path: root/contrib
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2015-01-08 15:58:53 +0100
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2015-01-08 16:26:52 +0100
commit39ff053890a1519e11def32336154bebde2519e4 (patch)
treec26b319babaf3c8067c85630b6bd37612a9b00f5 /contrib
parentfa84ca05d59b26d918f0730cc16680688c639139 (diff)
contrib: remove obsolete luci package definitions
Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 690 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/package/luci-addons/Makefile b/contrib/package/luci-addons/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e4c31ed34..0000000000
--- a/contrib/package/luci-addons/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)/
-PKG_VERSION:=$(shell $(LUCI_TOPDIR)/build/ 2>/dev/null || echo unknown)
-# 1: luci component
-# 2: package names
-define add_deps
- $(foreach dep,$(2), \
- $(if $(patsubst @%,,$(dep)), \
- $(if $(patsubst luci-%,,$(dep)), \
- +PACKAGE_luci-$(1):$(dep), \
- +$(dep)), \
- $(dep)))
-### Templates ###
-define Package/luci-addons/install/template
- $(CP) -a $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(2)/dist/* $(1)/ -R
- $(CP) -a $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(2)/ipkg/* $(1)/CONTROL/ 2>/dev/null || true
-### Community Packages ###
-define Package/luci-mod-freifunk-community
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=9. Freifunk
- TITLE:=Freifunk Community Meta-Package
- DEPENDS+=$(call add_deps,mod-freifunk-community, \
- iptables-mod-nat-extra iptables-mod-ipopt \
- luci-app-splash luci-i18n-german \
- olsrd olsrd-mod-dyn-gw-plain \
- olsrd-mod-jsoninfo olsrd-mod-nameservice \
- olsrd-mod-watchdog kmod-tun \
- ip freifunk-watchdog luci-app-olsr \
- luci-app-olsr-services freifunk-gwcheck freifunk-mapupdate \
- )
-define Package/luci-mod-freifunk-community/install
- $(call Package/luci-addons/install/template,$(1),applications/freifunk-community)
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-mod-freifunk-community),)
- LUCI_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/freifunk-community
-LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-mod-freifunk-community
-### Modules ###
-define module
- define Package/luci-mod-$(1)
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=2. Modules
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),LuCI $(1) module)
- $(if $(3),DEPENDS+=$(3))
- endef
- define Package/luci-mod-$(1)/install
- $(call Package/luci-addons/install/template,$$(1),modules/$(1))
- $(call Package/luci-mod-$(1)/extra-install)
- endef
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-mod-$(1)),)
- endif
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-mod-$(1)
-$(eval $(call module,freifunk,LuCI Freifunk module,+luci-mod-admin-full +luci-lib-json +PACKAGE_luci-mod-freifunk:freifunk-firewall +freifunk-common))
-### Applications ###
-define application
- define Package/luci-app-$(1)
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=3. Applications
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),LuCI $(1) application)
- DEPENDS:=$(call add_deps,app-$(1),$(3))
- endef
- define Package/luci-app-$(1)/install
- $(call Package/luci-addons/install/template,$$(1),applications/luci-$(1))
- endef
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-$(1)),)
- LUCI_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/luci-$(1)
- endif
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-app-$(1)
-define Package/luci-app-splash/conffiles
-define Package/luci-app-statistics/conffiles
-define Package/luci-app-diag-devinfo/conffiles
-$(eval $(call application,siitwizard,SIIT IPv4-over-IPv6 configuration wizard,kmod-siit))
-$(eval $(call application,freifunk-policyrouting,Policy routing for mesh traffic,freifunk-policyrouting))
-$(eval $(call application,freifunk-widgets,Widgets for the Freifunk index page,luci-mod-freifunk))
-$(eval $(call application,meshwizard, Shellscript based wizard to setup mesh networks,meshwizard))
-$(eval $(call application,olsr,OLSR configuration and status module,olsrd olsrd-mod-jsoninfo luci-lib-luaneightbl))
