path: root/applications
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications')
25 files changed, 1443 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/model/cbi/adblock/overview_tab.lua b/applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/model/cbi/adblock/overview_tab.lua
index f71fb7ba4d..38086c9eb4 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/model/cbi/adblock/overview_tab.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-adblock/luasrc/model/cbi/adblock/overview_tab.lua
@@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ m = Map("adblock", translate("Adblock"),
.. "see online documentation</a>", ""))
function m.on_after_commit(self)
-"/etc/init.d/adblock reload >/dev/null 2>&1")
+ function e3.validate(self, value)
+ if value == "0" then
+"/etc/init.d/adblock reload >/dev/null 2>&1")
+ else
+"/etc/init.d/adblock start >/dev/null 2>&1")
+ end
+ end
luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "adblock"))
@@ -157,12 +163,18 @@ e2 = e:option(Flag, "adb_forcesrt", translate("Force Overall Sort"),
e2.default = e2.disabled
e2.rmempty = false
-e3 = e:option(Flag, "adb_backup", translate("Enable blocklist backup"))
+e3 = e:option(Flag, "adb_manmode", translate("Manual mode"),
+ translate("Do not automatically update blocklists during startup, use blocklist backups instead."))
e3.default = e3.disabled
e3.rmempty = false
-e4 = e:option(Value, "adb_backupdir", translate("Backup directory"))
-e4.datatype = "directory"
+e4 = e:option(Flag, "adb_backup", translate("Enable blocklist backup"),
+ translate("Create compressed blocklist backups, they will be used in case of download errors or during startup in manual mode."))
+e4.default = e4.disabled
e4.rmempty = false
+e5 = e:option(Value, "adb_backupdir", translate("Backup directory"))
+e5.datatype = "directory"
+e5.rmempty = false
return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/ja/adblock.po b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/ja/adblock.po
index ac470fedd6..07fd783ed2 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/ja/adblock.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/ja/adblock.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.2\n"
"Language: ja\n"
msgid "Adblock"
@@ -50,12 +50,27 @@ msgstr ""
"DNS の利用によって広告/不正ドメインをブロックする、Adblock パッケージの設定で"
+msgid ""
+"Create compressed blocklist backups, they will be used in case of download "
+"errors or during startup in manual mode."
+msgstr ""
+"ロードがエラーの場合、またはマニュアル モードでサービスを起動時に使用されま"
msgid "DNS backend"
msgstr "DNS バックエンド"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "説明"
+msgid ""
+"Do not automatically update blocklists during startup, use blocklist backups "
+msgstr ""
msgid "Download Utility (SSL Library)"
msgstr "ダウンロード ユーティリティ(SSL ライブラリ)"
@@ -95,7 +110,7 @@ msgid ""
"'libustream-ssl' or the wget 'built-in'."
msgstr ""
"SSLで保護されているブロックリストの取得には、適切なSSL ライブラリが必要です。"
-"例: 'libustream-ssl' または wget 'ビルトイン'"
+"例: 'libustream-ssl' または wget 'built-in'"
msgid ""
"For further information <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">see online "
@@ -122,6 +137,9 @@ msgstr "最終実行日時"
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "読込中"
+msgid "Manual mode"
+msgstr "マニュアル モード"
msgid "No"
msgstr "いいえ"
@@ -251,129 +269,3 @@ msgstr "ブロックされたドメインはありません"
msgid "suspended"
msgstr "一時停止中"
-#~ msgid "."
-#~ msgstr "。"
-#~ msgid "For further information"
-#~ msgstr "詳細な情報は"
-#~ msgid "see online documentation"
-#~ msgstr "オンライン ドキュメントを確認してください"
-#~ msgid "Backup options"
-#~ msgstr "バックアップ オプション"
-#~ msgid "Restrict interface reload trigger to certain interface(s)"
-#~ msgstr "リロード トリガを特定のインターフェースに限定する"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Space separated list of interfaces that trigger a reload action. To "
-#~ "disable reload trigger at all remove all entries."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "リロードのトリガとなる、スペースで区切られたインターフェースのリストです。"
-#~ "リロード トリガを無効にするには、全てのエントリーを削除して空欄にします。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Space separated list of interfaces that trigger a reload action. To "
-#~ "disable reload trigger at all set it to 'false'."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "リロードのトリガとなる、スペースで区切られたインターフェースのリストで"
-#~ "す。'false' に設定した場合、全てのリロード トリガは無効になります。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please add only one domain per line. Comments introduced with '#' are "
-#~ "allowed - ip addresses, wildcards & regex are not."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "一行に一つのドメインを追加してください。'#' から始まるコメントを記述できま"
-#~ "すが、IPアドレスやワイルドカード、正規表現を設定値として使用することはでき"
-#~ "ません。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "). Note that list URLs and Shallalist category selections are not "
-#~ "configurable via Luci."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ ")。これらのリストのURLおよびshallaリストの選択済みカテゴリーは、Luciを通"
-#~ "して設定することができません。"
-#~ msgid "Available blocklist sources ("
-#~ msgstr "利用可能なブロックリスト提供元です("
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "File with whitelisted hosts/domains that are allowed despite being on a "
-#~ "blocklist."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ホワイトリスト ファイル内のホスト/ドメインは、ブロックリストの登録に関わら"
-#~ "ず許可されます。"
-#~ msgid "Global options"
-#~ msgstr "一般設定"
-#~ msgid "Restrict reload trigger to certain interface(s)"
-#~ msgstr "リロードトリガを特定のインターフェースに限定する"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Space separated list of wan interfaces that trigger reload action. To "
-#~ "disable reload trigger set it to 'false'. Default: empty"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "リロード実行のトリガとなる、スペースで区切られたWANインターフェースのリス"
-#~ "トです。リロードトリガを無効にするには、 false を設定します。デフォルト:"
-#~ "(空)"
-#~ msgid "Whitelist file"
-#~ msgstr "ホワイトリスト ファイル"
-#~ msgid "see list details"
-#~ msgstr "リストの詳細を見る"
-#~ msgid "Count"
-#~ msgstr "カウント"
-#~ msgid "Do not write status info to flash"
-#~ msgstr "ステータス情報をフラッシュに書き込まない"
-#~ msgid "Last update of the blocklists"
-#~ msgstr "ブロックリストの最終更新日時"
-#~ msgid "List date/state"
-#~ msgstr "リスト日時/状態"
-#~ msgid "Name of the logical lan interface"
-#~ msgstr "論理LANインターフェース名"
-#~ msgid "Percentage of blocked packets (before last update, IPv4/IPv6)"
-#~ msgstr "ブロック済みパケットの割合(最終更新以前、IPv4/IPv6)"
-#~ msgid "Port of the adblock uhttpd instance"
-#~ msgstr "adblock uhttpdインスタンスのポート"
-#~ msgid "Port of the adblock uhttpd instance for https links"
-#~ msgstr "httpsリンク用adblock uhttpdインスタンスのポート"
-#~ msgid "Redirect all DNS queries to the local resolver"
-#~ msgstr "全てのDNSクエリをローカルリゾルバにリダイレクト"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Skip writing update status information to the config file. Status fields "
-#~ "on this page will not be updated."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "更新ステータス情報をコンフィグファイルに書き込まず、スキップします。この"
-#~ "ページのステータス画面は更新されなくなります。"
-#~ msgid "Statistics"
-#~ msgstr "ステータス"
