path: root/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2018-11-21 20:04:55 +0100
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2018-11-22 12:49:14 +0100
commit84d50a604493a492c1cf836eccd349da66216e14 (patch)
treed7252131f01aaf94622e68b20492931b66301837 /modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view
parentb8e341c20ef88136180c95e3b2db9adf299eaf62 (diff)
luci-mod-system: move password and sshkey JS code into external files
Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view')
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view/admin_system/password.htm b/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view/admin_system/password.htm
index db35fb01e8..09cea4f74a 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view/admin_system/password.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view/admin_system/password.htm
@@ -1,40 +1,5 @@
-<script type="application/javascript">//<![CDATA[
- function submitPassword(ev) {
- var pw1 = document.body.querySelector('[name="pw1"]'),
- pw2 = document.body.querySelector('[name="pw2"]');
- if (!pw1.value.length || !pw2.value.length)
- return;
- if (pw1.value === pw2.value) {
- showModal('<%:Change login password%>',
- E('p', { class: 'spinning' }, '<%:Changing password…%>'));
- (new XHR()).post('<%=url("admin/system/admin/password/json")%>',
- { token: '<%=token%>', password: pw1.value },
- function() {
- showModal('<%:Change login password%>', [
- E('div', _('The system password has been successfully changed.')),
- E('div', { 'class': 'right' },
- E('div', { class: 'btn', click: hideModal }, '<%:Dismiss%>'))
- ]);
- pw1.value = pw2.value = '';
- });
- }
- else {
- showModal('<%:Change login password%>', [
- E('div', { class: 'alert-message warning' },
- _('Given password confirmation did not match, password not changed!')),
- E('div', { 'class': 'right' },
- E('div', { class: 'btn', click: hideModal }, '<%:Dismiss%>'))
- ]);
- }
- }
<input type="password" aria-hidden="true" style="position:absolute; left:-10000px" />
<div class="cbi-map">
@@ -67,4 +32,6 @@
<button class="btn cbi-button-apply" onclick="submitPassword(event)"><%:Save%></button>
+<script type="application/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/view/system/password.js"></script>
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view/admin_system/sshkeys.htm b/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view/admin_system/sshkeys.htm
index acf008adf3..77efa11a0f 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view/admin_system/sshkeys.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-system/luasrc/view/admin_system/sshkeys.htm
@@ -6,224 +6,6 @@
-<script type="application/javascript">//<![CDATA[
- SSHPubkeyDecoder.prototype = {
- lengthDecode: function(s, off)
- {
- var l = (s.charCodeAt(off++) << 24) |
- (s.charCodeAt(off++) << 16) |
- (s.charCodeAt(off++) << 8) |
- s.charCodeAt(off++);
- if (l < 0 || (off + l) > s.length)
- return -1;
- return l;
- },
- decode: function(s)
- {
- var parts = s.split(/\s+/);
- if (parts.length < 2)
- return null;
- var key = null;
- try { key = atob(parts[1]); } catch(e) {}
- if (!key)
- return null;
- var off, len;
- off = 0;
- len = this.lengthDecode(key, off);
- if (len <= 0)
- return null;
- var type = key.substr(off + 4, len);
- if (type !== parts[0])
- return null;
- off += 4 + len;
- var len1 = off < key.length ? this.lengthDecode(key, off) : 0;
- if (len1 <= 0)
- return null;
- var curve = null;
- if (type.indexOf('ecdsa-sha2-') === 0) {
- curve = key.substr(off + 4, len1);
- if (!len1 || type.substr(11) !== curve)
- return null;
- type = 'ecdsa-sha2';
- curve = curve.replace(/^nistp(\d+)$/, 'NIST P-$1');
- }
- off += 4 + len1;
- var len2 = off < key.length ? this.lengthDecode(key, off) : 0;
- if (len2 < 0)
- return null;
- if (len1 & 1)
- len1--;
- if (len2 & 1)
- len2--;
- var comment = parts.slice(2).join(' '),
- fprint = parts[1].length > 68 ? parts[1].substr(0, 33) + '…' + parts[1].substr(-34) : parts[1];
- switch (type)
- {
- case 'ssh-rsa':
- return { type: 'RSA', bits: len2 * 8, comment: comment, fprint: fprint };
- case 'ssh-dss':
- return { type: 'DSA', bits: len1 * 8, comment: comment, fprint: fprint };
- case 'ssh-ed25519':
- return { type: 'ECDH', curve: 'Curve25519', comment: comment, fprint: fprint };
- case 'ecdsa-sha2':
- return { type: 'ECDSA', curve: curve, comment: comment, fprint: fprint };