-$(eval $(call application,olsr-viz,OLSR Visualisation,luci-app-olsr olsrd olsrd-mod-txtinfo))
-$(eval $(call application,freifunk-diagnostics,Tools for network diagnosis like traceroute and ping))
-$(eval $(call application,olsr-services,Show services announced with the nameservice plugin,luci-app-olsr olsrd olsrd-mod-nameservice))
-$(eval $(call application,splash,Freifunk DHCP-Splash application,luci-lib-nixio tc kmod-sched iptables-mod-nat-extra iptables-mod-ipopt))
-$(eval $(call application,statistics,LuCI Statistics Application,\
- collectd \
- rrdtool1 \
- collectd-mod-rrdtool \
- collectd-mod-iwinfo \
- collectd-mod-interface \
- collectd-mod-load \
- collectd-mod-network))
-$(eval $(call application,diag-core,LuCI Diagnostics Tools (Core)))
-$(eval $(call application,diag-devinfo,LuCI Diagnostics Tools (Device Info),\
- luci-app-diag-core \
- smap \
- netdiscover \
- mac-to-devinfo \
- httping \
- smap-to-devinfo \
- netdiscover-to-devinfo))
-$(eval $(call application,voice-core,LuCI Voice Software (Core)))
-$(eval $(call application,voice-diag,LuCI Voice Software (Diagnostics),luci-app-diag-devinfo))
-$(eval $(call application,udpxy,LuCI Support for udpxy,udpxy))
-$(eval $(call application,upnp,Universal Plug & Play configuration module,miniupnpd))
-$(eval $(call application,ntpc,NTP time synchronisation configuration module,ntpclient))
-$(eval $(call application,ddns,Dynamic DNS configuration module,ddns-scripts))
-$(eval $(call application,dump1090,LuCI Support for dump1090,dump1090))
-$(eval $(call application,samba,Network Shares - Samba SMB/CIFS module,samba36-server))
-$(eval $(call application,mmc-over-gpio,MMC-over-GPIO configuration module,kmod-mmc-over-gpio))
-$(eval $(call application,p910nd,p910nd - Printer server module,p910nd))
-$(eval $(call application,ushare,uShare - UPnP A/V & DLNA Media Server,ushare))
-$(eval $(call application,hd-idle,Hard Disk Idle Spin-Down module,hd-idle))
-$(eval $(call application,tinyproxy,Tinyproxy - HTTP(S)-Proxy configuration,tinyproxy))
-$(eval $(call application,polipo,LuCI Support for the Polipo Proxy,polipo))
-$(eval $(call application,ocserv,LuCI Support for OpenConnect VPN,ocserv certtool))
-$(eval $(call application,openvpn,LuCI Support for OpenVPN,openvpn))
-$(eval $(call application,p2pblock,LuCI Support for the Freifunk P2P-Block addon,luci-app-firewall freifunk-p2pblock))
-$(eval $(call application,multiwan,LuCI Support for the OpenWrt MultiWAN agent,luci-app-firewall multiwan))
-$(eval $(call application,wol,LuCI Support for Wake-on-LAN,etherwake))
-$(eval $(call application,vnstat,LuCI Support for VnStat,vnstat vnstati))
-$(eval $(call application,radvd,LuCI Support for Radvd,radvd))
-$(eval $(call application,ahcp,LuCI Support for AHCPd,ahcpd))
-$(eval $(call application,wshaper,LuCI Support for wshaper,wshaper))
-$(eval $(call application,pbx,LuCI PBX Administration,\
- asterisk18 \
- asterisk18-app-authenticate \
- asterisk18-app-disa \
- asterisk18-app-setcallerid \
- asterisk18-app-system \
- asterisk18-chan-gtalk \
- asterisk18-codec-a-mu \
- asterisk18-codec-alaw \
- asterisk18-func-cut \
- asterisk18-res-clioriginate \
- asterisk18-func-channel \
- asterisk18-chan-local \
- asterisk18-app-record \
- asterisk18-app-senddtmf \
- asterisk18-res-crypto))
-$(eval $(call application,pbx-voicemail,LuCI PBX Administration Voicemail Support,luci-app-pbx asterisk18 msmtp coreutils-base64))
-$(eval $(call application,ltqtapi,Lantiq voip))
-$(eval $(call application,minidlna,LuCI Support for miniDLNA,minidlna))
-$(eval $(call application,shairplay,LuCI Support for Shairplay,shairplay))
-$(eval $(call application,shairport,LuCI Support for Shairport,shairport))
-$(eval $(call application,transmission,LuCI Support for Transmission,transmission-daemon))
-$(eval $(call application,watchcat,LuCI Support for Watchcat,watchcat))
-$(eval $(call application,mjpg-streamer,MJPG-Streamer service configuration module,mjpg-streamer))
-### Themes ###
-define theme
- define Package/luci-theme-$(1)
