diff options
30 files changed, 1212 insertions, 2005 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/
index 7827e0acf4..4b226ee92b 100644
--- a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-ddns = "Dynamisches DNS"
-ddns_desc = "Dynamisches DNS erlaubt es, den Router bei dynamischer IP-Adresse über einen festen DNS-Namen zu erreichen."
-ddns_service_ipsource = "Quelle der IP-Adresse"
-ddns_service_checkinterval = "Teste auf neue IP alle"
-ddns_service_checkunit = "Test-Zeiteinheit"
-ddns_service_forceinterval = "Erzwinge Aktualisierung alle"
-ddns_service_forceunit = "Erzwinge-Zeiteinheit"
-ddns_service_updateurl = "Eigene Update-URL" \ No newline at end of file
+ddns = [[Dynamisches DNS]]
+ddns_desc = [[Dynamisches DNS erlaubt es, den Router bei dynamischer IP-Adresse über einen festen DNS-Namen zu erreichen.]]
+ddns_service_ipsource = [[Quelle der IP-Adresse]]
+ddns_service_checkinterval = [[Teste auf neue IP alle]]
+ddns_service_checkunit = [[Test-Zeiteinheit]]
+ddns_service_forceinterval = [[Erzwinge Aktualisierung alle]]
+ddns_service_forceunit = [[Erzwinge-Zeiteinheit]]
+ddns_service_updateurl = [[Eigene Update-URL]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.en.lua b/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.en.lua
index 32f85b24a4..1052518934 100644
--- a/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.en.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.en.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-ddns = "Dynamic DNS"
-ddns_desc = "Dynamic DNS allows that your router can be reached with a fixed hostname while having a dynamically changing IP-Address."
-ddns_service_ipsource = "Source of IP-Address"
-ddns_service_checkinterval = "Check for changed IP every"
-ddns_service_checkunit = "Check-Time unit"
-ddns_service_forceinterval = "Force update every"
-ddns_service_forceunit = "Force-Time unit"
-ddns_service_updateurl = "Custom Update-URL" \ No newline at end of file
+ddns = [[Dynamic DNS]]
+ddns_desc = [[Dynamic DNS allows that your router can be reached with a fixed hostname while having a dynamically changing IP-Address.]]
+ddns_service_ipsource = [[Source of IP-Address]]
+ddns_service_checkinterval = [[Check for changed IP every]]
+ddns_service_checkunit = [[Check-Time unit]]
+ddns_service_forceinterval = [[Force update every]]
+ddns_service_forceunit = [[Force-Time unit]]
+ddns_service_updateurl = [[Custom Update-URL]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-ffwizard-leipzig/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-ffwizard-leipzig/luasrc/i18n/
index 89adbe8046..737bdbc583 100644
--- a/applications/luci-ffwizard-leipzig/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/applications/luci-ffwizard-leipzig/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ cfgexternal = [[Erlaube Zugriff auf externes Netzwerk]]
cfginternal = [[Erlaube Zugriff von internem Netzwerk]]
cfgolsr = [[OLSR konfigurieren]]
wificfg = [[Drahtlosgerät einrichten]]
-shareinet = [[Internetzugang ankündigen]] \ No newline at end of file
+shareinet = [[Internetzugang ankündigen]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/
index 93075f3ccf..f7549f4f11 100644
--- a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,60 +1,45 @@
-fw_portfw = "Portweiterleitung"
-fw_forwarding = "Weiterleitung"
-fw_fw = "Firewall"
-fw_zone = "Zone"
-fw_zones = "Zonen"
-fw_custfwd = "Eigene Weiterleitungen"
-fw_rules = "Eigene Regeln"
-fw_rules1 = "An dieser Stelle können benutzerdefinierte Firewallregeln eingestellt werden um den Netzverkehr zu kontrollieren."
-fw_fw1 = "Die Firewall erstellt Netzwerkzonen über bestimmte Netzwerkschnittstellen um den Netzverkehr zu trennen."
-firewall_rule_src = "Eingangszone"
-firewall_rule_dest = "Ausgangszone"
-firewall_rule_srcip = "Quelladresse"
-firewall_rule_destip = "Zieladresse"
-firewall_rule_srcmac = "Quell-MAC-Adresse"
-firewall_rule_srcport = "Quellport"
-firewall_rule_destport = "Zielport"
-firewall_rule_target = "Aktion"
-fw_accept = "annehmen"
-fw_reject = "zurückweisen"
-fw_drop = "verwerfen"
+fw_portfw = [[Portweiterleitung]]
+fw_forwarding = [[Weiterleitung]]
+fw_fw = [[Firewall]]
+fw_zone = [[Zone]]
+fw_zones = [[Zonen]]
+fw_custfwd = [[Eigene Weiterleitungen]]
+fw_rules = [[Eigene Regeln]]
+fw_rules1 = [[An dieser Stelle können benutzerdefinierte Firewallregeln eingestellt werden um den Netzverkehr zu kontrollieren.]]
+fw_fw1 = [[Die Firewall erstellt Netzwerkzonen über bestimmte Netzwerkschnittstellen um den Netzverkehr zu trennen.]]
+firewall_rule_src = [[Eingangszone]]
+firewall_rule_dest = [[Ausgangszone]]
+firewall_rule_srcip = [[Quelladresse]]
+firewall_rule_destip = [[Zieladresse]]
+firewall_rule_srcmac = [[Quell-MAC-Adresse]]
+firewall_rule_srcport = [[Quellport]]
+firewall_rule_destport = [[Zielport]]
+firewall_rule_target = [[Aktion]]
+fw_accept = [[annehmen]]
+fw_reject = [[zurückweisen]]
+fw_drop = [[verwerfen]]
fw_portfw1 = [[Portweiterleitungen ermöglichen es interne Netzwerkdienste aus einem externen Netzwerk heraus erreichbar zu machen.]]
-firewall_redirect_src_desc = "Externe Zone"
-firewall_redirect_srcdport = "Externer Port"
-firewall_redirect_srcdport_desc = "Port od. Erster:Letzter Port"
-firewall_redirect_destip = "Interne Adresse"
-firewall_redirect_destip_desc = "IP-Adresse"
-firewall_redirect_destport = "Interner Port (optional)"
-firewall_redirect_destport_desc = "Port od. Erster:Letzter Port"
-firewall_redirect_srcip = firewall_rule_srcip
-firewall_redirect_srcmac = firewall_rule_srcmac
-firewall_redirect_srcport = firewall_rule_srcport
-fw_forwarding1 = [[An dieser Stelle kann festgelegt zwischen welchen Zonen Netzverkehr hin und her fließen kann.
-Es werden nur neue Verbindungen betrachtet. Pakete, die zu bereits bestehenden Verbindungen gehören werden automatisch
-firewall_forwarding_src = "Eingang"
-firewall_forwarding_src_desc = firewall_rule_src
-firewall_forwarding_dest = "Ausgang"
-firewall_forwarding_dest_desc = firewall_rule_dest
-firewall_defaults = "Grundeinstellungen"
-firewall_defaults_desc = "Grundeinstellungen die verwendet werden, wenn keine andere Regel angewandt werden kann."
-firewall_defaults_synflood = "Schutz vor SYN-flood-Attacken"
-firewall_defaults_input = "Eingehender Verkehr"
-firewall_defaults_output = "Ausgehender Verkehr"
-firewall_defaults_forward = "Weitergeleiteter Verkehr"
-firewall_zone_desc = [[Zonen teilen das Netzwerk in mehrere Bereiche ein um Netzverkehr sicher zu trennen.
-Ein oder mehrere Netzwerke gehören zu einer Zone.
-Das MASQ-Flag legt fest, dass aller ausgehende Netzverkehr einer Zone NAT-maskiert wird.]]
-firewall_zone_input = "Eingehender Verkehr"
-firewall_zone_input_desc = "Standardaktion"
-firewall_zone_output = "Ausgehender Verkehr"
-firewall_zone_output_desc = "Standardaktion"
-firewall_zone_forward = "Weitergeleiteter Verkehr"
-firewall_zone_forward_desc = "Standardaktion"
-firewall_zone_masq = "MASQ"
-firewall_zone_network = "Netzwerke"
-firewall_zone_network_desc = "verbundene Netzwerke" \ No newline at end of file
+firewall_redirect_src_desc = [[Externe Zone]]
+firewall_redirect_srcdport = [[Externer Port]]
+firewall_redirect_srcdport_desc = [[Port od. Erster:Letzter Port]]
+firewall_redirect_destip = [[Interne Adresse]]
+firewall_redirect_destip_desc = [[IP-Adresse]]
+firewall_redirect_destport = [[Interner Port (optional)]]
+firewall_redirect_destport_desc = [[Port od. Erster:Letzter Port]]
+firewall_forwarding_src = [[Eingang]]
+firewall_forwarding_dest = [[Ausgang]]
+firewall_defaults = [[Grundeinstellungen]]
+firewall_defaults_desc = [[Grundeinstellungen die verwendet werden, wenn keine andere Regel angewandt werden kann.]]
+firewall_defaults_synflood = [[Schutz vor SYN-flood-Attacken]]
+firewall_defaults_input = [[Eingehender Verkehr]]
+firewall_defaults_output = [[Ausgehender Verkehr]]
+firewall_defaults_forward = [[Weitergeleiteter Verkehr]]
+firewall_zone_input = [[Eingehender Verkehr]]
+firewall_zone_input_desc = [[Standardaktion]]
+firewall_zone_output = [[Ausgehender Verkehr]]
+firewall_zone_output_desc = [[Standardaktion]]
+firewall_zone_forward = [[Weitergeleiteter Verkehr]]
+firewall_zone_forward_desc = [[Standardaktion]]
+firewall_zone_masq = [[MASQ]]
+firewall_zone_network = [[Netzwerke]]
+firewall_zone_network_desc = [[verbundene Netzwerke]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua
index 9998c28a75..99fb6e739b 100644
--- a/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-fw/luasrc/i18n/luci-fw.en.lua
@@ -1,60 +1,44 @@
-fw_portfw = "Port forwarding"
-fw_forwarding = "Forwarding"
-fw_fw = "Firewall"
-fw_zone = "Zone"
-fw_zones = "Zones"
-fw_custfwd = "Custom redirect"
-fw_rules = "Custom Rules"
-fw_rules1 = "Here you can create custom firewall rules to control your network traffic."
-fw_fw1 = "The firewall creates zones over your network interfaces to control network traffic flow."
-firewall_rule_src = "Input Zone"
-firewall_rule_dest = "Output Zone"
-firewall_rule_srcip = "Source address"
-firewall_rule_destip = "Destination address"
-firewall_rule_srcmac = "Source MAC-Address"
-firewall_rule_srcport = "Source port"
-firewall_rule_destport = "Destination port"
-firewall_rule_target = "Action"
-fw_accept = "accept"
-fw_reject = "reject"
-fw_drop = "drop"
-fw_portfw1 = [[Port forwarding allows to provide network services
-in the internal network to an external network.]]
-firewall_redirect_src_desc = "External Zone"
-firewall_redirect_srcdport = "External port"
-firewall_redirect_srcdport_desc = "port or range as first:last"
-firewall_redirect_destip = "Internal address"
-firewall_redirect_destip_desc = "IP-Address"
-firewall_redirect_destport = "Internal port (optional)"
-firewall_redirect_destport_desc = "port or range as first:last"
-firewall_redirect_srcip = firewall_rule_srcip
-firewall_redirect_srcmac = firewall_rule_srcmac
-firewall_redirect_srcport = firewall_rule_srcport
-fw_forwarding1 = [[Here you can specify which network traffic is allowed to flow between network zones.
-Only new connections will be matched. Packets belonging to already open connections are automatically allowed
-to pass the firewall.]]
-firewall_forwarding_src = "Input"
-firewall_forwarding_src_desc = firewall_rule_src
-firewall_forwarding_dest = "Output"
-firewall_forwarding_dest_desc = firewall_rule_dest
-firewall_defaults = "Defaults"
-firewall_defaults_desc = "These are the default settings that are used if no other rules match."
-firewall_defaults_synflood = "SYN-flood protection"
-firewall_defaults_input = "Incoming Traffic"
-firewall_defaults_output = "Outgoing Traffic"
-firewall_defaults_forward = "Forwarded Traffic"
-firewall_zone_desc = [[Zones part the network interfaces into certain isolated areas to separate network traffic.
-One or more networks can belong to a zone. The MASQ-flag enables NAT masquerading for all outgoing traffic on this zone.]]
-firewall_zone_input = "Incoming Traffic"
-firewall_zone_input_desc = "Default Policy"
-firewall_zone_output = "Outgoing Traffic"
-firewall_zone_output_desc = "Default Policy"
-firewall_zone_forward = "Forwarded Traffic"
-firewall_zone_forward_desc = "Default Policy"
-firewall_zone_masq = "MASQ"
-firewall_zone_network = "Networks"
-firewall_zone_network_desc = "contained networks" \ No newline at end of file
+fw_portfw = [[Port forwarding]]
+fw_forwarding = [[Forwarding]]
+fw_fw = [[Firewall]]
+fw_zone = [[Zone]]
+fw_zones = [[Zones]]
+fw_custfwd = [[Custom redirect]]
+fw_rules = [[Custom Rules]]
+fw_rules1 = [[Here you can create custom firewall rules to control your network traffic.]]
+fw_fw1 = [[The firewall creates zones over your network interfaces to control network traffic flow.]]
+firewall_rule_src = [[Input Zone]]
+firewall_rule_dest = [[Output Zone]]
+firewall_rule_srcip = [[Source address]]
+firewall_rule_destip = [[Destination address]]
+firewall_rule_srcmac = [[Source MAC-Address]]
+firewall_rule_srcport = [[Source port]]
+firewall_rule_destport = [[Destination port]]
+firewall_rule_target = [[Action]]
+fw_accept = [[accept]]
+fw_reject = [[reject]]
+fw_drop = [[drop]]
+firewall_redirect_src_desc = [[External Zone]]
+firewall_redirect_srcdport = [[External port]]
+firewall_redirect_srcdport_desc = [[port or range as first:last]]
+firewall_redirect_destip = [[Internal address]]
+firewall_redirect_destip_desc = [[IP-Address]]
+firewall_redirect_destport = [[Internal port (optional)]]
+firewall_redirect_destport_desc = [[port or range as first:last]]
+firewall_forwarding_src = [[Input]]
+firewall_forwarding_dest = [[Output]]
+firewall_defaults = [[Defaults]]
+firewall_defaults_desc = [[These are the default settings that are used if no other rules match.]]
+firewall_defaults_synflood = [[SYN-flood protection]]
+firewall_defaults_input = [[Incoming Traffic]]
+firewall_defaults_output = [[Outgoing Traffic]]
+firewall_defaults_forward = [[Forwarded Traffic]]
+firewall_zone_input = [[Incoming Traffic]]
+firewall_zone_input_desc = [[Default Policy]]
+firewall_zone_output = [[Outgoing Traffic]]
+firewall_zone_output_desc = [[Default Policy]]
+firewall_zone_forward = [[Forwarded Traffic]]
+firewall_zone_forward_desc = [[Default Policy]]
+firewall_zone_masq = [[MASQ]]
+firewall_zone_network = [[Networks]]
+firewall_zone_network_desc = [[contained networks]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/
index 6d067ad7e3..20d19af9dd 100644
--- a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-ntpc = "Zeitsynchronisation"
-ntpc_desc = "Synchronisiert die Systemzeit"
-ntpc_timeserver = "Zeitserver"
-ntpc_interval = "Aktualisierungsintervall (in s)"
-ntpc_count = "Anzahl der Zeitmessungen"
-ntpc_count_desc = "leer = unendlich"
-ntpc_drift = "Zeitgeberjustierung"
-ntpc_drift_freq = "Frequenzabweichung"
-ntpc_current = "Aktuelle Systemzeit" \ No newline at end of file
+ntpc = [[Zeitsynchronisation]]
+ntpc_desc = [[Synchronisiert die Systemzeit]]
+ntpc_timeserver = [[Zeitserver]]
+ntpc_interval = [[Aktualisierungsintervall (in s)]]
+ntpc_count = [[Anzahl der Zeitmessungen]]
+ntpc_count_desc = [[leer = unendlich]]
+ntpc_drift = [[Zeitgeberjustierung]]
+ntpc_drift_freq = [[Frequenzabweichung]]
+ntpc_current = [[Aktuelle Systemzeit]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.en.lua b/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.en.lua
index 58bf7b3ea7..412fa73338 100644
--- a/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.en.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-ntpc/luasrc/i18n/ntpc.en.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-ntpc = "Time Synchronisation"
-ntpc_desc = "Synchronizes the system time"
-ntpc_timeserver = "Time Server"
-ntpc_interval = "Update Interval (in s)"
-ntpc_count = "Count of Time Measurements"
-ntpc_count_desc = "empty = infinite"
-ntpc_drift = "Clock Adjustment"
-ntpc_drift_freq = "Offset Frequency"
-ntpc_current = "Current system time" \ No newline at end of file
+ntpc = [[Time Synchronisation]]
+ntpc_desc = [[Synchronizes the system time]]
+ntpc_timeserver = [[Time Server]]
+ntpc_interval = [[Update Interval (in s)]]
+ntpc_count = [[Count of Time Measurements]]
+ntpc_count_desc = [[empty = infinite]]
+ntpc_drift = [[Clock Adjustment]]
+ntpc_drift_freq = [[Offset Frequency]]
+ntpc_current = [[Current system time]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/
index 5ab77c64fa..6a12d54525 100644
--- a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,73 +1,64 @@
-olsr_routes = "Routen"
-olsr_topology = "Topologie"
+olsr_routes = [[Routen]]
+olsr_topology = [[Topologie]]
olsr_error1 = [[Es konnte keine Verbindung zum OLSR-Daemon hergestellt werden!]]
-olsr_error2 = [[Um die Statusinformationen abfragen zu können muss der OLSR-Daemon gestartet
-und das Plugin "txtinfo" geladen sein.]]
-olsr_links = "OLSR-Verbindungen"
-olsr_links1 = "Übersicht über aktuell bestehende OLSR-Verbindungen"
-olsrlinks_lq1 = "Erfolgsquote gesendeter Pakete"
-olsrlinks_nlq1 = "Erfolgsquote empfangener Pakete"
-olsrlinks_etx1 = "Zu erwartende Sendeversuche pro Paket"
-olsr_mid = "MID"
-olsr_desc = [[OLSR ist ein flexibles Routingprotokoll,
-dass den Aufbau von mobilen Ad-Hoc Netzen unterstützt.]]
