path: root/modules/luci-compat/luasrc
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2019-11-03 20:49:31 +0100
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2019-11-03 20:49:31 +0100
commitd5dff8f9a5ca85d197cbb6037f95053bc55941e5 (patch)
treeeeb9271b96ba7b52bad777841ca4ebd452b1a2b0 /modules/luci-compat/luasrc
parent9e57fbb2c3f9c44cdf0a57e6fb9c1df32c84d52b (diff)
treewide: move server side CBI support to luci-compat
Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-compat/luasrc')
35 files changed, 4028 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/cbi.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/cbi.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..450e413916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/cbi.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1977 @@
+-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+module("luci.cbi", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luci.util")
+--local event = require "luci.sys.event"
+local fs = require("nixio.fs")
+local uci = require("luci.model.uci")
+local datatypes = require("luci.cbi.datatypes")
+local dispatcher = require("luci.dispatcher")
+local class = util.class
+local instanceof = util.instanceof
+AUTO = true
+CREATE_PREFIX = "cbi.cts."
+REMOVE_PREFIX = "cbi.rts."
+RESORT_PREFIX = "cbi.sts."
+FEXIST_PREFIX = "cbi.cbe."
+-- Loads a CBI map from given file, creating an environment and returns it
+function load(cbimap, ...)
+ local fs = require "nixio.fs"
+ local i18n = require "luci.i18n"
+ require("luci.config")
+ require("luci.util")
+ local upldir = "/etc/luci-uploads/"
+ local cbidir = luci.util.libpath() .. "/model/cbi/"
+ local func, err
+ if fs.access(cbidir..cbimap..".lua") then
+ func, err = loadfile(cbidir..cbimap..".lua")
+ elseif fs.access(cbimap) then
+ func, err = loadfile(cbimap)
+ else
+ func, err = nil, "Model '" .. cbimap .. "' not found!"
+ end
+ assert(func, err)
+ local env = {
+ translate=i18n.translate,
+ translatef=i18n.translatef,
+ arg={...}
+ }
+ setfenv(func, setmetatable(env, {__index =
+ function(tbl, key)
+ return rawget(tbl, key) or _M[key] or _G[key]
+ end}))
+ local maps = { func() }
+ local uploads = { }
+ local has_upload = false
+ for i, map in ipairs(maps) do
+ if not instanceof(map, Node) then
+ error("CBI map returns no valid map object!")
+ return nil
+ else
+ map:prepare()
+ if map.upload_fields then
+ has_upload = true
+ for _, field in ipairs(map.upload_fields) do
+ uploads[
+ field.config .. '.' ..
+ (field.section.sectiontype or '1') .. '.' ..
+ field.option
+ ] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if has_upload then
+ local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor()
+ local prm = luci.http.context.request.message.params
+ local fd, cbid
+ luci.http.setfilehandler(
+ function( field, chunk, eof )
+ if not field then return end
+ if and not cbid then
+ local c, s, o =
+ "cbid%.([^%.]+)%.([^%.]+)%.([^%.]+)"
+ )()
+ if c and s and o then
+ local t = uci:get( c, s ) or s
+ if uploads[c.."."..t.."."..o] then
+ local path = upldir ..
+ fd =, "w")
+ if fd then
+ cbid =
+ prm[cbid] = path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if == cbid and fd then
+ fd:write(chunk)
+ end
+ if eof and fd then
+ fd:close()
+ fd = nil
+ cbid = nil
+ end
+ end
+ )
+ end
+ return maps
+-- Compile a datatype specification into a parse tree for evaluation later on
+local cdt_cache = { }
+function compile_datatype(code)
+ local i
+ local pos = 0
+ local esc = false
+ local depth = 0
+ local stack = { }
+ for i = 1, #code+1 do
+ local byte = code:byte(i) or 44
+ if esc then
+ esc = false
+ elseif byte == 92 then
+ esc = true
+ elseif byte == 40 or byte == 44 then
+ if depth <= 0 then
+ if pos < i then
+ local label = code:sub(pos, i-1)
+ :gsub("\\(.)", "%1")
+ :gsub("^%s+", "")
+ :gsub("%s+$", "")
+ if #label > 0 and tonumber(label) then
+ stack[#stack+1] = tonumber(label)
+ elseif label:match("^'.*'$") or label:match('^".*"$') then
+ stack[#stack+1] = label:gsub("[\"'](.*)[\"']", "%1")
+ elseif type(datatypes[label]) == "function" then
+ stack[#stack+1] = datatypes[label]
+ stack[#stack+1] = { }
+ else
+ error("Datatype error, bad token %q" % label)
+ end
+ end
+ pos = i + 1
+ end
+ depth = depth + (byte == 40 and 1 or 0)
+ elseif byte == 41 then
+ depth = depth - 1
+ if depth <= 0 then
+ if type(stack[#stack-1]) ~= "function" then
+ error("Datatype error, argument list follows non-function")
+ end
+ stack[#stack] = compile_datatype(code:sub(pos, i-1))
+ pos = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return stack
+function verify_datatype(dt, value)
+ if dt and #dt > 0 then
+ if not cdt_cache[dt] then
+ local c = compile_datatype(dt)
+ if c and type(c[1]) == "function" then
+ cdt_cache[dt] = c
+ else
+ error("Datatype error, not a function expression")
+ end
+ end
+ if cdt_cache[dt] then
+ return cdt_cache[dt][1](value, unpack(cdt_cache[dt][2]))
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+-- Node pseudo abstract class
+Node = class()
+function Node.__init__(self, title, description)
+ self.children = {}
+ self.title = title or ""
+ self.description = description or ""
+ self.template = "cbi/node"
+-- hook helper
+function Node._run_hook(self, hook)
+ if type(self[hook]) == "function" then
+ return self[hook](self)
+ end
+function Node._run_hooks(self, ...)
+ local f
+ local r = false
+ for _, f in ipairs(arg) do
+ if type(self[f]) == "function" then
+ self[f](self)
+ r = true
+ end
+ end
+ return r
+-- Prepare nodes
+function Node.prepare(self, ...)
+ for k, child in ipairs(self.children) do
+ child:prepare(...)
+ end
+-- Append child nodes
+function Node.append(self, obj)
+ table.insert(self.children, obj)
+-- Parse this node and its children
+function Node.parse(self, ...)
+ for k, child in ipairs(self.children) do
+ child:parse(...)
+ end
+-- Render this node
+function Node.render(self, scope)
+ scope = scope or {}
+ scope.self = self
+ luci.template.render(self.template, scope)
+-- Render the children
+function Node.render_children(self, ...)
+ local k, node
+ for k, node in ipairs(self.children) do
+ node.last_child = (k == #self.children)
+ node.index = k
+ node:render(...)
+ end
+A simple template element
+Template = class(Node)
+function Template.__init__(self, template)
+ Node.__init__(self)
+ self.template = template
+function Template.render(self)
+ luci.template.render(self.template, {self=self})
+function Template.parse(self, readinput)
+ self.readinput = (readinput ~= false)
+ return Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.submit") and FORM_DONE or FORM_NODATA
+Map - A map describing a configuration file
+Map = class(Node)
+function Map.__init__(self, config, ...)
+ Node.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.config = config
+ self.parsechain = {self.config}
+ self.template = "cbi/map"
+ self.apply_on_parse = nil
+ self.readinput = true
+ self.proceed = false
+ self.flow = {}
+ self.uci = uci.cursor()
+ = true
+ self.changed = false
+ local path = "%s/%s" %{ self.uci:get_confdir(), self.config }
+ if fs.stat(path, "type") ~= "reg" then
+ fs.writefile(path, "")
+ end
+ local ok, err = self.uci:load(self.config)
+ if not ok then
+ local url = dispatcher.build_url(unpack(dispatcher.context.request))
+ local source = self:formvalue("cbi.source")
+ if type(source) == "string" then
+ fs.writefile(path, source:gsub("\r\n", "\n"))
+ ok, err = self.uci:load(self.config)
+ if ok then
+ luci.http.redirect(url)
+ end
+ end
+ = false
+ end
+ if not ok then
+ self.template = "cbi/error"
+ self.error = err
+ self.source = fs.readfile(path) or ""
+ self.pageaction = false
+ end
+function Map.formvalue(self, key)
+ return self.readinput and luci.http.formvalue(key) or nil
+function Map.formvaluetable(self, key)
+ return self.readinput and luci.http.formvaluetable(key) or {}
+function Map.get_scheme(self, sectiontype, option)
+ if not option then
+ return self.scheme and self.scheme.sections[sectiontype]
+ else
+ return self.scheme and self.scheme.variables[sectiontype]
+ and self.scheme.variables[sectiontype][option]
+ end
+function Map.submitstate(self)
+ return self:formvalue("cbi.submit")
+-- Chain foreign config
+function Map.chain(self, config)
+ table.insert(self.parsechain, config)
+function Map.state_handler(self, state)
+ return state
+-- Use optimized UCI writing
+function Map.parse(self, readinput, ...)
+ if self:formvalue("cbi.skip") then
+ self.state = FORM_SKIP
+ elseif not then
+ self.state = FORM_INVALID
+ elseif not self:submitstate() then
+ self.state = FORM_NODATA
+ end
+ -- Back out early to prevent unauthorized changes on the subsequent parse
+ if self.state ~= nil then
+ return self:state_handler(self.state)
+ end
+ self.readinput = (readinput ~= false)
+ self:_run_hooks("on_parse")
+ Node.parse(self, ...)
+ if then
+ self:_run_hooks("on_save", "on_before_save")
+ local i, config
+ for i, config in ipairs(self.parsechain) do
+ self.uci:save(config)
+ end
+ self:_run_hooks("on_after_save")
+ if (not self.proceed and self.flow.autoapply) or luci.http.formvalue("cbi.apply") then
+ self:_run_hooks("on_before_commit")
+ if self.apply_on_parse == false then
+ for i, config in ipairs(self.parsechain) do
+ self.uci:commit(config)
+ end
+ end
+ self:_run_hooks("on_commit", "on_after_commit", "on_before_apply")
+ if self.apply_on_parse == true or self.apply_on_parse == false then
+ self.uci:apply(self.apply_on_parse)
+ self:_run_hooks("on_apply", "on_after_apply")
+ else
+ -- This is evaluated by the dispatcher and delegated to the
+ -- template which in turn fires XHR to perform the actual
+ -- apply actions.
+ self.apply_needed = true
+ end
+ -- Reparse sections
+ Node.parse(self, true)
+ end
+ for i, config in ipairs(self.parsechain) do
+ self.uci:unload(config)
+ end
+ if type(self.commit_handler) == "function" then
+ self:commit_handler(self:submitstate())
+ end
+ end
+ if not then
+ self.state = FORM_INVALID
+ elseif self.proceed then
+ self.state = FORM_PROCEED
+ elseif self.changed then
+ self.state = FORM_CHANGED
+ else
+ self.state = FORM_VALID
+ end
+ return self:state_handler(self.state)
+function Map.render(self, ...)
+ self:_run_hooks("on_init")
+ Node.render(self, ...)
+-- Creates a child section
+function Map.section(self, class, ...)
+ if instanceof(class, AbstractSection) then
+ local obj = class(self, ...)
+ self:append(obj)
+ return obj
+ else
+ error("class must be a descendent of AbstractSection")
+ end
+-- UCI add
+function Map.add(self, sectiontype)
+ return self.uci:add(self.config, sectiontype)
+-- UCI set
+function Map.set(self, section, option, value)
+ if type(value) ~= "table" or #value > 0 then
+ if option then
+ return self.uci:set(self.config, section, option, value)
+ else
+ return self.uci:set(self.config, section, value)
+ end
+ else
+ return Map.del(self, section, option)
+ end
+-- UCI del
+function Map.del(self, section, option)
+ if option then
+ return self.uci:delete(self.config, section, option)
+ else
+ return self.uci:delete(self.config, section)
+ end
+-- UCI get
+function Map.get(self, section, option)
+ if not section then
+ return self.uci:get_all(self.config)
+ elseif option then
+ return self.uci:get(self.config, section, option)
+ else
+ return self.uci:get_all(self.config, section)
+ end
+Compound - Container
+Compound = class(Node)
+function Compound.__init__(self, ...)
+ Node.__init__(self)
+ self.template = "cbi/compound"
+ self.children = {...}
+function Compound.populate_delegator(self, delegator)
+ for _, v in ipairs(self.children) do
+ v.delegator = delegator
+ end
+function Compound.parse(self, ...)
