path: root/modules/luci-base
diff options
authorHosted Weblate <>2023-12-02 22:13:24 +0100
committerHannu Nyman <>2023-12-02 23:14:56 +0200
commit1953553d5439bad9f675f48ecd4c827b81586c6f (patch)
tree6f03151ca8b77bf9aa0afc6a12e21548af82e329 /modules/luci-base
parentab3f8254753d18935b1f6d8d015709613b3990a1 (diff)
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 69.1% (1567 of 2265 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 68.8% (1560 of 2265 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 10.0% (15 of 150 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock-fast Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 14.5% (9 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/acme Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 24.1% (15 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/sqm Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 17.6% (3 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/omcproxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/attendedsysupgrade Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 41.1% (7 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/udpxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 9.4% (7 of 74 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 33.3% (11 of 33 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 25.6% (21 of 82 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 17.2% (10 of 58 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 37.0% (63 of 170 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mwan3 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 7.8% (8 of 102 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 12.9% (16 of 124 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nlbwmon Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 9.6% (6 of 62 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 12.3% (14 of 113 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 19.2% (24 of 125 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/privoxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 16.9% (10 of 59 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nft-qos Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 95.8% (23 of 24 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/lxc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 18.4% (31 of 168 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/aria2 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 46.1% (12 of 26 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dcwapd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 36.0% (48 of 133 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 28.0% (7 of 25 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (15 of 15 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/example Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 12.5% (16 of 127 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/pbr Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 58.3% (7 of 12 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/bcp38 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 18.7% (3 of 16 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/hd-idle Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 25.0% (13 of 52 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ttyd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 50.3% (72 of 143 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/https-dns-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (40 of 40 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/clamav Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 36.7% (18 of 49 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mjpg-streamer Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 35.0% (7 of 20 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ltqtapi Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 24.1% (15 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 22.5% (7 of 31 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dynapoint Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 44.1% (15 of 34 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/wifischedule Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 36.0% (9 of 25 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/cshark Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 27.2% (12 of 44 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 8.0% (15 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 14.2% (2 of 14 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/pagekitec Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 78.9% (30 of 38 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/advanced-reboot Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 15.3% (28 of 183 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 17.3% (4 of 23 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 12.5% (2 of 16 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 17.6% (3 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/eoip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 19.8% (23 of 116 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 63.6% (7 of 11 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 17.0% (15 of 88 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mosquitto Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 13.8% (9 of 65 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dnscrypt-proxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 7.1% (4 of 56 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dump1090 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 27.2% (9 of 33 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 68.2% (1545 of 2265 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 13.3% (2 of 15 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/snmpd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (14 of 14 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (5 of 5 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (7 of 7 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/squid Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 100.0% (211 of 211 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dockerman Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (279 of 279 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (177 of 177 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (279 of 279 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 16.2% (12 of 74 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xinetd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 19.3% (12 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/sqm Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 11.7% (2 of 17 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/omcproxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 15.5% (9 of 58 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 19.2% (24 of 125 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/privoxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 15.2% (9 of 59 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nft-qos Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 95.8% (23 of 24 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/lxc Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 24.0% (6 of 25 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 14.0% (27 of 192 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 7.5% (14 of 186 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/unbound Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 10.6% (40 of 376 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 18.9% (22 of 116 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 15.7% (31 of 197 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 5.5% (11 of 200 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/smartdns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 95.8% (46 of 48 strings) Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 2.9% (5 of 170 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mwan3 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (33 of 33 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 8.6% (13 of 150 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock-fast Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 14.8% (11 of 74 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/xinetd Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 12.4% (22 of 177 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/adblock Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 10.4% (13 of 125 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/privoxy Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 18.9% (37 of 195 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/travelmate Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 11.0% (14 of 127 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/pbr Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 37.5% (90 of 240 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/banip Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 22.5% (14 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ocserv Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (20 of 20 strings) Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (279 of 279 strings) Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (49 of 49 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/bmx7 