-olsr_general = "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
-olsr_general_debuglevel = "Debugmodus"
-olsr_general_ipversion = "Internet Protokoll"
-olsr_general_allownoint = "Start ohne Netzwerk"
-olsr_general_pollrate = "Abfragerate"
-olsr_general_tcredundancy = "TC-Redundanz"
-olsr_general_tcredundancy_0 = "MPR-Selektoren"
-olsr_general_tcredundancy_1 = "MPR-Selektoren und MPR"
-olsr_general_tcredundancy_2 = "Alle Nachbarn"
-olsr_general_mprcoverage = "MPR-Erfassung"
-olsr_general_linkqualitylevel = "VQ-Level"
-olsr_general_linkqualityaging = "VQ-Alterung"
-olsr_general_linkqualityalgorithm = "VQ-Algorithmus"
-olsr_etx_fpm = "Festkomma"
-olsr_etx_float = "Gleitkomma"
-olsr_etx_ff = "Freifunk"
-olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_1 = "MPR-Auswahl"
-olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_2 = "MPR-Auswahl und Routing"
-olsr_general_linkqualityfisheye = "VQ-Fisheye"
-olsr_general_linkqualitywinsize = "VQ-Fenstergröße"
-olsr_general_linkqualitydijkstralimit = "VQ-Dijkstralimit"
-olsr_general_usehysteresis = "Hysterese aktivieren"
-olsr_general_fibmetric = "FIB-Metrik"
-olsr_general_clearscreen = "Ansicht zurücksetzen"
-olsr_general_willingness = "Bereitschaft"
-olsr_interface_ip4broadcast = "IPv4 Broadcast"
-olsr_interface_hellointerval = "Hello-Intervall"
-olsr_interface_hellovaliditytime = "Hello-Gültigkeit"
-olsr_interface_tcinterval = "TC-Intervall"
-olsr_interface_tcvaliditytime = "TC-Gültigkeit"
-olsr_interface_midinterval = "MID-Intervall"
-olsr_interface_midvaliditytime = "MID-Gültigkeit"
-olsr_interface_hnainterval = "HNA-Intervall"
-olsr_interface_hnavaliditytime = "HNA-Gültigkeit"
-olsr_loadplugin = "Plugins"
-olsr_hna4 = "IPv4 HNA-Ankündigungen"
-olsr_hna4_desc = "Hna4-Entries ermöglichen die Ankündigung von lokalen IPv4 Host- und Netz-Routen im Mesh-Netzwerk"
-olsr_hna4_netaddr = "Netzwerk-Adresse"
-olsr_hna4_netaddr_desc = "IPv4 Adresse"
-olsr_hna4_prefix = "Netzmaske"
-olsr_hna4_prefix_desc = "IPv4 Adresse"
-olsr_hna6 = "IPv6 HNA-Ankündigungen"
-olsr_hna6_desc = "Hna6-Entries ermöglichen die Ankündigung von lokalen IPv6 Host- und Netz-Routen im Mesh-Netzwerk"
-olsr_hna6_netaddr = "Netzwerk-Adresse"
-olsr_hna6_netaddr_desc = "IPv6 Adresse"
-olsr_hna6_prefix = "Netzmaske"
-olsr_hna6_prefix_desc = "IPv6 Adresse"
-olsr_ipcconnect = "IPC-Einstellungen"
-olsr_ipcconnect_desc = "IPC-Verbindungen ermöglichen die Fernsteuerung des lokalen OLSR-Prozesses durch externe Programme"
-olsr_ipcconnect_maxconnections = "maximale Anzahl von Verbindungen"
-olsr_ipcconnect_maxconnections_desc = "0 deaktiviert IPC"
-olsr_ipcconnect_host = "erlaubte Hostadressen"
-olsr_ipcconnect_host_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-olsr_ipcconnect_net = "erlaubte Netzbereiche"
-olsr_ipcconnect_net_desc = "Adresse Maske; mehrere mit Leerzeichen"
+olsr_links = [[OLSR-Verbindungen]]
+olsr_links1 = [[Übersicht über aktuell bestehende OLSR-Verbindungen]]
+olsrlinks_lq1 = [[Erfolgsquote gesendeter Pakete]]
+olsrlinks_nlq1 = [[Erfolgsquote empfangener Pakete]]
+olsrlinks_etx1 = [[Zu erwartende Sendeversuche pro Paket]]
+olsr_mid = [[MID]]
+olsr_general = [[Allgemeine Einstellungen]]
+olsr_general_debuglevel = [[Debugmodus]]
+olsr_general_ipversion = [[Internet Protokoll]]
+olsr_general_allownoint = [[Start ohne Netzwerk]]
+olsr_general_pollrate = [[Abfragerate]]
+olsr_general_tcredundancy = [[TC-Redundanz]]
+olsr_general_tcredundancy_0 = [[MPR-Selektoren]]
+olsr_general_tcredundancy_1 = [[MPR-Selektoren und MPR]]
+olsr_general_tcredundancy_2 = [[Alle Nachbarn]]
+olsr_general_mprcoverage = [[MPR-Erfassung]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitylevel = [[VQ-Level]]
+olsr_general_linkqualityaging = [[VQ-Alterung]]
+olsr_general_linkqualityalgorithm = [[VQ-Algorithmus]]
+olsr_etx_fpm = [[Festkomma]]
+olsr_etx_float = [[Gleitkomma]]
+olsr_etx_ff = [[Freifunk]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_1 = [[MPR-Auswahl]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_2 = [[MPR-Auswahl und Routing]]
+olsr_general_linkqualityfisheye = [[VQ-Fisheye]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitywinsize = [[VQ-Fenstergröße]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitydijkstralimit = [[VQ-Dijkstralimit]]
+olsr_general_usehysteresis = [[Hysterese aktivieren]]
+olsr_general_fibmetric = [[FIB-Metrik]]
+olsr_general_clearscreen = [[Ansicht zurücksetzen]]
+olsr_general_willingness = [[Bereitschaft]]
+olsr_interface_ip4broadcast = [[IPv4 Broadcast]]
+olsr_interface_hellointerval = [[Hello-Intervall]]
+olsr_interface_hellovaliditytime = [[Hello-Gültigkeit]]
+olsr_interface_tcinterval = [[TC-Intervall]]
+olsr_interface_tcvaliditytime = [[TC-Gültigkeit]]
+olsr_interface_midinterval = [[MID-Intervall]]
+olsr_interface_midvaliditytime = [[MID-Gültigkeit]]
+olsr_interface_hnainterval = [[HNA-Intervall]]
+olsr_interface_hnavaliditytime = [[HNA-Gültigkeit]]
+olsr_loadplugin = [[Plugins]]
+olsr_hna4 = [[IPv4 HNA-Ankündigungen]]
+olsr_hna4_desc = [[Hna4-Entries ermöglichen die Ankündigung von lokalen IPv4 Host- und Netz-Routen im Mesh-Netzwerk]]
+olsr_hna4_netaddr = [[Netzwerk-Adresse]]
+olsr_hna4_netaddr_desc = [[IPv4 Adresse]]
+olsr_hna4_prefix = [[Netzmaske]]
+olsr_hna4_prefix_desc = [[IPv4 Adresse]]
+olsr_hna6 = [[IPv6 HNA-Ankündigungen]]
+olsr_hna6_desc = [[Hna6-Entries ermöglichen die Ankündigung von lokalen IPv6 Host- und Netz-Routen im Mesh-Netzwerk]]
+olsr_hna6_netaddr = [[Netzwerk-Adresse]]
+olsr_hna6_netaddr_desc = [[IPv6 Adresse]]
+olsr_hna6_prefix = [[Netzmaske]]
+olsr_hna6_prefix_desc = [[IPv6 Adresse]]
+olsr_ipcconnect = [[IPC-Einstellungen]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_desc = [[IPC-Verbindungen ermöglichen die Fernsteuerung des lokalen OLSR-Prozesses durch externe Programme]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_maxconnections = [[maximale Anzahl von Verbindungen]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_maxconnections_desc = [[0 deaktiviert IPC]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_host = [[erlaubte Hostadressen]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_host_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_net = [[erlaubte Netzbereiche]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_net_desc = [[Adresse Maske; mehrere mit Leerzeichen]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua b/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua
index f62a6f8c43..37b74a7035 100644
--- a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua
@@ -1,72 +1,66 @@
-olsr_routes = "Routes"
-olsr_topology = "Topology"
+olsr_routes = [[Routes]]
+olsr_topology = [[Topology]]
olsr_error1 = [[Unable to connect to the OLSR daemon.]]
-olsr_error2 = [[To collect status information start the OLSR-Daemon and enable the "txtinfo"-Plugin]]
-olsr_links = "OLSR-Connections"
-olsr_links1 = "Overview over current OLSR connections"
-olsrlinks_lq1 = "Success rate of transmitted packets"
-olsrlinks_nlq1 = "Success rate of received packets"
-olsrlinks_etx1 = "Expected transmission tries per packet"
-olsr_mid = "MID"
+olsr_error2 = [[To collect status information start the OLSR-Daemon and enable the "txtinfo"-Plugin]]
+olsr_links = [[OLSR-Connections]]
+olsr_links1 = [[Overview over current OLSR connections]]
+olsrlinks_lq1 = [[Success rate of transmitted packets]]
+olsrlinks_nlq1 = [[Success rate of received packets]]
+olsrlinks_etx1 = [[Expected transmission tries per packet]]
+olsr_mid = [[MID]]
olsr_desc = [[OLSR is a flexible routing protocol that supports building mobile ad-hoc networks.]]
-olsr_general = "General settings"
-olsr_general_debuglevel = "Debugmode"
-olsr_general_ipversion = "Internet Protocol"
-olsr_general_allownoint = "Start without network"
-olsr_general_pollrate = "Pollrate"
-olsr_general_tcredundancy = "TC-Redundancy"
-olsr_general_tcredundancy_0 = "MPR-Selectors"
-olsr_general_tcredundancy_1 = "MPR-Selectors and MPR"
-olsr_general_tcredundancy_2 = "All Neighbors"
-olsr_general_mprcoverage = "MPR-Coverage"
-olsr_general_linkqualitylevel = "LQ-Level"
-olsr_general_linkqualityaging = "LQ-Aging"
-olsr_general_linkqualityalgorithm = "LQ-Algorithm"
-olsr_etx_fpm = "Fixed Point"
-olsr_etx_float = "Floating Point"
-olsr_etx_ff = "Freifunk"
-olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_1 = "MPR-Selection"
-olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_2 = "MPR-Selection and Routing"
-olsr_general_linkqualityfisheye = "LQ-Fisheye"
-olsr_general_linkqualitywinsize = "LQ-Windowsize"
-olsr_general_linkqualitydijkstralimit = "LQ-Dijkstralimit"
-olsr_general_usehysteresis = "Use hysteresis"
-olsr_general_fibmetric = "FIB-Metric"
-olsr_general_clearscreen = "Clear Screen"
-olsr_general_willingness = "Willingness"
-olsr_interface_ip4broadcast = "IPv4 Broadcast"
-olsr_interface_hellointerval = "Hello-Interval"
-olsr_interface_hellovaliditytime = "Hello-Validity"
-olsr_interface_tcinterval = "TC-Interval"
-olsr_interface_tcvaliditytime = "TC-Validity"
-olsr_interface_midinterval = "MID-Interval"
-olsr_interface_midvaliditytime = "MID-Validity"
-olsr_interface_hnainterval = "HNA-Interval"
-olsr_interface_hnavaliditytime = "HNA-Validity"
-olsr_loadplugin = "Plugins"
-olsr_hna4 = "IPv4 HNA-Announcements"
-olsr_hna4_desc = "Hna4-entries are used to announce local ipv4 host- and net-routes within the mesh-network"
-olsr_hna4_netaddr = "Network-Address"
-olsr_hna4_netaddr_desc = "ipv4 address"
-olsr_hna4_prefix = "Netmask"
-olsr_hna4_prefix_desc = "ipv4 address"
-olsr_hna6 = "IPv6 HNA-Announcements"
-olsr_hna6_desc = "Hna6-entries are used to announce local ipv6 host- and net-routes within the mesh-network"
-olsr_hna6_netaddr = "Network-Address"
-olsr_hna6_netaddr_desc = "ipv6 address"
-olsr_hna6_prefix = "Netmask"
-olsr_hna6_prefix_desc = "ipv6 address"
-olsr_ipcconnect = "IPC-Settings"
-olsr_ipcconnect_desc = "IPC-connections allow external programs to remote-control the local OLSR process"
-olsr_ipcconnect_maxconnections = "max. allowed connections"
-olsr_ipcconnect_maxconnections_desc = "0 disables IPC"
-olsr_ipcconnect_host = "Allowed hosts"
-olsr_ipcconnect_host_desc = "multiple separated by space"
-olsr_ipcconnect_net = "Allowed networks"
-olsr_ipcconnect_net_desc = "address netmask; separated by space"
+olsr_general = [[General settings]]
+olsr_general_debuglevel = [[Debugmode]]
+olsr_general_ipversion = [[Internet Protocol]]
+olsr_general_allownoint = [[Start without network]]
+olsr_general_pollrate = [[Pollrate]]
+olsr_general_tcredundancy = [[TC-Redundancy]]
+olsr_general_tcredundancy_0 = [[MPR-Selectors]]
+olsr_general_tcredundancy_1 = [[MPR-Selectors and MPR]]
+olsr_general_tcredundancy_2 = [[All Neighbors]]
+olsr_general_mprcoverage = [[MPR-Coverage]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitylevel = [[LQ-Level]]
+olsr_general_linkqualityaging = [[LQ-Aging]]
+olsr_general_linkqualityalgorithm = [[LQ-Algorithm]]
+olsr_etx_fpm = [[Fixed Point]]
+olsr_etx_float = [[Floating Point]]
+olsr_etx_ff = [[Freifunk]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_1 = [[MPR-Selection]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_2 = [[MPR-Selection and Routing]]
+olsr_general_linkqualityfisheye = [[LQ-Fisheye]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitywinsize = [[LQ-Windowsize]]
+olsr_general_linkqualitydijkstralimit = [[LQ-Dijkstralimit]]
+olsr_general_usehysteresis = [[Use hysteresis]]
+olsr_general_fibmetric = [[FIB-Metric]]
+olsr_general_clearscreen = [[Clear Screen]]
+olsr_general_willingness = [[Willingness]]
+olsr_interface_ip4broadcast = [[IPv4 Broadcast]]
+olsr_interface_hellointerval = [[Hello-Interval]]
+olsr_interface_hellovaliditytime = [[Hello-Validity]]
+olsr_interface_tcinterval = [[TC-Interval]]
+olsr_interface_tcvaliditytime = [[TC-Validity]]
+olsr_interface_midinterval = [[MID-Interval]]
+olsr_interface_midvaliditytime = [[MID-Validity]]
+olsr_interface_hnainterval = [[HNA-Interval]]
+olsr_interface_hnavaliditytime = [[HNA-Validity]]
+olsr_loadplugin = [[Plugins]]
+olsr_hna4 = [[IPv4 HNA-Announcements]]
+olsr_hna4_desc = [[Hna4-entries are used to announce local ipv4 host- and net-routes within the mesh-network]]
+olsr_hna4_netaddr = [[Network-Address]]
+olsr_hna4_netaddr_desc = [[ipv4 address]]
+olsr_hna4_prefix = [[Netmask]]
+olsr_hna4_prefix_desc = [[ipv4 address]]
+olsr_hna6 = [[IPv6 HNA-Announcements]]
+olsr_hna6_desc = [[Hna6-entries are used to announce local ipv6 host- and net-routes within the mesh-network]]
+olsr_hna6_netaddr = [[Network-Address]]
+olsr_hna6_netaddr_desc = [[ipv6 address]]
+olsr_hna6_prefix = [[Netmask]]
+olsr_hna6_prefix_desc = [[ipv6 address]]
+olsr_ipcconnect = [[IPC-Settings]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_desc = [[IPC-connections allow external programs to remote-control the local OLSR process]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_maxconnections = [[max. allowed connections]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_maxconnections_desc = [[0 disables IPC]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_host = [[Allowed hosts]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_host_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_net = [[Allowed networks]]
+olsr_ipcconnect_net_desc = [[address netmask; separated by space]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/
index e24dbaa2ce..7c1c828a44 100644
--- a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
-qos = "Quality of Service"
-qos_desc = [[Mit Hilfe von QoS kann einzelnen Rechnern oder Netzwerkdiensten
-eine höhere oder niedrigere Priorität zugewiesen werden.]]
-qos_interface_classgroup = "Klassifizierung"
-qos_interface_overhead = "Overheadberechnung"
-qos_interface_download = "Downlink"
-qos_interface_upload = "Uplink"
-qos_classify = "Priorisierung"
-qos_classify_target = "Priorität"
-qos_classify_srchost = "Quelladresse"
-qos_classify_srchost_dest = "Quellnetz / Quellhost"
-qos_classify_dsthost = "Zieladresse"
-qos_classify_dsthost_dest = "Zielnetz / Zielhost"
-qos_classify_portrange = "Portbereich"
-qos_bulk = "niedrig"
-qos_normal = "normal"
-qos_express = "express"
-qos_priority = "priorisiert" \ No newline at end of file
+qos = [[Quality of Service]]
+qos_interface_classgroup = [[Klassifizierung]]
+qos_interface_overhead = [[Overheadberechnung]]
+qos_interface_download = [[Downlink]]
+qos_interface_upload = [[Uplink]]
+qos_classify = [[Priorisierung]]
+qos_classify_target = [[Priorität]]
+qos_classify_srchost = [[Quelladresse]]
+qos_classify_srchost_dest = [[Quellnetz / Quellhost]]
+qos_classify_dsthost = [[Zieladresse]]
+qos_classify_dsthost_dest = [[Zielnetz / Zielhost]]
+qos_classify_portrange = [[Portbereich]]
+qos_bulk = [[niedrig]]
+qos_normal = [[normal]]
+qos_express = [[express]]
+qos_priority = [[priorisiert]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.en.lua b/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.en.lua
index eefa955953..cedb01af4b 100644
--- a/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.en.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-qos/luasrc/i18n/qos.en.lua
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-qos = "Quality of Service"
+qos = [[Quality of Service]]
qos_desc = [[With QoS you can priorize network traffic selected by adresses, ports or services.]]
-qos_interface_classgroup = "Classification"
-qos_interface_overhead = "Calculate Overhead"
-qos_interface_download = "Downlink"
-qos_interface_upload = "Uplink"
-qos_classify = "Prioritization"
-qos_classify_target = "Priority"
-qos_classify_srchost = "Source address"
-qos_classify_srchost_dest = "source network / source host"
-qos_classify_dsthost = "Target address"
-qos_classify_dsthost_dest = "target network / target host"
-qos_classify_portrange = "portrange"
-qos_bulk = "low"
-qos_normal = "normal"
-qos_express = "express"
-qos_priority = "priority" \ No newline at end of file
+qos_interface_classgroup = [[Classification]]
+qos_interface_overhead = [[Calculate Overhead]]
+qos_interface_download = [[Downlink]]
+qos_interface_upload = [[Uplink]]
+qos_classify = [[Prioritization]]
+qos_classify_target = [[Priority]]
+qos_classify_srchost = [[Source address]]
+qos_classify_srchost_dest = [[source network / source host]]
+qos_classify_dsthost = [[Target address]]
+qos_classify_dsthost_dest = [[target network / target host]]
+qos_classify_portrange = [[portrange]]
+qos_bulk = [[low]]
+qos_normal = [[normal]]
+qos_express = [[express]]
+qos_priority = [[priority]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/
index 421ecf0e59..b59f6e3f4b 100644
--- a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
-samba = "Netzwerkfreigaben"
-samba_samba_name = "Hostname"
-samba_samba_description = "Beschreibung"
-samba_samba_workgroup = "Arbeitsgruppe"
-samba_samba_homes = "Heimatverzeichnisse freigeben"
-samba_samba_homes_desc = "Systembenutzer können ihre Heimatverzeichnis über Netzwerkfreigaben erreichen."
-samba_sambashare = "Dateifreigaben"
-samba_sambashare_path = "Freigabepfad"
-samba_sambashare_path_desc = "Physischer Pfad"
-samba_sambashare_users = "Erlaubte Benutzer"
-samba_sambashare_users_desc = "optional"
-samba_sambashare_readonly = "Nur Lesen"
-samba_sambashare_guestok = "Gäste erlauben"
-samba_sambashare_createmask = "Anlegemaske"
-samba_sambashare_createmask_desc = "Maske für neue Dateien"
-samba_sambashare_dirmask = "Verzeichnismaske"
-samba_sambashare_dirmask_desc = "Maske für neue Verzeichnisse"
+samba = [[Netzwerkfreigaben]]
+samba_samba_name = [[Hostname]]
+samba_samba_description = [[Beschreibung]]
+samba_samba_workgroup = [[Arbeitsgruppe]]
+samba_samba_homes = [[Heimatverzeichnisse freigeben]]
+samba_samba_homes_desc = [[Systembenutzer können ihre Heimatverzeichnis über Netzwerkfreigaben erreichen.]]
+samba_sambashare = [[Dateifreigaben]]
+samba_sambashare_path = [[Freigabepfad]]
+samba_sambashare_path_desc = [[Physischer Pfad]]
+samba_sambashare_users = [[Erlaubte Benutzer]]
+samba_sambashare_users_desc = [[optional]]
+samba_sambashare_readonly = [[Nur Lesen]]
+samba_sambashare_guestok = [[Gäste erlauben]]
+samba_sambashare_createmask = [[Anlegemaske]]
+samba_sambashare_createmask_desc = [[Maske für neue Dateien]]
+samba_sambashare_dirmask = [[Verzeichnismaske]]
+samba_sambashare_dirmask_desc = [[Maske für neue Verzeichnisse]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.en.lua b/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.en.lua
index 28fce71dce..622e978f93 100644
--- a/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.en.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-samba/luasrc/i18n/samba.en.lua
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
-samba = "Network Shares"
-samba_samba_name = "Hostname"
-samba_samba_description = "Description"
-samba_samba_workgroup = "Workgroup"
-samba_samba_homes = "Share home-directories"
-samba_samba_homes_desc = "System users can reach their home directories via network shares."
-samba_sambashare = "Shared Directories"
-samba_sambashare_path = "Shared Directory"
-samba_sambashare_path_desc = "Physical Path"
-samba_sambashare_users = "Allowed Users"
-samba_sambashare_users_desc = "optional"
-samba_sambashare_readonly = "Read Only"
-samba_sambashare_guestok = "Allow Guests"
-samba_sambashare_createmask = "Create Mask"
-samba_sambashare_createmask_desc = "Mask for new files"
-samba_sambashare_dirmask = "Directory Mask"
-samba_sambashare_dirmask_desc = "Mask for new directories"
+samba = [[Network Shares]]
+samba_samba_name = [[Hostname]]
+samba_samba_description = [[Description]]
+samba_samba_workgroup = [[Workgroup]]
+samba_samba_homes = [[Share home-directories]]
+samba_samba_homes_desc = [[System users can reach their home directories via network shares.]]
