path: root/modules/base/luasrc/sys
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2014-12-03 15:17:05 +0100
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2015-01-08 16:26:20 +0100
commit1bb4822dca6113f73e3bc89e2acf15935e6f8e92 (patch)
tree35e16f100466e4e00657199b38bb3d87d52bf73f /modules/base/luasrc/sys
parent9edd0e46c3f880727738ce8ca6ff1c8b85f99ef4 (diff)
Rework LuCI build system
* Rename subdirectories to their repective OpenWrt package names * Make each LuCI module its own standalone package * Deploy a shared which is used by each module Makefile Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/base/luasrc/sys')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1008 deletions
diff --git a/modules/base/luasrc/sys/iptparser.lua b/modules/base/luasrc/sys/iptparser.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d82363309a..0000000000
--- a/modules/base/luasrc/sys/iptparser.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-Iptables parser and query library
-(c) 2008-2009 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
-(c) 2008-2009 Steven Barth <>
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-local luci = {}
-luci.util = require "luci.util"
-luci.sys = require "luci.sys"
-luci.ip = require "luci.ip"
-local tonumber, ipairs, table = tonumber, ipairs, table
---- LuCI iptables parser and query library
--- @cstyle instance
---- Create a new iptables parser object.
--- @class function
--- @name IptParser
--- @param family Number specifying the address family. 4 for IPv4, 6 for IPv6
--- @return IptParser instance
-IptParser = luci.util.class()
-function IptParser.__init__( self, family )
- self._family = (tonumber(family) == 6) and 6 or 4
- self._rules = { }
- self._chains = { }
- if self._family == 4 then
- self._nulladdr = ""
- self._tables = { "filter", "nat", "mangle", "raw" }
- self._command = "iptables -t %s --line-numbers -nxvL"
- else
- self._nulladdr = "::/0"
- self._tables = { "filter", "mangle", "raw" }
- self._command = "ip6tables -t %s --line-numbers -nxvL"
- end
- self:_parse_rules()
---- Find all firewall rules that match the given criteria. Expects a table with
--- search criteria as only argument. If args is nil or an empty table then all
--- rules will be returned.
--- The following keys in the args table are recognized:
--- <ul>
--- <li> table - Match rules that are located within the given table
--- <li> chain - Match rules that are located within the given chain
--- <li> target - Match rules with the given target
--- <li> protocol - Match rules that match the given protocol, rules with
--- protocol "all" are always matched
--- <li> source - Match rules with the given source, rules with source
--- "" (::/0) are always matched
--- <li> destination - Match rules with the given destination, rules with
--- destination "" (::/0) are always matched
--- <li> inputif - Match rules with the given input interface, rules
--- with input interface "*" (=all) are always matched
--- <li> outputif - Match rules with the given output interface, rules
--- with output interface "*" (=all) are always matched
--- <li> flags - Match rules that match the given flags, current
--- supported values are "-f" (--fragment)
--- and "!f" (! --fragment)
--- <li> options - Match rules containing all given options
--- </ul>
--- The return value is a list of tables representing the matched rules.
--- Each rule table contains the following fields:
--- <ul>
--- <li> index - The index number of the rule
--- <li> table - The table where the rule is located, can be one
--- of "filter", "nat" or "mangle"
--- <li> chain - The chain where the rule is located, e.g. "INPUT"
--- or "postrouting_wan"
--- <li> target - The rule target, e.g. "REJECT" or "DROP"
--- <li> protocol The matching protocols, e.g. "all" or "tcp"
--- <li> flags - Special rule options ("--", "-f" or "!f")
--- <li> inputif - Input interface of the rule, e.g. "eth0.0"
--- or "*" for all interfaces
--- <li> outputif - Output interface of the rule,e.g. "eth0.0"
--- or "*" for all interfaces
--- <li> source - The source ip range, e.g. "" (::/0)
--- <li> destination - The destination ip range, e.g. "" (::/0)
--- <li> options - A list of specific options of the rule,
--- e.g. { "reject-with", "tcp-reset" }
--- <li> packets - The number of packets matched by the rule
--- <li> bytes - The number of total bytes matched by the rule
--- </ul>
--- Example:
--- <pre>
--- ip = luci.sys.iptparser.IptParser()
--- result = ip.find( {
--- target="REJECT",
--- protocol="tcp",
--- options={ "reject-with", "tcp-reset" }
--- } )
--- </pre>
--- This will match all rules with target "-j REJECT",
--- protocol "-p tcp" (or "-p all")
--- and the option "--reject-with tcp-reset".
