path: root/libs/web/luasrc/template.lua
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2009-09-10 08:05:56 +0000
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2009-09-10 08:05:56 +0000
commitaa93e160923ae0873fac5ea061935cf4338dc047 (patch)
tree9fc603f635a6efc961aa9484fb68459496cbbeba /libs/web/luasrc/template.lua
parentd32f3dca5c9814d60c5b945da828d9e43f93c9f4 (diff)
libs/web: drop the Lua template parser, the C implementation is faster in almost every case, even without caching
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/web/luasrc/template.lua')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/libs/web/luasrc/template.lua b/libs/web/luasrc/template.lua
index 7cc6e11b08..90ac69fbac 100644
--- a/libs/web/luasrc/template.lua
+++ b/libs/web/luasrc/template.lua
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ local util = require "luci.util"
local table = require "table"
local string = require "string"
local config = require "luci.config"
-local coroutine = require "coroutine"
local nixio = require "nixio", require "nixio.util"
local tparser = require "luci.template.parser"
@@ -43,84 +42,12 @@ local assert, type, error = assert, type, error
module "luci.template"
config.template = config.template or {}
-viewdir = config.template.viewdir or util.libpath() .. "/view"
-compiledir = config.template.compiledir or util.libpath() .. "/view"
--- Compile modes:
--- memory: Always compile, do not save compiled files, ignore precompiled
--- file: Compile on demand, save compiled files, update precompiled
-compiler_mode = config.template.compiler_mode or "memory"
+viewdir = config.template.viewdir or util.libpath() .. "/view"
-- Define the namespace for template modules
context = util.threadlocal()
---- Manually compile a given template into an executable Lua function
--- @param template LuCI template
--- @return Lua template function
-function compile(template)
- local expr = {}
- -- Search all <% %> expressions
- local function expr_add(ws1, skip1, command, skip2, ws2)
- expr[#expr+1] = command
- return ( #skip1 > 0 and "" or ws1 ) ..
- "<%" .. tostring(#expr) .. "%>" ..
- ( #skip2 > 0 and "" or ws2 )
- end
- -- Save all expressiosn to table "expr"
- template = template:gsub("(%s*)<%%(%-?)(.-)(%-?)%%>(%s*)", expr_add)
- local function sanitize(s)
- s = "%q" % s
- return s:sub(2, #s-1)
- end
- -- Escape and sanitize all the template (all non-expressions)
- template = sanitize(template)
- -- Template module header/footer declaration
- local header = 'write("'
- local footer = '")'
- template = header .. template .. footer
- -- Replacements
- local r_include = '")\ninclude("%s")\nwrite("'
- local r_i18n = '")\nwrite(translate("%1","%2"))\nwrite("'
- local r_i18n2 = '")\nwrite(translate("%1", ""))\nwrite("'
- local r_pexec = '")\nwrite(tostring(%s or ""))\nwrite("'
- local r_exec = '")\n%s\nwrite("'
- -- Parse the expressions
- for k,v in pairs(expr) do
- local p = v:sub(1, 1)
- v = v:gsub("%%", "%%%%")
- local re = nil
- if p == "+" then
- re = r_include:format(sanitize(string.sub(v, 2)))
- elseif p == ":" then
- if v:find(" ") then
- re = sanitize(v):gsub(":(.-) (.*)", r_i18n)
- else
- re = sanitize(v):gsub(":(.+)", r_i18n2)
- end
- elseif p == "=" then
- re = r_pexec:format(v:sub(2))
- elseif p == "#" then
- re = ""
- else
- re = r_exec:format(v)
- end
- template = template:gsub("<%%"..tostring(k).."%%>", re)
- end
- return loadstring(template)
--- Render a certain template.
-- @param name Template name
-- @param scope Scope to assign to template (optional)
@@ -138,21 +65,6 @@ Template.cache = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})
-- Constructor - Reads and compiles the template on-demand
function Template.__init__(self, name)
- local function _encode_filename(str)
- local function __chrenc( chr )
- return "%%%02x" % string.byte( chr )
- end
- if type(str) == "string" then
- str = str:gsub(
- "([^a-zA-Z0-9$_%-%.%+!*'(),])",
- __chrenc
- )
- end
- return str
- end
self.template = self.cache[name] = name
@@ -161,60 +73,18 @@ function Template.__init__(self, name)
self.viewns = context.viewns
-- If we have a cached template, skip compiling and loading
- if self.template then
- return
- end
- -- Enforce cache security
- local cdir = compiledir .. "/" .."uid")
- -- Compile and build
- local sourcefile = viewdir .. "/" .. name
- local compiledfile = cdir .. "/" .. _encode_filename(name) .. ".lua"
- local err
- if compiler_mode == "file" then
- local tplmt = fs.stat(sourcefile, "mtime") or fs.stat(sourcefile .. ".htm", "mtime")
- local commt = fs.stat(compiledfile, "mtime")
- if not fs.stat(cdir, "mtime") then
- fs.mkdirr(cdir)
- fs.chmod(fs.dirname(cdir), 777)
- end
- assert(tplmt or commt, "No such template: " .. name)
- -- Build if there is no compiled file or if compiled file is outdated
- if not commt or (commt and tplmt and commt < tplmt) then
- local source
- source, err = fs.readfile(sourcefile) or fs.readfile(sourcefile .. ".htm")
- if source then
- local compiled, err = compile(source)
- local f =, "w", 600)
- f:writeall(util.get_bytecode(compiled))
- f:close()
- self.template = compiled
- end
+ if not self.template then
+ -- Compile template
+ local sourcefile = viewdir .. "/" .. name .. ".htm"
+ self.template, _, err = tparser.parse(sourcefile)
+ -- If we have no valid template throw error, otherwise cache the template
+ if not self.template then
+ error(err)
- assert(
-"uid") == fs.stat(compiledfile, "uid")
- and fs.stat(compiledfile, "modestr") == "rw-------",
- "Fatal: Cachefile is not sane!"
- )
- self.template, err = loadfile(compiledfile)
+ self.cache[name] = self.template
- elseif compiler_mode == "memory" then
- self.template, _, err = tparser.parse(sourcefile .. ".htm")
- end
- -- If we have no valid template throw error, otherwise cache the template
- if not self.template then
- error(err)
- else
- self.cache[name] = self.template