+samba_sambashare = [[Shared Directories]]
+samba_sambashare_path = [[Shared Directory]]
+samba_sambashare_path_desc = [[Physical Path]]
+samba_sambashare_users = [[Allowed Users]]
+samba_sambashare_users_desc = [[optional]]
+samba_sambashare_readonly = [[Read Only]]
+samba_sambashare_guestok = [[Allow Guests]]
+samba_sambashare_createmask = [[Create Mask]]
+samba_sambashare_createmask_desc = [[Mask for new files]]
+samba_sambashare_dirmask = [[Directory Mask]]
+samba_sambashare_dirmask_desc = [[Mask for new directories]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/
index 114d58dee7..8db9f85e4e 100644
--- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,463 +1,253 @@
-Luci i18n translation file for the statistics application - german
-(c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich <>
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
--- general translations
-stat_statistics = "Statistiken"
-stat_systemplugins = "Systemplugins"
-stat_networkplugins = "Netzwerkplugins"
-stat_outputplugins = "Ausgabeplugins"
-stat_showtimespan = "Zeitspanne zeigen &raquo;"
-stat_graphs = "Diagramme"
--- collectd plugin translations
-stat_collectd = "Collectd"
-stat_cpu = "Prozessor"
-stat_ping = "Ping"
-stat_iptables = "Firewall"
-stat_netlink = "Netlink"
-stat_processes = "Prozesse"
-stat_wireless = "Drahtlos"
-stat_tcpconns = "TCP-Verbindungen"
-stat_interface = "Schnittstellen"
-stat_df = "Plattenspeicher"
-stat_irq = "Interrupts"
-stat_disk = "Plattenauslastung"
-stat_exec = "Exec"
-stat_rrdtool = "RRDTool"
-stat_network = "Netzwerk"
-stat_csv = "CSV Ausgabe"
-stat_load = "Systemlast"
--- diagram translations
--- Notice: diagram translations have to be in Latin1 encoding because
--- rrdtool can't handle UTF-8 !
-stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_noise = "%H: Drahtlos - Signal-Noise-Verhltnis"
-stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_noise = "dBm"
-stat_ds_signal_noise = "Noise-Level"
-stat_ds_signal_power = "Signalstrke"
-stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_quality = "%H: Drahtlos - Signalqualitt"
-stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_quality = "n"
-stat_ds_signal_quality = "Signalqualitt"
-stat_dg_title_ping = "%H: ICMP Antwortzeiten"
-stat_dg_label_ping = "ms"
-stat_ds_ping = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_iptables__ipt_packets = "%H: Firewall - Verarbeitete Pakete"
-stat_dg_label_iptables__ipt_packets = "Pakete/s"
-stat_ds_ipt_packets = 'Kette "%di"'
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_octets = "%H: Netlink - Transfer auf %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_octets = "Bytes/s"
-stat_ds_if_octets = "Bytes (%ds)"
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_packets = "%H: Netlink - Pakete auf %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_packets = "Pakete/s"
-stat_ds_if_packets = "Verarbeitet (%ds)"
-stat_ds_if_dropped = "Verworfen (%ds)"
-stat_ds_if_errors = "Fehler (%ds)"
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_multicast = "%H: Netlink - Multicast auf %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_multicast = "Pakete/s"
-stat_ds_if_multicast = "Pakete"
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_collisions = "%H: Netlink - Kollisionen auf %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_collisions = "Kollisionen/s"
-stat_ds_if_collisions = "Kollisionen"
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_tx_errors = "%H: Netlink - Fehler auf %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_tx_errors = "Fehler/s"
-stat_ds_if_tx_errors = "%di"
-stat_ds_if_rx_errors = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_processes = "%H: Prozesse"
-stat_dg_label_processes = "Prozesse/s"
-stat_ds_ps_state = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = "%H: Prozess %pi - Verbrauchte CPU Zeit"
-stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = "Jiffies"
-stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = "System"
-stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = "User"
-stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = "%H: Prozess %pi - Threads und Prozesse"
-stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = "Anzahl"
-stat_ds_ps_count__threads = "Threads"
-stat_ds_ps_count__processes = "Prozesse"
-stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = "%H: Prozess %pi - Speicherzugriffsfehler"
-stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = "Zugriffsfehler"
-stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = "Zugriffsfehler"
-stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = "%H: Process %pi - Virtueller Speicher"
-stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = "Bytes"
-stat_ds_ps_rss = "virtueller Speicher"
-stat_dg_title_cpu = "%H: Auslastung auf Prozessor #%pi"
-stat_dg_label_cpu = "%"
-stat_ds_cpu = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_interface__if_octets = "%H: Transfer auf %di"
-stat_dg_label_interface__if_octets = "Bytes/s"
-stat_dg_title_interface__if_packets = "%H: Pakete auf %di"
-stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = "Pakete/s"
-stat_dg_title_tcpconns = "%H: TCP-Verbindungen auf Port %pi"
-stat_dg_label_tcpconns = "Verbindungen/s"
-stat_ds_tcp_connections = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_df = "%H: Speicherverbrauch auf %di"
-stat_dg_label_df = "Bytes"
-stat_ds_df__free = "verfgbar"
-stat_ds_df__used = "belegt "
-stat_dg_title_irq = "%H: Interrupts"
-stat_dg_label_irq = "Aufrufe/s"
-stat_ds_irq = "IRQ %di"
-stat_dg_title_load = "%H: Systemlast"
-stat_dg_label_load = "Last"
-stat_ds_load__shortterm = "1 Minute"
-stat_ds_load__midterm = "5 Minuten"
-stat_ds_load__longterm = "15 Minuten"
--- CBI translations
-lucistatistics = "Statistiken"
--- general config
-lucistatistics_collectd = "Collectd Einstellungen"
-lucistatistics_collectd_desc = [[
- Collectd ist ein schlankes Dienstprogramm zum Sammeln von Systemdaten aus verschiedenen Quellen mittels diverser Plugins.
- Auf dieser Seite können generelle Einstellungen für den Collectd-Daemon vorgenommen werden.
-lucistatistics_collectd_hostname = "Hostname"
-lucistatistics_collectd_basedir = "Basisverzeichnis"
-lucistatistics_collectd_include = "Verzeichnis für Unterkonfigurationen"
-lucistatistics_collectd_plugindir = "Verzeichnis für Collectd-Plugins"
-lucistatistics_collectd_pidfile = "Pfad zu PID-Datei"
-lucistatistics_collectd_typesdb = "Dataset-Definitionen"
-lucistatistics_collectd_interval = "Daten-Sammelintervall"
-lucistatistics_collectd_interval_desc = "Sekunden"
-lucistatistics_collectd_readthreads = "Anzahl paralleler Sammelprozesse"
-lucistatistics_collectd_fqdnlookup = "automatisch vollen Hostnamen herausfinden"
--- cpu plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdcpu = "CPU Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdcpu_desc = "Das CPU-Plugin sammelt grundlegende Statistiken über die Prozessorauslastung."
-lucistatistics_collectdcpu_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
--- csv plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv = "CSV Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv_desc = [[
- Das CSV-Plugin speichert die gesammelten Daten im CSV-Format,
- geeignet für die Weiterverarbeitung durch externe Programme.
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv_datadir = "Speicherverzeichnis für die CSV-Dateien"
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv_storerates = "Werte nicht absolut sondern als Raten speichern"
--- df plugin
-lucistatistics_collectddf = "DF Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_desc = "Das DF-Plugin sammelt Statistiken über den Speicherverbrauch auf verschiedenen Geräten, Mount-Punkten oder Dateisystemtypen."
-lucistatistics_collectddf_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_devices = "Geräte überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_devices_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints = "Mount-Punkte überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes = "Datesystemtypen überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_ignoreselected = "Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen"
--- disk plugin
-lucistatistics_collectddisk = "Disk Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_desc = "Das Disk-Plugin sammelt detaillierte Statistiken über die Auslastung auf ausgewählten Festplatten und Partitionen."
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks = "Geräte und Partitionen überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_ignoreselected = "Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen"
--- dns plugin
-lucistatistics_collectddns = "DNS Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_desc = "Das DNS-Plugin sammelt detaillierte Statistiken über DNS-bezogenen Verkehr auf ausgewählten Schnittstellen."
-lucistatistics_collectddns_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces = "Schnittstellen überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources = "Quelladressen ignorieren"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
--- email plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdemail = "E-Mail Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_desc = [[
- Das E-Mail Plugin erstellt einen Unix-Socket welcher benutzt werden kann
- um E-Mail-Statistiken an den laufenden Collectd-Daemon zu übermitteln.
- Dieses Plugin ist primär für die Verwendung zusammen mit
- Mail::SpamAssasin::Plugin::Collectd gedacht, kann aber auch anderweitig
- verwendet werden.
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketfile = "Dateipfad des Unix-Sockets"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup = "Gruppenbesitzer festlegen"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup_desc = "Gruppenname"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms = "Dateiberechtigungen des Unix-Sockets"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms_desc = "oktal"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_maxconns = "Maximale Anzahl erlaubter Verbindungen"
--- exec plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdexec = "Exec Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdexec_desc = [[
- Das Exec-Plugin startet externe Kommandos um Werte einzulesen oder um
- Benachrichtigungen auszulösen falls bestimmte Grenzwerte erreicht werden.
-lucistatistics_collectdexec_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput = "Kommando zum Werte einlesen hinzufügen"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_desc = [[
- Hier können externe Kommandos definiert werden, welche durch Collectd gestartet
- werden um Statistik-Werte einzulesen. Die Werte werden dabei vom STDOUT des
- aufgerufenen Programmes gelesen.
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdline = "Kommandozeile"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmduser = "Als Benutzer ausführen"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdgroup = "Als Gruppe ausführen"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify = "Benachrichtigungskommando hinzufügen"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_desc = [[
- Hier können externe Kommandos definiert werden, welche durch Collectd gestartet
- werden sobald konfigurierte Grenzwerte erreicht werden. Die Werte welche die
- Benachrichtigung ausgelöst haben werden dabei an den STDIN des aufgerufenen
- Programmes übergeben.
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdline = "Kommandozeile"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmduser = "Als Benutzer ausführen"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdgroup = "Als Gruppe ausführen"
--- interface plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface = "Interface Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_desc = "Das Interface-Plugin sammelt allgemeine Verkehrsstatistiken auf ausgewählten Schnittstellen."
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces = "Schnittstellen überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces_desc = "Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere Schnittstellen zu wählen"
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_ignoreselected = "Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen"
--- iptables plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdiptables = "Iptables Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptables_desc = [[
- Das Iptables-Plugin überwacht ausgewählte Firewall-Regeln und sammelt Werte über
- die Anzahl der verarbeiteten Pakete und Bytes.
-lucistatistics_collectdiptables_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch = "Auswahlregel hinzufügen"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_desc = [[
- Hier werden die Kriterien festgelegt nach welchen die zu überwachenden
- Firewall-Regeln ausgewählt werden.
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name = "Name der Regel"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name_desc = "max. 16 Buchstaben"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_table = "Tabelle"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_chain = "Kette (Chain)"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_target = "Aktion (Target)"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_protocol = "Netzwerkprotokoll"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source = "Quell-IP-Bereich"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source_desc = "CIDR-Notation"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination = "Ziel-IP-Bereich"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination_desc = "CIDR-Notation"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif = "eingehende Schnittstelle"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif_desc = "z.B. br-lan"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif = "ausgehende Schnittstelle"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif_desc = "z.B. br-ff"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options = "Optionen"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options_desc = "z.B. reject-with tcp-reset"
--- irq plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdirq = "IRQ Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_desc = [[
- Das IRQ-Plugin überwacht die Anzahl der Aufrufe pro Sekunde für jeden ausgewählten Interrupt.
- Wird kein Interrupt ausgewählt überwacht das Plugin alle im System vorhandenen Interrupts.
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs = "Interrups überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_ignoreselected = "Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen"
--- load plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdload = "Load Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdload_desc = [[
- Das Load-Plugin sammelt Informationen über die allgemeine Systemlast.
-lucistatistics_collectdload_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
--- netlink plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink = "Netlink Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_desc = [[
- Das Netlink-Plugin sammelt erweiterte QoS-Informationen wie QDisc-, Class- und
- Filter-Statistiken auf ausgewählten Schnittstellen.
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces = "Schnittstellen einfach überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces_desc = "Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces = "Schnittstellen detailliert überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces_desc = "Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs = "Queue Discipline überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs_desc = "Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes = "Shapingklassen überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes_desc = "Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters = "Filterklassen überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters_desc = "Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen"
--- network plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork = "Network Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_desc = [[
- Das Network-Plugin ermöglicht die netzwerkgestützte Kommunikation zwischen
- verschiedenen Collectd-Instanzen. Collectd kann gleichzeitig im Server- und
- Client-Modus betrieben werden.
- Im Client-Modus werden lokal gesammelte Daten an einen Collectd-Server
- übermittelt, im Server-Modus empfängt die lokale Instanz Daten von anderen
- Installationen.
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten = "Listen-Schnittstelle"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_desc = "Diese Sektion legt fest auf welchen Schnittstellen Collectd auf eingehende Verbindungen wartet."
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host = "Listen-Host"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host_desc = "Host-, IP- oder IPv6-Adresse"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port = "Listen-Port"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port_desc = "0 - 65535"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver = "Server-Schnittstellen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_desc = "Diese Sektion legt fest zu welchen Collectd-Servern die lokal gesammelten Daten gesendet werden."
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host = "Server-Host"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host_desc = "Host-, IP- oder IPv6-Adresse"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port = "Server-Port"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port_desc = "0 - 65535"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive = "TTL für Netzwerkpakete"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive_desc = "0 - 255"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_forward = "Weiterleitung zwischen Listen- und Server-Adressen"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush = "Cache-Leerungsintervall"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush_desc = "Sekunden"
--- ping plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdping = "Ping Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_desc = [[
- Das Ping-Plugin sendet ICMP-Echo-Requests an ausgewählte Hosts und misst die
- Antwortzeiten für jede Adresse.
-lucistatistics_collectdping_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts = "Hosts überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl = "TTL für Ping Pakete"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl_desc = "0 - 255"
--- Prozesse plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdProzesse = "Prozesse Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_desc = [[
- Das Prozess-Plugin sammelt Informationen wie CPU-Zeit, Speicherzugriffsfehler und
- Speicherverbrauch ausgewählter Prozesse.
-lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_processes = "Prozesse überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_processes_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
--- rrdtool plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool = "RRDTool Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_desc = [[
- Das RRDTool-Plugin speichert die gesammelten Daten in sogenannten RRD-Datenbanken,
- der Grundlage für die Diagramm-Bilder.<br /><br />
- <strong>Warnung: Falsche Werte resultieren in einem sehr hohen Speicherverbrauch
- im temporären Verzeichnis. Das kann das Gerät unbrauchbar machen, da Systemspeicher
- für den regulären Betrieb fehlt!</strong>
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_datadir = "Speicherverzeichnis"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize = "RRD Schrittintervall"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize_desc = "Sekunden"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat = "RRD Heartbeatintervall"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat_desc = "Sekunden"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle = "Nur 'average' RRAs erzeugen"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle_desc = "reduziert die RRD Größe"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans = "gespeicherte Zeitspannen"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans_desc = "mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrarows = "Spalten pro RRA"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_xff = "RRD XFiles Faktor"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout = "Zwischenspeicherzeit für gesammelte Daten"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout_desc = "Sekunden"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush = "Leerungsintervall für Zwischenspeicher"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush_desc = "Sekunden"
--- tcpconns plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns = "TCPConns Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_desc = [[
- Das TCPConns-Plugin sammelt Informationen über offene TCP-Verbindungen
- auf ausgewählten Ports.
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_listeningports = "Alle durch lokale Dienste genutzten Ports überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports = "lokale Ports überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports_desc = "0 - 65535; mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports = "entfernte Ports überwachen"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports_desc = "0 - 65535; mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen"
--- unixsock plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock = "Unixsock Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_desc = [[
- Das Unixsock-Plugin erstellt einen Unix-Socket über welchen gesammelte Werte
- aus der laufenden Collectd-Instanz ausgelesen werden können.
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketfile = "Dateipfad des Unix-Sockets"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup = "Gruppenbesitzer festlegen"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup_desc = "Gruppenname"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms = "Dateiberechtigungen des Unix-Sockets"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms_desc = "oktal"
--- wireless plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdwireless = "Wireless Plugin Konfiguration"
-lucistatistics_collectdwireless_desc = [[
- Das Wireless-Plugin sammelt Statistiken über die drahtlose Signalstärke,
- den Störpegel und die Signalqualität.
