diff options
29 files changed, 296 insertions, 541 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ca/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ca/upnp.po
index 00801166ca..06db5fa984 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ca/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ca/upnp.po
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"Els ACL especifiquen quins ports externs es poden redirigir a quines "
+"adreces i ports interns"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -214,6 +216,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s permet als clients de la xarxa local configurar automàticament el "
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -253,13 +257,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Els ACL especifiquen quins ports externs es poden redirigir a quines "
-#~ "adreces i ports interns"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Interval de neteja de regles"
@@ -269,13 +266,5 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Amfitrió"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP permet als clients de la xarxa local configurar automàticament el "
-#~ "router."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Valor en KByte/s, només per informació"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/cs/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/cs/upnp.po
index ffcb286407..4524926b0f 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/cs/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/cs/upnp.po
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"ACL stanovují, které vnější porty by měly být přesměrovány na které "
+"vnitřní adresy a porty"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -210,6 +213,7 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s umožňuje klientům v místní síti automaticky nakonfigurovat router."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -249,13 +253,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Použít %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ACL stanovují, které vnější porty by měly být přesměrovány na které "
-#~ "vnitřní adresy a porty"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Interval čištění pravidel"
@@ -265,12 +262,5 @@ msgstr "Použít %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Hostitel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP umožňuje klientům v místní síti automaticky nakonfigurovat router."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Pouze informační hodnoty (v KByte/s)"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/da/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/da/upnp.po
index 5197cd9758..8ae820503b 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/da/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/da/upnp.po
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"ACL'er angiver, hvilke eksterne porte der kan omdirigeres til hvilke "
+"interne adresser og porte"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -212,6 +214,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s gør det muligt for klienter i det lokale netværk at konfigurere "
+"routeren automatisk."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -251,13 +255,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Brug %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ACL'er angiver, hvilke eksterne porte der kan omdirigeres til hvilke "
-#~ "interne adresser og porte"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Interval for rene regler"
@@ -267,13 +264,5 @@ msgstr "Brug %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Vært"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP gør det muligt for klienter i det lokale netværk at konfigurere "
-#~ "routeren automatisk."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Værdi i KByte/s, kun til information"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/de/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/de/upnp.po
index a9faf2e648..c2569735d4 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/de/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/de/upnp.po
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"ACLs definieren, welche externen Ports zu welchen internen Adressen und "
+"Ports weitergeleitet werden dürfen"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -212,6 +214,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s erlaubt es Clients im lokalen Netzwerk automatisch Port-"
+"Weiterleitungen auf diesem Router einzurichten."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -251,13 +255,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "%s verwenden"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ACLs definieren, welche externen Ports zu welchen internen Adressen und "
-#~ "Ports weitergeleitet werden dürfen"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Aufräumintervall für Weiterleitungen"
@@ -267,13 +264,5 @@ msgstr "%s verwenden"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Host"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP erlaubt es Clients im lokalen Netzwerk automatisch Port-"
-#~ "Weiterleitungen auf diesem Router einzurichten."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Wert in Kilobyte/s, nur informativ"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/es/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/es/upnp.po
index 8041d3ef06..56ee980971 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/es/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/es/upnp.po
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"Las Listas de Control de Acceso (ACL) especifican cuáles puertos externos "
+"pueden ser reenviados hacía las direcciones IP y puertos del cliente. Las "
+"direcciones IPv6 siempre son permitidas."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -213,6 +216,10 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s permiten a los clientes de la red local configurar "
+"automáticamente el reenvío de puertos en el enrutador."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -252,14 +259,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Utilizar %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Las Listas de Control de Acceso (ACL) especifican cuáles puertos externos "
-#~ "pueden ser reenviados hacía las direcciones IP y puertos del cliente. Las "
-#~ "direcciones IPv6 siempre son permitidas."
