path: root/applications/luci-app-travelmate
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-travelmate')
14 files changed, 985 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/Makefile b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/Makefile
index f4b1b0a4e3..6170f9d4c3 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/Makefile
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/Makefile
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 .
+# Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (
+# This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
include $(TOPDIR)/
LUCI_TITLE:=LuCI support for Travelmate
+LUCI_DEPENDS:=+travelmate +luci-lib-jsonc
include ../../
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/controller/travelmate.lua b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/controller/travelmate.lua
index 27c19c4e52..86382f6ae0 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/controller/travelmate.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/controller/travelmate.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,28 @@
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+-- Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (
+-- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
module("luci.controller.travelmate", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("nixio.fs")
+local util = require("luci.util")
+local template = require("luci.template")
+local i18n = require("luci.i18n")
function index()
if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/travelmate") then
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate"}, firstchild(), _("Travelmate"), 40).dependent = false
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "tab_from_cbi"}, cbi("travelmate/overview_tab", {hideresetbtn=true, hidesavebtn=true}), _("Overview"), 10).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "logfile"}, call("logread"), _("View Logfile"), 20).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced"}, firstchild(), _("Advanced"), 100)
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced", "configuration"}, cbi("travelmate/configuration_tab"), _("Edit Travelmate Configuration"), 110).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced", "cfg_wireless"}, cbi("travelmate/cfg_wireless_tab"), _("Edit Wireless Configuration"), 120).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced", "cfg_network"}, cbi("travelmate/cfg_network_tab"), _("Edit Network Configuration"), 130).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced", "cfg_firewall"}, cbi("travelmate/cfg_firewall_tab"), _("Edit Firewall Configuration"), 140).leaf = true
- entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate"}, cbi("travelmate"), _("Travelmate"), 60)
+function logread()
+ local logfile = util.trim(util.exec("logread -e 'travelmate'"))
+ template.render("travelmate/logread", {title = i18n.translate("Travelmate Logfile"), content = logfile})
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate.lua b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fa44d4b523..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
-m = Map("travelmate", translate("Travelmate"),
- translate("Configuration of the Travelmate package to enable travel router functionality. ") .. [[</p>]] ..
- translate("Brief advice: Create a wwan interface, configure it to use dhcp and " ..
- "add it to the wan zone in firewall. Create the wifi interfaces to be used ('client' mode, " ..
- "assigned to wwan network, left as disabled). Travelmate will try " ..
- "to connect to the known wifi client interfaces in the defined order. ") ..
- [[<a href="" target="_blank">]]
- .. translate("Link to detailed advice")
- .. [[</a>]] )
--- General options
-s = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate", translate("Global options"))
-o = s:option(Flag, "trm_enabled", translate("Enable Travelmate"))
-o.rmempty = false
-o.default = 0
-o = s:option(Value, "trm_maxwait", translate("Max. timeout in seconds for wlan interface reload"),
- translate("Default 20, range 10-60"))
-o.rmempty = false
-o.default = 20
-o.datatype = "range(10,60)"
-o = s:option(Value, "trm_maxretry", translate("Max. number of connection retries to an uplink"),
- translate("Default 3, range 1-10"))
-o.rmempty = false
-o.default = 3
-o.datatype = "range(1,10)"
--- Extra options
-e = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate", translate("Extra options"))
-a = e:option(Flag, "trm_debug", translate("Debug logging"))
-a.rmempty = true
-a.default = a.disabled
-a = e:option(Value, "trm_iface", translate("Restrict reload trigger to certain interface(s)"),
- translate("Space separated list of wwan interfaces that trigger reload action. To disable reload trigger set it to 'false'. Default: empty"))
-a.rmempty = true
-a.default = ""
-a.datatype = "uciname"
-a = e:option(Flag, "trm_iw", translate("Use iw for scanning"),
- translate("Disable this if you want to use iwinfo instead of iw"))
-a.rmempty = true
-a.default = a.enabled
-return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/cfg_firewall_tab.lua b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/cfg_firewall_tab.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..009ed805db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/cfg_firewall_tab.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (
+-- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+local fs = require("nixio.fs")
+local util = require("luci.util")
+local trminput = "/etc/config/firewall"
+if not nixio.fs.access(trminput) then
+ m = SimpleForm("error", nil, translate("Input file not found, please check your configuration."))
+ return m
+m = SimpleForm("input", nil)
+m.reset = false
+s = m:section(SimpleSection, nil,
+ translate("This form allows you to modify the content of the main firewall configuration file (/etc/config/firewall)."))