-lucistatistics_collectdwireless_enable = "Plugin aktivieren"
+stat_statistics = [[Statistiken]]
+stat_systemplugins = [[Systemplugins]]
+stat_networkplugins = [[Netzwerkplugins]]
+stat_outputplugins = [[Ausgabeplugins]]
+stat_showtimespan = [[Zeitspanne zeigen »]]
+stat_graphs = [[Diagramme]]
+stat_collectd = [[Collectd]]
+stat_cpu = [[Prozessor]]
+stat_ping = [[Ping]]
+stat_iptables = [[Firewall]]
+stat_netlink = [[Netlink]]
+stat_processes = [[Prozesse]]
+stat_wireless = [[Drahtlos]]
+stat_tcpconns = [[TCP-Verbindungen]]
+stat_interface = [[Schnittstellen]]
+stat_df = [[Plattenspeicher]]
+stat_irq = [[Interrupts]]
+stat_disk = [[Plattenauslastung]]
+stat_exec = [[Exec]]
+stat_rrdtool = [[RRDTool]]
+stat_network = [[Netzwerk]]
+stat_csv = [[CSV Ausgabe]]
+stat_load = [[Systemlast]]
+stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_noise = [[dBm]]
+stat_ds_signal_noise = [[Noise-Level]]
+stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_quality = [[n]]
+stat_dg_title_ping = [[%H: ICMP Antwortzeiten]]
+stat_dg_label_ping = [[ms]]
+stat_ds_ping = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_iptables__ipt_packets = [[%H: Firewall - Verarbeitete Pakete]]
+stat_dg_label_iptables__ipt_packets = [[Pakete/s]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_octets = [[%H: Netlink - Transfer auf %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]]
+stat_ds_if_octets = [[Bytes (%ds)]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_packets = [[%H: Netlink - Pakete auf %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_packets = [[Pakete/s]]
+stat_ds_if_packets = [[Verarbeitet (%ds)]]
+stat_ds_if_dropped = [[Verworfen (%ds)]]
+stat_ds_if_errors = [[Fehler (%ds)]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_multicast = [[%H: Netlink - Multicast auf %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_multicast = [[Pakete/s]]
+stat_ds_if_multicast = [[Pakete]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_collisions = [[%H: Netlink - Kollisionen auf %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_collisions = [[Kollisionen/s]]
+stat_ds_if_collisions = [[Kollisionen]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[%H: Netlink - Fehler auf %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[Fehler/s]]
+stat_ds_if_tx_errors = [[%di]]
+stat_ds_if_rx_errors = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_processes = [[%H: Prozesse]]
+stat_dg_label_processes = [[Prozesse/s]]
+stat_ds_ps_state = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = [[%H: Prozess %pi - Verbrauchte CPU Zeit]]
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = [[Jiffies]]
+stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = [[System]]
+stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = [[User]]
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = [[%H: Prozess %pi - Threads und Prozesse]]
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = [[Anzahl]]
+stat_ds_ps_count__threads = [[Threads]]
+stat_ds_ps_count__processes = [[Prozesse]]
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[%H: Prozess %pi - Speicherzugriffsfehler]]
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[Zugriffsfehler]]
+stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = [[Zugriffsfehler]]
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = [[%H: Process %pi - Virtueller Speicher]]
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = [[Bytes]]
+stat_ds_ps_rss = [[virtueller Speicher]]
+stat_dg_title_cpu = [[%H: Auslastung auf Prozessor #%pi]]
+stat_dg_label_cpu = [[%]]
+stat_ds_cpu = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_interface__if_octets = [[%H: Transfer auf %di]]
+stat_dg_label_interface__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]]
+stat_dg_title_interface__if_packets = [[%H: Pakete auf %di]]
+stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = [[Pakete/s]]
+stat_dg_title_tcpconns = [[%H: TCP-Verbindungen auf Port %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_tcpconns = [[Verbindungen/s]]
+stat_ds_tcp_connections = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_df = [[%H: Speicherverbrauch auf %di]]
+stat_dg_label_df = [[Bytes]]
+stat_ds_df__used = [[belegt ]]
+stat_dg_title_irq = [[%H: Interrupts]]
+stat_dg_label_irq = [[Aufrufe/s]]
+stat_ds_irq = [[IRQ %di]]
+stat_dg_title_load = [[%H: Systemlast]]
+stat_dg_label_load = [[Last]]
+stat_ds_load__shortterm = [[1 Minute]]
+stat_ds_load__midterm = [[5 Minuten]]
+stat_ds_load__longterm = [[15 Minuten]]
+lucistatistics = [[Statistiken]]
+lucistatistics_collectd = [[Collectd Einstellungen]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_hostname = [[Hostname]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_basedir = [[Basisverzeichnis]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_include = [[Verzeichnis für Unterkonfigurationen]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_plugindir = [[Verzeichnis für Collectd-Plugins]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_pidfile = [[Pfad zu PID-Datei]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_typesdb = [[Dataset-Definitionen]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_interval = [[Daten-Sammelintervall]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_interval_desc = [[Sekunden]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_readthreads = [[Anzahl paralleler Sammelprozesse]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_fqdnlookup = [[automatisch vollen Hostnamen herausfinden]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcpu = [[CPU Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcpu_desc = [[Das CPU-Plugin sammelt grundlegende Statistiken über die Prozessorauslastung.]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcpu_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcsv = [[CSV Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcsv_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcsv_datadir = [[Speicherverzeichnis für die CSV-Dateien]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcsv_storerates = [[Werte nicht absolut sondern als Raten speichern]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf = [[DF Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_desc = [[Das DF-Plugin sammelt Statistiken über den Speicherverbrauch auf verschiedenen Geräten, Mount-Punkten oder Dateisystemtypen.]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_devices = [[Geräte überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_devices_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints = [[Mount-Punkte überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes = [[Datesystemtypen überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_ignoreselected = [[Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk = [[Disk Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_desc = [[Das Disk-Plugin sammelt detaillierte Statistiken über die Auslastung auf ausgewählten Festplatten und Partitionen.]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks = [[Geräte und Partitionen überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_ignoreselected = [[Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns = [[DNS Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_desc = [[Das DNS-Plugin sammelt detaillierte Statistiken über DNS-bezogenen Verkehr auf ausgewählten Schnittstellen.]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces = [[Schnittstellen überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources = [[Quelladressen ignorieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail = [[E-Mail Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketfile = [[Dateipfad des Unix-Sockets]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup = [[Gruppenbesitzer festlegen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup_desc = [[Gruppenname]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms = [[Dateiberechtigungen des Unix-Sockets]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms_desc = [[oktal]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_maxconns = [[Maximale Anzahl erlaubter Verbindungen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexec = [[Exec Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexec_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecinput = [[Kommando zum Werte einlesen hinzufügen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdline = [[Kommandozeile]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmduser = [[Als Benutzer ausführen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdgroup = [[Als Gruppe ausführen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify = [[Benachrichtigungskommando hinzufügen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdline = [[Kommandozeile]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmduser = [[Als Benutzer ausführen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdgroup = [[Als Gruppe ausführen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface = [[Interface Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_desc = [[Das Interface-Plugin sammelt allgemeine Verkehrsstatistiken auf ausgewählten Schnittstellen.]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces = [[Schnittstellen überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces_desc = [[Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere Schnittstellen zu wählen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_ignoreselected = [[Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptables = [[Iptables Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptables_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch = [[Auswahlregel hinzufügen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name = [[Name der Regel]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name_desc = [[max. 16 Buchstaben]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_table = [[Tabelle]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_chain = [[Kette (Chain)]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_target = [[Aktion (Target)]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_protocol = [[Netzwerkprotokoll]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source = [[Quell-IP-Bereich]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source_desc = [[CIDR-Notation]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination = [[Ziel-IP-Bereich]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination_desc = [[CIDR-Notation]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif = [[eingehende Schnittstelle]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif_desc = [[z.B. br-lan]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif = [[ausgehende Schnittstelle]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif_desc = [[z.B. br-ff]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options = [[Optionen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options_desc = [[z.B. reject-with tcp-reset]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq = [[IRQ Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs = [[Interrups überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq_ignoreselected = [[Alle außer Ausgewählte überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdload = [[Load Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdload_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink = [[Netlink Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces = [[Schnittstellen einfach überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces_desc = [[Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces = [[Schnittstellen detailliert überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces_desc = [[Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs = [[Queue Discipline überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs_desc = [[Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes = [[Shapingklassen überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes_desc = [[Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters = [[Filterklassen überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters_desc = [[Strg gedrückt halten um mehrere zu wählen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork = [[Network Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten = [[Listen-Schnittstelle]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_desc = [[Diese Sektion legt fest auf welchen Schnittstellen Collectd auf eingehende Verbindungen wartet.]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host = [[Listen-Host]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host_desc = [[Host-, IP- oder IPv6-Adresse]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port = [[Listen-Port]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port_desc = [[0 - 65535]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver = [[Server-Schnittstellen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_desc = [[Diese Sektion legt fest zu welchen Collectd-Servern die lokal gesammelten Daten gesendet werden.]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host = [[Server-Host]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host_desc = [[Host-, IP- oder IPv6-Adresse]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port = [[Server-Port]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port_desc = [[0 - 65535]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive = [[TTL für Netzwerkpakete]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive_desc = [[0 - 255]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_forward = [[Weiterleitung zwischen Listen- und Server-Adressen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush = [[Cache-Leerungsintervall]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush_desc = [[Sekunden]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping = [[Ping Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts = [[Hosts überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl = [[TTL für Ping Pakete]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl_desc = [[0 - 255]]
+lucistatistics_collectdProzesse = [[Prozesse Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_processes = [[Prozesse überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdProzesse_processes_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool = [[RRDTool Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_datadir = [[Speicherverzeichnis]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize = [[RRD Schrittintervall]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize_desc = [[Sekunden]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat = [[RRD Heartbeatintervall]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat_desc = [[Sekunden]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle = [[Nur &#39;average&#39; RRAs erzeugen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle_desc = [[reduziert die RRD Größe]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans = [[gespeicherte Zeitspannen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans_desc = [[mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrarows = [[Spalten pro RRA]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_xff = [[RRD XFiles Faktor]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout = [[Zwischenspeicherzeit für gesammelte Daten]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout_desc = [[Sekunden]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush = [[Leerungsintervall für Zwischenspeicher]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush_desc = [[Sekunden]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns = [[TCPConns Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_listeningports = [[Alle durch lokale Dienste genutzten Ports überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports = [[lokale Ports überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports_desc = [[0 - 65535; mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports = [[entfernte Ports überwachen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports_desc = [[0 - 65535; mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock = [[Unixsock Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketfile = [[Dateipfad des Unix-Sockets]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup = [[Gruppenbesitzer festlegen]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup_desc = [[Gruppenname]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms = [[Dateiberechtigungen des Unix-Sockets]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms_desc = [[oktal]]
+lucistatistics_collectdwireless = [[Wireless Plugin Konfiguration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdwireless_enable = [[Plugin aktivieren]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en.lua
index 757e97c471..4c80660f0f 100644
--- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en.lua
@@ -1,451 +1,258 @@
-Luci i18n translation file for the statistics application
-(c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich <>
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
--- general translations
-stat_statistics = "Statistics"
-stat_systemplugins = "System plugins"
-stat_networkplugins = "Network plugins"
-stat_outputplugins = "Output plugins"
-stat_showtimespan = "Display timespan &raquo;"
-stat_graphs = "Graphs"
--- collectd plugin translations
-stat_collectd = "Collectd"
-stat_cpu = "Processor"
-stat_ping = "Ping"
-stat_iptables = "Firewall"
-stat_netlink = "Netlink"
-stat_processes = "Processes"
-stat_wireless = "Wireless"
-stat_tcpconns = "TCP Connections"
-stat_interface = "Interfaces"
-stat_df = "Disk Space Usage"
-stat_irq = "Interrupts"
-stat_disk = "Disk Usage"
-stat_exec = "Exec"
-stat_rrdtool = "RRDTool"
-stat_network = "Network"
-stat_csv = "CSV Output"
-stat_load = "System Load"
--- diagram translations
-stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_noise = "%H: Wireless - Signal Noise Ratio"
-stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_noise = "dBm"
-stat_ds_signal_noise = "Noise Level"
-stat_ds_signal_power = "Signal Strength"
-stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_quality = "%H: Wireless - Signal Quality"
-stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_quality = "n"
-stat_ds_signal_quality = "Signal Quality"
-stat_dg_title_ping = "%H: ICMP Roundtrip Times"
-stat_dg_label_ping = "ms"
-stat_ds_ping = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_iptables__ipt_packets = "%H: Firewall - Processed Packets"
-stat_dg_label_iptables__ipt_packets = "Packets/s"
-stat_ds_ipt_packets = 'Chain "%di"'
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_octets = "%H: Netlink - Transfer on %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_octets = "Bytes/s"
-stat_ds_if_octets = "Bytes (%ds)"
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_packets = "%H: Netlink - Packets on %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_packets = "Packets/s"
-stat_ds_if_packets = "Processed (%ds)"
-stat_ds_if_dropped = "Dropped (%ds)"
-stat_ds_if_errors = "Errors (%ds)"
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_multicast = "%H: Netlink - Multicast on %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_multicast = "Packets/s"
-stat_ds_if_multicast = "Packets"
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_collisions = "%H: Netlink - Collisions on %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_collisions = "Collisions/s"
-stat_ds_if_collisions = "Collisions"
-stat_dg_title_netlink__if_tx_errors = "%H: Netlink - Errors on %pi"
-stat_dg_label_netlink__if_tx_errors = "Errors/s"
-stat_ds_if_tx_errors = "%di"
-stat_ds_if_rx_errors = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_processes = "%H: Processes"
-stat_dg_label_processes = "Processes/s"
-stat_ds_ps_state = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = "%H: Process %pi - used cpu time"
-stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = "Jiffies"
-stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = "system"
-stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = "user"
-stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = "%H: Process %pi - threads and processes"
-stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = "Count"
-stat_ds_ps_count = "%ds"
-stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = "%H: Process %pi - page faults"
-stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = "Pagefaults"
-stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = "page faults"
-stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = "%H: Process %pi - virtual memory size"
-stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = "Bytes"
-stat_ds_ps_rss = "virtual memory"
-stat_dg_title_cpu = "%H: Usage on Processor #%pi"
-stat_dg_label_cpu = "%"
-stat_ds_cpu = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_interface__if_octets = "%H: Transfer on %di"
-stat_dg_label_interface__if_octets = "Bytes/s"
-stat_dg_title_interface__if_packets = "%H: Packets on %di"
-stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = "Packets/s"
-stat_dg_title_tcpconns = "%H: TCP-Connections to Port %pi"
-stat_dg_label_tcpconns = "Connections/s"
-stat_ds_tcp_connections = "%di"
-stat_dg_title_df = "%H: Disk Space Usage on %di"
-stat_dg_label_df = "Bytes"
-stat_ds_df__free = "%ds"
-stat_ds_df__used = "%ds"
-stat_dg_title_irq = "%H: Interrupts"
-stat_dg_label_irq = "Issues/s"
-stat_ds_irq = "IRQ %di"
-stat_dg_title_load = "%H: System Load"
-stat_dg_label_load = "Load"
-stat_ds_load__shortterm = "1 min"
-stat_ds_load__midterm = "5 min"
-stat_ds_load__longterm = "15 min"
--- CBI translations
-lucistatistics = "Statistics"
--- general config
-lucistatistics_collectd = "Collectd Settings"
-lucistatistics_collectd_desc = [[
- Collectd is a small daeomon for collecting data from various sources through different plugins.
- On this page you can change general settings for the collectd daemon.
-lucistatistics_collectd_hostname = "Hostname"
-lucistatistics_collectd_basedir = "Base Directory"
-lucistatistics_collectd_include = "Directory for sub-configurations"
-lucistatistics_collectd_plugindir = "Directory for collectd plugins"
-lucistatistics_collectd_pidfile = "Used PID file"
-lucistatistics_collectd_typesdb = "Datasets definition file"
-lucistatistics_collectd_interval = "Data collection interval"
-lucistatistics_collectd_interval_desc = "Seconds"
-lucistatistics_collectd_readthreads = "Number of threads for data collection"
-lucistatistics_collectd_fqdnlookup = "Try to lookup fully qualified hostname"
--- cpu plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdcpu = "CPU Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdcpu_desc = "The cpu plugin collects basic statistics about the processor usage."
-lucistatistics_collectdcpu_enable = "Enable this plugin"
--- csv plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv = "CSV Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv_desc = "The csv plugin stores collected data in csv file format for further processing by external programs."
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv_datadir = "Storage directory for the csv files"
-lucistatistics_collectdcsv_storerates = "Store data values as rates instead of absolute values"
--- df plugin
-lucistatistics_collectddf = "DF Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_desc = "The df plugin collects statistics about the disk space usage on different devices, mount points or filesystem types."
-lucistatistics_collectddf_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_devices = "Monitor devices"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_devices_desc = "multiple separated by space"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints = "Monitor mount points"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints_desc = "multiple separated by space"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes = "Monitor filesystem types"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes_desc = "multiple separated by space"
-lucistatistics_collectddf_ignoreselected = "Monitor all except selected ones"
--- disk plugin
-lucistatistics_collectddisk = "Disk Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_desc = "The disk plugin collects detailled usage statistics for selected partitions or whole disks."
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks = "Monitor disks and partitions"
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks_desc = "multiple separated by space"
-lucistatistics_collectddisk_ignoreselected = "Monitor all except selected ones"
--- dns plugin
-lucistatistics_collectddns = "DNS Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_desc = "The dns plugin collects detailled statistics about dns related traffic on selected interfaces."
-lucistatistics_collectddns_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces = "Monitor interfaces"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces_desc = "multiple separated by space"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources = "Ignore source addresses"
-lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources_desc = "multiple separated by space"
--- email plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdemail = "E-Mail Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_desc = [[
- The email plugin creates a unix socket which can be used to transmit
- email-statistics to a running collectd daemon. This plugin is primarily
- intended to be used in conjunction with Mail::SpamAssasin::Plugin::Collectd
- but can be used in other ways as well.
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketfile = "Filepath of the unix socket"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup = "Group ownership of the unix socket"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup_desc = "group name"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms = "File permissions of the unix socket"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms_desc = "octal"
-lucistatistics_collectdemail_maxconns = "Maximum allowed connections"
--- exec plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdexec = "Exec Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdexec_desc = [[
- The exec plugin starts external commands to read values from or
- to notify external processes when certain threshold values have
- been reached.
-lucistatistics_collectdexec_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput = "Add command for reading values"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_desc = [[
- Here you can define external commands which will be started by collectd in order
- to read certain values. The values will be read from stdout.
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdline = "Commandline"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmduser = "Run as user"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdgroup = "Run as group"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify = "Add notification command"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_desc = [[
- Here you can define external commands which will be started by collectd
- when certain threshold values have been reached. The values leading to
- invokation will be feeded to the the called programs stdin.
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdline = "Commandline"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmduser = "Run as user"
-lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdgroup = "Run as group"
--- interface plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface = "Interface Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_desc = "The interface plugin collects traffic statistics on selected interfaces."
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces = "Monitor interfaces"
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces_desc = "hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces"
-lucistatistics_collectdinterface_ignoreselected = "Monitor all except selected ones"
--- iptables plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdiptables = "Iptables Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptables_desc = [[
- The iptables plugin will monitor selected firewall rules and collect
- informations about processed bytes and packets per rule.
-lucistatistics_collectdiptables_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch = "Add matching rule"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_desc = [[
- Here you can define various criteria by which the monitored
- iptables rules are selected.
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name = "Name of the rule"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name_desc = "max. 16 chars"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_table = "Table"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_chain = "Chain"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_target = "Action (target)"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_protocol = "Network protocol"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source = "Source ip range"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source_desc = "CIDR notation"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination = "Destination ip range"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination_desc = "CIDR notation"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif = "Incoming interface"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif_desc = "e.g. br-lan"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif = "Outgoing interface"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif_desc = "e.g. br-ff"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options = "Options"
-lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options_desc = "e.g. reject-with tcp-reset"
--- irq plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdirq = "IRQ Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_desc = [[
- The irq plugin will monitor the rate of issues per second for each selected interrupt.
- If no interrupt is selected then all interrupts are monitored.
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs = "Monitor interrupts"
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs_desc = "multiple separated by space"
-lucistatistics_collectdirq_ignoreselected = "Monitor all except selected ones"
--- load plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdload = "Load Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdload_desc = [[
- The load plugin collects statistics about the general system load.
-lucistatistics_collectdload_enable = "Enable this plugin"
--- netlink plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink = "Netlink Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_desc = [[
- The netlink plugin collects extended informations like qdisc-, class- and
- filter-statistics for selected interfaces.
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces = "Basic monitoring"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces_desc = "hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces = "Verbose monitoring"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces_desc = "hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs = "Qdisc monitoring"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs_desc = "hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes = "Shaping class monitoring"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes_desc = "hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters = "Filter class monitoring"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters_desc = "hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces"
--- network plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork = "Network Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_desc = [[
- The network plugin provides network based communication between different
- collectd instances. Collectd can operate both in client and server mode.
- In client mode locally collected date is transferred to a collectd server
- instance, in server mode the local instance receives data from other hosts.
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten = "Listener interfaces"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_desc = "This section defines on which interfaces collectd will wait for incoming connections."
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host = "Listen host"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host_desc = "host-, ip- or ip6 address"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port = "Listen port"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port_desc = "0 - 65535"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver = "server interfaces"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_desc = "This section defines to which servers the locally collected data is sent to."
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host = "Server host"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host_desc = "host-, ip- or ip6 address"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port = "Server port"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port_desc = "0 - 65535"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive = "TTL for network packets"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive_desc = "0 - 255"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_forward = "Forwarding between listen and server addresses"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush = "Cache flush interval"
-lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush_desc = "seconds"
--- ping plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdping = "Ping Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_desc = [[
- The ping plugin will send icmp echo replies to selected hosts and
- measure the roundtrip time for each host.
-lucistatistics_collectdping_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts = "Monitor hosts"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts_desc = "multiple separated by space"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl = "TTL for ping packets"
-lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl_desc = "0 - 255"
--- processes plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdprocesses = "Processes Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_desc = [[
- The processes plugin collects informations like cpu time, page faults
- and memory usage of selected processes.
-lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes = "Monitor processes"
-lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes_desc = "multiple separated by space"
--- rrdtool plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool = "RRDTool Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_desc = [[
- The rrdtool plugin stores the collected data in rrd database files, the
- foundation of the diagrams.<br /><br />
- <strong>Warning: Setting the wrong values will result in a very
- high memory consumption in the temporary directory. This can
- render the device unusable!</strong>
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_datadir = "Storage directory"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize = "RRD step interval"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize_desc = "seconds"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat = "RRD heart beat interval"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat_desc = "seconds"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle = "Only create average RRAs"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle_desc = "reduces rrd size"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans = "Stored timespans"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans_desc = "seconds; multiple separated by space"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrarows = "Rows per RRA"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_xff = "RRD XFiles Factor"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout = "Cache collected data for"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout_desc = "seconds"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush = "Flush cache after"
-lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush_desc = "seconds"
--- tcpconns plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns = "TCPConns Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_desc = [[
- The tcpconns plugin collects informations about
- open tcp connections on selected ports.
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_listeningports = "Monitor all local listen ports"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports = "Monitor local ports"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports_desc = "0 - 65535; multiple separated by space"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports = "Monitor remote ports"
-lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports_desc = "0 - 65535; multiple separated by space"
--- unixsock plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock = "Unixsock Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_desc = [[
- The unixsock plugin creates a unix socket which can be used to read
- collected data from a running collectd instance.
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_enable = "Enable this plugin"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketfile = "Filepath of the unix socket"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup = "Group ownership of the unix socket"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup_desc = "group name"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms = "File permissions of the unix socket"
-lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms_desc = "octal"
--- wireless plugin
-lucistatistics_collectdwireless = "Wireless Plugin Configuration"
-lucistatistics_collectdwireless_desc = [[
- The wireless plugin collects statistics about wireless signal strength, noise and quality.
