path: root/applications/luci-ffwizard/luasrc/model/cbi
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Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-ffwizard/luasrc/model/cbi')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-ffwizard/luasrc/model/cbi/freifunk/ffwizard.lua b/applications/luci-ffwizard/luasrc/model/cbi/freifunk/ffwizard.lua
index 297834f990..8a6e078369 100644
--- a/applications/luci-ffwizard/luasrc/model/cbi/freifunk/ffwizard.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-ffwizard/luasrc/model/cbi/freifunk/ffwizard.lua
@@ -90,6 +90,78 @@ function gen_dhcp_range(n)
return "?"
+function cbi_meship(dev)
+ meship = f:field(Value, "meship_" .. dev, dev:upper() .. " " .. translate("Mesh IP address"),
+ translate("This is a unique address in the mesh (e.g. and has to be registered at your local community."))
+ meship:depends("device_" .. dev, "1")
+ meship.rmempty = true
+ function meship.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "meship_" .. dev)
+ end
+ function meship.validate(self, value)
+ local x = ip.IPv4(value)
+ return ( x and x:prefix() == 32 ) and x:string() or ""
+ end
+ function meship.write(self, sec, value)
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "meship_" .. dev, value)
+ end
+function cbi_meship6(dev)
+ local meship6 = f:field(Value, "meship6_" .. dev, dev:upper() .. " " .. translate("Mesh IPv6 Address"), translate("The ipv6 address is calculated auomatically."))
+ meship6:depends("device_" .. dev, "1")
+ meship6.rmempty = true
+ function meship6.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return get_ula(get_mac(dev))
+ end
+function cbi_netconf(dev)
+ local d = f:field(Flag, "device_" .. dev , " <b>" .. dev:upper() .. "</b>", "Configure this interface.")
+ d:depends("netconfig", "1")
+ d.rmempty = false
+ function d.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "device_" .. dev)
+ end
+ function d.write(self, sec, value)
+ if value then
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "device_" .. dev, value)
+ uci:save("freifunk")
+ end
+ end
+function cbi_meshdhcp(dev)
+ local dhcpmesh = f:field(Value, "dhcpmesh_" .. dev, dev:upper() .. " " .. translate("DHCP IP range"),
+ translate("The IP range from which clients are assigned ip addresses (e.g. If this is a range inside your mesh network range, then it will be announced as HNA. Any other range will use NAT. If left empty then the defaults from the community profile will be used."))
+ dhcpmesh:depends("client_" .. dev, "1")
+ dhcpmesh.rmempty = true
+ function dhcpmesh.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcpmesh_" .. dev)
+ end
+ function dhcpmesh.validate(self, value)
+ local x = ip.IPv4(value)
+ return ( x and x:prefix() <= 30 and x:minhost()) and x:string() or ""
+ end
+ function dhcpmesh.write(self, sec, value)
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcpmesh_" .. dev, value)
+ uci:save("freifunk")
+ end
+function cbi_dhcp(dev)
+ local client = f:field(Flag, "client_" .. dev, dev:upper() .. " " .. translate("Enable DHCP"), translate("DHCP will automatically assign ip addresses to clients"))
+ client:depends("device_" .. dev, "1")
+ client.rmempty = true
+ function client.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "client_" .. dev)
+ end
+ function client.write(self, sec, value)
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "client_" .. dev, value)
+ uci:save("freifunk")
+ end
function hbconf(dev)
if has_hb then
local ifacelist = uci:get_list("manager", "heartbeat", "interface") or {}
@@ -99,9 +171,36 @@ function hbconf(dev)
+function uci_radvd(n)
+ uci:section("radvd", "interface", nil, {
+ interface =n,
+ AdvSendAdvert =1,
+ AdvManagedFlag =0,
+ AdvOtherConfigFlag =0,
+ ignore =0
+ })
+ uci:section("radvd", "prefix", nil, {
+ interface =n,
+ AdvOnLink =1,
+ AdvAutonomous =1,
+ AdvRouterAddr =0,
+ ignore =0,
+ })
+ uci:save("radvd")
+function uci_clean_radvd (n)
+ uci:delete_all("radvd", "interface", {interface=n.."dhcp"})
+ uci:delete_all("radvd", "interface", {interface=n})
+ uci:delete_all("radvd", "prefix", {interface=n.."dhcp"})
+ uci:delete_all("radvd", "prefix", {interface=n})
-------------------- View --------------------
-f = SimpleForm("ffwizward", "Freifunkassistent",
- translate("This wizard will assist you in setting up your router for your local Freifunk network or another similar wireless community network."))