+ local cstate, state = 0
+ for k, child in ipairs(self.children) do
+ cstate = child:parse(...)
+ state = (not state or cstate < state) and cstate or state
+ end
+ return state
+Delegator - Node controller
+Delegator = class(Node)
+function Delegator.__init__(self, ...)
+ Node.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.nodes = {}
+ self.defaultpath = {}
+ self.pageaction = false
+ self.readinput = true
+ self.allow_reset = false
+ self.allow_cancel = false
+ self.allow_back = false
+ self.allow_finish = false
+ self.template = "cbi/delegator"
+function Delegator.set(self, name, node)
+ assert(not self.nodes[name], "Duplicate entry")
+ self.nodes[name] = node
+function Delegator.add(self, name, node)
+ node = self:set(name, node)
+ self.defaultpath[#self.defaultpath+1] = name
+function Delegator.insert_after(self, name, after)
+ local n = #self.chain + 1
+ for k, v in ipairs(self.chain) do
+ if v == after then
+ n = k + 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(self.chain, n, name)
+function Delegator.set_route(self, ...)
+ local n, chain, route = 0, self.chain, {...}
+ for i = 1, #chain do
+ if chain[i] == self.current then
+ n = i
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1, #route do
+ n = n + 1
+ chain[n] = route[i]
+ end
+ for i = n + 1, #chain do
+ chain[i] = nil
+ end
+function Delegator.get(self, name)
+ local node = self.nodes[name]
+ if type(node) == "string" then
+ node = load(node, name)
+ end
+ if type(node) == "table" and getmetatable(node) == nil then
+ node = Compound(unpack(node))
+ end
+ return node
+function Delegator.parse(self, ...)
+ if self.allow_cancel and Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.cancel") then
+ if self:_run_hooks("on_cancel") then
+ return FORM_DONE
+ end
+ end
+ if not Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.delg.current") then
+ self:_run_hooks("on_init")
+ end
+ local newcurrent
+ self.chain = self.chain or self:get_chain()
+ self.current = self.current or self:get_active()
+ = or self:get(self.current)
+ assert(, "Invalid state")
+ local stat = FORM_DONE
+ if type( ~= "function" then
+ stat =
+ else
+ self:active()
+ end
+ if stat > FORM_PROCEED then
+ if Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.delg.back") then
+ newcurrent = self:get_prev(self.current)
+ else
+ newcurrent = self:get_next(self.current)
+ end
+ elseif stat < FORM_PROCEED then
+ return stat
+ end
+ if not Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.submit") then
+ return FORM_NODATA
+ elseif stat > FORM_PROCEED
+ and (not newcurrent or not self:get(newcurrent)) then
+ return self:_run_hook("on_done") or FORM_DONE
+ else
+ self.current = newcurrent or self.current
+ = self:get(self.current)
+ if type( ~= "function" then
+ local stat =
+ if stat == FORM_SKIP then
+ return self:parse(...)
+ else
+ end
+ else
+ return self:parse(...)
+ end
+ end
+function Delegator.get_next(self, state)
+ for k, v in ipairs(self.chain) do
+ if v == state then
+ return self.chain[k+1]
+ end
+ end
+function Delegator.get_prev(self, state)
+ for k, v in ipairs(self.chain) do
+ if v == state then
+ return self.chain[k-1]
+ end
+ end
+function Delegator.get_chain(self)
+ local x = Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.delg.path") or self.defaultpath
+ return type(x) == "table" and x or {x}
+function Delegator.get_active(self)
+ return Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.delg.current") or self.chain[1]
+Page - A simple node
+Page = class(Node)
+Page.__init__ = Node.__init__
+Page.parse = function() end
+SimpleForm - A Simple non-UCI form
+SimpleForm = class(Node)
+function SimpleForm.__init__(self, config, title, description, data)
+ Node.__init__(self, title, description)
+ self.config = config
+ = data or {}
+ self.template = "cbi/simpleform"
+ self.dorender = true
+ self.pageaction = false
+ self.readinput = true
+SimpleForm.formvalue = Map.formvalue
+SimpleForm.formvaluetable = Map.formvaluetable
+function SimpleForm.parse(self, readinput, ...)
+ self.readinput = (readinput ~= false)
+ if self:formvalue("cbi.skip") then
+ return FORM_SKIP
+ end
+ if self:formvalue("cbi.cancel") and self:_run_hooks("on_cancel") then
+ return FORM_DONE
+ end
+ if self:submitstate() then
+ Node.parse(self, 1, ...)
+ end
+ local valid = true
+ for k, j in ipairs(self.children) do
+ for i, v in ipairs(j.children) do
+ valid = valid
+ and (not v.tag_missing or not v.tag_missing[1])
+ and (not v.tag_invalid or not v.tag_invalid[1])
+ and (not v.error)
+ end
+ end
+ local state =
+ not self:submitstate() and FORM_NODATA
+ or valid and FORM_VALID
+ self.dorender = not self.handle
+ if self.handle then
+ local nrender, nstate = self:handle(state,
+ self.dorender = self.dorender or (nrender ~= false)
+ state = nstate or state
+ end
+ return state
+function SimpleForm.render(self, ...)
+ if self.dorender then
+ Node.render(self, ...)
+ end
+function SimpleForm.submitstate(self)
+ return self:formvalue("cbi.submit")
+function SimpleForm.section(self, class, ...)
+ if instanceof(class, AbstractSection) then
+ local obj = class(self, ...)
+ self:append(obj)
+ return obj
+ else
+ error("class must be a descendent of AbstractSection")
+ end
+-- Creates a child field
+function SimpleForm.field(self, class, ...)
+ local section
+ for k, v in ipairs(self.children) do
+ if instanceof(v, SimpleSection) then
+ section = v
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not section then
+ section = self:section(SimpleSection)
+ end
+ if instanceof(class, AbstractValue) then
+ local obj = class(self, section, ...)
+ obj.track_missing = true
+ section:append(obj)
+ return obj
+ else
+ error("class must be a descendent of AbstractValue")
+ end
+function SimpleForm.set(self, section, option, value)
+[option] = value
+function SimpleForm.del(self, section, option)
+[option] = nil
+function SimpleForm.get(self, section, option)
+ return[option]
+function SimpleForm.get_scheme()
+ return nil
+Form = class(SimpleForm)
+function Form.__init__(self, ...)
+ SimpleForm.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.embedded = true
+AbstractSection = class(Node)
+function AbstractSection.__init__(self, map, sectiontype, ...)
+ Node.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.sectiontype = sectiontype
+ = map
+ self.config = map.config
+ self.optionals = {}
+ self.defaults = {}
+ self.fields = {}
+ self.tag_error = {}
+ self.tag_invalid = {}
+ self.tag_deperror = {}
+ self.changed = false
+ self.optional = true
+ self.addremove = false
+ self.dynamic = false
+-- Define a tab for the section
+function, tab, title, desc)
+ self.tabs = self.tabs or { }
+ self.tab_names = self.tab_names or { }
+ self.tab_names[#self.tab_names+1] = tab
+ self.tabs[tab] = {
+ title = title,
+ description = desc,
+ childs = { }
+ }
+-- Check whether the section has tabs
+function AbstractSection.has_tabs(self)
+ return (self.tabs ~= nil) and (next(self.tabs) ~= nil)
+-- Appends a new option
+function AbstractSection.option(self, class, option, ...)
+ if instanceof(class, AbstractValue) then
+ local obj = class(, self, option, ...)
+ self:append(obj)
+ self.fields[option] = obj
+ return obj
+ elseif class == true then
+ error("No valid class was given and autodetection failed.")
+ else
+ error("class must be a descendant of AbstractValue")
+ end
+-- Appends a new tabbed option
+function AbstractSection.taboption(self, tab, ...)
+ assert(tab and self.tabs and self.tabs[tab],
+ "Cannot assign option to not existing tab %q" % tostring(tab))
+ local l = self.tabs[tab].childs
+ local o = AbstractSection.option(self, ...)
+ if o then l[#l+1] = o end
+ return o
+-- Render a single tab
+function AbstractSection.render_tab(self, tab, ...)
+ assert(tab and self.tabs and self.tabs[tab],
+ "Cannot render not existing tab %q" % tostring(tab))
+ local k, node
+ for k, node in ipairs(self.tabs[tab].childs) do
+ node.last_child = (k == #self.tabs[tab].childs)
+ node.index = k
+ node:render(...)
+ end
+-- Parse optional options
+function AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, section, noparse)
+ if not self.optional then
+ return
+ end
+ self.optionals[section] = {}
+ local field = nil
+ if not noparse then
+ field ="cbi.opt."..self.config.."."..section)
+ end
+ for k,v in ipairs(self.children) do
+ if v.optional and not v:cfgvalue(section) and not self:has_tabs() then
+ if field == v.option then
+ field = nil
+ = true
+ else
+ table.insert(self.optionals[section], v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if field and #field > 0 and self.dynamic then
+ self:add_dynamic(field)
+ end
+-- Add a dynamic option
+function AbstractSection.add_dynamic(self, field, optional)
+ local o = self:option(Value, field, field)
+ o.optional = optional
+-- Parse all dynamic options
+function AbstractSection.parse_dynamic(self, section)
+ if not self.dynamic then
+ return
+ end
+ local arr = luci.util.clone(self:cfgvalue(section))
+ local form ="cbid."..self.config.."."..section)
+ for k, v in pairs(form) do
+ arr[k] = v
+ end
+ for key,val in pairs(arr) do
+ local create = true
+ for i,c in ipairs(self.children) do
+ if c.option == key then
+ create = false
+ end
+ end
+ if create and key:sub(1, 1) ~= "." then
+ = true
+ self:add_dynamic(key, true)
+ end
+ end
+-- Returns the section's UCI table
+function AbstractSection.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return
+-- Push events
+function AbstractSection.push_events(self)
+ --luci.util.append(,
+ = true
+-- Removes the section
+function AbstractSection.remove(self, section)
+ = true
+ return
+-- Creates the section
+function AbstractSection.create(self, section)
+ local stat
+ if section then
+ stat = section:match("^[%w_]+$") and, nil, self.sectiontype)
+ else
+ section =
+ stat = section
+ end
+ if stat then
+ for k,v in pairs(self.children) do
+ if v.default then
+, v.option, v.default)
+ end
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(self.defaults) do
+, k, v)
+ end
+ end
+ = true
+ return stat
+SimpleSection = class(AbstractSection)
+function SimpleSection.__init__(self, form, ...)
+ AbstractSection.__init__(self, form, nil, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/nullsection"
+Table = class(AbstractSection)
+function Table.__init__(self, form, data, ...)
+ local datasource = {}
+ local tself = self
+ datasource.config = "table"
+ = data or {}
+ datasource.formvalue = Map.formvalue
+ datasource.formvaluetable = Map.formvaluetable
+ datasource.readinput = true
+ function datasource.get(self, section, option)
+ return[section] and[section][option]
+ end
+ function datasource.submitstate(self)
+ return Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.submit")
+ end
+ function datasource.del(...)
+ return true
+ end
+ function datasource.get_scheme()
+ return nil
+ end
+ AbstractSection.__init__(self, datasource, "table", ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/tblsection"
+ self.rowcolors = true
+ self.anonymous = true
+function Table.parse(self, readinput)
+ = (readinput ~= false)
+ for i, k in ipairs(self:cfgsections()) do
+ if then
+ Node.parse(self, k)
+ end
+ end
+function Table.cfgsections(self)
+ local sections = {}
+ for i, v in luci.util.kspairs( do
+ table.insert(sections, i)
+ end
+ return sections
+function Table.update(self, data)
+ = data
+NamedSection - A fixed configuration section defined by its name
+NamedSection = class(AbstractSection)
+function NamedSection.__init__(self, map, section, stype, ...)
+ AbstractSection.__init__(self, map, stype, ...)