-lucistatistics_collectdwireless_enable = "Enable this plugin"
+stat_statistics = [[Statistics]]
+stat_systemplugins = [[System plugins]]
+stat_networkplugins = [[Network plugins]]
+stat_outputplugins = [[Output plugins]]
+stat_showtimespan = [[Display timespan »]]
+stat_graphs = [[Graphs]]
+stat_collectd = [[Collectd]]
+stat_cpu = [[Processor]]
+stat_ping = [[Ping]]
+stat_iptables = [[Firewall]]
+stat_netlink = [[Netlink]]
+stat_processes = [[Processes]]
+stat_wireless = [[Wireless]]
+stat_tcpconns = [[TCP Connections]]
+stat_interface = [[Interfaces]]
+stat_df = [[Disk Space Usage]]
+stat_irq = [[Interrupts]]
+stat_disk = [[Disk Usage]]
+stat_exec = [[Exec]]
+stat_rrdtool = [[RRDTool]]
+stat_network = [[Network]]
+stat_csv = [[CSV Output]]
+stat_load = [[System Load]]
+stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_noise = [[%H: Wireless - Signal Noise Ratio]]
+stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_noise = [[dBm]]
+stat_ds_signal_noise = [[Noise Level]]
+stat_ds_signal_power = [[Signal Strength]]
+stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_quality = [[%H: Wireless - Signal Quality]]
+stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_quality = [[n]]
+stat_ds_signal_quality = [[Signal Quality]]
+stat_dg_title_ping = [[%H: ICMP Roundtrip Times]]
+stat_dg_label_ping = [[ms]]
+stat_ds_ping = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_iptables__ipt_packets = [[%H: Firewall - Processed Packets]]
+stat_dg_label_iptables__ipt_packets = [[Packets/s]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_octets = [[%H: Netlink - Transfer on %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]]
+stat_ds_if_octets = [[Bytes (%ds)]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_packets = [[%H: Netlink - Packets on %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_packets = [[Packets/s]]
+stat_ds_if_packets = [[Processed (%ds)]]
+stat_ds_if_dropped = [[Dropped (%ds)]]
+stat_ds_if_errors = [[Errors (%ds)]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_multicast = [[%H: Netlink - Multicast on %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_multicast = [[Packets/s]]
+stat_ds_if_multicast = [[Packets]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_collisions = [[%H: Netlink - Collisions on %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_collisions = [[Collisions/s]]
+stat_ds_if_collisions = [[Collisions]]
+stat_dg_title_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[%H: Netlink - Errors on %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[Errors/s]]
+stat_ds_if_tx_errors = [[%di]]
+stat_ds_if_rx_errors = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_processes = [[%H: Processes]]
+stat_dg_label_processes = [[Processes/s]]
+stat_ds_ps_state = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = [[%H: Process %pi - used cpu time]]
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = [[Jiffies]]
+stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = [[system]]
+stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = [[user]]
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = [[%H: Process %pi - threads and processes]]
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = [[Count]]
+stat_ds_ps_count = [[%ds]]
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[%H: Process %pi - page faults]]
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[Pagefaults]]
+stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = [[page faults]]
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = [[%H: Process %pi - virtual memory size]]
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = [[Bytes]]
+stat_ds_ps_rss = [[virtual memory]]
+stat_dg_title_cpu = [[%H: Usage on Processor #%pi]]
+stat_dg_label_cpu = [[%]]
+stat_ds_cpu = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_interface__if_octets = [[%H: Transfer on %di]]
+stat_dg_label_interface__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]]
+stat_dg_title_interface__if_packets = [[%H: Packets on %di]]
+stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = [[Packets/s]]
+stat_dg_title_tcpconns = [[%H: TCP-Connections to Port %pi]]
+stat_dg_label_tcpconns = [[Connections/s]]
+stat_ds_tcp_connections = [[%di]]
+stat_dg_title_df = [[%H: Disk Space Usage on %di]]
+stat_dg_label_df = [[Bytes]]
+stat_ds_df__free = [[%ds]]
+stat_ds_df__used = [[%ds]]
+stat_dg_title_irq = [[%H: Interrupts]]
+stat_dg_label_irq = [[Issues/s]]
+stat_ds_irq = [[IRQ %di]]
+stat_dg_title_load = [[%H: System Load]]
+stat_dg_label_load = [[Load]]
+stat_ds_load__shortterm = [[1 min]]
+stat_ds_load__midterm = [[5 min]]
+stat_ds_load__longterm = [[15 min]]
+lucistatistics = [[Statistics]]
+lucistatistics_collectd = [[Collectd Settings]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_hostname = [[Hostname]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_basedir = [[Base Directory]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_include = [[Directory for sub-configurations]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_plugindir = [[Directory for collectd plugins]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_pidfile = [[Used PID file]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_typesdb = [[Datasets definition file]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_interval = [[Data collection interval]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_interval_desc = [[Seconds]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_readthreads = [[Number of threads for data collection]]
+lucistatistics_collectd_fqdnlookup = [[Try to lookup fully qualified hostname]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcpu = [[CPU Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcpu_desc = [[The cpu plugin collects basic statistics about the processor usage.]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcpu_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcsv = [[CSV Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcsv_desc = [[The csv plugin stores collected data in csv file format for further processing by external programs.]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcsv_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcsv_datadir = [[Storage directory for the csv files]]
+lucistatistics_collectdcsv_storerates = [[Store data values as rates instead of absolute values]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf = [[DF Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_desc = [[The df plugin collects statistics about the disk space usage on different devices, mount points or filesystem types.]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_devices = [[Monitor devices]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_devices_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints = [[Monitor mount points]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes = [[Monitor filesystem types]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectddf_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk = [[Disk Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_desc = [[The disk plugin collects detailled usage statistics for selected partitions or whole disks.]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks = [[Monitor disks and partitions]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectddisk_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns = [[DNS Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_desc = [[The dns plugin collects detailled statistics about dns related traffic on selected interfaces.]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces = [[Monitor interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources = [[Ignore source addresses]]
+lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail = [[E-Mail Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketfile = [[Filepath of the unix socket]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup = [[Group ownership of the unix socket]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup_desc = [[group name]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms = [[File permissions of the unix socket]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms_desc = [[octal]]
+lucistatistics_collectdemail_maxconns = [[Maximum allowed connections]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexec = [[Exec Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexec_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecinput = [[Add command for reading values]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdline = [[Commandline]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmduser = [[Run as user]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdgroup = [[Run as group]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify = [[Add notification command]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdline = [[Commandline]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmduser = [[Run as user]]
+lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdgroup = [[Run as group]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface = [[Interface Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_desc = [[The interface plugin collects traffic statistics on selected interfaces.]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces = [[Monitor interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectdinterface_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptables = [[Iptables Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptables_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch = [[Add matching rule]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name = [[Name of the rule]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name_desc = [[max. 16 chars]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_table = [[Table]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_chain = [[Chain]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_target = [[Action (target)]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_protocol = [[Network protocol]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source = [[Source ip range]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source_desc = [[CIDR notation]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination = [[Destination ip range]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination_desc = [[CIDR notation]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif = [[Incoming interface]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif_desc = [[e.g. br-lan]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif = [[Outgoing interface]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif_desc = [[e.g. br-ff]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options = [[Options]]
+lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options_desc = [[e.g. reject-with tcp-reset]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq = [[IRQ Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs = [[Monitor interrupts]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectdirq_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
+lucistatistics_collectdload = [[Load Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdload_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink = [[Netlink Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces = [[Basic monitoring]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces = [[Verbose monitoring]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs = [[Qdisc monitoring]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes = [[Shaping class monitoring]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters = [[Filter class monitoring]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork = [[Network Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten = [[Listener interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_desc = [[This section defines on which interfaces collectd will wait for incoming connections.]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host = [[Listen host]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host_desc = [[host-, ip- or ip6 address]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port = [[Listen port]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port_desc = [[0 - 65535]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver = [[server interfaces]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_desc = [[This section defines to which servers the locally collected data is sent to.]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host = [[Server host]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host_desc = [[host-, ip- or ip6 address]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port = [[Server port]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port_desc = [[0 - 65535]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive = [[TTL for network packets]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive_desc = [[0 - 255]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_forward = [[Forwarding between listen and server addresses]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush = [[Cache flush interval]]
+lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush_desc = [[seconds]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping = [[Ping Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts = [[Monitor hosts]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl = [[TTL for ping packets]]
+lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl_desc = [[0 - 255]]
+lucistatistics_collectdprocesses = [[Processes Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes = [[Monitor processes]]
+lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool = [[RRDTool Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_datadir = [[Storage directory]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize = [[RRD step interval]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize_desc = [[seconds]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat = [[RRD heart beat interval]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat_desc = [[seconds]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle = [[Only create average RRAs]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle_desc = [[reduces rrd size]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans = [[Stored timespans]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans_desc = [[seconds; multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrarows = [[Rows per RRA]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_xff = [[RRD XFiles Factor]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout = [[Cache collected data for]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout_desc = [[seconds]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush = [[Flush cache after]]
+lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush_desc = [[seconds]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns = [[TCPConns Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_listeningports = [[Monitor all local listen ports]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports = [[Monitor local ports]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports_desc = [[0 - 65535; multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports = [[Monitor remote ports]]
+lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports_desc = [[0 - 65535; multiple separated by space]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock = [[Unixsock Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketfile = [[Filepath of the unix socket]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup = [[Group ownership of the unix socket]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup_desc = [[group name]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms = [[File permissions of the unix socket]]
+lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms_desc = [[octal]]
+lucistatistics_collectdwireless = [[Wireless Plugin Configuration]]
+lucistatistics_collectdwireless_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/
index 95c1fc62d2..1dbb2c5b86 100644
--- a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-upnpd = "Universal Plug & Play"
-upnpd_desc = "UPNP ermöglicht die automatische Konfiguration des Routers durch Clients im lokalen Netzwerk."
-upnpd_config_desc = "UPNP sollte nur wenn unbedingt nötig aktiviert werden, da es ein Sicherheitsrisiko für das Netzwerk darstellen kann."
-upnpd_config_logoutput = "Ausgabe protokollieren"
-upnpd_config_download = "Downlink"
-upnpd_config_upload = "Uplink" \ No newline at end of file
+upnpd = [[Universal Plug &amp; Play]]
+upnpd_desc = [[UPNP ermöglicht die automatische Konfiguration des Routers durch Clients im lokalen Netzwerk.]]
+upnpd_config_desc = [[UPNP sollte nur wenn unbedingt nötig aktiviert werden, da es ein Sicherheitsrisiko für das Netzwerk darstellen kann.]]
+upnpd_config_logoutput = [[Ausgabe protokollieren]]
+upnpd_config_download = [[Downlink]]
+upnpd_config_upload = [[Uplink]]
diff --git a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.en.lua b/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.en.lua
index eb11f97a09..98a3dd12b2 100644
--- a/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.en.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.en.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-upnpd = "Universal Plug & Play"
-upnpd_desc = "UPNP allows clients in the local network to automatically configure the router."
-upnpd_config_desc = "UPNP should only be enabled if absolutely necessary as it can result in high security risks for your network."
-upnpd_config_logoutput = "Log output"
-upnpd_config_download = "Downlink"
-upnpd_config_upload = "Uplink" \ No newline at end of file
+upnpd = [[Universal Plug &amp; Play]]
+upnpd_desc = [[UPNP allows clients in the local network to automatically configure the router.]]
+upnpd_config_desc = [[UPNP should only be enabled if absolutely necessary as it can result in high security risks for your network.]]
+upnpd_config_logoutput = [[Log output]]
+upnpd_config_download = [[Downlink]]
+upnpd_config_upload = [[Uplink]]
diff --git a/i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua b/i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua
index ce1876a085..66e88c628c 100644
--- a/i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua
+++ b/i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ a_i_i_hello = [[Hello!]]
a_i_i_admin1 = [[This is the administration area of <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr>.]]
a_i_i_admin2 = [[<abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> is a free, flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWRT Kamikaze.]]
a_i_i_admin3 = [[On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your router.]]
-a_i_i_admin4 = [[Notice: In <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save & Apply before being applied.]]
+a_i_i_admin4 = [[Notice: In <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply before being applied.]]
a_i_i_admin5 = [[As we are always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.]]
a_i_i_admin6 = [[And now have fun with your router!]]
a_i_i_team = [[The <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> Team]]
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ routes_metric = [[Metric]]
a_s_desc = [[Here you can configure the basic aspects of your device like its hostname or the timezone.]]
a_s_packages = [[Software]]
a_s_changepw = [[Admin Password]]
---a_s_p_ipkg = [[<abbr title="Itsy Package Management System">IPKG</abbr>-Configuration]]
a_s_p_ipkg = [[IPKG-Configuration]]
a_s_sshkeys = [[<abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr>-Keys]]
a_s_fstab = [[Mount Points]]
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ a_srv_http_root = [[Document root]]
a_srv_dropbear1 = [[Dropbear offers <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> network shell access and an integrated <abbr title="Secure Copy">SCP</abbr> server]]
a_srv_d_pwauth = [[Password authentication]]
a_srv_d_pwauth1 = [[Allow <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> password authentication]]
-a_w_channel = "Channel"
+a_w_channel = [[Channel]]
a_w_wifi1 = [[On this pages you find confiugration options for <abbr title="Wireless Local Area Network">WLAN</abbr> based wireless networks.]]
a_w_wifi2 = [[You can easily integrate your 802.11a/b/g/n-devices into your physical network and use the virtual adapter support to build wireless repeaters or offer several networks with one device.]]
a_w_wifi3 = [[There is support for Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc and <abbr title="Wireless Distribution System">WDS</abbr> operating modes as well as <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access">WPA</abbr> and <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access 2">WPA2</abbr> encryption for secure communnication.]]
@@ -163,9 +162,6 @@ dhcp_dnsmasq_addnhosts = [[additional hostfile]]
dhcp_dnsmasq_queryport = [[query port]]
a_n_switch = [[Switch]]
a_n_routes = [[Routes]]
-a_n_routes1 = [[Routes specify over which
-interface and gateway a certain host or network can be reached.]]
a_network1 = [[In this area you find all network-related settings.]]
a_network2 = [[On most routers the network switch can be freely configured and splitted up into several <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr>s.]]
a_network3 = [[Interfaces and <abbr title="Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet">PPPoE</abbr> / <abbr title="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol">PPTP</abbr>-Settings allow a custom organisation of the network and connections to other networks like the internet.]]
@@ -200,7 +196,7 @@ a_n_routes_static = [[Static Routes]]
a_n_routes_kernel4 = [[Active <abbr title="Internet Protocol Version 4">IPv4</abbr>-Routes]]
a_n_r_target1 = [[host-<abbr title="Internet Protocol Address">IP</abbr> or network]]
a_n_r_netmask1 = [[if target is a network]]
-m_n_inet = "Internet Connection"
+m_n_inet = [[Internet Connection]]
m_n_local = [[Local Network]]
m_n_route = [[Route]]
m_n_brdige = [[Bridge]]
@@ -262,32 +258,27 @@ network_interface_err = [[Errors]]
network_interface_err_desc = [[TX / RX]]
network_interface_fwzone = [[Create / Assign firewall-zone]]
network_interface_fwzone_desc = [[This interface does not belong to any firewall zone yet.]]
-process_head = "Processes"
-process_descr = "This list gives an overview over currently running system processes and their status."
-process_pid = "PID"
-process_owner = "Owner"
-process_command = "Command"
-process_cpu = "CPU usage (%)"
-process_mem = "Memory usage (%)"
-process_hup = "Hang Up"
-process_term = "Terminate"
-process_kill = "Kill"
-mem_cached = "cached"
-mem_buffered = "buffered"
-mem_free = "free"
-a_s_crontab = "Scheduled Tasks"
-a_s_crontab1 = "This is the system crontab in which scheduled tasks can be defined."
-a_w_nasid = "NAS ID"
-a_w_cacert = "Path to CA-Certificate"
-a_w_eaptype = "EAP-Method"
-a_w_tlsprivkey = "Path to Private Key"
-a_w_tlsprivkeypwd = "Password of Private Key"
-a_w_peapauth = "PEAP-Authentication"
-a_w_peapidentity = "PEAP-Identity"
-a_w_peappassword = "PEAP-Password"
-a_w_create = "Create Network" \ No newline at end of file
+process_head = [[Processes]]
+process_descr = [[This list gives an overview over currently running system processes and their status.]]
+process_pid = [[PID]]
+process_owner = [[Owner]]
+process_command = [[Command]]
+process_cpu = [[CPU usage (%)]]
+process_mem = [[Memory usage (%)]]
+process_hup = [[Hang Up]]
+process_term = [[Terminate]]
+process_kill = [[Kill]]
+mem_cached = [[cached]]
+mem_buffered = [[buffered]]
+mem_free = [[free]]
+a_s_crontab = [[Scheduled Tasks]]
+a_s_crontab1 = [[This is the system crontab in which scheduled tasks can be defined.]]
+a_w_nasid = [[NAS ID]]
+a_w_cacert = [[Path to CA-Certificate]]
+a_w_eaptype = [[EAP-Method]]
+a_w_tlsprivkey = [[Path to Private Key]]
+a_w_tlsprivkeypwd = [[Password of Private Key]]
+a_w_peapauth = [[PEAP-Authentication]]
+a_w_peapidentity = [[PEAP-Identity]]
+a_w_peappassword = [[PEAP-Password]]
+a_w_create = [[Create Network]]
diff --git a/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/ b/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
index 3d1157dffd..15e4b3ff4c 100644
--- a/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,231 +1,69 @@
-uci_applied = "Les changements suivants ont t appliqus"
-uci_reverted = "Les changements suivants ont t annuls"
-a_i_ui = "Interface utilisateur"
-c_lucidesc = [[LuCI est une suite logicielle d'applications Lua software incluant un MVC-Webframework et une interface web pour quipements embarqus.
-Luci est sous license Apache.]]
-c_projecthome = "Page d'accueil du projet"
-c_leaddev = "Dveloppeurs principaux"
-c_contributors = "Contributeurs"
-c_thanksto = "Merci "
-a_i_i_hello = "Bonjour !"
-a_i_i_admin1 = "Voici la page d'administration de LuCI."
-a_i_i_admin2 = "LuCI est une interface graphique libre, flexible, et user friendly pour configurer OpenWRT Kamikaze."
-a_i_i_admin3 = "Dans les pages suivantes vous pouvez ajuster tous les rglages importants de votre routeur."
-a_i_i_admin4 = "Vous trouverez une page de navigation sur le ct gauche permettant d'accder aux diffrentes pages de configuration."
-a_i_i_admin5 = [[Nous souhaitons amliorer l'interface de manire permanente, vos retours et suggestions sont primordiaux.]]
-a_i_i_admin6 = "Et maintenant que la fte commence !"
-a_i_i_team = "L'quipe LuCI"
-a_i_luci1 = "Ici, vous pouvez personnaliser les rglages et les fonctionnalits de LuCI."
-a_i_ucicommit = "Actions post-changements"
-a_i_ucicommit1 = [[Ces commandes seront executes automatiquement lorsqu'une configuration UCI est applique, les changement prenant
-effet immdiatement.]]
-a_i_keepflash = "Fichiers conserver lors d'une mise jour du firmware"
-a_i_keepflash1 = "Lors d'une nouvelle installation, ces fichiers seront ajouts la nouvelle installation."
-a_st_i_status1 = [[Ici, vous trouverez des informations sur l'tat actuel du systme comme la frquence processeur, utilisation mmoire et
-trafic rseau.]]
-a_st_i_status2 = [[Les journaux des services ou du noyau peuvent tre vus ici afin d'obtenir un aperu de leur tat.]]
-iwscan = "Scan WLAN"
-iwscan1 = "Rseaux Wi-Fi dans votre environnement"
-iwscan_encr = "Chiffrement"
-iwscan_link = "Lien"
-iwscan_signal = "Signal"
-iwscan_noise = "Bruit"
-routes = "Routes"
-routes_netmask = "Masque rseau"
-routes_gateway = "Passerelle"
-routes_metric = "Metrique"
-a_s_packages = "Software"
-a_s_changepw = "Mot de passe administrateur"
-a_s_p_ipkg = "Configuration IPKG"
-a_s_sshkeys = "Cls SSH"
-a_s_fstab = "Points de montage"
-a_s_flash = "Mise jour firmware"
-a_s_i_system1 = [[Changements en rapport avec le systme, son identification
-le logiciel/matriel install, l'authentification ou points de montage.]]
-a_s_i_system2 = [[Ces rglages dfinissent la base de votre systme.]]
-a_s_i_system3 = [[Soyez vigilent car un mauvais rglage peut empcher votre quipement de dmarrer,
-ou vous empcher de vous y connecter.]]