+f = SimpleForm("ffwizward", translate("Wizard"),
+ translate("This wizard will assist you in setting up your router for Freifunk " ..
+ "or another similar wireless community network."))
-- if password is not set or default then force the user to set a new one
if sys.exec("diff /rom/etc/passwd /etc/passwd") == "" then
@@ -109,7 +208,7 @@ if sys.exec("diff /rom/etc/passwd /etc/passwd") == "" then
pw1.password = true
pw1.rmempty = false
- pw2 = f:field(Value, "pw2", translate("Confirmation"))
+ pw2 = f:field(Value, "pw2", translate("Password confirmation"))
pw2.password = true
pw2.rmempty = false
@@ -123,184 +222,82 @@ end
local cc = uci:get(community, "wifi_device", "country") or "DE"
main = f:field(Flag, "netconfig", translate("Configure network"), translate("Select this checkbox to configure your network interfaces."))
-uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device",
- function(section)
- local device = section[".name"]
- local hwtype = section.type
- local syscc =
- if not syscc then
- if hwtype == "atheros" then
- cc = sys.exec("grep -i '" .. cc .. "' /lib/wifi/cc_translate.txt |cut -d ' ' -f 2") or 0
- sys.exec("echo " .. cc .. " > /proc/sys/dev/" .. device .. "/countrycode")
- elseif hwtype == "mac80211" then
- sys.exec("iw reg set " .. cc)
- elseif hwtype == "broadcom" then
- sys.exec ("wlc country " .. cc)
- end
- else
- cc = syscc
- end
- local dev = f:field(Flag, "device_" .. device , "<b>Drahtloses Netzwerk \"" .. device:upper() .. "\"</b> ", "Konfigurieren Sie Ihre drahtlose " .. device:upper() .. "Schnittstelle (WLAN).")
- dev:depends("netconfig", "1")
- dev.rmempty = false
- function dev.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "device_" .. device)
- end
- function dev.write(self, sec, value)
- if value then
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "device_" .. device, value)
- uci:save("freifunk")
- end
- end
- local chan = f:field(ListValue, "chan_" .. device, device:upper() .. " Freifunk Kanal einrichten", "Ihr Gerät und benachbarte Freifunk Knoten müssen auf demselben Kanal senden. Je nach Gerätetyp können Sie zwischen verschiedenen 2,4Ghz und 5Ghz Kanälen auswählen.")
- chan:depends("device_" .. device, "1")
- chan.rmempty = true
- function chan.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "chan_" .. device)
- end
- chan:value('default')
- for _, f in ipairs(sys.wifi.channels(device)) do
- if not f.restricted then
- chan:value(
- end
- end
+uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device", function(section)
+ local device = section[".name"]
+ local hwtype = section.type
+ local syscc =
- function chan.write(self, sec, value)
- if value then
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "chan_" .. device, value)
- uci:save("freifunk")
- end
- end
+ if not syscc then
+ if hwtype == "atheros" then
+ cc = sys.exec("grep -i '" .. cc .. "' /lib/wifi/cc_translate.txt |cut -d ' ' -f 2") or 0
+ sys.exec("echo " .. cc .. " > /proc/sys/dev/" .. device .. "/countrycode")
+ elseif hwtype == "mac80211" then
+ sys.exec("iw reg set " .. cc)
+ elseif hwtype == "broadcom" then
+ sys.exec ("wlc country " .. cc)
+ end
+ else
+ cc = syscc
+ end
- local meship = f:field(Value, "meship_" .. device, device:upper() .. " Mesh IP Adresse einrichten", "Ihre Mesh IP Adresse erhalten Sie von der Freifunk Gemeinschaft in Ihrer Nachbarschaft. Es ist eine netzweit eindeutige Identifikation, z.B.")