-#~ msgid "Timeout for blocklist fetch (seconds)"
-#~ msgstr "ブロックリスト取得の制限時間(秒)"
-#~ msgid "Total count of blocked domains"
-#~ msgstr "ブロック済みドメインの合計"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When adblock is active, all DNS queries are redirected to the local "
-#~ "resolver in this server by default. You can disable that to allow queries "
-#~ "to external DNS servers."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "adblockがアクティブである時、全てのDNSクエリは既定でこのサーバー上のリゾル"
-#~ "バにリダイレクトされます。外部DNSサーバーへのクエリを許可する場合、この設"
-#~ "定を無効にすることもできます。"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/pt-br/adblock.po b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/pt-br/adblock.po
index 72f6910429..044352da63 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/pt-br/adblock.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/pt-br/adblock.po
@@ -51,12 +51,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Configuração do pacote adblock para bloquear, usando o DNS, domínios que "
"distribuem propagandas abusivas."
+msgid ""
+"Create compressed blocklist backups, they will be used in case of download "
+"errors or during startup in manual mode."
+msgstr ""
msgid "DNS backend"
msgstr ""
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrição"
+msgid ""
+"Do not automatically update blocklists during startup, use blocklist backups "
+msgstr ""
msgid "Download Utility (SSL Library)"
msgstr ""
@@ -117,6 +127,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Loading"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Manual mode"
+msgstr ""
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/sv/adblock.po b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/sv/adblock.po
index 7f271221ae..cf92dbddc0 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/sv/adblock.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/sv/adblock.po
@@ -40,12 +40,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfiguration av paketet adblock för att blockera annons/otillåtna domäner "
"genom att använda DNS."
+msgid ""
+"Create compressed blocklist backups, they will be used in case of download "
+"errors or during startup in manual mode."
+msgstr ""
msgid "DNS backend"
msgstr "Bakände för DNS"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivning"
+msgid ""
+"Do not automatically update blocklists during startup, use blocklist backups "
+msgstr ""
msgid "Download Utility (SSL Library)"
msgstr "Nerladdningsprogram (SSL-bibliotek)"
@@ -107,6 +117,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Laddar"
+msgid "Manual mode"
+msgstr ""
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nej"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/templates/adblock.pot b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/templates/adblock.pot
index c5771ef22e..5b5a96866a 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/templates/adblock.pot
+++ b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/templates/adblock.pot
@@ -38,12 +38,22 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration of the adblock package to block ad/abuse domains by using DNS."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Create compressed blocklist backups, they will be used in case of download "
+"errors or during startup in manual mode."
+msgstr ""
msgid "DNS backend"
msgstr ""
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Do not automatically update blocklists during startup, use blocklist backups "
+msgstr ""
msgid "Download Utility (SSL Library)"
msgstr ""
@@ -104,6 +114,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Loading"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Manual mode"
+msgstr ""
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/zh-cn/adblock.po b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/zh-cn/adblock.po
index dfa03f32b1..46dc99e66e 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/zh-cn/adblock.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-adblock/po/zh-cn/adblock.po
@@ -50,12 +50,22 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration of the adblock package to block ad/abuse domains by using DNS."
msgstr "Adblock 配置工具,通过 DNS 来拦截广告和阻止域名。"
+msgid ""
+"Create compressed blocklist backups, they will be used in case of download "
+"errors or during startup in manual mode."
+msgstr ""
msgid "DNS backend"
msgstr "DNS 后端"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "描述"
+msgid ""
+"Do not automatically update blocklists during startup, use blocklist backups "
+msgstr ""
msgid "Download Utility (SSL Library)"
msgstr ""
@@ -116,6 +126,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "加载中"
+msgid "Manual mode"
+msgstr ""
msgid "No"
msgstr "否"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-aria2/po/sv/aria2.po b/applications/luci-app-aria2/po/sv/aria2.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7f41f250d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-aria2/po/sv/aria2.po
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+msgid "\"Falloc\" is not available in all cases."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Distributed Hash Table\">DHT</abbr> enabled"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Local Peer Discovery\">LPD</abbr> enabled"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Additional Bt tracker enabled"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Aria2"
+msgstr "Aria2"
+msgid "Aria2 Settings"
+msgstr "Inställningar för Aria2"
+msgid "Aria2 Status"
+msgstr "Status för Aria2"
+msgid ""
+"Aria2 is a multi-protocol &amp; multi-source download utility, here you can "
+"configure the settings."
+msgstr "Aria2 är ett verktyg för multiprotokoll &amp; multi-käll"
+msgid "Autosave session interval"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "BitTorrent Settings"
+msgstr "Inställningar för BitTorrent"
+msgid "BitTorrent listen port"
+msgstr "Lyssningsport för BitTorrent"
+msgid "Collecting data..."
+msgstr "Samlar in data..."
+msgid "Config file directory"
+msgstr "Ställ in fil-mapp"
+msgid "Debug"
+msgstr "Avlusa"
+msgid "Default download directory"
+msgstr "Standard nerladdningsmapp"
+msgid "Disk cache"
+msgstr "Disk-cache"
+msgid "Enable log"
+msgstr "Aktivera logg"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Aktiverad"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Fel"
+msgid "Extra Settings"
+msgstr "Extra inställningar"
+msgid "Falloc"
+msgstr "Falloc"
+msgid "Files and Locations"
+msgstr "Filer och Platser"
+msgid "Follow torrent"
+msgstr "Följ torrenten"
+msgid "General Settings"
+msgstr "Generella inställningar"
+msgid "Generate Randomly"
+msgstr "Generera slumpmässigt"
+msgid "Info"
+msgstr "Info"
+msgid "List of additional Bt tracker"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "List of extra settings"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Log file is in the config file dir."
