path: root/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc')
4 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/controller/upnp.lua b/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/controller/upnp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83fa94154b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/controller/upnp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
+Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+module("luci.controller.upnp", package.seeall)
+function index()
+ if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/upnpd") then
+ return
+ end
+ local page
+ page = entry({"admin", "services", "upnp"}, cbi("upnp/upnp"), _("UPNP"))
+ page.dependent = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "upnp", "status"}, call("act_status")).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "upnp", "delete"}, call("act_delete")).leaf = true
+function act_status()
+ local ipt = io.popen("iptables --line-numbers -t nat -xnvL MINIUPNPD")
+ if ipt then
+ local fwd = { }
+ while true do
+ local ln = ipt:read("*l")
+ if not ln then
+ break
+ elseif ln:match("^%d+") then
+ local num, proto, extport, intaddr, intport =
+ ln:match("^(%d+).-([a-z]+).-dpt:(%d+) to:(%S-):(%d+)")
+ if num and proto and extport and intaddr and intport then
+ num = tonumber(num)
+ extport = tonumber(extport)
+ intport = tonumber(intport)
+ fwd[#fwd+1] = {
+ num = num,
+ proto = proto:upper(),
+ extport = extport,
+ intaddr = intaddr,
+ intport = intport
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ipt:close()
+ luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
+ luci.http.write_json(fwd)
+ end
+function act_delete(num)
+ local idx = tonumber(num)
+ local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor()
+ if idx and idx > 0 then
+"iptables -t filter -D MINIUPNPD %d 2>/dev/null" % idx)
+"iptables -t nat -D MINIUPNPD %d 2>/dev/null" % idx)
+ local lease_file = uci:get("upnpd", "config", "upnp_lease_file")
+ if lease_file and nixio.fs.access(lease_file) then
+"sed -i -e '%dd' %q" %{ idx, lease_file })
+ end
+ luci.http.status(200, "OK")
+ return
+ end
+ luci.http.status(400, "Bad request")
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/model/cbi/upnp/upnp.lua b/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/model/cbi/upnp/upnp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d98d6682f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/model/cbi/upnp/upnp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
+Copyright 2008-2011 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+m = Map("upnpd", luci.util.pcdata(translate("Universal Plug & Play")),
+ translate("UPnP allows clients in the local network to automatically configure the router."))
+m:section(SimpleSection).template = "upnp_status"
+s = m:section(NamedSection, "config", "upnpd", translate("MiniUPnP settings"))
+s.addremove = false
+s:tab("general", translate("General Settings"))
+s:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings"))
+e = s:taboption("general", Flag, "_init", translate("Start UPnP and NAT-PMP service"))
+e.rmempty = false
+function e.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return luci.sys.init.enabled("miniupnpd") and self.enabled or self.disabled
+function e.write(self, section, value)
+ if value == "1" then
+"/etc/init.d/miniupnpd enable >/dev/null")
+"/etc/init.d/miniupnpd start >/dev/null")
+ else
+"/etc/init.d/miniupnpd stop >/dev/null")
+"/etc/init.d/miniupnpd disable >/dev/null")
+ end
+s:taboption("general", Flag, "enable_upnp", translate("Enable UPnP functionality")).default = "1"
+s:taboption("general", Flag, "enable_natpmp", translate("Enable NAT-PMP functionality")).default = "1"
+s:taboption("general", Flag, "secure_mode", translate("Enable secure mode"),
+ translate("Allow adding forwards only to requesting ip addresses")).default = "1"
+s:taboption("general", Flag, "log_output", translate("Enable additional logging"),
+ translate("Puts extra debugging information into the system log"))
+s:taboption("general", Value, "download", translate("Downlink"),
+ translate("Value in KByte/s, informational only")).rmempty = true
+s:taboption("general", Value, "upload", translate("Uplink"),
+ translate("Value in KByte/s, informational only")).rmempty = true
+port = s:taboption("general", Value, "port", translate("Port"))
+port.datatype = "port"
+port.default = 5000
+s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "system_uptime", translate("Report system instead of daemon uptime")).default = "1"
+s:taboption("advanced", Value, "uuid", translate("Device UUID"))