- meship:depends("device_" .. device, "1")
- meship.rmempty = true
- function meship.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "meship_" .. device)
- end
- function meship.validate(self, value)
- local x = ip.IPv4(value)
- return ( x and x:prefix() == 32 ) and x:string() or ""
- end
- function meship.write(self, sec, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "meship_" .. device, value)
- end
- if has_ipv6 then
- local meship6 = f:field(Value, "meship6_" .. device, device:upper() .. " Mesh IPv6 Adresse einrichten", "Ihre Mesh IP Adresse wird automatisch berechnet")
- meship6:depends("device_" .. device, "1")
- meship6.rmempty = true
- function meship6.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return get_ula(get_mac(device))
- end
+ cbi_netconf(device)
+ local chan = f:field(ListValue, "chan_" .. device, device:upper() .. " " .. translate("Channel"), translate("Your device and neighbouring nodes have to use the same channel."))
+ chan:depends("device_" .. device, "1")
+ chan.rmempty = true
+ function chan.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "chan_" .. device)
+ end
+ chan:value('default')
+ for _, f in ipairs(sys.wifi.channels(device)) do
+ if not f.restricted then
+ chan:value(
- local client = f:field(Flag, "client_" .. device, device:upper() .. " DHCP anbieten", "DHCP weist verbundenen Benutzern automatisch eine Adresse zu. Diese Option sollten Sie unbedingt aktivieren, wenn Sie Nutzer an der drahtlosen Schnittstelle erwarten.")
- client:depends("device_" .. device, "1")
- client.rmempty = true
- function client.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "client_" .. device)
- end
- function client.write(self, sec, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "client_" .. device, value)
- uci:save("freifunk")
- end
- local dhcpmesh = f:field(Value, "dhcpmesh_" .. device, device:upper() .. " Mesh DHCP anbieten", "Bestimmen Sie den Adressbereich aus dem Ihre Nutzer IP Adressen erhalten. Es wird empfohlen einen Adressbereich aus Ihrer lokalen Freifunk Gemeinschaft zu nutzen. Der Adressbereich ist ein netzweit eindeutiger Netzbereich. z.B.")
- dhcpmesh:depends("client_" .. device, "1")
- dhcpmesh.rmempty = true
- function dhcpmesh.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcpmesh_" .. device)
- end
- function dhcpmesh.validate(self, value)
- local x = ip.IPv4(value)
- return ( x and x:minhost()) and x:string() or ""
- end
- function dhcpmesh.write(self, sec, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcpmesh_" .. device, value)
- uci:save("freifunk")
- end
- local hwtype = section.type
- if hwtype == "atheros" then
- local vap = f:field(Flag, "vap_" .. device , "Virtueller Drahtloser Zugangspunkt", "Konfigurieren Sie Ihren Virtuellen AP")
- vap:depends("client_" .. device, "1")
- vap.rmempty = false
- function vap.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "vap_" .. device)
- end
- function vap.write(self, sec, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "vap_" .. device, value)
- uci:save("freifunk")
- end
+ end
+ function chan.write(self, sec, value)
+ if value then
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "chan_" .. device, value)
+ uci:save("freifunk")
- end)
+ end
-uci:foreach("network", "interface",
- function(section)
- local device = section[".name"]
- local ifname = uci_state:get("network",device,"ifname")
- if device ~= "loopback" and not string.find(device, "gvpn") and not string.find(device, "wifi") and not string.find(device, "wl") and not string.find(device, "wlan") and not string.find(device, "wireless") and not string.find(device, "radio") then
- dev = f:field(Flag, "device_" .. device , "<b>Drahtgebundenes Netzwerk \"" .. device:upper() .. "\"</b>", "Konfigurieren Sie Ihre drahtgebunde " .. device:upper() .. " Schnittstelle (LAN).")
