path: root/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc')
8 files changed, 620 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/controller/shadowsocks-libev.lua b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/controller/shadowsocks-libev.lua
index ae968168f1..05d12e38b2 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/controller/shadowsocks-libev.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/controller/shadowsocks-libev.lua
@@ -1,12 +1,33 @@
--- Copyright 2015 Jian Chang <>
+-- Copyright 2017 Yousong Zhou <>
-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
module("luci.controller.shadowsocks-libev", package.seeall)
function index()
- if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/shadowsocks-libev") then
- return
- end
+ entry({"admin", "services", "shadowsocks-libev"},
+ alias("admin", "services", "shadowsocks-libev", "instances"),
+ _("Shadowsocks-libev"), 59)
+ entry({"admin", "services", "shadowsocks-libev", "instances"},
+ arcombine(cbi("shadowsocks-libev/instances"), cbi("shadowsocks-libev/instance-details")),
+ _("Local Instances"), 10).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "shadowsocks-libev", "servers"},
+ cbi("shadowsocks-libev/servers"),
+ _("Remote Servers"), 20).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "shadowsocks-libev", "rules"},
+ cbi("shadowsocks-libev/rules"),
+ _("Redir Rules"), 30).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "shadowsocks-libev", "status"}, call("ss_status"), nil).leaf = true
+function ss_status()
+ local ut = require "luci.util"
+ local rv = ut.ubus("service", "list", {name = "shadowsocks-libev"})["shadowsocks-libev"] or {_=0}
- entry({"admin", "services", "shadowsocks-libev"}, cbi("shadowsocks-libev"), _("ShadowSocks-libev"), 74).dependent = true
+ luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
+ luci.http.write_json(rv)
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev.lua b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 76435e2f14..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2015 Jian Chang <>
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
-local m, s, o, e, a
-if"pidof ss-redir >/dev/null") == 0 then
- m = Map("shadowsocks-libev", translate("ShadowSocks-libev"), translate("ShadowSocks-libev is running"))
- m = Map("shadowsocks-libev", translate("ShadowSocks-libev"), translate("ShadowSocks-libev is not running"))
-e = {
- "table",
- "rc4",
- "rc4-md5",
- "aes-128-cfb",
- "aes-192-cfb",
- "aes-256-cfb",
- "bf-cfb",
- "camellia-128-cfb",
- "camellia-192-cfb",
- "camellia-256-cfb",
- "cast5-cfb",
- "des-cfb",
- "idea-cfb",
- "rc2-cfb",
- "seed-cfb",
- "salsa20",
- "chacha20",
--- Global Setting
-s = m:section(TypedSection, "shadowsocks-libev", translate("Global Setting"))
-s.anonymous = true
-o = s:option(Flag, "enable", translate("Enable"))
-o.default = 1
-o.rmempty = false
-o = s:option(Value, "server", translate("Server Address"))
-o.datatype = "ipaddr"
-o.rmempty = false
-o = s:option(Value, "server_port", translate("Server Port"))
-o.datatype = "port"
-o.rmempty = false
-o = s:option(Value, "local_port", translate("Local Port"))
-o.datatype = "port"
-o.default = 1080
-o.rmempty = false
-o = s:option(Value, "timeout", translate("Connection Timeout"))
-o.datatype = "uinteger"
-o.default = 60
-o.rmempty = false
-o = s:option(Value, "password", translate("Password"))
-o.password = true
-o.rmempty = false
-o = s:option(ListValue, "encrypt_method", translate("Encrypt Method"))
-for i,v in ipairs(e) do
- o:value(v)
-o.rmempty = false
-o = s:option(Value, "ignore_list", translate("Ignore List"))
-o:value("/dev/null", translate("Disabled"))
-o.default = "/dev/null"
-o.rmempty = false
--- UDP Relay
-s = m:section(TypedSection, "shadowsocks-libev", translate("UDP Relay"))
-s.anonymous = true
-o = s:option(ListValue, "udp_mode", translate("Relay Mode"))
-o:value("0", translate("Disabled"))
-o:value("1", translate("Enabled"))
-o:value("2", translate("Custom"))
-o.default = 0
-o.rmempty = false
-o = s:option(Value, "udp_server", translate("Server Address"))
-o.datatype = "ipaddr"
-o:depends("udp_mode", 2)
-o = s:option(Value, "udp_server_port", translate("Server Port"))
-o.datatype = "port"