--- @params args Table containing the search arguments (optional)
--- @return Table of matching rule tables
-function IptParser.find( self, args )
- local args = args or { }
- local rv = { }
- args.source = args.source and self:_parse_addr(args.source)
- args.destination = args.destination and self:_parse_addr(args.destination)
- for i, rule in ipairs(self._rules) do
- local match = true
- -- match table
- if not ( not args.table or args.table:lower() == rule.table ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- match chain
- if not ( match == true and (
- not args.chain or args.chain == rule.chain
- ) ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- match target
- if not ( match == true and (
- not or ==
- ) ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- match protocol
- if not ( match == true and (
- not args.protocol or rule.protocol == "all" or
- args.protocol:lower() == rule.protocol
- ) ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- match source
- if not ( match == true and (
- not args.source or rule.source == self._nulladdr or
- self:_parse_addr(rule.source):contains(args.source)
- ) ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- match destination
- if not ( match == true and (
- not args.destination or rule.destination == self._nulladdr or
- self:_parse_addr(rule.destination):contains(args.destination)
- ) ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- match input interface
- if not ( match == true and (
- not args.inputif or rule.inputif == "*" or
- args.inputif == rule.inputif
- ) ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- match output interface
- if not ( match == true and (
- not args.outputif or rule.outputif == "*" or
- args.outputif == rule.outputif
- ) ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- match flags (the "opt" column)
- if not ( match == true and (
- not args.flags or rule.flags == args.flags
- ) ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- match specific options
- if not ( match == true and (
- not args.options or
- self:_match_options( rule.options, args.options )
- ) ) then
- match = false
- end
- -- insert match
- if match == true then
- rv[#rv+1] = rule
- end
- end
- return rv
---- Rebuild the internal lookup table, for example when rules have changed
--- through external commands.
--- @return nothing
-function IptParser.resync( self )
- self._rules = { }
- self._chain = nil
- self:_parse_rules()
---- Find the names of all tables.
--- @return Table of table names.
-function IptParser.tables( self )
- return self._tables
---- Find the names of all chains within the given table name.
--- @param table String containing the table name
--- @return Table of chain names in the order they occur.
-function IptParser.chains( self, table )
- local lookup = { }
- local chains = { }
- for _, r in ipairs(self:find({table=table})) do
- if not lookup[r.chain] then
- lookup[r.chain] = true
- chains[#chains+1] = r.chain
- end
- end
- return chains
---- Return the given firewall chain within the given table name.
--- @param table String containing the table name
--- @param chain String containing the chain name
--- @return Table containing the fields "policy", "packets", "bytes"
--- and "rules". The "rules" field is a table of rule tables.
-function IptParser.chain( self, table, chain )
- return self._chains[table:lower()] and self._chains[table:lower()][chain]
---- Test whether the given target points to a custom chain.
--- @param target String containing the target action
--- @return Boolean indicating whether target is a custom chain.
-function IptParser.is_custom_target( self, target )
- for _, r in ipairs(self._rules) do
- if r.chain == target then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
--- [internal] Parse address according to family.
-function IptParser._parse_addr( self, addr )
- if self._family == 4 then
- return luci.ip.IPv4(addr)
- else
- return luci.ip.IPv6(addr)
- end
--- [internal] Parse iptables output from all tables.
-function IptParser._parse_rules( self )
- for i, tbl in ipairs(self._tables) do
- self._chains[tbl] = { }
- for i, rule in ipairs(luci.util.execl(self._command % tbl)) do
- if rule:find( "^Chain " ) == 1 then
- local crefs
- local cname, cpol, cpkt, cbytes = rule:match(
- "^Chain ([^%s]*) %(policy (%w+) " ..