- dev:depends("netconfig", "1")
- dev.rmempty = false
- function dev.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "device_" .. device)
- end
- function dev.write(self, sec, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "device_" .. device, value)
- uci:save("freifunk")
- end
- meship = f:field(Value, "meship_" .. device, device:upper() .. " Mesh IP Adresse einrichten", "Ihre Mesh IP Adresse erhalten Sie von der Freifunk Gemeinschaft in Ihrer Nachbarschaft. Es ist eine netzweit eindeutige Identifikation, z.B.")
- meship:depends("device_" .. device, "1")
- meship.rmempty = true
- function meship.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "meship_" .. device)
- end
- function meship.validate(self, value)
- local x = ip.IPv4(value)
- return ( x and x:prefix() == 32 ) and x:string() or ""
- end
- function meship.write(self, sec, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "meship_" .. device, value)
- end
- if has_ipv6 then
- meship6 = f:field(Value, "meship6_" .. device, device:upper() .. " Mesh IPv6 Adresse einrichten", "Ihre Mesh IP Adresse wird automatisch berechnet")
- meship6:depends("device_" .. device, "1")
- meship6.rmempty = true
- function meship6.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return get_ula(get_mac(ifname))
- end
- end
+ cbi_meship(device)
+ if has_ipv6 then
+ cbi_meship6(device)
+ end
+ cbi_dhcp(device)
+ cbi_meshdhcp(device)
+ local hwtype = section.type
+ if hwtype == "atheros" then
+ local vap = f:field(Flag, "vap_" .. device , " " .. translate("Virtual Access Point (VAP)"), translate("This will setup a new virtual wireless interface in Access Point mode."))
+ vap:depends("client_" .. device, "1")
+ vap.rmempty = false
+ function vap.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "vap_" .. device)
+ end
+ function vap.write(self, sec, value)
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "vap_" .. device, value)
+ uci:save("freifunk")
+ end
+ end
- client = f:field(Flag, "client_" .. device, device:upper() .. " DHCP anbieten","DHCP weist verbundenen Benutzern automatisch eine Adresse zu. Diese Option sollten Sie unbedingt aktivieren, wenn Sie Nutzer an der drahtlosen Schnittstelle erwarten.")
- client:depends("device_" .. device, "1")
- client.rmempty = false
- function client.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "client_" .. device)
- end
- function client.write(self, sec, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "client_" .. device, value)
- uci:save("freifunk")
- end
- dhcpmesh = f:field(Value, "dhcpmesh_" .. device, device:upper() .. " Mesh DHCP anbieten ", "Bestimmen Sie den Adressbereich aus dem Ihre Nutzer IP Adressen erhalten. Es wird empfohlen einen Adressbereich aus Ihrer lokalen Freifunk Gemeinschaft zu nutzen. Der Adressbereich ist ein netzweit eindeutiger Netzbereich. z.B.")
- dhcpmesh:depends("client_" .. device, "1")
- dhcpmesh.rmempty = true
- function dhcpmesh.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcpmesh_" .. device)
- end
- function dhcpmesh.validate(self, value)
- local x = ip.IPv4(value)
- return ( x and x:prefix() <= 30 and x:minhost()) and x:string() or ""
- end
- function dhcpmesh.write(self, sec, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcpmesh_" .. device, value)
- uci:save("freifunk")
- end
+uci:foreach("network", "interface", function(section)
+ local device = section[".name"]
+ local ifname = uci_state:get("network",device,"ifname")
+ if device ~= "loopback" and not string.find(device, "gvpn") and not string.find(device, "wifi") and not string.find(device, "wl") and not string.find(device, "wlan") and not string.find(device, "wireless") and not string.find(device, "radio") then
+ cbi_netconf(device)
+ cbi_meship(device)
+ if has_ipv6 then
+ cbi_meship6(device)
- end)
+ cbi_dhcp(device)
+ cbi_meshdhcp(device)
+ end
-share = f:field(Flag, "sharenet", "Eigenen Internetzugang freigeben", "Geben Sie Ihren Internetzugang im Freifunknetz frei.")