-o:depends("udp_mode", 2)
-o = s:option(Value, "udp_local_port", translate("Local Port"))
-o.datatype = "port"
-o.default = 1081
-o:depends("udp_mode", 2)
-o = s:option(Value, "udp_timeout", translate("Connection Timeout"))
-o.datatype = "uinteger"
-o.default = 60
-o:depends("udp_mode", 2)
-o = s:option(Value, "udp_password", translate("Password"))
-o.password = true
-o:depends("udp_mode", 2)
-o = s:option(ListValue, "udp_encrypt_method", translate("Encrypt Method"))
-for i,v in ipairs(e) do
- o:value(v)
-o:depends("udp_mode", 2)
--- UDP Forward
-s = m:section(TypedSection, "shadowsocks-libev", translate("UDP Forward"))
-s.anonymous = true
-o = s:option(Flag, "tunnel_enable", translate("Enable"))
-o.default = 1
-o.rmempty = false
-o = s:option(Value, "tunnel_port", translate("UDP Local Port"))
-o.datatype = "port"
-o.default = 5300
-o = s:option(Value, "tunnel_forward", translate("Forwarding Tunnel"))
-o.default = ""
--- Access Control
-s = m:section(TypedSection, "shadowsocks-libev", translate("Access Control"))
-s.anonymous = true
-s:tab("lan_ac", translate("LAN"))
-o = s:taboption("lan_ac", ListValue, "lan_ac_mode", translate("Access Control"))
-o:value("0", translate("Disabled"))
-o:value("1", translate("Allow listed only"))
-o:value("2", translate("Allow all except listed"))
-o.default = 0
-o.rmempty = false
-a = or {}
-o = s:taboption("lan_ac", DynamicList, "lan_ac_ip", translate("LAN IP List"))
-o.datatype = "ipaddr"
-for i,v in ipairs(a) do
- o:value(v["IP address"])
-s:tab("wan_ac", translate("WAN"))
-o = s:taboption("wan_ac", DynamicList, "wan_bp_ip", translate("Bypassed IP"))
-o.datatype = "ip4addr"
-o = s:taboption("wan_ac", DynamicList, "wan_fw_ip", translate("Forwarded IP"))
-o.datatype = "ip4addr"
-return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/instance-details.lua b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/instance-details.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..195a31f2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/instance-details.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Yousong Zhou <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local ds = require "luci.dispatcher"
+local ss = require "luci.model.shadowsocks-libev"
+local sname = arg[1]
+local redirect_url = ds.build_url("admin/services/shadowsocks-libev/instances")
+local s, o
+local m = Map("shadowsocks-libev")
+local sdata = m:get(sname)
+if not sdata then
+ luci.http.redirect(redirect_url)
+ return
+local stype = sdata[".type"]
+m.redirect = redirect_url
+m.title = "shadowsocks-libev - %s - %s" % {stype, sname}
+s = m:section(NamedSection, sname, stype)
+s:tab("general", translate("General Settings"))
+s:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings"))
+s:taboption("general", Flag, "disabled", translate("Disable"))
+ss.option_install_package(s, "general")
+ss.options_common(s, "advanced")
+if stype == "ss_server" then
+ ss.options_server(s, "general")
+ o = s:taboption("general", Value, "bind_address",
+ translate("Bind address"),
+ translate("The address ss-server will initiate connection from"))
+ o.datatype = "ipaddr"
+ o.placeholder = ""
+ ss.values_ipaddr(o)
+ ss.options_client(s, "general")
+ if stype == "ss_tunnel" then
+ o = s:taboption("general", Value, "tunnel_address",
+ translate("Tunnel address"),
+ translate("The address ss-tunnel will forward traffic to"))
+ o.datatype = "hostport"
+ end
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/instances.lua b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/instances.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62a90fb416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/instances.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Yousong Zhou <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local ds = require "luci.dispatcher"
+local ss = require "luci.model.shadowsocks-libev"
+local ut = require "luci.util"
+local m, s, o
+m = Map("shadowsocks-libev",
+ translate("Local Instances"),
+ translate("Instances of shadowsocks-libev components, e.g. ss-local, \
+ ss-redir, ss-tunnel, ss-server, etc. To enable an instance it \
+ is required to enable both the instance itself and the remote \
+ server it refers to."))