- "(%d+) packets, (%d+) bytes%)"
- )
- if not cname then
- cname, crefs = rule:match(
- "^Chain ([^%s]*) %((%d+) references%)"
- )
- end
- self._chain = cname
- self._chains[tbl][cname] = {
- policy = cpol,
- packets = tonumber(cpkt or 0),
- bytes = tonumber(cbytes or 0),
- references = tonumber(crefs or 0),
- rules = { }
- }
- else
- if rule:find("%d") == 1 then
- local rule_parts = luci.util.split( rule, "%s+", nil, true )
- local rule_details = { }
- -- cope with rules that have no target assigned
- if rule:match("^%d+%s+%d+%s+%d+%s%s") then
- table.insert(rule_parts, 4, nil)
- end
- -- ip6tables opt column is usually zero-width
- if self._family == 6 then
- table.insert(rule_parts, 6, "--")
- end
- rule_details["table"] = tbl
- rule_details["chain"] = self._chain
- rule_details["index"] = tonumber(rule_parts[1])
- rule_details["packets"] = tonumber(rule_parts[2])
- rule_details["bytes"] = tonumber(rule_parts[3])
- rule_details["target"] = rule_parts[4]
- rule_details["protocol"] = rule_parts[5]
- rule_details["flags"] = rule_parts[6]
- rule_details["inputif"] = rule_parts[7]
- rule_details["outputif"] = rule_parts[8]
- rule_details["source"] = rule_parts[9]
- rule_details["destination"] = rule_parts[10]
- rule_details["options"] = { }
- for i = 11, #rule_parts do
- if #rule_parts[i] > 0 then
- rule_details["options"][i-10] = rule_parts[i]
- end
- end
- self._rules[#self._rules+1] = rule_details
- self._chains[tbl][self._chain].rules[
- #self._chains[tbl][self._chain].rules + 1
- ] = rule_details
- end
- end
- end
- end
- self._chain = nil
--- [internal] Return true if optlist1 contains all elements of optlist 2.
--- Return false in all other cases.
-function IptParser._match_options( self, o1, o2 )
- -- construct a hashtable of first options list to speed up lookups
- local oh = { }
- for i, opt in ipairs( o1 ) do oh[opt] = true end
- -- iterate over second options list
- -- each string in o2 must be also present in o1
- -- if o2 contains a string which is not found in o1 then return false
- for i, opt in ipairs( o2 ) do
- if not oh[opt] then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
diff --git a/modules/base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo.lua b/modules/base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f5a12bfcb6..0000000000
--- a/modules/base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-LuCI - Autogenerated Zoneinfo Module
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-local setmetatable, require, rawget, rawset = setmetatable, require, rawget, rawset
-module "luci.sys.zoneinfo"
-setmetatable(_M, {
- __index = function(t, k)
- if k == "TZ" and not rawget(t, k) then
- local m = require "luci.sys.zoneinfo.tzdata"
- rawset(t, k, rawget(m, k))
- elseif k == "OFFSET" and not rawget(t, k) then
- local m = require "luci.sys.zoneinfo.tzoffset"
- rawset(t, k, rawget(m, k))
- end
- return rawget(t, k)
- end
diff --git a/modules/base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo/tzdata.lua b/modules/base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo/tzdata.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c7cc2add4..0000000000
--- a/modules/base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo/tzdata.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-LuCI - Autogenerated Zoneinfo Module
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-module "luci.sys.zoneinfo.tzdata"
-TZ = {
- { 'Africa/Abidjan', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Accra', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Addis Ababa', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Africa/Algiers', 'CET-1' },
- { 'Africa/Asmara', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Africa/Bamako', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Bangui', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Banjul', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Bissau', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Blantyre', 'CAT-2' },
- { 'Africa/Brazzaville', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Bujumbura', 'CAT-2' },
- { 'Africa/Cairo', 'EET-2EEST,M4.5.5/0,M9.5.4/24' },
- { 'Africa/Casablanca', 'WET0WEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Africa/Ceuta', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Africa/Conakry', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Dakar', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Dar es Salaam', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Africa/Djibouti', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Africa/Douala', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/El Aaiun', 'WET0WEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Africa/Freetown', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Gaborone', 'CAT-2' },
- { 'Africa/Harare', 'CAT-2' },
- { 'Africa/Johannesburg', 'SAST-2' },
- { 'Africa/Juba', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Africa/Kampala', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Africa/Khartoum', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Africa/Kigali', 'CAT-2' },