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (192 of 192 strings) Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/attendedsysupgrade Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.5% (210 of 211 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/dockerman Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/frps Translate-URL: Added translation using Weblate (Persian) Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 50.0% (31 of 62 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/acme Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 0.5% (1 of 170 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/mwan3 Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 1.0% (2 of 197 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ddns Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 68.1% (1544 of 2265 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 100.0% (37 of 37 strings) Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 99.2% (277 of 279 strings) Added translation using Weblate (Persian) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 68.1% (1544 of 2265 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 67.3% (1526 of 2265 strings) Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-base Translate-URL: Co-authored-by: Ashkan Jazayeri <> Co-authored-by: Džiugas J <> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Matthaiks <> Co-authored-by: MkQtS <> Co-authored-by: Xtremo3 <> Signed-off-by: Ashkan Jazayeri <> Signed-off-by: Džiugas J <> Signed-off-by: MkQtS <> Signed-off-by: Xtremo3 <> Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ahcp Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/commands Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/coovachilli Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/firewall Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/fwknopd Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/natmap Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/ntpc Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/nut Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/olsr Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/openvpn Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/p910nd Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/polipo Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/qos Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/radicale2 Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/rp-pppoe-server Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/samba4 Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/splash Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/statistics Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/tinyproxy Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/transmission Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/uhttpd Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/applications/vnstat Translation: OpenWrt/LuCI/modules/luci-mod-dashboard
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-base')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/po/lt/base.po b/modules/luci-base/po/lt/base.po
index 5219b39844..1b24ab75b5 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/po/lt/base.po
+++ b/modules/luci-base/po/lt/base.po
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-30 02:13+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-02 21:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Džiugas J <>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian <"
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ msgstr "Aktyvūs „IPv6“ taisyklės"
#: protocols/luci-proto-bonding/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/bonding.js:205
msgid "Active-Backup policy (active-backup, 1)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktyviosios atsarginės kopijos politika („active-backup, 1“)"
#: modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/network.js:3866
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:988
@@ -655,11 +655,11 @@ msgstr "„Ad-Hoc“"
#: protocols/luci-proto-bonding/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/bonding.js:210
msgid "Adaptive load balancing (balance-alb, 6)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prisitaikantis apkrovos balansavimas („balance-alb, 6“)"
#: protocols/luci-proto-bonding/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/bonding.js:209
msgid "Adaptive transmit load balancing (balance-tlb, 5)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prisitaikanti apkrovos persiuntimo balansavimas („balance-tlb, 5“)"
#: modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/form.js:2233
#: modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/form.js:2236
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ msgstr "Adresas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/dhcp.js:410
msgid "Address families of \"Relay from\" and \"Relay to address\" must match."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„Perduoti iš“ ir „Perduoti į adresą“ adresų šeimos turi sutapti."
#: modules/luci-mod-status/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/status/nftables.js:21
msgctxt "nft meta nfproto"
@@ -811,6 +811,8 @@ msgid ""
"Afer making changes to network using CNI protocol, network must be manually "
msgstr ""
+"Atlikus tinklo pakeitimus naudojant „CNI“ protokolą, tinklą reikia paleisti "
+"iš naujo rankiniu būdu."
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/tools/network.js:567
msgid "Ageing time"
@@ -850,7 +852,7 @@ msgstr "Slapyvardžio Sąveiką"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js:146
msgid "Alias of \"%s\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„%s“ pseudonimas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/dhcp.js:513
msgid "All servers"
@@ -874,7 +876,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1193
msgid "Allow AP mode to disconnect STAs based on low ACK condition"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leisti „AP“ režimu atjungti „STA“ pagal mažo „ACK“ kiekio sąlygą"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1084
msgid "Allow all except listed"
@@ -886,7 +888,7 @@ msgstr "Leisti pasenusiom aplikacijoms naudoti/-s visą „UCI“ prieigą"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:938
msgid "Allow legacy 802.11b rates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leisti pasenusio standarto „802.11b“ spartas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1083
msgid "Allow listed only"
@@ -903,10 +905,12 @@ msgstr "Leisti iš naujo paleisti įrenginį"
#: modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/dropbear.js:35
msgid "Allow remote hosts to connect to local SSH forwarded ports"
msgstr ""
+"Leisti nuotoliniams skleidėjams/p.k – vedėjams prisijungti prie vietinių "
+"„SSH“ persiųstų prievadų"
#: modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/dropbear.js:30
msgid "Allow root logins with password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leisti šaknies („root“) prisijungimus su slaptažodžiu"
#: modules/luci-base/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-base.json:3
msgid "Allow system feature probing"
@@ -936,21 +940,24 @@ msgstr "Visada"
#: modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/led-trigger/none.js:6
msgid "Always off (kernel: none)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visada išjungtas („kernel: none“)"
#: modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/led-trigger/default-on.js:5
msgid "Always on (kernel: default-on)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visada įjungtas („kernel: default-on“)"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/dhcp.js:624
msgid "Always send DHCP Options. Sometimes needed, with e.g. PXELinux."
msgstr ""
+"Visada siųsti „DHCP“ parinktis. Kartais reikia, pvz., naudojant „PXELinux“."
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:965
msgid ""
"Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using this "
"option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"
msgstr ""
+"Visada naudoti 40 MHz kanalus, net jei antrinis kanalas persidengia. Šios "
+"parinkties naudojimas neatitinka su „IEEE 802.11n-2009“!"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/tools/network.js:741
msgid "Amount of Duplicate Address Detection probes to send"
@@ -958,15 +965,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: protocols/luci-proto-ncm/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/ncm.js:119
msgid "Amount of seconds to wait for the modem to become ready"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kiek sekundžių laukti, kol modemas bus pasiruošęs"
#: modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/form.js:608
msgid "An error occurred while saving the form:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Išsaugant formą įvyko klaida:"
#: modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/system.js:139
msgid "An optional, short description for this device"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Neprivalomas, trumpas šio įrenginio aprašymas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js:1550
msgid "Annex"
@@ -980,13 +987,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js:949
msgid "Announce this device as IPv6 DNS server."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Paskelbti šį įrenginį kaip „IPv6 DNS“ serverį."