+local instances = {}
+local cfgtypes = { "ss_local", "ss_redir", "ss_server", "ss_tunnel" }
+for sname, sdata in pairs(m:get()) do
+ local key, value = ss.cfgvalue_overview(sdata)
+ if key ~= nil then
+ instances[key] = value
+ end
+s = m:section(Table, instances)
+s.addremove = true
+s.template_addremove = "shadowsocks-libev/add_instance"
+s.extedit = function(self, section)
+ local value = instances[section]
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ return ds.build_url(unpack(ds.context.requestpath),
+ "services/shadowsocks-libev/instances",
+ value[".name"])
+ end
+s.parse = function(self, ...)
+ Table.parse(self, ...)
+ local crval = REMOVE_PREFIX .. self.config
+ local name =
+ for k,v in pairs(name) do
+ local value = instances[k]
+ local sname = value[".name"]
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ m:del(sname)
+ instances[k] = nil
+ for _, oname in ipairs({"redir_tcp", "redir_udp"}) do
+ local ovalue = m:get("ss_rules", oname)
+ if ovalue == sname then
+ m:del("ss_rules", oname)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local stype = m:formvalue("_newinst.type")
+ local sname = m:formvalue("")
+ if ut.contains(cfgtypes, stype) then
+ local created
+ if sname and #sname > 0 then
+ created = m:set(sname, nil, stype)
+ else
+ created = m:add(stype)
+ sname = created
+ end
+ if created then
+ m.uci:save("shadowsocks-libev")
+ luci.http.redirect(ds.build_url(
+ "admin/services/shadowsocks-libev/instances", sname
+ ))
+ end
+ end
+o = s:option(DummyValue, "name", translate("Name"))
+o.rawhtml = true
+o = s:option(DummyValue, "overview", translate("Overview"))
+o.rawhtml = true
+s:option(DummyValue, "running", translate("Running"))
+o = s:option(Button, "disabled", translate("Enable/Disable"))
+o.render = function(self, section, scope)
+ if instances[section].disabled then
+ self.title = translate("Disabled")
+ self.inputstyle = "reset"
+ else
+ self.title = translate("Enabled")
+ self.inputstyle = "save"
+ end
+ Button.render(self, section, scope)
+o.write = function(self, section)
+ local sdata = instances[section]
+ if type(sdata) == "table" then
+ local sname = sdata[".name"]
+ local disabled = not sdata["disabled"]
+ sdata["disabled"] = disabled
+ m:set(sname, "disabled", tostring(disabled))
+ end
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/rules.lua b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/rules.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a01bed247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/rules.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Yousong Zhou <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local ss = require("luci.model.shadowsocks-libev")
+local m, s, o
+m = Map("shadowsocks-libev",
+ translate("Redir Rules"),
+ translate("On this page you can configure how traffics are to be \
+ forwarded to ss-redir instances. \
+ If enabled, packets will first have their src ip addresses checked \
+ against <em>Src ip/net bypass</em>, <em>Src ip/net forward</em>, \
+ <em>Src ip/net checkdst</em> and if none matches <em>Src default</em> \
+ will give the default action to be taken. \
+ If the prior check results in action <em>checkdst</em>, packets will continue \
+ to have their dst addresses checked."))
+local sdata = m:get('ss_rules')
+if not sdata then
+ m:set('ss_rules', nil, 'ss_rules')
+ m:set('ss_rules', 'disabled', "1")
+function src_dst_option(s, ...)
+ local o = s:taboption(...)
+ o.datatype = "or(ip4addr,cidr4)"
+s = m:section(NamedSection, "ss_rules", "ss_rules")
+s:tab("general", translate("General Settings"))
+s:tab("src", translate("Source Settings"))
+s:tab("dst", translate("Destination Settings"))
+s:taboption('general', Flag, "disabled", translate("Disable"))
+ss.option_install_package(s, 'general')
+o = s:taboption('general', ListValue, "redir_tcp",
+ translate("ss-redir for TCP"))
+ss.values_redir(o, 'tcp')
+o = s:taboption('general', ListValue, "redir_udp",
+ translate("ss-redir for UDP"))
+ss.values_redir(o, 'udp')
+o = s:taboption('general', ListValue, "local_default",
+ translate("Local-out default"),
+ translate("Default action for locally generated TCP packets"))
+o = s:taboption('general', DynamicList, "ifnames",
+ translate("Ingress interfaces"),
+ translate("Only apply rules on packets from these network interfaces"))
+s:taboption('general', Value, "ipt_args",
+ translate("Extra arguments"),
+ translate("Passes additional arguments to iptables. Use with care!"))