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Intervalo de borrado de reglas"
@@ -269,14 +268,5 @@ msgstr "Utilizar %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Host"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD y PCP/NAT-PMP permiten a los clientes de la red local configurar "
-#~ "automáticamente el reenvío de puertos en el enrutador. También llamado "
-#~ "Plug and Play universal."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Valor en KBytes/s, sólo informativo"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/fr/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/fr/upnp.po
index ebb5fa5447..055090fa15 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/fr/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/fr/upnp.po
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"Les ACLs définissent quels ports externes peuvent être redirigés, vers "
+"quelles adresses et ports internes"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -215,6 +217,9 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s permet à des clients du réseau local de configurer automatiquement "
+"le routeur."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -254,13 +259,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Utiliser %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Les ACLs définissent quels ports externes peuvent être redirigés, vers "
-#~ "quelles adresses et ports internes"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Intervalle des règles de nettoyage"
@@ -270,13 +268,5 @@ msgstr "Utiliser %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Hôte"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP permet à des clients du réseau local de configurer automatiquement "
-#~ "le routeur."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Valeur en Ko/s, pour information seulement"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ga/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ga/upnp.po
index ace2625fff..fdf9bc1439 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ga/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ga/upnp.po
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"Sonraíonn ACLanna cé na calafoirt sheachtracha is féidir a chur ar "
+"aghaidh chuig a seoltaí cliant agus calafoirt, IPv6 ceadaithe i gcónaí."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -213,6 +215,10 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"Ligeann %s do chliaint ar an líonra áitiúil chun port "
+"ar aghaidh ar an ródaire a chumrú go huathoibríoch. Tugtar Breiseán "
+"Uilíoch agus Súgradh air freisin."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -252,13 +258,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Bain úsáid as %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Sonraíonn ACLanna cé na calafoirt sheachtracha is féidir a chur ar "
-#~ "aghaidh chuig a seoltaí cliant agus calafoirt, IPv6 ceadaithe i gcónaí."
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Eatramh rialacha glan"
@@ -268,14 +267,5 @@ msgstr "Bain úsáid as %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Óstach"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ligeann UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP do chliaint ar an líonra áitiúil chun port "
-#~ "ar aghaidh ar an ródaire a chumrú go huathoibríoch. Tugtar Breiseán "
-#~ "Uilíoch agus Súgradh air freisin."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Luach i KByte/s, eolasach amháin"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/hu/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/hu/upnp.po
index 106e3ac839..b9b4bb9ada 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/hu/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/hu/upnp.po
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"Az ACL-ek határozzák meg, hogy melyik külső portok melyik belső portokra "
+"és címekre kerülhetnek továbbításra"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -212,6 +214,9 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"Az %s lehetővé teszi a hálózatban lévő ügyfelek számára hogy "
+"automatikusan beállítsák a routert."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -251,13 +256,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Az ACL-ek határozzák meg, hogy melyik külső portok melyik belső portokra "
-#~ "és címekre kerülhetnek továbbításra"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Szabály törlési időköz"
@@ -267,13 +265,5 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Gép"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Az UPnP lehetővé teszi a hálózatban lévő ügyfelek számára hogy "
-#~ "automatikusan beállítsák a routert."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Érték KByte/s-ban, csak tájékoztató jellegű"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/it/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/it/upnp.po
index 6393ac8ac8..1acf8f36ad 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/it/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/it/upnp.po
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"Le ACL specificano quali porte esterne possono essere ridirezionate a "
+"quali indirizzi e porte interni, IPv6 sempre consentito."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -212,6 +214,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s permette ai dispositivi nella rete locale di configurare "
+"automaticamente l'apertura delle porte del router."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -251,13 +255,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Usa %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Le ACL specificano quali porte esterne possono essere ridirezionate a "
-#~ "quali indirizzi e porte interni, IPv6 sempre consentito."
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Cancella le regole"
@@ -267,14 +264,5 @@ msgstr "Usa %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Host"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP permette ai dispositivi nella rete locale di configurare "
-#~ "automaticamente l'apertura delle porte del router. Anche conosciuto come "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Valori in KByte/s (informativo)"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ja/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ja/upnp.po
index 3096f98a06..e040a6f517 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ja/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ja/upnp.po
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -212,6 +214,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -251,13 +255,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "%s を使用"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "アクセス制御リスト(ACL)は、どの外部ポートからどの内部アドレス及びポート"
-#~ "へリダイレクトするかを設定します。"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "ルール消去間隔"
@@ -267,13 +264,5 @@ msgstr "%s を使用"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "ホスト"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnPを使用することで、ローカルネットワーク内のクライアントが自動的にルータ"
-#~ "を構成することができます。"
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "クライアントへの情報提供のみに使用される、KByte/sの値です"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/lt/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/lt/upnp.po
index 1bcdf529dd..802527b52c 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/lt/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/lt/upnp.po
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"„ACL“ (dgs.) nurodo, į kuriuos išorinius prievadus galima persiųsti į "
+"nurodytus kliento adresus ir prievadus, IPv6 yra visada leidžiamas."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -214,6 +216,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s ir „PCP/NAT-PMP“ leidžia vietinio tinklo klientams "
+"automatiškai konfigūruoti prievado persiuntimus maršrutizatoriuje."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -253,13 +257,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Naudoti „%s“"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "„ACL“ (dgs.) nurodo, į kuriuos išorinius prievadus galima persiųsti į "
-#~ "nurodytus kliento adresus ir prievadus, IPv6 yra visada leidžiamas."