+f = s:option(TextValue, "data")
+f.rows = 20
+f.rmempty = true
+function f.cfgvalue()
+ return nixio.fs.readfile(trminput) or ""
+function f.write(self, section, data)
+ return nixio.fs.writefile(trminput, "\n" .. util.trim(data:gsub("\r\n", "\n")) .. "\n")
+function s.handle(self, state, data)
+ return true
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/cfg_network_tab.lua b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/cfg_network_tab.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d43637d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/cfg_network_tab.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (
+-- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+local fs = require("nixio.fs")
+local util = require("luci.util")
+local trminput = "/etc/config/network"
+if not nixio.fs.access(trminput) then
+ m = SimpleForm("error", nil, translate("Input file not found, please check your configuration."))
+ return m
+m = SimpleForm("input", nil)
+m.reset = false
+s = m:section(SimpleSection, nil,
+ translate("This form allows you to modify the content of the main network configuration file (/etc/config/network)."))
+f = s:option(TextValue, "data")
+f.rows = 20
+f.rmempty = true
+function f.cfgvalue()
+ return nixio.fs.readfile(trminput) or ""
+function f.write(self, section, data)
+ return nixio.fs.writefile(trminput, "\n" .. util.trim(data:gsub("\r\n", "\n")) .. "\n")
+function s.handle(self, state, data)
+ return true
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/cfg_wireless_tab.lua b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/cfg_wireless_tab.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a025c1379f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/cfg_wireless_tab.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (
+-- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+local fs = require("nixio.fs")
+local util = require("luci.util")
+local trminput = "/etc/config/wireless"
+if not nixio.fs.access(trminput) then
+ m = SimpleForm("error", nil, translate("Input file not found, please check your configuration."))
+ return m
+m = SimpleForm("input", nil)
+m.reset = false
+s = m:section(SimpleSection, nil,
+ translate("This form allows you to modify the content of the main wireless configuration file (/etc/config/wireless)."))
+f = s:option(TextValue, "data")
+f.rows = 20
+f.rmempty = true
+function f.cfgvalue()
+ return nixio.fs.readfile(trminput) or ""
+function f.write(self, section, data)
+ return nixio.fs.writefile(trminput, "\n" .. util.trim(data:gsub("\r\n", "\n")) .. "\n")
+function s.handle(self, state, data)
+ return true
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/configuration_tab.lua b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/configuration_tab.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4233da6ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/configuration_tab.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (
+-- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+local fs = require("nixio.fs")
+local util = require("luci.util")
+local trminput = "/etc/config/travelmate"
+if not nixio.fs.access(trminput) then
+ m = SimpleForm("error", nil, translate("Input file not found, please check your configuration."))
+ m.reset = false
+ m.submit = false
+ return m
+m = SimpleForm("input", nil)
+m.reset = false
+s = m:section(SimpleSection, nil,
+ translate("This form allows you to modify the content of the main travelmate configuration file (/etc/config/travelmate)."))
+f = s:option(TextValue, "data")
+f.rows = 20
+f.rmempty = true
+function f.cfgvalue()
+ return nixio.fs.readfile(trminput) or ""
+function f.write(self, section, data)
+ return nixio.fs.writefile(trminput, "\n" .. util.trim(data:gsub("\r\n", "\n")) .. "\n")
+function s.handle(self, state, data)
+ return true
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/overview_tab.lua b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/overview_tab.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b07aabaed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/overview_tab.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (
+-- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+local fs = require("nixio.fs")
+local uci = require("uci")
+local json = require("luci.jsonc")
+local nw = require("").init()
+local fw = require("luci.model.firewall").init()
+local uplink = uci.get("network", "trm_wwan") or ""
+local trminput = uci.get("travelmate", "global", "trm_rtfile") or "/tmp/trm_runtime.json"
+local parse = json.parse(fs.readfile(trminput) or "")
+m = Map("travelmate", translate("Travelmate"),
+ translate("Configuration of the travelmate package to to enable travel router functionality. ")
+ .. translatef("For further information "
+ .. "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">"
+ .. "see online documentation</a>", ""))
+-- Main travelmate options
+s = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate")
+o1 = s:option(Flag, "trm_enabled", translate("Enable travelmate"))
+o1.default = o1.disabled
+o1.rmempty = false
+o2 = s:option(Flag, "trm_automatic", translate("Enable 'automatic' mode"),
+ translate("Keep travelmate in an active state."))
+o2.default = o2.enabled
+o2.rmempty = false
+o3 = s:option(Value, "trm_iface", translate("Restrict interface trigger to certain interface(s)"),
+ translate("Space separated list of interfaces that trigger travelmate processing. "..
+ "To disable event driven (re-)starts remove all entries."))
+o3.rmempty = true
+o4 = s:option(Value, "trm_triggerdelay", translate("Trigger delay"),
+ translate("Additional trigger delay in seconds before travelmate processing begins."))
