path: root/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n
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Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n')
2 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08d81dccaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+fw_fw1 = [[Mit Hilfe der Firewall können Zugriffe auf das Netzwerk
+erlaubt, verboten oder umgeleitet werden.]]
+lucifw_rule_chain = "Kette"
+lucifw_rule_iface = "Eingangsschnittstelle"
+lucifw_rule_oface = "Ausgangsschnittstelle"
+lucifw_rule_source = "Quelladresse"
+lucifw_rule_destination = "Zieladresse"
+lucifw_rule_mac = "MAC-Adresse"
+lucifw_rule_sport = "Quellport"
+lucifw_rule_dport = "Zielport"
+lucifw_rule_tosrc = "Neue Quelladresse [SNAT]"
+lucifw_rule_todest = "Neue Zieladresse [DNAT]"
+lucifw_rule_jump = "Aktion"
+lucifw_rule_command = "Eigener Befehl"
+fw_accept = "annehmen (ACCEPT)"
+fw_reject = "zurückweisen (REJECT)"
+fw_drop = "verwerfen (DROP)"
+fw_log = "protokollieren (LOG)"
+fw_dnat = "Ziel umschreiben (DNAT) [nur Prerouting]"
+fw_masq = "maskieren (MASQUERADE) [nur Postrouting]"
+fw_snat = "Quelle umschreiben (SNAT) [nur Postrouting]"
+fw_portfw1 = [[Portweiterleitungen ermöglichen es interne
+Netzwerkdienste von einem anderen externen Netzwerk aus erreichbar zu machen.]]
+lucifw_portfw_iface_desc = "Externe Schnittstelle"
+lucifw_portfw_dport = "Externer Port"
+lucifw_portfw_dport_desc = "Port[:Endport]"
+lucifw_portfw_to = "Interne Adresse"
+lucifw_portfw_to_desc = "IP-Adresse[:Zielport[-Zielendport]]"
+fw_routing1 = [[An dieser Stelle wird festlegt, welcher Netzverkehr zwischen einzelnen
+Schnittstellen erlaubt werden soll. Es werden jeweils nur neue Verbindungen
+betrachtet, d.h. Pakete von aufgebauten oder zugehörigen Verbindungen werden automatisch in beide Richtungen
+akzeptiert, auch wenn das Feld "beide Richtungen" nicht explizit gesetzt ist.
+NAT ermöglicht Adressübersetzung.]]
+lucifw_routing_iface = "Eingang"
+lucifw_routing_iface_desc = lucifw_rule_iface
+lucifw_routing_oface = "Ausgang"
+lucifw_routing_oface_desc = lucifw_rule_oface
+lucifw_routing_fwd_desc = "weiterleiten"
+lucifw_routing_nat_desc = "übersetzen"
+lucifw_routing_bidi_desc = "beide Richtungen" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b822c81711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+fw_portfw = "Port forwarding"
+fw_routing = "Routing"
+fw_fw = "Firewall"
+fw_fw1 = "Here you can grant, access or redirect network traffic."
+lucifw_rule_chain = "Chain"
+lucifw_rule_iface = "Input interface"
+lucifw_rule_oface = "Output interface"
+lucifw_rule_source = "Source address"
+lucifw_rule_destination = "Destination address"
+lucifw_rule_mac = "MAC-Address"
+lucifw_rule_sport = "Source port"
+lucifw_rule_dport = "Destination port"
+lucifw_rule_tosrc = "New source address [SNAT]"
+lucifw_rule_todest = "New target address [DNAT]"
+lucifw_rule_jump = "Action"
+lucifw_rule_command = "Custom Command"
+fw_accept = "accept"
+fw_reject = "reject"
+fw_drop = "drop"
+fw_log = "log"
+fw_dnat = "change destination (DNAT) [prerouting only]"
+fw_masq = "masquerade [postrouting only]"
+fw_snat = "change source (SNAT) [postrouting only]"
+fw_portfw1 = [[Port forwarding allows to provide network services
+in the internal network to an external network.]]
+lucifw_portfw_iface_desc = "External interface"
+lucifw_portfw_dport = "External port"
+lucifw_portfw_dport_desc = "Port[:last port]"
+lucifw_portfw_to = "Internal address"
+lucifw_portfw_to_desc = "IP-address[:target port[-last port]]"
+fw_routing1 = [[Here you can specify which network traffic is allowed to flow between network interfaces.
+Only new connections will be matched. Packets belonging to already open connections are automatically allowed
+to pass the firewall in this case you do not need to set the "bidirectional" flag. NAT provides
+address translation.]]
+lucifw_routing_iface = "Input"
+lucifw_routing_iface_desc = lucifw_rule_iface
+lucifw_routing_oface = "Output"
+lucifw_routing_oface_desc = lucifw_rule_oface
+lucifw_routing_fwd_desc = "forward"
+lucifw_routing_nat_desc = "translate"
+lucifw_routing_bidi_desc = "bidirectional" \ No newline at end of file