+share = f:field(Flag, "sharenet", "<b>" .. translate("Share your internet connection") .. "</b>", translate("Select this to allow others to use your connection to access the internet."))
share.rmempty = false
share:depends("netconfig", "1")
function share.cfgvalue(self, section)
@@ -311,7 +308,7 @@ function share.write(self, section, value)
-wanproto = f:field(ListValue, "wanproto", "Protokoll des Internetzugangs", "Geben Sie das Protokol an ueber das eine Internet verbindung hergestellt werden kann.")
+wanproto = f:field(ListValue, "wanproto", translate("Protocol"), translate ("The protocol to use for internet connectivity."))
wanproto:depends("sharenet", "1")
wanproto:value("static", translate("static", "static"))
wanproto:value("dhcp", translate("dhcp", "dhcp"))
@@ -324,7 +321,7 @@ function wanproto.write(self, section, value)
uci:set("network", "wan", "proto", value)
-wanip = f:field(Value, "wanipaddr", translate("ipaddress"))
+wanip = f:field(Value, "wanipaddr", translate("Ip address"))
wanip:depends("wanproto", "static")
function wanip.cfgvalue(self, section)
return uci:get("network", "wan", "ipaddr")
@@ -333,7 +330,7 @@ function wanip.write(self, section, value)
uci:set("network", "wan", "ipaddr", value)
-wannm = f:field(Value, "wannetmask", translate("netmask"))
+wannm = f:field(Value, "wannetmask", translate("Netmask"))
wannm:depends("wanproto", "static")
function wannm.cfgvalue(self, section)
return uci:get("network", "wan", "netmask")
@@ -342,7 +339,7 @@ function wannm.write(self, section, value)
uci:set("network", "wan", "netmask", value)
-wangw = f:field(Value, "wangateway", translate("gateway"))
+wangw = f:field(Value, "wangateway", translate("Gateway"))
wangw:depends("wanproto", "static")
wangw.rmempty = true
function wangw.cfgvalue(self, section)
@@ -352,7 +349,7 @@ function wangw.write(self, section, value)
uci:set("network", "wan", "gateway", value)
-wandns = f:field(Value, "wandns", translate("dnsserver"))
+wandns = f:field(Value, "wandns", translate("DNS Server"))
wandns:depends("wanproto", "static")
wandns.rmempty = true
function wandns.cfgvalue(self, section)
@@ -362,7 +359,7 @@ function wandns.write(self, section, value)
uci:set("network", "wan", "dns", value)
-wanusr = f:field(Value, "wanusername", translate("username"))
+wanusr = f:field(Value, "wanusername", translate("Username"))
wanusr:depends("wanproto", "pppoe")
wanusr:depends("wanproto", "pptp")
function wanusr.cfgvalue(self, section)
@@ -372,7 +369,7 @@ function wanusr.write(self, section, value)
uci:set("network", "wan", "username", value)
-wanpwd = f:field(Value, "wanpassword", translate("password"))
+wanpwd = f:field(Value, "wanpassword", translate("Password"))
wanpwd.password = true
wanpwd:depends("wanproto", "pppoe")
wanpwd:depends("wanproto", "pptp")
@@ -384,7 +381,8 @@ function wanpwd.write(self, section, value)
-wansec = f:field(Flag, "wansec", "WAN-Zugriff auf Gateway beschränken", "Verbieten Sie Zugriffe auf Ihr lokales Netzwerk aus dem Freifunknetz.")
+wansec = f:field(Flag, "wansec", translate("Protect LAN"), translate("Check this to protect your LAN from other nodes or clients" .. " (" .. translate("recommended") .. ")."))
