path: root/libs/web
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-06-15 03:49:43 +0000
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-06-15 03:49:43 +0000
commit6571e9ba6f945c1b454e7f08361acc3a6fb70280 (patch)
treedea6efc75cda5ab15533e0c2403a703dafb65509 /libs/web
parent1d7935cae058dd859129705b693afabaa9e2f121 (diff)
* luci/libs: added initial HTTP protocol implementation
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/web')
1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/web/luasrc/http/protocol.lua b/libs/web/luasrc/http/protocol.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..524a4c329a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/web/luasrc/http/protocol.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+HTTP protocol implementation for LuCI
+(c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+module("luci.http.protocol", package.seeall)
+HTTP_MAX_CONTENT = 1048576 -- 1 MB
+HTTP_DEFAULT_CTYPE = "text/html" -- default content type
+HTTP_DEFAULT_VERSION = "1.0" -- HTTP default version
+-- Decode an urlencoded string.
+-- Returns the decoded value.
+function urldecode( str )
+ local function __chrdec( hex )
+ return string.char( luci.bits.Hex2Dec( hex ) )
+ end
+ if type(str) == "string" then
+ str = str:gsub( "+", " " ):gsub( "%%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])", __chrdec )
+ end
+ return str
+-- Extract and split urlencoded data pairs, separated bei either "&" or ";" from given url.
+-- Returns a table value with urldecoded values.
+function urldecode_params( url )
+ local params = { }
+ if url:find("?") then
+ url = url:gsub( "^.+%?([^?]+)", "%1" )
+ end
+ for i, pair in ipairs(luci.util.split( url, "[&;]+", nil, true )) do
+ -- find key and value
+ local key = urldecode( pair:match("^([^=]+)") )
+ local val = urldecode( pair:match("^[^=]+=(.+)$") )
+ -- store
+ if type(key) == "string" and key:len() > 0 then
+ if type(val) ~= "string" then val = "" end
+ if not params[key] then
+ params[key] = val
+ elseif type(params[key]) ~= "table" then
+ params[key] = { params[key], val }
+ else
+ table.insert( params[key], val )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return params
+-- Encode given string in urlencoded format.
+-- Returns the encoded string.
+function urlencode( str )
+ local function __chrenc( chr )
+ return string.format(
+ "%%%02x", string.byte( chr )
+ )
+ end
+ if type(str) == "string" then
+ str = str:gsub(
+ "([^a-zA-Z0-9$_%-%.+!*'(),])",
+ __chrenc
+ )
+ end
+ return str
+-- Encode given table to urlencoded string.
+-- Returns the encoded string.
+function urlencode_params( tbl )
+ local enc = ""
+ for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+ enc = enc .. ( enc and "&" or "" ) ..
+ urlencode(k) .. "=" ..
+ urlencode(v)
+ end
+ return enc
+-- Decode MIME encoded data.
+-- Returns a table with decoded values.
+function mimedecode( data, boundary, filecb )
+ local params = { }
+ -- create a line reader
+ local reader = _linereader( data )
+ -- state variables
+ local in_part = false
+ local in_file = false
+ local in_fbeg = false
+ local in_size = true
+ local filename
+ local buffer
+ local field
+ local clen = 0
+ -- try to read all mime parts
+ for line in reader do
+ -- update content length
+ clen = clen + line:len()
+ if clen >= HTTP_MAX_CONTENT then
+ in_size = false
+ end
+ -- when no boundary is given, try to find it
+ if not boundary then
+ boundary = line:match("^%-%-([^\r\n]+)\r?\n$")
+ end
+ -- Got a valid boundary line or reached max allowed size.
+ if ( boundary and line:sub(1,2) == "--" and line:len() > #boundary + 2 and
+ line:sub( 3, 2 + #boundary ) == boundary ) or not in_size
+ then
+ -- Flush the data of the previous mime part.
+ -- When field and/or buffer are set to nil we should discard
+ -- the previous section entirely due to format violations.
+ if type(field) == "string" and field:len() > 0 and
+ type(buffer) == "string"
+ then
+ -- According to the rfc the \r\n preceeding a boundary
+ -- is assumed to be part of the boundary itself.