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- };
- function SSHPubkeyDecoder() {}
- function renderKeys(keys) {
- var list = document.querySelector('.cbi-dynlist[name="sshkeys"]'),
- decoder = new SSHPubkeyDecoder();
- while (!matchesElem(list.firstElementChild, '.add-item'))
- list.removeChild(list.firstElementChild);
- keys.forEach(function(key) {
- var pubkey = decoder.decode(key);
- if (pubkey)
- list.insertBefore(E('div', {
- class: 'item',
- click: removeKey,
- 'data-key': key
- }, [
- E('strong', pubkey.comment || _('Unnamed key')), E('br'),
- E('small', [
- '%s, %s'.format(pubkey.type, pubkey.curve || _('%d Bit').format(pubkey.bits)),
- E('br'), E('code', pubkey.fprint)
- ])
- ]), list.lastElementChild);
- });
- if (list.firstElementChild === list.lastElementChild)
- list.insertBefore(E('p', _('No public keys present yet.')), list.lastElementChild);
- }
- function saveKeys(keys) {
- showModal('<%:Add key%>', E('div', { class: 'spinning' }, _('Saving keys…')));
- (new XHR()).post('<%=url("admin/system/admin/sshkeys/json")%>', { token: '<%=token%>', keys: JSON.stringify(keys) }, function(xhr, keys) {
- renderKeys(keys);
- hideModal();
- });
- }
- function addKey(ev) {
- var decoder = new SSHPubkeyDecoder(),
- list = findParent(, '.cbi-dynlist'),
- input = list.querySelector('input[type="text"]'),
- key = input.value.trim(),
- pubkey = decoder.decode(key),
- keys = [];
- if (!key.length)
- return;
- list.querySelectorAll('.item').forEach(function(item) {
- keys.push(item.getAttribute('data-key'));
- });
- if (keys.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
- showModal('<%:Add key%>', [
- E('div', { class: 'alert-message warning' }, _('The given SSH public key has already been added.')),
- E('div', { class: 'right' }, E('div', { class: 'btn', click: hideModal }, _('Close')))
- ]);
- }
- else if (!pubkey) {
- showModal('<%:Add key%>', [
- E('div', { class: 'alert-message warning' }, _('The given SSH public key is invalid. Please supply proper public RSA or ECDSA keys.')),
- E('div', { class: 'right' }, E('div', { class: 'btn', click: hideModal }, _('Close')))
- ]);
- }
- else {
- keys.push(key);
- saveKeys(keys);
- input.value = '';
- }
- }
- function removeKey(ev) {
- var list = findParent(, '.cbi-dynlist'),
- delkey ='data-key'),
- keys = [];
- list.querySelectorAll('.item').forEach(function(item) {
- var key = item.getAttribute('data-key');
- if (key !== delkey)
- keys.push(key);
- });
- showModal('<%:Delete key%>', [
- E('div', _('Do you really want to delete the following SSH key?')),
- E('pre', delkey),
- E('div', { class: 'right' }, [
- E('div', { class: 'btn', click: hideModal }, _('Cancel')),
- ' ',
- E('div', { class: 'btn danger', click: function(ev) { saveKeys(keys) } }, _('Delete key')),
- ])
- ]);
- }
- function dragKey(ev) {
- ev.stopPropagation();
- ev.preventDefault();
- ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';
- }
- function dropKey(ev) {
- var file = ev.dataTransfer.files[0],
- input = ev.currentTarget.querySelector('input[type="text"]'),
- reader = new FileReader();
- if (file) {
- reader.onload = function(rev) {
- input.value =;
- addKey(ev);
- input.value = '';
- };
- reader.readAsText(file);
- }
- ev.stopPropagation();
- ev.preventDefault();
- }
- window.addEventListener('dragover', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault() });
- window.addEventListener('drop', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault() });
- requestAnimationFrame(function() {
- XHR.get('<%=url("admin/system/admin/sshkeys/json")%>', null, function(xhr, keys) {
- renderKeys(keys);
- });
- });
<div class="cbi-map">
@@ -235,11 +17,13 @@
<div class="cbi-dynlist" name="sshkeys">
<p class="spinning"><%:Loading SSH keys…%></p>
<div class="add-item" ondragover="dragKey(event)" ondrop="dropKey(event)">
- <input class="cbi-input-text" type="text" placeholder="<%:Paste or drag SSH key file…%>" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode === 13) addKey(event)" /><!--
- --><div class="cbi-button" onclick="addKey(event)"><%:Add key%></div>
+ <input class="cbi-input-text" type="text" placeholder="<%:Paste or drag SSH key file…%>" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode === 13) addKey(event)" />
+ <button class="cbi-button" onclick="addKey(event)"><%:Add key%></button>
+<script type="application/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/view/system/sshkeys.js"></script>