path: root/po/es/admin-core.po
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2009-10-31 15:52:50 +0000
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2009-10-31 15:52:50 +0000
commitdc7138e424dfd454951ed5ed4eeddbf842457e87 (patch)
tree55eee31f812f0df09eec390c05d813ac79099d81 /po/es/admin-core.po
parent8f2a3f1dccee6a0b7ca99ac24458aa9c8987e131 (diff)
po: substitute keys with english text, cleanup and unify translations
Diffstat (limited to 'po/es/admin-core.po')
1 files changed, 413 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/po/es/admin-core.po b/po/es/admin-core.po
index c719436dab..5ebb9bb254 100644
--- a/po/es/admin-core.po
+++ b/po/es/admin-core.po
@@ -13,22 +13,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. The following changes have been applied
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:1
-msgid "uci_applied"
+msgid "The following changes have been applied"
msgstr "Los siguientes cambios se han aplicado"
#. The following changes have been reverted
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:2
-msgid "uci_reverted"
+msgid "The following changes have been reverted"
msgstr "Los siguientes cambios han sido revertidos"
#. User Interface
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:3
-msgid "a_i_ui"
+msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "Interfaz de usuario"
#. <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the Apache-License.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:4
-msgid "c_lucidesc"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a collection of free Lua software including an <abbr title=\"Model-View-Controller\">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the Apache-License."
msgstr ""
"<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> es una colección libre "
"de software Lua incluyendo un <abbr title=\"Model-View-"
@@ -38,40 +38,40 @@ msgstr ""
#. Project Homepage
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:5
-msgid "c_projecthome"
+msgid "Project Homepage"
msgstr "Página del proyecto "
#. Lead Development
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:6
-msgid "c_leaddev"
+msgid "Lead Development"
msgstr "Lider del desarrollo"
#. Contributing Developers
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:7
-msgid "c_contributors"
+msgid "Contributing Developers"
msgstr "Desarrolladores que contribuyen"
# Thanks to --> Gracias a -> Agradecemientos --> Agregadecemos a
#. Thanks To
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:8
-msgid "c_thanksto"
+msgid "Thanks To"
msgstr "Agregadecemos a"
#. Hello!
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:9
-msgid "a_i_i_hello"
+msgid "Hello!"
msgstr "Hola !"
#. This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:10
-msgid "a_i_i_admin1"
+msgid "This is the administration area of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
msgstr ""
"Éste es el área de administración de <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration "
#. <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt Kamikaze.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:11
-msgid "a_i_i_admin2"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> is a free, flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt Kamikaze."
msgstr ""
"<abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> interfaz gráfica "
"libre, flexible y amigable para configurar la distro OpenWrt (Kamikaze) y "
@@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your router.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:12
-msgid "a_i_i_admin3"
+msgid "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your router."
msgstr ""
"En las páginas siguientes puede realizar todos los ajustes importantes de su "
#. Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply before being applied.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:13
-msgid "a_i_i_admin4"
+msgid "Notice: In <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save & Apply before being applied."
msgstr ""
"Aviso: En <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> los cambios "
"deben ser confirmados haciendo clic en \"Cambios\" y luego en \"Guardar "
@@ -94,36 +94,36 @@ msgstr ""
#. As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:14
-msgid "a_i_i_admin5"
+msgid "As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions."
msgstr ""
"Como siempre queremos mejorar esta interfaz estamos esperando con interés "
"sus comentarios y sugerencias. "
#. And now have fun with your router!
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:15
-msgid "a_i_i_admin6"
+msgid "And now have fun with your router!"
msgstr "Y ahora disfrute su router!"
#. The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:16
-msgid "a_i_i_team"
+msgid "The <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> Team"
msgstr "El grupo de <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>"
#. Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:17
-msgid "a_i_luci1"
+msgid "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
msgstr ""
"Aquí puede personalizar las configuraciones y funcionalidad de <abbr "
"title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
#. Post-commit actions
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:18
-msgid "a_i_ucicommit"
+msgid "Post-commit actions"
msgstr "Acciones luego de \"Post-commit\""
#. These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title=\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed allowing changes to be applied instantly.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:19
-msgid "a_i_ucicommit1"
+msgid "These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title=\"Unified Configuration Interface\">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed allowing changes to be applied instantly."
msgstr ""
"Estos comandos se ejecutan automáticamente cuando una determinada "
"configuración de la <abbr title=\"Unified configuración Interface\"> UCI </ "
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:20
-msgid "a_i_keepflash"
+msgid "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
msgstr "Archivos que serán protegidos cuando un nuevo firmware es instalado"
#. When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware installation.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:21
-msgid "a_i_keepflash1"
+msgid "When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware installation."
msgstr ""
"Cuando un nuevo firmware ha sido instalado con <abbr title=\"Lua "
"Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr> estos archivos serán agregados a la "
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory usage or network interface data.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:22
-msgid "a_st_i_status1"
+msgid "Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory usage or network interface data."
msgstr ""
"Aquí pude encontrar información acerca del estado actual del sistema como la "
"frecuencia del reloj de la <abbr title=\"Central Processing Unit\">CPU</abbr> "
@@ -152,585 +152,585 @@ msgstr ""
#. Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview over their current state.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:23
-msgid "a_st_i_status2"
+msgid "Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview over their current state."
msgstr ""
"También los archivos de registro del núcleo (kernel) o servicio se pueden "
"ver aquí para obtener una visión general sobre su estado actual."
#. <abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:24
-msgid "iwscan"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
msgstr "<abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>-Scan"
#. Wifi networks in your local environment
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:25
-msgid "iwscan1"
+msgid "Wifi networks in your local environment"
msgstr "Redes inalámbricas en un entorno local"
#. <abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:26
-msgid "iwscan_encr"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
msgstr "<abbr title=\"Encrypted\">Encr.</abbr>"
#. Link
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:27
-msgid "iwscan_link"
+msgid "Link"
msgstr "Enlace"
#. Signal
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:28
-msgid "iwscan_signal"
+msgid "Signal"
msgstr "Señal"
#. Noise
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:29
-msgid "iwscan_noise"
+msgid "Noise"
msgstr "Ruido"
#. Routes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:30
-msgid "routes"
+msgid "Routes"
msgstr "Rutas"
#. Netmask
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:31
-msgid "routes_netmask"
+msgid "Netmask"
msgstr "Mascara de red"
#. Gateway
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:32
-msgid "routes_gateway"
+msgid "Gateway"
msgstr "Puerta de enlace"
#. Metric
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:33
-msgid "routes_metric"
+msgid "Metric"
msgstr "Métrica"
#. Here you can configure the basic aspects of your device like its hostname or the timezone.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:34
-msgid "a_s_desc"
+msgid "Here you can configure the basic aspects of your device like its hostname or the timezone."
msgstr ""
"Aquí puede configurar los aspectos básico de su dispositivo como su zona "
"horaria o hombre de host."
#. Software
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:35
-msgid "a_s_packages"
+msgid "Software"
msgstr "Software"
#. Admin Password
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:36
-msgid "a_s_changepw"
+msgid "Admin Password"
msgstr "Contraseña de Admin"
#. OPKG-Configuration
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:37
-msgid "a_s_p_ipkg"
+msgid "OPKG-Configuration"
msgstr "Configuración de OPKG"
#. <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:38
-msgid "a_s_sshkeys"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
msgstr "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys"
#. Mount Points
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:39
-msgid "a_s_fstab"
+msgid "Mount Points"
msgstr "Puntos de montaje"
#. Change settings related to the system itself, its identification, installed hard- and software, authentication or mount points.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:40
-msgid "a_s_i_system1"
+msgid "Change settings related to the system itself, its identification, installed hard- and software, authentication or mount points."
msgstr ""
"Cambiar los ajustes relacionados con el sistema en sí, su identificación, "
"hardware y software instalado, la autenticación o los puntos de montaje."
#. These settings define the base of your system.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:41
-msgid "a_s_i_system2"
+msgid "These settings define the base of your system."
msgstr "Estos valores definen la base de su sistema."
#. Pay attention as any misconfiguration here may prevent your device from booting or may lock yourself out of it.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:42
-msgid "a_s_i_system3"
+msgid "Pay attention as any misconfiguration here may prevent your device from booting or may lock yourself out of it."
msgstr ""
"Preste atención ya que cualquier mala configuración aqui'puede evitar que su "
"dispositivo se inicie o quede bloqueado permanentemente para su uso."