- { 'Africa/Kinshasa', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Lagos', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Libreville', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Lome', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Luanda', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Lubumbashi', 'CAT-2' },
- { 'Africa/Lusaka', 'CAT-2' },
- { 'Africa/Malabo', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Maputo', 'CAT-2' },
- { 'Africa/Maseru', 'SAST-2' },
- { 'Africa/Mbabane', 'SAST-2' },
- { 'Africa/Mogadishu', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Africa/Monrovia', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Nairobi', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Africa/Ndjamena', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Niamey', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Nouakchott', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Ouagadougou', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Porto-Novo', 'WAT-1' },
- { 'Africa/Sao Tome', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Africa/Tripoli', 'EET-2' },
- { 'Africa/Tunis', 'CET-1' },
- { 'Africa/Windhoek', 'WAT-1WAST,M9.1.0,M4.1.0' },
- { 'America/Adak', 'HAST10HADT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Anchorage', 'AKST9AKDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Anguilla', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Antigua', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Araguaina', 'BRT3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Buenos Aires', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Catamarca', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Cordoba', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Jujuy', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/La Rioja', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Mendoza', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Rio Gallegos', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Salta', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/San Juan', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/San Luis', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Tucuman', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Ushuaia', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Aruba', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Asuncion', 'PYT4PYST,M10.1.0/0,M3.4.0/0' },
- { 'America/Atikokan', 'EST5' },
- { 'America/Bahia', 'BRT3' },
- { 'America/Bahia Banderas', 'CST6CDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
- { 'America/Barbados', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Belem', 'BRT3' },
- { 'America/Belize', 'CST6' },
- { 'America/Blanc-Sablon', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Boa Vista', 'AMT4' },
- { 'America/Bogota', 'COT5' },
- { 'America/Boise', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Cambridge Bay', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Campo Grande', 'AMT4AMST,M10.3.0/0,M2.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Cancun', 'CST6CDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
- { 'America/Caracas', 'VET4:30' },
- { 'America/Cayenne', 'GFT3' },
- { 'America/Cayman', 'EST5' },
- { 'America/Chicago', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Chihuahua', 'MST7MDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
- { 'America/Costa Rica', 'CST6' },
- { 'America/Creston', 'MST7' },
- { 'America/Cuiaba', 'AMT4AMST,M10.3.0/0,M2.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Curacao', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Danmarkshavn', 'GMT0' },
- { 'America/Dawson', 'PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Dawson Creek', 'MST7' },
- { 'America/Denver', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Detroit', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Dominica', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Edmonton', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Eirunepe', 'ACT5' },
- { 'America/El Salvador', 'CST6' },
- { 'America/Fortaleza', 'BRT3' },
- { 'America/Glace Bay', 'AST4ADT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Godthab', 'WGT3WGST,M3.5.0/-2,M10.5.0/-1' },
- { 'America/Goose Bay', 'AST4ADT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Grand Turk', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Grenada', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Guadeloupe', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Guatemala', 'CST6' },
- { 'America/Guayaquil', 'ECT5' },
- { 'America/Guyana', 'GYT4' },
- { 'America/Halifax', 'AST4ADT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Havana', 'CST5CDT,M3.2.0/0,M11.1.0/1' },
- { 'America/Hermosillo', 'MST7' },