+msgstr "Logg-filen är i konfigurationsfilens mapp."
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr "Loggningsnivå"
+msgid "Max concurrent downloads"
+msgstr "Maximalt sammanhängande nerladdningar"
+msgid "Max connection per server"
+msgstr "Max antalet anslutningar per server"
+msgid "Max number of peers per torrent"
+msgstr "Maximalt antalet jämlikar per torrent"
+msgid "Max number of split"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Min split size"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "No Authentication"
+msgstr "Ingen autentisering"
+msgid "Notice"
+msgstr "Avisering"
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "Av"
+msgid "Open WebUI-Aria2"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Open YAAW"
+msgstr "Öppna YAAW"
+msgid "Overall download limit"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overall speed limit enabled"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overall upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Per task download limit"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Per task speed limit enabled"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Per task upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Prealloc"
+msgstr "Prealloc"
+msgid "Preallocation"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Prefix of peer ID"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "RPC Token"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "RPC authentication method"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "RPC password"
+msgstr "RPC-lösenord"
+msgid "RPC port"
+msgstr "RPC-port"
+msgid "RPC username"
+msgstr "RPC-användarnamn"
+msgid "Run daemon as user"
+msgstr "Kör daemonen som användare"
+msgid "Sec"
+msgstr "Sek"
+msgid "Task Settings"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "The Aria2 service is not running."
+msgstr "Aria2-tjänsten körs inte."
+msgid "The Aria2 service is running."
+msgstr "Aria2-tjänsten körs."
+msgid "Token"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Trunc"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Use WebSocket"
+msgstr "Använd WebSocket"
+msgid "User agent value"
+msgstr "Använd agent-värde"
+msgid "Username & Password"
+msgstr "Användarnamn & Lösenord"
+msgid "View Json-RPC URL"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Warn"
+msgstr "Varna"
+msgid "in bytes, You can append K or M."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "in bytes/sec, You can append K or M."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-clamav/po/sv/clamav.po b/applications/luci-app-clamav/po/sv/clamav.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..589d5f9aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-clamav/po/sv/clamav.po
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+msgid "10"
+msgstr "10"
+msgid "1024"
+msgstr "1024"
+msgid "15"
+msgstr "15"
+msgid "150M"
+msgstr "150M"
+msgid "1M"
+msgstr "1M"
+msgid "20"
+msgstr "20"
+msgid "2048"
+msgstr "2048"
+msgid "2M"
+msgstr "2M"
+msgid "50M"
+msgstr "50M"
+msgid "512K"
+msgstr "512K"
+msgid "600"
+msgstr "600"
+msgid "Block encrypted archives"
+msgstr "Blockera krypterade arkiv"
+msgid "ClamAV"
+msgstr "ClamAV"
+msgid "Database check every N sec"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Detect broken executables"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Detect possibly unwanted apps"
+msgstr "Upptäck möjliga oönskade appar"
+msgid "Enable verbose logging"
+msgstr "Aktivera utförlig loggning"
+msgid "Follow directory symlinks"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Follow file symlinks"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Log"
+msgstr "Logg"
+msgid "Log additional infection info"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Log time with each message"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Max directory scan depth"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Max number of threads"
+msgstr "Maximalt antalet trådar"
+msgid "Max size of log file"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Max size of scanned file"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nej"
+msgid "Port range, highest port"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Port range, lowest port"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Scan ELF files"
+msgstr "Sök igenom ELF-filer"
+msgid "Scan MS Office and .msi files"
+msgstr "Sök igen MS Office och .msi-filer"
+msgid "Scan RFC1341 messages split over many emails"
+msgstr "Sök igen RFC1341-meddelanden uppdelade över många e-postmeddelanden"
+msgid "Scan archives"
+msgstr "Sök igenom arkiven"
+msgid "Scan emails"
+msgstr "Sök igenom e-postmeddelanden"
+msgid "Scan pdf files"
+msgstr "Sök igenom pdf-filer"
+msgid "Scan portable executables"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Scan swf files"
+msgstr "Sök igenom swf-filer"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Inställningar"
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-commands/Makefile b/applications/luci-app-commands/Makefile
index dc5d0ca849..f41d6e2d42 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-commands/Makefile
+++ b/applications/luci-app-commands/Makefile
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/
LUCI_TITLE:=LuCI Shell Command Module
include ../../
# call BuildPackage - OpenWrt buildroot signature
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-commands/po/sv/commands.po b/applications/luci-app-commands/po/sv/commands.po
index 5a4c255e4a..8cb1923e29 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-commands/po/sv/commands.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-commands/po/sv/commands.po
@@ -10,98 +10,102 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
msgid "A short textual description of the configured command"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "En kort textuell beskrivning av det inställda kommandot"
msgid ""
"Allow executing the command and downloading its output without prior "
msgstr ""
+"Tillåt att kommandot kan köras och ladda ner dess utmatning utan föregående "
msgid "Allow the user to provide additional command line arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillåt användaren att tillge extra kommandoradsargument"
msgid "Arguments:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Argument:"
msgid "Binary data not displayed, download instead."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Binärdatan visades inte, ladda ner istället."
msgid "Code:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kod:"
msgid "Collecting data..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Samlar in data..."
msgid "Command"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommando"
msgid "Command executed successfully."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommandot utfördes korrekt"
msgid "Command exited with status code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommandot avslutade med statuskod"
msgid "Command failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommandot misslyckades"
msgid "Command line to execute"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommandorad att exekvera"
msgid "Command successful"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommandot lyckades"
msgid "Command:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommando:"
msgid "Configure"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ställ in"
msgid "Custom Commands"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anpassade kommandon"
msgid "Custom arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anpassade argument"
msgid "Dashboard"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Instrumentpanel"
msgid "Description"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beskrivning"
msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ladda ner"
msgid "Download execution result"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Resultatet av nerladdningen"
msgid "Failed to execute command!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Misslyckade med att köra kommando!"
msgid "Link"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Länk"
msgid "Loading"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Laddar"
msgid "Or display result"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eller visa resultat"
msgid "Public access"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Publik tillgång"
msgid "Run"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kör"
msgid "Standard Error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Standardfel"
msgid "Standard Output"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Standardinmatning"
msgid ""
"This page allows you to configure custom shell commands which can be easily "
"invoked from the web interface."
msgstr ""
+"Den här sidan tillåter dig att ställa in anpassade skalkommandon som lättast kan "
+"åberopas från webbgränssnittet."
msgid "Waiting for command to complete..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Väntar på att kommandot ska slutföras..."