+wansec.default = "1"
wansec.rmempty = false
wansec:depends("wanproto", "static")
wansec:depends("wanproto", "dhcp")
@@ -396,7 +394,7 @@ function wansec.write(self, section, value)
if has_qos then
- wanqosdown = f:field(Value, "wanqosdown", "Download Bandbreite begrenzen", "kb/s")
+ wanqosdown = f:field(Value, "wanqosdown", translate("Limit download bandwidth"), translate("kbit/s"))
wanqosdown:depends("sharenet", "1")
function wanqosdown.cfgvalue(self, section)
return uci:get("qos", "wan", "download")
@@ -405,7 +403,7 @@ if has_qos then
uci:set("qos", "wan", "download", value)
- wanqosup = f:field(Value, "wanqosup", "Upload Bandbreite begrenzen", "kb/s")
+ wanqosup = f:field(Value, "wanqosup", translate("Limit upload bandwidth"), translate("kbit/s"))
wanqosup:depends("sharenet", "1")
function wanqosup.cfgvalue(self, section)
return uci:get("qos", "wan", "upload")
@@ -417,7 +415,7 @@ if has_qos then
if has_l2gvpn then
- gvpn = f:field(Flag, "gvpn", "Freifunk Internet Tunnel", "Verbinden Sie ihren Router ueber das Internet mit anderen Freifunknetzen.")
+ gvpn = f:field(Flag, "gvpn", translate("L2gvpn tunnel"), translate("Connect your node with other nodes with a tunnel via the internet."))
gvpn.rmempty = false
gvpn:depends("sharenet", "1")
function gvpn.cfgvalue(self, section)
@@ -427,7 +425,7 @@ if has_l2gvpn then
uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "gvpn", value)
- gvpnip = f:field(Value, "gvpnipaddr", translate("ipaddress"))
+ gvpnip = f:field(Value, "gvpnipaddr", translate("IP address"))
gvpnip:depends("gvpn", "1")
function gvpnip.cfgvalue(self, section)
return uci:get("l2gvpn", "bbb", "ip") or uci:get("network", "gvpn", "ipaddr")
@@ -439,7 +437,7 @@ if has_l2gvpn then
if has_hb then
- hb = f:field(Flag, "hb", "Heartbeat aktivieren","Dem Gerät erlauben anonyme Statistiken zu übertragen. (empfohlen)")
+ hb = f:field(Flag, "hb", translate("Heartbeat"), translate("Allow to transfer anonymous statistics about this node" .. " (" .. translate("recommended") .. ")."))
hb.rmempty = false
hb:depends("netconfig", "1")
function hb.cfgvalue(self, section)
@@ -538,11 +536,6 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
local network
network = ip.IPv4(uci:get_first(community, "community", "mesh_network") or "")
- -- Tune community settings
--- if community and uci:get("freifunk", community) then
--- uci:get_all(community)
--- end
-- Cleanup
uci:delete_all("firewall","zone", {name="freifunk"})
uci:delete_all("firewall","forwarding", {dest="freifunk"})
@@ -551,7 +544,7 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
uci:delete_all("firewall","rule", {src="freifunk"})
-- Create firewall zone and add default rules (first time)
- -- firewall_create_zone("name" , "input" , "output", "forward ", Masqurade)
+ -- firewall_create_zone("name" , "input" , "output", "forward ", Masqurade)
local newzone = tools.firewall_create_zone("freifunk", "ACCEPT", "ACCEPT", "REJECT" , true)
if newzone then
uci:foreach("freifunk", "fw_forwarding", function(section)
@@ -647,10 +640,7 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
uci:delete_all("luci_splash", "iface", {network=nif.."dhcp", zone="freifunk"})
-- Delete old radvd
if has_radvd then
- uci:delete_all("radvd", "interface", {interface=nif.."dhcp"})
- uci:delete_all("radvd", "interface", {interface=nif})
- uci:delete_all("radvd", "prefix", {interface=nif.."dhcp"})
- uci:delete_all("radvd", "prefix", {interface=nif})
+ uci_clean_radvd(nif)
-- New Config
-- Tune wifi device
@@ -665,9 +655,9 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
if sec.txantenna then
devconfig.txantenna = sec.txantenna
- if sec.rxantenna then
- devconfig.rxantenna = sec.rxantenna
- end
+ if sec.rxantenna then
+ devconfig.rxantenna = sec.rxantenna
+ end
-- set bssid, see for schema
if channel and channel ~= "default" then
@@ -713,21 +703,7 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
uci:section("network", "interface", nif, netconfig)
if has_radvd then
- uci:section("radvd", "interface", nil, {