+ -- Defaults
+ self.addremove = false
+ self.template = "cbi/nsection"
+ self.section = section
+function NamedSection.prepare(self)
+ AbstractSection.prepare(self)
+ AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, self.section, true)
+function NamedSection.parse(self, novld)
+ local s = self.section
+ local active = self:cfgvalue(s)
+ if self.addremove then
+ local path = self.config.."."..s
+ if active then -- Remove the section
+ if"cbi.rns."..path) and self:remove(s) then
+ self:push_events()
+ return
+ end
+ else -- Create and apply default values
+ if"cbi.cns."..path) then
+ self:create(s)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if active then
+ AbstractSection.parse_dynamic(self, s)
+ if then
+ Node.parse(self, s)
+ end
+ AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, s)
+ if self.changed then
+ self:push_events()
+ end
+ end
+TypedSection - A (set of) configuration section(s) defined by the type
+ addremove: Defines whether the user can add/remove sections of this type
+ anonymous: Allow creating anonymous sections
+ validate: a validation function returning nil if the section is invalid
+TypedSection = class(AbstractSection)
+function TypedSection.__init__(self, map, type, ...)
+ AbstractSection.__init__(self, map, type, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/tsection"
+ self.deps = {}
+ self.anonymous = false
+function TypedSection.prepare(self)
+ AbstractSection.prepare(self)
+ local i, s
+ for i, s in ipairs(self:cfgsections()) do
+ AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, s, true)
+ end
+-- Return all matching UCI sections for this TypedSection
+function TypedSection.cfgsections(self)
+ local sections = {}
+, self.sectiontype,
+ function (section)
+ if self:checkscope(section[".name"]) then
+ table.insert(sections, section[".name"])
+ end
+ end)
+ return sections
+-- Limits scope to sections that have certain option => value pairs
+function TypedSection.depends(self, option, value)
+ table.insert(self.deps, {option=option, value=value})
+function TypedSection.parse(self, novld)
+ if self.addremove then
+ -- Remove
+ local crval = REMOVE_PREFIX .. self.config
+ local name =
+ for k,v in pairs(name) do
+ if k:sub(-2) == ".x" then
+ k = k:sub(1, #k - 2)
+ end
+ if self:cfgvalue(k) and self:checkscope(k) then
+ self:remove(k)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local co
+ for i, k in ipairs(self:cfgsections()) do
+ AbstractSection.parse_dynamic(self, k)
+ if then
+ Node.parse(self, k, novld)
+ end
+ AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, k)
+ end
+ if self.addremove then
+ -- Create
+ local created
+ local crval = CREATE_PREFIX .. self.config .. "." .. self.sectiontype
+ local origin, name = next(
+ if self.anonymous then
+ if name then
+ created = self:create(nil, origin)
+ end
+ else
+ if name then
+ -- Ignore if it already exists
+ if self:cfgvalue(name) then
+ name = nil
+ self.err_invalid = true
+ else
+ name = self:checkscope(name)
+ if not name then
+ self.err_invalid = true
+ end
+ if name and #name > 0 then
+ created = self:create(name, origin) and name
+ if not created then
+ self.invalid_cts = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if created then
+ AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, created)
+ end
+ end
+ if self.sortable then
+ local stval = RESORT_PREFIX .. self.config .. "." .. self.sectiontype
+ local order =
+ if order and #order > 0 then
+ local sids, sid = { }, nil
+ for sid in util.imatch(order) do
+ sids[#sids+1] = sid
+ end
+ if #sids > 0 then
+, sids)
+ self.changed = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if created or self.changed then
+ self:push_events()
+ end
+-- Verifies scope of sections
+function TypedSection.checkscope(self, section)
+ -- Check if we are not excluded
+ if self.filter and not self:filter(section) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ -- Check if at least one dependency is met
+ if #self.deps > 0 and self:cfgvalue(section) then
+ local stat = false
+ for k, v in ipairs(self.deps) do
+ if self:cfgvalue(section)[v.option] == v.value then
+ stat = true
+ end
+ end
+ if not stat then
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ return self:validate(section)
+-- Dummy validate function
+function TypedSection.validate(self, section)
+ return section
+AbstractValue - An abstract Value Type
+ null: Value can be empty
+ valid: A function returning the value if it is valid otherwise nil
+ depends: A table of option => value pairs of which one must be true
+ default: The default value
+ size: The size of the input fields
+ rmempty: Unset value if empty
+ optional: This value is optional (see AbstractSection.optionals)
+AbstractValue = class(Node)
+function AbstractValue.__init__(self, map, section, option, ...)
+ Node.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.section = section
+ self.option = option
+ = map
+ self.config = map.config
+ self.tag_invalid = {}
+ self.tag_missing = {}
+ self.tag_reqerror = {}
+ self.tag_error = {}
+ self.deps = {}
+ --self.cast = "string"
+ self.track_missing = false
+ self.rmempty = true
+ self.default = nil
+ self.size = nil
+ self.optional = false
+function AbstractValue.prepare(self)
+ self.cast = self.cast or "string"
+-- Add a dependencie to another section field
+function AbstractValue.depends(self, field, value)
+ local deps
+ if type(field) == "string" then
+ deps = {}
+ deps[field] = value
+ else
+ deps = field
+ end
+ table.insert(self.deps, deps)
+-- Serialize dependencies
+function AbstractValue.deplist2json(self, section, deplist)
+ local deps, i, d = { }
+ if type(self.deps) == "table" then
+ for i, d in ipairs(deplist or self.deps) do
+ local a, k, v = { }
+ for k, v in pairs(d) do
+ if k:find("!", 1, true) then
+ a[k] = v
+ elseif k:find(".", 1, true) then
+ a['cbid.%s' % k] = v
+ else
+ a['cbid.%s.%s.%s' %{ self.config, section, k }] = v
+ end
+ end
+ deps[#deps+1] = a
+ end
+ end
+ return util.serialize_json(deps)
+-- Serialize choices
+function AbstractValue.choices(self)
+ if type(self.keylist) == "table" and #self.keylist > 0 then
+ local i, k, v = nil, nil, {}
+ for i, k in ipairs(self.keylist) do
+ v[k] = self.vallist[i] or k
+ end
+ return v
+ end
+ return nil
+-- Generates the unique CBID
+function AbstractValue.cbid(self, section)
+ return "cbid.""."..section.."."..self.option
+-- Return whether this object should be created
+function AbstractValue.formcreated(self, section)
+ local key = "cbi.opt."..self.config.."."..section
+ return ( == self.option)
+-- Returns the formvalue for this object
+function AbstractValue.formvalue(self, section)
+ return
+function AbstractValue.additional(self, value)
+ self.optional = value
+function AbstractValue.mandatory(self, value)
+ self.rmempty = not value
+function AbstractValue.add_error(self, section, type, msg)
+ self.error = self.error or { }
+ self.error[section] = msg or type
+ self.section.error = self.section.error or { }
+ self.section.error[section] = self.section.error[section] or { }
+ table.insert(self.section.error[section], msg or type)
+ if type == "invalid" then
+ self.tag_invalid[section] = true
+ elseif type == "missing" then
+ self.tag_missing[section] = true
+ end
+ self.tag_error[section] = true
+ = false
+function AbstractValue.parse(self, section, novld)
+ local fvalue = self:formvalue(section)
+ local cvalue = self:cfgvalue(section)
+ -- If favlue and cvalue are both tables and have the same content
+ -- make them identical
+ if type(fvalue) == "table" and type(cvalue) == "table" then
+ local equal = #fvalue == #cvalue
+ if equal then
+ for i=1, #fvalue do
+ if cvalue[i] ~= fvalue[i] then
+ equal = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if equal then
+ fvalue = cvalue
+ end
+ end
+ if fvalue and #fvalue > 0 then -- If we have a form value, write it to UCI
+ local val_err
+ fvalue, val_err = self:validate(fvalue, section)
+ fvalue = self:transform(fvalue)
+ if not fvalue and not novld then
+ self:add_error(section, "invalid", val_err)
+ end
+ if self.alias then
+ self.section.aliased = self.section.aliased or {}
+ self.section.aliased[section] = self.section.aliased[section] or {}
+ self.section.aliased[section][self.alias] = true
+ end
+ if fvalue and (self.forcewrite or not (fvalue == cvalue)) then
+ if self:write(section, fvalue) then
+ -- Push events
+ self.section.changed = true
+ --luci.util.append(,
+ end
+ end
+ else -- Unset the UCI or error
+ if self.rmempty or self.optional then
+ if not self.alias or
+ not self.section.aliased or
+ not self.section.aliased[section] or
+ not self.section.aliased[section][self.alias]
+ then
+ if self:remove(section) then
+ -- Push events
+ self.section.changed = true
+ --luci.util.append(,
+ end
+ end
+ elseif cvalue ~= fvalue and not novld then
+ -- trigger validator with nil value to get custom user error msg.
+ local _, val_err = self:validate(nil, section)
+ self:add_error(section, "missing", val_err)
+ end
+ end
+-- Render if this value exists or if it is mandatory
+function AbstractValue.render(self, s, scope)
+ if not self.optional or self.section:has_tabs() or self:cfgvalue(s) or self:formcreated(s) then
+ scope = scope or {}
+ scope.section = s
+ scope.cbid = self:cbid(s)
+ Node.render(self, scope)
+ end
+-- Return the UCI value of this object
+function AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ local value
+ if self.tag_error[section] then
+ value = self:formvalue(section)
+ else
+ value =, self.alias or self.option)
+ end
+ if not value then
+ return nil
+ elseif not self.cast or self.cast == type(value) then
+ return value
+ elseif self.cast == "string" then
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ return value[1]
+ end
+ elseif self.cast == "table" then
+ return { value }
+ end
+-- Validate the form value
+function AbstractValue.validate(self, value)
+ if self.datatype and value then
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ local v
+ for _, v in ipairs(value) do
+ if v and #v > 0 and not verify_datatype(self.datatype, v) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if not verify_datatype(self.datatype, value) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return value
+AbstractValue.transform = AbstractValue.validate
+-- Write to UCI
+function AbstractValue.write(self, section, value)
+ return, self.alias or self.option, value)
+-- Remove from UCI
+function AbstractValue.remove(self, section)
+ return, self.alias or self.option)
+Value - A one-line value
+ maxlength: The maximum length
+Value = class(AbstractValue)
+function Value.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/value"
+ self.keylist = {}
+ self.vallist = {}
+ self.readonly = nil
+function Value.reset_values(self)
+ self.keylist = {}
+ self.vallist = {}
+function Value.value(self, key, val)
+ val = val or key
+ table.insert(self.keylist, tostring(key))
+ table.insert(self.vallist, tostring(val))
+function Value.parse(self, section, novld)
+ if self.readonly then return end
+ AbstractValue.parse(self, section, novld)
+-- DummyValue - This does nothing except being there
+DummyValue = class(AbstractValue)
+function DummyValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/dvalue"
+ self.value = nil
+function DummyValue.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ local value
+ if self.value then
+ if type(self.value) == "function" then
+ value = self:value(section)
+ else
+ value = self.value
+ end
+ else
+ value = AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ end
+ return value
+function DummyValue.parse(self)
+Flag - A flag being enabled or disabled
+Flag = class(AbstractValue)
+function Flag.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/fvalue"
+ self.enabled = "1"
+ self.disabled = "0"
+ self.default = self.disabled
+-- A flag can only have two states: set or unset
+function Flag.parse(self, section, novld)
+ local fexists =
+ FEXIST_PREFIX .. self.config .. "." .. section .. "." .. self.option)
+ if fexists then
+ local fvalue = self:formvalue(section) and self.enabled or self.disabled
+ local cvalue = self:cfgvalue(section)
+ local val_err
+ fvalue, val_err = self:validate(fvalue, section)
+ if not fvalue then
+ if not novld then
+ self:add_error(section, "invalid", val_err)
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ if fvalue == self.default and (self.optional or self.rmempty) then
+ self:remove(section)
+ else
+ self:write(section, fvalue)
+ end
+ if (fvalue ~= cvalue) then self.section.changed = true end
+ else
+ self:remove(section)
+ self.section.changed = true
+ end
+function Flag.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section) or self.default
+function Flag.validate(self, value)
+ return value
+ListValue - A one-line value predefined in a list
+ widget: The widget that will be used (select, radio)
+ListValue = class(AbstractValue)
+function ListValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/lvalue"
+ self.size = 1
+ self.widget = "select"
+ self:reset_values()
+function ListValue.reset_values(self)
+ self.keylist = {}
+ self.vallist = {}
+ self.deplist = {}
+function ListValue.value(self, key, val, ...)