+ -- Since we are reading line by line here, this crlf
+ -- is part of the last line of our section content,
+ -- so strip it before storing the buffer.
+ buffer = buffer:gsub("\r?\n$","")
+ -- If we're in a file part and a file callback has been provided
+ -- then do a final call and send eof.
+ if in_file and type(filecb) == "function" then
+ filecb( field, filename, buffer, true )
+ params[field] = filename
+ -- Store buffer.
+ else
+ params[field] = buffer
+ end
+ end
+ -- Reset vars
+ buffer = ""
+ filename = nil
+ field = nil
+ in_file = false
+ -- Abort here if we reached maximum allowed size
+ if not in_size then break end
+ -- Do we got the last boundary?
+ if line:len() > #boundary + 4 and
+ line:sub( #boundary + 2, #boundary + 4 ) == "--"
+ then
+ -- No more processing
+ in_part = false
+ -- It's a middle boundary
+ else
+ -- Read headers
+ local hlen, headers = extract_headers( reader )
+ -- Check for valid headers
+ if headers['Content-Disposition'] then
+ -- Got no content type header, assume content-type "text/plain"
+ if not headers['Content-Type'] then
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+ end
+ -- Find field name
+ local hdrvals = luci.util.split(
+ headers['Content-Disposition'], '; '
+ )
+ -- Valid form data part?
+ if hdrvals[1] == "form-data" and hdrvals[2]:match("^name=") then
+ -- Store field identifier
+ field = hdrvals[2]:match('^name="(.+)"$')
+ -- Do we got a file upload field?
+ if #hdrvals == 3 and hdrvals[3]:match("^filename=") then
+ in_file = true
+ if_fbeg = true
+ filename = hdrvals[3]:match('^filename="(.+)"$')
+ end
+ -- Entering next part processing
+ in_part = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Processing content
+ elseif in_part then
+ -- XXX: Would be really good to switch from line based to
+ -- buffered reading here.
+ -- If we're in a file part and a file callback has been provided
+ -- then call the callback and reset the buffer.
+ if in_file and type(filecb) == "function" then
+ -- If we're not processing the first chunk, then call
+ if not in_fbeg then
+ filecb( field, filename, buffer, false )
+ buffer = ""
+ -- Clear in_fbeg flag after first run
+ else
+ in_fbeg = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- Append date to buffer
+ buffer = buffer .. line
+ end
+ end
+ return params
+-- Extract "magic", the first line of a http message.
+-- Returns the message type ("get", "post" or "response"), the requested uri
+-- if it is a valid http request or the status code if the line descripes a
+-- http response. For requests the third parameter is nil, for responses it
+-- contains the human readable status description.
+function extract_magic( reader )
+ for line in reader do
+ -- Is it a request?
+ local method, uri = line:match("^([A-Z]+) ([^ ]+) HTTP/[01]%.[019]\r?\n$")
+ -- Yup, it is
+ if method then
+ return method:lower(), uri, nil
+ -- Is it a response?
+ else
+ local code, message = line:match("^HTTP/[01]%.[019] ([0-9]+) ([^\r\n]+)\r?\n$")
+ -- Is a response
+ if code then
+ return "response", code + 0, message
+ -- Can't handle it
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Extract headers from given string.
+-- Returns a table of extracted headers and the remainder of the parsed data.
+function extract_headers( reader, tbl )
+ local headers = tbl or { }
+ local count = 0
+ -- Iterate line by line
+ for line in reader do
+ -- Look for a valid header format
+ local hdr, val = line:match( "^([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9%-_]+): +([^\r\n]+)\r?\n$" )
+ if type(hdr) == "string" and hdr:len() > 0 and
+ type(val) == "string" and val:len() > 0
+ then
+ count = count + line:len()
+ headers[hdr] = val
+ elseif line:match("^\r?\n$") then
+ return count + line:len(), headers
+ else
+ -- junk data, don't add length
+ return count, headers
+ end
+ end
+ return count, headers
+-- Parse a http message
+function parse_message( data, filecb )
+ -- Create a line reader
+ local reader = _linereader( data )
+ local message = { }
+ -- Try to extract magic
+ local method, arg1, arg2 = extract_magic( reader )
+ -- Does it looks like a valid message?
