path: root/contrib/package/meshwizard
diff options
authorManuel Munz <>2011-06-23 15:52:00 +0000
committerManuel Munz <>2011-06-23 15:52:00 +0000
commitab87896104be09072ccccad305588d46370ab5ad (patch)
treefc3c5a5db319668cf1185c671268bc8cdae7316b /contrib/package/meshwizard
parente88fd858a1c0d3dbac4703224dc63cb498839432 (diff)
Add new meshwizard (WIP)
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/package/meshwizard')
19 files changed, 1034 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/Makefile b/contrib/package/meshwizard/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d665b46a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Manuel Munz <freifunk at somakoma de>
+# This is free software, licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
+define Package/meshwizard
+ SECTION:=luci
+ SUBMENU:=Freifunk
+ TITLE:=Shell script based wizard for Mesh networks
+ DEPENDS:=+firewall
+define Package/meshwizard/description
+ A shellscript based wizard to simplify the setup of a typical mesh node (e.g. for
+define Build/Prepare
+ mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
+define Build/Configure
+define Build/Compile
+define Package/meshwizard/install
+ $(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,meshwizard))
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/etc/config/meshwizard b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/etc/config/meshwizard
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a60b0cc44a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/etc/config/meshwizard
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+config 'netconfig' 'netconfig'
+config 'general' 'general'
+ option 'sharenet' '0'
+ option 'local_restrict' '1'
+ option 'cleanup' '1'
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e0e194185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+uci_remove_list_element() {
+ local option="$1"
+ local value="$2"
+ local list="$(uci get $option)"
+ local elem
+ uci delete $option
+ for elem in $list; do
+ if [ "$elem" != "$value" ]; then
+ uci add_list $option=$elem
+ fi
+ done
+set_defaults() {
+ for def in $(env |grep "^$1"); do
+ option=${def/$1/}
+ uci set $2.$option
+ echo " ${option/=/: }"
+ done
+# 1 argument: section to remove
+section_cleanup() {
+ uci -q delete $1 && msg_cleanup $1 || msg_cleanup_error $1
+# 3 arguements: 1=config name 2=oldname 3=newname
+section_rename() {
+ uci -q rename $1.$2=$3 && msg_rename $1.$2 $1.$3 || msg_rename_error $1.2 $1.$3
+msg_start() {
+ echo " Starting configuration of $1"
+msg_cleanup() {
+ echo " Cleanup: Removed section $1."
+msg_cleanup_error() {
+ echo -e " \033[1mWarning:\033[0m Cleanup of $1 failed."
+msg_missing_value() {
+ echo -e " \033[1mWarning:\033[0m Configuration option for $2 is missing in $1."
+msg_success() {
+ echo " Finished."
+msg_error() {
+ echo " \033[1mError: \033[0mThere was a problem."
+msg_rename() {
+ echo " Renamed unnamed section $1 to $2."
+msg_rename_error() {
+ echo " \033[1mWarning:\033[0m Could not rename $1 to $2."