-a_s_packages_do = "Accomplir les actions"
-a_s_packages_install = "Installer"
-a_s_packages_installurl = "Tlcharge et installe le paquet"
-a_s_packages_ipkg = "Editer la liste des paquets et le rpertoire de destination"
-a_s_packages_name = "Nom du paquet"
-a_s_packages_remove = "Dsinstaller"
-a_s_packages_search = "Trouver un paquet"
-a_s_packages_update = "Liste des paquets mise jour"
-a_s_packages_updatelist = "Mettre jour la liste des paquets"
-a_s_packages_upgrade = "Mettre jour les paquets installs"
-a_s_p_ipkg_pkglists = "Listes de paquets"
-a_s_p_ipkg_targets = "Rpertoires de destination"
-a_s_changepw1 = "Changer le mot de passe du systme (Utilisateur \"root\")"
-a_s_changepw_changed = "Mot de passe chang avec succs"
-a_s_changepw_nomatch = "Erreur: les mots de passe ne correspondent pas"
-a_s_sshkeys1 = "Vous pouvez copier ici des cls SSH publiques (une par ligne) pour une authentification SSH sur cls publiques."
-a_s_fstab_mountpoints = "Points de montage"
-a_s_fstab_mountpoints1 = "Les points de montage dfinissent l'attachement d'un priphrique au systme de fichier."
-a_s_fstab_mountpoint = "Point de montage"
-a_s_fstab_device1 = "Le priphrique de bloc contenant la partition (ex : /dev/sda1)"
-a_s_fstab_fs1 = "Le systme de fichiers utilis pour formatter le support de stockage (ex : ext3)"
-a_s_fstab_swap1 = [[Si la mmoire physique n'est pas en quantit suffisante, les donnes inutilises peuvent tre
-temporairement transfre sur une partition d'change, relevant la quantit de RAM disponible.
-Ce processus est lent car la mmoire d'change ne peut tre accde aux taux de transfert
-de la RAM.]]
-a_s_flash_flashed = "Firmware install avec succs. Rdmarrage..."
-a_s_flash_flasherr = "Programme lors de la programmation"
-a_s_flash_fwimage = "Image firmware"
-a_s_flash_fwupgrade = "Mise jour firmware"
-a_s_flash_keepcfg = "Conserver les fichiers de configuration"
-a_s_flash_notimplemented = "Dsol, cette fonction n'est pas (encore) disponible pour votre plateforme."
-a_s_flash_upgrade1 = "Remplace les fichiers existants par les nouveaux. Le format du firmware est dpendant de la plateforme."
-a_s_reboot1 = "Rdmarrage du systme d'exploitation de votre quipement"
-a_s_reboot_do = "Rdmarrer"
-a_s_reboot_running = "Patientez s'il vous plat: quipement en cours de rdmarrage..."
-a_srv_http = "Serveur HTTP"
-a_srv_ssh = "Serveur SSH"
-a_srv_services1 = "Les services et dmons accomplissent certaines tches sur votre quipement."
-a_srv_services2 = [[La plupart d'entre eux sont des serveurs rseaux, qui vous offrent certains services comme
-un accs shell, accder des pages comme LuCI, faire du routage mesh, envoyer des e-mails ...]]
-a_srv_http1 = "Un serveur web lger qui peut tre utilis pour LuCI."
-a_srv_http_authrealm = "Domaine d'authentification"
-a_srv_http_authrealm1 = "Le domaine qui sera affich lors de la fentre d'authentification."
-a_srv_http_config1 = "fichier de configuration par dfaut : /etc/httpd.conf"
-a_srv_http_root = "Page racine"
-a_srv_dropbear1 = "Dropbear est un serveur SSH et intgre un serveur SCP"
-a_srv_d_pwauth = "Authentification par mot de passe"
-a_srv_d_pwauth1 = "Autoriser l'authentification SSH par mot de passe"
-a_w_wifi1 = [[Dans cette page vous trouverez des options de configuration pour les rseau sans-fils.]]
-a_w_wifi2 = [[Vous pouvez facilement installer un priphrique 802.11a/b/g/n dans votre rseau physique existant
-et utiliser la gestion des interfaces virtuelles pour crer des rpteurs sans-fils ou fournir plusieurs
-rseaux avec un seul quipement.]]
-a_w_wifi3 = [[Les modes Point d'accs, Station, Ad-Hoc et WDS coupls aux chiffrements WPA et WPA2
-sont grs.]]
-a_w_devices1 = "Ici vous pouvez configurer les quipements Wi-Fi installs."
-a_w_channel = "Canal"
-a_w_txantenna = "Antenne transmission"
-a_w_rxantenna = "Antenne rception"
-a_w_distance1 = "Distance vers la station la plus loigne (m)"
-a_w_diversity = "Diversit"
-a_w_countrycode = "Code pays"
-a_w_connlimit = "Limite de connexion"
-a_w_networks1 = [[Vous pouvez faire fonctionner plusieurs rseaux Wi-Fi sur un seul quipement.
-Il existe des limitations matrielles et lies au pilote. En gnral vous pouvez faire fonctionner simultanment
-1 rseau Ad-Hoc et 3 points d'accs simultanment.]]
-a_w_netid = "Nom du rseau (ESSID)"
-a_w_network1 = "Ajouter ce rseau Wi-Fi au rseau physique"
-a_w_txpwr = "Puissance d'mission"
-a_w_brcmburst = "Technologie Broadcom Frameburst"
-a_w_athburst = "Technologie Atheros Frameburst"
-a_w_radiussrv = "Serveur Radius"
-a_w_radiusport = "Port Radius"
-a_w_apisolation = "Isolation AP"
-a_w_apisolation1 = "Empche la communication directe Client Client"
-a_w_hideessid = "Cacher le ESSID"
-dhcp_desc = "Dnsmasq est un serveur DHCP combin un requteur DNS pour les pare-feu NAT"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_domainneeded = "Domain requis"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_domainneeded_desc = "Ne pas transmettre de requtes DNS sans nom DNS"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_authoritative = "Authoritaire"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_authoritative_desc = "C'est le seul serveur DHCP sur le rseau local"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_boguspriv = "Filtrer les requtes prives"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_boguspriv_desc = "Ne pas transmettre les requtes de recherche inverse pour les rseaux locaux"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_filterwin2k = "Filtrer les requtes inutiles"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_filterwin2k_desc = "filtre les requtes inutiles mises par les systmes Windows"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_localisequeries = "Localiser les requtes"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_localisequeries_desc = "localiser la rponse suivant l'metteur de la requte"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_local = "Serveur local"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_domain = "Domaine local"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_expandhosts = "Etendre le nom d'hte"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_expandhosts_desc = "concatne le nom de domaine aux noms d'htes"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_nonegcache = "ne pas mettre en cache les requtes ngatives"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_nonegcache_desc = "empche la mise en cache de requtes DNS erronnes"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers = "Utiliser /etc/ethers"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers_desc = "Lire /etc/ethers pour configurer le serveur DHCP"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_leasefile = "Fichier de baux"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_leasefile_desc = "fichier dans lequel les baux DHCP seront stocks"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_resolvfile = "Fichier de rsolution"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_resolvfile_desc = "fichier de rsolution local"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_nohosts = "Ignorer /etc/hosts"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder = "Ordre stricte"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder_desc = "Les serveurs DNS du fichier de rsolution seront interrogs dans l'ordre"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_logqueries = "Journaliser les requtes"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_noresolv = "Ignorer le fichier de rsolution"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_dnsforwardmax = "Requtes concurrentes maximum"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_port = "Port DNS"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_ednspacket_max = "taille maximum du paquet. EDNS.0 "
-dhcp_dnsmasq_dhcpleasemax = "baux maximum"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_addnhosts = "fichiers de noms d'htes supplmentaires"
-dhcp_dnsmasq_queryport = "port de requte"
-a_n_switch = "Switch"
-a_n_routes = "Routes"
-a_network1 = "Dans cette section vous trouverez tous les rglages relatifs au rseau."
-a_network2 = "Sur la plupart des routeurs, les ports des switchs peuvent tre configurs et spars en plusieurs VLANs."
-a_network3 = "Les rglages des interfaces et du PPPoE / PPTP vous permettent une configuration personalise du rseau."
-a_network4 = "Les quipements utilisant DHCP dans votre rseau local peuvent tre configurs automatique pour l'accs au rseau."
-a_network5 = "Le pare-feu et la redirection de ports peuvent tre utiliss pour fournir un service interne un rseau extrieur."
-a_n_switch1 = [[Les ports de votre routeur peuvent tre configurs pour combiner plusieurs VLANs
-dans lesquels les machines connectes peuvent dialoguer directement l'une avec l'autre.
-Les VLANs sont souvent utiliss pour sparer diffrences sous-rseaux.
-Bien souvent il y a un port d'uplink pour une connexion vers un rseau plus vaste, comme internet
-et les autres ports sont rservs au rseau local.]]
-network_switch_desc = [[Les ports appartenant un VLAN sont spars par des espaces.
-Le port ayant le numro le plus lev (5 en gnral) est souvent connect l'interface interne du routeur.
-Les quipements avec 5 ports ont souvent leur port 0 comme port d'uplink par dfaut.]]
-a_n_ifaces1 = [[Dans cette page vous pourrez configurer les interfaces rseaux.
-Vous pouvez bridger diffrentes interfaces en cochantt le champ "bridger les interfaces"
-et en saisissant les noms des interfaces rseau spares par des espaces
-Vous pouvez aussi utiliser la notation VLAN, INTERFACE.VLANNB (ex : eth0.1).]]
-a_n_i_bridge = "Bridger les interfaces"
-a_n_i_bridge1 = "crer un bridge entre plusieurs interfaces"
-dhcp_desc = [[Avec DHCP, les machines connectes au rseau peuvent recevoir leurs rglages
-rseau directement (adresse IP, masque de rseau, serveur DNS, ...)]]
-dhcp_dhcp_leasetime = "Dure du bail"
-dhcp_dhcp_dynamicdhcp = "DHCP dynamique"
-dhcp_dhcp_ignore = "Ignorer l'interface"
-dhcp_dhcp_ignore_desc = "dsactiver DHCP sur cette interface"
-dhcp_dhcp_force = "Forcer"
-dhcp_dhcp_start_desc = "premire addresse (dernier octet)"
-dhcp_dhcp_limit_desc = "nombre d'adresses disponibles - 1"
-a_n_ptp = "Connexions Point--Point"
-a_n_ptp1 = [[Les connexions Point--Point en PPPoE ou PPTP sont souvent utilises pour
-connecter un quipement internet sur du DSL ou une technologie similaire.]]
-network_interface_server = "Serveur PPTP"
-network_interface_demand = "Dconnexion automatique"
-network_interface_demand_desc = "Dlai d'inactivit partir duquel la connexion est coupe"
-network_interface_keepalive = "Maintenir la connexion"
-network_interface_keepalive_desc = "Reconnexion si la connexion est perdue"
-a_n_routes = "Routes stattiques"
-a_n_routes1 = [[Avec les routes statiques vous pouvez spcifier
- travers quelle interface ou passerelle un rseau peut tre contact.]]
-a_n_r_target1 = "adresse IP ou rseau"
-a_n_r_netmask1 = "si la destination est un rseau"
+a_i_ui = [[Interface utilisateur]]
+c_projecthome = [[Page d&#39;accueil du projet]]
+c_contributors = [[Contributeurs]]
+a_i_i_hello = [[Bonjour !]]
+a_i_i_admin1 = [[Voici la page d&#39;administration de LuCI.]]
+a_i_i_admin2 = [[LuCI est une interface graphique libre, flexible, et user friendly pour configurer OpenWRT Kamikaze.]]
+a_i_ucicommit = [[Actions post-changements]]
+iwscan = [[Scan WLAN]]
+iwscan_encr = [[Chiffrement]]
+iwscan_link = [[Lien]]
+iwscan_signal = [[Signal]]
+iwscan_noise = [[Bruit]]
+routes = [[Routes]]
+routes_gateway = [[Passerelle]]
+routes_metric = [[Metrique]]
+a_s_packages = [[Software]]
+a_s_changepw = [[Mot de passe administrateur]]
+a_s_p_ipkg = [[Configuration IPKG]]
+a_s_fstab = [[Points de montage]]
+a_s_packages_do = [[Accomplir les actions]]
+a_s_packages_install = [[Installer]]
+a_s_packages_name = [[Nom du paquet]]
+a_s_packages_search = [[Trouver un paquet]]
+a_s_p_ipkg_pkglists = [[Listes de paquets]]
+a_s_changepw_nomatch = [[Erreur: les mots de passe ne correspondent pas]]
+a_s_fstab_mountpoints = [[Points de montage]]
+a_s_fstab_mountpoint = [[Point de montage]]
+a_s_flash_flasherr = [[Programme lors de la programmation]]
+a_s_flash_fwimage = [[Image firmware]]
+a_s_flash_keepcfg = [[Conserver les fichiers de configuration]]
+a_srv_http = [[Serveur HTTP]]
+a_srv_ssh = [[Serveur SSH]]
+a_srv_http_authrealm = [[Domaine d&#39;authentification]]
+a_srv_http_root = [[Page racine]]
+a_srv_d_pwauth = [[Authentification par mot de passe]]
+a_srv_d_pwauth1 = [[Autoriser l&#39;authentification SSH par mot de passe]]
+a_w_channel = [[Canal]]
+a_w_txantenna = [[Antenne transmission]]
+a_w_countrycode = [[Code pays]]
+a_w_connlimit = [[Limite de connexion]]
+a_w_brcmburst = [[Technologie Broadcom Frameburst]]
+a_w_athburst = [[Technologie Atheros Frameburst]]
+a_w_radiussrv = [[Serveur Radius]]
+a_w_radiusport = [[Port Radius]]
+a_w_apisolation = [[Isolation AP]]
+a_w_hideessid = [[Cacher le ESSID]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_domainneeded = [[Domain requis]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_authoritative = [[Authoritaire]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_local = [[Serveur local]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_domain = [[Domaine local]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers = [[Utiliser /etc/ethers]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers_desc = [[Lire /etc/ethers pour configurer le serveur DHCP]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_leasefile = [[Fichier de baux]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_nohosts = [[Ignorer /etc/hosts]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder = [[Ordre stricte]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_port = [[Port DNS]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_ednspacket_max = [[taille maximum du paquet. EDNS.0 ]]
+dhcp_dnsmasq_dhcpleasemax = [[baux maximum]]
+a_n_switch = [[Switch]]
+a_n_routes = [[Routes]]
+a_n_i_bridge = [[Bridger les interfaces]]
+dhcp_dhcp_dynamicdhcp = [[DHCP dynamique]]
+dhcp_dhcp_ignore = [[Ignorer l&#39;interface]]
+dhcp_dhcp_force = [[Forcer]]
+dhcp_dhcp_limit_desc = [[nombre d&#39;adresses disponibles - 1]]
+network_interface_server = [[Serveur PPTP]]
+network_interface_keepalive = [[Maintenir la connexion]]
+network_interface_keepalive_desc = [[Reconnexion si la connexion est perdue]]
+a_n_routes_desc = [[Routes stattiques]]
diff --git a/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/ b/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
index bcd1fb54b6..ed94b53551 100644
--- a/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,4 +1 @@
-cbi_add = "Ajouter une entre"
-cbi_del = "Supprimer une entre"
-cbi_invalid = "Erreur : donne entre invalide"
-cbi_addopt = "-- Champ --"
+cbi_addopt = [[-- Champ --]]
diff --git a/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/ b/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
index 009c6c61bf..4c4546bed8 100644
--- a/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,96 +1,57 @@
-about = "A propos"
-add = "Ajouter"
-all = "tous"
-administration = "Administration"
-apply = "Appliquer"
-changes = "Changements"
-channel = "Canal"
-code = "Code"
-config = "Configuration"
-configfile = "Fichier de configuration"
-confirmation = "Confirmation"
-delete = "Effacer"
-descr = "Description"
-design = "Conception"
-device = "Equipement"
-devices = "Equipements"
-disable = "dsactiver"
-distance = "Distance"
-dnsserver = "Serveur DNS"
-enable = "activer"
-encryption = "Chiffrement"
-error = "Erreur"
-filesystem = "Systme de fichiers"
-filter = "Filtrer"
-gateway = "Passerelle"
-general = "Gnral"
-hostname = "Nom d'hte"
-install = "Installer"
-installed = "install"
-interface = "Interface"
-interfaces = "Interfaces"
-ipaddress = "Addresse IP"
-legend = "Lgende"
-library = "Bibliothque"
-logout = "Dconnexion"
-key = "Cl"
-language = "Langue"
-limit = "Limite"
-load = "Charger"
-login = "Connexion"
-macaddress = "Adresse MAC"
-manpage = "voir la page de man de '%s'"
-metric = "Metrique"
-mode = "Mode"
-name = "Nom"
-netmask = "Masque rseau"
-network = "Rseau"
-networks = "Rseaux"
-notinstalled = "pas install"
-ok = "OK"
-options = "Options"
-overview = "Vue d'ensemble"
-packagemanager = "Gestionnaire de paquets"
-password = "Mot de passe"
-path = "Chemin"
-port = "Port"
-protocol = "Protocole"
-reboot = "Redmarrage"
-reset = "Remise zro"
-revert = "Revenir"
-save = "Sauvegarder"
-services = "Services"
-settings = "Rglages"
-start = "Dmarrer"
-static = "statique"
-statistics = "Statistiques"
-syslog = "Journal systme"
-system = "Systme"
-target = "Cible"
-timezone = "Fuseau horaire"
-type = "Type"
-username = "Nom d'utilisateur"
-unknownerror = "Erreur inconnue"
-version = "Version"
-webui = "IU Web"
-wifi = "Wi-Fi"
+about = [[A propos]]
+add = [[Ajouter]]
+all = [[tous]]
+administration = [[Administration]]
+apply = [[Appliquer]]
+changes = [[Changements]]
+channel = [[Canal]]
+code = [[Code]]
+config = [[Configuration]]
+configfile = [[Fichier de configuration]]
+confirmation = [[Confirmation]]
+delete = [[Effacer]]
+descr = [[Description]]
+design = [[Conception]]
+device = [[Equipement]]
+devices = [[Equipements]]
+distance = [[Distance]]
+dnsserver = [[Serveur DNS]]
+enable = [[activer]]
+encryption = [[Chiffrement]]
+error = [[Erreur]]
+filter = [[Filtrer]]
+gateway = [[Passerelle]]
+install = [[Installer]]
+interface = [[Interface]]
+interfaces = [[Interfaces]]
+ipaddress = [[Addresse IP]]
+language = [[Langue]]
+limit = [[Limite]]
+load = [[Charger]]
+login = [[Connexion]]
+macaddress = [[Adresse MAC]]
+manpage = [[voir la page de man de &#39;%s&#39;]]
+metric = [[Metrique]]
+mode = [[Mode]]
+name = [[Nom]]
+ok = [[OK]]
+options = [[Options]]
+overview = [[Vue d&#39;ensemble]]
+packagemanager = [[Gestionnaire de paquets]]
+password = [[Mot de passe]]
+path = [[Chemin]]
+port = [[Port]]
+protocol = [[Protocole]]
+revert = [[Revenir]]
+save = [[Sauvegarder]]
+services = [[Services]]
+static = [[statique]]
+statistics = [[Statistiques]]
+target = [[Cible]]
+timezone = [[Fuseau horaire]]
+type = [[Type]]
+username = [[Nom d&#39;utilisateur]]
+unknownerror = [[Erreur inconnue]]
+version = [[Version]]
+webui = [[IU Web]]
+wifi = [[Wi-Fi]]
diff --git a/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/ b/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
index bd5ca9f404..a2daf9c956 100644
--- a/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/i18n/french/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-sysauth_head = "Authorisation requise"
-sysauth_prompt = "Saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe."
-sysauth_failed = "Nom d'utilisateur et/ou mot de passe erron ! Ressayes s'il vous plat."
+sysauth_head = [[Authorisation requise]]
+sysauth_prompt = [[Saisissez votre nom d&#39;utilisateur et mot de passe.]]
diff --git a/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/ b/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
index 4e96dc804a..1e53544bde 100644
--- a/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,58 +1,30 @@
a_i_i_admin1 = [[Dies ist der Administrationsbereich von LuCI.]]
a_i_i_admin2 = [[LuCI ist eine freie, flexible und benutzerfreundliche grafische Oberfläche zur Konfiguration von OpenWRT Kamikaze.]]
a_i_i_admin3 = [[Auf den folgenden Seiten können alle wichtigen Einstellungen des Routers vorgenommen werden.]]
-a_i_i_admin4 = [[Hinweis: In LuCI werden getätigte Änderungen erst nach einem Klick auf Änderungen - Speichern & Anwenden angewandt.]]
-a_i_i_admin5 = [[Wir sind natürlich stets darum bemüht, diese Oberfläche
-noch besser und intuitiver zu Gestalten und freuen uns über jegliche Art von Feedback oder Verbesserungsvorschlägen.]]