+ if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, key) then
+ return
+ end
+ val = val or key
+ table.insert(self.keylist, tostring(key))
+ table.insert(self.vallist, tostring(val))
+ table.insert(self.deplist, {...})
+function ListValue.validate(self, val)
+ if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, val) then
+ return val
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+MultiValue - Multiple delimited values
+ widget: The widget that will be used (select, checkbox)
+ delimiter: The delimiter that will separate the values (default: " ")
+MultiValue = class(AbstractValue)
+function MultiValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/mvalue"
+ self.widget = "checkbox"
+ self.delimiter = " "
+ self:reset_values()
+function MultiValue.render(self, ...)
+ if self.widget == "select" and not self.size then
+ self.size = #self.vallist
+ end
+ AbstractValue.render(self, ...)
+function MultiValue.reset_values(self)
+ self.keylist = {}
+ self.vallist = {}
+ self.deplist = {}
+function MultiValue.value(self, key, val)
+ if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, key) then
+ return
+ end
+ val = val or key
+ table.insert(self.keylist, tostring(key))
+ table.insert(self.vallist, tostring(val))
+function MultiValue.valuelist(self, section)
+ local val = self:cfgvalue(section)
+ if not(type(val) == "string") then
+ return {}
+ end
+ return luci.util.split(val, self.delimiter)
+function MultiValue.validate(self, val)
+ val = (type(val) == "table") and val or {val}
+ local result
+ for i, value in ipairs(val) do
+ if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, value) then
+ result = result and (result .. self.delimiter .. value) or value
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+StaticList = class(MultiValue)
+function StaticList.__init__(self, ...)
+ MultiValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.cast = "table"
+ self.valuelist = self.cfgvalue
+ if not self.override_scheme
+ and, self.option) then
+ local vs =, self.option)
+ if self.value and vs.values and not self.override_values then
+ for k, v in pairs(vs.values) do
+ self:value(k, v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function StaticList.validate(self, value)
+ value = (type(value) == "table") and value or {value}
+ local valid = {}
+ for i, v in ipairs(value) do
+ if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, v) then
+ table.insert(valid, v)
+ end
+ end
+ return valid
+DynamicList = class(AbstractValue)
+function DynamicList.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/dynlist"
+ self.cast = "table"
+ self:reset_values()
+function DynamicList.reset_values(self)
+ self.keylist = {}
+ self.vallist = {}
+function DynamicList.value(self, key, val)
+ val = val or key
+ table.insert(self.keylist, tostring(key))
+ table.insert(self.vallist, tostring(val))
+function DynamicList.write(self, section, value)
+ local t = { }
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ local x
+ for _, x in ipairs(value) do
+ if x and #x > 0 then
+ t[#t+1] = x
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ t = { value }
+ end
+ if self.cast == "string" then
+ value = table.concat(t, " ")
+ else
+ value = t
+ end
+ return AbstractValue.write(self, section, value)
+function DynamicList.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ local value = AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ if type(value) == "string" then
+ local x
+ local t = { }
+ for x in value:gmatch("%S+") do
+ if #x > 0 then
+ t[#t+1] = x
+ end
+ end
+ value = t
+ end
+ return value
+function DynamicList.formvalue(self, section)
+ local value = AbstractValue.formvalue(self, section)
+ if type(value) == "string" then
+ if self.cast == "string" then
+ local x
+ local t = { }
+ for x in value:gmatch("%S+") do
+ t[#t+1] = x
+ end
+ value = t
+ else
+ value = { value }
+ end
+ end
+ return value
+DropDown = class(MultiValue)
+function DropDown.__init__(self, ...)
+ ListValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/dropdown"
+ self.delimiter = " "
+TextValue - A multi-line value
+ rows: Rows
+TextValue = class(AbstractValue)
+function TextValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/tvalue"
+Button = class(AbstractValue)
+function Button.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/button"
+ self.inputstyle = nil
+ self.rmempty = true
+ self.unsafeupload = false
+FileUpload = class(AbstractValue)
+function FileUpload.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/upload"
+ if not then
+ = { self }
+ else
+[] = self
+ end
+function FileUpload.formcreated(self, section)
+ if self.unsafeupload then
+ return AbstractValue.formcreated(self, section) or
+"cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option) or
+"cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option..".x") or
+ else
+ return AbstractValue.formcreated(self, section) or
+ end
+function FileUpload.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ local val = AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ if val and fs.access(val) then
+ return val
+ end
+ return nil
+-- If we have a new value, use it
+-- otherwise use old value
+-- deletion should be managed by a separate button object
+-- unless self.unsafeupload is set in which case if the user
+-- choose to remove the old file we do so.
+-- Also, allow to specify (via textbox) a file already on router
+function FileUpload.formvalue(self, section)
+ local val = AbstractValue.formvalue(self, section)
+ if val then
+ if self.unsafeupload then
+ if not"cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option) and
+ not"cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option..".x")
+ then
+ return val
+ end
+ fs.unlink(val)
+ self.value = nil
+ return nil
+ elseif val ~= "" then
+ return val
+ end
+ end
+ val = luci.http.formvalue("cbid.""."..section.."."..self.option..".textbox")
+ if val == "" then
+ val = nil
+ end
+ if not self.unsafeupload then
+ if not val then
+ val ="cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option)
+ end
+ end
+ return val
+function FileUpload.remove(self, section)
+ if self.unsafeupload then
+ local val = AbstractValue.formvalue(self, section)
+ if val and fs.access(val) then fs.unlink(val) end
+ return AbstractValue.remove(self, section)
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+FileBrowser = class(AbstractValue)
+function FileBrowser.__init__(self, ...)
+ AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...)
+ self.template = "cbi/browser"
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/cbi/datatypes.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/cbi/datatypes.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1cf01f9cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/cbi/datatypes.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+-- Copyright 2010 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Copyright 2017 Dan Luedtke <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local fs = require "nixio.fs"
+local ip = require "luci.ip"
+local math = require "math"
+local util = require "luci.util"
+local tonumber, tostring, type, unpack, select = tonumber, tostring, type, unpack, select
+module "luci.cbi.datatypes"
+_M['or'] = function(v, ...)
+ local i
+ for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do
+ local f = select(i, ...)
+ local a = select(i+1, ...)
+ if type(f) ~= "function" then
+ if f == v then
+ return true
+ end
+ i = i - 1
+ elseif f(v, unpack(a)) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+_M['and'] = function(v, ...)
+ local i
+ for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do
+ local f = select(i, ...)
+ local a = select(i+1, ...)
+ if type(f) ~= "function" then
+ if f ~= v then
+ return false
+ end
+ i = i - 1
+ elseif not f(v, unpack(a)) then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+function neg(v, ...)
+ return _M['or'](v:gsub("^%s*!%s*", ""), ...)
+function list(v, subvalidator, subargs)
+ if type(subvalidator) ~= "function" then
+ return false
+ end
+ local token
+ for token in v:gmatch("%S+") do
+ if not subvalidator(token, unpack(subargs)) then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+function bool(val)
+ if val == "1" or val == "yes" or val == "on" or val == "true" then
+ return true
+ elseif val == "0" or val == "no" or val == "off" or val == "false" then
+ return true
+ elseif val == "" or val == nil then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function uinteger(val)
+ local n = tonumber(val)
+ if n ~= nil and math.floor(n) == n and n >= 0 then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function integer(val)
+ local n = tonumber(val)
+ if n ~= nil and math.floor(n) == n then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function ufloat(val)
+ local n = tonumber(val)
+ return ( n ~= nil and n >= 0 )
+function float(val)
+ return ( tonumber(val) ~= nil )
+function ipaddr(val)
+ return ip4addr(val) or ip6addr(val)
+function ip4addr(val)
+ if val then
+ return ip.IPv4(val) and true or false
+ end
+ return false
+function ip4prefix(val)
+ val = tonumber(val)
+ return ( val and val >= 0 and val <= 32 )
+function ip6addr(val)
+ if val then
+ return ip.IPv6(val) and true or false
+ end
+ return false
+function ip6prefix(val)
+ val = tonumber(val)
+ return ( val and val >= 0 and val <= 128 )
+function cidr(val)
+ return cidr4(val) or cidr6(val)
+function cidr4(val)
+ local ip, mask = val:match("^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$")
+ return ip4addr(ip) and ip4prefix(mask)
+function cidr6(val)
+ local ip, mask = val:match("^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$")
+ return ip6addr(ip) and ip6prefix(mask)
+function ipnet4(val)
+ local ip, mask = val:match("^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$")
+ return ip4addr(ip) and ip4addr(mask)
+function ipnet6(val)
+ local ip, mask = val:match("^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$")
+ return ip6addr(ip) and ip6addr(mask)
+function ipmask(val)
+ return ipmask4(val) or ipmask6(val)
+function ipmask4(val)
+ return cidr4(val) or ipnet4(val) or ip4addr(val)
+function ipmask6(val)
+ return cidr6(val) or ipnet6(val) or ip6addr(val)
+function ip6hostid(val)
+ if val == "eui64" or val == "random" then
+ return true
+ else
+ local addr = ip.IPv6(val)
+ if addr and addr:prefix() == 128 and addr:lower("::1:0:0:0:0") then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function port(val)
+ val = tonumber(val)
+ return ( val and val >= 0 and val <= 65535 )
+function portrange(val)
+ local p1, p2 = val:match("^(%d+)%-(%d+)$")
+ if p1 and p2 and port(p1) and port(p2) then
+ return true
+ else
+ return port(val)
+ end
+function macaddr(val)
+ return ip.checkmac(val) and true or false
+function hostname(val, strict)
+ if val and (#val < 254) and (
+ val:match("^[a-zA-Z_]+$") or
+ (val:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_%-%.]*[a-zA-Z0-9]$") and
+ val:match("[^0-9%.]"))