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- SUBMENU:=4. Themes
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),LuCI $(1) theme)
- MAINTAINER:=$(if $(3),$(3),LuCI Development Team <>)
- DEPENDS:=+luci-base $(4)
- endef
- define Package/luci-theme-$(1)/install
- $(call Package/luci-addons/install/template,$$(1),themes/$(1))
- endef
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-$(1)),)
- endif
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-theme-$(1)
-$(eval $(call theme,freifunk-bno,Freifunk Berlin Nordost Theme,\
- Stefan Pirwitz <stefan-at-freifunk-bno-dot-de>))
-$(eval $(call theme,freifunk-generic,Freifunk Generic Theme,\
- Manuel Munz <freifunk-at-somakoma-dot-de>))
-### Compile ###
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-define Build/Prepare
- @if [ ! -x $(LUCI_TOPDIR)/build/ ]; then \
- echo "*** Repository layout changed!" >&2; \
- echo "*** Please change the LuCI url in feeds.conf to and reinstall the feed with" >&2; \
- echo "*** ./scripts/feeds update luci; ./scripts/feeds install -a -p luci" >&2; \
- exit 1; \
- fi
- mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
- $(TAR) c -C $(LUCI_TOPDIR) . \
- --exclude=.pc --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git \
- --exclude='*.o' --exclude='*.so' \
- --exclude=dist | \
- tar x -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
- $(call Build/Prepare/Default)
-define Build/Configure
- LUA_SHLIBS="-llua -lm -ldl -lcrypt" \
-$(foreach b,$(LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES),$(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(b))))
diff --git a/contrib/package/luci/Makefile b/contrib/package/luci/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f4dd032ad..0000000000
--- a/contrib/package/luci/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-include $(TOPDIR)/
-PKG_VERSION:=$(shell $(LUCI_TOPDIR)/build/ 2>/dev/null || echo unknown)
-PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=$(if $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT),lua/host) iwinfo
-ifeq ($(BOARD),brcm-2.4)
-### Templates ###
-define Package/luci/install/template
- $(CP) -a $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(2)/dist/* $(1)/ -R
- $(CP) -a $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(2)/ipkg/* $(1)/CONTROL/ 2>/dev/null || true
-### Core package ###
-define Package/luci-base
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=8. Libraries
- DEPENDS:=+lua +libuci-lua +libubus-lua
- TITLE:=LuCI core libraries
-define Package/luci-base/install
- $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),modules/base)
- $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/build/ $(1)/usr/lib/lua/luci/version.lua \
- "OpenWrt Firmware" \
- "trunk" \
-define Package/luci-base/config
- choice
- prompt "Build Target"
- default PACKAGE_luci-base_source
- config PACKAGE_luci-base_compile
- bool "Precompiled"
- config PACKAGE_luci-base_stripped
- bool "Stripped"
- config PACKAGE_luci-base_srcdiet
- bool "Compressed Source"
- config PACKAGE_luci-base_source
- bool "Full Source"
- endchoice
-define Package/luci-base/conffiles
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-base_compile),)
- LUA_TARGET:=compile
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-base_stripped),)
- LUA_TARGET:=strip
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-base_srcdiet),)
- LUA_TARGET:=diet
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-base),)
-### Libraries ###
-define library
- define Package/luci-lib-$(1)
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=8. Libraries
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),LuCI $(1) library)
- $(if $(3),DEPENDS:=+luci-base $(3))
- endef
- define Package/luci-lib-$(1)/install
- $(call Package/luci/install/template,$$(1),libs/$(1))
- $(call Package/luci-lib-$(1)/extra-install)
- endef
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-$(1)),)
- endif
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-lib-$(1)
-define Package/luci-lib-nixio/config
- choice
- prompt "TLS Provider"
