stat_ds_ipt_packets = [[Chain "%di"]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_octets = [[%H: Netlink - Transfer on %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]] -stat_ds_if_octets = [[Bytes (%ds)]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_packets = [[%H: Netlink - Packets on %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_packets = [[Packets/s]] -stat_ds_if_packets = [[Processed (%ds)]] -stat_ds_if_dropped = [[Dropped (%ds)]] -stat_ds_if_errors = [[Errors (%ds)]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_multicast = [[%H: Netlink - Multicast on %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_multicast = [[Packets/s]] -stat_ds_if_multicast = [[Packets]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_collisions = [[%H: Netlink - Collisions on %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_collisions = [[Collisions/s]] -stat_ds_if_collisions = [[Collisions]] -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[%H: Netlink - Errors on %pi]] -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[Errors/s]] -stat_ds_if_tx_errors = [[%di]] -stat_ds_if_rx_errors = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_processes = [[%H: Processes]] -stat_dg_label_processes = [[Processes/s]] -stat_ds_ps_state = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = [[%H: Process %pi - used cpu time]] -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = [[Jiffies]] -stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = [[system]] -stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = [[user]] -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = [[%H: Process %pi - threads and processes]] -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = [[Count]] -stat_ds_ps_count = [[%ds]] -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[%H: Process %pi - page faults]] -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[Pagefaults]] -stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = [[page faults]] -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = [[%H: Process %pi - virtual memory size]] -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = [[Bytes]] -stat_ds_ps_rss = [[virtual memory]] -stat_dg_title_cpu = [[%H: Usage on Processor #%pi]] -stat_dg_label_cpu = [[%]] -stat_ds_cpu = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_interface__if_octets = [[%H: Transfer on %di]] -stat_dg_label_interface__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]] -stat_dg_title_interface__if_packets = [[%H: Packets on %di]] -stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = [[Packets/s]] -stat_dg_title_tcpconns = [[%H: TCP-Connections to Port %pi]] -stat_dg_label_tcpconns = [[Connections/s]] -stat_ds_tcp_connections = [[%di]] -stat_dg_title_df = [[%H: Disk Space Usage on %di]] -stat_dg_label_df = [[Bytes]] -stat_ds_df__free = [[%ds]] -stat_ds_df__used = [[%ds]] -stat_dg_title_irq = [[%H: Interrupts]] -stat_dg_label_irq = [[Issues/s]] -stat_ds_irq = [[IRQ %di]] -stat_dg_title_load = [[%H: System Load]] -stat_dg_label_load = [[Load]] -stat_ds_load__shortterm = [[1 min]] -stat_ds_load__midterm = [[5 min]] -stat_ds_load__longterm = [[15 min]] diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/rrdtool.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/rrdtool.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 708f34c5a2..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/rrdtool.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_noise = '%H: Wireless - Relao Sinal/Ruido' -stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_noise = 'dBm' -stat_ds_signal_noise = 'Nivel de Ruido' -stat_ds_signal_power = 'Forca do Sinal' -stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_quality = '%H: Wireless - Qualidade do Sinal' -stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_quality = 'n' -stat_ds_signal_quality = 'Qualidade do Sinal' -stat_dg_title_ping = '%H: Tempo de resposta ICMP' -stat_dg_label_ping = 'ms' -stat_ds_ping = '%di' -stat_dg_title_iptables__ipt_packets = '%H: Firewall - Pacotes Processados' -stat_dg_label_iptables__ipt_packets = 'Pacote/s' -stat_ds_ipt_packets = 'Cadeia "%di"' -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_octets = '%H: Netlink - Transferencia na %pi' -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_octets = 'Bytes/s' -stat_ds_if_octets = 'Bytes (%ds)' -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_packets = '%H: Netlink - Pacotes na %pi' -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_packets = 'Packets/s' -stat_ds_if_packets = 'Processado (%ds)' -stat_ds_if_dropped = 'Dropado (%ds)' -stat_ds_if_errors = 'Erros (%ds)' -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_multicast = '%H: Netlink - Multicast na %pi' -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_multicast = 'Pacote/s' -stat_ds_if_multicast = 'Pacotes' -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_collisions = '%H: Netlink - Colisoes na %pi' -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_collisions = 'Colisao(es)' -stat_ds_if_collisions = 'Colisoes' -stat_dg_title_netlink__if_tx_errors = '%H: Netlink - Erros na %pi' -stat_dg_label_netlink__if_tx_errors = 'Erro/s' -stat_ds_if_tx_errors = '%di' -stat_ds_if_rx_errors = '%di' -stat_dg_title_processes = '%H: Processos' -stat_dg_label_processes = 'Processo/s' -stat_ds_ps_state = '%di' -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = '%H: Processo %pi - tempo usado da cpu' -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = 'Jiffies' -stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = 'sistema' -stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = 'usuario' -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = '%H: Processo %pi - threads e processos' -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = 'Contagem' -stat_ds_ps_count = '%ds' -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = '%H: Prcesso %pi - pagina de erros' -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = 'Pagina de erros' -stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = 'pagina de erros' -stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = '%H: Processo %pi - tamanho da memoria virtual' -stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = 'Bytes' -stat_ds_ps_rss = 'memoria virtual' -stat_dg_title_cpu = '%H: Usado no Processado #%pi' -stat_dg_label_cpu = '%' -stat_ds_cpu = '%di' -stat_dg_title_interface__if_octets = '%H: Transferencia na %di' -stat_dg_label_interface__if_octets = 'Bytes/s' -stat_dg_title_interface__if_packets = '%H: Pacotes na %di' -stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = 'Pacote/s' -stat_dg_title_tcpconns = '%H: Conexoes TCP na Porta %pi' -stat_dg_label_tcpconns = 'Conexao(oes)' -stat_ds_tcp_connections = '%di' -stat_dg_title_df = '%H: Utilizacao de Espaco em Disco em %di' -stat_dg_label_df = 'Bytes' -stat_ds_df__free = '%ds' -stat_ds_df__used = '%ds' -stat_dg_title_irq = '%H: Interrupcoes' -stat_dg_label_irq = 'Erro/s' -stat_ds_irq = 'IRQ %di' -stat_dg_title_load = '%H: Carga do Sistema' -stat_dg_label_load = 'Carga' -stat_ds_load__shortterm = '1 min' -stat_ds_load__midterm = '5 min' -stat_ds_load__longterm = '15 min' diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.de.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 1e2e1f1a2b..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ -stat_statistics = 'Statistiken' -stat_desc = 'Das Statistik-Paket basiert auf <a href="http://collectd.org/index.shtml">Collectd</a> und nutzt <a href="http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/">RRD Tool</a> um die gesammelten Daten in Diagramme zu rendern.' -stat_systemplugins = 'Systemplugins' -stat_networkplugins = 'Netzwerkplugins' -stat_outputplugins = 'Ausgabeplugins' -stat_showtimespan = 'Zeitspanne zeigen »' -stat_graphs = 'Diagramme' -stat_collectd = 'Collectd' -stat_cpu = 'Prozessor' -stat_ping = 'Ping' -stat_iptables = 'Firewall' -stat_netlink = 'Netlink' -stat_processes = 'Prozesse' -stat_wireless = 'Drahtlos' -stat_tcpconns = 'TCP-Verbindungen' -stat_interface = 'Schnittstellen' -stat_df = 'Plattenspeicher' -stat_irq = 'Interrupts' -stat_disk = 'Plattenauslastung' -stat_exec = 'Exec' -stat_rrdtool = 'RRDTool' -stat_network = 'Netzwerk' -stat_csv = 'CSV Ausgabe' -stat_load = 'Systemlast' -stat_dns = 'DNS' -stat_email = 'Email' -stat_unixsock = 'UnixSock' -lucistatistics = 'Statistiken' -lucistatistics_collectd = 'Collectd Einstellungen' -lucistatistics_collectd_desc = 'Collectd ist ein schlankes Dienstprogramm zum Sammeln von Systemdaten aus verschiedenen Quellen mittels diverser Plugins. Auf dieser Seite können generelle Einstellungen für den Collectd-Daemon vorgenommen werden.' -lucistatistics_collectd_hostname = 'Hostname' -lucistatistics_collectd_basedir = 'Basisverzeichnis' -lucistatistics_collectd_include = 'Verzeichnis für Unterkonfigurationen' -lucistatistics_collectd_plugindir = 'Verzeichnis für Collectd-Plugins' -lucistatistics_collectd_pidfile = 'Pfad zu PID-Datei' -lucistatistics_collectd_typesdb = 'Dataset-Definitionen' -lucistatistics_collectd_interval = 'Daten-Sammelintervall' -lucistatistics_collectd_interval_desc = 'Sekunden' -lucistatistics_collectd_readthreads = 'Anzahl paralleler Sammelprozesse' -lucistatistics_collectd_fqdnlookup = 'automatisch vollen Hostnamen herausfinden' -lucistatistics_collectdcpu = 'CPU Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdcpu_desc = 'Das CPU-Plugin sammelt grundlegende Statistiken über die Prozessorauslastung.' -lucistatistics_collectdcpu_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv = 'CSV Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_desc = 'Das CSV-Plugin speichert die gesammelten Daten im CSV-Format, geeignet für die Weiterverarbeitung durch externe Programme.' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_datadir = 'Speicherverzeichnis für die CSV-Dateien' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_storerates = 'Werte nicht absolut sondern als Raten speichern' -lucistatistics_collectddf = 'DF Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectddf_desc = 'Das DF-Plugin sammelt Statistiken über den Speicherverbrauch auf verschiedenen Geräten, Mount-Punkten oder Dateisystemtypen.' -lucistatistics_collectddf_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectddf_devices = 'Geräte überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectddf_devices_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints = 'Mount-Punkte überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes = 'Datesystemtypen überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectddf_ignoreselected = 'Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectddisk = 'Disk Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_desc = 'Das Disk-Plugin sammelt detaillierte Statistiken über die Auslastung auf ausgewählten Festplatten und Partitionen.' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks = 'Geräte und Partitionen überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_ignoreselected = 'Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectddns = 'DNS Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectddns_desc = 'Das DNS-Plugin sammelt detaillierte Statistiken über DNS-bezogenen Verkehr auf ausgewählten Schnittstellen.' -lucistatistics_collectddns_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces = 'Schnittstellen überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources = 'Quelladressen ignorieren' -lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectdemail = 'E-Mail Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_desc = 'Das E-Mail Plugin erstellt einen Unix-Socket welcher benutzt werden kann um E-Mail-Statistiken an den laufenden Collectd-Daemon zu übermitteln. Dieses Plugin ist primär für die Verwendung zusammen mit Mail::SpamAssasin::Plugin::Collectd gedacht, kann aber auch anderweitig verwendet werden.' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketfile = 'Dateipfad des Unix-Sockets' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup = 'Gruppenbesitzer festlegen' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup_desc = 'Gruppenname' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms = 'Dateiberechtigungen des Unix-Sockets' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms_desc = 'oktal' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_maxconns = 'Maximale Anzahl erlaubter Verbindungen' -lucistatistics_collectdexec = 'Exec Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdexec_desc = 'Das Exec-Plugin startet externe Kommandos um Werte einzulesen oder um Benachrichtigungen auszulösen falls bestimmte Grenzwerte erreicht werden.' -lucistatistics_collectdexec_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput = 'Kommando zum Werte einlesen hinzufügen' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_desc = 'Hier können externe Kommandos definiert werden, welche durch Collectd gestartet werden um Statistik-Werte einzulesen. Die Werte werden dabei vom STDOUT des aufgerufenen Programmes gelesen.' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdline = 'Kommandozeile' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmduser = 'Als Benutzer ausführen' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdgroup = 'Als Gruppe ausführen' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify = 'Benachrichtigungskommando hinzufügen' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_desc = 'Hier können externe Kommandos definiert werden, welche durch Collectd gestartet werden sobald konfigurierte Grenzwerte erreicht werden. Die Werte welche die Benachrichtigung ausgelöst haben werden dabei an den STDIN des aufgerufenen Programmes übergeben.' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdline = 'Kommandozeile' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmduser = 'Als Benutzer ausführen' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdgroup = 'Als Gruppe ausführen' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface = 'Interface Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_desc = 'Das Interface-Plugin sammelt allgemeine Verkehrsstatistiken auf ausgewählten Schnittstellen.' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces = 'Schnittstellen überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces_desc = 'Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere Schnittstellen zu wählen' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_ignoreselected = 'Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdiptables = 'Iptables Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdiptables_desc = 'Das Iptables-Plugin überwacht ausgewählte Firewall-Regeln und sammelt Werte über die Anzahl der verarbeiteten Pakete und Bytes.' -lucistatistics_collectdiptables_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch = 'Auswahlregel hinzufügen' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_desc = 'Hier werden die Kriterien festgelegt nach welchen die zu überwachenden Firewall-Regeln ausgewählt werden.' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name = 'Name der Regel' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name_desc = 'max. 16 Buchstaben' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_table = 'Tabelle' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_chain = 'Kette (Chain)' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_target = 'Aktion (Target)' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_protocol = 'Netzwerkprotokoll' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source = 'Quell-IP-Bereich' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source_desc = 'CIDR-Notation' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination = 'Ziel-IP-Bereich' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination_desc = 'CIDR-Notation' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif = 'eingehende Schnittstelle' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif_desc = 'z.B. br-lan' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif = 'ausgehende Schnittstelle' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif_desc = 'z.B. br-ff' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options = 'Optionen' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options_desc = 'z.B. reject-with tcp-reset' -lucistatistics_collectdirq = 'IRQ Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_desc = 'Das IRQ-Plugin überwacht die Anzahl der Aufrufe pro Sekunde für jeden ausgewählten Interrupt. Wird kein Interrupt ausgewählt überwacht das Plugin alle im System vorhandenen Interrupts.' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs = 'Interrups überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_ignoreselected = 'Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdload = 'Load Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdload_desc = 'Das Load-Plugin sammelt Informationen über die allgemeine Systemlast.' -lucistatistics_collectdload_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink = 'Netlink Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_desc = 'Das Netlink-Plugin sammelt erweiterte QoS-Informationen wie QDisc-, Class- und Filter-Statistiken auf ausgewählten Schnittstellen.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces = 'Schnittstellen einfach überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces_desc = 'Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces = 'Schnittstellen detailliert überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces_desc = 'Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs = 'Queue Discipline überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs_desc = 'Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes = 'Shapingklassen überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes_desc = 'Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters = 'Filterklassen überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters_desc = 'Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_ignoreselected = 'Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork = 'Network Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_desc = 'Das Network-Plugin ermöglicht die netzwerkgestützte Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Collectd-Instanzen. Collectd kann gleichzeitig im Server- und Client-Modus betrieben werden. Im Client-Modus werden lokal gesammelte Daten an einen Collectd-Server übermittelt, im Server-Modus empfängt die lokale Instanz Daten von anderen Installationen.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten = 'Listen-Schnittstelle' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_desc = 'Diese Sektion legt fest auf welchen Schnittstellen Collectd auf eingehende Verbindungen wartet.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host = 'Listen-Host' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host_desc = 'Host-, IP- oder IPv6-Adresse' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port = 'Listen-Port' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port_desc = '0 - 65535' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver = 'Server-Schnittstellen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_desc = 'Diese Sektion legt fest zu welchen Collectd-Servern die lokal gesammelten Daten gesendet werden.