+o4.default = 2
+o4.datatype = "range(1,90)"
+o4.rmempty = false
+o5 = s:option(Flag, "trm_debug", translate("Enable verbose debug logging"))
+o5.default = o5.disabled
+o5.rmempty = false
+-- Interface setup
+if uplink == "" then
+ dv = s:option(DummyValue, "_dummy", translate("Interface Setup"))
+ dv.template = "cbi/nullsection"
+ btn = s:option(Button, "", translate("Create Uplink Interface"),
+ translate("Automatically create a new wireless wan uplink interface 'trm_wwan', configure it to use dhcp and ")
+ .. translate("add it to the wan zone of the firewall. This step has only to be done once."))
+ btn.inputtitle = translate("Add Interface")
+ btn.inputstyle = "apply"
+ btn.disabled = false
+ function btn.write()
+ local name = "trm_wwan"
+ local net = nw:add_network(name, { proto = "dhcp" })
+ if net then
+ nw:save("network")
+ nw:commit("network")
+ local zone = fw:get_zone_by_network("wan")
+ if zone then
+ zone:add_network(name)
+ fw:save("firewall")
+ fw:commit("firewall")
+ end
+"env -i /bin/ubus call network reload >/dev/null 2>&1")
+ luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "travelmate"))
+ end
+ end
+ dv = s:option(DummyValue, "_dummy", translate("Interface Setup"),
+ translate("<br />&nbsp;Network Interface 'trm_wwan' created successfully. ")
+ .. translatef("Scan &amp; Add new wireless stations via standard "
+ .. "<a href=\"%s\">"
+ .. "Wireless Setup</a>", luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/network/wireless")))
+ dv.template = "cbi/nullsection"
+-- Runtime information
+ds = s:option(DummyValue, "_dummy", translate("Runtime information"))
+ds.template = "cbi/nullsection"
+dv1 = s:option(DummyValue, "status", translate("Online Status"))
+dv1.template = "travelmate/runtime"
+if parse == nil then
+ dv1.value = translate("n/a")
+elseif == "true" then
+ dv1.value = translate("connected")
+ dv1.value = translate("not connected")
+dv2 = s:option(DummyValue, "travelmate_version", translate("Travelmate version"))
+dv2.template = "travelmate/runtime"
+if parse ~= nil then
+ dv2.value = or translate("n/a")
+ dv2.value = translate("n/a")
+dv3 = s:option(DummyValue, "station_ssid", translate("Station SSID"))
+dv3.template = "travelmate/runtime"
+if parse ~= nil then
+ dv3.value = or translate("n/a")
+ dv3.value = translate("n/a")
+dv4 = s:option(DummyValue, "station_interface", translate("Station Interface"))
+dv4.template = "travelmate/runtime"
+if parse ~= nil then
+ dv4.value = or translate("n/a")
+ dv4.value = translate("n/a")
+dv5 = s:option(DummyValue, "station_radio", translate("Station Radio"))
+dv5.template = "travelmate/runtime"
+if parse ~= nil then
+ dv5.value = or translate("n/a")
+ dv5.value = translate("n/a")
+dv6 = s:option(DummyValue, "last_rundate", translate("Last rundate"))
+dv6.template = "travelmate/runtime"
+if parse ~= nil then
+ dv6.value = or translate("n/a")
+ dv6.value = translate("n/a")
+-- Extra options
+e = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate", translate("Extra options"),
+translate("Options for further tweaking in case the defaults are not suitable for you."))