#. Interfaces
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:43
-msgid "a_s_if"
+msgid "Interfaces"
msgstr "Interfaces"
#. Bridge
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:44
-msgid "a_s_if_bridge"
+msgid "Bridge"
msgstr "Puente"
#. ID
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:45
-msgid "a_s_if_bridge_id"
+msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. Bridge Port
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:46
-msgid "a_s_if_bridge_port"
+msgid "Bridge Port"
msgstr "Puerto del puente"
#. STP
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:47
-msgid "a_s_if_bridge_stp"
+msgid "STP"
msgstr "STP"
#. Device
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:48
-msgid "a_s_if_device"
+msgid "Device"
msgstr "Dispositivo"
#. Ethernet Bridge
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:49
-msgid "a_s_if_ethbridge"
+msgid "Ethernet Bridge"
msgstr "Puente ethernet"
#. Ethernet Adapter
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:50
-msgid "a_s_if_ethdev"
+msgid "Ethernet Adapter"
msgstr "Adaptador ethernet"
#. Ethernet Switch
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:51
-msgid "a_s_if_ethswitch"
+msgid "Ethernet Switch"
msgstr "Switch ethernet"
#. Interface
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:52
-msgid "a_s_if_interface"
+msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interfaz"
#. IP Configuration
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:53
-msgid "a_s_if_ipconfig"
+msgid "IP Configuration"
msgstr "Configuración IP"
#. Alias
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:54
-msgid "a_s_if_ipconfig_alias"
+msgid "Alias"
msgstr "Alias"
#. DHCP assigned
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:55
-msgid "a_s_if_ipconfig_dhcp"
+msgid "DHCP assigned"
msgstr "DHCP asignado"
#. IPv6
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:56
-msgid "a_s_if_ipconfig_ipv6"
+msgid "IPv6"
msgstr "IPv6"
#. Not configured
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:57
-msgid "a_s_if_ipconfig_none"
+msgid "Not configured"
msgstr "No configurado"
#. Primary
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:58
-msgid "a_s_if_ipconfig_primary"
+msgid "Primary"
msgstr "Primario"
#. Channel
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:59
-msgid "a_s_if_iwchannel"
+msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Canal"
#. Mode
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:60
-msgid "a_s_if_iwmode"
+msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Modo"
#. Ad-Hoc
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:61
-msgid "a_s_if_iwmode_adhoc"
+msgid "Ad-Hoc"
msgstr "Ad-Hoc"
#. Pseudo Ad-Hoc
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:62
-msgid "a_s_if_iwmode_ahdemo"
+msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
msgstr "Pseudo Ad-Hoc"
#. Master
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:63
-msgid "a_s_if_iwmode_ap"
+msgid "Master"
msgstr "Master"
#. Master + WDS
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:64
-msgid "a_s_if_iwmode_apwds"
+msgid "Master + WDS"
msgstr "Master + WDS"
#. Client
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:65
-msgid "a_s_if_iwmode_sta"
+msgid "Client"
msgstr "Cliente"
#. Client + WDS
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:66
-msgid "a_s_if_iwmode_stawds"
+msgid "Client + WDS"
msgstr "Cliente + WDS"
#. WDS
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:67
-msgid "a_s_if_iwmode_wds"
+msgid "WDS"
msgstr "WDS"
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:68
-msgid "a_s_if_iwssid"
+msgid "SSID"
msgstr "SSID"
#. MAC
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:69
-msgid "a_s_if_mac"
+msgid "MAC"
msgstr "MAC"
#. Pkts.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:70
-msgid "a_s_if_pkts"
+msgid "Pkts."
msgstr "Paquetes."
#. Interface Status
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:71
-msgid "a_s_if_status"
+msgid "Interface Status"
msgstr "Interfaz de Estado "
#. Transfer
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:72
-msgid "a_s_if_transfer"
+msgid "Transfer"
msgstr "Transferencia"
#. RX
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:73
-msgid "a_s_if_transfer_rx"
+msgid "RX"
msgstr "RX"
#. TX
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:74
-msgid "a_s_if_transfer_tx"
+msgid "TX"
msgstr "TX"
#. Type
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:75
-msgid "a_s_if_type"
+msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:76
-msgid "a_s_if_vlan"
+msgid "VLAN"
msgstr "VLAN"
#. Ports
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:77
-msgid "a_s_if_vlanports"
+msgid "Ports"
msgstr "Puertos"
#. Wireless Adapter
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:78
-msgid "a_s_if_wifidev"
+msgid "Wireless Adapter"
msgstr "Adaptador inalámbrico"
#. Firewall
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:79
-msgid "a_s_ipt"
+msgid "Firewall"
msgstr "Corta fuego"
#. Actions
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:80
-msgid "a_s_ipt_actions"
+msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Acciones"
#. Traffic
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:81
-msgid "a_s_ipt_bytes"
+msgid "Traffic"
msgstr "Tráfico"
#. Chain
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:82
-msgid "a_s_ipt_chain"
+msgid "Chain"
msgstr "Cadena"
#. Destination
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:83
-msgid "a_s_ipt_destination"
+msgid "Destination"
msgstr "Destino"
#. Flags
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:84
-msgid "a_s_ipt_flags"
+msgid "Flags"
msgstr "Flags"
#. In
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:85
-msgid "a_s_ipt_inputif"
+msgid "In"
msgstr "Entrada"
#. No chains in this table
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:86
-msgid "a_s_ipt_nochains"
+msgid "No chains in this table"
msgstr "No hay cadenas in esta tabla"
#. No Rules in this chain
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:87
-msgid "a_s_ipt_norules"
+msgid "No Rules in this chain"
msgstr "No hay reglas en esta cadena"
#. Options
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:88
-msgid "a_s_ipt_options"
+msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opciones"
#. Out
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:89
-msgid "a_s_ipt_outputif"
+msgid "Out"
msgstr "Salida"
#. Packets
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:90
-msgid "a_s_ipt_packets"
+msgid "Packets"
msgstr "Paquetes"
#. Pkts.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:91
-msgid "a_s_ipt_pkts"
+msgid "Pkts."
msgstr "Paquetes."
#. Policy
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:92
-msgid "a_s_ipt_policy"
+msgid "Policy"
msgstr "Política"
#. Prot.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:93
-msgid "a_s_ipt_prot"
+msgid "Prot."
msgstr "Protocolo"
#. References
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:94
-msgid "a_s_ipt_references"
+msgid "References"
msgstr "Referencias"
#. Reset Counters
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:95
-msgid "a_s_ipt_reset"
+msgid "Reset Counters"
msgstr "Reiniciar contadores"
#. Restart Firewall
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:96
-msgid "a_s_ipt_restart"
+msgid "Restart Firewall"
msgstr "Reiniciar corta fuego"
#. #
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:97
-msgid "a_s_ipt_rulenum"
+msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
#. Source
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:98
-msgid "a_s_ipt_source"
+msgid "Source"
msgstr "Origen"
#. Firewall Status
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:99
-msgid "a_s_ipt_status"
+msgid "Firewall Status"
msgstr "Estado del corta fuego"
#. Table
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:100
-msgid "a_s_ipt_table"
+msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabla"
#. Target
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:101
-msgid "a_s_ipt_target"
+msgid "Target"
msgstr "Objetivo"
#. Perform Actions
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:102
-msgid "a_s_packages_do"
+msgid "Perform Actions"
msgstr "Ejectuar acciones"
#. Install
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:103
-msgid "a_s_packages_install"
+msgid "Install"
msgstr "Instalar"
#. Download and install package
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:104
-msgid "a_s_packages_installurl"
+msgid "Download and install package"
msgstr "Descargar e instalar paquete"
#. Edit package lists and installation targets
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:105
-msgid "a_s_packages_ipkg"
+msgid "Edit package lists and installation targets"
msgstr "Editar listas de paquetes de instalación y los objetivos "
#. Package name
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:106
-msgid "a_s_packages_name"
+msgid "Package name"
msgstr "Nombre del paquete"
#. Remove
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:107
-msgid "a_s_packages_remove"
+msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Desinstalar"
#. Find package
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:108
-msgid "a_s_packages_search"
+msgid "Find package"
msgstr "Buscar paquete"
#. Package lists updated
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:109
-msgid "a_s_packages_update"
+msgid "Package lists updated"
msgstr "Listas de paquetes actualizada"
#. Update package lists
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:110
-msgid "a_s_packages_updatelist"
+msgid "Update package lists"
msgstr "Acutlizar listas de paquetes"
#. Upgrade installed packages
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:111
-msgid "a_s_packages_upgrade"
+msgid "Upgrade installed packages"
msgstr "Actualizar los paquetes instalados"
#. Could not set default destination
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:112
-msgid "a_s_packages_code1"
+msgid "Could not set default destination"
msgstr "No es posible establecer el destino por defecto"
#. Error parsing config file
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:113
-msgid "a_s_packages_code2"
+msgid "Error parsing config file"
msgstr "Error al analizar el archivo de configuración"
#. Could not create temporary directory (ran out of space?)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:114
-msgid "a_s_packages_code3"
+msgid "Could not create temporary directory (ran out of space?)"
msgstr "No es posible crear el directorio temporal (se quedó sin espacio?) "
#. Could not get adminstrative lock (ran out of space?)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:115
-msgid "a_s_packages_code4"
+msgid "Could not get adminstrative lock (ran out of space?)"
msgstr ""
"No es posible obtener de bloqueo administrativo (se quedó sin espacio?) "
#. Unsatisfied Dependencies
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:116
-msgid "a_s_packages_code5"
+msgid "Unsatisfied Dependencies"
msgstr "Dependencias insatisfechas "
#. Refused to remove essential package
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:117
-msgid "a_s_packages_code6"
+msgid "Refused to remove essential package"
msgstr "No se puede eliminar un paquete esencial "
#. Package has dependents
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:118
-msgid "a_s_packages_code7"
+msgid "Package has dependents"
msgstr "Hay paquetes instalados que dependen de éste."