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Išvalyti taisyklių intervalus"
@@ -269,14 +266,5 @@ msgstr "Naudoti „%s“"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Skleidėjas/Vedėjas"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "„UPnP IGD“ ir „PCP/NAT-PMP“ leidžia vietinio tinklo klientams "
-#~ "automatiškai konfigūruoti prievado persiuntimus maršrutizatoriuje. Taip "
-#~ "pat vadinamas – „Universal Plug and Play“."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Reikšmė kilobaitais per sekundę (KB/s), tik informacinis"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/nb_NO/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/nb_NO/upnp.po
index f716e6d52c..a61c6ac1d5 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/nb_NO/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/nb_NO/upnp.po
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"ACL angir hvilke eksterne porter som kan bli viderekoblet, og til hvilke "
+"interne adresser og porter."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -208,6 +210,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s gjør at klientene i det lokale nettverket automatisk kan konfigurere "
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -247,13 +251,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Bruk %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ACL angir hvilke eksterne porter som kan bli viderekoblet, og til hvilke "
-#~ "interne adresser og porter."
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Nullstill UPnP Viderekoblinger intervall"
@@ -263,14 +260,5 @@ msgstr "Bruk %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Vert"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP gjør at klientene i det lokale nettverket automatisk kan konfigurere "
-#~ "ruteren."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Verdi i KByte/sek, kun for informasjon"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pl/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pl/upnp.po
index ed28f99a16..4552315eb6 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pl/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pl/upnp.po
@@ -259,14 +259,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Użyj %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Listy kontroli dostępu (ACL) określają, które porty zewnętrzne mogą być "
-#~ "przekazywane do jakich adresów i portów klientów, przy czym protokół IPv6 "
-#~ "jest zawsze dozwolony."
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Interwał czyszczenia reguł"
@@ -276,14 +268,5 @@ msgstr "Użyj %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Host"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD i PCP/NAT-PMP umożliwia klientom w sieci lokalnej automatyczną "
-#~ "konfigurację przekierowania portów na routerze. Nazywane także Universal "
-#~ "Plug and Play."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Wartość w KB/s, tylko informacyjna"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pt/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pt/upnp.po
index 3feb499c44..3d4196a963 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pt/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pt/upnp.po
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"Os ACL especificam quais as portas externas que podem ser redirecionadas "
+"para que endereços internos e portas"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -213,6 +215,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s permite que os clientes da rede local configurem o router "
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -252,13 +256,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Utilizar %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Os ACL especificam quais as portas externas que podem ser redirecionadas "
-#~ "para que endereços internos e portas"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Limpar intervalo de regras"
@@ -268,13 +265,5 @@ msgstr "Utilizar %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Host"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP permite que os clientes da rede local configurem o router "
-#~ "automaticamente."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Valor em KByte/s, apenas informativo"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pt_BR/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pt_BR/upnp.po
index 61205507e4..0805737a18 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pt_BR/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/pt_BR/upnp.po
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"As ACLs especificam quais portas externas podem ser encaminhadas para "
+"quais endereços e portas de clientes, com IPv6 sempre será permitido."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -213,6 +215,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s permite os clientes da rede local configurem automaticamente o "
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -252,13 +256,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Use o %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "As ACLs especificam quais portas externas podem ser encaminhadas para "
-#~ "quais endereços e portas de clientes, com IPv6 sempre será permitido."