+e1 = e:option(Value, "trm_radio", translate("Radio selection"),
+ translate("Restrict travelmate to a dedicated radio, e.g. 'radio0'"))
+e1.rmempty = true
+e2 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxretry", translate("Connection Limit"),
+ translate("How many times should travelmate try to connect to an Uplink"))
+e2.default = 3
+e2.datatype = "range(1,10)"
+e2.rmempty = false
+e3 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxwait", translate("Interface Timeout"),
+ translate("How long should travelmate wait for a successful wlan interface reload"))
+e3.default = 30
+e3.datatype = "range(5,60)"
+e3.rmempty = false
+e4 = e:option(Value, "trm_timeout", translate("Overall Timeout"),
+ translate("Timeout in seconds between retries in 'automatic' mode"))
+e4.default = 60
+e4.datatype = "range(5,300)"
+e4.rmempty = false
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/view/travelmate/config_css.htm b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/view/travelmate/config_css.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53493a18fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/view/travelmate/config_css.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<style type="text/css">
+ textarea
+ {
+ border: 1px solid #cccccc;
+ padding: 5px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ font-family: monospace;
+ resize: none;
+ }
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/view/travelmate/logread.htm b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/view/travelmate/logread.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f6ff7776d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/view/travelmate/logread.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (
+This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+<div class="cbi-map">
+ <fieldset class="cbi-section">
+ <div class="cbi-section-descr"><%:This form shows the syslog output, pre-filtered for travelmate related messages only.%></div>
+ <textarea id="logread_id" style="width: 100%; height: 450px; border: 1px solid #cccccc; padding: 5px; font-size: 12px; font-family: monospace; resize: none;" readonly="readonly" wrap="off" rows="<%=content:cmatch("\n")+2%>"><%=content:pcdata()%></textarea>
+ </fieldset>
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/view/travelmate/runtime.htm b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/view/travelmate/runtime.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee3a4553a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/view/travelmate/runtime.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Copyright 2017 Dirk Brenken (
+This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+<input name="runtime" id="runtime" type="text" class="cbi-input-text" style="border: none; box-shadow: none; background-color: #ffffff; color: #0069d6;" value="<%=self:cfgvalue(section)%>" disabled="disabled" />
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/ja/travelmate.po b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/ja/travelmate.po
index de1aceed95..edb041e2b0 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/ja/travelmate.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/ja/travelmate.po
@@ -7,73 +7,280 @@ msgstr ""
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n"
"Last-Translator: INAGAKI Hiroshi <>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"Language: ja\n"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "。"
msgid ""
-"Brief advice: Create a wwan interface, configure it to use dhcp and add it "
-"to the wan zone in firewall. Create the wifi interfaces to be used ('client' "
-"mode, assigned to wwan network, left as disabled). Travelmate will try to "
-"connect to the known wifi client interfaces in the defined order."
+"Additional trigger delay in seconds before travelmate processing begins."
+msgstr "Travelmate の処理が開始されるまでの、追加の遅延時間(秒)です。"
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "詳細設定"
+msgid ""
+"Automatically create a new wireless wan interface, configure it to use dhcp "
+"and add it to the wan zone of the firewall. This step has only to be done "
msgstr ""
-"簡単な解説: 予めWWANインターフェースを作成し、DHCPを使用するよう構成してファ"
-"成しておきます(\"クライアント\" モード、WWANに割り当て、無効状態)。"
-"Travelmateは、登録されている順序で既知の無線クライアント インターフェースへの"
+"新しい無線 WAN インターフェースを自動的に作成し、DHCP を使用するよう構成して"
+"ファイアウォールの wan ゾーンに追加します。このステップは、一度だけ実行する必"
msgid ""
-"Configuration of the Travelmate package to enable travel router "
+"Configuration of the travelmate package to to enable travel router "
-msgstr "トラベル ルータ機能を有効にする、Travelmate パッケージの設定です。"
+msgstr ""
+"トラベル ルーター機能を有効化するための、 Travelmate パッケージの設定です。"
+msgid "Connection Limit"
+msgstr "接続制限"
+msgid "Direct Link: <a href=\"%s\">Wireless Setup</a>"
+msgstr "ダイレクト リンク: <a href=\"%s\">無線設定</a>"
+msgid "Edit Firewall Configuration"
+msgstr "ファイアウォール設定の編集"
+msgid "Edit Network Configuration"
+msgstr "ネットワーク設定の編集"
-msgid "Debug logging"
-msgstr "デバッグ ログ"
+msgid "Edit Travelmate Configuration"
+msgstr "Travelmate 設定の編集"
-msgid "Default 20, range 10-60"
-msgstr "既定値 20、範囲 10 - 60"
+msgid "Edit Wireless Configuration"
+msgstr "無線設定の編集"
-msgid "Default 3, range 1-10"
-msgstr "既定値 3、範囲 1 - 10"
+msgid "Enable 'automatic' mode"
+msgstr "'automatic' モードの有効化"
-msgid "Disable this if you want to use iwinfo instead of iw"
-msgstr "iw の代わりに iwinfo を使用したい場合、この設定を無効にします。"
+msgid "Enable travelmate"
+msgstr "Travelmate の有効化"
-msgid "Enable Travelmate"
-msgstr "Travelmateの有効化"
+msgid "Enable verbose debug logging"
+msgstr "詳細なデバッグ ログの有効化"
msgid "Extra options"
msgstr "拡張オプション"
-msgid "Global options"
-msgstr "全般オプション"
+msgid "For further information"
+msgstr "詳細情報は"
+msgid "How long should travelmate wait for a successful wlan interface reload"
+msgstr ""
+"無線LAN インターフェースのリロードが成功するまでの、Travelmate の待機時間で"
+msgid "How many times should travelmate try to connect to an Uplink"
+msgstr "Travelmate がアップリンクに対して接続を試行する回数です。"
+msgid "Input file not found, please check your configuration."
