diff options
2 files changed, 265 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/libs/uvl/luasrc/uvl.lua b/libs/uvl/luasrc/uvl.lua
index 9cbc546da2..35e903f205 100644
--- a/libs/uvl/luasrc/uvl.lua
+++ b/libs/uvl/luasrc/uvl.lua
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ require("luci.fs")
@@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ TYPE_ENUM = 0x03
local default_schemedir = "/etc/scheme"
local function _assert( condition, fmt, ... )
if not condition then
return assert( nil, string.format( fmt, ... ) )
@@ -41,29 +44,73 @@ function UVL.__init__( self, schemedir )
self.schemedir = schemedir or default_schemedir
self.packages = { }
+ self.beenthere = { }
self.uci = luci.model.uci
self.datatypes = luci.uvl.datatypes
+function UVL._scheme_section( self, uci, c, s )
+ if self.packages[c] and uci[s] then
+ return self.packages[c].sections[uci[s][".type"]]
+ end
+function UVL._scheme_option( self, uci, c, s, o )
+ if self.packages[c] and uci[s] and uci[s][o] then
+ return self.packages[c].variables[uci[s][".type"]][o]
+ elseif self.packages[c] and self.packages[c].variables[s] then
+ return self.packages[c].variables[s][o]
+ end
+function UVL._keys( self, tbl )
+ local keys = { }
+ if tbl then
+ for k, _ in luci.util.kspairs(tbl) do
+ table.insert( keys, k )
+ end
+ end
+ return keys
--- Validate given configuration.
-- @param config Name of the configuration to validate
-- @param scheme Scheme to validate against (optional)
-- @return Boolean indicating weather the given config validates
-- @return String containing the reason for errors (if any)
-function UVL.validate( self, config, scheme )
+function UVL.validate( self, config )
- if not scheme then
- return false, "No scheme found"
- end
+ self.uci.set_confdir( self.uci.confdir_default )
+ self.uci.load( config )
- for k, v in pairs( config ) do
- local ok, err = self:validate_section( config, k, scheme )
+ local co = self.uci.get_all( config )
- if not ok then
- return ok, err
+ local function _uci_foreach( type, func )
+ for k, v in pairs(co) do
+ if co[k]['.type'] == type then
+ func( k, v )
+ end
+ luci.util.dumptable(co)
+ for k, v in pairs( self.packages[config].sections ) do
+ _uci_foreach( k,
+ function(s)
+ local ok, err = self:validate_section( config, s, co )
+ if not ok then
+ return ok, err
+ end
+ end
+ )
+ end
return true, nil
@@ -73,18 +120,50 @@ end
-- @param scheme Scheme to validate against
-- @return Boolean indicating weather the given config validates
-- @return String containing the reason for errors (if any)
-function UVL.validate_section( self, config, section, scheme )
+function UVL.validate_section( self, config, section, co, nodeps )
- if not scheme then
- return false, "No scheme found"
+ if not co then
+ self.uci.set_confdir( self.uci.confdir_default )
+ self.uci.load( config )
+ co = uci.get_all( config )
- for k, v in pairs( config[section] ) do
- local ok, err = self:validate_option( config, section, k, scheme )
+ local cs = co[section]
+ local scheme = self:_scheme_section( co, config, section )
+ if cs then
+ --luci.util.dumptable(cs)
- if not ok then
- return ok, err
+ for k, v in pairs(self.packages[config].variables[cs[".type"]]) do
+ if k:sub(1,1) ~= "." then
+ local ok, err = self:validate_option( config, section, k, co, false, cs[".type"] )
+ if not ok then
+ print("ERR", err)
+ return ok, err
+ end
+ end
+ --local dep_ok = nodeps or luci.uvl.dependencies.check_dependency( self, co, config, section )
+ --print( "DEP: ", dep_ok )
+ --print( "Validate section: ", config .. '.' .. section, nodeps and '(without depencies)' or '' )
+ local ok, err = luci.uvl.dependencies.check_dependency(
+ self, co, config, section, nil, true, cs[".type"]
+ )
+ if ok then
+ --print("Validated section!\n\n")
+ return true
+ else
+ print("ERR", "All possible dependencies failed. (Last error was: " .. err .. ")")
+ return false, "All possible dependencies failed"
+ end
+ else
+ print( "Error, scheme section '" .. section .. "' not found in data" )
return true, nil
@@ -97,36 +176,59 @@ end
-- @param scheme Scheme to validate against
-- @return Boolean indicating weather the given config validates
-- @return String containing the reason for errors (if any)
-function UVL.validate_option( self, config, section, option, scheme )
+function UVL.validate_option( self, config, section, option, co, nodeps, section2 )
- if type(config) == "string" then
- config = { ["variables"] = { [section] = { [option] = config } } }
+ if not co then
+ self.uci.set_confdir( self.uci.confdir_default )
+ self.uci.load( config )
+ co = uci.get_all( config )
- if not scheme then
- return false, "No scheme found"
- end
+ local cs = co[section]
+ local sv = self:_scheme_option( co, config, section, option ) or
+ self:_scheme_option( co, config, section2, option )
+ --print("VOPT", config, section, option )
- local sv = scheme.variables[section]
- if not sv then return false, "Requested section not found in scheme" end
+ if not sv then
+ return false, "Requested option '" ..
+ config .. '.' .. ( section or section2 ) .. '.' .. option ..
+ "' not found in scheme"
+ end
- sv = sv[option]
- if not sv then return false, "Requested option not found in scheme" end
+ if sv.required and not cs[option] then
+ return false, "Mandatory variable '" ..