#. Package has no installation candidate (wrong name?)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:119
-msgid "a_s_packages_code8"
+msgid "Package has no installation candidate (wrong name?)"
msgstr ""
"La instalación del paquete no tiene ningún candidato (nombre equivocado?) "
#. Package has no available architecture
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:120
-msgid "a_s_packages_code9"
+msgid "Package has no available architecture "
msgstr ""
"El paquete no tiene una arquitectura disponible <span class=\"translation-"
"space\"> </ span> "
#. Package is not trusted
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:121
-msgid "a_s_packages_code10"
+msgid "Package is not trusted"
msgstr "El paquete no es de confianza "
#. Error while downloading
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:122
-msgid "a_s_packages_code11"
+msgid "Error while downloading"
msgstr "Error al descargar "
#. Conflicts with other packages
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:123
-msgid "a_s_packages_code12"
+msgid "Conflicts with other packages"
msgstr "Se produjeron conflictos con otros paquetes"
#. Package is already installed
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:124
-msgid "a_s_packages_code13"
+msgid "Package is already installed"
msgstr "El paquete ya se encuentra instalado"
#. Package has unresolved dependencies
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:125
-msgid "a_s_packages_code14"
+msgid "Package has unresolved dependencies"
msgstr "El paquete tien dependencias no resueltas"
#. Refused to downgrade package
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:126
-msgid "a_s_packages_code15"
+msgid "Refused to downgrade package"
msgstr "Se negó a bajar (de versión) el paquete "
#. Package manager ran out of space
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:127
-msgid "a_s_packages_code16"
+msgid "Package manager ran out of space"
msgstr "Gestor de paquetes se quedó sin espacio "
#. Bad signature while verifiying package
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:128
-msgid "a_s_packages_code17"
+msgid "Bad signature while verifiying package"
msgstr "Error en verificación del paquete, la firma no corresponde"
#. MD5 error while verifiying package
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:129
-msgid "a_s_packages_code18"
+msgid "MD5 error while verifiying package"
msgstr "Error MD5 al verificar el paquete "
#. Internal error occured
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:130
-msgid "a_s_packages_code19"
+msgid "Internal error occured"
msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error interno"
#. Package lists
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:131
-msgid "a_s_p_ipkg_pkglists"
+msgid "Package lists"
msgstr "Listas de paquetes"
#. Installation targets
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:132
-msgid "a_s_p_ipkg_targets"
+msgid "Installation targets"
msgstr "Destinos de instalación"
#. Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:133
-msgid "a_s_changepw1"
+msgid "Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)"
msgstr ""
"Cambiar la clave del administrador del sistema (Usuario <code>root</code>)"
#. Password successfully changed
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:134
-msgid "a_s_changepw_changed"
+msgid "Password successfully changed"
msgstr "Contraseña cambiada satisfactoriamente"
#. Error: Passwords do not match
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:135
-msgid "a_s_changepw_nomatch"
+msgid "Error: Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Error: Las claves ingresadas no coinciden"
#. Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys (one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key authentication.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:136
-msgid "a_s_sshkeys1"
+msgid "Here you can paste public <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Keys (one per line) for <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> public-key authentication."
msgstr ""
"Aquí puede pegar las claves públicas de <abbr title=\"Secure "
"Shell\">SSH</abbr> (una por línea) para la autenticación de claves públicas "
@@ -738,46 +738,46 @@ msgstr ""
#. Mount Points
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:137
-msgid "a_s_fstab_mountpoints"
+msgid "Mount Points"
msgstr "Puntos de montaje"
#. Mount Points define at which point a memory device will be attached to the filesystem
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:138
-msgid "a_s_fstab_mountpoints1"
+msgid "Mount Points define at which point a memory device will be attached to the filesystem"
msgstr ""
"Los puntos de montaje definen donde un dispositivo de memoria será adjuntado "
"al sistema de archivos"
#. Mounted file systems
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:139
-msgid "a_s_fstab_active"
+msgid "Mounted file systems"
msgstr "Sistemas de archivo montados"
#. Used
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:140
-msgid "a_s_fstab_used"
+msgid "Used"
msgstr "Usado"
#. Available
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:141
-msgid "a_s_fstab_avail"
+msgid "Available"
msgstr "Disponible"
#. Mount Point
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:142
-msgid "a_s_fstab_mountpoint"
+msgid "Mount Point"
msgstr "Punto de montaje"
#. The device file of the memory or partition (<abbr title=\"for example\">e.g.</abbr> <code>/dev/sda1</code>)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:143
-msgid "a_s_fstab_device1"
+msgid "The device file of the memory or partition (<abbr title=\"for example\">e.g.</abbr> <code>/dev/sda1</code>)"
msgstr ""
"El archivo de dispotivo de memoria o partición (<abbr title=\"Por "
"ejemplo\">e.j.</abbr> <code>/dev/sda1</code>)"
#. The filesystem that was used to format the memory (<abbr title=\"for example\">e.g.</abbr> <samp><abbr title=\"Third Extended Filesystem\">ext3</abbr></samp>)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:144
-msgid "a_s_fstab_fs1"
+msgid "The filesystem that was used to format the memory (<abbr title=\"for example\">e.g.</abbr> <samp><abbr title=\"Third Extended Filesystem\">ext3</abbr></samp>)"
msgstr ""
"El sistema de archivo que fue utilizado para dar formato a la memoria (<abbr "
"title=\"por ejemplo\">Ej.</abbr> <samp><abbr title=\"Third Extended "
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. If your physical memory is insufficient unused data can be temporarily swapped to a swap-device resulting in a higher amount of usable <abbr title=\"Random Access Memory\">RAM</abbr>. Be aware that swapping data is a very slow process as the swap-device cannot be accessed with the high datarates of the <abbr title=\"Random Access Memory\">RAM</abbr>.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:145
-msgid "a_s_fstab_swap1"
+msgid "If your physical memory is insufficient unused data can be temporarily swapped to a swap-device resulting in a higher amount of usable <abbr title=\"Random Access Memory\">RAM</abbr>. Be aware that swapping data is a very slow process as the swap-device cannot be accessed with the high datarates of the <abbr title=\"Random Access Memory\">RAM</abbr>."
msgstr ""
"Si la memoria física es insuficiente, los datos no utilizados pueden ser "
"intercambiado tempralmente en un dispositivo de intercambio (swap-device) "
@@ -797,64 +797,64 @@ msgstr ""
#. Reboots the operating system of your device
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:146
-msgid "a_s_reboot1"
+msgid "Reboots the operating system of your device"
msgstr "Reiniciar el sistema operativo de su dispositivo"
#. Perform reboot
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:147
-msgid "a_s_reboot_do"
+msgid "Perform reboot"
msgstr "Reiniciar..."
#. Please wait: Device rebooting...
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:148
-msgid "a_s_reboot_running"
+msgid "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
msgstr "Por favor espere. Reiniciando dispositivo ..."
#. Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:149
-msgid "a_s_reboot_u"
+msgid "Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!"
msgstr ""
"Advertencia: Hay cambios realizados que no han sido guardados, los mismos se "
"perderán mientras se reinicia!"
#. Changes applied.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:150
-msgid "a_s_applyreboot1"
+msgid "Changes applied."
msgstr "Cambios aplicados."
#. Backup / Restore
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:151
-msgid "a_s_backup"
+msgid "Backup / Restore"
msgstr "Backup / Restore"
#. Create backup
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:152
-msgid "a_s_backup_backup"
+msgid "Create backup"
msgstr "Crear copia de respaldo"
#. Backup Archive
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:153
-msgid "a_s_backup_archive"
+msgid "Backup Archive"
msgstr "Archivo de copia de seguridad"
#. Reset router to defaults
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:154
-msgid "a_s_backup_reset"
+msgid "Reset router to defaults"
msgstr "Reiniciar router a su configuración de fábrica"
#. Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:155
-msgid "a_s_backup_reset1"
+msgid "Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?"
msgstr "Proceder a configurar su router a los valores de fábrica?"
#. Restore backup
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:156
-msgid "a_s_backup_restore"
+msgid "Restore backup"
msgstr "Restaurar copia de seguridad"
#. Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if possible - reset the router to the default settings.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:157
-msgid "a_s_backup1"
+msgid "Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if possible - reset the router to the default settings."
msgstr ""
"Aquí puede realizar una copia de respaldo o bien restaurar la configuración "
"de su ruter y, si es posible, reiniciar el ruter a su configuración de "
@@ -862,22 +862,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. <abbr title=\"Hypertext Transfer Protocol\">HTTP</abbr>-Server
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:158
-msgid "a_srv_http"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Hypertext Transfer Protocol\">HTTP</abbr>-Server"
msgstr "Servidor <abbr title=\"Hypertext Transfer Protocol\">HTTP</abbr>"
#. <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Server
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:159
-msgid "a_srv_ssh"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>-Server"
msgstr "Servidor <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>"
#. Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:160
-msgid "a_srv_services1"
+msgid "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
msgstr "Los servicios y demonios ejecutan ciertas tareas en su dispositivo."
#. Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending e-mails, ...