+ if method then
+ message.request_method = method
+ message.status = arg2 and arg1 or 0
+ message.request_uri = arg2 and nil or arg1
+ if method == "response" then
+ message.type = "response"
+ else
+ message.type = "request"
+ end
+ -- Parse headers?
+ local hlen, hdrs = extract_headers( reader )
+ -- Valid headers?
+ if hlen > 2 and type(hdrs) == "table" then
+ message.headers = hdrs
+ -- Get content
+ local clen = ( hdrs['Content-Length'] or HTTP_MAX_CONTENT ) + 0
+ -- Process get parameters
+ if method == "get" or method == "post" then
+ message.params = urldecode_params( message.request_uri )
+ end
+ -- Process post method
+ if method == "post" and hdrs['Content-Type'] then
+ -- Is it multipart/form-data ?
+ if hdrs['Content-Type']:match("^multipart/form%-data") then
+ for k, v in pairs( mimedecode(
+ reader,
+ hdrs['Content-Type']:match("boundary=(.+)"),
+ filecb
+ ) ) do
+ message.params[k] = v
+ end
+ -- Is it x-www-urlencoded?
+ elseif hdrs['Content-Type'] == 'application/x-www-urlencoded' then
+ -- XXX: readline isn't the best solution here
+ for chunk in reader do
+ for k, v in pairs( urldecode_params( chunk ) ) do
+ message.params[k] = v
+ end
+ -- XXX: unreliable (undefined line length)
+ if clen + chunk:len() >= HTTP_MAX_CONTENT then
+ break
+ end
+ clen = clen + chunk:len()
+ end
+ -- Unhandled encoding
+ -- If a file callback is given then feed it line by line, else
+ -- store whole buffer in message.content
+ else
+ for chunk in reader do
+ -- We have a callback, feed it.
+ if type(filecb) == "function" then
+ filecb( "_post", nil, chunk, false )
+ -- Append to .content buffer.
+ else
+ message.content =
+ type(message.content) == "string"
+ and message.content .. chunk
+ or chunk
+ end
+ -- XXX: unreliable
+ if clen + chunk:len() >= HTTP_MAX_CONTENT then
+ break
+ end
+ clen = clen + chunk:len()
+ end
+ -- Send eof to callback
+ if type(filecb) == "function" then
+ filecb( "_post", nil, "", true )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Populate common environment variables
+ message.env = {
+ CONTENT_LENGTH = hdrs['Content-Length'];
+ CONTENT_TYPE = hdrs['Content-Type'];
+ REQUEST_METHOD = message.request_method;
+ REQUEST_URI = message.request_uri;
+ SCRIPT_NAME = message.request_uri:gsub("?.+$","");
+ SCRIPT_FILENAME = "" -- XXX implement me
+ }
+ -- Populate HTTP_* environment variables
+ for i, hdr in ipairs( {
+ 'Accept',
+ 'Accept-Charset',
+ 'Accept-Encoding',
+ 'Accept-Language',
+ 'Connection',
+ 'Cookie',
+ 'Host',
+ 'Referer',
+ 'User-Agent',
+ } ) do
+ local var = 'HTTP_' .. hdr:upper():gsub("%-","_")
+ local val = hdrs[hdr]
+ message.env[var] = val
+ end
+ return message
+ end
+ end
+function _linereader( obj )
+ -- object is string
+ if type(obj) == "string" then
+ return obj:gmatch( "[^\r\n]*\r?\n" )
+ -- object is a function
+ elseif type(obj) == "function" then
+ return obj
+ -- object is a table and implements a readline() function
+ elseif type(obj) == "table" and type(obj.readline) == "function" then
+ return obj.readline
+ -- object is a table and has a lines property
+ elseif type(obj) == "table" and obj.lines then
+ -- decide wheather to use "lines" as function or table
+ local _lns = ( type(obj.lines) == "function" ) and obj.lines() or obj.lines
+ local _pos = 1
+ return function()
+ if _pos <= #_lns then
+ _pos = _pos + 1
+ return _lns[_pos]
+ end
+ end
+ -- no usable data type
+ else
+ -- dummy iterator
+ return function()
+ return nil
+ end
+ end