+ config .. '.' .. section .. '.' .. option ..
+ "' doesn't have a value"
+ end
- if not ( config[section] and config[section][option] ) and sv.required then
- return false, "Mandatory variable doesn't have a value"
+ if sv.type == "enum" and cs[option] then
+ if not sv.values or not sv.values[cs[option]] then
+ return false, "Value '" .. ( cs[option] or '<nil>' ) .. "' of given option '" ..
+ config .. "." .. section .. "." .. option ..
+ "' is not defined in enum { " ..
+ table.concat(self:_keys(sv.values),", ") .. " }"
+ end
- if sv.type then
- if self.datatypes[sv.type] then
- if not self.datatypes[sv.type]( config[section][option] ) then
- return false, "Value of given option doesn't validate"
+ if sv.datatype and cs[option] then
+ if self.datatypes[sv.datatype] then
+ if not self.datatypes[sv.datatype]( cs[option] ) then
+ return false, "Value '" .. ( cs[option] or '<nil>' ) .. "' of given option '" ..
+ config .. "." .. ( section or section2 ) .. "." .. option ..
+ "' doesn't validate as datatype '" .. sv.datatype .. "'"
- return false, "Unknown datatype '" .. sv.type .. "' encountered"
+ return false, "Unknown datatype '" .. sv.datatype .. "' encountered"
+ if not nodeps then
+ return luci.uvl.dependencies.check_dependency(
+ self, co, config, section, option, nil, section2
+ )
+ end
return true, nil
@@ -238,7 +340,7 @@ function UVL._read_scheme_parts( self, scheme, schemes )
for k, v in pairs( conf ) do
if v['.type'] == "variable" then
- _req( TYPE_VARIABLE, v, { "name", "type", "section" } )
+ _req( TYPE_VARIABLE, v, { "name", "section" } )
local r = _ref( TYPE_VARIABLE, v )
diff --git a/libs/uvl/luasrc/uvl/dependencies.lua b/libs/uvl/luasrc/uvl/dependencies.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8d7286577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/uvl/luasrc/uvl/dependencies.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+UCI Validation Layer - Main Library
+(c) 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+(c) 2008 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+module( "luci.uvl.dependencies", package.seeall )
+local function _assert( condition, fmt, ... )
+ if not condition then
+ return assert( nil, string.format( fmt, ... ) )
+ else
+ return condition
+ end
+function _parse_reference( r, c, s, o )
+ local ref = { }
+ local vars = {
+ config = c,
+ section = s,
+ option = o
+ }
+ for i, v in ipairs(luci.util.split(r,".")) do
+ table.insert( ref, (v:gsub( "%$(.+)", function(n) return vars[n] end )) )
+ end
+ if #ref == 1 and c and s then
+ ref = { c, s, ref[1] }
+ elseif #ref == 2 and c then
+ ref = { c, unpack(ref) }
+ elseif #ref ~= 3 then
+ print("INVALID REFERENCE: "..#ref, c, s, o)
+ ref = nil
+ end
+ return ref
+function check_dependency( self, uci, conf, sect, optn, nodeps, section2 )
+-- print( "Depency check: ", conf .. '.' .. sect .. ( optn and '.' .. optn or '' ) )
+ local key = conf .. '.' .. sect .. ( optn and '.' .. optn or '' )
+ if not self.beenthere[key] then
+ self.beenthere[key] = true
+ else
+ return false, "Recursive depency detected"
+ end
+ -- check for config
+ if not self.packages[conf] then self:read_scheme(conf) end
+ local item = self.packages[conf]
+ -- check for section
+ if sect then
+ item = _assert( self:_scheme_section( uci, conf, sect ) or self:_scheme_section( uci, conf, section2 ),
+ "Unknown section '%s' in scheme '%s' requested",
+ sect or '<nil>', conf or '<nil>' )
+ -- check for option
+ if optn then
+ item = _assert( self:_scheme_option( uci, conf, sect, optn ) or
+ self:_scheme_option( uci, conf, section2, optn ),
+ "Unknown variable '%s' in scheme '%s', section '%s' requested",
+ optn or '<nil>', conf or '<nil>', sect or '<nil>' )
+ end
+ end
+ if item.depends then
+ local ok = false
+ local valid, err
+ for _, dep in ipairs(item.depends) do
+ --print("DEP:",luci.util.serialize_data(dep))
+ local subcondition = true
+ for k, v in pairs(dep) do
+ -- XXX: better error
+ local ref = _assert( _parse_reference(k,conf,sect,optn),
+ "Ambiguous dependency reference '" .. k .. "' given" )
+ -- XXX: true -> nodeps
+ valid, err = self:validate_option(ref[1], ref[2], ref[3], uci, true, section2)
+ if valid then
+ --print("CHK:",uci[ref[2]][ref[3]],v,unpack(ref))
+ if not (
+ ( type(v) == "boolean" and uci[ref[2]][ref[3]] ) or
+ ( ref[3] and uci[ref[2]][ref[3]] ) == v
+ ) then
+ subcondition = false
+ err = type(v) ~= "boolean"
+ and "Option '" .. table.concat( ref, "." ) .. "' doesn't match requested type '" .. v .. '"'
+ or "Option '" .. table.concat( ref, "." ) .. "' has no value"
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ subcondition = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if subcondition then
+-- print( " -> Success (condition matched)\n" )
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+-- print( " -> Failed\n" )
+ return false, err
+ end
+-- print( " -> Success (no depends)\n" )
+ return true