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host = 'Server-Host' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host_desc = 'Host-, IP- oder IPv6-Adresse' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port = 'Server-Port' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port_desc = '0 - 65535' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive = 'TTL für Netzwerkpakete' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive_desc = '0 - 255' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_forward = 'Weiterleitung zwischen Listen- und Server-Adressen' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush = 'Cache-Leerungsintervall' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush_desc = 'Sekunden' -lucistatistics_collectdping = 'Ping Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdping_desc = 'Das Ping-Plugin sendet ICMP-Echo-Requests an ausgewählte Hosts und misst die Antwortzeiten für jede Adresse.' -lucistatistics_collectdping_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts = 'Hosts überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl = 'TTL für Ping Pakete' -lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl_desc = '0 - 255' -lucistatistics_collectdProzesse = 'Prozesse Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_desc = 'Das Prozess-Plugin sammelt Informationen wie CPU-Zeit, Speicherzugriffsfehler und Speicherverbrauch ausgewählter Prozesse.' -lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_processes = 'Prozesse überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_processes_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool = 'RRDTool Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_desc = 'Das RRDTool-Plugin speichert die gesammelten Daten in sogenannten RRD-Datenbanken, der Grundlage für die Diagramm-Bilder.<br /><br /><strong>Warnung: Falsche Werte resultieren in einem sehr hohen Speicherverbrauch im temporären Verzeichnis. Das kann das Gerät unbrauchbar machen, da Systemspeicher für den regulären Betrieb fehlt!</strong>' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_datadir = 'Speicherverzeichnis' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize = 'RRD Schrittintervall' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize_desc = 'Sekunden' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat = 'RRD Heartbeatintervall' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat_desc = 'Sekunden' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle = 'Nur 'average' RRAs erzeugen' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle_desc = 'reduziert die RRD Größe' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans = 'gespeicherte Zeitspannen' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans_desc = 'mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrarows = 'Spalten pro RRA' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_xff = 'RRD XFiles Faktor' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout = 'Zwischenspeicherzeit für gesammelte Daten' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout_desc = 'Sekunden' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush = 'Leerungsintervall für Zwischenspeicher' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush_desc = 'Sekunden' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns = 'TCPConns Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_desc = 'Das TCPConns-Plugin sammelt Informationen über offene TCP-Verbindungen auf ausgewählten Ports.' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_listeningports = 'Alle durch lokale Dienste genutzten Ports überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports = 'lokale Ports überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports_desc = '0 - 65535; mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports = 'entfernte Ports überwachen' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports_desc = '0 - 65535; mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock = 'Unixsock Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_desc = 'Das Unixsock-Plugin erstellt einen Unix-Socket über welchen gesammelte Werte aus der laufenden Collectd-Instanz ausgelesen werden können.' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketfile = 'Dateipfad des Unix-Sockets' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup = 'Gruppenbesitzer festlegen' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup_desc = 'Gruppenname' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms = 'Dateiberechtigungen des Unix-Sockets' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms_desc = 'oktal' -lucistatistics_collectdwireless = 'Wireless Plugin Konfiguration' -lucistatistics_collectdwireless_desc = 'Das Wireless-Plugin sammelt Statistiken über die drahtlose Signalstärke, den Störpegel und die Signalqualität.' -lucistatistics_collectdwireless_enable = 'Plugin aktivieren' diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c12b42007b..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ -stat_statistics = 'Statistics' -stat_desc = 'The statistics package is based on <a href="http://collectd.org/index.shtml">Collectd</a> and uses <a href="http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/">RRD Tool</a> to render diagram images from collected data.' -stat_systemplugins = 'System plugins' -stat_networkplugins = 'Network plugins' -stat_outputplugins = 'Output plugins' -stat_showtimespan = 'Display timespan »' -stat_graphs = 'Graphs' -stat_collectd = 'Collectd' -stat_cpu = 'Processor' -stat_ping = 'Ping' -stat_iptables = 'Firewall' -stat_netlink = 'Netlink' -stat_processes = 'Processes' -stat_wireless = 'Wireless' -stat_tcpconns = 'TCP Connections' -stat_interface = 'Interfaces' -stat_df = 'Disk Space Usage' -stat_irq = 'Interrupts' -stat_disk = 'Disk Usage' -stat_exec = 'Exec' -stat_rrdtool = 'RRDTool' -stat_network = 'Network' -stat_csv = 'CSV Output' -stat_load = 'System Load' -stat_dns = 'DNS' -stat_email = 'Email' -stat_unixsock = 'UnixSock' -lucistatistics = 'Statistics' -lucistatistics_collectd = 'Collectd Settings' -lucistatistics_collectd_desc = 'Collectd is a small daeomon for collecting data from various sources through different plugins. On this page you can change general settings for the collectd daemon.' -lucistatistics_collectd_hostname = 'Hostname' -lucistatistics_collectd_basedir = 'Base Directory' -lucistatistics_collectd_include = 'Directory for sub-configurations' -lucistatistics_collectd_plugindir = 'Directory for collectd plugins' -lucistatistics_collectd_pidfile = 'Used PID file' -lucistatistics_collectd_typesdb = 'Datasets definition file' -lucistatistics_collectd_interval = 'Data collection interval' -lucistatistics_collectd_interval_desc = 'Seconds' -lucistatistics_collectd_readthreads = 'Number of threads for data collection' -lucistatistics_collectd_fqdnlookup = 'Try to lookup fully qualified hostname' -lucistatistics_collectdcpu = 'CPU Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdcpu_desc = 'The cpu plugin collects basic statistics about the processor usage.' -lucistatistics_collectdcpu_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv = 'CSV Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_desc = 'The csv plugin stores collected data in csv file format for further processing by external programs.' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_datadir = 'Storage directory for the csv files' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_storerates = 'Store data values as rates instead of absolute values' -lucistatistics_collectddf = 'DF Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectddf_desc = 'The df plugin collects statistics about the disk space usage on different devices, mount points or filesystem types.' -lucistatistics_collectddf_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectddf_devices = 'Monitor devices' -lucistatistics_collectddf_devices_desc = 'multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints = 'Monitor mount points' -lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints_desc = 'multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes = 'Monitor filesystem types' -lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes_desc = 'multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectddf_ignoreselected = 'Monitor all except selected ones' -lucistatistics_collectddisk = 'Disk Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_desc = 'The disk plugin collects detailled usage statistics for selected partitions or whole disks.' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks = 'Monitor disks and partitions' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks_desc = 'multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_ignoreselected = 'Monitor all except selected ones' -lucistatistics_collectddns = 'DNS Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectddns_desc = 'The dns plugin collects detailled statistics about dns related traffic on selected interfaces.' -lucistatistics_collectddns_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces = 'Monitor interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces_desc = 'multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources = 'Ignore source addresses' -lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources_desc = 'hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdemail = 'E-Mail Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_desc = 'The email plugin creates a unix socket which can be used to transmit email-statistics to a running collectd daemon. This plugin is primarily intended to be used in conjunction with Mail::SpamAssasin::Plugin::Collectd but can be used in other ways as well.' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketfile = 'Filepath of the unix socket' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup = 'Group ownership of the unix socket' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup_desc = 'group name' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms = 'File permissions of the unix socket' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms_desc = 'octal' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_maxconns = 'Maximum allowed connections' -lucistatistics_collectdexec = 'Exec Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdexec_desc = 'The exec plugin starts external commands to read values from or to notify external processes when certain threshold values have been reached.' -lucistatistics_collectdexec_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput = 'Add command for reading values' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_desc = 'Here you can define external commands which will be started by collectd in order to read certain values. The values will be read from stdout.' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdline = 'Commandline' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmduser = 'Run as user' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdgroup = 'Run as group' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify = 'Add notification command' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_desc = 'Here you can define external commands which will be started by collectd when certain threshold values have been reached. The values leading to invokation will be feeded to the the called programs stdin.' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdline = 'Commandline' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmduser = 'Run as user' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdgroup = 'Run as group' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface = 'Interface Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_desc = 'The interface plugin collects traffic statistics on selected interfaces.' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces = 'Monitor interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces_desc = 'hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_ignoreselected = 'Monitor all except selected ones' -lucistatistics_collectdiptables = 'Iptables Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdiptables_desc = 'The iptables plugin will monitor selected firewall rules and collect informations about processed bytes and packets per rule.' -lucistatistics_collectdiptables_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch = 'Add matching rule' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_desc = 'Here you can define various criteria by which the monitored iptables rules are selected.' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name = 'Name of the rule' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name_desc = 'max. 16 chars' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_table = 'Table' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_chain = 'Chain' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_target = 'Action (target)' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_protocol = 'Network protocol' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source = 'Source ip range' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source_desc = 'CIDR notation' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination = 'Destination ip range' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination_desc = 'CIDR notation' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif = 'Incoming interface' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif_desc = 'e.g. br-lan' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif = 'Outgoing interface' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif_desc = 'e.g. br-ff' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options = 'Options' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options_desc = 'e.g. reject-with tcp-reset' -lucistatistics_collectdirq = 'IRQ Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_desc = 'The irq plugin will monitor the rate of issues per second for each selected interrupt. If no interrupt is selected then all interrupts are monitored.' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs = 'Monitor interrupts' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs_desc = 'multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_ignoreselected = 'Monitor all except selected ones' -lucistatistics_collectdload = 'Load Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdload_desc = 'The load plugin collects statistics about the general system load.' -lucistatistics_collectdload_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink = 'Netlink Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_desc = 'The netlink plugin collects extended informations like qdisc-, class- and filter-statistics for selected interfaces.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces = 'Basic monitoring' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces_desc = 'hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces = 'Verbose monitoring' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces_desc = 'hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs = 'Qdisc monitoring' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs_desc = 'hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes = 'Shaping class monitoring' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes_desc = 'hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters = 'Filter class monitoring' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters_desc = 'hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_ignoreselected = 'Monitor all except selected ones' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork = 'Network Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_desc = 'The network plugin provides network based communication between different collectd instances. Collectd can operate both in client and server mode. In client mode locally collected date is transferred to a collectd server instance, in server mode the local instance receives data from other hosts.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten = 'Listener interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_desc = 'This section defines on which interfaces collectd will wait for incoming connections.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host = 'Listen host' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host_desc = 'host-, ip- or ip6 address' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port = 'Listen port' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port_desc = '0 - 65535' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver = 'server interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_desc = 'This section defines to which servers the locally collected data is sent to.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host = 'Server host' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host_desc = 'host-, ip- or ip6 address' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port = 'Server port' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port_desc = '0 - 65535' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive = 'TTL for network packets' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive_desc = '0 - 255' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_forward = 'Forwarding between listen and server addresses' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush = 'Cache flush interval' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush_desc = 'seconds' -lucistatistics_collectdping = 'Ping Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdping_desc = 'The ping plugin will send icmp echo replies to selected hosts and measure the roundtrip time for each host.' -lucistatistics_collectdping_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts = 'Monitor hosts' -lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts_desc = 'multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl = 'TTL for ping packets' -lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl_desc = '0 - 255' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses = 'Processes Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_desc = 'The processes plugin collects informations like cpu time, page faults and memory usage of selected processes.' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes = 'Monitor processes' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes_desc = 'multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool = 'RRDTool Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_desc = 'The rrdtool plugin stores the collected data in rrd database files, the foundation of the diagrams.<br /><br /><strong>Warning: Setting the wrong values will result in a very high memory consumption in the temporary directory. This can render the device unusable!