path: root/applications/luci-app-ddns/luasrc/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-ddns/luasrc/tools')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-ddns/luasrc/tools/ddns.lua b/applications/luci-app-ddns/luasrc/tools/ddns.lua
index 4466063cb3..ecc4131364 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-ddns/luasrc/tools/ddns.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-ddns/luasrc/tools/ddns.lua
@@ -96,58 +96,6 @@ function get_pid(section)
return pid
--- compare versions using "<=" "<" ">" ">=" "=" "<<" ">>"
-function ipkg_ver_compare(ver1, comp, ver2)
- if not ver1 or not ver2
- or not comp or not (#comp > 0) then return nil end
- -- correct compare string
- if comp == "<>" or comp == "><" or comp == "!=" or comp == "~=" then comp = "~="
- elseif comp == "<=" or comp == "<" or comp == "=<" then comp = "<="
- elseif comp == ">=" or comp == ">" or comp == "=>" then comp = ">="
- elseif comp == "=" or comp == "==" then comp = "=="
- elseif comp == "<<" then comp = "<"
- elseif comp == ">>" then comp = ">"
- else return nil end
- local av1 = UTIL.split(ver1, "[%.%-]", nil, true)
- local av2 = UTIL.split(ver2, "[%.%-]", nil, true)
- for i = 1, math.max(table.getn(av1),table.getn(av2)), 1 do
- local s1 = av1[i] or ""
- local s2 = av2[i] or ""
- -- first "not equal" found return true
- if comp == "~=" and (s1 ~= s2) then return true end
- -- first "lower" found return true
- if (comp == "<" or comp == "<=") and (s1 < s2) then return true end
- -- first "greater" found return true
- if (comp == ">" or comp == ">=") and (s1 > s2) then return true end
- -- not equal then return false
- if (s1 ~= s2) then return false end
- end
- -- all equal and not compare greater or lower then true
- return not (comp == "<" or comp == ">")
--- read version information for given package if installed
-function ipkg_ver_installed(pkg)
- local version = nil
- local control ="/usr/lib/opkg/info/%s.control" % pkg, "r")
- if control then
- local ln
- repeat
- ln = control:read("*l")
- if ln and ln:match("^Version: ") then
- version = ln:gsub("^Version: ", "")
- break
- end
- until not ln
- control:close()
- end
- return version
-- replacement of build-in read of UCI option
-- modified AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section) from cbi.lua
-- needed to read from other option then current value definition
@@ -172,24 +120,77 @@ function read_value(self, section, option)
--- replacement of build-in Flag.parse of cbi.lua
--- modified to mark section as changed if value changes
--- current parse did not do this, but it is done AbstaractValue.parse()
-function flag_parse(self, section)
- local fexists =
- luci.cbi.FEXIST_PREFIX .. self.config .. "." .. section .. "." .. self.option)
+-- replacement of build-in parse of "Value"
+-- modified AbstractValue.parse(self, section, novld) from cbi.lua
+-- validate is called if rmempty/optional true or false
+-- before write check if forcewrite, value eq default, and more
+function value_parse(self, section, novld)
+ local fvalue = self:formvalue(section)
+ local fexist = ( fvalue and (#fvalue > 0) ) -- not "nil" and "not empty"
+ local cvalue = self:cfgvalue(section)
+ local rm_opt = ( self.rmempty or self.optional )
+ local eq_cfg -- flag: equal cfgvalue
- if fexists then
- local fvalue = self:formvalue(section) and self.enabled or self.disabled
- local cvalue = self:cfgvalue(section)
- if fvalue ~= self.default or (not self.optional and not self.rmempty) then
- self:write(section, fvalue)
- else
- self:remove(section)
+ -- If favlue and cvalue are both tables and have the same content
+ -- make them identical
+ if type(fvalue) == "table" and type(cvalue) == "table" then
+ eq_cfg = (#fvalue == #cvalue)
+ if eq_cfg then
+ for i=1, #fvalue do
+ if cvalue[i] ~= fvalue[i] then
+ eq_cfg = false
+ end
+ end
- if (fvalue ~= cvalue) then self.section.changed = true end
- else
- self:remove(section)
+ if eq_cfg then
+ fvalue = cvalue
+ end
+ end
+ -- removed parameter "section" from function call because used/accepted nowhere
+ -- also removed call to function "transfer"
+ local vvalue, errtxt = self:validate(fvalue)
+ -- error handling; validate return "nil"
+ if not vvalue then
+ if novld then -- and "novld" set
+ return -- then exit without raising an error
+ end
+ if fexist then -- and there is a formvalue
+ self:add_error(section, "invalid", errtxt)
+ return -- so data are invalid
+ elseif not rm_opt then -- and empty formvalue but NOT (rmempty or optional) set
+ self:add_error(section, "missing", errtxt)
+ return -- so data is missing
+ end
+ end
+ -- for whatever reason errtxt set and not handled above
+ assert( not (errtxt and (#errtxt > 0)), "unhandled validate error" )
+ -- lets continue with value returned from validate
+ eq_cfg = ( vvalue == cvalue ) -- update equal_config flag
+ local vexist = ( vvalue and (#vvalue > 0) ) -- not "nil" and "not empty"
+ local eq_def = ( vvalue == self.default ) -- equal_default flag
+ -- not forcewrite and (rmempty or optional)
+ -- and (no data or equal_default)
+ if not self.forcewrite and rm_opt
+ and (not vexist or eq_def) then
+ if self:remove(section) then -- remove data from UCI
+ self.section.changed = true -- and push events
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ -- not forcewrite and no changes, so nothing to write
+ if not self.forcewrite and eq_cfg then
+ return
+ end
+ -- write data to UCI; raise event only on changes
+ if self:write(section, vvalue) and not eq_cfg then
self.section.changed = true