+ ) then
+ return (not strict or not val:match("^_"))
+ end
+ return false
+function host(val, ipv4only)
+ return hostname(val) or ((ipv4only == 1) and ip4addr(val)) or ((not (ipv4only == 1)) and ipaddr(val))
+function network(val)
+ return uciname(val) or host(val)
+function hostport(val, ipv4only)
+ local h, p = val:match("^([^:]+):([^:]+)$")
+ return not not (h and p and host(h, ipv4only) and port(p))
+function ip4addrport(val, bracket)
+ local h, p = val:match("^([^:]+):([^:]+)$")
+ return (h and p and ip4addr(h) and port(p))
+function ip4addrport(val)
+ local h, p = val:match("^([^:]+):([^:]+)$")
+ return (h and p and ip4addr(h) and port(p))
+function ipaddrport(val, bracket)
+ local h, p = val:match("^([^%[%]:]+):([^:]+)$")
+ if (h and p and ip4addr(h) and port(p)) then
+ return true
+ elseif (bracket == 1) then
+ h, p = val:match("^%[(.+)%]:([^:]+)$")
+ if (h and p and ip6addr(h) and port(p)) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ h, p = val:match("^([^%[%]]+):([^:]+)$")
+ return (h and p and ip6addr(h) and port(p))
+function wpakey(val)
+ if #val == 64 then
+ return (val:match("^[a-fA-F0-9]+$") ~= nil)
+ else
+ return (#val >= 8) and (#val <= 63)
+ end
+function wepkey(val)
+ if val:sub(1, 2) == "s:" then
+ val = val:sub(3)
+ end
+ if (#val == 10) or (#val == 26) then
+ return (val:match("^[a-fA-F0-9]+$") ~= nil)
+ else
+ return (#val == 5) or (#val == 13)
+ end
+function hexstring(val)
+ if val then
+ return (val:match("^[a-fA-F0-9]+$") ~= nil)
+ end
+ return false
+function hex(val, maxbytes)
+ maxbytes = tonumber(maxbytes)
+ if val and maxbytes ~= nil then
+ return ((val:match("^0x[a-fA-F0-9]+$") ~= nil) and (#val <= 2 + maxbytes * 2))
+ end
+ return false
+function base64(val)
+ if val then
+ return (val:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9/+]+=?=?$") ~= nil) and (math.fmod(#val, 4) == 0)
+ end
+ return false
+function string(val)
+ return true -- Everything qualifies as valid string
+function directory(val, seen)
+ local s = fs.stat(val)
+ seen = seen or { }
+ if s and not seen[s.ino] then
+ seen[s.ino] = true
+ if s.type == "dir" then
+ return true
+ elseif s.type == "lnk" then
+ return directory( fs.readlink(val), seen )
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function file(val, seen)
+ local s = fs.stat(val)
+ seen = seen or { }
+ if s and not seen[s.ino] then
+ seen[s.ino] = true
+ if s.type == "reg" then
+ return true
+ elseif s.type == "lnk" then
+ return file( fs.readlink(val), seen )
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function device(val, seen)
+ local s = fs.stat(val)
+ seen = seen or { }
+ if s and not seen[s.ino] then
+ seen[s.ino] = true
+ if s.type == "chr" or s.type == "blk" then
+ return true
+ elseif s.type == "lnk" then
+ return device( fs.readlink(val), seen )
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function uciname(val)
+ return (val:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") ~= nil)
+function range(val, min, max)
+ val = tonumber(val)
+ min = tonumber(min)
+ max = tonumber(max)
+ if val ~= nil and min ~= nil and max ~= nil then
+ return ((val >= min) and (val <= max))
+ end
+ return false
+function min(val, min)
+ val = tonumber(val)
+ min = tonumber(min)
+ if val ~= nil and min ~= nil then
+ return (val >= min)
+ end
+ return false
+function max(val, max)
+ val = tonumber(val)
+ max = tonumber(max)
+ if val ~= nil and max ~= nil then
+ return (val <= max)
+ end
+ return false
+function rangelength(val, min, max)
+ val = tostring(val)
+ min = tonumber(min)
+ max = tonumber(max)
+ if val ~= nil and min ~= nil and max ~= nil then
+ return ((#val >= min) and (#val <= max))
+ end
+ return false
+function minlength(val, min)
+ val = tostring(val)
+ min = tonumber(min)
+ if val ~= nil and min ~= nil then
+ return (#val >= min)
+ end
+ return false
+function maxlength(val, max)
+ val = tostring(val)
+ max = tonumber(max)
+ if val ~= nil and max ~= nil then
+ return (#val <= max)
+ end
+ return false
+function phonedigit(val)
+ return (val:match("^[0-9%*#!%.]+$") ~= nil)
+function timehhmmss(val)
+ return (val:match("^[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]$") ~= nil)
+function dateyyyymmdd(val)
+ if val ~= nil then
+ yearstr, monthstr, daystr = val:match("^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)$")
+ if (yearstr == nil) or (monthstr == nil) or (daystr == nil) then
+ return false;
+ end
+ year = tonumber(yearstr)
+ month = tonumber(monthstr)
+ day = tonumber(daystr)
+ if (year == nil) or (month == nil) or (day == nil) then
+ return false;
+ end
+ local days_in_month = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }
+ local function is_leap_year(year)
+ return (year % 4 == 0) and ((year % 100 ~= 0) or (year % 400 == 0))
+ end
+ function get_days_in_month(month, year)
+ if (month == 2) and is_leap_year(year) then
+ return 29
+ else
+ return days_in_month[month]
+ end
+ end
+ if (year < 2015) then
+ return false
+ end
+ if ((month == 0) or (month > 12)) then
+ return false
+ end
+ if ((day == 0) or (day > get_days_in_month(month, year))) then
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function unique(val)
+ return true
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/firewall.lua b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/firewall.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feff0855c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/model/firewall.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+-- Copyright 2009 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+local type, pairs, ipairs, table, luci, math
+ = type, pairs, ipairs, table, luci, math
+local tpl = require "luci.template.parser"
+local utl = require "luci.util"
+local uci = require "luci.model.uci"
+module "luci.model.firewall"
+local uci_r, uci_s
+function _valid_id(x)
+ return (x and #x > 0 and x:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$"))
+function _get(c, s, o)
+ return uci_r:get(c, s, o)
+function _set(c, s, o, v)
+ if v ~= nil then
+ if type(v) == "boolean" then v = v and "1" or "0" end
+ return uci_r:set(c, s, o, v)
+ else
+ return uci_r:delete(c, s, o)
+ end
+function init(cursor)
+ uci_r = cursor or uci_r or uci.cursor()
+ uci_s = uci_r:substate()
+ return _M
+function save(self, ...)
+ uci_r:save(...)
+ uci_r:load(...)
+function commit(self, ...)
+ uci_r:commit(...)
+ uci_r:load(...)
+function get_defaults()
+ return defaults()
+function new_zone(self)
+ local name = "newzone"
+ local count = 1
+ while self:get_zone(name) do
+ count = count + 1
+ name = "newzone%d" % count
+ end
+ return self:add_zone(name)
+function add_zone(self, n)
+ if _valid_id(n) and not self:get_zone(n) then
+ local d = defaults()
+ local z = uci_r:section("firewall", "zone", nil, {
+ name = n,
+ network = " ",
+ input = d:input() or "DROP",
+ forward = d:forward() or "DROP",
+ output = d:output() or "DROP"
+ })
+ return z and zone(z)
+ end
+function get_zone(self, n)
+ if uci_r:get("firewall", n) == "zone" then
+ return zone(n)
+ else
+ local z
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone",
+ function(s)
+ if n and == n then
+ z = s['.name']
+ return false
+ end
+ end)
+ return z and zone(z)
+ end
+function get_zones(self)
+ local zones = { }
+ local znl = { }
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone",
+ function(s)
+ if then
+ znl[] = zone(s['.name'])
+ end
+ end)
+ local z
+ for z in utl.kspairs(znl) do
+ zones[#zones+1] = znl[z]
+ end
+ return zones
+function get_zone_by_network(self, net)
+ local z
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone",
+ function(s)
+ if and net then
+ local n
+ for n in utl.imatch( or do
+ if n == net then
+ z = s['.name']
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ return z and zone(z)
+function del_zone(self, n)
+ local r = false
+ if uci_r:get("firewall", n) == "zone" then
+ local z = uci_r:get("firewall", n, "name")
+ r = uci_r:delete("firewall", n)
+ n = z
+ else
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone",
+ function(s)
+ if n and == n then
+ r = uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name'])
+ return false
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ if r then
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "rule",
+ function(s)
+ if s.src == n or s.dest == n then
+ uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name'])
+ end
+ end)
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "redirect",
+ function(s)
+ if s.src == n or s.dest == n then
+ uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name'])
+ end
+ end)
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "forwarding",
+ function(s)
+ if s.src == n or s.dest == n then
+ uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name'])
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ return r
+function rename_zone(self, old, new)
+ local r = false
+ if _valid_id(new) and not self:get_zone(new) then
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone",
+ function(s)
+ if old and == old then
+ if not then
+ uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "network", old)
+ end
+ uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "name", new)
+ r = true
+ return false
+ end
+ end)
+ if r then
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "rule",
+ function(s)
+ if s.src == old then
+ uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "src", new)
+ end
+ if s.dest == old then
+ uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "dest", new)
+ end
+ end)
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "redirect",
+ function(s)
+ if s.src == old then
+ uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "src", new)
+ end
+ if s.dest == old then
+ uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "dest", new)
+ end
+ end)
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "forwarding",
+ function(s)
+ if s.src == old then
+ uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "src", new)
+ end
+ if s.dest == old then
+ uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "dest", new)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ return r
+function del_network(self, net)
+ local z
+ if net then
+ for _, z in ipairs(self:get_zones()) do
+ z:del_network(net)
+ end
+ end
+defaults = utl.class()
+function defaults.__init__(self)
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "defaults",
+ function(s)
+ self.sid = s['.name']
+ return false
+ end)
+ self.sid = self.sid or uci_r:section("firewall", "defaults", nil, { })
+function defaults.get(self, opt)
+ return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt)
+function defaults.set(self, opt, val)
+ return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val)
+function defaults.syn_flood(self)
+ return (self:get("syn_flood") == "1")
+function defaults.drop_invalid(self)
+ return (self:get("drop_invalid") == "1")
+function defaults.input(self)
+ return self:get("input") or "DROP"
+function defaults.forward(self)
+ return self:get("forward") or "DROP"
+function defaults.output(self)
+ return self:get("output") or "DROP"
+zone = utl.class()
+function zone.__init__(self, z)
+ if uci_r:get("firewall", z) == "zone" then
+ self.sid = z
+ = uci_r:get_all("firewall", z)
+ else
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone",
+ function(s)
+ if == z then
+ self.sid = s['.name']
+ = s
+ return false
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+function zone.get(self, opt)
+ return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt)
+function zone.set(self, opt, val)
+ return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val)
+function zone.masq(self)
+ return (self:get("masq") == "1")
+ return self:get("name")
+ return self:get("network")
+function zone.input(self)
+ return self:get("input") or defaults():input() or "DROP"
+function zone.forward(self)
+ return self:get("forward") or defaults():forward() or "DROP"
+function zone.output(self)
+ return self:get("output") or defaults():output() or "DROP"
+function zone.add_network(self, net)
+ if uci_r:get("network", net) == "interface" then
+ local nets = { }
+ local n
+ for n in utl.imatch(self:get("network") or self:get("name")) do
+ if n ~= net then
+ nets[#nets+1] = n
+ end
+ end
+ nets[#nets+1] = net
+ _M:del_network(net)
+ self:set("network", table.concat(nets, " "))
+ end
+function zone.del_network(self, net)
+ local nets = { }
+ local n
+ for n in utl.imatch(self:get("network") or self:get("name")) do
+ if n ~= net then
+ nets[#nets+1] = n
+ end
+ end
+ if #nets > 0 then
+ self:set("network", table.concat(nets, " "))
+ else
+ self:set("network", " ")
+ end
+function zone.get_networks(self)
+ local nets = { }
+ local n
+ for n in utl.imatch(self:get("network") or self:get("name")) do
+ nets[#nets+1] = n
+ end
+ return nets
+function zone.clear_networks(self)
+ self:set("network", " ")
+function zone.get_forwardings_by(self, what)
+ local name = self:name()
+ local forwards = { }
+ uci_r:foreach("firewall", "forwarding",
+ function(s)
+ if s.src and s.dest and s[what] == name then
+ forwards[#forwards+1] = forwarding(s['.name'])
+ end
+ end)
+ return forwards
+function zone.add_forwarding_to(self, dest)
+ local exist, forward
+ for _, forward in ipairs(self:get_forwardings_by('src')) do
+ if forward:dest() == dest then
+ exist = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not exist and dest ~= self:name() and _valid_id(dest) then
+ local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {
+ src = self:name(),
+ dest = dest
+ })
+ return s and forwarding(s)
+ end
+function zone.add_forwarding_from(self, src)
+ local exist, forward
+ for _, forward in ipairs(self:get_forwardings_by('dest')) do
+ if forward:src() == src then
+ exist = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not exist and src ~= self:name() and _valid_id(src) then
+ local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {
+ src = src,
+ dest = self:name()
+ })
+ return s and forwarding(s)
+ end
+function zone.del_forwardings_by(self, what)
+ local name = self:name()
+ uci_r:delete_all("firewall", "forwarding",
+ function(s)
+ return (s.src and s.dest and s[what] == name)
+ end)
+function zone.add_redirect(self, options)
+ options = options or { }
+ options.src = self:name()
+ local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "redirect", nil, options)
+ return s and redirect(s)
+function zone.add_rule(self, options)
+ options = options or { }
+ options.src = self:name()
+ local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "rule", nil, options)
+ return s and rule(s)
+function zone.get_color(self)
+ if self and self:name() == "lan" then
+ return "#90f090"
+ elseif self and self:name() == "wan" then
+ return "#f09090"
+ elseif self then
+ math.randomseed(tpl.hash(self:name()))
+ local r = math.random(128)
+ local g = math.random(128)
+ local min = 0
+ local max = 128
+ if ( r + g ) < 128 then
+ min = 128 - r - g
+ else
+ max = 255 - r - g
+ end
+ local b = min + math.floor( math.random() * ( max - min ) )
+ return "#%02x%02x%02x" % { 0xFF - r, 0xFF - g, 0xFF - b }
+ else
+ return "#eeeeee"
+ end
+forwarding = utl.class()
+function forwarding.__init__(self, f)
+ self.sid = f
+function forwarding.src(self)
+ return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "src")
+function forwarding.dest(self)
+ return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "dest")
+function forwarding.src_zone(self)
+ local z = zone(self:src())
+ return z.sid and z
+function forwarding.dest_zone(self)
+ local z = zone(self:dest())
+ return z.sid and z
+rule = utl.class()
+function rule.__init__(self, f)
+ self.sid = f
+function rule.get(self, opt)
+ return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt)
+function rule.set(self, opt, val)
+ return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val)
+function rule.src(self)
+ return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "src")
+function rule.dest(self)
+ return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "dest")
+function rule.src_zone(self)
+ return zone(self:src())
+function rule.dest_zone(self)
+ return zone(self:dest())
+redirect = utl.class()
+function redirect.__init__(self, f)
+ self.sid = f
+function redirect.get(self, opt)
+ return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt)
+function redirect.set(self, opt, val)
+ return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val)
+function redirect.src(self)
+ return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "src")
+function redirect.dest(self)
+ return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "dest")
+function redirect.src_zone(self)
+ return zone(self:src())
+function redirect.dest_zone(self)
+ return zone(self:dest())
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/browser.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/browser.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb47ffafe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/browser.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<input class="cbi-input-text" type="text"<%=
+ attr("id", cbid) ..