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:161
-msgid "a_srv_services2"
+msgid "Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending e-mails, ..."
msgstr ""
"La mayoría de ellos son servidores de red, que ofrezcen un determinado "
"servicio para el dispositivo o la red como el acceso shell, servicio de "
@@ -886,58 +886,58 @@ msgstr ""
#. A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:162
-msgid "a_srv_http1"
+msgid "A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title=\"Lua Configuration Interface\">LuCI</abbr>."
msgstr ""
"Un pequeño servidor web que puede ser usado para servir <abbr title=\"Lua "
"configuración Interface\"> LuCI </ abbr>. "
#. Authentication Realm
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:163
-msgid "a_srv_http_authrealm"
+msgid "Authentication Realm"
msgstr "Autenticación Realm"
#. The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for protected pages.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:164
-msgid "a_srv_http_authrealm1"
+msgid "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for protected pages."
msgstr ""
"El nombre Realm el cual será mostrado en el símbolo de autenticación para "
"páginas protegidas. "
#. defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:165
-msgid "a_srv_http_config1"
+msgid "defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
msgstr "por defecto a <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>"
#. Document root
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:166
-msgid "a_srv_http_root"
+msgid "Document root"
msgstr "Raíz de documentos"
#. Enable Keep-Alive
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:167
-msgid "a_srv_http_keepalive"
+msgid "Enable Keep-Alive"
msgstr "Habilitar Keep-Alive"
#. Connection timeout
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:168
-msgid "a_srv_http_timeout"
+msgid "Connection timeout"
msgstr "Tiempo de conexión agotado"
#. Plugin path
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:169
-msgid "a_srv_http_path"
+msgid "Plugin path"
msgstr "Ruta del plugin"
#. A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve LuCI
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:170
-msgid "a_srv_lucittpd"
+msgid "A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve LuCI"
msgstr ""
"Un servidor web HTTP/1.1 liviano escrito en C y Lua, diseñado para servir "
#. Dropbear offers <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> network shell access and an integrated <abbr title=\"Secure Copy\">SCP</abbr> server
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:171
-msgid "a_srv_dropbear1"
+msgid "Dropbear offers <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> network shell access and an integrated <abbr title=\"Secure Copy\">SCP</abbr> server"
msgstr ""
"Dropbear ofrece acceso de red via el <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\"> SSH </ "
"abbr> y servidor de copia de archivos integrado <abbr title=\"Secure Copy\"> "
@@ -945,30 +945,30 @@ msgstr ""
#. Password authentication
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:172
-msgid "a_srv_d_pwauth"
+msgid "Password authentication"
msgstr "Autenticación de contraseña"
#. Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:173
-msgid "a_srv_d_pwauth1"
+msgid "Allow <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr> password authentication"
msgstr ""
"Permitir autenticación de conseña via <abbr title=\"Secure Shell\">SSH</abbr>"
#. Channel
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:174
-msgid "a_w_channel"
+msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Canal"
#. On this pages you can find configuration options for <abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr> based wireless networks.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:175
-msgid "a_w_wifi1"
+msgid "On this pages you can find configuration options for <abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr> based wireless networks."
msgstr ""
"En esta página podrá encontrar opciones de configuración para su(s) red(es) "
"inalámbrica(s) <abbr title=\"Wireless Local Area Network\">WLAN</abbr>"
#. You can easily integrate your 802.11a/b/g/n-devices into your physical network and use the virtual adapter support to build wireless repeaters or offer several networks with one device.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:176
-msgid "a_w_wifi2"
+msgid "You can easily integrate your 802.11a/b/g/n-devices into your physical network and use the virtual adapter support to build wireless repeaters or offer several networks with one device."
msgstr ""
"Fácilmente puede integrar sus dispositivos 802.11a/b/g/n dentro de su red "
"física y usar un adaptador virtual para crear repetidores u ofrecer redes "
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. There is support for Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc and <abbr title=\"Wireless Distribution System\">WDS</abbr> operating modes as well as <abbr title=\"Wi-Fi Protected Access\">WPA</abbr> and <abbr title=\"Wi-Fi Protected Access 2\">WPA2</abbr> encryption for secure communnication.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:177
-msgid "a_w_wifi3"
+msgid "There is support for Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc and <abbr title=\"Wireless Distribution System\">WDS</abbr> operating modes as well as <abbr title=\"Wi-Fi Protected Access\">WPA</abbr> and <abbr title=\"Wi-Fi Protected Access 2\">WPA2</abbr> encryption for secure communnication."
msgstr ""
"Se brinda soporte para operar en modo Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc y <abbr "
"title=\"Wireless Distribution System\">WDS</abbr> así también como "
@@ -985,42 +985,42 @@ msgstr ""
#. Here you can configure installed wifi devices.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:178
-msgid "a_w_devices1"
+msgid "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
msgstr "Aquí puede configurar los dispositivos Wi-Fi instalados."
#. Transmit Antenna
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:179
-msgid "a_w_txantenna"
+msgid "Transmit Antenna"
msgstr "Antena transmisora"
#. Receive Antenna
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:180
-msgid "a_w_rxantenna"
+msgid "Receive Antenna"
msgstr "Antena receptora"
#. Distance to furthest station (in meter)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:181
-msgid "a_w_distance1"
+msgid "Distance to furthest station (in meter)"
msgstr "Distancia de la estación mas alejada (en metros)"
#. Diversity
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:182
-msgid "a_w_diversity"
+msgid "Diversity"
msgstr "Diversidad"
#. Country Code
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:183
-msgid "a_w_countrycode"
+msgid "Country Code"
msgstr "Código de País"
#. Connection Limit
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:184
-msgid "a_w_connlimit"
+msgid "Connection Limit"
msgstr "Límite de conexión "
#. You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network simultaneously.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:185
-msgid "a_w_networks1"
+msgid "You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network simultaneously."
msgstr ""
"Puede correr varias redes Wi-Fi con un solo dispositivo. Tenga en cuenta que "
"hay restricciones que se aplican al propio hardware y al driver "
@@ -1029,97 +1029,97 @@ msgstr ""
#. Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</abbr>)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:186
-msgid "a_w_netid"
+msgid "Network Name (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</abbr>)"
msgstr ""
"Nombre de la red (<abbr title=\"Extended Service Set "
#. Add the Wifi network to physical network
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:187
-msgid "a_w_network1"
+msgid "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
msgstr "Añadir una red WiFi a la red física"
#. - Create new Network -
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:188
-msgid "a_w_netmanual"
+msgid " - Create new Network - "
msgstr ""
"<span class=\"translation-space\"> </span>\n"
"- Crear nueva red -<span class=\"translation-space\"> </span>\n"
#. Transmit Power
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:189
-msgid "a_w_txpwr"
+msgid "Transmit Power"
msgstr "Potencia de transmisión"
#. Broadcom Frameburst
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:190
-msgid "a_w_brcmburst"
+msgid "Broadcom Frameburst"
msgstr "Frameburst Broadcom"
# Frameburst = Punto de ruptura
#. Atheros Frameburst
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:191
-msgid "a_w_athburst"
+msgid "Atheros Frameburst"
msgstr "Frameburst Atheros"
#. RadiusServer
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:192
-msgid "a_w_radiussrv"
+msgid "RadiusServer"
msgstr "Servidor Radius"
#. Radius-Port
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:193
-msgid "a_w_radiusport"
+msgid "Radius-Port"
msgstr "Puerto servidor Radius"
#. AP-Isolation
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:194
-msgid "a_w_apisolation"
+msgid "AP-Isolation"
msgstr "Aislamiento AP"
#. Prevents Client to Client communication
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:195
-msgid "a_w_apisolation1"
+msgid "Prevents Client to Client communication"
msgstr "Impide la comunicación de cliente a cliente "
#. Hide <abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</abbr>
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:196
-msgid "a_w_hideessid"
+msgid "Hide <abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</abbr>"
msgstr "Ocultar <abbr title=\"Extended Service Set Identifier\">ESSID</abbr>"
#. Access Point
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:197
-msgid "a_w_ap"
+msgid "Access Point"
msgstr "Punto de Acceso"
#. Ad-Hoc
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:198
-msgid "a_w_adhoc"
+msgid "Ad-Hoc"
msgstr "Ad-Hoc"
#. Pseudo Ad-Hoc (ahdemo)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:199
-msgid "a_w_ahdemo"
+msgid "Pseudo Ad-Hoc (ahdemo)"
msgstr "Pseudo Ad-Hoc (ahdemo)"
#. Client
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:200
-msgid "a_w_client"
+msgid "Client"
msgstr "Cliente"
#. WDS
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:201
-msgid "a_w_wds"
+msgid "WDS"
msgstr "WDS"
#. Monitor
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:202
-msgid "a_w_monitor"
+msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "Monitor"
#. Dnsmasq is a combined <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Server and <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Forwarder for <abbr title=\"Network Address Translation\">NAT</abbr> firewalls
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:203
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_desc"
+msgid "Dnsmasq is a combined <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Server and <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Forwarder for <abbr title=\"Network Address Translation\">NAT</abbr> firewalls"
msgstr ""
"Dnsmasq es un software que combina un Servidor <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host "
"Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> y Reenviador <abbr title=\"Domain Name "
@@ -1128,12 +1128,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. Domain required
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:204
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_domainneeded"
+msgid "Domain required"
msgstr "Dominio requerido"
#. Don&#39;t forward <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Requests without <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Name
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:205
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_domainneeded_desc"
+msgid "Don't forward <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Requests without <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Name"
msgstr ""
"Hacer reenvío Don&amp;#39;t de peticiones de <abbr title=\"Domain Name "
"System\">DNS</abbr> sin un nombre de <abbr title=\"Domain Name "
@@ -1141,231 +1141,231 @@ msgstr ""
#. Authoritative
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:206
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_authoritative"
+msgid "Authoritative"
msgstr "Authoritative"
#. This is the only <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> in the local network
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:207
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_authoritative_desc"
+msgid "This is the only <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> in the local network"
msgstr ""
"Este es el único servidor <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration "
"Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> en la red de área local"
#. Filter private
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:208
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_boguspriv"
+msgid "Filter private"
msgstr "Filtro privado "
#. Don&#39;t forward reverse lookups for local networks
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:209
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_boguspriv_desc"
+msgid "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
msgstr "Hacer búqueda inversa para redes locales"
#. Filter useless
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:210
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_filterwin2k"
+msgid "Filter useless"
msgstr "Filtro inútil "
#. filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of Windows-systems
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:211
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_filterwin2k_desc"
+msgid "filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of Windows-systems"
msgstr ""
"filter useless <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-queries of "
#. Localise queries
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:212
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_localisequeries"
+msgid "Localise queries"
msgstr "Localización de las consultas "
#. localises the hostname depending on its subnet
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:213
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_localisequeries_desc"
+msgid "localises the hostname depending on its subnet"
msgstr "Localización de nombre de host dependiendo de su subred"
#. Local Server
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:214
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_local"
+msgid "Local Server"
msgstr "Servidor local"
#. Local Domain
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:215
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_domain"
+msgid "Local Domain"
msgstr "Dominio local"
#. Expand Hosts
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:216
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_expandhosts"
+msgid "Expand Hosts"
msgstr "Expandir hosts"
#. adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:217
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_expandhosts_desc"
+msgid "adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file"
msgstr "añadir nombre de dominios a entradas de host en el archivo resolv"
#. don&#39;t cache unknown
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:218
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_nonegcache"
+msgid "don't cache unknown"
msgstr "do cachear desconocido"
#. prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-replies
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:219
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_nonegcache_desc"
+msgid "prevents caching of negative <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-replies"
msgstr ""
"impedir cacheo de respuestas negativas de <abbr title=\"Domain Name "
#. Use <code>/etc/ethers</code>
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:220
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers"
+msgid "Use <code>/etc/ethers</code>"
msgstr "Usar <code>/etc/ethers</code>"
#. Read <code>/etc/ethers</code> to configure the <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Server
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:221
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers_desc"
+msgid "Read <code>/etc/ethers</code> to configure the <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Server"
msgstr ""
"Leer <code>/etc/ethers</code> para configurar el Servidor <abbr "
"title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>"
#. Leasefile
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:222
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_leasefile"
+msgid "Leasefile"
msgstr "Archivo \"lease\""
#. file where given <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-leases will be stored
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:223
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_leasefile_desc"
+msgid "file where given <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-leases will be stored"
msgstr ""
"archivo donde las direcciones dadas por el servidor <abbr title=\"Dynamic "
"Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> serán guardadas"
#. Resolvfile
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:224
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_resolvfile"
+msgid "Resolvfile"
msgstr "Archivo \"resolv\""
#. local <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> file
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:225
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_resolvfile_desc"
+msgid "local <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> file"
msgstr "Archvo <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> local"
#. Ignore <code>/etc/hosts</code>
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:226
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_nohosts"
+msgid "Ignore <code>/etc/hosts</code>"
msgstr "Ignorar <code>/etc/hosts</code>"
#. Strict order
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:227
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder"
+msgid "Strict order"
msgstr "Strict order"
#. <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in the order of the resolvfile
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:228
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder_desc"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in the order of the resolvfile"
msgstr ""
"El Servidor <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr> serán consultados de "
"acuerdo al orden explicitado en el archivo \"resolv\""
#. Log queries
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:229
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_logqueries"
+msgid "Log queries"
msgstr "Registrar consultas (LOG)"
#. Ignore resolve file
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:230
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_noresolv"
+msgid "Ignore resolve file"
msgstr "Iganorar archivo \"resolv\""
#. concurrent queries
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:231
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_dnsforwardmax"
+msgid "concurrent queries"
msgstr "consultas simultaneas"
#. <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:232
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_port"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-Port"
msgstr "Puerto <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>"
#. <abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> paket size
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:233
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_ednspacket_max"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Extension Mechanisms for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr> paket size"
msgstr ""
"Tamaño <abbr title=\"máximo\">máx.</abbr> de paquete <abbr title=\"Extension "
"Mechanisms for Domain Name System\">EDNS0</abbr>"
#. <abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:234
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_dhcpleasemax"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>-Leases"
msgstr ""
"<abbr title=\"maximal\">max.</abbr> <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration "
#. additional hostfile
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:235
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_addnhosts"
+msgid "additional hostfile"
msgstr "archivo de host adicional"
#. query port
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:236
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_queryport"
+msgid "query port"
msgstr "puerto de consulta"
#. Enable TFTP-Server
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:237
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_enabletftp"
+msgid "Enable TFTP-Server"
msgstr "Activar Servidor TFTP"
#. TFTP-Server Root
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:238
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_tftproot"
+msgid "TFTP-Server Root"
msgstr "Raíz del Servidor TFTP"
#. Network Boot Image
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:239
-msgid "dhcp_dnsmasq_dhcpboot"
+msgid "Network Boot Image"
msgstr "Imágen de inicio en red"
#. Switch
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:240
-msgid "a_n_switch"
+msgid "Switch"
msgstr "Switch"
#. Active Connections
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:241
-msgid "a_n_conntrack"
+msgid "Active Connections"
msgstr "Conexiones activas"
#. This page gives an overview over currently active network connections.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:242
-msgid "a_n_conntrack_desc"
+msgid "This page gives an overview over currently active network connections."
msgstr ""
"Esta brinda una descripción general acerca de la cantidad de conexiones "
"activas de red."
#. Routes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:243
-msgid "a_n_routes"
+msgid "Routes"
msgstr "Rutas"
#. IPv4 Routes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:244
-msgid "a_n_routes4"
+msgid "IPv4 Routes"
msgstr "Rutas IPv4"
#. IPv6 Routes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:245
-msgid "a_n_routes6"
+msgid "IPv6 Routes"
msgstr "Rutas IPv6"
#. In this area you find all network-related settings.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:246
-msgid "a_network1"
+msgid "In this area you find all network-related settings."
msgstr ""
"En este área encontrará todo lo relacionado a la configuración de la red"
#. On most routers the network switch can be freely configured and splitted up into several <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:247
-msgid "a_network2"
+msgid "On most routers the network switch can be freely configured and splitted up into several <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s."
msgstr ""
"en la mayoría de los ruteadores el switch de red puede configurarse "
"libremente y divirse en varias <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Interfaces and <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet\">PPPoE</abbr> / <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Settings allow a custom organisation of the network and connections to other networks like the internet.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:248
-msgid "a_network3"
+msgid "Interfaces and <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet\">PPPoE</abbr> / <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Settings allow a custom organisation of the network and connections to other networks like the internet."
msgstr ""
"La configuración de los protocolos <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Protocol over "
"Ethernet\">PPPoE</abbr> / <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling "
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> devices in your local network can be automatically configured for network communication.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:249
-msgid "a_network4"
+msgid "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> devices in your local network can be automatically configured for network communication."
msgstr ""
"Con el Servidor <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration "
"Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> los dispositivos en su red de área local pueden ser "
@@ -1390,14 +1390,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. Firewall and portforwarding can be used to secure your network while providing services to external networks.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:250
-msgid "a_network5"
+msgid "Firewall and portforwarding can be used to secure your network while providing services to external networks."
msgstr ""
"El corta fuego y el reenvío de puertos pueden ser configurados para asgurar "
"su red mientras se provee de servicios externos a la red."
#. The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local network.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:251
-msgid "a_n_switch1"
+msgid "The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can communicate directly with each other. <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local network."
msgstr ""
"Los puertos de red de su router pueden ser combinados en diferentes <abbr "
"title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr>s donde las computadoras "
@@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Ports belonging to a <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr> are separated with spaces. The port with the highest number (usually 5) is oftern the connection to the internal network interface of the router. On devices with 5 ports often the one with the lowest number (0) is the predefined Uplink port.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:252
-msgid "network_switch_desc"
+msgid "Ports belonging to a <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr> are separated with spaces. The port with the highest number (usually 5) is oftern the connection to the internal network interface of the router. On devices with 5 ports often the one with the lowest number (0) is the predefined Uplink port."
msgstr ""
"Los puertos pertenecientes a una <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area "
"Network\">VLAN</abbr> son separados por espacios. El puerto con el número mas "
@@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. On this page you can configure the network interfaces. You can bridge several interfaces by ticking the &quot;bridge interfaces&quot; field and enter the names of several network interfaces separated by spaces. You can also use <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr> notation <samp>INTERFACE.VLANNR</samp> (<abbr title=\"for example\">e.g.</abbr>: <samp>eth0.1</samp>).
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:253
-msgid "a_n_ifaces1"
+msgid "On this page you can configure the network interfaces. You can bridge several interfaces by ticking the \"bridge interfaces\" field and enter the names of several network interfaces separated by spaces. You can also use <abbr title=\"Virtual Local Area Network\">VLAN</abbr> notation <samp>INTERFACE.VLANNR</samp> (<abbr title=\"for example\">e.g.</abbr>: <samp>eth0.1</samp>)."
msgstr ""
"En esta página podrá configurar las interfaces de red. Puede hacer puentes "
"con diferentes interfaces, ingresando el nombre de las interfaces asociadas "
@@ -1429,25 +1429,25 @@ msgstr ""
#. Bridge interfaces
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:254
-msgid "a_n_i_bridge"
+msgid "Bridge interfaces"
msgstr "Puentear interfaces"
#. creates a bridge over specified interface(s)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:255
-msgid "a_n_i_bridge1"
+msgid "creates a bridge over specified interface(s)"
msgstr "crear un puente sobre la(s) interfaz/(ces) asociada(s)"
#. Enable <abbr title=\"Spanning Tree Protocol\">STP</abbr>
-msgid "a_n_i_stp"
+msgid "Enable <abbr title=\"Spanning Tree Protocol\">STP</abbr>"
msgstr "Activar <abbr title=\"Spanning Tree Protocol\">STP</abbr>"
#. Enables the Spanning Tree Protocol on this bridge
-msgid "a_n_i_stp1"
+msgid "Enables the Spanning Tree Protocol on this bridge"
msgstr "Activa STP en este puente"
#. With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...).
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:256
-msgid "dhcp_desc"
+msgid "With <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol\">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title=\"Domain Name System\">DNS</abbr>-server, ...)."
msgstr ""
"Con <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> miembros "
"de la red pueden automáticamente recibir su configuración (<abbr "
@@ -1456,81 +1456,81 @@ msgstr ""
#. Leasetime
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:257
-msgid "dhcp_dhcp_leasetime"
+msgid "Leasetime"
msgstr "Tiempo de \"lease\""
#. Dynamic <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:258
-msgid "dhcp_dhcp_dynamicdhcp"
+msgid "Dynamic <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>"
msgstr "Dynamic <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr>"
#. Ignore interface
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:259
-msgid "dhcp_dhcp_ignore"
+msgid "Ignore interface"
msgstr "Ignorar interfaz"
#. disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> for this interface
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:260
-msgid "dhcp_dhcp_ignore_desc"
+msgid "disable <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> for this interface"
msgstr ""
"desactivar <abbr title=\"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol\">DHCP</abbr> "
"para esta interfaz"
#. Force
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:261
-msgid "dhcp_dhcp_force"
+msgid "Force"
msgstr "Forzar"
#. first address (last octet)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:262
-msgid "dhcp_dhcp_start_desc"
+msgid "first address (last octet)"
msgstr "primer dirección (último octeto)"
#. number of leased addresses -1
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:263
-msgid "dhcp_dhcp_limit_desc"
+msgid "number of leased addresses -1"
msgstr "número de direcciones brindadas -1"
#. DHCP-Options
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:264
-msgid "dhcp_dhcp_dhcpoption"
+msgid "DHCP-Options"
msgstr "Opciones de DHCP"
#. See &quot;dnsmasq --help dhcp&quot; for a list of available options.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:265
-msgid "dhcp_dhcp_dhcpoption_desc"
+msgid "See \"dnsmasq --help dhcp\" for a list of available options."
msgstr ""
"Ver la ayuda &amp;quot;dnsmasq -- dhcp&amp;quot; para una lista de opciones "
#. Leases
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:266
-msgid "dhcp_leases"
+msgid "Leases"
msgstr "Brindadas"
#. Static Leases
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:267
-msgid "luci_ethers"
+msgid "Static Leases"
msgstr "Brindadas estáticamente"
#. Leasetime remaining
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:268
-msgid "dhcp_timeremain"
+msgid "Leasetime remaining"
msgstr "Tiempo de \"lease\" restante"
#. Active Leases
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:269
-msgid "dhcp_leases_active"
+msgid "Active Leases"
msgstr "\"Leases\" activas"
#. Point-to-Point Connections
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:270
-msgid "a_n_ptp"
+msgid "Point-to-Point Connections"
msgstr "Conexiones punto-a-punto"
#. Point-to-Point connections with <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet\">PPPoE</abbr> or <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr> are often used to connect a device over <abbr title=\"Digital Subscriber Line\">DSL</abbr> or similar technologies to an internet access point.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:271
-msgid "a_n_ptp1"
+msgid "Point-to-Point connections with <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet\">PPPoE</abbr> or <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr> are often used to connect a device over <abbr title=\"Digital Subscriber Line\">DSL</abbr> or similar technologies to an internet access point."
msgstr ""
"Las conexiones punto-a-punto los protocolos <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point "
"Protocol over Ethernet\">PPPoE</abbr> o <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling "
@@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. You need to install &quot;comgt&quot; for UMTS/GPRS, &quot;ppp-mod-pppoe&quot; for PPPoE, &quot;ppp-mod-pppoa&quot; for PPPoA or &quot;pptp&quot; for PPtP support
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:272
-msgid "network_interface_prereq"
+msgid "You need to install \"comgt\" for UMTS/GPRS, \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE, \"ppp-mod-pppoa\" for PPPoA or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
msgstr ""
"Es necesario instalar &amp;quot;comgt&amp;quot; para UMTS/GPRS, &amp;quot"
";ppp-mod-pppoe&amp;quot; para PPPoE, &amp;quot;ppp-mod-pppoa&amp;quot; para "
@@ -1548,674 +1548,674 @@ msgstr ""
#. You need to install &quot;ppp-mod-pppoe&quot; for PPPoE or &quot;pptp&quot; for PPtP support
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:273
-msgid "network_interface_prereq_mini"
+msgid "You need to install \"ppp-mod-pppoe\" for PPPoE or \"pptp\" for PPtP support"
msgstr ""
"Es necesario instalar &amp;quot;ppp-mod-pppoe&amp;quot; para PPPoE o "
"&amp;quot;pptp&amp;quot; para PPtP support"
#. <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:274
-msgid "network_interface_server"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
msgstr "Servidor <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>"
#. Automatic Disconnect
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:275
-msgid "network_interface_demand"
+msgid "Automatic Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconectar automáticamente"
#. Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:276
-msgid "network_interface_demand_desc"
+msgid "Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed"
msgstr "Tiempo (en segundos) luego de que una conexión no usada será cerrada"
#. Keep-Alive
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:277
-msgid "network_interface_keepalive"
+msgid "Keep-Alive"
msgstr "Mantener conectada"
#. Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:278
-msgid "network_interface_keepalive_desc"
+msgid "Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect"
msgstr ""
"Número de tests de conexión fallida para iniciar la reconexión automática"
#. Modem device
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:279
-msgid "network_interface_device"
+msgid "Modem device"
msgstr "Dispositivo de Modem"
#. The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:280
-msgid "network_interface_device_desc"
+msgid "The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0"
msgstr "El nodo de dispositivo de su modem, ej. /dev/ttyUSB0"
#. Replace default route
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:281
-msgid "network_interface_defaultroute"
+msgid "Replace default route"
msgstr "Reemplazar la ruta por defecto"
#. Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after successful connect
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:282
-msgid "network_interface_defaultroute_desc"
+msgid "Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after successful connect"
msgstr ""
"Permite que pppd reemplace la ruta por defecto actual para usar la interfaz "
"ppp como ruta por defecto luego de una conexión satisfactoria"
#. Use peer DNS
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:283
-msgid "network_interface_peerdns"
+msgid "Use peer DNS"
msgstr "Uso de pares de DNS "
#. Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the PPP peer
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:284
-msgid "network_interface_peerdns_desc"
+msgid "Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the PPP peer"
msgstr ""
"Configurar el servidor DNS local para usar servidores de nombre sugeridos "
"por el par PPP"
#. Enable IPv6 on PPP link
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:285
-msgid "network_interface_ipv6"
+msgid "Enable IPv6 on PPP link"
msgstr "Ativar IPv6 sobre enlace PPP"
#. Connect script
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:286
-msgid "network_interface_connect"
+msgid "Connect script"
msgstr "Script de conexión"
#. Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:287
-msgid "network_interface_connect_desc"
+msgid "Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link"
msgstr "Permite a pppd ejecutar este script luego de establecer un enlace PPP"
#. Disconnect script
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:288
-msgid "network_interface_disconnect"
+msgid "Disconnect script"
msgstr "Script de desconexión"
#. Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:289
-msgid "network_interface_disconnect_desc"
+msgid "Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link"
msgstr "Permite a pppd ejecutar este script antes de terminar el enlace PPP"
#. Additional pppd options
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:290
-msgid "network_interface_pppd_options"
+msgid "Additional pppd options"
msgstr "Opciones adicional de pppd"
#. Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:291
-msgid "network_interface_pppd_options_desc"
+msgid "Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here"
msgstr ""
"Especifique aquí argumentos adicionales para la línea de comando de pppd"
#. Access point (APN)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:292
-msgid "network_interface_apn"
+msgid "Access point (APN)"
msgstr "Punto de acceso (APN)"
#. PIN code
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:293
-msgid "network_interface_pincode"
+msgid "PIN code"
msgstr "Código PIN"
#. Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock your sim card!
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:294
-msgid "network_interface_pincode_desc"
+msgid "Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock your sim card!"
msgstr ""
"Asegurese de escribir correctamente el código pin aquí caso contrario "
"bloqueará su tarjeta sim!"