</strong>' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_datadir = 'Storage directory' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize = 'RRD step interval' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize_desc = 'seconds' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat = 'RRD heart beat interval' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat_desc = 'seconds' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle = 'Only create average RRAs' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle_desc = 'reduces rrd size' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans = 'Stored timespans' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans_desc = 'seconds; multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrarows = 'Rows per RRA' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_xff = 'RRD XFiles Factor' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout = 'Cache collected data for' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout_desc = 'seconds' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush = 'Flush cache after' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush_desc = 'seconds' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns = 'TCPConns Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_desc = 'The tcpconns plugin collects informations about open tcp connections on selected ports.' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_listeningports = 'Monitor all local listen ports' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports = 'Monitor local ports' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports_desc = '0 - 65535; multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports = 'Monitor remote ports' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports_desc = '0 - 65535; multiple separated by space' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock = 'Unixsock Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_desc = 'The unixsock plugin creates a unix socket which can be used to read collected data from a running collectd instance.' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_enable = 'Enable this plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketfile = 'Filepath of the unix socket' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup = 'Group ownership of the unix socket' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup_desc = 'group name' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms = 'File permissions of the unix socket' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms_desc = 'octal' -lucistatistics_collectdwireless = 'Wireless Plugin Configuration' -lucistatistics_collectdwireless_desc = 'The wireless plugin collects statistics about wireless signal strength, noise and quality.' -lucistatistics_collectdwireless_enable = 'Enable this plugin' diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index e2b5cacf1b..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ -stat_statistics = 'Estatísticas' -stat_desc = 'As estatísticas são baseadas no <a href="http://collectd.org/index.shtml">Collectd</a> e é utilizado o <a href="http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/">RRD Tool</a> para renderização das imagens à partir dos dados coletados.' -stat_systemplugins = 'Plugis de Sistema' -stat_networkplugins = 'Plugins de rede' -stat_outputplugins = 'Plugins de saída' -stat_showtimespan = 'Mostrar intervalo »' -stat_graphs = 'Gráficos' -stat_collectd = 'Collectd' -stat_cpu = 'Processador' -stat_ping = 'Ping' -stat_iptables = 'Firewall' -stat_netlink = 'Netlink' -stat_processes = 'Processos' -stat_wireless = 'Wireless' -stat_tcpconns = 'Conexões TCP' -stat_interface = 'Interfaces' -stat_df = 'Utilização de espaço em disco' -stat_irq = 'Interrupções' -stat_disk = 'Utilização do Disco' -stat_exec = 'Exec' -stat_rrdtool = 'RRDTool' -stat_network = 'Rede' -stat_csv = 'Formato CSV' -stat_load = 'Carga do Sistema' -stat_dns = 'DNS' -stat_email = 'Email' -stat_unixsock = 'UnixSock' -lucistatistics = 'Estatísticas' -lucistatistics_collectd = 'Configurações do Collectd' -lucistatistics_collectd_desc = 'Collectd é um pequeno daemon que coleta dados de várias fontes através de diferentes plugins. Nesta página você pode alterar as configurações gerais do daemon collectd.' -lucistatistics_collectd_hostname = 'Hostname' -lucistatistics_collectd_basedir = 'Diretório Base' -lucistatistics_collectd_include = 'Diretório para sub-configurações' -lucistatistics_collectd_plugindir = 'Diretório para os plugins do collectd' -lucistatistics_collectd_pidfile = 'Arquivo PID usado' -lucistatistics_collectd_typesdb = 'Arquivo com a definição de dados' -lucistatistics_collectd_interval = 'Intervalo da coleta de dados' -lucistatistics_collectd_interval_desc = 'Segundos' -lucistatistics_collectd_readthreads = 'Número de threads para o coletor de dados' -lucistatistics_collectd_fqdnlookup = 'Tentar encontrar o nome do host completo (FQDN)' -lucistatistics_collectdcpu = 'Configuração do plugin CPU' -lucistatistics_collectdcpu_desc = 'O plugin cpu coleta as estatísticas básicas sobre o uso do processador.' -lucistatistics_collectdcpu_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv = 'Configuração do plugin CSV' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_desc = 'O plugin csv armazena os dados coletados em um arquivo no formato csv para um futuro processamento por outros programas.' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_datadir = 'Diretório para armazenamento dos arquivos csv' -lucistatistics_collectdcsv_storerates = 'Armazenar os valores dos dados como taxas em vez de valores absolutos' -lucistatistics_collectddf = 'Configuração do plugin DF' -lucistatistics_collectddf_desc = 'O plugin df coleta estatísticas sobre a utilização de espaço em disco em diferentes dispositivos, pontos de montagem ou tipos de sistemas de arquivos.' -lucistatistics_collectddf_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectddf_devices = 'Monitorar dispositivos' -lucistatistics_collectddf_devices_desc = 'múltiplos valores, separados por espaço' -lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints = 'Monitorar pontos de montagem' -lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints_desc = 'múltiplos valores, separados por espaço' -lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes = 'Monitorar tipos de sistemas de arquivos' -lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes_desc = 'múltiplos valores, separados por espaço' -lucistatistics_collectddf_ignoreselected = 'Monitorar tudo exceto os selecionados' -lucistatistics_collectddisk = 'Configuração do plugin Disco' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_desc = 'O plugin disco coleta estatísticas de uso detalhadas das partições selecionadas ou discos inteiros.' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks = 'Monitoras discos e partições' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks_desc = 'múltiplos valores, separados por espaço' -lucistatistics_collectddisk_ignoreselected = 'Monitorar tudo exceto os selecionados' -lucistatistics_collectddns = 'Configuração do plugin DNS' -lucistatistics_collectddns_desc = 'O plugin dns coleta estatísticas detalhadas sobre o tráfego do dns nas interfaces selecionadas.' -lucistatistics_collectddns_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces = 'Monitorar interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces_desc = 'múltiplos valores, separados por espaço' -lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources = 'Ignorar endereços de origem' -lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources_desc = 'pressione Ctrl enquanto clica para selecionar várias interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdemail = 'Configuração do plugin E-Mail' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_desc = 'O plugin de email cria um socket unix que pode ser usado para transmitir estatísticas de email o daemon collectd. Este plugin é essencialmente destinado a ser utilizado em conjunto com o plugin Mail::SpamAssasin::Plugin::Collectd mas pode ser utilizado de outras maneiras também.' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketfile = 'Caminho do arquivo do socket unix' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup = 'Grupo dono do socket unix' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup_desc = 'nome do grupo' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms = 'Permissões de arquivo do socket unix' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms_desc = 'octal' -lucistatistics_collectdemail_maxconns = 'Máximo de conexões permitidas' -lucistatistics_collectdexec = 'Configuração do plugin Exec' -lucistatistics_collectdexec_desc = 'O plugin exec inicia comandos externos para leitura de valores ou notificar processos externos quando um determinado valor limite for atingido.' -lucistatistics_collectdexec_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput = 'Adicionar comando para leitura de valores' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_desc = 'Aqui você pode definir comandos externos que serão iniciados pelo collectd a fim de ler determinados valores. Os valores serão lidos a partir do stdout.' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdline = 'Linha de comando' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmduser = 'Executar como usuário' -lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdgroup = 'Executar como grupo' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify = 'Adicionar o comando de notificação' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_desc = 'Aqui você pode definir os comandos externos que serão iniciados pelo collectd quando determinados valores limite forem atingidos. Os valores passados ao comando serão enviados para o stdin.' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdline = 'Linha de comando' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmduser = 'Executar como usuário' -lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdgroup = 'Executar como grupo' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface = 'Configuração do plugin Interface' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_desc = 'O plugin interface plugin coleta estatísticas sobre o tráfego das interfaces selecionadas.' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces = 'Monitorar interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces_desc = 'pressione Ctrl enquanto clica para selecionar várias interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdinterface_ignoreselected = 'Monitorar todas exceto as selecionadas' -lucistatistics_collectdiptables = 'Configuração do plugin Iptables' -lucistatistics_collectdiptables_desc = 'O plugin iptables irá monitorar as regras de firewall selecionadas e coletar informações sobre pacotes e bytes processados pela regra.' -lucistatistics_collectdiptables_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch = 'Adicionar regra' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_desc = 'Aqui você pode definir diversos critérios para as regras iptables selecionadas serem monitoradas.' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name = 'Nome da regra' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name_desc = 'max. 16 caract.' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_table = 'Tabela' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_chain = 'Cadeia' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_target = 'Ação (destino)' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_protocol = 'Protocolo de rede' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source = 'IP de origem' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source_desc = 'Notação CIDR' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination = 'IP de destino' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination_desc = 'Notação CIDR' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif = 'Interface de entrada' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif_desc = 'ex. br-lan' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif = 'Interface de saída' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif_desc = 'ex. br-ff' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options = 'Opções' -lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options_desc = 'ex. rejeitar-com tcp-reset' -lucistatistics_collectdirq = 'Configuração do plugin IRQ' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_desc = 'O plugin irq irá monitorar a taxa de erros por segundo de cada interrupção selecionada. Se nenhuma interrupção for selecionada então todas as interrupções serão monitoradas.' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs = 'Monitorar interrupções' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs_desc = 'múltiplos valores, separados por espaço' -lucistatistics_collectdirq_ignoreselected = 'Monitorar todas exceto as selecionadas' -lucistatistics_collectdload = 'Configuração do plugin carga' -lucistatistics_collectdload_desc = 'O plugin carga coleta estatísticas gerais sobre a carga do sistema.' -lucistatistics_collectdload_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink = 'Configuração do plugin Netlink' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_desc = 'O plugin Netlink coleta informações detalhadas como qdisc-, classe- e filtro de estatísticas das interfaces selecionadas.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces = 'Monitoramento básico' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces_desc = 'pressione Ctrl enquanto clica para selecionar várias interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces = 'Monitoramento no modo verbose' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces_desc = 'pressione Ctrl enquanto clica para selecionar várias interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs = 'Monitoramento do Qdisc' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs_desc = 'pressione Ctrl enquanto clica para selecionar várias interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes = 'Monitoramento das Classes de Shaping' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes_desc = 'pressione Ctrl enquanto clica para selecionar várias interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters = 'Monitoramento das Classes de Filtros' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters_desc = 'pressione Ctrl enquanto clica para selecionar várias interfaces' -lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_ignoreselected = 'Monitorar todas exceto as selecionadas' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork = 'Configuração do plugin Rede' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_desc = 'O plugin rede fornece informações de rede baseadas na comunicação entre as diferentes instâncias do collectd. O Collectd pode operar tanto no modo cliente quanto no modo servidor. No modo cliente os dados coletados localmente são transferidos para um servidor collectd, no modo de servidor a instância local recebe dados de outros hosts.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten = 'Escutar na(s) interface(s)' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_desc = 'Esta seção define em quais interfaces o collectd irá aguardar para receber conexões.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host = 'Endereço de escuta do Host' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host_desc = 'hostname, ip ou ip6' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port = 'Porta de escuta' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port_desc = '0 - 65535' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver = 'Interfaces do servidor' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_desc = 'Esta seção define para qual servidor os dados coletados localmente serão enviados.' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host = 'IP/Hostname do servidor' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host_desc = 'hostname, ip ou ip6' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port = 'Porta do servidor' -lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port_desc = '0 - 65535' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive = 'TTL para os pacotes de rede' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive_desc = '0 - 255' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_forward = 'Transmissão entre o endereço de escuta e dos servidores' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush = 'Intervalo de limpeza do cache' -lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush_desc = 'segundos' -lucistatistics_collectdping = 'Configuração do plugin Ping' -lucistatistics_collectdping_desc = 'O plugin ping irá enviar pacotes ICMP to tipo echo aos hosts selecionados e medir o tempo de resposta para cada host.' -lucistatistics_collectdping_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts = 'Monitorar os hosts' -lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts_desc = 'múltiplos valores, separados por espaço' -lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl = 'TTL para os pacotes do ping' -lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl_desc = '0 - 255' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses = 'Configuração do plugin Processos' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_desc = 'O plugin processo coleta informações como o tempo da cpu, página falhas e uso de memória dos processos selecionados.' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes = 'Monitorar processos' -lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes_desc = 'múltiplos valores, separados por espaço' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool = 'Configuração do plugin RRDTool' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_desc = 'O plugin rrdtool armazena os dados coletados no arquivo de banco de dados rrd.<br /><br /><strong>Aviso: A má configuração desses valores, resultará em um valor muito elevado no consumo de memória no diretório temporário. Isso pode tornar o equipamento inutilizável!</strong>' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_datadir = 'Diretório de armazenamento' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize = 'Intervalo de atualização' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize_desc = 'segundos' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat = 'Intervalo entre duas atualizações' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat_desc = 'segundos' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle = 'Somente criar RRAs de média' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle_desc = 'reduzir o tamanho do rrd' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans = 'Intervalos armazenados' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans_desc = 'segundos; vários valores, separar com espaço' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrarows = 'Linhas por RRA' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_xff = 'Arquivos RRD XFiles Factor' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout = 'Cache dos dados coletados' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout_desc = 'segundos' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush = 'Limpar cache após' -lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush_desc = 'segundos' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns = 'Configuração do plugin TCPConns' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_desc = 'O plugin tcpconns coleta informações sobre as conexões TCP abertas das portas selecionadas.' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_listeningports = 'Monitorar todas as portas locais' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports = 'Monitorar as portas locais' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports_desc = '0 - 65535; vários valores, separar com espaço' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports = 'Monitorar portas remotas' -lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports_desc = '0 - 65535; vários valores, separar com espaço' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock = 'Configuração do plugin Unixsock' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_desc = 'O plugin unixsock cria um socket unix, que pode ser usado para ler os dados coletados a partir de uma instância do collectd.' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketfile = 'Caminho do arquivo socket unix' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup = 'Grupo dono do socket unix' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup_desc = 'nome do grupo' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms = 'Permissões de arquivo do socket unix' -lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms_desc = 'octal' -lucistatistics_collectdwireless = 'Configuração do plugin Wireless' -lucistatistics_collectdwireless_desc = 'O plugin wireless coleta estatísticas sobre o nível de sinal wireless, o ruído e qualidade.' -lucistatistics_collectdwireless_enable = 'Habilitar este plugin' diff --git a/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.de.lua b/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 5aaafe488e..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -tinyproxy = 'Tinyproxy' -tinyproxy_desc = 'Tinyproxy ist ein schlanker HTTP(S)-Proxy ohne Zwischenspeicher' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_allow = 'Proxyzugang erlauben von' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_anonymous = 'Erlaube Header für anonymen Proxy' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_bind = 'Ausgehendenden Verkehr an Adresse binden' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport = 'Ports für CONNECT-Methode' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport_desc = '0 = deaktiviert, leer = alle' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_defaulterrorfile = 'Fehlerseite' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filter = 'Filterliste' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filtercasesensitive = 'Filter unterscheiden Groß-/Kleinschreibung' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterdefaultdeny = 'Filterliste ist eine Whitelist' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterextended = 'Erweiterte reguläre Ausdrücke für Filter' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterurls = 'Filtere URLs statt Domains' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_listen = 'An Adresse binden' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_logfile = 'Protokolldatei' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_loglevel = 'Protokolllevel' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxclients = 'Maximale Anzahl an Clients' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxrequestsperchild = 'Maximale Anfragen pro Prozess' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxspareservers = 'Max. Prozesszahl' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_minspareservers = 'Min. Prozesszahl' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_startservers = 'Anfängliche Prozesszahl' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_statfile = 'Statistikseite' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_syslog = 'In Systemprotokoll schreiben' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_timeout = 'Verbindungstimeout' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_viaproxyname = 'Wert des Via-Headers' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_xtinyproxy = 'Client-IP übertragen' -tinyproxy_type_proxy = 'Über Proxy' -tinyproxy_type_reject = 'Verbiete Zugriff' -tinyproxy_upstream = 'Zugangskontrolle' -tinyproxy_upstream_target = 'Zielhost' -tinyproxy_upstream_type = 'Methode' -tinyproxy_upstream_via = 'Zugangsproxy' diff --git a/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.en.lua b/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 2520e38878..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -tinyproxy = 'Tinyproxy' -tinyproxy_desc = 'Tinyproxy is a small and fast non-caching HTTP(S)-Proxy' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_allow = 'Allow access from' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_anonymous = 'Allowed headers for anonymous proxy' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_bind = 'Bind outgoing traffic to address' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport = 'Ports allowed for CONNECT method' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport_desc = '0 = disabled, empty = all' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_defaulterrorfile = 'Error document' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filter = 'Filter list' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filtercasesensitive = 'Case sensitive filters' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterdefaultdeny = 'Filter list is a whitelist' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterextended = 'Extended regular expression filters' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterurls = 'Filter URLs instead of domains' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_listen = 'Listen on address' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_logfile = 'Logfile' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_loglevel = 'Log level' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxclients = 'Maximum number of clients' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxrequestsperchild = 'Maximum requests per thread' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxspareservers = 'Max. spare servers' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_minspareservers = 'Min. spare servers' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_startservers = 'Spare servers to start with' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_statfile = 'Statistic document' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_syslog = 'Write to syslog' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_timeout = 'Connection Timeout' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_viaproxyname = 'Value of Via-Header' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_xtinyproxy = 'Include client IP' -tinyproxy_type_proxy = 'Via proxy' -tinyproxy_type_reject = 'Reject access' -tinyproxy_upstream = 'Upstream Control' -tinyproxy_upstream_target = 'Target host' -tinyproxy_upstream_type = 'Type' -tinyproxy_upstream_via = 'Upstream Proxy' diff --git a/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.fr.lua b/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.fr.lua deleted file mode 100644 index af7a134bc6..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.fr.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -tinyproxy = 'Tinyproxy' -tinyproxy_desc = 'Tinyproxy is a small and fast non-caching HTTP(S)-Proxy' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_allow = 'Allow access from' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_anonymous = 'Allowed headers for anonymous proxy' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_bind = 'Lier le trafic sortant à l'adresse ip' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport = 'Ports allowed for CONNECT method' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport_desc = '0 = disabled, empty = all' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_defaulterrorfile = 'Fichier d'erreur' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filter = 'Liste de filtres' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filtercasesensitive = 'Case sensitive filters' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterdefaultdeny = 'Filter list is a whitelist' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterextended = 'Extended regular expression filters' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterurls = 'Filter URLs instead of domains' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_group = 'Groupe' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_listen = 'Listen on address' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_logfile = 'Chemin du fichier de log' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_loglevel = 'Niveau de log' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxclients = 'Nombre maximum de clients' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxrequestsperchild = 'Maximum de connexion par processus' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxspareservers = 'Nombre Maximum de processus serveur' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_minspareservers = 'Nombre Minimum de processus serveur' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_startservers = 'Nombre de processus serveur lancés au demarrage' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_statfile = 'Fichier de statistiques' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_syslog = 'Écrire dans le journal système (Syslog)' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_timeout = 'Délai de connexion' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_user = 'Utilisateur' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_viaproxyname = 'Valeur de l'entête "VIA" utilisée comme nom d'hôte' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_xtinyproxy = 'Inclure l'ip du client' -tinyproxy_type_proxy = 'Via proxy' -tinyproxy_type_reject = 'Refuser l'accès' -tinyproxy_upstream = 'Upstream Control' -tinyproxy_upstream_target = 'Hôte de destination' -tinyproxy_upstream_type = 'Type' -tinyproxy_upstream_via = 'Proxy' diff --git a/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 33b664a57b..