+src_dst_option(s, 'src', DynamicList, "src_ips_bypass",
+ translate("Src ip/net bypass"),
+ translate("Bypass ss-redir for packets with src address in this list"))
+src_dst_option(s, 'src', DynamicList, "src_ips_forward",
+ translate("Src ip/net forward"),
+ translate("Forward through ss-redir for packets with src address in this list"))
+src_dst_option(s, 'src', DynamicList, "src_ips_checkdst",
+ translate("Src ip/net checkdst"),
+ translate("Continue to have dst address checked for packets with src address in this list"))
+o = s:taboption('src', ListValue, "src_default",
+ translate("Src default"),
+ translate("Default action for packets whose src address do not match any of the src ip/net list"))
+src_dst_option(s, 'dst', DynamicList, "dst_ips_bypass",
+ translate("Dst ip/net bypass"),
+ translate("Bypass ss-redir for packets with dst address in this list"))
+src_dst_option(s, 'dst', DynamicList, "dst_ips_forward",
+ translate("Dst ip/net forward"),
+ translate("Forward through ss-redir for packets with dst address in this list"))
+o = s:taboption('dst', FileBrowser, "dst_ips_bypass_file",
+ translate("Dst ip/net bypass file"),
+ translate("File containing ip/net for the purposes as with <em>Dst ip/net bypass</em>"))
+o.datatype = "file"
+s:taboption('dst', FileBrowser, "dst_ips_forward_file",
+ translate("Dst ip/net forward file"),
+ translate("File containing ip/net for the purposes as with <em>Dst ip/net forward</em>"))
+o.datatype = "file"
+o = s:taboption('dst', ListValue, "dst_default",
+ translate("Dst default"),
+ translate("Default action for packets whose dst address do not match any of the dst ip list"))
+local installed = os.execute("iptables -m recent -h &>/dev/null") == 0
+if installed then
+ o = s:taboption('dst', Flag, "dst_forward_recentrst")
+ m:set('ss_rules', 'dst_forward_recentrst', "0")
+ o = s:taboption("dst", Button, "_install")
+ o.inputtitle = translate("Install package iptables-mod-conntrack-extra")
+ o.inputstyle = "apply"
+ o.write = function()
+ return luci.http.redirect(
+ luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/packages") ..
+ "?submit=1&install=iptables-mod-conntrack-extra"
+ )
+ end
+o.title = translate("Forward recentrst")
+o.description = translate("Forward those packets whose dst have recently sent to us multiple tcp-rst")
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/servers.lua b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/servers.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71c66562e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/cbi/shadowsocks-libev/servers.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Yousong Zhou <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local ds = require "luci.dispatcher"
+local ss = require("luci.model.shadowsocks-libev")
+local m, s
+m = Map("shadowsocks-libev",
+ translate("Remote Servers"),
+ translate("Definition of remote shadowsocks servers. \
+ Disable any of them will also disable instances refering to it."))