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Intervalo de limpeza das regras"
@@ -268,13 +265,5 @@ msgstr "Use o %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Host"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP permite os clientes da rede local configurem automaticamente o "
-#~ "roteador."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Valores em KByte/s, apenas informativas"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ro/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ro/upnp.po
index aacf6d885f..77206777bc 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ro/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ro/upnp.po
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"ACL-urile specifica porturile externe care pot fi redirectate si spre ce "
+"adrese si porturi interne"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -211,6 +213,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s permite clientulor din reteaua locala sa configureze automat "
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -250,13 +254,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Utilizați %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ACL-urile specifica porturile externe care pot fi redirectate si spre ce "
-#~ "adrese si porturi interne"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Intervalul de curatare reguli"
@@ -266,13 +263,5 @@ msgstr "Utilizați %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Gazdă"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPNP permite clientulor din reteaua locala sa configureze automat "
-#~ "routerul."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Valorea in KOcteti/s , doar informational"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ru/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ru/upnp.po
index e1411e32b7..e3cebb34c0 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ru/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/ru/upnp.po
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"Список контроля доступа (ACL) определяет, какие клиентские адресы могут быть перенаправлены, IPv6 всегда разрешен."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -214,6 +215,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"Протоколы %s позволяют клиентам в локальной сети автоматически настраивать "
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -253,13 +256,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Использовать %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ACL определяет, какие внешние порты могут быть перенаправлены на те или "
-#~ "иные клиентские адреса и порты, IPv6 всегда разрешен."
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Интервал очистки правил"
@@ -269,13 +265,5 @@ msgstr "Использовать %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Устройство"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP позволяет клиентам в локальной сети автоматически настраивать "
-#~ "маршрутизатор."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Значение в КБ/с, только для информации"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/sk/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/sk/upnp.po
index db6c9c0ab8..7b583aa826 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/sk/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/sk/upnp.po
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s umožňuje klientom v miestnej sieti automaticky nastaviť smerovač."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -258,12 +259,5 @@ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Hostiteľ"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP umožňuje klientom v miestnej sieti automaticky nastaviť smerovač."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Hodnota v KBajtoch za sekundu, iba informatívne"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/sv/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/sv/upnp.po
index 742fc207e5..184ac9aa96 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/sv/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/sv/upnp.po
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"ACL:er anger vilka externa portar som ska omdirigeras till vilka interna "
+"adresser och portar"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -212,6 +215,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s tillåter klienter i det lokala nätverket att automatiskt ställa in "
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -251,23 +256,8 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Använd %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ACL:er anger vilka externa portar som ska omdirigeras till vilka interna "
-#~ "adresser och portar"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Värd"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP tillåter klienter i det lokala nätverket att automatiskt ställa in "
-#~ "routern."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Värde i KByte/s, endast informell"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/tr/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/tr/upnp.po
index b5786f438e..9dec0c7e41 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/tr/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/tr/upnp.po
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"ACL'ler, hangi harici bağlantı noktalarının hangi dahili adreslere ve "
+"bağlantı noktalarına yeniden yönlendirilebileceğini belirtir."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -210,6 +212,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s, yerel ağdaki istemcilerin yönlendiriciyi otomatik olarak "
+"yapılandırmasına izin verir."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -249,13 +253,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "%s kullan"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ACL'ler, hangi harici bağlantı noktalarının hangi dahili adreslere ve "
-#~ "bağlantı noktalarına yeniden yönlendirilebileceğini belirtir."
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Temiz kurallar aralığı"
@@ -265,13 +262,5 @@ msgstr "%s kullan"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Ana bilgisayar"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP, yerel ağdaki istemcilerin yönlendiriciyi otomatik olarak "
-#~ "yapılandırmasına izin verir."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "KBayt/sn cinsinden değer, yalnızca bilgi amaçlı"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/uk/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/uk/upnp.po
index dc8370f93b..b96056df46 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/uk/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/uk/upnp.po
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"Список контролю доступу (ACL) визначає, які зовнішні порти можуть бути "
+"переспрямовані на які внутрішні адреси й порти"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -212,6 +214,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"Протоколи %s дозволяють клієнтам у локальній мережі автоматично настроювати переспрямування"
+"на маршрутизаторі."