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-ddns/po/sv/ddns.po b/applications/luci-app-ddns/po/sv/ddns.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..780a2f9c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-ddns/po/sv/ddns.po
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+msgid "&"
+msgstr "&"
+msgid "-- custom --"
+msgstr "-- anpassad --"
+msgid "-- default --"
+msgstr "-- standard --"
+msgid "Advanced Settings"
+msgstr "Avancerade inställningar"
+msgid "Allow non-public IP's"
+msgstr "Tillåt icke-publika IP-adresser"
+msgid "Applying changes"
+msgstr "Verkställer ändringar"
+msgid "Basic Settings"
+msgstr "Standardinställningar"
+msgid ""
+"Below a list of configuration tips for your system to run Dynamic DNS "
+"updates without limitations"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Below is a list of configured DDNS configurations and their current state."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Bind Network"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Binding to a specific network not supported"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"BusyBox's nslookup and Wget do not support to specify the IP version to use "
+"for communication with DDNS Provider!"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"BusyBox's nslookup and hostip do not support to specify to use TCP instead "
+"of default UDP when requesting DNS server!"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"BusyBox's nslookup in the current compiled version does not handle given DNS "
+"Servers correctly!"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Casual users should not change this setting"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Change provider"
+msgstr "Byt operatör"
+msgid "Check Interval"
+msgstr "Kontroll-intervall"
+msgid "Collecting data..."
+msgstr "Samlar in data..."
+msgid "Config error"
+msgstr "Konfigurationsfel"
+msgid "Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfiguration"
+msgid ""
+"Configure here the details for all Dynamic DNS services including this LuCI "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Configure here the details for selected Dynamic DNS service."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Current setting"
+msgstr "Nuvarande inställning"
+msgid ""
+"Currently DDNS updates are not started at boot or on interface events.<br /"
+">This is the default if you run DDNS scripts by yourself (i.e. via cron with "
+"force_interval set to '0')"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Currently DDNS updates are not started at boot or on interface events.<br /"
+">You can start/stop each configuration here. It will run until next reboot."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Custom update script to be used for updating your DDNS Provider."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Custom update-URL"
+msgstr "Anpassad webbadress för uppdatering"
+msgid "Custom update-script"
+msgstr "Anpassat uppdateringsskript"
+msgid "DDNS Autostart disabled"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "DDNS Client Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "DDNS Client Documentation"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "DDNS Service provider"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "DNS requests via TCP not supported"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "DNS-Server"
+msgstr "DNS-server"
+msgid "Date format"
+msgstr "Datumformat"
+msgid "Defines the Web page to read systems IPv4-Address from"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Defines the Web page to read systems IPv6-Address from"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Defines the interface to read systems IP-Address from"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Defines the network to read systems IPv4-Address from"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Defines the network to read systems IPv6-Address from"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Defines the source to read systems IPv4-Address from, that will be send to "
+"the DDNS provider"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Defines the source to read systems IPv6-Address from, that will be send to "
+"the DDNS provider"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Defines which IP address 'IPv4/IPv6' is send to the DDNS provider"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Details for"
+msgstr "Detaljer för"
+msgid "Directory contains Log files for each running section"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Directory contains PID and other status information for each running section"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inaktivera"
+msgid "Domain"
+msgstr "Domän"
+msgid "Dynamic DNS"
+msgstr "Dynamisk DNS"
+msgid ""
+"Dynamic DNS allows that your router can be reached with a fixed hostname "
+"while having a dynamically changing IP address."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Enable secure communication with DDNS provider"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Aktiverad"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Fel"
+msgid "Error Retry Counter"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Error Retry Interval"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Event Network"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fil"
+msgid "File not found"
+msgstr "Filen hittades inte"
+msgid "File not found or empty"
+msgstr "Filen hittades inte eller tom"
+msgid ""
+"Follow this link<br />You will find more hints to optimize your system to "
+"run DDNS scripts with all options"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "For detailed information about parameter settings look here."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "For supported codes look here"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Force IP Version"
+msgstr "Tvinga IP-version"
+msgid "Force IP Version not supported"
+msgstr "Påtvingad IP-version stöds inte"
+msgid "Force Interval"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Force TCP on DNS"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Forced IP Version don't matched"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Format"
+msgid "Format: IP or FQDN"
+msgstr "Format: IP eller FQDN"
+msgid ""
+"GNU Wget will use the IP of given network, cURL will use the physical "
+msgstr ""
+"GNU Wget kommer att använda IP-adressen för det angivna nätverket, cURL kommer att använda det fysiska "
+msgid "Global Settings"
+msgstr "Globala inställningar"
+msgid "HTTPS not supported"
+msgstr "HTTPS stöds inte"
+msgid "Hints"
+msgstr "Ledtrådar"
+msgid "Hostname/FQDN to validate, if IP update happen or necessary"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "IP address source"
+msgstr "IP-adressens källa"
+msgid "IP address version"
+msgstr "Version för IP-adress"
+msgid "IPv4-Address"
+msgstr "IPv4-adress"
+msgid "IPv6 address must be given in square brackets"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"IPv6 is currently not (fully) supported by this system<br />Please follow "
+"the instructions on OpenWrt's homepage to enable IPv6 support<br />or update "
+"your system to the latest OpenWrt Release"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "IPv6 not supported"
+msgstr "IPv6 stöds inte"
+msgid "IPv6-Address"
+msgstr "IPv6-adress"
+msgid "If both cURL and GNU Wget are installed, Wget is used by default."
+msgstr "Om både cURL och GNU Wget är installerade så används Wget som standard."
