path: root/applications/luci-app-ddns/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view
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Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-ddns/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-ddns/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/ddns/overview.js b/applications/luci-app-ddns/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/ddns/overview.js
index 3fd752beeb..711769fb67 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-ddns/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/ddns/overview.js
+++ b/applications/luci-app-ddns/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/ddns/overview.js
@@ -154,12 +154,15 @@ return view.extend({
s = is;
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_version', _('Dynamic DNS Version'));
+'info', _('Information'));
+'global', _('Global Settings'));
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_version', _('Dynamic DNS Version'));
o.cfgvalue = function() {
return status[this.option];
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_enabled', _('State'));
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_enabled', _('State'));
o.cfgvalue = function() {
var res = status[this.option];
if (!res) {
@@ -169,7 +172,7 @@ return view.extend({
return res ? _('DDNS Autostart enabled') : _('DDNS Autostart disabled')
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_toggle', ' ');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_toggle', ' ');
o.cfgvalue = function() {
var action = status['_enabled'] ? 'stop' : 'start';
return E([], [
@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ return view.extend({
}, _(action.toUpperCase() + ' DDns'))]);
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_restart', ' ');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_restart', ' ');
o.cfgvalue = function() {
return E([], [
E('button', {
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ return view.extend({
// DDns hints
if (!env['has_ipv6']) {
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_no_ipv6');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_no_ipv6');
o.rawhtml = true;
o.title = '<b>' + _("IPv6 not supported") + '</b>';
o.cfgvalue = function() { return _("IPv6 is currently not (fully) supported by this system") + "<br />" +
@@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ return view.extend({
if (!env['has_ssl']) {
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_no_https');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_no_https');
o.titleref = L.url("admin", "system", "opkg")
o.rawhtml = true;
o.title = '<b>' + _("HTTPS not supported") + '</b>';
@@ -220,7 +223,7 @@ return view.extend({
if (!env['has_bindnet']) {
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_no_bind_network');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_no_bind_network');
o.titleref = L.url("admin", "system", "opkg")
o.rawhtml = true;
o.title = '<b>' + _("Binding to a specific network not supported") + '</b>';
@@ -234,7 +237,7 @@ return view.extend({
if (!env['has_proxy']) {
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_no_proxy');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_no_proxy');
o.titleref = L.url("admin", "system", "opkg")
o.rawhtml = true;
o.title = '<b>' + _("cURL without Proxy Support") + '</b>';
@@ -246,7 +249,7 @@ return view.extend({
if (!env['has_forceip']) {
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_no_force_ip');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_no_force_ip');
o.titleref = L.url("admin", "system", "opkg")
o.rawhtml = true;
o.title = '<b>' + _("Force IP Version not supported") + '</b>';
@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ return view.extend({
if (!env['has_bindhost']) {
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_no_dnstcp');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_no_dnstcp');
o.titleref = L.url("admin", "system", "opkg")
o.rawhtml = true;
o.title = '<b>' + _("DNS requests via TCP not supported") + '</b>';
@@ -268,7 +271,7 @@ return view.extend({
if (!env['has_dnsserver']) {
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_no_dnsserver');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_no_dnsserver');
o.titleref = L.url("admin", "system", "opkg")
o.rawhtml = true;
o.title = '<b>' + _("Using specific DNS Server not supported") + '</b>';
@@ -280,7 +283,7 @@ return view.extend({
if (env['has_ssl'] && !env['has_cacerts']) {
- o = s.option(form.DummyValue, '_no_certs');
+ o = s.taboption('info', form.DummyValue, '_no_certs');
o.titleref = L.url("admin", "system", "opkg")
o.rawhtml = true;
o.title = '<b>' + _("No certificates found") + '</b>';
@@ -290,6 +293,59 @@ return view.extend({
"by hand into /etc/ssl/certs default directory")};
+ // Advanced Configuration Section
+ o = s.taboption('global', form.Flag, 'upd_privateip', _("Allow non-public IP's"));
+ o.description = _("Non-public and by default blocked IP's") + ':'
+ + '<br /><strong>IPv4: </strong>'
+ + '0/8, 10/8, 100.64/10, 127/8, 169.254/16, 172.16/12, 192.168/16'
+ + '<br /><strong>IPv6: </strong>'
+ + '::/32, f000::/4"';
+ o.default = "0";
+ o.optional = true;
+ o = s.taboption('global', form.Value, 'ddns_dateformat', _('Date format'));
+ o.description = '<a href="" target="_blank">'
+ + _("For supported codes look here")
+ + '</a><br />' +
+ _('Current setting: ') + '<b>' + status['_curr_dateformat'] + '</b>';
+ o.default = "%F %R"
+ o.optional = true;
+ o.rmempty = true;
+ o = s.taboption('global', form.Value, 'ddns_rundir', _('Status directory'));
+ o.description = _('Directory contains PID and other status information for each running section.');
+ o.default = "/var/run/ddns";
+ o.optional = true;
+ o.rmempty = true;
+ o = s.taboption('global', form.Value, 'ddns_logdir', _('Log directory'));
+ o.description = _('Directory contains Log files for each running section.');
+ o.default = "/var/log/ddns";
+ o.optional = true;
+ o.rmempty = true;
+ o.validate = function(section_id, formvalue) {
+ if (formvalue.indexOf('../') !== -1)
+ return _('"../" not allowed in path for Security Reason.')