+ attr("name", cbid) ..
+ attr("value", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default) ..
+ attr("data-browser", self.default_path or "")
+%> />
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/button.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/button.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ccba58f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/button.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ <% if self:cfgvalue(section) ~= false then %>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-<%=self.inputstyle or "button" %>" type="submit"<%= attr("name", cbid) .. attr("id", cbid) .. attr("value", self.inputtitle or self.title)%> />
+ <% else %>
+ -
+ <% end %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/cell_valuefooter.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/cell_valuefooter.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdd6bc9687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/cell_valuefooter.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/cell_valueheader.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/cell_valueheader.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b70957543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/cell_valueheader.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ local title = luci.util.trim(striptags(self.title))
+ local descr = luci.util.trim(striptags(self.description))
+ local ftype = self.typename or (self.template and self.template:gsub("^.+/", ""))
+<div class="td cbi-value-field<% if self.error and self.error[section] then %> cbi-value-error<% end %><% if self.password then %> nowrap<% end %>"<%=
+ attr("data-name", self.option) ..
+ ifattr(ftype and #ftype > 0, "data-type", ftype) ..
+ ifattr(title and #title > 0, "data-title", title, true) ..
+ ifattr(descr and #descr > 0, "data-description", descr, true)
+<div id="cbi-<%=self.config.."-"..section.."-"..self.option%>" data-index="<%=self.index%>" data-depends="<%=pcdata(self:deplist2json(section))%>">
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/compound.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/compound.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12d02bb1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/compound.htm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<%- self:render_children() %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/delegator.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/delegator.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fd19265d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/delegator.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<%- %>
+ <div class="cbi-page-actions">
+ <input type="hidden" name="cbi.delg.current" value="<%=self.current%>" />
+<% for _, x in ipairs(self.chain) do %>
+ <input type="hidden" name="cbi.delg.path" value="<%=x%>" />
+<% end %>
+<% if not self.disallow_pageactions then %>
+<% if self.allow_finish and not self:get_next(self.current) then %>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-finish" type="submit" value="<%:Finish%>" />
+<% elseif self:get_next(self.current) then %>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-next" type="submit" value="<%:Next »%>" />
+<% end %>
+<% if self.allow_cancel then %>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-cancel" type="submit" name="cbi.cancel" value="<%:Cancel%>" />
+<% end %>
+<% if self.allow_reset then %>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-reset" type="reset" value="<%:Reset%>" />
+<% end %>
+<% if self.allow_back and self:get_prev(self.current) then %>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-back" type="submit" name="cbi.delg.back" value="<%:« Back%>" />
+<% end %>
+<% end %>
+ <script type="text/javascript">cbi_d_update();</script>
+ </div>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/dropdown.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/dropdown.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..927ecf2396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/dropdown.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<div<%=attr("data-ui-widget", luci.util.serialize_json({
+ "Dropdown", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default, self:choices(), {
+ id = cbid,
+ name = cbid,
+ sort = self.keylist,
+ multiple = self.multiple,
+ datatype = self.datatype,
+ optional = self.optional or self.rmempty,
+ readonly = self.readonly,
+ maxlength = self.maxlength,
+ placeholder = self.placeholder,
+ display_items = self.display or self.size or 3,
+ dropdown_items = self.dropdown or self.display or self.size or 5,
+ custom_placeholder = self.custom or
+ (self.multiple and translate("Enter custom values") or translate("Enter custom value"))
+ }
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/dvalue.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/dvalue.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78e6f323d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/dvalue.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<% if self.href then %><a href="<%=self.href%>"><% end -%>
+ <%
+ local val = self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default or ""
+ if not self.rawhtml then
+ write(pcdata(val))
+ else
+ write(val)
+ end
+ %>
+<%- if self.href then %></a><%end%>
+<input type="hidden" id="<%=cbid%>" value="<%=pcdata(self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default or "")%>" />
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/dynlist.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/dynlist.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a3da67ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/dynlist.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<div<%=attr("data-ui-widget", luci.util.serialize_json({
+ "DynamicList", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default, self:choices(), {
+ name = cbid,
+ size = self.size,
+ sort = self.keylist,
+ datatype = self.datatype,
+ optional = self.optional or self.rmempty,
+ placeholder = self.placeholder
+ }
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/error.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/error.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75ec1082aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/error.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<div class="cbi-map" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>">
+ <% if self.title and #self.title > 0 then %><h2 name="content"><%=self.title%></h2><% end %>
+ <% if self.description and #self.description > 0 then %><div class="cbi-map-descr"><%=self.description%></div><% end %>
+ <p class="alert-message danger">
+ <%: The configuration file could not be loaded due to the following error: %><br />
+ <code><%=pcdata(self.error)%></code>
+ </p>
+ <textarea name="cbi.source" style="width:100%; margin-bottom:1em" rows="<%=math.max(self.source:cmatch("\n"), 10)%>"><%=pcdata(self.source)%></textarea>
+ <p class="alert-message">
+ <%: Edit the raw configuration data above to fix any error and hit "Save" to reload the page. %>
+ </p>
+ <div class="cbi-page-actions">
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-apply" type="submit" name="" value="<%:Save%>" />
+ </div>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/footer.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/footer.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed632202ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/footer.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ local display_back = (redirect and not flow.hidebackbtn)
+ local display_skip = (flow.skip)
+ local display_apply = (not autoapply and not flow.hideapplybtn)
+ local display_save = (not flow.hidesavebtn)
+ local display_reset = (not flow.hideresetbtn)
+ if pageaction and
+ (display_back or display_skip or display_apply or display_save or display_reset)
+ then
+ %><div class="cbi-page-actions"><%
+ if display_back then
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-link" type="button" value="<%:Back to Overview%>" onclick="location.href='<%=pcdata(redirect)%>'" /> <%
+ end
+ if display_skip then
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-skip" type="button" value="<%:Skip%>" onclick="cbi_submit(this, 'cbi.skip')" /> <%
+ end
+ if display_apply then
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-apply" type="button" value="<%:Save & Apply%>" onclick="cbi_submit(this, 'cbi.apply')" /> <%
+ end
+ if display_save then
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-save" type="submit" value="<%:Save%>" /> <%
+ end
+ if display_reset then
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-reset" type="button" value="<%:Reset%>" onclick="location.href='<%=REQUEST_URI%>'" /> <%
+ end
+ %></div><%
+ end
+<script type="text/javascript">cbi_init();</script>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/full_valuefooter.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/full_valuefooter.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4ad093efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/full_valuefooter.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ <% if self.description and #self.description > 0 then -%>
+ <% if not luci.util.instanceof(self, luci.cbi.DynamicList) and (not luci.util.instanceof(self, luci.cbi.Flag) or self.orientation == "horizontal") then -%>
+ <br />
+ <%- end %>
+ <div class="cbi-value-description">
+ <%=self.description%>
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <%- if self.title and #self.title > 0 then -%>
+ </div>
+ <%- end -%>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/full_valueheader.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/full_valueheader.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d9ebeba94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/full_valueheader.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<div class="cbi-value<% if self.error and self.error[section] then %> cbi-value-error<% end %><% if self.last_child then %> cbi-value-last<% end %><% if self.password then %> nowrap<% end %>" id="cbi-<%=self.config.."-"..section.."-"..self.option%>" data-index="<%=self.index%>" data-depends="<%=pcdata(self:deplist2json(section))%>">
+ <%- if self.title and #self.title > 0 then -%>
+ <label class="cbi-value-title"<%= attr("for", cbid) %>>
+ <%- if self.titleref then -%><a title="<%=self.titledesc or translate('Go to relevant configuration page')%>" class="cbi-title-ref" href="<%=self.titleref%>"><%- end -%>
+ <%-=self.title-%>
+ <%- if self.titleref then -%></a><%- end -%>
+ </label>
+ <div class="cbi-value-field">
+ <%- end -%>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/fvalue.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/fvalue.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f975b95e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/fvalue.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<div<%=attr("data-ui-widget", luci.util.serialize_json({
+ "Checkbox", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default, {
+ id = cbid,
+ name = cbid,
+ readonly = self.readonly,
+ hiddenname = "cbi.cbe." .. self.config .. "." .. section .. "." .. self.option,
+ value_enabled = self.enabled or 1,
+ value_disabled = self.disabled or 0
+ }
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/header.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/header.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..821fa3efae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/header.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<form method="post" name="cbi" action="<%=REQUEST_URI%>" enctype="multipart/form-data" onreset="return cbi_validate_reset(this)" onsubmit="return cbi_validate_form(this, '<%:Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!%>')"<%=
+ attr("data-strings", luci.util.serialize_json({
+ label = {
+ choose = translate('-- Please choose --'),
+ custom = translate('-- custom --'),
+ },
+ path = {
+ resource = resource,
+ browser = url("admin/filebrowser")
+ }
+ }))
+ <div>
+ <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<%=token%>" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="cbi.submit" value="1" />
+ <input type="submit" value="<%:Save%>" class="hidden" />
+ </div>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/ipaddr.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/ipaddr.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c924e1544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/ipaddr.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ function switchToCIDRList(ev) {
+ var input =,
+ usecidr = document.getElementById( + '_usecidr');
+ ev.preventDefault();
+ usecidr.value = '1';
+ cbi_d_update();
+ }
+ </script>
+ <input data-update="change"<%=
+ attr("id", cbid) ..
+ attr("name", cbid) ..
+ attr("type", "text") ..
+ attr("class", "cbi-input-text") ..
+ attr("value", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default) ..
+ ifattr(self.size, "size") ..
+ ifattr(self.placeholder, "placeholder") ..
+ ifattr(self.datatype, "data-type", self.datatype) ..
+ ifattr(self.datatype, "data-optional", self.optional or self.rmempty) ..
+ ifattr(self.combobox_manual, "data-manual", self.combobox_manual) ..
+ ifattr(#self.keylist > 0, "data-choices", { self.keylist, self.vallist })
+ %> /><!--
+ --><button class="cbi-button cbi-button-neutral" title="<%:Switch to CIDR list notation%>" aria-label="<%:Switch to CIDR list notation%>" onclick="switchToCIDRList(event)">…</button>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/lvalue.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/lvalue.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28141472f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/lvalue.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<div<%=attr("data-ui-widget", luci.util.serialize_json({
+ "Select", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default, self:choices(), {
+ id = cbid,
+ name = cbid,
+ size = self.size,
+ sort = self.keylist,
+ widget = self.widget,
+ datatype = self.datatype,
+ optional = self.optional,
+ placeholder = self.placeholder
+ }
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/map.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/map.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cda4d3530c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/map.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<%- if firstmap and messages then local msg; for _, msg in ipairs(messages) do -%>
+ <div class="alert-message warning"><%=pcdata(msg)%></div>
+<%- end end -%>
+<div class="cbi-map" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>">
+ <% if self.title and #self.title > 0 then %>
+ <h2 name="content"><%=self.title%></h2>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if self.description and #self.description > 0 then %>
+ <div class="cbi-map-descr"><%=self.description%></div>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if self.tabbed then %>
+ <div>
+ <% for i, section in ipairs(self.children) do
+ tab = section.section or section.sectiontype %>
+ <div class="cbi-tabcontainer"<%=
+ attr("id", "container.m-%s.%s" %{ self.config, tab }) ..
+ attr("data-tab", tab) ..