- default PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_notls
- config PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_notls
- bool "Disabled"
- config PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_axtls
- bool "Builtin (axTLS)"
- config PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_cyassl
- bool "CyaSSL"
- select PACKAGE_libcyassl
- config PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_openssl
- bool "OpenSSL"
- select PACKAGE_libopenssl
- endchoice
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_axtls),)
- NIXIO_TLS:=axtls
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_openssl),)
- NIXIO_TLS:=openssl
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_cyassl),)
- NIXIO_TLS:=cyassl
- LUCI_CFLAGS+=-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/cyassl
-$(eval $(call library,httpclient,HTTP(S) client library,+luci-base +luci-lib-nixio))
-$(eval $(call library,json,LuCI JSON library))
-$(eval $(call library,nixio,NIXIO POSIX library,+PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_openssl:libopenssl +PACKAGE_luci-lib-nixio_cyassl:libcyassl))
-$(eval $(call library,px5g,RSA/X.509 Key Generator (required for LuCId SSL support),+luci-lib-nixio))
-$(eval $(call library,luaneightbl,neightbl - Lua lib for IPv6 neighbors,+luci-base))
-### Protocols ###
-define protocol
- define Package/luci-proto-$(1)
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=6. Protocols
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),LuCI $(1) protocol support)
- DEPENDS:=$(3)
- endef
- define Package/luci-proto-$(1)/install
- $(call Package/luci/install/template,$$(1),protocols/$(1))
- endef
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-proto-$(1)),)
- LUCI_SELECTED_MODULES+=protocols/$(1)
- endif
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-proto-$(1)
-$(eval $(call protocol,ppp,Support for PPP/PPPoE/PPPoA/PPtP))
-$(eval $(call protocol,ipv6,Support for DHCPv6/6in4/6to4/6rd/DS-Lite))
-$(eval $(call protocol,3g,Support for 3G,+PACKAGE_luci-proto-3g:comgt))
-$(eval $(call protocol,relay,Support for relayd pseudo bridges,+PACKAGE_luci-proto-relay:relayd))
-$(eval $(call protocol,openconnect,Support for OpenConnect VPN,+openconnect))
-### Modules ###
-define module
- define Package/luci-mod-$(1)
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=2. Modules
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),LuCI $(1) module)
- $(if $(3),DEPENDS+=$(3))
- endef
- define Package/luci-mod-$(1)/install
- $(call Package/luci/install/template,$$(1),modules/$(1))
- $(call Package/luci-mod-$(1)/extra-install)
- endef
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-mod-$(1)),)
- endif
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-mod-$(1)
-$(eval $(call module,admin-mini,LuCI Essentials - stripped down and user-friendly,+luci-base @BROKEN))
-$(eval $(call module,admin-full,LuCI Administration - full-featured for full control,+luci-base))
-$(eval $(call module,failsafe,LuCI Fail-Safe - Fail-Safe sysupgrade module,+luci-base))
-$(eval $(call module,rpc,LuCI RPC - JSON-RPC API,+luci-lib-json))
-### Applications ###
-define application
- define Package/luci-app-$(1)
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=3. Applications
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),LuCI $(1) application)
- DEPENDS:=$(3)
- endef
- define Package/luci-app-$(1)/install
- $(call Package/luci/install/template,$$(1),applications/luci-$(1))
- endef
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-$(1)),)
- LUCI_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/luci-$(1)
- endif
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-app-$(1)
-$(eval $(call application,firewall,Firewall and Portforwarding application,\
- +PACKAGE_luci-app-firewall:firewall))
-$(eval $(call application,qos,Quality of Service configuration module,\
- +PACKAGE_luci-app-qos:qos-scripts))
-$(eval $(call application,commands,LuCI Shell Command Module))
-### Themes ###
-define theme
- define Package/luci-theme-$(1)