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c889c55ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Checks whether a netrange is inside another netrange, returns 1 if true
+# Takes two arguments: $1: net from which we want to know if it is inside $2
+# nets need to be given in CIDR notation
+dir=$(dirname $0)
+awk -f $dir/common.awk -f - $* <<EOF
+ slpos=index(ARGV[1],"/")
+ ipaddr=ip2int(substr(ARGV[1],0,slpos-1))
+ netmask=compl(2**(32-int(substr(ARGV[1],slpos+1)))-1)
+ network=and(ipaddr,netmask)
+ broadcast=or(network,compl(netmask))
+ slpos2=index(ARGV[2],"/")
+ ipaddr2=ip2int(substr(ARGV[2],0,slpos2-1))
+ netmask2=compl(2**(32-int(substr(ARGV[2],slpos2+1)))-1)
+ network2=and(ipaddr2,netmask2)
+ broadcast2=or(network2,compl(netmask2))
+ if (network >= network2) {
+ if (network <= broadcast2) {
+ if (broadcast <= broadcast2) {
+ print "1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/common.awk b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/common.awk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b03d06bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/common.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+function bitcount(c) {
+ c=and(rshift(c, 1),0x55555555)+and(c,0x55555555)
+ c=and(rshift(c, 2),0x33333333)+and(c,0x33333333)
+ c=and(rshift(c, 4),0x0f0f0f0f)+and(c,0x0f0f0f0f)
+ c=and(rshift(c, 8),0x00ff00ff)+and(c,0x00ff00ff)
+ c=and(rshift(c,16),0x0000ffff)+and(c,0x0000ffff)
+ return c
+function ip2int(ip) {
+ for (ret=0,n=split(ip,a,"\."),x=1;x<=n;x++) ret=or(lshift(ret,8),a[x])
+ return ret
+function int2ip(ip,ret,x) {
+ ret=and(ip,255)
+ ip=rshift(ip,8)
+ for(;x<3;ret=and(ip,255)"."ret,ip=rshift(ip,8),x++);
+ return ret
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fa042abaef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# create essid from channel, takes two args:
+# $1 = channel (integer)
+# $2 = community (optional)
+. /etc/
+# Try to get BSSID from profile first
+config_load profile_$community
+config_get bssid bssidscheme $channel
+if [ -z "$bssid" ]; then
+ case $channel in
+ [1-9])
+ bssid="$(printf "%X\n" $channel)2:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE"
+ ;;
+ 1[0-4])
+ bssid="$(printf "%X\n" $channel)2:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE"
+ ;;
+ [3-9][0-9])
+ bssid="00:$channel:CA:FF:EE:EE"
+ ;;
+ 1[0-9][0-9])
+ bssid="${channel/1/01:}:CA:FF:EE:EE"
+ ;;
+ *) bssid="02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE"
+ ;;
+ esac
+echo $bssid
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e559166f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# generates a dhcp-ip and netrange from a given ip/subnet
+# takes 2 arguments:
+# $1: Ip Address (of the Interface for which we want to generate an ip)
+echo "$1" | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print "6."$3"."$4".1" }'
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a5f670dd5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# This is only run once (usually after flashing an image from the imagebuilder)
+# It sets up the initial config for this node.
+. /etc/
+. $dir/
+### System config
+config_load system
+# Rename system config
+handle_system() {
+ if [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename system $1 system
+ fi
+config_foreach handle_system system
+if [ -n "$(uci -q get meshwizard.system)" ]; then
+ echo " + Setup system"
+ uci show meshwizard.system | sed 's/^meshwizard/uci set system/g' | while read line; do
+ eval $line
+ echo " $line"
+ done
+ uci -q delete meshwizard.system
+if [ -n "$(uci -q get" ]; then
+ echo " + Setup community"