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -251,13 +255,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Використовувати %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Списки контролю доступу (ACL) визначають, які зовнішні порти можуть бути "
-#~ "переспрямовані на які внутрішні адреси й порти"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Інтервал очищення правил"
@@ -267,13 +264,5 @@ msgstr "Використовувати %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Вузол"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP надає клієнтам у локальній мережі змогу автоматично настроювати "
-#~ "маршрутизатор."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Значення (КБ/с), тільки для інформації"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/vi/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/vi/upnp.po
index 9af6cd0456..be19b38d12 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/vi/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/vi/upnp.po
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"ACLs chỉ định cổng bên ngoài nào có thể được chuyển hướng đến địa chỉ và "
+"cổng nội bộ nào"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -214,6 +216,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s cho phép các máy khách trong mạng cục bộ tự động cấu hình bộ định "
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -253,14 +257,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "Sử dụng %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ACLs chỉ định cổng bên ngoài nào có thể được chuyển hướng đến địa chỉ và "
-#~ "cổng nội bộ nào"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "Khoảng thời gian quy tắc sạch"
@@ -270,13 +266,5 @@ msgstr "Sử dụng %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "Host"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP cho phép các máy khách trong mạng cục bộ tự động cấu hình bộ định "
-#~ "tuyến."
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "Giá trị tính bằng KByte/s, chỉ mang tính thông tin"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/zh_Hans/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/zh_Hans/upnp.po
index 46835ca212..5c59ec18ec 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/zh_Hans/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/zh_Hans/upnp.po
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ msgid ""
"ACL specify which client addresses and ports can be mapped, IPv6 always "
msgstr ""
+"访问控制列表指定哪些外部端口可以被重定向至哪些内部地址及端口,支持使用 "
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:215
msgid "Action"
@@ -216,6 +218,8 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
+"%s 允许局域网内客户端自动设置路由器上的端口转发。也被"
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
@@ -255,13 +259,6 @@ msgctxt "Use %s (%s = STUN)"
msgid "Use %s"
msgstr "使用 %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ACLs specify which external ports can be forwarded to which client "
-#~ "addresses and ports, IPv6 always allowed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "访问控制列表指定哪些外部端口可以被重定向至哪些内部地址及端口,支持使用 "
-#~ "IPv6。"
#~ msgid "Clean rules interval"
#~ msgstr "定时清除规则"
@@ -271,13 +268,5 @@ msgstr "使用 %s"
#~ msgid "Host"
#~ msgstr "主机"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD & PCP/NAT-PMP allows clients on the local network to "
-#~ "automatically configure port forwards on the router. Also called "
-#~ "Universal Plug and Play."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "UPnP IGD 和 PCP/NAT-PMP 允许局域网内客户端自动设置路由器上的端口转发。也被"
-#~ "称作通用即插即用。"
#~ msgid "Value in KByte/s, informational only"
#~ msgstr "单位为 KByte/s,仅供参考"
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/zh_Hant/upnp.po b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/zh_Hant/upnp.po
index 69ffc85e33..506f13cbf4 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/zh_Hant/upnp.po
+++ b/applications/luci-app-upnp/po/zh_Hant/upnp.po
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ msgid ""
"The %s protocols allow clients on the local network to configure port maps/"
"forwards on the router autonomously."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/include/80_upnp.js:70
#: applications/luci-app-upnp/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/upnp/upnp.js:66
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/css/custom.css b/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/css/custom.css
index 66dd81f79e..594a90bb69 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/css/custom.css
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/css/custom.css
@@ -3,193 +3,200 @@
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@@ -197,89 +204,89 @@
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+ border-bottom: 1px solid var(--border-color-medium, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1));
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+ flex:1;
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+ .Dashboard .section-content .router-status-lan .devices-info .table-titles .th:last-child{
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+ flex: 2 2 31%;
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+ .Dashboard .section-content .router-status-lan .devices-info .td:nth-child(2){
+ flex: 1 1 24%;
+ padding: 0;
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+ word-wrap: normal;