+msgstr "入力ファイルが見つかりません。設定を確認してください。"
+msgid "Interface Setup"
+msgstr "インターフェース設定"
+msgid "Interface Timeout"
+msgstr "インターフェース タイムアウト"
+msgid "Keep travelmate in an active state."
+msgstr "Travelmate をアクティブ状態で維持します。"
+msgid "Last rundate"
+msgstr "最終実行日時"
+msgid "Name of the new wireless wan interface"
+msgstr "新しい無線 WAN のインターフェース名"
-msgid "Link to detailed advice"
-msgstr "詳細な解説へのリンク"
+msgid ""
+"Network Interface '%s' created successfully. Feel free to scan & add new "
+"stations via standard wireless setup."
+msgstr ""
+"ネットワーク インターフェース '%s' の作成に成功しました。通常の無線設定にて、"
+msgid "Online Status"
+msgstr "オンライン ステータス"
+msgid ""
+"Options for further tweaking in case the defaults are not suitable for you."
+msgstr "デフォルトの設定が適切でない場合、さらに設定するためのオプションです。"
+msgid "Overall Timeout"
+msgstr "全体タイムアウト"
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr "概要"
+msgid "Radio selection"
+msgstr "無線の選択"
+msgid "Restrict interface trigger to certain interface(s)"
+msgstr "インターフェース トリガーを特定のインターフェースに限定する"
-msgid "Max. number of connection retries to an uplink"
-msgstr "確立までの接続試行回数"
+msgid "Restrict travelmate to a dedicated radio, e.g. 'radio0'"
+msgstr "Travelmate が特定の無線に接続するようにします。例: 'radio0'"
-msgid "Max. timeout in seconds for wlan interface reload"
-msgstr "無線LANインターフェース リロード時の最大待機時間(秒)"
+msgid "Runtime information"
+msgstr "実行情報"
-msgid "Restrict reload trigger to certain interface(s)"
-msgstr "リロード トリガを特定のインターフェースに限定する"
+msgid "Setup WWAN Interface"
+msgstr "WWAN インターフェース設定"
msgid ""
-"Space separated list of wwan interfaces that trigger reload action. To "
-"disable reload trigger set it to 'false'. Default: empty"
+"Space separated list of interfaces that trigger travelmate processing. To "
+"disable event driven (re-)starts remove all entries."
msgstr ""
-"リロード動作のトリガとなる、スペースで区切られたWWAN インターフェースのリスト"
-"です。リロードのトリガを無効にするには、'false' を設定します。既定値:(空)"
+"Travelmate の処理のトリガーとなる、スペースで区切られたインターフェースのリス"
+msgid "Station Interface"
+msgstr "ステーション インターフェース"
+msgid "Station Radio"
+msgstr "ステーション 無線"
+msgid "Station SSID"
+msgstr "ステーション SSID"
+msgid ""
+"The allowed characters are: <code>A-Z</code>, <code>a-z</code>, <code>0-9</"
+"code> and <code>_</code> (3-15 characters)."
+msgstr ""
+"使用可能文字: <code>A-Z</code>, <code>a-z</code>, <code>0-9</code> and "
+"<code>_</code>(3 - 15文字)"
+msgid "The given network interface name already exist"
+msgstr "入力されたネットワーク インターフェース名は、既に存在しています。"
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main firewall "
+"configuration file (/etc/config/firewall)."
+msgstr ""
+"このフォームでは、ファイアウォール 設定ファイル (/etc/config/firewall) の内容"
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main network configuration "
+"file (/etc/config/network)."
+msgstr ""
+"このフォームでは、ネットワーク 設定ファイル (/etc/config/network) の内容を変"
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main travelmate "
+"configuration file (/etc/config/travelmate)."
+msgstr ""
+"このフォームでは、 Travelmate 設定ファイル (/etc/config/travelmate) の内容を"
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main wireless "
+"configuration file (/etc/config/wireless)."
+msgstr ""
+"このフォームでは、無線 設定ファイル (/etc/config/wireless) の内容を変更するこ"
+msgid ""
+"This form shows the syslog output, pre-filtered for travelmate related "
+"messages only."