+local sname = arg[1]
+if sname then
+ if not m:get(sname) then
+ luci.http.redirect(ds.build_url("admin/services/shadowsocks-libev/servers"))
+ return
+ end
+ s = m:section(NamedSection, sname, "server")
+ m.title = m.title .. ' - ' .. sname
+ s = m:section(TypedSection, "server")
+ s.template = 'cbi/tblsection'
+ s.addremove = true
+s:option(Flag, "disabled", translate("Disable"))
+return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/shadowsocks-libev.lua b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/shadowsocks-libev.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fc20c52bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/model/shadowsocks-libev.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+-- Copyright 2017 Yousong Zhou <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local _up = getfenv(3)
+local ut = require("luci.util")
+local sys = require("luci.sys")
+local ds = require("luci.dispatcher")
+local nw = require("")
+module("luci.model.shadowsocks-libev", function(m)
+ setmetatable(m, {__index=function (self, k)
+ local tb = _up
+ return rawget(self, k) or _up[k]
+ end})
+function values_actions(o)
+ o:value("bypass")
+ o:value("forward")
+ if o.option ~= "dst_default" then
+ o:value("checkdst")
+ end
+function values_redir(o, xmode)
+"shadowsocks-libev", "ss_redir", function(sdata)
+ local disabled = ucival_to_bool(sdata["disabled"])
+ local sname = sdata[".name"]
+ local mode = sdata["mode"] or "tcp_only"
+ if not disabled and mode:find(xmode) then
+ local desc = "%s - %s" % {sname, mode}
+ o:value(sname, desc)
+ end
+ end)
+ o:value("", "<unset>")
+ o.default = ""
+function values_serverlist(o)
+"shadowsocks-libev", "server", function(sdata)
+ local sname = sdata[".name"]
+ local server = sdata["server"]
+ local server_port = sdata["server_port"]
+ if server and server_port then
+ local disabled = ucival_to_bool(sdata[".disabled"]) and " - disabled" or ""
+ local desc = "%s - %s:%s%s" % {sname, server, server_port, disabled}
+ o:value(sname, desc)
+ end
+ end)
+function values_ipaddr(o)
+ for _, v in ipairs(nw:get_interfaces()) do
+ for _, a in ipairs(v:ipaddrs()) do
+ o:value(a:host():string(), '%s (%s)' %{ a:host(), v:shortname() })
+ end
+ end
+function values_ifnames(o)
+ for _, v in ipairs( do
+ o:value(v)
+ end
+function options_client(s, tab)
+ local o
+ o = s:taboption(tab, ListValue, "server", translate("Remote server"))
+ values_serverlist(o)
+ o = s:taboption(tab, Value, "local_address", translate("Local address"))
+ o.datatype = "ipaddr"
+ o.placeholder = ""
+ values_ipaddr(o)
+ o = s:taboption(tab, Value, "local_port", translate("Local port"))
+ o.datatype = "port"
+function options_server(s, tab)
+ local o
+ local optfunc
+ if tab == nil then
+ optfunc = function(...) return s:option(...) end
+ else
+ optfunc = function(...) return s:taboption(tab, ...) end
+ end
+ o = optfunc(Value, "server", translate("Server"))
+ o.datatype = "host"
+ o.size = 16
+ o = optfunc(Value, "server_port", translate("Server port"))
+ o.datatype = "port"
+ o.size = 5
+ o = optfunc(ListValue, "method", translate("Method"))
+ for _, m in ipairs(methods) do
+ o:value(m)
+ end
+ o = optfunc(Value, "key", translate("Key (base64 encoding)"))
+ o.datatype = "base64"
+ o.password = true
+ o.size = 12
+ o = optfunc(Value, "password", translate("Password"))
+ o.password = true
+ o.size = 12
+function options_common(s, tab)
+ local o
+ o = s:taboption(tab, ListValue, "mode", translate("Mode of operation"))
+ for _, m in ipairs(modes) do
+ o:value(m)
+ end
+ o.default = "tcp_and_udp"
+ o = s:taboption(tab, Value, "mtu", translate("MTU"))
+ o.datatype = "uinteger"
+ o = s:taboption(tab, Value, "timeout", translate("Timeout (sec)"))
+ o.datatype = "uinteger"
+ s:taboption(tab, Value, "user", translate("Run as"))
+ s:taboption(tab, Flag, "verbose", translate("Verbose"))
+ s:taboption(tab, Flag, "ipv6_first", translate("IPv6 First"), translate("Prefer IPv6 addresses when resolving names"))
+ s:taboption(tab, Flag, "fast_open", translate("Enable TCP Fast Open"))
+ s:taboption(tab, Flag, "no_delay", translate("Enable TCP_NODELAY"))
+ s:taboption(tab, Flag, "reuse_port", translate("Enable SO_REUSEPORT"))
+function ucival_to_bool(val)
+ return val == "true" or val == "1" or val == "yes" or val == "on"
+function cfgvalue_overview(sdata)
+ local stype = sdata[".type"]
+ local lines = {}
+ if stype == "ss_server" then
+ cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, names_options_server)
+ cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, names_options_common)
+ cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, {
+ "bind_address",
+ })
+ elseif stype == "ss_local" or stype == "ss_redir" or stype == "ss_tunnel" then
+ cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, names_options_client)
+ if stype == "ss_tunnel" then
+ cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, {"tunnel_address"})
+ end
+ cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, names_options_common)
+ else
+ return nil, nil
+ end
+ local sname = sdata[".name"]
+ local key = "%s.%s" % {stype, sname}
+ local value = {
+ [".name"] = sname,
+ name = '%s.<var>%s</var>' % {stype, sname},
+ overview = table.concat(lines, "</br>"),
+ disabled = ucival_to_bool(sdata["disabled"]),
+ }
+ return key, value
+function cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, names)
+ local line
+ for _, n in ipairs(names) do
+ local v = sdata[n]
+ if v ~= nil then
+ if n == "key" or n == "password" then
+ v = translate("<hidden>")
+ end
+ local fv = "<var>%s</var>" % ut.pcdata(v)
+ if sdata[".type"] ~= "ss_server" and n == "server" then
+ fv = '<a class="label" href="%s">%s</a>' % {
+ ds.build_url("admin/services/shadowsocks-libev/servers", v), fv}
+ end
+ line = n .. ": " .. fv
+ table.insert(lines, line)
+ end
+ end
+function option_install_package(s, tab)
+ local bin = s.sectiontype:gsub("_", "-", 1)
+ local installed = nixio.fs.access("/usr/bin/" .. bin)
+ if installed then
+ return
+ end
+ local opkg_package = "shadowsocks-libev-" .. bin
+ local p_install
+ if tab then
+ p_install = s:taboption(tab, Button, "_install")
+ else
+ p_install = s:option(Button, "_install")
+ end
+ p_install.title = translate("Package is not installed")
+ p_install.inputtitle = translate("Install package %q" % opkg_package)
+ p_install.inputstyle = "apply"
+ function p_install.write()
+ return luci.http.redirect(
+ luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/system/packages") ..
+ "?submit=1&install=%s" % opkg_package
+ )
+ end
+names_options_server = {
+ "server",
+ "server_port",
+ "method",
+ "key",
+ "password",
+names_options_client = {
+ "server",
+ "local_address",
+ "local_port",
+names_options_common = {
+ "verbose",
+ "ipv6_first",
+ "fast_open",
+ "no_delay",
+ "reuse_port",
+ "mode",
+ "mtu",
+ "timeout",
+ "user",
+modes = {
+ "tcp_only",
+ "tcp_and_udp",
+ "udp_only",
+methods = {
+ -- aead
+ "aes-128-gcm",
+ "aes-192-gcm",
+ "aes-256-gcm",
+ "chacha20-ietf-poly1305",
+ "xchacha20-ietf-poly1305",
+ -- stream
+ "table",
+ "rc4",
+ "rc4-md5",
+ "aes-128-cfb",
+ "aes-192-cfb",
+ "aes-256-cfb",
+ "aes-128-ctr",
+ "aes-192-ctr",
+ "aes-256-ctr",
+ "bf-cfb",
+ "camellia-128-cfb",
+ "camellia-192-cfb",
+ "camellia-256-cfb",
+ "salsa20",
+ "chacha20",
+ "chacha20-ietf",
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/view/shadowsocks-libev/add_instance.htm b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/view/shadowsocks-libev/add_instance.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f016dd47e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/luasrc/view/shadowsocks-libev/add_instance.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<div class="cbi-section-create cbi-tblsection-create">
+ <div>
+ <select class="cbi-input-select" id="_newinst.type" name="_newinst.type">
+ <option value="_dummy">-- instance type --</option>
+ <option value="ss_local">ss-local</option>
+ <option value="ss_tunnel">ss-tunnel</option>
+ <option value="ss_redir">ss-redir</option>
+ <option value="ss_server">ss-server</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <input type="text" class="cbi-input-text" id="" name="" placeholder="<%:Name%>"/>
+ </div>
+ <input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-button-add" name="cbi.cts.<%=self.config%>" value="<%:Add%>" />
+<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
+ XHR.poll(5, '<%=url('admin/services/shadowsocks-libev/status')%>', null,
+ function(x, st)
+ {
+ var names = [
+ <%-
+ for _, name in ipairs(self:cfgsections()) do
+ write("%q," % name)
+ end
+ -%>
+ ];
+ var instances = st["instances"] || {};
+ for (var i = 0, len = names.length; i < len; i++) {
+ var name = names[i];
+ var el = document.getElementById('cbi-table-' + name + '-running');
+ if (el) {
+ var running = instances.hasOwnProperty(name)? instances[name].running : false;
+ el.innerText = running ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );