path: root/modules
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2010-11-07 23:31:19 +0000
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2010-11-07 23:31:19 +0000
commitcb3caa6e3087380291a7fee8ca05d35d89744f27 (patch)
treebb3823948d5af39fb1a81043355eaceeed0fa982 /modules
parente910619bbd67fe259ae5c709bbc78b7fd256fe84 (diff)
modules/admin-full: live status, validation for dhcp leases
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
3 files changed, 147 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/modules/admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/network.lua b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/network.lua
index 9492e11d77..a6324f427d 100644
--- a/modules/admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/network.lua
+++ b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/controller/admin/network.lua
@@ -87,6 +87,9 @@ function index() = cbi("admin_network/dhcpleases")
page.title = i18n("DHCP Leases")
page.order = 30
+ page = entry({"admin", "network", "dhcplease_status"}, call("lease_status"), nil)
+ page.leaf = true
page = node("admin", "network", "hosts")
@@ -249,3 +252,43 @@ function wifi_status()
luci.http.status(404, "No such device")
+function lease_status()
+ local rv = { }
+ local leasefile = "/var/dhcp.leases"
+ local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor()
+ local nfs = require "nixio.fs"
+ uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq",
+ function(s)
+ if s.leasefile and nfs.access(s.leasefile) then
+ leasefile = s.leasefile
+ return false
+ end
+ end)
+ local fd =, "r")
+ if fd then
+ while true do
+ local ln = fd:read("*l")
+ if not ln then
+ break
+ else
+ local ts, mac, ip, name = ln:match("^(%d+) (%S+) (%S+) (%S+)")
+ if ts and mac and ip and name then
+ rv[#rv+1] = {
+ expires = os.difftime(tonumber(ts) or 0, os.time()),
+ macaddr = mac,
+ ipaddr = ip,
+ hostname = (name ~= "*") and name
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ fd:close()
+ end
+ luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
+ luci.http.write_json(rv)
diff --git a/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/dhcpleases.lua b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/dhcpleases.lua
index 70b49d7fa4..3f631b38b9 100644
--- a/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/dhcpleases.lua
+++ b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/model/cbi/admin_network/dhcpleases.lua
@@ -12,49 +12,14 @@ You may obtain a copy of the License at
-local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor()
local sys = require "luci.sys"
-local wa = require ""
-local fs = require "nixio.fs"
m2 = Map("dhcp", translate("DHCP Leases"),
translate("Static leases are used to assign fixed IP addresses and symbolic hostnames to " ..
"DHCP clients. They are also required for non-dynamic interface configurations where " ..
"only hosts with a corresponding lease are served."))
-local leasefn, leasefp, leases
-uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq",
- function(section)
- leasefn = section.leasefile
- end
-local leasefp = leasefn and fs.access(leasefn) and io.lines(leasefn)
-if leasefp then
- leases = {}
- for lease in leasefp do
- table.insert(leases, luci.util.split(lease, " "))
- end
-if leases then
- v = m2:section(Table, leases, translate("Active Leases"))
- name = v:option(DummyValue, 4, translate("Hostname"))
- function name.cfgvalue(self, ...)
- local value = DummyValue.cfgvalue(self, ...)
- return (value == "*") and "?" or value
- end
- ip = v:option(DummyValue, 3, translate("<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Address"))
- mac = v:option(DummyValue, 2, translate("<abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>-Address"))
- ltime = v:option(DummyValue, 1, translate("Leasetime remaining"))
- function ltime.cfgvalue(self, ...)
- local value = DummyValue.cfgvalue(self, ...)
- return wa.date_format(os.difftime(tonumber(value), os.time()))
- end
+m2:section(SimpleSection).template = "admin_network/lease_status"
s = m2:section(TypedSection, "host", translate("Static Leases"),
translate("Use the <em>Add</em> Button to add a new lease entry. The <em>MAC-Address</em> " ..
@@ -66,8 +31,13 @@ s.anonymous = true
s.template = "cbi/tblsection"
name = s:option(Value, "name", translate("Hostname"))
mac = s:option(Value, "mac", translate("<abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>-Address"))
+mac.datatype = "macaddr"
ip = s:option(Value, "ip", translate("<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Address"))
+ip.datatype = "ip4addr"
ip:value(entry["IP address"])
@@ -76,5 +46,5 @@
return m2
diff --git a/modules/admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/lease_status.htm b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/lease_status.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9555d14371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/admin-full/luasrc/view/admin_network/lease_status.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
+ var stxhr = new XHR();
+ (function() {
+ stxhr.get('<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "network", "dhcplease_status")%>', null,
+ function(x)
+ {
+ var st = x.responseText ? eval('(' + x.responseText + ')') : null;
+ var tb = document.getElementById('lease_status_table');
+ if (st && tb)
+ {
+ /* clear all rows */
+ while( tb.rows.length > 1 )
+ tb.rows[1].parentNode.removeChild(tb.rows[1]);
+ for( var i = 0; i < st.length; i++ )
+ {
+ var timestr;
+ if (st[i].expires <= 0)
+ {
+ timestr = '<em><%:expired%></em>';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var d = 0;
+ var h = 0;
+ var m = 0;
+ var s = st[i].expires;
+ if (s > 60) {
+ m = Math.floor(s / 60);
+ s = (s % 60);
+ }
+ if (m > 60) {
+ h = Math.floor(m / 60);
+ m = (m % 60);
+ }
+ if (h > 24) {
+ d = Math.floor(h / 24);
+ h = (h % 24);
+ }
+ timestr = (d > 0)
+ ? String.format('%dd %dh %dm %ds', d, h, m, s)
+ : String.format('%dh %dm %ds', h, m, s);
+ }
+ var tr = document.createElement('tr');
+ tr.className = 'cbi-section-table-row cbi-rowstyle-' + ((i % 2) + 1);
+ tr.innerHTML = String.format(
+ '<td class="cbi-section-table-cell">%s</td>' +
+ '<td class="cbi-section-table-cell">%s</td>' +
+ '<td class="cbi-section-table-cell">%s</td>' +
+ '<td class="cbi-section-table-cell">%s</td>',
+ st[i].hostname ? st[i].hostname : '?',
+ st[i].ipaddr,
+ st[i].macaddr,
+ timestr
+ );
+ tb.rows[0].parentNode.appendChild(tr);
+ }
+ if( tb.rows.length == 1 )
+ {
+ var tr = document.createElement('tr');
+ tr.className = 'cbi-section-table-row';
+ tr.innerHTML = '<td colspan="5"><em><br /><%:There are no active leases.%></em></td>';
+ tb.rows[0].parentNode.appendChild(tr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ window.setTimeout(arguments.callee, 5000);
+ })();
+<fieldset class="cbi-section">
+ <legend><%:Active Leases%></legend>
+ <table class="cbi-section-table" id="lease_status_table">
+ <tr class="cbi-section-table-titles">
+ <th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:Hostname%></th>
+ <th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:IPv4-Address%></th>
+ <th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:MAC-Address%></th>
+ <th class="cbi-section-table-cell"><%:Leasetime remaining%></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="cbi-section-table-row">
+ <td colspan="5"><em><br /><%:Collecting data...%></em></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>