- { 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Indiana/Knox', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Indiana/Marengo', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Indiana/Petersburg', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Indiana/Tell City', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Indiana/Vevay', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Indiana/Vincennes', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Indiana/Winamac', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Inuvik', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Iqaluit', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Jamaica', 'EST5' },
- { 'America/Juneau', 'AKST9AKDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Kentucky/Louisville', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Kentucky/Monticello', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Kralendijk', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/La Paz', 'BOT4' },
- { 'America/Lima', 'PET5' },
- { 'America/Los Angeles', 'PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Lower Princes', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Maceio', 'BRT3' },
- { 'America/Managua', 'CST6' },
- { 'America/Manaus', 'AMT4' },
- { 'America/Marigot', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Martinique', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Matamoros', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Mazatlan', 'MST7MDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
- { 'America/Menominee', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Merida', 'CST6CDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
- { 'America/Metlakatla', 'PST8' },
- { 'America/Mexico City', 'CST6CDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
- { 'America/Miquelon', 'PMST3PMDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Moncton', 'AST4ADT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Monterrey', 'CST6CDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
- { 'America/Montevideo', 'UYT3UYST,M10.1.0,M3.2.0' },
- { 'America/Montserrat', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Nassau', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/New York', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Nipigon', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Nome', 'AKST9AKDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Noronha', 'FNT2' },
- { 'America/North Dakota/Beulah', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/North Dakota/Center', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/North Dakota/New Salem', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Ojinaga', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Panama', 'EST5' },
- { 'America/Pangnirtung', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Paramaribo', 'SRT3' },
- { 'America/Phoenix', 'MST7' },
- { 'America/Port of Spain', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Port-au-Prince', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Porto Velho', 'AMT4' },
- { 'America/Puerto Rico', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Rainy River', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Rankin Inlet', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Recife', 'BRT3' },
- { 'America/Regina', 'CST6' },
- { 'America/Resolute', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Rio Branco', 'ACT5' },
- { 'America/Santa Isabel', 'PST8PDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
- { 'America/Santarem', 'BRT3' },
- { 'America/Santiago', 'CLT4CLST,M9.1.6/24,M4.4.6/24' },
- { 'America/Santo Domingo', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Sao Paulo', 'BRT3BRST,M10.3.0/0,M2.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Scoresbysund', 'EGT1EGST,M3.5.0/0,M10.5.0/1' },
- { 'America/Sitka', 'AKST9AKDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/St Barthelemy', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/St Johns', 'NST3:30NDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/St Kitts', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/St Lucia', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/St Thomas', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/St Vincent', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Swift Current', 'CST6' },
- { 'America/Tegucigalpa', 'CST6' },
- { 'America/Thule', 'AST4ADT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Thunder Bay', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Tijuana', 'PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Toronto', 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Tortola', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Vancouver', 'PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Whitehorse', 'PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Winnipeg', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Yakutat', 'AKST9AKDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Yellowknife', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'Antarctica/Casey', 'AWST-8' },
- { 'Antarctica/Davis', 'DAVT-7' },