+ attr("data-tab-title", section.title or tab)
+ %>>
+ <% section:render() %>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <% if not then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-error">
+ <% for _, section in ipairs(self.children) do %>
+ <% if section.error and section.error[section.section] then -%>
+ <ul><li>
+ <%:One or more invalid/required values on tab%>:&nbsp;<%=section.title or section.section or section.sectiontype%>
+ </li></ul>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%- self:render_children() %>
+ <% end %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/mvalue.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/mvalue.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f4f4dbcc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/mvalue.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ local util = require "luci.util"
+ local values = {}
+ local value
+ for value in util.imatch(self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default) do
+ values[#values+1] = value
+ end
+<div<%=attr("data-ui-widget", luci.util.serialize_json({
+ "Select", values, self:choices(), {
+ id = cbid,
+ name = cbid,
+ size = self.size,
+ sort = self.keylist,
+ multiple = true,
+ widget = self.widget,
+ datatype = self.datatype,
+ optional = self.optional or self.rmempty,
+ readonly = self.readonly,
+ placeholder = self.placeholder
+ }
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/nsection.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/nsection.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14232e3d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/nsection.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<% if self:cfgvalue(self.section) then section = self.section %>
+ <div class="cbi-section">
+ <% if self.title and #self.title > 0 then -%>
+ <legend><%=self.title%></legend>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% if self.description and #self.description > 0 then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-descr"><%=self.description%></div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% if self.addremove then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-remove right">
+ <input type="submit" class="cbi-button" name="cbi.rns.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>" value="<%:Delete%>" />
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <div class="cbi-section-node<% if self.tabs then %> cbi-section-node-tabbed<% end %>" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>-<%=section%>">
+ <%+cbi/ucisection%>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<% elseif self.addremove then %>
+ <% if self.template_addremove then include(self.template_addremove) else -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>-<%=self.section%>">
+ <% if self.title and #self.title > 0 then -%>
+ <legend><%=self.title%></legend>
+ <%- end %>
+ <div class="cbi-section-descr"><%=self.description%></div>
+ <input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-button-add" name="cbi.cns.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.section%>" value="<%:Add%>" />
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+<% end %>
+<!-- /nsection -->
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/nullsection.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/nullsection.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7230719d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/nullsection.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<div class="cbi-section">
+ <% if self.title and #self.title > 0 then -%>
+ <legend><%=self.title%></legend>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% if self.description and #self.description > 0 then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-descr"><%=self.description%></div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <div class="cbi-section-node">
+ <div id="cbi-<%=self.config%>-<%=tostring(self):sub(8)%>">
+ <% self:render_children(1, scope or {}) %>
+ </div>
+ <% if self.error and self.error[1] then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-error">
+ <ul><% for _, e in ipairs(self.error[1]) do -%>
+ <li>
+ <%- if e == "invalid" then -%>
+ <%:One or more fields contain invalid values!%>
+ <%- elseif e == "missing" then -%>
+ <%:One or more required fields have no value!%>
+ <%- else -%>
+ <%=pcdata(e)%>
+ <%- end -%>
+ </li>
+ <%- end %></ul>
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+ </div>
+ if type(self.hidden) == "table" then
+ for k, v in pairs(self.hidden) do
+ <input type="hidden" id="<%=k%>" name="<%=k%>" value="<%=pcdata(v)%>" />
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/simpleform.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/simpleform.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e10724ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/simpleform.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ if not self.embedded then
+ %><form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<%=REQUEST_URI%>">
+ <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<%=token%>" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="cbi.submit" value="1" /><%
+ end
+ %><div class="cbi-map" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>"><%
+ if self.title and #self.title > 0 then
+ %><h2 name="content"><%=self.title%></h2><%
+ end
+ if self.description and #self.description > 0 then
+ %><div class="cbi-map-descr"><%=self.description%></div><%
+ end
+ self:render_children()
+ %></div><%
+ if self.message then
+ %><div class="alert-message notice"><%=self.message%></div><%
+ end
+ if self.errmessage then
+ %><div class="alert-message warning"><%=self.errmessage%></div><%
+ end
+ if not self.embedded then
+ if type(self.hidden) == "table" then
+ local k, v
+ for k, v in pairs(self.hidden) do
+ %><input type="hidden" id="<%=k%>" name="<%=k%>" value="<%=pcdata(v)%>" /><%
+ end
+ end
+ local display_back = (redirect)
+ local display_cancel = (self.cancel ~= false and self.on_cancel)
+ local display_skip = (self.flow and self.flow.skip)
+ local display_submit = (self.submit ~= false)
+ local display_reset = (self.reset ~= false)
+ if display_back or display_cancel or display_skip or display_submit or display_reset then
+ %><div class="cbi-page-actions"><%
+ if display_back then
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-link" type="button" value="<%:Back to Overview%>" onclick="location.href='<%=pcdata(redirect)%>'" /> <%
+ end
+ if display_cancel then
+ local label = pcdata(self.cancel or translate("Cancel"))
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-link" type="button" value="<%=label%>" onclick="cbi_submit(this, 'cbi.cancel')" /> <%
+ end
+ if display_skip then
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-neutral" type="button" value="<%:Skip%>" onclick="cbi_submit(this, 'cbi.skip')" /> <%
+ end
+ if display_submit then
+ local label = pcdata(self.submit or translate("Submit"))
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-save" type="submit" value="<%=label%>" /> <%
+ end
+ if display_reset then
+ local label = pcdata(self.reset or translate("Reset"))
+ %><input class="cbi-button cbi-button-reset" type="reset" value="<%=label%>" /> <%
+ end
+ %></div><%
+ end
+ %></form><%
+ end
+<script type="text/javascript">cbi_init();</script>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tabcontainer.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tabcontainer.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fcb835783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tabcontainer.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<% for _, tab in ipairs(self.tab_names) do data = self.tabs[tab] %>
+ <div class="cbi-tabcontainer"<%=
+ attr("id", "container.%s.%s.%s" %{ self.config, section, tab }) ..
+ attr("data-tab", tab) ..
+ attr("data-tab-title", data.title) ..
+ attr("data-tab-active", tostring(tab == self.selected_tab))
+ %>>
+ <% if data.description then %>
+ <div class="cbi-tab-descr"><%=data.description%></div>
+ <% end %>
+ <% self:render_tab(tab, section, scope or {}) %>
+ </div>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tblsection.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tblsection.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11c2206d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tblsection.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+local rowcnt = 0
+function rowstyle()
+ rowcnt = rowcnt + 1
+ if rowcnt % 2 == 0 then
+ return " cbi-rowstyle-1"
+ else
+ return " cbi-rowstyle-2"
+ end
+function width(o)
+ if o.width then
+ if type(o.width) == 'number' then
+ return ' style="width:%dpx"' % o.width
+ end
+ return ' style="width:%s"' % o.width
+ end
+ return ''
+local has_titles = false
+local has_descriptions = false
+local anonclass = (not self.anonymous or self.sectiontitle) and "named" or "anonymous"
+local titlename = ifattr(not self.anonymous or self.sectiontitle, "data-title", translate("Name"))
+local i, k
+for i, k in pairs(self.children) do
+ if not k.typename then
+ k.typename = k.template and k.template:gsub("^.+/", "") or ""
+ end
+ if not has_titles and k.title and #k.title > 0 then
+ has_titles = true
+ end
+ if not has_descriptions and k.description and #k.description > 0 then
+ has_descriptions = true
+ end
+function render_titles()
+ if not has_titles then
+ return
+ end
+ %><div class="tr cbi-section-table-titles <%=anonclass%>"<%=titlename%>><%
+ local i, k
+ for i, k in ipairs(self.children) do
+ if not k.optional then
+ %><div class="th cbi-section-table-cell"<%=
+ width(k) .. attr('data-type', k.typename) %>><%
+ if k.titleref then
+ %><a title="<%=self.titledesc or translate('Go to relevant configuration page')%>" class="cbi-title-ref" href="<%=k.titleref%>"><%
+ end
+ write(k.title)
+ if k.titleref then
+ %></a><%
+ end
+ %></div><%
+ end
+ end
+ if self.sortable or self.extedit or self.addremove then
+ %><div class="th cbi-section-table-cell cbi-section-actions"></div><%
+ end
+ %></div><%
+ rowcnt = rowcnt + 1
+function render_descriptions()
+ if not has_descriptions then
+ return
+ end
+ %><div class="tr cbi-section-table-descr <%=anonclass%>"><%
+ local i, k
+ for i, k in ipairs(self.children) do
+ if not k.optional then
+ %><div class="th cbi-section-table-cell"<%=
+ width(k) .. attr("data-type", k.typename) %>><%
+ write(k.description)
+ %></div><%
+ end
+ end
+ if self.sortable or self.extedit or self.addremove then
+ %><div class="th cbi-section-table-cell cbi-section-actions"></div><%
+ end
+ %></div><%
+ rowcnt = rowcnt + 1
+<!-- tblsection -->
+<div class="cbi-section cbi-tblsection" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>-<%=self.sectiontype%>">
+ <% if self.title and #self.title > 0 then -%>
+ <h3><%=self.title%></h3>
+ <%- end %>
+ <%- if self.sortable then -%>
+ <input type="hidden" id="cbi.sts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>" name="cbi.sts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>" value="" />
+ <%- end -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-descr"><%=self.description%></div>
+ <div class="table cbi-section-table">
+ <%-
+ render_titles()
+ render_descriptions()
+ local isempty, section, i, k = true, nil, nil
+ for i, k in ipairs(self:cfgsections()) do
+ isempty = false
+ section = k
+ local sectionname = striptags((type(self.sectiontitle) == "function") and self:sectiontitle(section) or k)
+ local sectiontitle = ifattr(sectionname and (not self.anonymous or self.sectiontitle), "data-title", sectionname, true)
+ local colorclass = (self.extedit or self.rowcolors) and rowstyle() or ""
+ local scope = {
+ valueheader = "cbi/cell_valueheader",
+ valuefooter = "cbi/cell_valuefooter"
+ }
+ -%>
+ <div class="tr cbi-section-table-row<%=colorclass%>" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>-<%=section%>"<%=sectiontitle%>>
+ <%-
+ local node
+ for k, node in ipairs(self.children) do
+ if not node.optional then
+ node:render(section, scope or {})
+ end
+ end
+ -%>
+ <%- if self.sortable or self.extedit or self.addremove then -%>
+ <div class="td cbi-section-table-cell nowrap cbi-section-actions">
+ <div>
+ <%- if self.sortable then -%>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-up" type="button" value="<%:Up%>" onclick="return cbi_row_swap(this, true, 'cbi.sts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>')" title="<%:Move up%>" />
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-down" type="button" value="<%:Down%>" onclick="return cbi_row_swap(this, false, 'cbi.sts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>')" title="<%:Move down%>" />
+ <% end; if self.extedit then -%>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-edit" type="button" value="<%:Edit%>"
+ <%- if type(self.extedit) == "string" then
+ %> onclick="location.href='<%=self.extedit:format(section)%>'"
+ <%- elseif type(self.extedit) == "function" then
+ %> onclick="location.href='<%=self:extedit(section)%>'"
+ <%- end
+ %> alt="<%:Edit%>" title="<%:Edit%>" />
+ <% end; if self.addremove then %>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-remove" type="submit" value="<%:Delete%>" onclick="this.form.cbi_state='del-section'; return true" name="cbi.rts.<%=self.config%>.<%=k%>" alt="<%:Delete%>" title="<%:Delete%>" />
+ <%- end -%>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <%- end -%>
+ </div>
+ <%- end -%>
+ <%- if isempty then -%>
+ <div class="tr cbi-section-table-row placeholder">
+ <div class="td"><em><%:This section contains no values yet%></em></div>
+ </div>
+ <%- end -%>
+ </div>
+ <% if self.error then %>
+ <div class="cbi-section-error">
+ <ul><% for _, c in pairs(self.error) do for _, e in ipairs(c) do -%>
+ <li><%=pcdata(e):gsub("\n","<br />")%></li>
+ <%- end end %></ul>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ <%- if self.addremove then -%>