+msgstr ""
+"このフォームには、システムログ内の Travelmate に関するメッセージのみが表示さ"
+msgid "Timeout in seconds between retries in 'automatic' mode"
+msgstr "'automatic' モード時に接続を再試行する間隔(秒)です。"
msgid "Travelmate"
msgstr "Travelmate"
-msgid "Use iw for scanning"
-msgstr "スキャンに iw を使用する"
+msgid "Travelmate Logfile"
+msgstr "Travelmate ログファイル"
+msgid "Travelmate version"
+msgstr "Travelmate バージョン"
+msgid "Trigger delay"
+msgstr "トリガー遅延"
+msgid "View Logfile"
+msgstr "ログファイルの確認"
+msgid "connected"
+msgstr "接続済み"
+msgid "n/a"
+msgstr "利用不可"
+msgid "not connected"
+msgstr "未接続"
+msgid "see online documentation"
+msgstr "オンライン ドキュメントを確認してください"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Brief advice: Create a wwan interface, configure it to use dhcp and add "
+#~ "it to the wan zone in firewall. Create the wifi interfaces to be used "
+#~ "('client' mode, assigned to wwan network, left as disabled). Travelmate "
+#~ "will try to connect to the known wifi client interfaces in the defined "
+#~ "order."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "簡単な解説: 予めWWANインターフェースを作成し、DHCPを使用するよう構成して"
+#~ "ファイアウォールのWANゾーンに追加します。また、使用される無線インター"
+#~ "フェースを作成しておきます(\"クライアント\" モード、WWANに割り当て、無効"
+#~ "状態)。Travelmateは、登録されている順序で既知の無線クライアント インター"
+#~ "フェースへの接続を試行します。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Configuration of the Travelmate package to enable travel router "
+#~ "functionality."
+#~ msgstr "トラベル ルータ機能を有効にする、Travelmate パッケージの設定です。"
+#~ msgid "Debug logging"
+#~ msgstr "デバッグ ログ"
+#~ msgid "Default 20, range 10-60"
+#~ msgstr "既定値 20、範囲 10 - 60"
+#~ msgid "Default 3, range 1-10"
+#~ msgstr "既定値 3、範囲 1 - 10"
+#~ msgid "Disable this if you want to use iwinfo instead of iw"
+#~ msgstr "iw の代わりに iwinfo を使用したい場合、この設定を無効にします。"
+#~ msgid "Enable Travelmate"
+#~ msgstr "Travelmateの有効化"
+#~ msgid "Global options"
+#~ msgstr "全般オプション"
+#~ msgid "Link to detailed advice"
+#~ msgstr "詳細な解説へのリンク"
+#~ msgid "Max. number of connection retries to an uplink"
+#~ msgstr "確立までの接続試行回数"
+#~ msgid "Max. timeout in seconds for wlan interface reload"
+#~ msgstr "無線LANインターフェース リロード時の最大待機時間(秒)"
+#~ msgid "Restrict reload trigger to certain interface(s)"
+#~ msgstr "リロード トリガを特定のインターフェースに限定する"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Space separated list of wwan interfaces that trigger reload action. To "
+#~ "disable reload trigger set it to 'false'. Default: empty"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "リロード動作のトリガとなる、スペースで区切られたWWAN インターフェースのリ"
+#~ "ストです。リロードのトリガを無効にするには、'false' を設定します。既定値:"
+#~ "(空)"
+#~ msgid "Use iw for scanning"
+#~ msgstr "スキャンに iw を使用する"
#~ msgid "Default 3, range 0-10. Set to 0 to allow unlimited retries"
#~ msgstr "既定値 3、範囲 0 - 10。再試行回数を制限しない場合、0 に設定します。"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/pt-br/travelmate.po b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/pt-br/travelmate.po
index bcfc1cfa2f..906c698dd8 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/pt-br/travelmate.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/pt-br/travelmate.po
@@ -12,67 +12,251 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
+msgid "."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Additional trigger delay in seconds before travelmate processing begins."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"Brief advice: Create a wwan interface, configure it to use dhcp and add it "
-"to the wan zone in firewall. Create the wifi interfaces to be used ('client' "
-"mode, assigned to wwan network, left as disabled). Travelmate will try to "
-"connect to the known wifi client interfaces in the defined order."
+"Automatically create a new wireless wan interface, configure it to use dhcp "
+"and add it to the wan zone of the firewall. This step has only to be done "
msgstr ""
-"Breve conselho: Crie uma interface wwan, configure-a para usar DHCP e "
-"adicione-a à zona wan no firewall. Crie as interfaces wifi a serem usadas "
-"(modo 'cliente', atribuído à rede wwan, deixado como desativado). O "
-"Travelmate tentará se conectar às interfaces de cliente wifi conhecidas na "
-"ordem definida."
msgid ""
-"Configuration of the Travelmate package to enable travel router "
+"Configuration of the travelmate package to to enable travel router "
msgstr ""
-"Configuração do pacote Travelmate para permitir a funcionalidade de roteador "
-"de viagem."
