path: root/applications/luci-app-olsr/luasrc/controller/olsr.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-olsr/luasrc/controller/olsr.lua')
1 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-olsr/luasrc/controller/olsr.lua b/applications/luci-app-olsr/luasrc/controller/olsr.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4573f690b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-olsr/luasrc/controller/olsr.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+module("luci.controller.olsr", package.seeall)
+function index()
+ local ipv4,ipv6
+ if nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/olsrd") then
+ ipv4 = 1
+ end
+ if nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/olsrd6") then
+ ipv6 = 1
+ end
+ if not ipv4 and not ipv6 then
+ return
+ end
+ require("luci.model.uci")
+ local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor_state()
+ uci:foreach("olsrd", "olsrd", function(s)
+ if s.SmartGateway and s.SmartGateway == "yes" then has_smartgw = true end
+ end)
+ local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr")
+ = template("status-olsr/overview")
+ page.title = _("OLSR")
+ page.subindex = true
+ local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "json")
+ = call("action_json")
+ page.title = nil
+ page.leaf = true
+ local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "neighbors")
+ = call("action_neigh")
+ page.title = _("Neighbours")
+ page.subindex = true
+ page.order = 5
+ local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "routes")
+ = call("action_routes")
+ page.title = _("Routes")
+ page.order = 10
+ local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "topology")
+ = call("action_topology")
+ page.title = _("Topology")
+ page.order = 20
+ local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "hna")
+ = call("action_hna")
+ page.title = _("HNA")
+ page.order = 30
+ local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "mid")
+ = call("action_mid")
+ page.title = _("MID")
+ page.order = 50
+ if has_smartgw then
+ local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "smartgw")
+ = call("action_smartgw")
+ page.title = _("SmartGW")
+ page.order = 60
+ end
+ local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "interfaces")
+ = call("action_interfaces")
+ page.title = _("Interfaces")
+ page.order = 70
+ odsp = entry(
+ {"admin", "services", "olsrd", "display"},
+ cbi("olsr/olsrddisplay"), _("Display")
+ )
+function action_json()
+ local http = require "luci.http"
+ local utl = require "luci.util"
+ local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state()
+ local jsonreq4
+ local jsonreq6
+ jsonreq4 = utl.exec("echo /status | nc 9090")
+ jsonreq6 = utl.exec("echo /status | nc ::1 9090")
+ http.prepare_content("application/json")
+ if not jsonreq4 or jsonreq4 == "" then
+ jsonreq4 = "{}"
+ end
+ if not jsonreq6 or jsonreq6 == "" then
+ jsonreq6 = "{}"
+ end
+ http.write('{"v4":' .. jsonreq4 .. ', "v6":' .. jsonreq6 .. '}')
+function action_neigh(json)
+ local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('links')
+ if error then
+ return
+ end
+ local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state()
+ local resolve = uci:get("luci_olsr", "general", "resolve")
+ local ntm = require "".init()
+ local devices = ntm:get_wifidevs()
+ local sys = require "luci.sys"
+ local assoclist = {}
+ --local neightbl = require "neightbl"
+ local ipc = require "luci.ip"
+ if r.dest:prefix() == 0 then
+ defaultgw = r.gateway:string()
+ end
+ end)
+ local function compare(a,b)
+ if a.proto == b.proto then
+ return a.linkCost < b.linkCost
+ else
+ return a.proto < b.proto
+ end
+ end
+ for _, dev in ipairs(devices) do
+ for _, net in ipairs(dev:get_wifinets()) do
+ assoclist[#assoclist+1] = {}
+ assoclist[#assoclist]['ifname'] = net.iwdata.ifname
+ assoclist[#assoclist]['network'] =
+ assoclist[#assoclist]['device'] = net.iwdata.device
+ assoclist[#assoclist]['list'] = net.iwinfo.assoclist
+ end
+ end
+ for k, v in ipairs(data) do
+ local interface
+ local snr = 0
+ local signal = 0
+ local noise = 0
+ local arptable =
+ local mac = ""
+ local rmac = ""
+ local lmac = ""
+ local ip
+ local neihgt = {}
+ if resolve == "1" then
+ hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v.remoteIP, nil, 100)
+ if hostname then
+ v.hostname = hostname
+ end
+ end
+ if v.proto == '4' then
+ uci:foreach("network", "interface",function(vif)
+ if vif.ipaddr and vif.ipaddr == v.localIP then
+ interface = vif['.name'] or vif.interface
+ lmac = string.lower(vif.macaddr or "")
+ return
+ end
+ end)
+ for _, arpt in ipairs(arptable) do
+ ip = arpt['IP address']
+ if ip == v.remoteIP then
+ rmac = string.lower(arpt['HW address'] or "")
+ end
+ end
+ elseif v.proto == '6' then
+ uci:foreach("network", "interface",function(vif)
+ local name = vif['.name']
+ local net = ntm:get_network(name)
+ local device = net and net:get_interface()
+ local locip = ipc.IPv6(v.localIP)
+ if device and device:ip6addrs() and locip then
+ for _, a in ipairs(device:ip6addrs()) do
+ if not a:is6linklocal() then
+ if a:host() == locip:host() then
+ interface = name
+ --neihgt = neightbl.get(device.ifname) or {}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ --[[
+ for ip,mac in pairs(neihgt) do
+ if ip == v.remoteIP then