+ <% if self.template_addremove then include(self.template_addremove) else -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-create cbi-tblsection-create">
+ <% if self.anonymous then %>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-add" type="submit" value="<%:Add%>" name="cbi.cts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>.<%=section%>" title="<%:Add%>" />
+ <% else %>
+ <% if self.invalid_cts then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-error"><%:Invalid%></div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <div>
+ <input type="text" class="cbi-section-create-name" id="cbi.cts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>.<%=section%>" name="cbi.cts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>.<%=section%>" data-type="uciname" data-optional="true" />
+ </div>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-add" type="submit" onclick="this.form.cbi_state='add-section'; return true" value="<%:Add%>" title="<%:Add%>" />
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <%- end -%>
+<!-- /tblsection -->
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tsection.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tsection.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f3b7f0ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tsection.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<div class="cbi-section" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>-<%=self.sectiontype%>">
+ <% if self.title and #self.title > 0 then -%>
+ <legend><%=self.title%></legend>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% if self.error_msg and #self.error_msg > 0 then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-error">
+ <%=self.error_msg%>
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% if self.description and #self.description > 0 then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-descr"><%=self.description%></div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% local isempty = true for i, k in ipairs(self:cfgsections()) do -%>
+ <% if self.addremove then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-remove right">
+ <input type="submit" name="cbi.rts.<%=self.config%>.<%=k%>" onclick="this.form.cbi_state='del-section'; return true" value="<%:Delete%>" class="cbi-button" />
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <%- section = k; isempty = false -%>
+ <% if not self.anonymous then -%>
+ <h3><%=section:upper()%></h3>
+ <%- end %>
+ <div class="cbi-section-node<% if self.tabs then %> cbi-section-node-tabbed<% end %>" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>-<%=section%>">
+ <%+cbi/ucisection%>
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% if isempty then -%>
+ <em><%:This section contains no values yet%><br /><br /></em>
+ <%- end %>
+ <% if self.addremove then -%>
+ <% if self.template_addremove then include(self.template_addremove) else -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-create">
+ <% if self.anonymous then -%>
+ <input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-button-add" name="cbi.cts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>.<%=section%>" value="<%:Add%>" />
+ <%- else -%>
+ <% if self.invalid_cts then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-error"><%:Invalid%></div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <div>
+ <input type="text" class="cbi-section-create-name" id="cbi.cts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>." name="cbi.cts.<%=self.config%>.<%=self.sectiontype%>." data-type="uciname" data-optional="true" />
+ </div>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-add" type="submit" onclick="this.form.cbi_state='add-section'; return true" value="<%:Add%>" title="<%:Add%>" />
+ <%- end %>
+ </div>
+ <%- end %>
+ <%- end %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tvalue.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tvalue.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3b12bd094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/tvalue.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ <textarea class="cbi-input-textarea" <% if not self.size then %> style="width: 100%"<% else %> cols="<%=self.size%>"<% end %> data-update="change"<%= attr("name", cbid) .. attr("id", cbid) .. ifattr(self.rows, "rows") .. ifattr(self.wrap, "wrap") .. ifattr(self.readonly, "readonly") %>>
+ <%-=pcdata(self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default)-%>
+ </textarea>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/ucisection.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/ucisection.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fa11d68f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/ucisection.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ if type(self.hidden) == "table" then
+ for k, v in pairs(self.hidden) do
+ <input type="hidden" id="<%=k%>" name="<%=k%>" value="<%=pcdata(v)%>" />
+ end
+ end
+<% if self.tabs then %>
+ <%+cbi/tabcontainer%>
+<% else %>
+ <% self:render_children(section, scope or {}) %>
+<% end %>
+<% if self.error and self.error[section] then -%>
+ <div class="cbi-section-error" data-index="<%=#self.children + 1%>">
+ <ul><% for _, e in ipairs(self.error[section]) do -%>
+ <li>
+ <%- if e == "invalid" then -%>
+ <%:One or more fields contain invalid values!%>
+ <%- elseif e == "missing" then -%>
+ <%:One or more required fields have no value!%>
+ <%- else -%>
+ <%=pcdata(e)%>
+ <%- end -%>
+ </li>
+ <%- end %></ul>
+ </div>
+<%- end %>
+<% if self.optionals[section] and #self.optionals[section] > 0 or self.dynamic then %>
+ <div class="cbi-optionals" data-index="<%=#self.children + 1%>">
+ <%-
+ if self.dynamic then
+ local keys, vals, name, opt = { }, { }
+ for name, opt in pairs(self.optionals[section]) do
+ keys[#keys+1] = name
+ vals[#vals+1] = opt.title
+ end
+ -%>
+ <input type="text" id="cbi.opt.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>" name="cbi.opt.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>" data-type="uciname" data-optional="true"<%=
+ ifattr(#keys > 0, "data-choices", luci.util.json_encode({keys, vals}))
+ %> />
+ <%- else -%>
+ <select id="cbi.opt.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>" name="cbi.opt.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>" data-optionals="true">
+ <option><%: -- Additional Field -- %></option>
+ <% for key, val in pairs(self.optionals[section]) do -%>
+ <option id="cbi-<%=self.config.."-"..section.."-"..val.option%>" value="<%=val.option%>" data-index="<%=val.index%>" data-depends="<%=pcdata(val:deplist2json(section))%>"><%=striptags(val.title)%></option>
+ <%- end %>
+ </select>
+ <%- end -%>
+ <input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-button-fieldadd" value="<%:Add%>" />
+ </div>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/upload.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/upload.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e610495380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/upload.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<div<%=attr("data-ui-widget", luci.util.serialize_json({
+ "FileUpload", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default, {
+ id = cbid,
+ name = cbid,
+ show_hidden = self.show_hidden,
+ enable_remove = self.enable_remove,
+ enable_upload = self.enable_upload,
+ root_directory = "/" --self.root_directory
+ }
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/value.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/value.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6060310b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/value.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<% local choices = self:choices()
+ if choices then %>
+ <div<%=attr("data-ui-widget", luci.util.serialize_json({
+ "Combobox", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default, choices, {
+ id = cbid,
+ name = cbid,
+ size = self.size,
+ sort = self.keylist,
+ datatype = self.datatype,
+ optional = self.optional or self.rmempty,
+ readonly = self.readonly,
+ maxlength = self.maxlength,
+ placeholder = self.placeholder,
+ custom_placeholder = self.combobox_manual
+ }
+ }))%>></div>
+<% else %>
+ <div<%=attr("data-ui-widget", luci.util.serialize_json({
+ "Textfield", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default, {
+ id = cbid,
+ name = cbid,
+ size = self.size,
+ datatype = self.datatype,
+ optional = self.optional or self.rmempty,
+ password = self.password,
+ readonly = self.readonly,
+ maxlength = self.maxlength,
+ placeholder = self.placeholder
+ }
+ }))%>></div>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/valuefooter.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/valuefooter.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..805312e451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/valuefooter.htm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<% include( valuefooter or "cbi/full_valuefooter" ) %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/valueheader.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/valueheader.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..761a54aed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/valueheader.htm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<% include( valueheader or "cbi/full_valueheader" ) %>
diff --git a/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/wireless_modefreq.htm b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/wireless_modefreq.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eeb1d5c5cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-compat/luasrc/view/cbi/wireless_modefreq.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
+ var freqlist = <%= luci.http.write_json(self.iwinfo.freqlist) %>;
+ var hwmodes = <%= luci.http.write_json(self.iwinfo.hwmodelist or {}) %>;
+ var htmodes = <%= luci.http.write_json(self.iwinfo.htmodelist) %>;
+ var acs = <%= luci.http.write_json(self.hostapd_acs or 0) %>;
+ var channels = {
+ '11g': [
+ 'auto', 'auto', true
+ ],
+ '11a': [
+ 'auto', 'auto', true
+ ]
+ };
+ if (acs < 1) {
+ channels[(freqlist[freqlist.length - 1].mhz > 2484) ? '11a' : '11g'].length = 0;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < freqlist.length; i++)
+ channels[(freqlist[i].mhz > 2484) ? '11a' : '11g'].push(
+ freqlist[i].channel,
+ '%d (%d MHz)'.format(freqlist[i].channel, freqlist[i].mhz),
+ !freqlist[i].restricted
+ );
+ var modes = [
+ '', 'Legacy', true,
+ 'n', 'N', hwmodes.n,
+ 'ac', 'AC',
+ ];
+ var htmodes = {
+ '': [
+ '', '-', true
+ ],
+ 'n': [
+ 'HT20', '20 MHz', htmodes.HT20,
+ 'HT40', '40 MHz', htmodes.HT40
+ ],
+ 'ac': [
+ 'VHT20', '20 MHz', htmodes.VHT20,
+ 'VHT40', '40 MHz', htmodes.VHT40,
+ 'VHT80', '80 MHz', htmodes.VHT80,
+ 'VHT160', '160 MHz', htmodes.VHT160
+ ]
+ };
+ var bands = {
+ '': [
+ '11g', '2.4 GHz', (channels['11g'].length > 3),
+ '11a', '5 GHz', (channels['11a'].length > 3)
+ ],
+ 'n': [
+ '11g', '2.4 GHz', (channels['11g'].length > 3),
+ '11a', '5 GHz', (channels['11a'].length > 3)
+ ],
+ 'ac': [
+ '11a', '5 GHz', true
+ ]
+ };
+ function cbi_set_values(sel, vals)
+ {
+ if (sel.vals)
+ sel.vals.selected = sel.selectedIndex;
+ while (sel.options[0])
+ sel.remove(0);
+ for (var i = 0; vals && i < vals.length; i += 3)
+ {
+ if (!vals[i+2])
+ continue;
+ var opt = document.createElement('option');
+ opt.value = vals[i+0];
+ opt.text = vals[i+1];
+ sel.add(opt);
+ }
+ if (!isNaN(vals.selected))
+ sel.selectedIndex = vals.selected;
+ = (sel.options.length <= 1) ? 'none' : '';
+ sel.vals = vals;
+ }
+ function cbi_toggle_wifi_mode(id)
+ {
+ cbi_toggle_wifi_htmode(id);
+ cbi_toggle_wifi_band(id);
+ }
+ function cbi_toggle_wifi_htmode(id)
+ {
+ var mode = document.getElementById(id + '.mode');
+ var bwdt = document.getElementById(id + '.htmode');
+ cbi_set_values(bwdt, htmodes[mode.value]);
+ }
+ function cbi_toggle_wifi_band(id)
+ {
+ var mode = document.getElementById(id + '.mode');
+ var band = document.getElementById(id + '.band');
+ cbi_set_values(band, bands[mode.value]);
+ cbi_toggle_wifi_channel(id);
+ }
+ function cbi_toggle_wifi_channel(id)
+ {
+ var band = document.getElementById(id + '.band');
+ var chan = document.getElementById(id + '.channel');
+ cbi_set_values(chan, channels[band.value]);
+ }
+ function cbi_init_wifi(id)
+ {
+ var mode = document.getElementById(id + '.mode');
+ var band = document.getElementById(id + '.band');
+ var chan = document.getElementById(id + '.channel');
+ var bwdt = document.getElementById(id + '.htmode');
+ cbi_set_values(mode, modes);
+ if (/VHT20|VHT40|VHT80|VHT160/.test(<%= luci.http.write_json(, "htmode")) %>))
+ mode.value = 'ac';
+ else if (/HT20|HT40/.test(<%= luci.http.write_json(, "htmode")) %>))
+ mode.value = 'n';
+ else
+ mode.value = '';
+ cbi_toggle_wifi_mode(id);
+ if (/a/.test(<%= luci.http.write_json(, "hwmode")) %>))
+ band.value = '11a';
+ else
+ band.value = '11g';
+ cbi_toggle_wifi_band(id);
+ bwdt.value = <%= luci.http.write_json(, "htmode")) %>;
+ chan.value = <%= luci.http.write_json(, "channel")) %>;
+ }
+<label style="float:left; margin-right:3px">
+ <%:Mode%><br />
+ <select style="width:auto" id="<%= cbid %>.mode" name="<%= cbid %>.mode" onchange="cbi_toggle_wifi_mode('<%= cbid %>')"></select>
+<label style="float:left; margin-right:3px">
+ <%:Band%><br />
+ <select style="width:auto" id="<%= cbid %>.band" name="<%= cbid %>.band" onchange="cbi_toggle_wifi_band('<%= cbid %>')"></select>
+<label style="float:left; margin-right:3px">
+ <%:Channel%><br />
+ <select style="width:auto" id="<%= cbid %>.channel" name="<%= cbid %>.channel"></select>
+<label style="float:left; margin-right:3px">
+ <%:Width%><br />
+ <select style="width:auto" id="<%= cbid %>.htmode" name="<%= cbid %>.htmode"></select>
+<br style="clear:left" />
+<script type="text/javascript">cbi_init_wifi('<%= cbid %>');</script>