+ uci show | sed 's/^meshwizard/freifunk/g' | while read line; do
+ eval uci set $line
+ echo " $line"
+ done
+ uci -q delete
+if [ -n "$(uci -q get" ]; then
+ echo " + Setup contact"
+ uci show | sed 's/^meshwizard/freifunk/g' | while read line; do
+ eval uci set $line
+ echo " $line"
+ done
+ uci -q delete
+if [ -n "$(uci -q get meshwizard.luci_main)" ]; then
+ echo " + Setup luci"
+ uci show meshwizard.luci_main |sed -e 's/^meshwizard/luci/g' -e 's/luci_main/main/' | while read line; do
+ eval uci set $line
+ echo " $line"
+ done
+ uci -q delete meshwizard.luci_main
+uci commit
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..39d051ec18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+dir=$(dirname $0)
+awk -f $dir/common.awk -f - $* <<EOF
+ slpos=index(ARGV[1],"/")
+ if (slpos == 0) {
+ ipaddr=ip2int(ARGV[1])
+ netmask=ip2int(ARGV[2])
+ } else {
+ ipaddr=ip2int(substr(ARGV[1],0,slpos-1))
+ netmask=compl(2**(32-int(substr(ARGV[1],slpos+1)))-1)
+ ARGV[4]=ARGV[3]
+ ARGV[3]=ARGV[2]
+ }
+ network=and(ipaddr,netmask)
+ broadcast=or(network,compl(netmask))
+ start=or(network,and(ip2int(ARGV[3]),compl(netmask)))
+ limit=network+1
+ if (start<limit) start=limit
+ end=start+ARGV[4]
+ limit=or(network,compl(netmask))-1
+ if (end>limit) end=limit
+ print "IP="int2ip(ipaddr)
+ print "NETMASK="int2ip(netmask)
+ print "BROADCAST="int2ip(broadcast)
+ print "NETWORK="int2ip(network)
+ print "PREFIX="32-bitcount(compl(netmask))
+ # range calculations:
+ # ipcalc <ip> <netmask> <start> <num>
+ if (ARGC > 3) {
+ print "START="int2ip(start)
+ print "END="int2ip(end)
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e20cc38272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This reads the settings we need to have to configure everything
+# Argument $1: community
+# reads variables from uci files, parameter $1 is the section
+get_var() {
+ uci -q show $1 | cut -d "." -f 2-100 |grep "\." | sed -e 's/^\([a-z_]*\)\./\1_/g' -e 's/=\(.*\)$/="\1"/g'
+# read default values from /etc/config/freifunk
+for v in system wifi_device wifi_iface interface alias dhcp olsr_interface olsr_interfacedefaults zone_freifunk include; do
+ get_var freifunk.$v
+# now read all values from the selected community profile, will override some values from the defaults before
+for v in system wifi_device wifi_iface interface alias dhcp olsr_interface olsr_interfacedefaults profile zone_freifunk include; do
+ get_var profile_$community.$v
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..aee15f5b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This script renames IB_wifi_ interface names into real interface names used on this system.
+# E.g. wireless.IB_wifi0 would become wireless.wifi0 on madwifi and wireless.radio0 on mac80211
+IBwifis="$(uci show meshwizard.netconfig | grep -v 'netconfig=netconfig' | sed 's/meshwizard.netconfig\.\(IB_wifi.*\)_.*/\1/' |uniq)"
+for w in $IBwifis; do
+ posIB=$(( $posIB + 1 ))
+ export IB_wifi$posIB="$w"
+syswifis="$(uci show wireless |grep wifi-device | sed 's/wireless\.\(.*\)=.*/\1/' |uniq)"
+for s in $syswifis; do
+ export syswifi$pos="$s"
+ pos=$(( $pos + 1 ))
+for i in `seq 0 $posIB`; do
+ IBwifi=$(eval echo \$IB_wifi$i)
+ syswifi=$(eval echo \$syswifi$i)
+ if [ -n "$syswifi" ]; then
+ case $IBwifi in
+ IB_wifi* )
+ # replace IB_wifi_* with actual wifi interface names, delete old ones first
+ uci show meshwizard.netconfig | grep $IBwifi | while read line; do
+ oldline=$(echo $line | cut -d "=" -f 1)
+ uci set $oldline=""
+ newline=$(echo $line |sed "s/$IBwifi/$syswifi/g")
+ uci set $newline
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+ unset IBwifi
