path: root/libs/httpd
diff options
authorSteven Barth <>2008-06-17 16:16:27 +0000
committerSteven Barth <>2008-06-17 16:16:27 +0000
commit71beb64a228c1581306c22eef4b59c9594c586ae (patch)
tree104e3aff0563fbaab9f9310264a9b8f111503838 /libs/httpd
parent37ab75aea57a2b5390568b561ce9fe6d7de37f56 (diff)
* Preliminary module implementation for Luci HTTPD
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/httpd')
2 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/httpd/luasrc/httpd/handler/file.lua b/libs/httpd/luasrc/httpd/handler/file.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb5aafd789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/httpd/luasrc/httpd/handler/file.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module("luci.httpd.handler.file", package.seeall)
+Simple = luci.util.class(luci.httpd.module.Handler)
+Response = luci.httpd.module.Response
+function Simple.__init__(self, docroot)
+ luci.httpd.module.Handler.__init__(self)
+ self.docroot = docroot
+function Simple.handle(self, request, sourcein, sinkerr)
+ local file = self.docroot .. request.env.REQUEST_URI:gsub("../", "")
+ local size = luci.fs.stat(file, "size")
+ if size then
+ return Response(200, {["Content-Length"] = size}), ltn12.source.file(
+ else
+ return Response(404)
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/httpd/luasrc/httpd/module.lua b/libs/httpd/luasrc/httpd/module.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb22798fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/httpd/luasrc/httpd/module.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+module("luci.httpd.module", package.seeall)
+-- Server handler implementation
+Handler = luci.util.class()
+-- Constructor
+function Handler.__init__(self)
+ self.filters = {}
+-- Adds a filter to the filter chain
+function Handler.addfilter(self, filter)
+ table.insert(self.filters, filter)
+-- Creates a failure reply
+function Handler.failure(self, message)
+ response = {
+ status = 500,
+ headers = {
+ ["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
+ }
+ }
+ sourceout = ltn12.source.string(message)
+ return response, sourceout
+-- Processes a request
+function Handler.process(self, request, sourcein, sinkout, sinkerr)
+ -- Process incoming filters
+ for i, f in ipairs(self.filters) do
+ local i = f:get("input")
+ if i then
+ sourcein = ltn12.source.chain(sourcein, i)
+ end
+ if f.request then
+ f:request(request)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Run the handler
+ local stat, response, sourceout = luci.util.copcall(
+ self.handle, self, request, sourcein, sinkerr
+ )
+ -- Check for any errors
+ if not stat then
+ response, sourceout = self:failure(response)
+ end
+ -- Check data
+ if not luci.util.instanceof(response, Response) then
+ response, sourceout = self:failure("Core error: Invalid module response!")
+ end
+ -- Process outgoing filters
+ for i, f in ipairs(self.filters) do
+ local o = f:get("output")
+ if o then
+ sourceout = ltn12.source.chain(sourceout, o)
+ end
+ if f.response then
+ f:response(response)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Print status and headers
+ sinkout("HTTP/1.1 " .. response.status .. " " .. statusmsg[response.status] .. "\n")
+ for k, v in pairs(response.headers) do
+ sinkout(k .. ": " .. v .. "\n")
+ end
+ -- End of Headers
+ sinkout("\n")
+ -- Pump content
+ if sourceout then
+ ltn12.pump.all(sourceout, sinkout)
+ end
+-- Server Filter implementation
+Filter = luci.util.class()
+function Filter.get(self, name)
+ return self[name] and function(...) return self[name](self, ...) end
+-- Filters the incoming body stream
+-- abstract function Filter.input(chunk)
+-- Filters the outgoing body stream
+-- abstract function Filter.output(chunk)
+-- Filters the request object
+-- abstract function Filter.request(request)
+-- Filters the response object
+-- abstract function Filter.response(response)
+-- Handler Response
+Response = luci.util.class()
+function Response.__init__(self, status, headers)
+ self.status = tonumber(status) or 200
+ self.headers = (type(headers) == "table") and headers or {}
+function Response.addheader(self, key, value)
+ self.headers[key] = value
+function Response.setstatus(self, status)
+ self.status = status
+-- Status codes
+statusmsg = {
+ [200] = "OK",
+ [404] = "Not Found",
+ [500] = "Internal Server Error",
+} \ No newline at end of file