- { 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville', 'DDUT-10' },
- { 'Antarctica/Macquarie', 'MIST-11' },
- { 'Antarctica/Mawson', 'MAWT-5' },
- { 'Antarctica/McMurdo', 'NZST-12NZDT,M9.5.0,M4.1.0/3' },
- { 'Antarctica/Palmer', 'CLT4CLST,M9.1.6/24,M4.4.6/24' },
- { 'Antarctica/Rothera', 'ROTT3' },
- { 'Antarctica/Syowa', 'SYOT-3' },
- { 'Antarctica/Troll', 'UTC0CEST-2,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Antarctica/Vostok', 'VOST-6' },
- { 'Arctic/Longyearbyen', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Asia/Aden', 'AST-3' },
- { 'Asia/Almaty', 'ALMT-6' },
- { 'Asia/Amman', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.4/24,M10.5.5/1' },
- { 'Asia/Anadyr', 'ANAT-12' },
- { 'Asia/Aqtau', 'AQTT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Aqtobe', 'AQTT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Ashgabat', 'TMT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Baghdad', 'AST-3' },
- { 'Asia/Bahrain', 'AST-3' },
- { 'Asia/Baku', 'AZT-4AZST,M3.5.0/4,M10.5.0/5' },
- { 'Asia/Bangkok', 'ICT-7' },
- { 'Asia/Beirut', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/0,M10.5.0/0' },
- { 'Asia/Bishkek', 'KGT-6' },
- { 'Asia/Brunei', 'BNT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Chita', 'IRKT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Choibalsan', 'CHOT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Colombo', 'IST-5:30' },
- { 'Asia/Damascus', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.5/0,M10.5.5/0' },
- { 'Asia/Dhaka', 'BDT-6' },
- { 'Asia/Dili', 'TLT-9' },
- { 'Asia/Dubai', 'GST-4' },
- { 'Asia/Dushanbe', 'TJT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Gaza', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.4/24,M9.3.6/144' },
- { 'Asia/Hebron', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.4/24,M9.3.6/144' },
- { 'Asia/Ho Chi Minh', 'ICT-7' },
- { 'Asia/Hong Kong', 'HKT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Hovd', 'HOVT-7' },
- { 'Asia/Irkutsk', 'IRKT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Jakarta', 'WIB-7' },
- { 'Asia/Jayapura', 'WIT-9' },
- { 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'IST-2IDT,M3.4.4/26,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Asia/Kabul', 'AFT-4:30' },
- { 'Asia/Kamchatka', 'PETT-12' },
- { 'Asia/Karachi', 'PKT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Kathmandu', 'NPT-5:45' },
- { 'Asia/Khandyga', 'YAKT-9' },
- { 'Asia/Kolkata', 'IST-5:30' },
- { 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk', 'KRAT-7' },
- { 'Asia/Kuala Lumpur', 'MYT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Kuching', 'MYT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Kuwait', 'AST-3' },
- { 'Asia/Macau', 'CST-8' },
- { 'Asia/Magadan', 'MAGT-10' },
- { 'Asia/Makassar', 'WITA-8' },
- { 'Asia/Manila', 'PHT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Muscat', 'GST-4' },
- { 'Asia/Nicosia', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Asia/Novokuznetsk', 'KRAT-7' },
- { 'Asia/Novosibirsk', 'NOVT-6' },
- { 'Asia/Omsk', 'OMST-6' },
- { 'Asia/Oral', 'ORAT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Phnom Penh', 'ICT-7' },
- { 'Asia/Pontianak', 'WIB-7' },
- { 'Asia/Pyongyang', 'KST-9' },
- { 'Asia/Qatar', 'AST-3' },
- { 'Asia/Qyzylorda', 'QYZT-6' },
- { 'Asia/Rangoon', 'MMT-6:30' },
- { 'Asia/Riyadh', 'AST-3' },
- { 'Asia/Sakhalin', 'SAKT-10' },
- { 'Asia/Samarkand', 'UZT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Seoul', 'KST-9' },
- { 'Asia/Shanghai', 'CST-8' },
- { 'Asia/Singapore', 'SGT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Srednekolymsk', 'SRET-11' },
- { 'Asia/Taipei', 'CST-8' },
- { 'Asia/Tashkent', 'UZT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Tbilisi', 'GET-4' },
- { 'Asia/Thimphu', 'BTT-6' },
- { 'Asia/Tokyo', 'JST-9' },
- { 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar', 'ULAT-8' },
- { 'Asia/Urumqi', 'XJT-6' },
- { 'Asia/Ust-Nera', 'VLAT-10' },
- { 'Asia/Vientiane', 'ICT-7' },
- { 'Asia/Vladivostok', 'VLAT-10' },
- { 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'YAKT-9' },
- { 'Asia/Yekaterinburg', 'YEKT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Yerevan', 'AMT-4' },
- { 'Atlantic/Azores', 'AZOT1AZOST,M3.5.0/0,M10.5.0/1' },
- { 'Atlantic/Bermuda', 'AST4ADT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'Atlantic/Canary', 'WET0WEST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Atlantic/Cape Verde', 'CVT1' },
- { 'Atlantic/Faroe', 'WET0WEST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Atlantic/Madeira', 'WET0WEST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Atlantic/Reykjavik', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Atlantic/South Georgia', 'GST2' },
- { 'Atlantic/St Helena', 'GMT0' },
- { 'Atlantic/Stanley', 'FKST3' },
- { 'Australia/Adelaide', 'ACST-9:30ACDT,M10.1.0,M4.1.0/3' },
- { 'Australia/Brisbane', 'AEST-10' },
- { 'Australia/Broken Hill', 'ACST-9:30ACDT,M10.1.0,M4.1.0/3' },
- { 'Australia/Currie', 'AEST-10AEDT,M10.1.0,M4.1.0/3' },