+ unset syswifi
+ fi
+uci commit
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4c7ea5afb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Sets up the dhcp part of dnsmasq
+. /etc/
+. $dir/
+handle_dnsmasq() {
+ config_get interface "$1" interface
+ if [ "$interface" == "${netrenamed}dhcp" ]; then
+ if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ section_cleanup dhcp.$1
+ else
+ if [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename dhcp $1 ${netrenamed}dhcp
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+config_load dhcp
+config_foreach handle_dnsmasq dhcp
+uci batch << EOF
+set dhcp.${netrenamed}dhcp="dhcp"
+set dhcp.${netrenamed}dhcp.leasetime="${dhcp_leasetime}"
+set dhcp.${netrenamed}dhcp.force="1"
+set dhcp.${netrenamed}dhcp.interface="${netrenamed}dhcp"
+echo " leasetime: ${dhcp_leasetime}
+ interface: ${netrenamed}dhcp"
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..517b4fd348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+. /etc/
+. $dir/
+# Set dnsmasq config
+handle_dhcp() {
+ if [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename dhcp $1 dnsmasq
+ fi
+config_load dhcp
+config_foreach handle_dhcp dnsmasq
+echo " + Setup dnsmasq"
+uci set dhcp.dnsmasq.local="/$profile_suffix/"
+uci set dhcp.dnsmasq.domain="$profile_suffix"
+echo " local: /$profile_suffix/
+ domain: $profile_suffix"
+config_get addnhosts dnsmasq addnhosts
+if [ -z "${addnhosts/\var\/etc\/hosts.olsr/}" ]; then
+ uci add_list dhcp.dnsmasq.addnhosts="/var/etc/hosts.olsr"
+ echo " addnhosts: /var/etc/hosts.olsr"
+uci commit
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8399aef933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# This will add $net to the zone firewall (and remove it from other zones where it is referenced)
+# It will also setup rules defined in /etc/config/freifunk and /etc/config/profile_<community>
+# Arg $1 = $net
+. /etc/
+. $dir/
+config_load firewall
+# Get some variables
+type="$(uci -q get wireless.$net.type)"
+vap="$(uci -q get meshwizard.netconfig.$net\_vap)"
+lan_ip="$(uci -q get network.lan.ipaddr)"
+lan_mask="$(uci -q get network.lan.netmask)"
+# Delete old firewall zone for freifunk
+handle_fwzone() {
+ config_get name "$1" name
+ config_get network "$1" network
+ if [ "$2" == "zoneconf" ]; then
+ # clean zone
+ if [ "$name" == "freifunk" ]; then
+ if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ section_cleanup firewall.$1
+ else
+ # rename section if unnamed
+ if [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename firewall $1 zone_freifunk
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "$name" == "$netrenamed" ]; then
+ section_cleanup firewall.$1
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$netrenamed" -a -n "$(echo $network | grep $netrenamed)" ] && [ ! "$name" == "freifunk" ]; then
+ echo " Removed $netrenamed from firewall zone $name."
+ network_new=$(echo $network | sed -e 's/'$netrenamed'//' -e 's/^ //' -e 's/ / /' -e 's/ $//')
+ uci set firewall.$"$network_new"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ # clean fw_rule, fw_forwarding, include and advanced
+ for option in src tcp_ecn path; do
+ config_get $option $1 $option
+ done
+ if [ "$src" == "freifunk" -o "$path" == "/etc/firewall.freifunk" -o -n "$tcpecn" ]; then
+ section_cleanup firewall.$1
+ fi
+ fi
+config_foreach handle_fwzone zone zoneconf
+if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ for target in include advanced rule forwarding; do
+ config_foreach handle_fwzone $target
+ done
+# setup freifunk firewall zone
+echo " + Setup firewall zone."