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+ display: inline-block;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ height: 14px;
+ width: 52%;
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+ }
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+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ display: flex;
+ border-radius: initial;
+ }
+ .Dashboard .wifi-info .devices-info .table-titles .th {
+ flex: 2 2 24%;
+ }
+ .Dashboard .wifi-info .devices-info .tr .td {
+ flex: 2 2 10%;
+ }
+ .Dashboard .wifi-info hr:nth-child(4) {
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diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/10_router.js b/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/10_router.js
index 4cc671da52..639d372e1e 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/10_router.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/10_router.js
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ return baseclass.extend({
'src': L.resource('view/dashboard/icons/' + icon + '.svg'),
'width': 'router' == type ? 64 : 54,
'title': title,
- 'class': 'middle'
+ 'class': (type == 'router' || icon == 'not-internet') ? 'middle svgmonotone' : 'middle'
E('h3', title)
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ return baseclass.extend({
release: {
title: _('Firmware Version'),
- value: boardinfo.release.description
+ value: boardinfo?.release?.description
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/20_lan.js b/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/20_lan.js
index 9f4edce288..27ecc0f7bf 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/20_lan.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/20_lan.js
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ return baseclass.extend({
'src': L.resource('view/dashboard/icons/devices.svg'),
'width': 55,
'title': this.title,
- 'class': 'middle'
+ 'class': 'middle svgmonotone'
E('h3', this.title)
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/30_wifi.js b/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/30_wifi.js
index f87131ceac..2872c6a3e8 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/30_wifi.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-dashboard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/dashboard/include/30_wifi.js
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ return baseclass.extend({
'src': L.resource('view/dashboard/icons/wireless.svg'),
'width': 55,
'title': this.title,
- 'class': 'middle'
+ 'class': 'middle svgmonotone'
E('h3', this.title)
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/system.js b/modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/system.js
index f7c1346783..2ed2b1fedb 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/system.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/system.js
@@ -159,44 +159,44 @@ return view.extend({
* Logging
- o = s.taboption('logging', form.Value, 'log_size', _('System log buffer size'), "kiB")
- o.optional = true
- o.placeholder = 16
- o.datatype = 'uinteger'
- o = s.taboption('logging', form.Value, 'log_ip', _('External system log server'))
- o.optional = true
- o.placeholder = ''
- o.datatype = 'host'
- o = s.taboption('logging', form.Value, 'log_port', _('External system log server port'))
- o.optional = true
- o.placeholder = 514
- o.datatype = 'port'
- o = s.taboption('logging', form.ListValue, 'log_proto', _('External system log server protocol'))
- o.value('udp', 'UDP')
- o.value('tcp', 'TCP')
- o = s.taboption('logging', form.Value, 'log_file', _('Write system log to file'))
- o.optional = true
- o.placeholder = '/tmp/system.log'
- o = s.taboption('logging', form.ListValue, 'conloglevel', _('Log output level'))
- o.value(8, _('Debug'))
- o.value(7, _('Info'))
- o.value(6, _('Notice'))
- o.value(5, _('Warning'))
- o.value(4, _('Error'))
- o.value(3, _('Critical'))
- o.value(2, _('Alert'))
- o.value(1, _('Emergency'))
- o = s.taboption('logging', form.ListValue, 'cronloglevel', _('Cron Log Level'))
- o.default = 8
- o.value(5, _('Debug'))
- o.value(8, _('Normal'))
- o.value(9, _('Warning'))
+ o = s.taboption('logging', form.Value, 'log_size', _('System log buffer size'), "kiB");
+ o.optional = true;
+ o.placeholder = 128;
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o = s.taboption('logging', form.Value, 'log_ip', _('External system log server'));
+ o.optional = true;
+ o.placeholder = '';
+ o.datatype = 'host';
+ o = s.taboption('logging', form.Value, 'log_port', _('External system log server port'));
+ o.optional = true;
+ o.placeholder = 514;
+ o.datatype = 'port';
+ o = s.taboption('logging', form.ListValue, 'log_proto', _('External system log server protocol'));
+ o.value('udp', 'UDP');
+ o.value('tcp', 'TCP');
+ o = s.taboption('logging', form.Value, 'log_file', _('Write system log to file'));
+ o.optional = true;
+ o.placeholder = '/tmp/system.log';
+ o = s.taboption('logging', form.ListValue, 'conloglevel', _('Log output level'), _('Only affects dmesg kernel log'));
+ o.value(8, _('Debug'));
+ o.value(7, _('Info'));
+ o.value(6, _('Notice'));
+ o.value(5, _('Warning'));
+ o.value(4, _('Error'));
+ o.value(3, _('Critical'));
+ o.value(2, _('Alert'));
+ o.value(1, _('Emergency'));
+ o = s.taboption('logging', form.ListValue, 'cronloglevel', _('Cron Log Level'));
+ o.default = 7;
+ o.value(7, _('Normal'));
+ o.value(9, _('Disabled'));
+ o.value(5, _('Debug'));
* Zram Properties