- { 'Australia/Darwin', 'ACST-9:30' },
- { 'Australia/Eucla', 'ACWST-8:45' },
- { 'Australia/Hobart', 'AEST-10AEDT,M10.1.0,M4.1.0/3' },
- { 'Australia/Lindeman', 'AEST-10' },
- { 'Australia/Lord Howe', 'LHST-10:30LHDT-11,M10.1.0,M4.1.0' },
- { 'Australia/Melbourne', 'AEST-10AEDT,M10.1.0,M4.1.0/3' },
- { 'Australia/Perth', 'AWST-8' },
- { 'Australia/Sydney', 'AEST-10AEDT,M10.1.0,M4.1.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Amsterdam', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Andorra', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Athens', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Belgrade', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Berlin', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Bratislava', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Brussels', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Bucharest', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Budapest', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Busingen', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Chisinau', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Copenhagen', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Dublin', 'GMT0IST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Europe/Gibraltar', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Guernsey', 'GMT0BST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Europe/Helsinki', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Isle of Man', 'GMT0BST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Europe/Istanbul', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Jersey', 'GMT0BST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Europe/Kaliningrad', 'EET-2' },
- { 'Europe/Kiev', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Lisbon', 'WET0WEST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Europe/Ljubljana', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/London', 'GMT0BST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0' },
- { 'Europe/Luxembourg', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Madrid', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Malta', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Mariehamn', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Minsk', 'MSK-3' },
- { 'Europe/Monaco', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Moscow', 'MSK-3' },
- { 'Europe/Oslo', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Paris', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Podgorica', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Prague', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Riga', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Rome', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Samara', 'SAMT-4' },
- { 'Europe/San Marino', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Sarajevo', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Simferopol', 'MSK-3' },
- { 'Europe/Skopje', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Sofia', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Stockholm', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Tallinn', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Tirane', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Uzhgorod', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Vaduz', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Vatican', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Vienna', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Vilnius', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Volgograd', 'MSK-3' },
- { 'Europe/Warsaw', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Zagreb', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Europe/Zaporozhye', 'EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4' },
- { 'Europe/Zurich', 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3' },
- { 'Indian/Antananarivo', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Indian/Chagos', 'IOT-6' },
- { 'Indian/Christmas', 'CXT-7' },
- { 'Indian/Cocos', 'CCT-6:30' },
- { 'Indian/Comoro', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Indian/Kerguelen', 'TFT-5' },
- { 'Indian/Mahe', 'SCT-4' },
- { 'Indian/Maldives', 'MVT-5' },
- { 'Indian/Mauritius', 'MUT-4' },
- { 'Indian/Mayotte', 'EAT-3' },
- { 'Indian/Reunion', 'RET-4' },
- { 'Pacific/Apia', 'WSST-13WSDT,M9.5.0/3,M4.1.0/4' },
- { 'Pacific/Auckland', 'NZST-12NZDT,M9.5.0,M4.1.0/3' },
- { 'Pacific/Bougainville', 'BST-11' },
- { 'Pacific/Chatham', 'CHAST-12:45CHADT,M9.5.0/2:45,M4.1.0/3:45' },
- { 'Pacific/Chuuk', 'CHUT-10' },
- { 'Pacific/Easter', 'EAST6EASST,M9.1.6/22,M4.4.6/22' },
- { 'Pacific/Efate', 'VUT-11' },
- { 'Pacific/Enderbury', 'PHOT-13' },
- { 'Pacific/Fakaofo', 'TKT-13' },
- { 'Pacific/Fiji', 'FJT-12FJST,M11.1.0,M1.3.4/75' },
- { 'Pacific/Funafuti', 'TVT-12' },
- { 'Pacific/Galapagos', 'GALT6' },
- { 'Pacific/Gambier', 'GAMT9' },
- { 'Pacific/Guadalcanal', 'SBT-11' },
- { 'Pacific/Guam', 'ChST-10' },
- { 'Pacific/Honolulu', 'HST10' },