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-tinyproxy/luasrc/i18n/tinyproxy.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -tinyproxy = 'Tinyproxy' -tinyproxy_desc = 'Tinyproxy é um pequeno e rápido Proxy-HTTP(S) sem suporte à cache' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_allow = 'Permitir acesso de' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_anonymous = 'Cabeçalhos permitidos para proxy anônimo' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_bind = 'Associar o tráfego de saída ao endereço' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport = 'Portas permitidas para o método CONNECT ' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport_desc = '0 = desativado, vazio = todas' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_defaulterrorfile = 'Documento de erro' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filter = 'Lista de filtros' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filtercasesensitive = 'Filtros "case sensitive"' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterdefaultdeny = 'A lista de filtros é uma lista branca' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterextended = 'Filtros com suporte à expressões regulares' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterurls = 'Filtrar URLs em vez de domínios' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_listen = 'Escutar no endereço' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_logfile = 'Arquivo de log' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_loglevel = 'Nível do log' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxclients = 'Número máximo de clientes' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxrequestsperchild = 'Máximo de solicitações por thread' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxspareservers = 'Max. servidores sobressalentes' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_minspareservers = 'Min. servidores sobressalentes' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_startservers = 'Servidores sobressalentes iniciar com' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_statfile = 'Documento de estatísticas' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_syslog = 'Escrever para syslog' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_timeout = 'Timeout de conexão' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_group = 'Grupo' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_user = 'Usuário' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_viaproxyname = 'Valor do cabeçalho "Via-Header"' -tinyproxy_tinyproxy_xtinyproxy = 'Incluir o IP do cliente' -tinyproxy_type_proxy = 'Via proxy' -tinyproxy_type_reject = 'Rejeitar o acesso' -tinyproxy_upstream = 'Controle de Upstream' -tinyproxy_upstream_target = 'Host de destino' -tinyproxy_upstream_type = 'Tipo' -tinyproxy_upstream_via = 'Proxy para Upstream' diff --git a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.de.lua b/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 777ae876ed..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -upnpd = 'Universal Plug & Play' -upnpd_desc = 'UPNP ermöglicht die automatische Konfiguration des Routers durch Clients im lokalen Netzwerk.' -upnpd_config_desc = 'UPNP sollte nur wenn unbedingt nötig aktiviert werden, da es ein Sicherheitsrisiko für das Netzwerk darstellen kann.' -upnpd_config_securemode = 'Sicheren Modus aktivieren' -upnpd_config_logoutput = 'Ausgabe protokollieren' -upnpd_config_download = 'Downlink' -upnpd_config_upload = 'Uplink' diff --git a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.en.lua b/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 8e6c825e6e..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -upnpd = 'Universal Plug & Play' -upnpd_desc = 'UPNP allows clients in the local network to automatically configure the router.' -upnpd_config_desc = 'UPNP should only be enabled if absolutely necessary as it can result in high security risks for your network.' -upnpd_config_securemode = 'Enable secure mode' -upnpd_config_logoutput = 'Log output' -upnpd_config_download = 'Downlink' -upnpd_config_upload = 'Uplink' diff --git a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index cf2c3dbd7e..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -upnpd = 'Plug & Play Universal' -upnpd_desc = 'UPNP permite os clientes da rede local automaticamente configurar o roteador.' -upnpd_config_desc = 'O UPNP deve ser ativado apenas se for absolutamente necessário, pois ele pode resultar em elevados riscos de segurança para sua rede.' -upnpd_config_securemode = 'Enable secure mode' -upnpd_config_logoutput = 'Log de saída' -upnpd_config_download = 'Link para download' -upnpd_config_upload = 'Link para Upload' diff --git a/applications/luci-ushare/luasrc/i18n/ushare.de.lua b/applications/luci-ushare/luasrc/i18n/ushare.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index a5f239a3d9..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ushare/luasrc/i18n/ushare.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -content_directories = 'Freigabeverzeichnisse' -disable_telnet = 'Telnet-Konsole deaktivieren' -disable_webif = 'Webinterface deaktivieren' -options = 'Optionen' -servername = 'Servername' -settings = 'Einstellungen' -ushare = 'uShare' -ushare_desc = 'uShare' diff --git a/applications/luci-ushare/luasrc/i18n/ushare.en.lua b/applications/luci-ushare/luasrc/i18n/ushare.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 834fa91f4a..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ushare/luasrc/i18n/ushare.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -content_directories = 'Content directories' -disable_telnet = 'Disable telnet console' -disable_webif = 'Disable webinterface' -options = 'Options' -servername = 'Servername' -settings = 'Settings' -ushare = 'uShare' -ushare_desc = 'uShare' diff --git a/applications/luci-ushare/luasrc/i18n/ushare.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-ushare/luasrc/i18n/ushare.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 492c4cefbd..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-ushare/luasrc/i18n/ushare.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -content_directories = 'Diretórios de conteúdo' -disable_telnet = 'Desativar console telnet' -disable_webif = 'Desativar interface web' -options = 'Opções' -servername = 'Nome do servidor' -settings = 'Configurações' -ushare = 'uShare' -ushare_desc = 'uShare' diff --git a/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.de.lua b/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.de.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b340fd4cbf..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.de.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -framespersecond = 'Bilder pro Sekunde' -resolution = 'Auflösung' -settings = 'Konfiguration' -uvc_streamer = 'Webcam Stream' -uvc_streamer_desc = 'Linux-UVC Webcam Konfiguration. Im Browser z.B. <a href="http://%s:%i/">http://%s:%i/</a> laden.' diff --git a/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.en.lua b/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.en.lua deleted file mode 100644 index e56eacc2ab..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.en.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -framespersecond = 'Frames per second' -resolution = 'Resolution' -settings = 'Settings' -uvc_streamer = 'Webcam streaming' -uvc_streamer_desc = 'Configure your Linux-UVC compatible webcam. Point your browser to e.g. <a href="http://%s:%i/">http://%s:%i/</a>' diff --git a/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.fr.lua b/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.fr.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 97523af41a..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.fr.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -framespersecond = 'Images par seconde' -resolution = 'Résolution' -settings = 'Paramètres' -uvc_streamer = 'Webcam streaming' -uvc_streamer_desc = 'Configurez le pilote linux UVC-webcam pour votre webcam. Pointez votre navigateur par exemple sur<a href="http://%s:%i/">http://%s:%i/</a>' diff --git a/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.pt-br.lua b/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.pt-br.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 624a885301..0000000000 --- a/applications/luci-uvc_streamer/luasrc/i18n/uvc_streamer.pt-br.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -framespersecond = 'Frames por segundo' -resolution = 'Resolução' -settings = 'Configurações' -uvc_streamer = 'Webcam streaming' -uvc_streamer_desc = 'Configure a sua webcam compatível com o Linux-UVC. Coloque no seu browser por ex. <a href="http://%s:%i/">http://%s:%i/</a>' |