+a_i_i_admin4 = [[Hinweis: In LuCI werden getätigte Änderungen erst nach einem Klick auf Änderungen - Speichern &amp; Anwenden angewandt.]]
a_i_i_admin6 = [[Und nun wünschen wir viel Spaß mit dem Router!]]
a_i_i_hello = [[Hallo!]]
a_i_i_team = [[Das LuCI-Team]]
a_i_keepflash = [[Zu übernehmende Dateien bei Firmwareupgrade]]
-a_i_keepflash1 = [[Die folgenden Dateien und Verzeichnisse werden beim Aktualisieren der Firmware
-über die Oberfläche automatisch in die neue Firmware übernommen.]]
-a_i_luci1 = "Hier können Eigenschaften und die Funktionalität der Oberfläche angepasst werden."
+a_i_luci1 = [[Hier können Eigenschaften und die Funktionalität der Oberfläche angepasst werden.]]
a_i_ucicommit = [[UCI-Befehle beim Anwenden]]
-a_i_ucicommit1 = [[Beim Anwenden
-der Konfiguration aus der Oberflächliche heraus können automatisch die relevanten Dienste neugestart werden,
-sodass Änderungen sofort nach dem Anwenden aktiv werden und der Router nicht erst neugestartet werden muss.]]
a_i_ui = [[Benutzeroberfläche]]
a_n_i_bridge = [[Netzwerkbrücke]]
a_n_i_bridge1 = [[überbrückt angegebene Schnittstelle(n)]]
-a_n_ifaces1 = [[An dieser Stelle können die einzelnen Schnittstellen
-des Netzwerkes konfiguriert werden. Es können mehrere Schnittstellen zu einer Brücke zusammengefasst werden,
-indem diese durch Leerzeichen getrennt aufgezählt werden und ein entsprechender Haken im Feld Netzwerkbrücke
-gesetzt wird. Es können VLANs in der Notation SCHNITTSTELLE.VLANNR (z.B.: eth0.1) verwendet werden.]]
a_n_ptp = [[Punkt-zu-Punkt Verbindungen]]
-a_n_ptp1 = [[Punkt-zu-Punkt Verbindungen
-über PPPoE oder PPTP werden häufig dazu verwendet, um über DSL o.ä. Techniken eine
-Verbindung zum Internetgateway eines Internetzugangsanbieters aufzubauen.]]
a_n_r_netmask1 = [[falls Ziel ein Netzwerk ist]]
a_n_r_target1 = [[Host-IP oder Netzwerk]]
a_n_routes = [[Routen]]
-a_n_routes1 = [[Routen geben an,
-über welche Schnittstelle und welches Gateway ein bestimmter Host
-oder ein bestimmtes Netzwerk erreicht werden kann.]]
a_n_routes_static = [[Statische Routen]]
a_n_routes_kernel4 = [[Aktive IPv4-Routen]]
a_n_switch = [[Switch]]
-a_n_switch1 = [[Die Netzwerkschnittstellen am Router
-können zu verschienden VLANs zusammengefasst werden, in denen Geräte miteinander direkt
-kommunizieren können. VLANs werden auch häufig dazu genutzt, um Netzwerke voneiander zu trennen.
-So ist oftmals eine Schnittstelle als Uplink zu einem größerem Netz, wie dem Internet vorkonfiguriert
-und die anderen Schnittstellen bilden ein VLAN für das lokale Netzwerk.]]
a_network1 = [[In diesem Bereich finden sich alle netzwerkbezogenen Einstellungen.]]
-a_network2 = [[Der Netzwerkswitch kann bei den meisten Routern frei konfiguriert
-und in mehrere VLANs aufgeteilt werden. ]]
-a_network3 = [[Schnittstellen und PPPoE/PPTP-Einstellungen ermöglichen
-die freie Organisation des Netzwerks und die Anbindung an ein WAN.]]
a_network4 = [[DHCP ermöglichst die automatische Netzwerkkonfiguration von Rechnern im (W)LAN.]]
-a_network5 = [[Portweiterleitung und Firewall erlauben eine effektive Absicherung des Netzes, bei gleichzeitiger
-Bereitstellung von externen Diensten.]]
a_s_changepw = [[Passwort ändern]]
-a_s_changepw1 = [[Ändert das Passwort des Systemverwalters (Benutzer "root")]]
+a_s_changepw1 = [[Ändert das Passwort des Systemverwalters (Benutzer &quot;root&quot;)]]
a_s_changepw_changed = [[Passwort erfolgreich geändert]]
a_s_changepw_nomatch = [[Passwörter stimmen nicht überein]]
-a_s_desc = "An dieser Stelle können Grundeinstellungen des Systems wie Hostname oder Zeitzone vorgenommen werden."
+a_s_desc = [[An dieser Stelle können Grundeinstellungen des Systems wie Hostname oder Zeitzone vorgenommen werden.]]
a_s_flash = [[Upgrade]]
a_s_flash_flashed = [[Flashvorgang erfolgreich. Router startet neu...]]
a_s_flash_flasherr = [[Flashvorgang fehlgeschlagen]]
@@ -60,28 +32,14 @@ a_s_flash_fwimage = [[Firmwareimage]]
a_s_flash_fwupgrade = [[Firmware aktualisieren]]
a_s_flash_keepcfg = [[Konfigurationsdateien übernehmen]]
a_s_flash_notimplemented = [[Diese Funktion steht leider (noch) nicht zur Verfügung.]]
-a_s_flash_upgrade1 = [[Ersetzt die installierte Firmware (das Betriebssystem des Routers) durch ein neues.
-Das Format der Firmware ist plattformabhängig.]]
a_s_fstab = [[Einhängepunkte]]
-a_s_fstab_active = "Eingehängte Dateisysteme"
-a_s_fstab_used = "Benutzt"
-a_s_fstab_avail = "Verfügbar"
+a_s_fstab_active = [[Eingehängte Dateisysteme]]
+a_s_fstab_used = [[Benutzt]]
+a_s_fstab_avail = [[Verfügbar]]
a_s_fstab_device1 = [[Die Gerätedatei des Speichers oder der Partition (z.B.: /dev/sda)]]
a_s_fstab_fs1 = [[Das Dateisystem mit dem der Speicher formatiert ist (z.B.: ext3)]]
a_s_fstab_mountpoint = [[Einhängepunkt]]
a_s_fstab_mountpoints = [[Einhängepunkte]]
-a_s_fstab_mountpoints1 = [[Einhängepunkte bestimmen, an welcher Stelle des Dateisystems
-bestimmte Laufwerke und Speicher zur Verwendung eingebunden werden.]]
-a_s_fstab_swap1 = [[Falls der Arbeitsspeicher des Routers nicht ausreicht,
-kann dieser nicht benutzte Daten zeitweise auf einem SWAP-Laufwerk auslagern um so die
-effektive Größe des Arbeitsspeichers zu erhöhen. Die Auslagerung der Daten ist natürlich bedeutend langsamer
-als direkte Arbeitsspeicherzugriffe.]]
-a_s_i_system1 = [[Hier finden sich Einstellungen, die das System selbst, dessen Kennung,
-installierte Software und Hardware, Authentifizierung oder eingehängte Speicher betreffen.]]
-a_s_i_system2 = [[Diese Einstellungen definieren die Grundlage des Systems, auf dem die
-installierte Software aufbaut.]]
-a_s_i_system3 = [[Beachte bitte, dass eine fehlerhafte Konfiguration den Start
-des Routers verhindern oder dich vom Zugriff auf diesen ausschließen kann.]]
a_s_p_ipkg = [[IPKG-Konfiguration]]
a_s_p_ipkg_pkglists = [[Paketlisten]]
a_s_p_ipkg_targets = [[Installationsziele]]
@@ -99,27 +57,17 @@ a_s_packages_upgrade = [[Installierte Pakete aktualisieren]]
a_s_reboot1 = [[Startet das Betriebssystem des Routers neu.]]
a_s_reboot_do = [[Neustart durchführen]]
a_s_reboot_running = [[Bitte warten: Neustart wird durchgeführt...]]
-a_s_reboot_u = "Warnung: Es gibt ungespeicherte Änderungen, die beim Neustart verloren gehen!"
+a_s_reboot_u = [[Warnung: Es gibt ungespeicherte Änderungen, die beim Neustart verloren gehen!]]
a_s_sshkeys = [[SSH-Schlüssel]]
-a_s_sshkeys1 = [[Hier können öffentliche SSH-Schlüssel (einer pro Zeile)
- zur Authentifizierung abgelegt werden.]]
a_srv_d_pwauth = [[Passwortanmeldung]]
a_srv_d_pwauth1 = [[Erlaube Anmeldung per Passwort]]
-a_srv_dropbear1 = [[Der SSH-Server ermöglicht Shell-Zugriff
-über das Netzwerk und bietet einen integrierten SCP-Dienst.]]
a_srv_http1 = [[Ein kleiner Webserver, der für die Bereitstellung von LuCI genutzt werden kann.]]
a_srv_http_authrealm = [[Anmeldeaufforderung]]
a_srv_http_authrealm1 = [[Aufforderungstext zum Anmelden im Administrationsbereich]]
a_srv_http_config1 = [[/etc/httpd.conf wenn leer]]
a_srv_http_root = [[Wurzelverzeichnis]]
a_srv_services1 = [[Dienste und Dämonen stellen bestimmte Funktionalitäten auf dem Router zur Verfügung.]]
-a_srv_services2 = [[Es handelt sich hierbei meist um Netzwerkserver, die verschiedene Aufgaben auf dem Router erfüllen,
-beispielsweise Shell-Zugang ermöglichen oder diese Weboberfläche per HTTP anbieten.]]
-a_st_i_status1 = [[Hier finden sich Informationen über den aktuellen Status des Systems, beispielsweise
-Prozessortakt, Speicherauslastung und Netzwerkschnittstellen.]]
-a_st_i_status2 = [[Zusätzlich können hier Protokolldaten, des Kernels und diverser Systemdienste eingesehen werden,
-um deren Zustand zu kontrollieren.]]
-a_w_devices1 = "An dieser Stelle können eingebaute WLAN-Geräte konfiguriert werden."
+a_w_devices1 = [[An dieser Stelle können eingebaute WLAN-Geräte konfiguriert werden.]]
a_w_apisolation = [[AP-Isolation]]
a_w_apisolation1 = [[Unterbindet Client-Client-Verkehr]]
a_w_athburst = [[Atheros-Frameburst]]
@@ -133,27 +81,18 @@ a_w_hideessid = [[ESSID verstecken]]
a_w_netid = [[Netzkennung (ESSID)]]
a_w_network1 = [[WLAN-Netz zu Netzwerk hinzufügen]]
a_w_netmanual = [[ - Neues Netzwerk erstellen - ]]
-a_w_networks1 = [[Pro WLAN-Gerät können mehrere Netze bereitgestellt werden.
-Es sollte beachtet werden, dass es hardware- / treiberspezifische Einschränkungen gibt.
-So kann pro WLAN-Gerät in der Regel entweder 1 Ad-Hoc-Zugang ODER bis zu 3 Access-Point und 1 Client-Zugang
-gleichzeitig erstellt werden.]]
a_w_radiusport = [[Radius-Port]]
a_w_radiussrv = [[Radius-Server]]
a_w_rxantenna = [[Empfangsantenne]]
a_w_txantenna = [[Sendeantenne]]
a_w_txpwr = [[Sendeleistung]]
a_w_wifi1 = [[Hier finden sich Konfiugrationsmöglichkeiten für Drahtlos-Netzwerke nach dem WLAN-Standard.]]
-a_w_wifi2 = [[802.11b/g/a/n-Geräte können so einfach in das bestehende physische Netzwerk integriert werden.
-Die Unterstützung von virtuellen Adaptern ermöglicht auch den Einsatz als Wireless-Repeater oder von
-mehreren Netzwerken gleichzeitig auf einem Gerät.]]
-a_w_wifi3 = [[Es werden Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc und WDS-Modus unterstützt sowie WPA und WPA2-Verschlüsselung zur gesicherten
-a_w_ap = "Access Point"
-a_w_adhoc = "Ad-Hoc"
-a_w_client = "Client"
-a_w_ahdemo = "Pseudo Ad-Hoc (ahdemo)"
-a_w_monitor = "Monitor"
-a_w_wds = "WDS"
+a_w_ap = [[Access Point]]
+a_w_adhoc = [[Ad-Hoc]]
+a_w_client = [[Client]]
+a_w_ahdemo = [[Pseudo Ad-Hoc (ahdemo)]]
+a_w_monitor = [[Monitor]]
+a_w_wds = [[WDS]]
accept = [[Annehmen]]
aliases = [[Aliasse]]
bitrate = [[Bitrate]]
@@ -164,19 +103,12 @@ c_projecthome = [[Projekt Homepage]]
c_thanksto = [[Dank an]]
configure = [[Konfigurieren]]
contact = [[Kontakt]]
-contact1 = [[Diese Daten sind
-auf der öffentlichen Kontaktseite sichtbar. Bitte gib an, wie man dich am besten kontaktieren kann.
-Diese Informationen sollten nach der Picopeering Vereinbarung mindestens deine E-Mail-Adresse enthalten.
-Damit dein Knoten durch Topographieprogramme erfasst werden kann, gib bitte deine Geokoordinaten oder
-zumindest deine Straße und Hausnummer unter Standort an.]]
coord = [[Koordinaten]]
coord1 = [[Bitte als Breite;Länge (z.B: 51.5;12.9) angeben]]
cpu = [[Prozessor]]
decline = [[Ablehnen]]
defroutes = [[Standardrouten]]
destination = [[Ziel]]
-dhcp_desc = [[Mit Hilfe von DHCP können Netzteilnehmer automatisch
-ihre Netzwerkkonfiguration (IP-Adresse, Netzmaske, DNS-Server, ...) beziehen.]]
dhcp_dhcp_dynamicdhcp = [[Dynamisches DHCP]]
dhcp_dhcp_force = [[Start erzwingen]]
dhcp_dhcp_ignore = [[Schnittstelle ignorieren]]
@@ -220,7 +152,6 @@ dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder_desc = [[DNS-Server werden strikt der Reihenfolge in de
file = [[Datei]]
frag = [[Frag.]]
frequency = [[Frequenz]]
hellonet = [[Hallo und willkommen im Netz von]]
iface = [[Schnittstelle]]
iwscan = [[WLAN-Scan]]
@@ -230,23 +161,15 @@ iwscan_link = [[Verb.]]
iwscan_noise = [[Rausch]]
iwscan_signal = [[Signal]]
link = [[Verb.]]
-dhcp_leases = "Zuweisungen"
-luci_ethers = "Statische Einträge"
-dhcp_timeremain = "Verbleibende Gültigkeit"
-dhcp_leases_active = "Aktive Zuweisungen"
+dhcp_leases = [[Zuweisungen]]
+luci_ethers = [[Statische Einträge]]
+dhcp_timeremain = [[Verbleibende Gültigkeit]]
+dhcp_leases_active = [[Aktive Zuweisungen]]
network_interface_demand = [[Automatische Trennung]]
network_interface_demand_desc = [[Zeit (in s) nach der die Verbindung bei Inaktivität getrennt wird]]
network_interface_keepalive = [[Keep-Alive]]
network_interface_keepalive_desc = [[Anzahl fehlgeschlagener Verbindungstests nach der automatisch neu verbunden wird]]
network_interface_server = [[PPTP-Server]]
-network_switch_desc = [[Die zu einem VLAN gehörenden Schnittstellen
-werden durch Leerzeichen getrennt. Die Schnittstelle mit der höchsten Nummer (meistens 5) bildet
-in der Regel die Verbindung zur internen Netzschnittstelle des Routers. Bei Geräten mit 5 Schnittstellen
-ist in der Regel die Schnittstelle mit der niedrigsten Nummer (0) die standardmäßige Uplinkschnittstelle des Routers.]]
noise = [[Rausch]]
power = [[Leistung]]
routes = [[Routen]]
@@ -260,109 +183,88 @@ system_type = [[Systemtyp]]
texteditor = [[Texteditor]]
uci_applied = [[Die folgenden Änderungen wurden übernommen]]
uci_reverted = [[Die folgenden Änderungen wurden verworfen]]
-m_n_local = "Lokales Netz"
-m_n_inet = "Internetverbindung"
-m_n_route = "Weiterleiten"
-m_n_bridge = "Überbrücken"
-m_w_ap = "Anbieten (Access Point)"
-m_w_adhoc = "Unabhängig (Ad-Hoc)"
-m_w_client = "Einklinken (Client)"
-m_w_wds = "Verteilen (WDS)"
-m_w_clientmode = "Verbindungsmodus"
-system_system_logsize = "Größe des Systemprotokollpuffers"
-system_system_logip = "Externer Systemprotokollserver"
-system_system_conloglevel = "Protokollausgabelevel"
-system_system_conloglevel_desc = "Level auf der Konsole ausgegebener Meldungen"
-m_i_processor = "Prozessor"
-m_i_memory = "Hauptspeicher"
-m_i_systemtime = "Lokale Zeit"
-m_i_uptime = "Laufzeit"
-m_n_d_firstaddress = "Erste vergebene Adresse"
-m_n_d_numleases = "Anzahl vergebener Adressen"
-routingtable = "Routingtabelle"
-wlanscan = "WLAN-Scan"
-m_n_keepalive = "automatisch neu verbinden"
-m_n_dialondemand = "trennen bei Inaktivität nach"
-m_n_pptp_server = "PPTP-Server"
-a_s_applyreboot1 = "Änderungen angewandt."
-a_s_backup = "Sichern / Wiederherstellen"
-a_s_backup_backup = "Sicherung erstellen"
-a_s_backup_archive = "Sicherungsarchiv"
-a_s_backup_reset = "Grundeinstellungen wiederherstellen"
-a_s_backup_reset1 = "Alle aktuellen Einstellungen verwerfen und Grundeinstellungen wiederherstellen?"
-a_s_backup_restore = "Sicherung wiederherstellen"
-a_s_backup1 = [[Auf dieser Seite können Sicherungen der Konfiguration erstellt und eingespielt werden
-und - wenn möglich - die Grundeinstellungen wiederhergestellt werden.]]
-leds = "LED Konfiguration"
-leds_desc = "Passt das Verhalten der Geräte-LEDs an - wenn dies möglich ist."
-system_led_name = "LED Name"
-system_led_sysfs = "LED Gerät"
-system_led_default = "Grundzustand"
-system_led_default_desc = "ausgewählt = an"
-system_led_trigger = "Auslöser"
-system_led_trigger_none = "Keiner"
-system_led_trigger_defaulton = "Immer an"
-system_led_trigger_timer = "Taktgeber"
-system_led_trigger_heartbeat = "Herzschlag (Mittlere Systemlast)"
-system_led_trigger_netdev = "Netzwerkschnittstelle"
-system_led_delayoff = "Einschaltverzögerung"
-system_led_delayoff_desc = "Zeit (in ms) die die LED deaktiviert ist"
-system_led_delayon = "Ausschaltverzögerung"
-system_led_delayon_desc = "Zeit (in ms) die die LED aktiviert ist"
-system_led_dev = "Schnittstelle"
-system_led_mode = "Auslösemodus"
-system_led_mode_link = "Verbindung hergestellt"
-system_led_mode_tx = "Senden"
-system_led_mode_rx = "Empfangen"
-network_interface_up = "Aktiv"
-network_interface_hwaddr = "MAC-Adresse"
-network_interface_hwaddr_desc = "Hardware Adresse"
-network_interface_txrx = "Traffic"
-network_interface_txrx_desc = "gesendet / empfangen"
-network_interface_err = "Fehler"
-network_interface_err_desc = "TX / RX"
-network_interface_fwzone = "Firewallzone anlegen / zuweisen"
-network_interface_fwzone_desc = "Diese Schnittstelle gehört bis jetzt zu keiner Firewallzone."
-process_head = "Prozesse"
-process_descr = "Diese Tabelle gibt eine Übersicht über aktuell laufende Systemprozeese und deren Status."
-process_pid = "PID"
-process_owner = "Besitzer"
-process_command = "Befehl"
-process_cpu = "CPU-Nutzung (%)"
-process_mem = "Speichernutzung (%)"
-process_hup = "Auflegen"
-process_term = "Beenden"
-process_kill = "Töten"
-mem_cached = "gecached"
-mem_buffered = "gepuffert"
-mem_free = "frei"
-a_s_crontab = "Geplante Aufgaben"
-a_s_crontab1 = "Dies ist die System-Crontab in der geplante Aufgaben definiert werden können."