-msgid "Debug logging"
-msgstr "Registros(log) para depuração"
+msgid "Connection Limit"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Direct Link: <a href=\"%s\">Wireless Setup</a>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Edit Firewall Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Edit Network Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Edit Travelmate Configuration"
+msgstr ""
-msgid "Default 20, range 10-60"
-msgstr "Padrão 20, faixa 10-60"
+msgid "Edit Wireless Configuration"
+msgstr ""
-msgid "Default 3, range 1-10"
-msgstr "Padrão 3, faixa 1-10"
+msgid "Enable 'automatic' mode"
+msgstr ""
-msgid "Disable this if you want to use iwinfo instead of iw"
-msgstr "Desabilite isto se você quer usar o iwinfo ao invés do iw"
+msgid "Enable travelmate"
+msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable Travelmate"
-msgstr "Habilitar o Travelmate"
+msgid "Enable verbose debug logging"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Extra options"
msgstr "Opções adicionais"
-msgid "Global options"
-msgstr "Opções Globais"
+msgid "For further information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "How long should travelmate wait for a successful wlan interface reload"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "How many times should travelmate try to connect to an Uplink"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Input file not found, please check your configuration."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Interface Setup"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Interface Timeout"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Keep travelmate in an active state."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Last rundate"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Name of the new wireless wan interface"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Network Interface '%s' created successfully. Feel free to scan & add new "
+"stations via standard wireless setup."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Online Status"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Options for further tweaking in case the defaults are not suitable for you."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overall Timeout"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Radio selection"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Restrict interface trigger to certain interface(s)"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Restrict travelmate to a dedicated radio, e.g. 'radio0'"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Runtime information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Setup WWAN Interface"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Space separated list of interfaces that trigger travelmate processing. To "
+"disable event driven (re-)starts remove all entries."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Station Interface"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Station Radio"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Station SSID"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"The allowed characters are: <code>A-Z</code>, <code>a-z</code>, <code>0-9</"
+"code> and <code>_</code> (3-15 characters)."
+msgstr ""
-msgid "Link to detailed advice"
-msgstr "Endereço para conselhos detalhados"
+msgid "The given network interface name already exist"
+msgstr ""
-msgid "Max. number of connection retries to an uplink"
-msgstr "Máximo número de tentativas de conexão para um enlace"
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main firewall "
+"configuration file (/etc/config/firewall)."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main network configuration "
+"file (/etc/config/network)."
+msgstr ""
-msgid "Max. timeout in seconds for wlan interface reload"
-msgstr "Tempo limite máximo em segundos para recarregar a interface wlan"
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main travelmate "
+"configuration file (/etc/config/travelmate)."
+msgstr ""
-msgid "Restrict reload trigger to certain interface(s)"
-msgstr "Restringir o gatilho de recarga para somente alguma(s) interface(s)"
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main wireless "
+"configuration file (/etc/config/wireless)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"Space separated list of wwan interfaces that trigger reload action. To "
-"disable reload trigger set it to 'false'. Default: empty"
+"This form shows the syslog output, pre-filtered for travelmate related "
+"messages only."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Timeout in seconds between retries in 'automatic' mode"
msgstr ""
-"Lista separada por espaços de interfaces wwan que acionam a ação de recarga. "
-"Para desabilitar o gatilho de recarga, defina-o como 'false'. Padrão: vazio"
msgid "Travelmate"
msgstr "Travelmate"
-msgid "Use iw for scanning"
-msgstr "Use o iw para escaneamento"
+msgid "Travelmate Logfile"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Travelmate version"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Trigger delay"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "View Logfile"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "connected"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "n/a"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "not connected"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "see online documentation"
+msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Brief advice: Create a wwan interface, configure it to use dhcp and add "
+#~ "it to the wan zone in firewall. Create the wifi interfaces to be used "
+#~ "('client' mode, assigned to wwan network, left as disabled). Travelmate "
+#~ "will try to connect to the known wifi client interfaces in the defined "
+#~ "order."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Breve conselho: Crie uma interface wwan, configure-a para usar DHCP e "
+#~ "adicione-a à zona wan no firewall. Crie as interfaces wifi a serem usadas "
+#~ "(modo 'cliente', atribuído à rede wwan, deixado como desativado). O "
+#~ "Travelmate tentará se conectar às interfaces de cliente wifi conhecidas "
+#~ "na ordem definida."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Configuration of the Travelmate package to enable travel router "
+#~ "functionality."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Configuração do pacote Travelmate para permitir a funcionalidade de "
+#~ "roteador de viagem."