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js:817
msgid ""
"Announce this device as default router if a local IPv6 default route is "
msgstr ""
+"Paskelbti šį įrenginį kaip numatytąjį maršrutizatorių, jei yra vietinis "
+"„IPv6“ numatytasis maršrutas."
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js:819
msgid ""
@@ -999,6 +1008,9 @@ msgid ""
"Announce this device as default router regardless of whether a prefix or "
"default route is present."
msgstr ""
+"Paskelbti šį įrenginį numatytuoju maršrutizatoriumi, jei prieinamas viešasis "
+"„IPv6“ prielinksnis, neatsižvelgiant į vietinio numatytojo maršruto "
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js:956
msgid "Announced DNS domains"
@@ -2509,27 +2521,27 @@ msgstr ""
#: modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/ui.js:2814
msgid "Do you really want to delete \"%s\" ?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ar Jūs tikrai norite ištrinti – „%s“?"
#: modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/sshkeys.js:206
msgid "Do you really want to delete the following SSH key?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ar Jūs tikrai norite ištrinti šį „SSH“ raktą?"
#: modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/flash.js:94
msgid "Do you really want to erase all settings?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ar Jūs tikrai norite panaikinti/išvalyti visus nustatymus?"
#: modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/ui.js:2812
msgid "Do you really want to recursively delete the directory \"%s\" ?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ar Jūs tikrai norite rekursyviškai ištrinti katalogą – „%s“?"
#: protocols/luci-proto-wireguard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/wireguard.js:613
msgid "Do you want to replace the current PSK?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ar Jūs norite pakeisti dabartinį slaptažodį („PSK“)?"
#: protocols/luci-proto-wireguard/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/wireguard.js:100
msgid "Do you want to replace the current keys?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ar Jūs norite pakeisti dabartinius raktus?"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/dhcp.js:687
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/dhcp.js:713
@@ -2666,7 +2678,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: protocols/luci-proto-ipv6/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/6in4.js:60
msgid "Dynamic tunnel"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dinamiškas tunelis"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js:700
msgid ""
@@ -5410,23 +5422,23 @@ msgstr "Atminties naudojimas (%)"
#: modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/network.js:3867
msgid "Mesh"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Junglusis/Tankusis (tinklas)"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:156
msgid "Mesh ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Junglusis/Tankusis (tinklas) ID"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:990
msgid "Mesh Id"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Junglusis/Tankusis (tinklas) ID"
#: protocols/luci-proto-batman-adv/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/batadv.js:41
msgid "Mesh Routing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Junglusio/Tankusio (tinklo) kelvada"
#: protocols/luci-proto-batman-adv/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/batadv.js:41
msgid "Mesh and routing related options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Junglusis/Tankusis (tinklas) ir kelvados susijusios parinktys"
#: modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/rpc.js:404
msgid "Method not found"
@@ -5763,7 +5775,7 @@ msgstr "Tinklo įjungimo failas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js:409
msgid "Network bridge configuration migration"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tinklo tilto konfigūracijos migracija"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/tools/network.js:397
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js:1485
@@ -7127,15 +7139,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1425
msgid "RADIUS Accounting Port"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„RADIUS“ apskaitos prievadas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1431
msgid "RADIUS Accounting Secret"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„RADIUS“ apskaitos paslaptis"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1420
msgid "RADIUS Accounting Server"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„RADIUS“ apskaitos serveris"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1409
msgid "RADIUS Authentication Port"
@@ -7171,7 +7183,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: protocols/luci-proto-vpnc/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/vpnc.js:88
msgid "RFC3947 NAT-T mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„RFC3947 NAT-T“ režimas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1485
msgid "RSN Preauth"
@@ -10214,7 +10226,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/flash.js:196
msgid "Verifying the uploaded image file."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tikriname įkeltos laikmenos failą."
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:951
msgid "Very High"
@@ -10246,11 +10258,11 @@ msgstr "„WEP“ bendrinamas raktas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:2119
msgid "WEP passphrase"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„WEP“ slaptafrazė"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:983
msgid "WLAN roaming"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„WLAN“ klajojimas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1139
msgid "WMM Mode"
@@ -10262,11 +10274,11 @@ msgstr "„WNM“ miego režimas"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1646
msgid "WNM Sleep Mode Fixes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„WNM“ miego režimo sutaisymai"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:2119
msgid "WPA passphrase"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "„WPA“ slaptafrazė"
#: modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/wireless.js:1289
msgid ""
@@ -10449,7 +10461,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: modules/luci-mod-system/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/system/system.js:181
msgid "Write system log to file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Įrašyti sistemos žurnalą į failą"
#: protocols/luci-proto-bonding/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/bonding.js:206
msgid "XOR policy (balance-xor, 2)"