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- SUBMENU:=4. Themes
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),LuCI $(1) theme)
- MAINTAINER:=$(if $(3),$(3),LuCI Development Team <>)
- endef
- define Package/luci-theme-$(1)/install
- $(call Package/luci/install/template,$$(1),themes/$(1))
- endef
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-$(1)),)
- endif
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-theme-$(1)
-$(eval $(call theme,openwrt,
-$(eval $(call theme,bootstrap,Bootstrap Theme (default)))
-### Translations ###
-define translation
- define Package/luci-i18n-$(1)
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=5. Translations
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),$(1))
- endef
- define Package/luci-i18n-$(1)/install
- $(call Package/luci/install/template,$$(1),i18n/$(1))
- endef
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-$(1)),)
- endif
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci-i18n-$(1)
-$(eval $(call translation,german,German))
-$(eval $(call translation,english,English))
-$(eval $(call translation,french,French (by Florian Fainelli)))
-$(eval $(call translation,italian,Italian (by Matteo Croce)))
-$(eval $(call translation,russian,Russian (by Skryabin Dmitry)))
-$(eval $(call translation,portuguese-brazilian,Portuguese (Brazilian) (by Carlos Cesario)))
-$(eval $(call translation,chinese,Chinese (by Chinese Translators)))
-$(eval $(call translation,japanese,Japanese (by Tsukasa Hamano)))
-$(eval $(call translation,greek,Greek (by Vasilis Tsiligiannis)))
-$(eval $(call translation,catalan,Catalan (by Eduard Duran)))
-$(eval $(call translation,portuguese,Portuguese (by Jose Monteiro)))
-$(eval $(call translation,spanish,Spanish (by Guillermo Javier Nardoni)))
-$(eval $(call translation,vietnamese,Vietnamese (by Hong Phuc Dang)))
-$(eval $(call translation,malay,Malay (by Teow Wai Chet)))
-$(eval $(call translation,norwegian,Norwegian (by Lars Hardy)))
-$(eval $(call translation,hebrew,Hebrew))
-$(eval $(call translation,romanian,Romanian))
-$(eval $(call translation,ukrainian,Ukrainian))
-$(eval $(call translation,hungarian,Hungarian))
-$(eval $(call translation,polish,Polish))
-### Collections ###
-define collection
- define Package/luci$(if $(1),-$(1))
- SECTION:=luci
- TITLE:=LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
- URL:=
- MAINTAINER:=LuCI Development Team <>
- SUBMENU:=1. Collections
- TITLE:=$(if $(2),$(2),LuCI $(if $(1),$(1),general) collection)
- $(if $(3),DEPENDS:=$(3))
- endef
- define Package/luci$(if $(1),-$(1))/install
- true
- endef
- LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES += luci$(if $(1),-$(1))
-$(eval $(call collection,,\
- Standard OpenWrt set including full admin with ppp support and the \
- default OpenWrt theme,\
- +uhttpd +uhttpd-mod-ubus +luci-mod-admin-full +luci-theme-bootstrap \
- +luci-app-firewall +luci-proto-ppp +libiwinfo-lua +luci-lib-nixio))
-$(eval $(call collection,ssl,\
- Standard OpenWrt set with HTTPS support,\
- +luci +libustream-polarssl +px5g))
-$(eval $(call collection,light,\
- Minimum package set using only admin mini and the standard theme,\
- +uhttpd +luci-mod-admin-mini +luci-theme-openwrt @BROKEN))
-### Compile ###
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-define Build/Prepare
- @if [ ! -x $(LUCI_TOPDIR)/build/ ]; then \
- echo "*** Repository layout changed!" >&2; \
- echo "*** Please change the LuCI url in feeds.conf to and reinstall the feed with" >&2; \
- echo "*** ./scripts/feeds update luci; ./scripts/feeds install -a -p luci" >&2; \
- exit 1; \
- fi
- mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
- $(TAR) c -C $(LUCI_TOPDIR) . \
- --exclude=.pc --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git \
- --exclude='*.o' --exclude='*.so' \
- --exclude=dist | \
- tar x -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
- $(call Build/Prepare/Default)
-define Build/Configure
- LUA_SHLIBS="-llua -lm -ldl -lcrypt" \
-$(foreach b,$(LUCI_BUILD_PACKAGES),$(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(b))))