+ rmac = mac
+ end
+ end
+ ]]--
+ end
+ for _, val in ipairs(assoclist) do
+ if == interface and val.list then
+ for assocmac, assot in pairs(val.list) do
+ assocmac = string.lower(assocmac or "")
+ if rmac == assocmac then
+ signal = tonumber(assot.signal)
+ noise = tonumber(assot.noise)
+ snr = (noise*-1) - (signal*-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if interface then
+ v.interface = interface
+ end
+ v.snr = snr
+ v.signal = signal
+ v.noise = noise
+ if rmac then
+ v.remoteMAC = rmac
+ end
+ if lmac then
+ v.localMAC = lmac
+ end
+ if defaultgw == v.remoteIP then
+ v.defaultgw = 1
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(data, compare)
+ luci.template.render("status-olsr/neighbors", {links=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6})
+function action_routes()
+ local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('routes')
+ if error then
+ return
+ end
+ local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state()
+ local resolve = uci:get("luci_olsr", "general", "resolve")
+ for k, v in ipairs(data) do
+ if resolve == "1" then
+ local hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v.gateway, nil, 100)
+ if hostname then
+ v.hostname = hostname
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function compare(a,b)
+ if a.proto == b.proto then
+ return a.rtpMetricCost < b.rtpMetricCost
+ else
+ return a.proto < b.proto
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(data, compare)
+ luci.template.render("status-olsr/routes", {routes=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6})
+function action_topology()
+ local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('topology')
+ if error then
+ return
+ end
+ local function compare(a,b)
+ if a.proto == b.proto then
+ return a.tcEdgeCost < b.tcEdgeCost
+ else
+ return a.proto < b.proto
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(data, compare)
+ luci.template.render("status-olsr/topology", {routes=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6})
+function action_hna()
+ local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('hna')
+ if error then
+ return
+ end
+ local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state()
+ local resolve = uci:get("luci_olsr", "general", "resolve")
+ local function compare(a,b)
+ if a.proto == b.proto then
+ return a.genmask < b.genmask
+ else
+ return a.proto < b.proto
+ end
+ end
+ for k, v in ipairs(data) do
+ if resolve == "1" then
+ hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v.gateway, nil, 100)
+ if hostname then
+ v.hostname = hostname
+ end
+ end
+ if v.validityTime then
+ v.validityTime = tonumber(string.format("%.0f", v.validityTime / 1000))
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(data, compare)
+ luci.template.render("status-olsr/hna", {hna=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6})
+function action_mid()
+ local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('mid')
+ if error then
+ return
+ end
+ local function compare(a,b)
+ if a.proto == b.proto then
+ return a.ipAddress < b.ipAddress
+ else
+ return a.proto < b.proto
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(data, compare)
+ luci.template.render("status-olsr/mid", {mids=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6})
+function action_smartgw()
+ local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('gateways')
+ if error then
+ return
+ end
+ local function compare(a,b)
+ if a.proto == b.proto then
+ return a.tcPathCost < b.tcPathCost
+ else
+ return a.proto < b.proto
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(data, compare)
+ luci.template.render("status-olsr/smartgw", {gws=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6})
+function action_interfaces()
+ local data, has_v4, has_v6, error = fetch_jsoninfo('interfaces')
+ if error then
+ return
+ end
+ local function compare(a,b)
+ return a.proto < b.proto
+ end
+ table.sort(data, compare)
+ luci.template.render("status-olsr/interfaces", {iface=data, has_v4=has_v4, has_v6=has_v6})
+-- Internal
+function fetch_jsoninfo(otable)
+ local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state()
+ local utl = require "luci.util"
+ local json = require "luci.json"
+ local IpVersion = uci:get_first("olsrd", "olsrd","IpVersion")
+ local jsonreq4 = ""
+ local jsonreq6 = ""
+ jsonreq4 = utl.exec("echo /" .. otable .. " | nc 9090")
+ jsonreq6 = utl.exec("echo /" .. otable .. " | nc ::1 9090")
+ local jsondata4 = {}
+ local jsondata6 = {}
+ local data4 = {}
+ local data6 = {}
+ local has_v4 = False
+ local has_v6 = False
+ if jsonreq4 == '' and jsonreq6 == '' then
+ luci.template.render("status-olsr/error_olsr")
+ return nil, 0, 0, true
+ end
+ if jsonreq4 ~= "" then
+ has_v4 = 1
+ jsondata4 = json.decode(jsonreq4)
+ if otable == 'status' then
+ data4 = jsondata4 or {}
+ else
+ data4 = jsondata4[otable] or {}
+ end
+ for k, v in ipairs(data4) do
+ data4[k]['proto'] = '4'
+ end
+ end
+ if jsonreq6 ~= "" then
+ has_v6 = 1
+ jsondata6 = json.decode(jsonreq6)
+ if otable == 'status' then
+ data6 = jsondata6 or {}
+ else
+ data6 = jsondata6[otable] or {}
+ end
+ for k, v in ipairs(data6) do
+ data6[k]['proto'] = '6'
+ end
+ end
+ for k, v in ipairs(data6) do
+ table.insert(data4, v)
+ end
+ return data4, has_v4, has_v6, false