+msgid ""
+"If this service section is disabled it could not be started.<br />Neither "
+"from LuCI interface nor from console"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "If using secure communication you should verify server certificates!"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"If you want to send updates for IPv4 and IPv6 you need to define two "
+"separate Configurations i.e. 'myddns_ipv4' and 'myddns_ipv6'"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"In some versions cURL/libcurl in OpenWrt is compiled without proxy support."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Info"
+msgstr "Info"
+msgid ""
+"Install 'ca-certificates' package or needed certificates by hand into /etc/"
+"ssl/certs default directory"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Interface"
+msgstr "Gränssnitt"
+msgid ""
+"Interval to check for changed IP<br />Values below 5 minutes == 300 seconds "
+"are not supported"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Interval to force updates send to DDNS Provider<br />Setting this parameter "
+"to 0 will force the script to only run once<br />Values lower 'Check "
+"Interval' except '0' are not supported"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "It is NOT recommended for casual users to change settings on this page."
+msgstr "Det är INTE rekommenderat för vanliga användare att ändra inställningar på den här sidan."
+msgid "Last Update"
+msgstr "Senaste uppdateringen"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Laddar"
+msgid "Log File Viewer"
+msgstr "Visare för loggfil"
+msgid "Log directory"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Log length"
+msgstr "Loggens längd"
+msgid "Log to file"
+msgstr "Logga till fil"
+msgid "Log to syslog"
+msgstr "Logga till syslog"
+msgid "Lookup Hostname"
+msgstr "Kolla upp värdnamn"
+msgid "NOT installed"
+msgstr "INTE installerad"
+msgid ""
+"Neither GNU Wget with SSL nor cURL installed to select a network to use for "
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Neither GNU Wget with SSL nor cURL installed to support secure updates via "
+"HTTPS protocol."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Nätverk"
+msgid "Network on which the ddns-updater scripts will be started"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Aldrig"
+msgid "Next Update"
+msgstr "Nästa uppdatering"
+msgid "No certificates found"
+msgstr "Inga ceritifikat hittades"
+msgid "No data"
+msgstr "Ingen data"
+msgid "No logging"
+msgstr "Ingen loggning"
+msgid "Non-public and by default blocked IP's"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Notice"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Number of last lines stored in log files"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "OPTIONAL: Force the usage of pure IPv4/IPv6 only communication."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "OPTIONAL: Force the use of TCP instead of default UDP on DNS requests."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "OPTIONAL: Network to use for communication"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "OPTIONAL: Proxy-Server for detection and updates."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "OPTIONAL: Use non-default DNS-Server to detect 'Registered IP'."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "On Error the script will retry the failed action after given time"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "On Error the script will stop execution after given number of retrys"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "OpenWrt Wiki"
+msgstr "Wiki för OpenWrt"
+msgid "Optional Encoded Parameter"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Optional Parameter"
+msgstr "Valfri parameter"
+msgid "Optional: Replaces [PARAMENC] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Optional: Replaces [PARAMOPT] in Update-URL (NOT URL-encoded)"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "PROXY-Server"
+msgstr "PROXY-server"
+msgid "PROXY-Server not supported"
+msgstr "PROXY-servern stöds inte"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Lösenord"
+msgid "Path to CA-Certificate"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Please [Save & Apply] your changes first"
+msgstr "Vänligen [Spara & Verkställ] dina ändringar först"
+msgid "Please press [Read] button"
+msgstr "Vänligen tryck på [Läs]-knappen"
+msgid "Please update to the current version!"
+msgstr "Vänligen uppdatera till den senaste versionen!"
+msgid "Process ID"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Read / Reread log file"
+msgstr "Läs / Läs om loggfilen"
+msgid "Really change DDNS provider?"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Registered IP"
+msgstr "Registrerad IP"
+msgid "Replaces [DOMAIN] in Update-URL"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Replaces [PASSWORD] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Replaces [USERNAME] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Run once"
+msgstr "Kör en gång"
+msgid "Script"
+msgstr "Skript"
+msgid "Show more"
+msgstr "Visa mer"
+msgid "Software update required"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Specifying a DNS-Server is not supported"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Starta"
+msgid "Start / Stop"
+msgstr "Starta / Stoppa"
+msgid "Status directory"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Stopped"
+msgstr "Stoppad"
+msgid ""
+"The currently installed 'ddns-scripts' package did not support all available "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "The default setting of '0' will retry infinite."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "There is no service configured."
+msgstr "Det finns ingen tjänst inställd."
+msgid "Timer Settings"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "To change global settings click here"
+msgstr "Klicka här för att ändra på globala inställningar"
+msgid "To use cURL activate this option."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "Webbadress"
+msgid "URL to detect"
+msgstr "Webbadress att upptäcka"
+msgid "Unknown error"
+msgstr "Okänt fel"
+msgid ""
+"Update URL to be used for updating your DDNS Provider.<br />Follow "
+"instructions you will find on their WEB page."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Update error"
+msgstr "Uppdateringsfel"
+msgid "Use HTTP Secure"
+msgstr "Använd Säker HTTP"
+msgid "Use cURL"
+msgstr "Använd cURL"
+msgid "User defined script to read systems IP-Address"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Username"
+msgstr "Användarnamn"
+msgid "Using specific DNS Server not supported"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Verify"
+msgstr "Verkställ"
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Version"
+msgid "Version Information"
+msgstr "Information om versionen"
+msgid "Waiting for changes to be applied..."
+msgstr "Väntar på att ändringarna ska bli verkställda..."
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr "Varning"
+msgid ""
+"Writes detailed messages to log file. File will be truncated automatically."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Writes log messages to syslog. Critical Errors will always be written to "
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"You should install 'bind-host' or 'knot-host' or 'drill' or 'hostip' "
+"package, if you need to specify a DNS server to detect your registered IP."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"You should install 'bind-host' or 'knot-host' or 'drill' package for DNS "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "You should install 'wget' or 'curl' or 'uclient-fetch' package."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"You should install 'wget' or 'curl' or 'uclient-fetch' with 'libustream-"
+"*ssl' package."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "You should install 'wget' or 'curl' package."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"You should install 'wget' or 'uclient-fetch' package or replace libcurl."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "cURL is installed, but libcurl was compiled without proxy support."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "cURL without Proxy Support"
+msgstr "cURL utan Proxy-stöd"
+msgid "can not detect local IP. Please select a different Source combination"
+msgstr "kan inte upptäcka lokal IP-adress. Vänligen välj en annorlunda Käll-kombination"
+msgid "can not resolve host:"
+msgstr "kan inte avgöra värd:"
+msgid "config error"
+msgstr "konfigurationsfel"
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "dagar"
+msgid "directory or path/file"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "either url or script could be set"
+msgstr "kunde varken fastställa webbadress eller skript"
+msgid "enable here"
+msgstr "aktivera här"
+msgid "file or directory not found or not 'IGNORE'"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "help"
+msgstr "hjälp"
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr "timmar"
+msgid "installed"
+msgstr "installerad"
+msgid "invalid FQDN / required - Sample"
+msgstr "ogiltig FQDN / behövs - Urval"
+msgid "minimum value '0'"
+msgstr "minimalt värde '0'"
+msgid "minimum value '1'"
+msgstr "minimalt värde '1'"
+msgid "minimum value 5 minutes == 300 seconds"
+msgstr "minimalt värde 5 minuter == 300 sekunder"
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "minutrar"
+msgid "missing / required"
+msgstr "saknas / behövs"
+msgid "must be greater or equal 'Check Interval'"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "must start with 'http://'"
+msgstr "måste börja med 'http://"
+msgid "nc (netcat) can not connect"
+msgstr "nc (netcat) kan inte ansluta"
+msgid "never"
+msgstr "aldrig"
+msgid "no data"
+msgstr "ingen data"
+msgid "not found or not executable - Sample: '/path/to/'"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "nslookup can not resolve host"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "or"
+msgstr "eller"
+msgid "or higher"
+msgstr "eller större"
+msgid "please disable"
+msgstr "vänligen inaktivera"
+msgid "please remove entry"
+msgstr "vänligen ta bort inmatningen"
+msgid "please select 'IPv4' address version"
+msgstr "vänligen välj version för 'IPv4'-adress"
+msgid "please select 'IPv4' address version in"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "please set to 'default'"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "proxy port missing"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "required"
+msgstr "behövs"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekunder"
+msgid "to run HTTPS without verification of server certificates (insecure)"
+msgstr "för att köra HTTPS utan verifiering av server-certifikaten (osäkert)"
+msgid "unknown error"
+msgstr "okänt fel"
+msgid "unspecific error"
+msgstr "ospecifierat fel"
+msgid "use hostname, FQDN, IPv4- or IPv6-Address"
+msgstr "använd värdnamn, FQDN, IPv4- eller IPv6-adress"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-diag-core/po/sv/diag_core.po b/applications/luci-app-diag-core/po/sv/diag_core.po
index dd0a81a644..b5679655d0 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-diag-core/po/sv/diag_core.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-diag-core/po/sv/diag_core.po
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
msgid "Configure Diagnostics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ställ in diagnostik"
msgid "Diagnostics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Diagnostik"
msgid ""
"The diagnostics available under this menu depend on what modules you have "
@@ -29,3 +29,5 @@ msgid ""
"With this menu you can configure network diagnostics, such as network device "
"scans and ping tests."
msgstr ""
+"Med den här menyn så kan du ställa in nätverksdiagnostik så som igenomsökningar och "
+"ping-tester för nätverksenheten."
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-firewall/Makefile b/applications/luci-app-firewall/Makefile
index 21804d7c2d..4fa85f2d5b 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-firewall/Makefile
+++ b/applications/luci-app-firewall/Makefile
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/
LUCI_TITLE:=Firewall and Portforwarding application
include ../../
# call BuildPackage - OpenWrt buildroot signature
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-firewall/po/sv/firewall.po b/applications/luci-app-firewall/po/sv/firewall.po
index 2e169fb927..777c81787d 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-firewall/po/sv/firewall.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-firewall/po/sv/firewall.po
@@ -10,43 +10,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
msgid "%s in %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s i %s"
msgid "%s%s with %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s%s med %s"
msgid "%s, %s in %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%2, %s i %s"
msgid "(Unnamed Entry)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Namnlös post)"
msgid "(Unnamed Rule)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Namnlös regel)"
msgid "(Unnamed SNAT)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Namnlös SNAT)"
msgid "<var>%d</var> pkts. per <var>%s</var>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<var>%d</var> pkt. per <var>%s</var>"
msgid "<var>%d</var> pkts. per <var>%s</var>, burst <var>%d</var> pkts."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<var>%d</var> pkt. per <var>%s</var>, brustna <var>%d</var> pkt."
msgid "<var>%s</var> and limit to %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<var>%s</var> och gränsen till %s"
msgid "Action"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Åtgärd"
msgid "Add"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till"
msgid "Add and edit..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till och redigera..."
msgid "Advanced Settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avancerade inställningar"
msgid "Allow forward from <em>source zones</em>:"
msgstr ""
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ msgid "Allow forward to <em>destination zones</em>:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Any"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alla"
msgid "Covered networks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nätverk som omfattas"
msgid "Custom Rules"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anpassade regler"
msgid ""
"Custom rules allow you to execute arbritary iptables commands which are not "
@@ -73,22 +73,22 @@ msgid "Destination IP address"
msgstr ""
msgid "Destination address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Destinationsadress"
msgid "Destination port"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Destinationsport"
msgid "Destination zone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do not rewrite"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skriv inte om igen"
msgid "Drop invalid packets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Släpp ogiltiga paket"
msgid "Enable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktivera"
msgid "Enable NAT Loopback"
msgstr ""
@@ -100,22 +100,22 @@ msgid "Enable logging on this zone"
msgstr ""
msgid "External IP address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Extern IP-adress"
msgid "External port"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Extern port"
msgid "External zone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Extern zon"
msgid "Extra arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Extra argument"
msgid "Firewall"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Brandvägg"
msgid "Firewall - Custom Rules"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Brandvägg - Anpassade regler"
msgid "Firewall - Port Forwards"
msgstr ""
@@ -130,16 +130,16 @@ msgid "Force connection tracking"
msgstr ""
msgid "Forward"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vidarebefordra"
msgid "Forward to"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vidarebefordra till"
msgid "Friday"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fredag"
msgid "From %s in %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Från %s i %s"
msgid "From %s in %s with source %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,40 +148,40 @@ msgid "From %s in %s with source %s and %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "General Settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Generella inställningar"
msgid "IPv4"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IPv4"
msgid "IPv4 and IPv6"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IPv4 och IPv6"
msgid "IPv4 only"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Endast IPv4"
msgid "IPv6"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IPv6"
msgid "IPv6 only"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Endast IPv6"
msgid "Input"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inmatning"
msgid "Inter-Zone Forwarding"
msgstr ""
msgid "Internal IP address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Intern IP-adress"
msgid "Internal port"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Intern port"
msgid "Internal zone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Intern zon"
msgid "Limit log messages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Begränsa loggmeddelanden"
msgid "MSS clamping"
msgstr ""
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ msgid "Masquerading"
msgstr ""
msgid "Match"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Matcha"
msgid "Match ICMP type"
msgstr ""
@@ -209,22 +209,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Monday"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Måndag"
msgid "Month Days"
msgstr ""
msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Namn"
msgid "New SNAT rule"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ny SNAT-regel"
msgid "New forward rule"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ny vidarebefordningsregel"
msgid "New input rule"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ny inmatningsregel"
msgid "New port forward"
msgstr ""
@@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Open ports on router"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Öppna portar i router"
msgid "Other..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Andra..."
msgid "Output"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utmatning"
msgid "Passes additional arguments to iptables. Use with care!"
msgstr ""
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Protocol"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Protokoll"
msgid ""
"Redirect matched incoming traffic to the given port on the internal host"
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ msgid "Redirect matched incoming traffic to the specified internal host"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart Firewall"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Starta om brandvägg"
msgid "Restrict Masquerading to given destination subnets"
msgstr ""
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ msgid "Restrict Masquerading to given source subnets"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restrict to address family"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Begränsa till adressfamilj"
msgid "Rewrite matched traffic to the given address."
msgstr ""
@@ -297,25 +297,25 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Rewrite to source %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skriv om igen till källan %s"
msgid "Rewrite to source %s, %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "SNAT IP address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IP-adress för SNAT"
msgid "SNAT port"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SNAT-port"
msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lördag"
msgid "Source IP address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "IP-adress för källa"
msgid "Source MAC address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MAC-adress för källa"
msgid "Source NAT"
msgstr ""
@@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ msgid "Source zone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Startdatum (åååå-mm-dd)"
msgid "Start Time (hh:mm:ss)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Starttid (tt:mm:ss)"
msgid "Stop Date (yyyy-mm-dd)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stopptid (åååå-mm-dd)"
msgid "Stop Time (hh:mm:ss)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stopptid (tt:mm:ss)"
msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Söndag"
msgid ""
"The firewall creates zones over your network interfaces to control network "
@@ -383,22 +383,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Torsdag"
msgid "Time in UTC"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tid enligt UTC"
msgid "To %s at %s on <var>this device</var>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Till %s vid %s på <var>den här enheten</var>"
msgid "To %s in %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Till %s i %s"
msgid "To %s on <var>this device</var>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Till %s på <var>den här enheten</var>"
msgid "To %s, %s in %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Till %s, %s i %s"
msgid "To source IP"
msgstr ""
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ msgid "To source port"
msgstr ""
msgid "Traffic Rules"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Trafikregler"
msgid ""
"Traffic rules define policies for packets traveling between different zones, "
@@ -416,19 +416,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tisdag"
msgid "Via %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Via %s"
msgid "Via %s at %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Onsdag"
msgid "Week Days"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Veckodagar"
msgid ""
"You may specify multiple by selecting \"-- custom --\" and then entering "
@@ -436,37 +436,37 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Zone %q"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zon %q"
msgid "Zone ⇒ Forwardings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Zones"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zoner"
msgid "accept"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "acceptera"
msgid "any"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "alla"
msgid "any host"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "alla värdar"
msgid "any router IP"
msgstr ""
msgid "any zone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "alla zoner"
msgid "don't track"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "spåra inte"
msgid "drop"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "släpp"
msgid "reject"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "neka"
msgid "traffic"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "trafik"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/ja/mwan3.po b/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/ja/mwan3.po
index 771d78dc85..834a82053c 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/ja/mwan3.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/ja/mwan3.po
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ msgid "There are currently %d of 250 supported interfaces configured"
msgstr "現在、250個中 %d 個のサポートされたインターフェースが設定済みです。"
msgid ""
-"This Hostname or IP Address will be pinged to determine if the link is up or "
+"This hostname or IP address will be pinged to determine if the link is up or "
"down. Leave blank to assume interface is always online"
msgstr ""
"リンクの Up または Down 状態を判定するために、このホスト名または IP アドレス"
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ msgstr ""
"wan2, その他)<br />$DEVICE - インターフェースにアタッチされたデバイスの名前"
"(eth0.1, eth1, その他)"
-msgid "Tracking Hostname or IP Address"
+msgid "Tracking hostname or IP address"
msgstr "追跡ホスト名または IP アドレス"
msgid "Tracking IP"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/templates/mwan3.pot b/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/templates/mwan3.pot
index d946201d9c..3040d2661a 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/templates/mwan3.pot
+++ b/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/templates/mwan3.pot
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ msgid "There are currently %d of 250 supported interfaces configured"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"This Hostname or IP Address will be pinged to determine if the link is up or "
+"This hostname or IP address will be pinged to determine if the link is up or "
"down. Leave blank to assume interface is always online"
msgstr ""
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ msgid ""
"device name attached to the interface (eth0.1, eth1, etc.)"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Tracking Hostname or IP Address"
+msgid "Tracking hostname or IP address"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tracking IP"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/zh-cn/mwan3.po b/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/zh-cn/mwan3.po
index 236ff3df5d..d1066c5850 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/zh-cn/mwan3.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-mwan3/po/zh-cn/mwan3.po
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgid "There are currently %d of 250 supported interfaces configured"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"This Hostname or IP Address will be pinged to determine if the link is up or "
+"This hostname or IP address will be pinged to determine if the link is up or "
"down. Leave blank to assume interface is always online"
msgstr ""
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ msgstr ""
"$INTERFACE 是接口名称 (wan1、wan2 等)<br />$DEVICE 是连接到接口的设备名称 "
"(eth0.1、eth1 等)"
-msgid "Tracking Hostname or IP Address"
+msgid "Tracking hostname or IP address"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tracking IP"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-privoxy/Makefile b/applications/luci-app-privoxy/Makefile
index e174c807b8..486cf0ee74 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-privoxy/Makefile
+++ b/applications/luci-app-privoxy/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2008-2015 The LuCI Team <>