#. Service type
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:295
-msgid "network_interface_service"
+msgid "Service type"
msgstr "Tipo de servicio"
#. Setup wait time
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:296
-msgid "network_interface_maxwait"
+msgid "Setup wait time"
msgstr "Configurar tiempo de espera"
#. Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:297
-msgid "network_interface_maxwait_desc"
+msgid "Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect"
msgstr "Segundos a esperar al modem antes iniciar el intento de conexión"
#. PPPoA Encapsulation
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:298
-msgid "network_interface_encaps"
+msgid "PPPoA Encapsulation"
msgstr "Encapsulación PPPoA"
#. Routes specify over which interface and gateway a certain host or network can be reached.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:299
-msgid "a_n_r_routes1"
+msgid "Routes specify over which interface and gateway a certain host or network can be reached."
msgstr ""
"Rutas a especificar sobre qué interfaz y puerta de enlace cierto host o red "
"a la que se puede llegar. "
#. Static Routes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:300
-msgid "a_n_routes_static"
+msgid "Static Routes"
msgstr "Rutas estáticas"
#. Static IPv4 Routes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:301
-msgid "a_n_routes_static4"
+msgid "Static IPv4 Routes"
msgstr "Rutas estáticas IPv4"
#. Static IPv6 Routes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:302
-msgid "a_n_routes_static6"
+msgid "Static IPv6 Routes"
msgstr "Rutas estáticas IPv6"
#. Active <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Routes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:303
-msgid "a_n_routes_kernel4"
+msgid "Active <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Routes"
msgstr "Rutas <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr> activas"
#. Active <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Routes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:304
-msgid "a_n_routes_kernel6"
+msgid "Active <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Routes"
msgstr "Rutas <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr> activas"
#. Host-<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Address\">IP</abbr> or Network
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:305
-msgid "a_n_r_target1"
+msgid "Host-<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Address\">IP</abbr> or Network"
msgstr ""
"Dirección <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Address\">IP</abbr> de host o red"
#. <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address or Network (CIDR)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:306
-msgid "a_n_r_target6"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr>-Address or Network (CIDR)"
msgstr ""
"Dirección <abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 6\">IPv6</abbr> o (CIDR) de "
#. if target is a network
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:307
-msgid "a_n_r_netmask1"
+msgid "if target is a network"
msgstr "si el destino es una red"
#. Internet Connection
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:308
-msgid "m_n_inet"
+msgid "Internet Connection"
msgstr "Conexión a Internet "
#. Local Network
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:309
-msgid "m_n_local"
+msgid "Local Network"
msgstr "Red local"
#. Route
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:310
-msgid "m_n_route"
+msgid "Route"
msgstr "Ruta"
#. Bridge
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:311
-msgid "m_n_brdige"
+msgid "Bridge"
msgstr "Puente"
#. Provide (Access Point)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:312
-msgid "m_w_ap"
+msgid "Provide (Access Point)"
msgstr "Proporcionar (Punto de Acceso) "
#. Independent (Ad-Hoc)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:313
-msgid "m_w_adhoc"
+msgid "Independent (Ad-Hoc)"
msgstr "Independiente (ad hoc) "
#. Join (Client)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:314
-msgid "m_w_client"
+msgid "Join (Client)"
msgstr "Únete (Cliente) "
#. Distributed (<abbr title=\"Wireless Distribution System\">WDS</abbr>)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:315
-msgid "m_w_wds"
+msgid "Distributed (<abbr title=\"Wireless Distribution System\">WDS</abbr>)"
msgstr "Distribuído (<abbr title=\"Wireless Distribution System\">WDS</abbr>)"
#. Clientmode
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:316
-msgid "m_w_clientmode"
+msgid "Clientmode"
msgstr "Modo cliente"
#. System log buffer size
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:317
-msgid "system_system_logsize"
+msgid "System log buffer size"
msgstr "Tamaño del buffer del registro de sistema"
#. External system log server
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:318
-msgid "system_system_logip"
+msgid "External system log server"
msgstr "Servidor externo de registro de sistema"
#. Log output level
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:319
-msgid "system_system_conloglevel"
+msgid "Log output level"
msgstr "Nivel de salida del registro"
#. Level of log messages on the console
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:320
-msgid "system_system_conloglevel_desc"
+msgid "Level of log messages on the console"
msgstr "Nivel de mensajes de registro en la consola "
#. Processor
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:321
-msgid "m_i_processor"
+msgid "Processor"
msgstr "Procesador"
#. Memory
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:322
-msgid "m_i_memory"
+msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Memoria"
#. Local Time
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:323
-msgid "m_i_systemtime"
+msgid "Local Time"
msgstr "Hora local"
#. Uptime
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:324
-msgid "m_i_uptime"
+msgid "Uptime"
msgstr "Tiempo de actividad "
#. First leased address
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:325
-msgid "m_n_d_firstaddress"
+msgid "First leased address"
msgstr "Primer dirección otorgada"
#. Number of leased addresses
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:326
-msgid "m_n_d_numleases"
+msgid "Number of leased addresses"
msgstr "Número de direcciones otorogada"
#. Routing table
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:327
-msgid "routingtable"
+msgid "Routing table"
msgstr "Tabla de enrutamiento "
#. Wifi scan
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:328
-msgid "wlanscan"
+msgid "Wifi scan"
msgstr "Wifi scan"
#. Frequency
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:329
-msgid "frequency"
+msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Frecuencia"
#. Power
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:330
-msgid "power"
+msgid "Power"
msgstr "Potencia"
#. Noise
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:331
-msgid "noise"
+msgid "Noise"
msgstr "Ruído"
#. Signal
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:332
-msgid "signal"
+msgid "Signal"
msgstr "Señal"
#. Link
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:333
-msgid "link"
+msgid "Link"
msgstr "Enlace"
#. <abbr title=\"Fragmentation\">Frag.</abbr>
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:334
-msgid "frag"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Fragmentation\">Frag.</abbr>"
msgstr "<abbr title=\"Fragmentación\">Frag.</abbr>"
#. <abbr title=\"Request To Send\">RTS</abbr>
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:335
-msgid "rts"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Request To Send\">RTS</abbr>"
msgstr "<abbr title=\"Request To Send\">RTS</abbr>"
#. Bitrate
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:336
-msgid "bitrate"
+msgid "Bitrate"
msgstr "Bitrate"
#. automatically reconnect
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:337
-msgid "m_n_keepalive"
+msgid "automatically reconnect"
msgstr "reconectar automáticamente"
#. disconnect when idle for
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:338
-msgid "m_n_dialondemand"
+msgid "disconnect when idle for"
msgstr "desconecte cuando esté inactivo durante "
#. <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:339
-msgid "m_n_pptp_server"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>-Server"
msgstr "Servidor <abbr title=\"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol\">PPTP</abbr>"
#. <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> Configuration
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:340
-msgid "leds"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> Configuration"
msgstr "Configuración de <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr>s"
#. Customizes the behaviour of the device <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr>s if possible.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:341
-msgid "leds_desc"
+msgid "Customizes the behaviour of the device <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr>s if possible."
msgstr ""
"Personaliza el comportamiento de los <abbr title=\"Light Emitting "
"Diode\">LED</abbr>s del dispositivo, si es posible."
#. <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> Name
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:342
-msgid "system_led_name"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> Name"
msgstr "Nombre del <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr>"
#. <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> Device
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:343
-msgid "system_led_sysfs"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> Device"
msgstr "Disposito del <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr>"
#. Default state
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:344
-msgid "system_led_default"
+msgid "Default state"
msgstr "Estado por defecto"
#. ticked = on
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:345
-msgid "system_led_default_desc"
+msgid "ticked = on"
msgstr "marcado = encendido"
#. Trigger
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:346
-msgid "system_led_trigger"
+msgid "Trigger"
msgstr "Desencadenar "
#. None
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:347
-msgid "system_led_trigger_none"
+msgid "None"
msgstr "Ninguno"
#. Default On
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:348
-msgid "system_led_trigger_defaulton"
+msgid "Default On"
msgstr "Encendido por defecto"
#. Timer
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:349
-msgid "system_led_trigger_timer"
+msgid "Timer"
msgstr "Temporizador "
#. Heartbeat (Load Average)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:350
-msgid "system_led_trigger_heartbeat"
+msgid "Heartbeat (Load Average)"
msgstr "Latido del corazón (carga media) "
#. Network Device
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:351
-msgid "system_led_trigger_netdev"
+msgid "Network Device"
msgstr "Dispositivo de red"
#. Off-State Delay
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:352
-msgid "system_led_delayoff"
+msgid "Off-State Delay"
msgstr "Retardo de Off-State"
#. Time (in ms) the <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> is off
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:353
-msgid "system_led_delayoff_desc"
+msgid "Time (in ms) the <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> is off"
msgstr ""
"Tiempo (en ms) en el cual el <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> "
"permanece apagado"
#. On-State Delay
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:354
-msgid "system_led_delayon"
+msgid "On-State Delay"
msgstr "Retardo de On-State"
#. Time (in ms) the <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> is on
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:355
-msgid "system_led_delayon_desc"
+msgid "Time (in ms) the <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> is on"
msgstr ""
"Tiempo (en ms) en el cual el <abbr title=\"Light Emitting Diode\">LED</abbr> "
"permanece encendido"
#. Device
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:356
-msgid "system_led_dev"
+msgid "Device"
msgstr "Dispositivo"
#. Trigger Mode
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:357
-msgid "system_led_mode"
+msgid "Trigger Mode"
msgstr "Modo de activación "
#. Link On
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:358
-msgid "system_led_mode_link"
+msgid "Link On"
msgstr "Link On"
#. Transmit
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:359
-msgid "system_led_mode_tx"
+msgid "Transmit"
msgstr "Transmitir"
#. Receive
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:360
-msgid "system_led_mode_rx"
+msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Recibir "
#. Active
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:361
-msgid "network_interface_up"
+msgid "Active"
msgstr "Activo"
#. <abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>-Address
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:362
-msgid "network_interface_hwaddr"
+msgid "<abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>-Address"
msgstr "Dirección <abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>"
#. Hardware Address
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:363
-msgid "network_interface_hwaddr_desc"
+msgid "Hardware Address"
msgstr "Dirección de Hardware"
#. Traffic
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:364
-msgid "network_interface_txrx"
+msgid "Traffic"
msgstr "Tráfico"
#. transmitted / received
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:365
-msgid "network_interface_txrx_desc"
+msgid "transmitted / received"
msgstr "transmitido / recibido"
#. Errors
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:366
-msgid "network_interface_err"
+msgid "Errors"
msgstr "Errores"
#. TX / RX
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:367
-msgid "network_interface_err_desc"
+msgid "TX / RX"
msgstr "Tx / Rx"
#. Create / Assign firewall-zone
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:368
-msgid "network_interface_fwzone"
+msgid "Create / Assign firewall-zone"
msgstr "Crear / Asignar zona de seguridad "
#. This interface does not belong to any firewall zone yet.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:369
-msgid "network_interface_fwzone_desc"
+msgid "Choose the firewall zone you want to assign to this interface. Select <em>unspecified</em> to remove the interface from the associated zone or fill out the <em>create</em> field to define a new zone and attach the interface to it."