- { 'Pacific/Johnston', 'HST10' },
- { 'Pacific/Kiritimati', 'LINT-14' },
- { 'Pacific/Kosrae', 'KOST-11' },
- { 'Pacific/Kwajalein', 'MHT-12' },
- { 'Pacific/Majuro', 'MHT-12' },
- { 'Pacific/Marquesas', 'MART9:30' },
- { 'Pacific/Midway', 'SST11' },
- { 'Pacific/Nauru', 'NRT-12' },
- { 'Pacific/Niue', 'NUT11' },
- { 'Pacific/Norfolk', 'NFT-11:30' },
- { 'Pacific/Noumea', 'NCT-11' },
- { 'Pacific/Pago Pago', 'SST11' },
- { 'Pacific/Palau', 'PWT-9' },
- { 'Pacific/Pitcairn', 'PST8' },
- { 'Pacific/Pohnpei', 'PONT-11' },
- { 'Pacific/Port Moresby', 'PGT-10' },
- { 'Pacific/Rarotonga', 'CKT10' },
- { 'Pacific/Saipan', 'ChST-10' },
- { 'Pacific/Tahiti', 'TAHT10' },
- { 'Pacific/Tarawa', 'GILT-12' },
- { 'Pacific/Tongatapu', 'TOT-13' },
- { 'Pacific/Wake', 'WAKT-12' },
- { 'Pacific/Wallis', 'WFT-12' },
diff --git a/modules/base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo/tzoffset.lua b/modules/base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo/tzoffset.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d2f77ed281..0000000000
--- a/modules/base/luasrc/sys/zoneinfo/tzoffset.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-LuCI - Autogenerated Zoneinfo Module
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-module "luci.sys.zoneinfo.tzoffset"
- gmt = 0, -- GMT
- eat = 10800, -- EAT
- cet = 3600, -- CET
- wat = 3600, -- WAT
- cat = 7200, -- CAT
- eet = 7200, -- EET
- eest = 10800, -- EEST
- wet = 0, -- WET
- sast = 7200, -- SAST
- hast = -36000, -- HAST
- hadt = -32400, -- HADT
- akst = -32400, -- AKST
- akdt = -28800, -- AKDT
- ast = -14400, -- AST
- brt = -10800, -- BRT
- art = -10800, -- ART
- pyt = -14400, -- PYT
- pyst = -10800, -- PYST
- est = -18000, -- EST
- cst = -21600, -- CST
- cdt = -18000, -- CDT
- amt = -14400, -- AMT
- cot = -18000, -- COT
- mst = -25200, -- MST
- mdt = -21600, -- MDT
- vet = -16200, -- VET
- gft = -10800, -- GFT
- pst = -28800, -- PST
- pdt = -25200, -- PDT
- act = -18000, -- ACT
- wgt = -10800, -- WGT
- wgst = -7200, -- WGST
- ect = -18000, -- ECT
- gyt = -14400, -- GYT
- bot = -14400, -- BOT
- pet = -18000, -- PET
- pmst = -10800, -- PMST
- pmdt = -7200, -- PMDT
- uyt = -10800, -- UYT
- uyst = -7200, -- UYST
- fnt = -7200, -- FNT
- srt = -10800, -- SRT
- clt = -14400, -- CLT
- clst = -10800, -- CLST
- egt = -3600, -- EGT
- egst = 0, -- EGST
- nst = -12600, -- NST
- ndt = -9000, -- NDT
- awst = 28800, -- AWST
- davt = 25200, -- DAVT
- ddut = 36000, -- DDUT
- mist = 39600, -- MIST
- mawt = 18000, -- MAWT
- nzst = 43200, -- NZST
- nzdt = 46800, -- NZDT
- rott = -10800, -- ROTT
- syot = 10800, -- SYOT
- utc = 0, -- UTC
- vost = 21600, -- VOST
- almt = 21600, -- ALMT
- anat = 43200, -- ANAT
- aqtt = 18000, -- AQTT
- tmt = 18000, -- TMT
- azt = 14400, -- AZT
- azst = 18000, -- AZST
- ict = 25200, -- ICT
- kgt = 21600, -- KGT
- bnt = 28800, -- BNT
- irkt = 28800, -- IRKT
- chot = 28800, -- CHOT
- ist = 19800, -- IST
- bdt = 21600, -- BDT
- tlt = 32400, -- TLT
- gst = 14400, -- GST
- tjt = 18000, -- TJT
- hkt = 28800, -- HKT
- hovt = 25200, -- HOVT
- wib = 25200, -- WIB
- wit = 32400, -- WIT
- aft = 16200, -- AFT
- pett = 43200, -- PETT
- pkt = 18000, -- PKT
- npt = 20700, -- NPT
- yakt = 32400, -- YAKT
- krat = 25200, -- KRAT
- myt = 28800, -- MYT
- magt = 36000, -- MAGT
- wita = 28800, -- WITA
- pht = 28800, -- PHT
- novt = 21600, -- NOVT
- omst = 21600, -- OMST
- orat = 18000, -- ORAT
- kst = 32400, -- KST
- qyzt = 21600, -- QYZT
- mmt = 23400, -- MMT
- sakt = 36000, -- SAKT
- uzt = 18000, -- UZT
- sgt = 28800, -- SGT
- sret = 39600, -- SRET
- get = 14400, -- GET
- btt = 21600, -- BTT
- jst = 32400, -- JST
- ulat = 28800, -- ULAT
- xjt = 21600, -- XJT
- vlat = 36000, -- VLAT
- yekt = 18000, -- YEKT
- azot = -3600, -- AZOT
- azost = 0, -- AZOST
- cvt = -3600, -- CVT
- fkst = -10800, -- FKST
- acst = 34200, -- ACST
- acdt = 37800, -- ACDT
- aest = 36000, -- AEST
- acwst = 31500, -- ACWST
- lhst = 37800, -- LHST
- lhdt = 39600, -- LHDT
- msk = 10800, -- MSK
- samt = 14400, -- SAMT
- iot = 21600, -- IOT
- cxt = 25200, -- CXT
- cct = 23400, -- CCT
- tft = 18000, -- TFT
- sct = 14400, -- SCT
- mvt = 18000, -- MVT
- mut = 14400, -- MUT
- ret = 14400, -- RET
- wsst = 46800, -- WSST
- wsdt = 50400, -- WSDT
- bst = 39600, -- BST
- chast = 45900, -- CHAST
- chadt = 49500, -- CHADT
- chut = 36000, -- CHUT
- east = -21600, -- EAST
- easst = -18000, -- EASST
- vut = 39600, -- VUT
- phot = 46800, -- PHOT
- tkt = 46800, -- TKT
- fjt = 43200, -- FJT
- fjst = 46800, -- FJST
- tvt = 43200, -- TVT
- galt = -21600, -- GALT
- gamt = -32400, -- GAMT
- sbt = 39600, -- SBT
- hst = -36000, -- HST
- lint = 50400, -- LINT
- kost = 39600, -- KOST
- mht = 43200, -- MHT
- mart = -34200, -- MART
- sst = -39600, -- SST
- nrt = 43200, -- NRT
- nut = -39600, -- NUT
- nft = 41400, -- NFT
- nct = 39600, -- NCT
- pwt = 32400, -- PWT
- pont = 39600, -- PONT
- pgt = 36000, -- PGT
- ckt = -36000, -- CKT
- taht = -36000, -- TAHT
- gilt = 43200, -- GILT
- tot = 46800, -- TOT
- wakt = 43200, -- WAKT
- wft = 43200, -- WFT