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2017 The LuCI Team <>
# This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 .
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ PKG_VERSION:=1.0.6
# Release == build
# increase on changes of translation files
-PKG_MAINTAINER:=Christian Schoenebeck <>
# LuCI specific settings
LUCI_TITLE:=LuCI Support for Privoxy WEB proxy
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ help
include ../../
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-qos/Makefile b/applications/luci-app-qos/Makefile
index dd322a347a..fd12557453 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-qos/Makefile
+++ b/applications/luci-app-qos/Makefile
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/
LUCI_TITLE:=Quality of Service configuration module
include ../../
# call BuildPackage - OpenWrt buildroot signature
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/controller/luci_statistics/luci_statistics.lua b/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/controller/luci_statistics/luci_statistics.lua
index 1bc0714de8..443f20b0f4 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/controller/luci_statistics/luci_statistics.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/controller/luci_statistics/luci_statistics.lua
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ function index()
{ "admin", "statistics", "collectd", section, plugin },
cbi("luci_statistics/" .. plugin ),
- labels[plugin], j * 10
+ labels[plugin] or plugin, j * 10
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua b/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
index 4e00e7f1fc..e29a2e17d9 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ function Graph._generic( self, opts, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype, index )
-- create line1 statement
_tif( _args, "LINE%d:%s_%s#%s:%s",
- source.noarea and 2 or 1,
+ source.width or (source.noarea and 2 or 1),
source.sname, var, line_color, legend )
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-watchcat/po/sv/watchcat.po b/applications/luci-app-watchcat/po/sv/watchcat.po
index 0b811bceea..07aa726493 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-watchcat/po/sv/watchcat.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-watchcat/po/sv/watchcat.po
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ msgid ""
"How often to check internet connection. Default unit is seconds, you can you "
"use the suffix 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days"
msgstr ""
+"Hur ofta internet-anslutningen ska kollas. Standardenheten är sekunder, du kan använda "
+"tillägget 'm' för minutrar, 't' för timmar eller 'd' för dagar"
msgid ""
"In periodic mode, it defines the reboot period. In internet mode, it defines "
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Operating mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Driftsläge"
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Period"
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ msgid "Ping host"
msgstr "Pinga värd"
msgid "Ping period"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Period för pingning"
msgid "Watchcat"
msgstr "Watchcat"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-wifischedule/po/sv/wifischedule.po b/applications/luci-app-wifischedule/po/sv/wifischedule.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca4e5aac78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-wifischedule/po/sv/wifischedule.po
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+msgid "Activate wifi"
+msgstr "Aktivera wifi"
+msgid "Could not find required /usr/bin/ or /sbin/wifi"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Could not find required programm /usr/bin/iwinfo"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Cron Jobs"
+msgstr "Cron-jobb"
+msgid "Day(s) of Week"
+msgstr "Dag(ar) i veckan"
+msgid "Defines a schedule when to turn on and off wifi."
+msgstr "Anger ett schema när wifi ska startas och stängas ner."
+msgid "Determine Modules Automatically"
+msgstr "Avgör moduler automatiskt"
+msgid "Disable wifi gracefully"
+msgstr "Inaktivera wifi elegant"
+msgid "Disabled wifi forced"
+msgstr "Inaktivering av wifi påtvingat"
+msgid "Enable"
+msgstr "Aktivera"
+msgid "Enable Wifi Schedule"
+msgstr "Aktivera Wifi-schema"
+msgid "Enable logging"
+msgstr "Aktivera loggning"
+msgid "Force disabling wifi even if stations associated"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Friday"
+msgstr "Fredag"
+msgid "Global Settings"
+msgstr "Globala inställningar"
+msgid "Monday"
+msgstr "Måndag"
+msgid "Saturday"
+msgstr "Lördag"
+msgid "Schedule"
+msgstr "Schema"
+msgid "Schedule events"
+msgstr "Schemalägg händelser"
+msgid "Start Time"
+msgstr "Starttid"
+msgid "Start WiFi"
+msgstr "Starta WiFi"
+msgid "Stop Time"
+msgstr "Stopptid"
+msgid "Stop WiFi"
+msgstr "Stoppa WiFi"
+msgid "Sunday"
+msgstr "Söndag"
+msgid "The value %s is invalid"
+msgstr "Värdet %s är ogiltigt"
+msgid "Thursday"
+msgstr "Torsdag"
+msgid "Tuesday"
+msgstr "Tisdag"
+msgid "Unload Modules (experimental; saves more power)"
+msgstr "Befria moduler (experimentiell; sparar mer ström)"
+msgid "View Cron Jobs"
+msgstr "Se Cron-jobb"
+msgid "View Logfile"
+msgstr "Se loggfilen"
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "Onsdag"
+msgid "Wifi Schedule"
+msgstr "Wifi-schema"
+msgid "Wifi Schedule Logfile"
+msgstr "Loggfil för Wifi-schema"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-wireguard/po/sv/wireguard.po b/applications/luci-app-wireguard/po/sv/wireguard.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7e3ed5b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-wireguard/po/sv/wireguard.po
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+msgid "Allowed IPs"
+msgstr "Tillåtna IP-adresser"
+msgid "Collecting data..."
+msgstr "Samlar in data..."
+msgid "Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfiguration"
+msgid "Data Received"
+msgstr "Mottagen data"
+msgid "Data Transmitted"
+msgstr "Överförd data"
+msgid "Endpoint"
+msgstr "Slutpunkt"
+msgid "Firewall Mark"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Interface"
+msgstr "Gränssnitt"
+msgid "Interface does not have a public key!"
+msgstr "Gränssnittet har inte en publik nyckel!"
+msgid "Latest Handshake"
+msgstr "Senaste handskakning"
+msgid "Listen Port"
+msgstr "Lyssningsport"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Aldrig"
+msgid "Peer"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Persistent Keepalive"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Publik nyckel"
+msgid "WireGuard Status"
+msgstr "Status för WireGuard"
+msgid "h ago"
+msgstr "t sedan"
+msgid "m ago"
+msgstr "m sedan"
+msgid "over a day ago"
+msgstr "över en dag sedan"
+msgid "s ago"
+msgstr "s sedan"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-wol/po/sv/wol.po b/applications/luci-app-wol/po/sv/wol.po
index 5b3e923476..923d4fdbac 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-wol/po/sv/wol.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-wol/po/sv/wol.po
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Host to wake up"
-msgstr "Värd som ska väckas upp"
+msgstr "Värd att väcka upp"
msgid "Network interface to use"
-msgstr "Nätverksgränssnitt som ska användas"
+msgstr "Nätverksgränssnitt att använda"
msgid "Send to broadcast address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skicka till sändningsadress"
msgid ""
"Sometimes only one of the two tools works. If one fails, try the other one"