msgstr "Esta interfaz no pertenece a ninguna zona del corta fuego aún."
#. Processes
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:370
-msgid "process_head"
+msgid "Processes"
msgstr "Procesos"
#. This list gives an overview over currently running system processes and their status.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:371
-msgid "process_descr"
+msgid "This list gives an overview over currently running system processes and their status."
msgstr ""
"Esta lista brinda un pantallaso general acerca de los procesos de sistema "
"que se encuentra ejecutando actualmente y su estado relacionado."
#. PID
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:372
-msgid "process_pid"
+msgid "PID"
msgstr "PID"
#. Owner
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:373
-msgid "process_owner"
+msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Dueño"
#. Command
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:374
-msgid "process_command"
+msgid "Command"
msgstr "Comando"
#. CPU usage (%)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:375
-msgid "process_cpu"
+msgid "CPU usage (%)"
msgstr "Uso de la CPU (%)"
#. Memory usage (%)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:376
-msgid "process_mem"
+msgid "Memory usage (%)"
msgstr "Uso de la Memoria (%)"
#. Hang Up
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:377
-msgid "process_hup"
+msgid "Hang Up"
msgstr "Colgar"
#. Terminate
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:378
-msgid "process_term"
+msgid "Terminate"
msgstr "Terminar"
#. Kill
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:379
-msgid "process_kill"
+msgid "Kill"
msgstr "Matar"
#. cached
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:380
-msgid "mem_cached"
+msgid "cached"
msgstr "en caché "
#. buffered
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:381
-msgid "mem_buffered"
+msgid "buffered"
msgstr "buffered"
#. free
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:382
-msgid "mem_free"
+msgid "free"
msgstr "libre"
#. Scheduled Tasks
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:383
-msgid "a_s_crontab"
+msgid "Scheduled Tasks"
msgstr "Tareas programadas"
#. This is the system crontab in which scheduled tasks can be defined.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:384
-msgid "a_s_crontab1"
+msgid "This is the system crontab in which scheduled tasks can be defined."
msgstr ""
"Este es el crontab del sistema en el que las tareas programadas son "
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:385
-msgid "a_w_nasid"
+msgid "NAS ID"
msgstr "NAS ID"
#. Path to CA-Certificate
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:386
-msgid "a_w_cacert"
+msgid "Path to CA-Certificate"
msgstr "Ruta al Certificado CA"
#. EAP-Method
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:387
-msgid "a_w_eaptype"
+msgid "EAP-Method"
msgstr "Método EAP"
#. Path to Private Key
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:388
-msgid "a_w_tlsprivkey"
+msgid "Path to Private Key"
msgstr "Ruta a la Clave Privada"
#. Password of Private Key
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:389
-msgid "a_w_tlsprivkeypwd"
+msgid "Password of Private Key"
msgstr "Contraseña de la Clave Privada"
#. Authentication
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:390
-msgid "a_w_peapauth"
+msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Autenticación"
#. Identity
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:391
-msgid "a_w_peapidentity"
+msgid "Identity"
msgstr "Identidad"
#. Password
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:392
-msgid "a_w_peappassword"
+msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contraseña"
#. Create Network
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:393
-msgid "a_w_create"
+msgid "Create Network"
msgstr "Crear red"
#. Hostnames
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:394
-msgid "hostnames"
+msgid "Hostnames"
msgstr "Nombres de host"
#. Host entries
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:395
-msgid "hostnames_entries"
+msgid "Host entries"
msgstr "Entradas de host"
#. Hostname
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:396
-msgid "hostnames_hostname"
+msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Nombre de host"
#. IP address
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:397
-msgid "hostnames_address"
+msgid "IP address"
msgstr "Dirección IP"
#. Clamp Segment Size
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:398
-msgid "m_n_mssfix"
+msgid "Clamp Segment Size"
msgstr "Tamaño del segmento de la abrazadera"
#. Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other unexpected behaviour for some ISPs.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:399
-msgid "m_n_mssfix_desc"
+msgid "Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other unexpected behaviour for some ISPs."
msgstr ""
"Correge problemas con los sitios web inaccesibles, envío de formularios o "
"una conducta inesperada para algunos proveedores de servicios de Internet."
#. Flash Firmware
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:400
-msgid "admin_upgrade"
+msgid "Flash Firmware"
msgstr "Flash Firmware"
#. The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:401
-msgid "admin_upgrade_badimage"
+msgid "The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform."
msgstr ""
"El archivo con la imágen del firmware subido, presenta un formato de archivo "
"no soportado. Asegurese de haber elegido una imágen genérica para su "
@@ -2223,34 +2223,34 @@ msgstr ""
#. Checksum
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:402
-msgid "admin_upgrade_checksum"
+msgid "Checksum"
msgstr "Checksum"
#. Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:403
-msgid "admin_upgrade_desc"
+msgid "Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device."
msgstr ""
"Subir un archivo de imágen de OpenWrt o derivado para re-flashear el "
#. Size
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:404
-msgid "admin_upgrade_filesize"
+msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"
#. Firmware image
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:405
-msgid "admin_upgrade_fwimage"
+msgid "Firmware image"
msgstr "Imágen del firmware"
#. Keep configuration files
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:406
-msgid "admin_upgrade_keepcfg"
+msgid "Keep configuration files"
msgstr "Mantener archivos de configuración"
#. Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> You need to manually flash your device.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:407
-msgid "admin_upgrade_nosupport"
+msgid "Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> You need to manually flash your device."
msgstr ""
"Lo lamento. OpenWrt y derivados no permite la actualización de esta "
"plataforma. <br /> Para poder flashear este dispositivo deberá hacerlo en "
@@ -2258,7 +2258,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. The system is flashing now.<br /> DO NOT POWER OFF THE DEVICE!<br /> Wait a few minutes until you try to reconnect. It might be necessary to renew the address of your computer to reach the device again, depending on your settings.
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:408
-msgid "admin_upgrade_running"
+msgid "The system is flashing now.<br /> DO NOT POWER OFF THE DEVICE!<br /> Wait a few minutes until you try to reconnect. It might be necessary to renew the address of your computer to reach the device again, depending on your settings."
msgstr ""
"El sistema está siendo flasheado.<br /> NO APAGUE EL DISPOSITIVO!<br /> "
"Espere unos minutos antes de intentar reconectarse. Posiblemente sea "
@@ -2267,21 +2267,21 @@ msgstr ""
#. (%s available)
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:409
-msgid "admin_upgrade_spaceavail"
+msgid " (%s available)"
msgstr ""
"<span class=\"translation-space\"> </span>\n"
"(%s disponible)"
#. It appears that you try to flash an image that does not fit into the flash memory, please verify the image file!
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:410
-msgid "admin_upgrade_toolarge"
+msgid "It appears that you try to flash an image that does not fit into the flash memory, please verify the image file!"
msgstr ""
"Aparentemente está intentando flashear con una imágen de firmware que no "
"entra en la memoria flash de su equipo, por favor verifique el archivo!"
#. Upload image
#: i18n/english/luasrc/i18n/admin-core.en.lua:411
-msgid "admin_upgrade_upload"
+msgid "Upload image"
msgstr "Subir imágen"
#. The flash image was uploaded. Below is the checksum and file size listed, compare them with the original file to ensure data integrity.<br /> Click \"Proceed\" below to start the flash procedure.