-a_w_nasid = "NAS ID"
-a_w_cacert = "Pfad zum CA-Zertifikat"
-a_w_eaptype = "EAP-Methode"
-a_w_tlsprivkey = "Pfad zum Privaten Schlüssel"
-a_w_tlsprivkeypwd = "Passwort des Privaten Schlüssels"
-a_w_peapauth = "PEAP-Authentifizierung"
-a_w_peapidentity = "PEAP-Identitäz"
-a_w_peappassword = "PEAP-Passwort"
-a_w_create = "Netzwerk anlegen" \ No newline at end of file
+m_n_local = [[Lokales Netz]]
+m_n_inet = [[Internetverbindung]]
+m_n_route = [[Weiterleiten]]
+m_n_bridge = [[Überbrücken]]
+m_w_ap = [[Anbieten (Access Point)]]
+m_w_adhoc = [[Unabhängig (Ad-Hoc)]]
+m_w_client = [[Einklinken (Client)]]
+m_w_wds = [[Verteilen (WDS)]]
+m_w_clientmode = [[Verbindungsmodus]]
+system_system_logsize = [[Größe des Systemprotokollpuffers]]
+system_system_logip = [[Externer Systemprotokollserver]]
+system_system_conloglevel = [[Protokollausgabelevel]]
+system_system_conloglevel_desc = [[Level auf der Konsole ausgegebener Meldungen]]
+m_i_processor = [[Prozessor]]
+m_i_memory = [[Hauptspeicher]]
+m_i_systemtime = [[Lokale Zeit]]
+m_i_uptime = [[Laufzeit]]
+m_n_d_firstaddress = [[Erste vergebene Adresse]]
+m_n_d_numleases = [[Anzahl vergebener Adressen]]
+routingtable = [[Routingtabelle]]
+wlanscan = [[WLAN-Scan]]
+m_n_keepalive = [[automatisch neu verbinden]]
+m_n_dialondemand = [[trennen bei Inaktivität nach]]
+m_n_pptp_server = [[PPTP-Server]]
+a_s_applyreboot1 = [[Änderungen angewandt.]]
+a_s_backup = [[Sichern / Wiederherstellen]]
+a_s_backup_backup = [[Sicherung erstellen]]
+a_s_backup_archive = [[Sicherungsarchiv]]
+a_s_backup_reset = [[Grundeinstellungen wiederherstellen]]
+a_s_backup_reset1 = [[Alle aktuellen Einstellungen verwerfen und Grundeinstellungen wiederherstellen?]]
+a_s_backup_restore = [[Sicherung wiederherstellen]]
+leds = [[LED Konfiguration]]
+leds_desc = [[Passt das Verhalten der Geräte-LEDs an - wenn dies möglich ist.]]
+system_led_name = [[LED Name]]
+system_led_sysfs = [[LED Gerät]]
+system_led_default = [[Grundzustand]]
+system_led_default_desc = [[ausgewählt &#61; an]]
+system_led_trigger = [[Auslöser]]
+system_led_trigger_none = [[Keiner]]
+system_led_trigger_defaulton = [[Immer an]]
+system_led_trigger_timer = [[Taktgeber]]
+system_led_trigger_heartbeat = [[Herzschlag (Mittlere Systemlast)]]
+system_led_trigger_netdev = [[Netzwerkschnittstelle]]
+system_led_delayoff = [[Einschaltverzögerung]]
+system_led_delayoff_desc = [[Zeit (in ms) die die LED deaktiviert ist]]
+system_led_delayon = [[Ausschaltverzögerung]]
+system_led_delayon_desc = [[Zeit (in ms) die die LED aktiviert ist]]
+system_led_dev = [[Schnittstelle]]
+system_led_mode = [[Auslösemodus]]
+system_led_mode_link = [[Verbindung hergestellt]]
+system_led_mode_tx = [[Senden]]
+system_led_mode_rx = [[Empfangen]]
+network_interface_up = [[Aktiv]]
+network_interface_hwaddr = [[MAC-Adresse]]
+network_interface_hwaddr_desc = [[Hardware Adresse]]
+network_interface_txrx = [[Traffic]]
+network_interface_txrx_desc = [[gesendet / empfangen]]
+network_interface_err = [[Fehler]]
+network_interface_err_desc = [[TX / RX]]
+network_interface_fwzone = [[Firewallzone anlegen / zuweisen]]
+network_interface_fwzone_desc = [[Diese Schnittstelle gehört bis jetzt zu keiner Firewallzone.]]
+process_head = [[Prozesse]]
+process_descr = [[Diese Tabelle gibt eine Übersicht über aktuell laufende Systemprozeese und deren Status.]]
+process_pid = [[PID]]
+process_owner = [[Besitzer]]
+process_command = [[Befehl]]
+process_cpu = [[CPU-Nutzung (%)]]
+process_mem = [[Speichernutzung (%)]]
+process_hup = [[Auflegen]]
+process_term = [[Beenden]]
+process_kill = [[Töten]]
+mem_cached = [[gecached]]
+mem_buffered = [[gepuffert]]
+mem_free = [[frei]]
+a_s_crontab = [[Geplante Aufgaben]]
+a_s_crontab1 = [[Dies ist die System-Crontab in der geplante Aufgaben definiert werden können.]]
+a_w_nasid = [[NAS ID]]
+a_w_cacert = [[Pfad zum CA-Zertifikat]]
+a_w_eaptype = [[EAP-Methode]]
+a_w_tlsprivkey = [[Pfad zum Privaten Schlüssel]]
+a_w_tlsprivkeypwd = [[Passwort des Privaten Schlüssels]]
+a_w_peapauth = [[PEAP-Authentifizierung]]
+a_w_peapidentity = [[PEAP-Identitäz]]
+a_w_peappassword = [[PEAP-Passwort]]
+a_w_create = [[Netzwerk anlegen]]
diff --git a/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/ b/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
index eb3e1a545c..c59536f3f8 100644
--- a/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-cbi_add = "Eintrag hinzufügen"
-cbi_del = "Eintrag entfernen"
-cbi_invalid = "Fehler: Ungültige Eingabe"
-cbi_missing = "Fehler: Dieses Feld muss ausgefüllt werden"
-cbi_addopt = "-- Zusätzliches Feld --"
-cbi_sectempty = "Diese Sektion enthält noch keine Einträge"
-cbi_manual = "-- benutzerdefiniert --"
-cbi_select = "-- Bitte auswählen --"
-cbi_gorel = "Gehe zu relevanter Konfigurationsseite" \ No newline at end of file
+cbi_add = [[Eintrag hinzufügen]]
+cbi_del = [[Eintrag entfernen]]
+cbi_invalid = [[Fehler: Ungültige Eingabe]]
+cbi_missing = [[Fehler: Dieses Feld muss ausgefüllt werden]]
+cbi_addopt = [[-- Zusätzliches Feld --]]
+cbi_sectempty = [[Diese Sektion enthält noch keine Einträge]]
+cbi_manual = [[-- benutzerdefiniert --]]
+cbi_select = [[-- Bitte auswählen --]]
+cbi_gorel = [[Gehe zu relevanter Konfigurationsseite]]
diff --git a/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/ b/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
index bff0203e6e..bca0a07f58 100644
--- a/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,116 +1,94 @@
-about = "Über"
-add = "Hinzufügen"
-addresses = "Adressen"
-aliases = "Aliasse"
-all = "alle"
-administration = "Administration"
-apply = "Anwenden"
-basicsettings = "Grundeinstellungen"
-broadcast = "IPv4-Broadcast"
-changes = "Änderungen"
-channel = "Kanal"
-cidr6 = "CIDR-Notation: Adresse/Prefix"
-code = "Code"
-config = "Konfiguration"
-configfile = "Konfigurationsdatei"
-confirmation = "Bestätigung"
-delete = "Löschen"
-descr = "Beschreibung"
-design = "Design"
-device = "Gerät"
-devices = "Geräte"
-disable = "deaktivieren"
-distance = "Distanz"
-dnsserver = "DNS-Server"
-edit = "Bearbeiten"
-enable = "aktivieren"
-encryption = "Verschlüsselung"
-error = "Fehler"
-filesystem = "Dateisystem"
-filter = "Filter"
-gateway = "IPv4-Gateway"
-gateway6 = "IPv6-Gateway"
-general = "Allgemeines"
-hostname = "Hostname"
-install = "Installieren"
-installed = "installiert"
-interface = "Schnittstelle"
-interfaces = "Schnittstellen"
-ipaddress = "IPv4-Adresse"
-ip6address = "IPv6-Adresse"
-legend = "Legende"
-library = "Bibliothek"
-load = "Last"
-login = "Anmelden"
-logout = "Abmelden"
-key = "Schlüssel"
-language = "Sprache"
-limit = "Limit"
-load = "Last"
-macaddress = "MAC-Adresse"
-manpage = "siehe '%s' manpage"
-metric = "Metrik"
-mode = "Modus"
-name = "Name"
-netmask = "IPv4-Netzmaske"
-network = "Netzwerk"
-networks = "Netzwerke"
-none = "keine"
-notinstalled = "nicht installiert"
-ok = "OK"
-options = "Optionen"
-overview = "Übersicht"
-packagemanager = "Packet-Manager"
-password = "Passwort"
-path = "Pfad"
-port = "Port"
-ports = "Ports"
-protocol = "Protokoll"
-reboot = "Neu Starten"
-reset = "Zurücksetzen"
-revert = "Verwerfen"
-save = "Speichern"
-saveapply = "Speichern & Anwenden"
-scan = "Scan"
-service = "Dienst"
-services = "Dienste"
-settings = "Einstellungen"
-size = "Größe"
-start = "Start"
-static = "statisch"
-statistics = "Statistiken"
-status = "Status"
-submit = "Absenden"
-syslog = "Systemprotokoll"
-system = "System"
-target = "Ziel"
-timezone = "Zeitzone"
-type = "Typ"
-unknownerror = "Unbekannter Fehler"
-unsavedchanges = "Ungespeicherte Änderungen"
-username = "Benutzername"
-version = "Version"
-webui = "Weboberfläche"
-wifi = "Drahtlos"
-zone = "Zone" \ No newline at end of file
+about = [[Über]]
+add = [[Hinzufügen]]
+addresses = [[Adressen]]
+aliases = [[Aliasse]]
+all = [[alle]]
+administration = [[Administration]]
+apply = [[Anwenden]]
+basicsettings = [[Grundeinstellungen]]
+broadcast = [[IPv4-Broadcast]]
+changes = [[Änderungen]]
+channel = [[Kanal]]
+cidr6 = [[CIDR-Notation: Adresse/Prefix]]
+code = [[Code]]
+config = [[Konfiguration]]
+configfile = [[Konfigurationsdatei]]
+confirmation = [[Bestätigung]]
+delete = [[Löschen]]
+descr = [[Beschreibung]]
+design = [[Design]]
+device = [[Gerät]]
+devices = [[Geräte]]
+disable = [[deaktivieren]]
+distance = [[Distanz]]
+dnsserver = [[DNS-Server]]
+edit = [[Bearbeiten]]
+enable = [[aktivieren]]
+encryption = [[Verschlüsselung]]
+error = [[Fehler]]
+filesystem = [[Dateisystem]]
+filter = [[Filter]]
+gateway = [[IPv4-Gateway]]
+gateway6 = [[IPv6-Gateway]]
+general = [[Allgemeines]]
+hostname = [[Hostname]]
+install = [[Installieren]]
+installed = [[installiert]]
+interface = [[Schnittstelle]]
+interfaces = [[Schnittstellen]]
+ipaddress = [[IPv4-Adresse]]
+ip6address = [[IPv6-Adresse]]
+legend = [[Legende]]
+library = [[Bibliothek]]
+load = [[Last]]
+login = [[Anmelden]]
+logout = [[Abmelden]]
+key = [[Schlüssel]]
+language = [[Sprache]]
+limit = [[Limit]]
+macaddress = [[MAC-Adresse]]
+manpage = [[siehe &#39;%s&#39; manpage]]
+metric = [[Metrik]]
+mode = [[Modus]]
+name = [[Name]]
+netmask = [[IPv4-Netzmaske]]
+network = [[Netzwerk]]
+networks = [[Netzwerke]]
+none = [[keine]]
+notinstalled = [[nicht installiert]]
+ok = [[OK]]
+options = [[Optionen]]
+overview = [[Übersicht]]
+packagemanager = [[Packet-Manager]]
+password = [[Passwort]]
+path = [[Pfad]]
+port = [[Port]]
+ports = [[Ports]]
+protocol = [[Protokoll]]
+reboot = [[Neu Starten]]
+reset = [[Zurücksetzen]]
+revert = [[Verwerfen]]
+save = [[Speichern]]
+saveapply = [[Speichern &amp; Anwenden]]
+scan = [[Scan]]
+service = [[Dienst]]
+services = [[Dienste]]
+settings = [[Einstellungen]]
+size = [[Größe]]
+start = [[Start]]
+static = [[statisch]]
+statistics = [[Statistiken]]
+status = [[Status]]
+submit = [[Absenden]]
+syslog = [[Systemprotokoll]]
+system = [[System]]
+target = [[Ziel]]
+timezone = [[Zeitzone]]
+type = [[Typ]]
+unknownerror = [[Unbekannter Fehler]]
+unsavedchanges = [[Ungespeicherte Änderungen]]
+username = [[Benutzername]]
+version = [[Version]]
+webui = [[Weboberfläche]]
+wifi = [[Drahtlos]]
+zone = [[Zone]]
diff --git a/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/ b/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
index c01a4b9187..8cb0206dbf 100644
--- a/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/i18n/german/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-sysauth_head = "Autorisation benötigt"
-sysauth_prompt = "Bitte Benutzernamen und Passwort eingeben."
-sysauth_failed = "Ungültiger Benutzername und/oder ungültiges Passwort! Bitte nocheinmal versuchen."
+sysauth_head = [[Autorisation benötigt]]
+sysauth_prompt = [[Bitte Benutzernamen und Passwort eingeben.]]
+sysauth_failed = [[Ungültiger Benutzername und/oder ungültiges Passwort! Bitte nocheinmal versuchen.]]
diff --git a/i18n/russian/luasrc/i18n/ b/i18n/russian/luasrc/i18n/
index 7c4c4fcd49..40763c250e 100644
--- a/i18n/russian/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/i18n/russian/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ a_srv_http_root = [[Корневая папка]]
a_srv_dropbear1 = [[Dropbear это <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr>-сервер со встроенным <abbr title="Secure Copy">SCP</abbr>]]
a_srv_d_pwauth = [[Аутентификация по паролю]]
a_srv_d_pwauth1 = [[Разрешить <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> аутентификацию по паролю]]
-a_w_channel = "Канал"
+a_w_channel = [[Канал]]
a_w_wifi1 = [[На этой страничке можно настроить <abbr title="Wireless Local Area Network">WLAN</abbr> основанную на беспроводных сетях.]]
a_w_wifi2 = [[Вы можете легко интегрировать ваши 802.11a/b/g/n-устройства в вашу физическую сеть и использовать виртуальные стройства для построения беспроводных повторителей или создания различных сетевых топологий на одном физическом устройстве.]]
a_w_wifi3 = [[Поддерживаемые режимы: Точка, Клиент, Ad-Hoc и <abbr title="Wireless Distribution System">WDS</abbr>, а так же <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access">WPA</abbr> и <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access 2">WPA2</abbr> шифрование для обеспечения наибольшей безопасности.]]
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ dhcp_dnsmasq_queryport = [[порт запросов]]
a_n_switch = [[Свитч]]
a_n_routes = [[Маршрутизация]]
a_n_routes1 = [[Маршрутизация служит для определения через какой интерфейс и шлюз можно пройти к определённому хосту или сегменту сети.]]
a_network1 = [[В этом разделе вы сможете найти всё что касается настроек сети.]]
a_network2 = [[В большенстве роутеров сетевой свитч может быть свободно настроен и добавлен в различные <abbr title="Виртуальные локальные сети">VLAN</abbr>&#39;ы.]]
a_network3 = [[Настройка <abbr title="протокол передачи кадров PPP через Ethernet">PPPoE</abbr> / <abbr title="протокол передачи кадров PPP через Тоннель">PPTP</abbr> позволяет сети и сетевые соединения к поставщику услуг Интернет.]]
@@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ a_network4 = [[C <abbr title="Протокол динамической конф
a_network5 = [[Файрволл и проброс портов используется для увеличения надёжность и гибкости вашей сети.]]
a_n_switch1 = [[Сетевые порты на вашем роутере могут маршрутизироваться в различные <abbr title="Виртуальные локальные сети">VLAN</abbr>&#39;ы и соединять компютеры напрямую. <abbr title="Виртуальные локальные сети">VLAN</abbr>&#39;ы обычно используют для логического разделения сетей.]]
network_switch_desc = [[Порты принадлежашие <abbr title="Виртуальные локальные сети">VLAN</abbr>&#39;ам разделяются пробелами. Порт с наибольшим значением (обычно 5) обычно используют для внутренних сетей. На устройствах с 5 портами, порт с наименьшим значением (0) предназначен для Uplink.]]
-a_n_ifaces1 = [[На этой страничке вы можете сконфигурировать сетевые интерфейсы. Вы можете соединять различные интерфейсы в "мост" помечая их как &quot;Мост&quot; и добавлять имена различных сетей принадлежащих сетевым интерфейсам разделённые пробелом. Также вы можете использовать обозначения <abbr title="Виртуальные локальные сети">VLAN</abbr>&#39;ов например <samp>INTERFACE.VLANNR</samp> (<abbr title="for example">указывая как</abbr>: <samp>eth0.1</samp>).]]
+a_n_ifaces1 = [[На этой страничке вы можете сконфигурировать сетевые интерфейсы. Вы можете соединять различные интерфейсы в &quot;мост&quot; помечая их как &quot;Мост&quot; и добавлять имена различных сетей принадлежащих сетевым интерфейсам разделённые пробелом. Также вы можете использовать обозначения <abbr title="Виртуальные локальные сети">VLAN</abbr>&#39;ов например <samp>INTERFACE.VLANNR</samp> (<abbr title="for example">указывая как</abbr>: <samp>eth0.1</samp>).]]
a_n_i_bridge = [[Мост]]
a_n_i_bridge1 = [[создаёт мост для выбранных сетевых интерфейсов]]
dhcp_desc = [[С помощью <abbr title="Протокол динамической конфигурации узла">DHCP</abbr> члены сетей могут автоматически получить такие настройки как (<abbr title="Интернет протокол">IP</abbr>-Адрес, сетевую маску, <abbr title="Служба доменных имён">DNS</abbr>-имя, ...).]]
@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ a_n_routes_static = [[Статическая маршрутизация]]
a_n_routes_kernel4 = [[Включение <abbr title="Интернет протокол версии 4">IPv4</abbr>-Маршрутизации]]
a_n_r_target1 = [[Хост-<abbr title="Адрес интернет протокола">IP</abbr> или сеть]]
a_n_r_netmask1 = [[если сеть]]
-m_n_inet = "Интернет соединение"
+m_n_inet = [[Интернет соединение]]
m_n_local = [[Локальная сеть]]
m_n_route = [[Маршрут]]
m_n_brdige = [[Мост]]
diff --git a/modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/ b/modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/
index e662163a4e..bb3d3a3d48 100644
--- a/modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/
+++ b/modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ public2 = [[Dies ist der Zugangspunkt ]]
public3 = [[Er wird betrieben von ]]
public4 = [[Weitere Informationen zur globalen Freifunkinitiative findest du unter]]
public5 = [[Hast du Interesse an diesem Projekt, dann wende dich an deine lokale Gemeinschaft]]
-public6 = [[Der Internetzugang über das experimentelle Freifunknetz ist an technische und organisatorische Bedingungen geknüpft und deshalb möglicherweise
-nicht (immer) gewährleistet.]]
location = [[Standort]]
mail = [[E-Mail]]
mail1 = [[Bitte unbedingt angeben!]]
@@ -18,4 +15,4 @@ free = [[Frei]]
buffers = [[Buffers]]
cached = [[Cached]]
total = [[Gesamt]]
-geocoord = [[Geokoordinaten]] \ No newline at end of file
+geocoord = [[Geokoordinaten]]
diff --git a/themes/ b/themes/
index d1a8d43fee..c1d4dfccbc 100644
--- a/themes/
+++ b/themes/
@@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ $Id$
<br class="clear" />
-<div class="luci separator black whitetext bold"><a href="<%=controller%>/about">Powered by <%= luci.__appname__ .. " " .. luci.__version__%></a></div>
+ <div class="luci separator black whitetext bold"><a href="<%=controller%>/about">Powered by <%= luci.__appname__ .. " " .. luci.__version__%></a></div>
diff --git a/themes/ b/themes/
index c875e8db04..6883dea21b 100644
--- a/themes/
+++ b/themes/
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ for i,r in ipairs(request) do
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%=media%>/cascade.css" />