+#~ msgid "Debug logging"
+#~ msgstr "Registros(log) para depuração"
+#~ msgid "Default 20, range 10-60"
+#~ msgstr "Padrão 20, faixa 10-60"
+#~ msgid "Default 3, range 1-10"
+#~ msgstr "Padrão 3, faixa 1-10"
+#~ msgid "Disable this if you want to use iwinfo instead of iw"
+#~ msgstr "Desabilite isto se você quer usar o iwinfo ao invés do iw"
+#~ msgid "Enable Travelmate"
+#~ msgstr "Habilitar o Travelmate"
+#~ msgid "Global options"
+#~ msgstr "Opções Globais"
+#~ msgid "Link to detailed advice"
+#~ msgstr "Endereço para conselhos detalhados"
+#~ msgid "Max. number of connection retries to an uplink"
+#~ msgstr "Máximo número de tentativas de conexão para um enlace"
+#~ msgid "Max. timeout in seconds for wlan interface reload"
+#~ msgstr "Tempo limite máximo em segundos para recarregar a interface wlan"
+#~ msgid "Restrict reload trigger to certain interface(s)"
+#~ msgstr "Restringir o gatilho de recarga para somente alguma(s) interface(s)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Space separated list of wwan interfaces that trigger reload action. To "
+#~ "disable reload trigger set it to 'false'. Default: empty"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lista separada por espaços de interfaces wwan que acionam a ação de "
+#~ "recarga. Para desabilitar o gatilho de recarga, defina-o como 'false'. "
+#~ "Padrão: vazio"
+#~ msgid "Use iw for scanning"
+#~ msgstr "Use o iw para escaneamento"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/templates/travelmate.pot b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/templates/travelmate.pot
index 20628196b6..4542ec85ef 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/templates/travelmate.pot
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/po/templates/travelmate.pot
@@ -1,58 +1,190 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+msgid "."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"Brief advice: Create a wwan interface, configure it to use dhcp and add it "
-"to the wan zone in firewall. Create the wifi interfaces to be used ('client' "
-"mode, assigned to wwan network, left as disabled). Travelmate will try to "
-"connect to the known wifi client interfaces in the defined order."
+"Additional trigger delay in seconds before travelmate processing begins."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"Configuration of the Travelmate package to enable travel router "
+"Automatically create a new wireless wan interface, configure it to use dhcp "
+"and add it to the wan zone of the firewall. This step has only to be done "
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Configuration of the travelmate package to to enable travel router "
msgstr ""
-msgid "Debug logging"
+msgid "Connection Limit"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Direct Link: <a href=\"%s\">Wireless Setup</a>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Edit Firewall Configuration"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Default 20, range 10-60"
+msgid "Edit Network Configuration"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Default 3, range 1-10"
+msgid "Edit Travelmate Configuration"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Disable this if you want to use iwinfo instead of iw"
+msgid "Edit Wireless Configuration"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable Travelmate"
+msgid "Enable 'automatic' mode"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Enable travelmate"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Enable verbose debug logging"
msgstr ""
msgid "Extra options"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Global options"
+msgid "For further information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "How long should travelmate wait for a successful wlan interface reload"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "How many times should travelmate try to connect to an Uplink"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Input file not found, please check your configuration."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Interface Setup"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Interface Timeout"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Link to detailed advice"
+msgid "Keep travelmate in an active state."
msgstr ""
-msgid "Max. number of connection retries to an uplink"
+msgid "Last rundate"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Max. timeout in seconds for wlan interface reload"
+msgid "Name of the new wireless wan interface"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Network Interface '%s' created successfully. Feel free to scan & add new "
+"stations via standard wireless setup."
msgstr ""
-msgid "Restrict reload trigger to certain interface(s)"
+msgid "Online Status"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
-"Space separated list of wwan interfaces that trigger reload action. To "
-"disable reload trigger set it to 'false'. Default: empty"
+"Options for further tweaking in case the defaults are not suitable for you."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overall Timeout"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Radio selection"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Restrict interface trigger to certain interface(s)"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Restrict travelmate to a dedicated radio, e.g. 'radio0'"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Runtime information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Setup WWAN Interface"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Space separated list of interfaces that trigger travelmate processing. To "
+"disable event driven (re-)starts remove all entries."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Station Interface"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Station Radio"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Station SSID"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"The allowed characters are: <code>A-Z</code>, <code>a-z</code>, <code>0-9</"
+"code> and <code>_</code> (3-15 characters)."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "The given network interface name already exist"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main firewall "
+"configuration file (/etc/config/firewall)."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main network configuration "
+"file (/etc/config/network)."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main travelmate "
+"configuration file (/etc/config/travelmate)."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"This form allows you to modify the content of the main wireless "
+"configuration file (/etc/config/wireless)."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"This form shows the syslog output, pre-filtered for travelmate related "
+"messages only."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Timeout in seconds between retries in 'automatic' mode"
msgstr ""
msgid "Travelmate"
msgstr ""
-msgid "Use iw for scanning"
+msgid "Travelmate Logfile"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Travelmate version"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Trigger delay"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "View Logfile"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "connected"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "n/a"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "not connected"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "see online documentation"
msgstr ""