path: root/libs/sys/luasrc/sys.lua
diff options
authorSteven Barth <>2008-08-08 12:26:45 +0000
committerSteven Barth <>2008-08-08 12:26:45 +0000
commite080fcebd2396c138d8c916d1cf385a88e0db246 (patch)
tree9a41e995a438d8ac32c9501f44800bf3d0e7d297 /libs/sys/luasrc/sys.lua
parentf4ec942d1bc3d9a6c822c075017cb2949cd8fff5 (diff)
libs/core: Cleaned up luci.sys in favor of the new luci.ip module
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/sys/luasrc/sys.lua')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/libs/sys/luasrc/sys.lua b/libs/sys/luasrc/sys.lua
index 14a2f294f3..b8ec10e0f4 100644
--- a/libs/sys/luasrc/sys.lua
+++ b/libs/sys/luasrc/sys.lua
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ require("posix")
--- Invoke the luci-flash executable to write an image to the flash memory.
-- @param kpattern Pattern of files to keep over flash process
@@ -183,15 +184,6 @@ function net.arptable()
return _parse_delimited_table(io.lines("/proc/net/arp"), "%s%s+")
---- Test whether an IP-Adress belongs to a certain net.
--- @param ip IPv4 address to test
--- @param ipnet IPv4 network address of the net range to compare against
--- @param prefix Network prefix of the net range to compare against
--- @return Boolean indicating wheather the ip is within the range
-function net.belongs(ip, ipnet, prefix)
- return (net.ip4bin(ip):sub(1, prefix) == net.ip4bin(ipnet):sub(1, prefix))
--- Determine the current default route.
-- @return Table with the properties of the current default route.
-- The following fields are defined:
@@ -235,19 +227,6 @@ function net.ip4mac(ip)
return mac
---- Calculate the prefix from a given netmask.
--- @param mask IPv4 net mask
--- @return Number containing the corresponding numerical prefix
-function net.mask4prefix(mask)
- local bin = net.ip4bin(mask)
- if not bin then
- return nil
- end
- return #luci.util.split(bin, "1")-1
--- Returns the current kernel routing table entries.
-- @return Table of tables with properties of the corresponding routes.
-- The following fields are defined for route entry tables:
@@ -257,54 +236,6 @@ function net.routes()
return _parse_delimited_table(io.lines("/proc/net/route"))
---- Convert hexadecimal 32 bit value to IPv4 address.
--- @param hex String containing the hexadecimal value
--- @param be Boolean indicating wheather the given value is big endian
--- @return String containing the corresponding IP4 address
-function net.hexip4(hex, be)
- if #hex ~= 8 then
- return nil
- end
- be = be or luci.util.bigendian()
- local hexdec = luci.bits.Hex2Dec
- local ip = ""
- if be then
- ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(1,2))) .. "."
- ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(3,4))) .. "."
- ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(5,6))) .. "."
- ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(7,8)))
- else
- ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(7,8))) .. "."
- ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(5,6))) .. "."
- ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(3,4))) .. "."
- ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(1,2)))
- end
- return ip
---- Convert given IPv4 address to binary value.
--- @param ip String containing a IPv4 address
--- @return String containing corresponding binary value
-function net.ip4bin(ip)
- local parts = luci.util.split(ip, '.')
- if #parts ~= 4 then
- return nil
- end
- local decbin = luci.bits.Dec2Bin
- local bin = ""
- bin = bin .. decbin(parts[1], 8)
- bin = bin .. decbin(parts[2], 8)
- bin = bin .. decbin(parts[3], 8)
- bin = bin .. decbin(parts[4], 8)
- return bin
--- Tests whether the given host responds to ping probes.
-- @param host String containing a hostname or IPv4 address