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1 files changed, 55 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/libs/web/luasrc/http/protocol.lua b/libs/web/luasrc/http/protocol.lua
index d9259f6604..d557f78e5e 100644
--- a/libs/web/luasrc/http/protocol.lua
+++ b/libs/web/luasrc/http/protocol.lua
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ require("luci.util")
HTTP_MAX_CONTENT = 1048576 -- 1 MB
HTTP_DEFAULT_CTYPE = "text/html" -- default content type
HTTP_DEFAULT_VERSION = "1.0" -- HTTP default version
+HTTP_DEFAULT_LINEBUF = 1024 * 4 -- Read buffer size
-- Decode an urlencoded string.
-- Returns the decoded value.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ function mimedecode( data, boundary, filecb )
local params = { }
-- create a line reader
- local reader = _linereader( data )
+ local reader = _linereader( data, HTTP_DEFAULT_LINEBUF )
-- state variables
local in_part = false
@@ -129,9 +129,8 @@ function mimedecode( data, boundary, filecb )
local field
local clen = 0
-- try to read all mime parts
- for line in reader do
+ for line, eol in reader do
-- update content length
clen = clen + line:len()
@@ -327,7 +326,7 @@ end
-- Parse a http message
function parse_message( data, filecb )
- local reader = _linereader( data )
+ local reader = _linereader( data, HTTP_DEFAULT_LINEBUF )
local message = parse_message_header( reader )
if message then
@@ -342,7 +341,7 @@ end
function parse_message_header( data )
-- Create a line reader
- local reader = _linereader( data )
+ local reader = _linereader( data, HTTP_DEFAULT_LINEBUF )
local message = { }
-- Try to extract magic
@@ -487,42 +486,72 @@ function parse_message_body( reader, message, filecb )
-function _linereader( obj )
+function _linereader( obj, bufsz )
+ bufsz = ( bufsz and bufsz >= 256 ) and bufsz or 256
+ local __read = function() return nil end
+ local __eof = function(x) return type(x) ~= "string" or #x == 0 end
+ local _pos = 1
+ local _buf = ""
+ local _eof = nil
-- object is string
if type(obj) == "string" then
- return obj:gmatch( "[^\r\n]*\r?\n" )
+ __read = function() return obj:sub( _pos, _pos + bufsz - #_buf - 1 ) end
+ -- object implements a receive() or read() function
+ elseif type(obj) == "userdata" and ( type(obj.receive) == "function" or type( == "function" ) then
+ if type( == "function" then
+ __read = function() return obj:read( bufsz ) end
+ else
+ __read = function() return obj:receive( bufsz ) end
+ end
-- object is a function
elseif type(obj) == "function" then
return obj
- -- object is a table and implements a readline() function
- elseif type(obj) == "table" and type(obj.readline) == "function" then
+ -- no usable data type
+ else
- return obj.readline
+ -- dummy iterator
+ return __read
+ end
- -- object is a table and has a lines property
- elseif type(obj) == "table" and obj.lines then
- -- decide wheather to use "lines" as function or table
- local _lns = ( type(obj.lines) == "function" ) and obj.lines() or obj.lines
- local _pos = 1
- return function()
- if _pos <= #_lns then
- _pos = _pos + 1
- return _lns[_pos]
+ -- generic block to line algorithm
+ return function()
+ if not _eof then
+ local buffer = __read()
+ if __eof( buffer ) then
+ buffer = ""
- end
- -- no usable data type
- else
+ _pos = _pos + #buffer
+ buffer = _buf .. buffer
- -- dummy iterator
- return function()
+ local crlf, endpos = buffer:find("\r?\n")
+ if crlf then
+ _buf = buffer:sub( endpos + 1, #buffer )
+ return buffer:sub( 1, endpos ), true
+ else
+ -- check for eof
+ _eof = __eof( buffer )
+ -- clear overflow buffer
+ _buf = ""
+ return buffer, false
+ end
+ else
return nil