- interface =nif,
- AdvSendAdvert =1,
- AdvManagedFlag =0,
- AdvOtherConfigFlag =0,
- ignore =0
- })
- uci:section("radvd", "prefix", nil, {
- interface =nif,
- AdvOnLink =1,
- AdvAutonomous =1,
- AdvRouterAddr =0,
- ignore =0,
- })
- uci:save("radvd")
+ uci_radvd(nif)
tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", nif)
@@ -742,14 +718,6 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
if client then
local dhcpmeshnet = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.dhcpmesh_" .. device) and ip.IPv4(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.dhcpmesh_" .. device))
- --[[
- if has_hb then
- local ifacelist = uci:get_list("manager", "heartbeat", "interface") or {}
- table.insert(ifacelist,nif .. "dhcp")
- uci:set_list("manager", "heartbeat", "interface", ifacelist)
- uci:save("manager")
- end
- ]]
if dhcpmeshnet then
if not dhcpmeshnet:minhost() or not dhcpmeshnet:mask() then
dhcpmesh.tag_missing[section] = true
@@ -798,21 +766,7 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
ssid ="AP-" .. ssid
if has_radvd then
- uci:section("radvd", "interface", nil, {
- interface =nif .. "dhcp",
- AdvSendAdvert =1,
- AdvManagedFlag =0,
- AdvOtherConfigFlag =0,
- ignore =0
- })
- uci:section("radvd", "prefix", nil, {
- interface =nif .. "dhcp",
- AdvOnLink =1,
- AdvAutonomous =1,
- AdvRouterAddr =0,
- ignore =0
- })
- uci:save("radvd")
+ uci_radvd(nif .. "dhcp")
tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", nif .. "dhcp")
@@ -892,7 +846,7 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
if device ~= "loopback" and not string.find(device, "wifi") and not string.find(device, "wl") and not string.find(device, "wlan") and not string.find(device, "wireless") and not string.find(device, "radio") then
local node_ip
- node_ip = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship_" .. device) --and ip.IPv4(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship_" .. device))
+ node_ip = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship_" .. device) and ip.IPv4(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship_" .. device))
if has_ipv6 then
node_ip6 = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship6_" .. device) --and ip.IPv6(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.meship6_" .. device))
@@ -913,10 +867,7 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
-- Delete old splash
uci:delete_all("luci_splash", "iface", {network=device.."dhcp", zone="freifunk"})
if has_radvd then
- uci:delete_all("radvd", "interface", {interface=device.."dhcp"})
- uci:delete_all("radvd", "interface", {interface=device})
- uci:delete_all("radvd", "prefix", {interface=device.."dhcp"})
- uci:delete_all("radvd", "prefix", {interface=device})
+ uci_clean_radvd(device)
-- New Config
local netconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "interface")
@@ -929,21 +880,7 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
uci:section("network", "interface", device, netconfig)
if has_radvd then
- uci:section("radvd", "interface", nil, {
- interface =device,
- AdvSendAdvert =1,
- AdvManagedFlag =0,
- AdvOtherConfigFlag =0,
- ignore =0
- })
- uci:section("radvd", "prefix", nil, {
- interface =device,
- AdvOnLink =1,
- AdvAutonomous =1,
- AdvRouterAddr =0,
- ignore =0,
- })
- uci:save("radvd")
+ uci_radvd(device)
tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", device)
@@ -959,16 +896,7 @@ function main.write(self, section, value)
if client then
local dhcpmeshnet = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.dhcpmesh_" .. device) and ip.IPv4(luci.http.formvalue("cbid.ffwizward.1.dhcpmesh_" .. device))
- if has_hb then
- hbconf(device)
- local ifacelist = uci:get_list("manager", "heartbeat", "interface") or {}
- table.insert(ifacelist,device .. "dhcp")
- uci:set_list("manager", "heartbeat", "interface", ifacelist)
- uci:save("manager")
- end
if dhcpmeshnet then
if not dhcpmeshnet:minhost() or not dhcpmeshnet:mask() then
dhcpmesh.tag_missing[section] = true