+s:taboption("advanced", Value, "serial_number", translate("Announced serial number"))
+s:taboption("advanced", Value, "model_number", translate("Announced model number"))
+ni = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "notify_interval", translate("Notify interval"))
+ni.datatype = "uinteger"
+ni.placeholder = 30
+ct = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "clean_ruleset_threshold", translate("Clean rules threshold"))
+ct.datatype = "uinteger"
+ct.placeholder = 20
+ci = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "clean_ruleset_interval", translate("Clean rules interval"))
+ci.datatype = "uinteger"
+ci.placeholder = 600
+pu = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "presentation_url", translate("Presentation URL"))
+pu.placeholder = ""
+lf = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "upnp_lease_file", translate("UPnP lease file"))
+lf.placeholder = "/var/log/upnp.leases"
+s2 = m:section(TypedSection, "perm_rule", translate("MiniUPnP ACLs"),
+ translate("ACLs specify which external ports may be redirected to which internal addresses and ports"))
+s2.template = "cbi/tblsection"
+s2.sortable = true
+s2.anonymous = true
+s2.addremove = true
+s2:option(Value, "comment", translate("Comment"))
+ep = s2:option(Value, "ext_ports", translate("External ports"))
+ep.datatype = "portrange"
+ep.placeholder = "0-65535"
+ia = s2:option(Value, "int_addr", translate("Internal addresses"))
+ia.datatype = "ip4addr"
+ia.placeholder = ""
+ip = s2:option(Value, "int_ports", translate("Internal ports"))
+ip.datatype = "portrange"
+ip.placeholder = "0-65535"
+ac = s2:option(ListValue, "action", translate("Action"))
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/view/admin_status/index/upnp.htm b/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/view/admin_status/index/upnp.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0c2e2ed50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/view/admin_status/index/upnp.htm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/view/upnp_status.htm b/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/view/upnp_status.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d50ed0c4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/luasrc/view/upnp_status.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
+ function upnp_delete_fwd(idx) {
+ XHR.get('<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "upnp", "delete")%>/' + idx, null,
+ function(x)
+ {
+ var tb = document.getElementById('upnp_status_table');
+ if (tb && (idx < tb.rows.length))
+ tb.rows[0].parentNode.removeChild(tb.rows[idx]);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ XHR.poll(5, '<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "upnp", "status")%>', null,
+ function(x, st)
+ {
+ var tb = document.getElementById('upnp_status_table');
+ if (st && tb)
+ {
+ /* clear all rows */
+ while( tb.rows.length > 1 )
+ tb.deleteRow(1);
+ for( var i = 0; i < st.length; i++ )
+ {
+ var tr = tb.insertRow(-1);
+ tr.className = 'cbi-section-table-row cbi-rowstyle-' + ((i % 2) + 1);
+ tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = st[i].proto;
+ tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = st[i].extport;
+ tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = st[i].intaddr;
+ tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = st[i].intport;
+ tr.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = String.format(
+ '<input class="cbi-button cbi-input-remove" type="button" value="<%:Delete Redirect%>" onclick="upnp_delete_fwd(%d)" />',
+ st[i].num
+ );
+ }
+ if( tb.rows.length == 1 )
+ {
+ var tr = tb.insertRow(-1);
+ tr.className = 'cbi-section-table-row';
+ var td = tr.insertCell(-1);
+ td.colSpan = 5;
+ td.innerHTML = '<em><br /><%:There are no active redirects.%></em>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+<fieldset class="cbi-section">
+ <legend><%:Active UPnP Redirects%></legend>
+ <table class="cbi-section-table" id="upnp_status_table">
+ <tr class="cbi-section-table-titles">
+ <th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:Protocol%></th>
+ <th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:External Port%></th>
+ <th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:Client Address%></th>
+ <th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:Client Port%></th>
+ <th class="cbi-section-table-cell">&#160;</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="cbi-section-table-row">
+ <td colspan="5"><em><br /><%:Collecting data...%></em></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>