+ return true;
+ }
+ o = s.taboption('global', form.Value, 'ddns_loglines', _('Log length'));
+ o.description = _('Number of last lines stored in log files');
+ o.datatype = 'min(1)';
+ o.default = '250';
+ if (env['has_wget'] && env['has_curl']) {
+ o = s.taboption('global', form.Flag, 'use_curl', _('Use cURL'));
+ o.description = _('If Wget and cURL package are installed, Wget is used for communication by default.');
+ o.default = "0";
+ o.optional = true;
+ o.rmempty = true;
+ }
// DDns services
s = m.section(form.GridSection, 'service', _('Services'));
s.anonymous = true;
@@ -949,70 +1005,6 @@ return view.extend({
}, o, this)
- // Advanced Configuration Section
- s = m.section(form.NamedSection, 'global', 'ddns', _('Global Configuration'));
- s.description = _('Configure here the details for all Dynamic DNS services including this LuCI application.')
- + '<br /><strong>'
- + _("It is NOT recommended for casual users to change settings on this page.")
- + '</strong><br />'
- + '<a href="" target="_blank">'
- + _('For detailed information about parameter settings look here.')
- + '</a>';
- s.addremove = false;
- o = s.option(form.Flag, 'upd_privateip', _("Allow non-public IP's"));
- o.description = _("Non-public and by default blocked IP's") + ':'
- + '<br /><strong>IPv4: </strong>'
- + '0/8, 10/8, 100.64/10, 127/8, 169.254/16, 172.16/12, 192.168/16'
- + '<br /><strong>IPv6: </strong>'
- + '::/32, f000::/4"';
- o.default = "0";
- o.optional = true;
- o = s.option(form.Value, 'ddns_dateformat', _('Date format'));
- o.description = '<a href="" target="_blank">'
- + _("For supported codes look here")
- + '</a><br />' +
- _('Current setting: ') + '<b>' + status['_curr_dateformat'] + '</b>';
- o.default = "%F %R"
- o.optional = true;
- o.rmempty = true;
- o = s.option(form.Value, 'ddns_rundir', _('Status directory'));
- o.description = _('Directory contains PID and other status information for each running section.');
- o.default = "/var/run/ddns";
- o.optional = true;
- o.rmempty = true;
- o = s.option(form.Value, 'ddns_logdir', _('Log directory'));
- o.description = _('Directory contains Log files for each running section.');
- o.default = "/var/log/ddns";
- o.optional = true;
- o.rmempty = true;
- o.validate = function(section_id, formvalue) {
- if (formvalue.indexOf('../') !== -1)
- return _('"../" not allowed in path for Security Reason.')
- return true;
- }
- o = s.option(form.Value, 'ddns_loglines', _('Log length'));
- o.description = _('Number of last lines stored in log files');
- o.datatype = 'min(1)';
- o.default = '250';
- if (env['has_wget'] && env['has_curl']) {
- o = s.option(form.Flag, 'use_curl', _('Use cURL'));
- o.description = _('If Wget and cURL package are installed, Wget is used for communication by default.');
- o.default = "0";
- o.optional = true;
- o.rmempty = true;
- }
return m.render().then(L.bind(function(m, nodes) {
poll.add(L.bind(function() {
return Promise.all([