+# add $netrenamed and if needed ${netrenamed}dhcp to the networks for this zone
+config_get network zone_freifunk network
+# remove ${netrenamed}dhcp from networks list
+[ -n "$network" -a -n "$net" ] && network="${network/${netrenamed}dhcp/}"
+network=$(echo $network) # Removes leading and trailing whitespaces
+[ -n "$netrenamed" ] && [ -z "$(echo $network | grep $netrenamed)" ] && network="$network $netrenamed"
+if [ "$type" == "atheros" -a "$vap" == 1 ]; then
+ [ -n "$netrenamed" ] && [ "$network" == "${network/${netrenamed}dhcp/}" ] && network="$network ${netrenamed}dhcp"
+uci batch << EOF
+set firewall.zone_freifunk="zone"
+set firewall.zone_freifunk.input="$zone_freifunk_input"
+set firewall.zone_freifunk.forward="$zone_freifunk_forward"
+set firewall.zone_freifunk.output="$zone_freifunk_output"
+echo " network: $network
+ input: $zone_freifunk_input
+ forward: $zone_freifunk_forward
+ output: $zone_freifunk_output"
+# Usually we need to setup masquerading for lan, except lan is an olsr interface or has an olsr hna
+echo " + Setup masquerading rules"
+eval $( $lan_ip $lan_mask)
+handle_interface() {
+ config_get interface "$1" interface
+ if [ "$interface" == "lan" ]; then
+ no_masq_lan=1
+ fi
+config_load olsrd
+config_foreach handle_interface Interface
+handle_hna() {
+ config_get netaddr "$1" netaddr
+ if [ "$NETWORK" == "$netaddr" ]; then
+ no_masq_lan=1
+ fi
+config_foreach handle_hna Hna4
+currms=$(uci -q get firewall.zone_freifunk.masq_src)
+if [ ! "$no_masq_lan" == "1" ]; then
+ uci set firewall.zone_freifunk.masq="1" && echo " Enabled masquerading." || echo -e "\033[1mWarning:\033[0m: Could not enable masquerading."
+ [ -z "$(echo $currms |grep $NETWORK/$PREFIX)" ] && uci add_list firewall.zone_freifunk.masq_src="$NETWORK/$PREFIX"
+# If wifi-interfaces are outside of the mesh network they should be natted
+for i in $networks; do
+ # Get dhcprange and meshnet
+ dhcprange=$(uci get meshwizard.netconfig.$i\_dhcprange)
+ meshnet="$(uci get profile_$community.profile.mesh_network)"
+ # check if the dhcprange is inside meshnet
+ dhcpinmesh="$($dir/helpers/ $dhcprange $meshnet)"
+ if [ ! "$dhcpinmesh" == 1 ]; then
+ [ -z "$(echo $currms |grep $dhcprange)" ] && uci add_list firewall.zone_freifunk.masq_src="$dhcprange"
+ fi
+# Rules, Forwardings, advanced config and includes
+# Clear firewall configuration
+echo " + Setup rules, forwardings, advanced config and includes."
+for config in freifunk profile_$community; do
+ config_load $config
+ for section in advanced include fw_rule fw_forwarding; do
+ handle_firewall() {
+ local options=$(uci show $config."$1")
+ options=$(echo "$options" | sed -e "s/fw_//g" -e "s/^$config/firewall/g")
+ for o in $options; do
+ uci set $o
+ done
+ }
+ config_foreach handle_firewall $section
+ done
+uci commit
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4f03d228c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# setup entry in /etc/config/network for a interface
+# Argument $1: network interface
+. /etc/
+. $dir/
+# Delete the network interface section for $net
+if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ section_cleanup network.$netrenamed
+# Setup a (new) interface section for $net
+ipaddr=$(uci get meshwizard.netconfig.$net\_ip4addr)
+[ -z "$ipaddr" ] && msg_missing_value meshwizard $net\_ip4addr
+[ -z "$interface_netmask" ] && interface netmask=""
+uci batch << EOF
+set network.$netrenamed="interface"
+set network.$netrenamed.proto="static"
+set network.$netrenamed.ipaddr="$ipaddr"
+set network.$netrenamed.netmask="$interface_netmask"
+set network.$netrenamed.dns="$interface_dns"
+echo " IP address: $ipaddr"
+echo " Netmask : $interface_netmask"
+# setup dhcp alias/interface
+net_dhcp=$(uci -q get meshwizard.netconfig.${net}_dhcp)
+if [ "$net_dhcp" == 1 ]; then
+ # Load meshwizard_settings
+ dhcprange="$(uci -q get meshwizard.netconfig.${net}_dhcprange)"
+ interface_ip="$(uci -q get meshwizard.netconfig.${net}_ip4addr)"
+ vap=$(uci -q get meshwizard.netconfig.${net}_vap)
+ # Clean/rename config
+ handle_dhcpalias() {
+ config_get interface "$1" interface
+ if [ "$interface" == "$netrenamed" ]; then
+ if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ section_cleanup network.$1
+ else
+ if [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename network $1 ${netrenamed}dhcp
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ }
+ config_load network
+ config_foreach handle_dhcpalias alias
+ # Get IP/netmask and start-ip for $net dhcp
+ # If no dhcprange is given in /etc/config/meshwizard we autogenerate one
+ if [ -z "$dhcprange" ]; then
+ dhcprange="$($dir/helpers/ $interface_ip)/24"
+ uci set meshwizard.netconfig.${net}_dhcprange="$dhcprange"
+ fi
+ eval $(sh $dir/helpers/ $dhcprange 1 0)
+ # setup wifi-dhcp interface or alias
+ # Setup alias for $net
+ if [ "$vap" == 1 ]; then
+ echo " + Setup interface ${netrenamed}dhcp."
+ uci set network.${netrenamed}dhcp=interface
+ else
+ echo " + Setup alias interface ${netrenamed}dhcp."
+ uci set network.${netrenamed}dhcp=alias
+ uci set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.interface="$netrenamed"
+ fi
+ uci batch << EOF
+set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.proto=static
+set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.ipaddr="$START"
+set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.netmask="$NETMASK"
+ echo " interface: $net
+ ipaddr: $START
+ netmask: $NETMASK"
+uci commit
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d298828e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Sets up olsrd
+# arg $1 = net
+. /etc/
+. $dir/
+# Clean or delete interface defaults
+handle_interfacedefaults() {
+ if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ section_cleanup olsrd.$1
+ else
+ if [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename olsrd $1 InterfaceDefaults
+ fi
+ fi
+config_load olsrd
+config_foreach handle_interfacedefaults InterfaceDefaults
+# Setup new InterfaceDefaults
+echo " + Setup InterfaceDefaults"
+uci set olsrd.InterfaceDefaults=InterfaceDefaults
+set_defaults "olsr_interfacedefaults_" olsrd.InterfaceDefaults
+# Delete old interface for $netrenamed
+handle_interface() {
+ config_get interface "$1" Interface
+ if [ "$interface" == "$netrenamed" ]; then
+ if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ section_cleanup olsrd.$1
+ elif [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename olsrd $1 $netrenamed
+ fi
+ fi
+config_foreach handle_interface Interface
+# Setup new interface for $netrenamed
+echo " + Setup Interface"
+uci set olsrd.$netrenamed=Interface
+set_defaults "olsr_interface_" olsrd.$net
+uci set olsrd.$netrenamed.interface="$netrenamed"
+echo " interface: $netrenamed"
+# If dhcp-network is inside the mesh_network then add HNA for it
+dhcprange=$(uci get meshwizard.netconfig.$net\_dhcprange)
+meshnet="$(uci get profile_$community.profile.mesh_network)"
+uci -q delete olsrd.${netrenamed}clients
+# check if the dhcprange is inside meshnet
+dhcpinmesh="$($dir/helpers/ $dhcprange $meshnet)"
+if [ "$dhcpinmesh" == 1 ]; then
+ echo " + Setting up HNA"
+ uci set olsrd.${netrenamed}clients="Hna4"
+ eval $(sh $dir/helpers/ $dhcprange)
+ uci set olsrd.${netrenamed}clients.netaddr="$NETWORK"
+ uci set olsrd.${netrenamed}clients.netmask="$NETMASK"
+ echo " netaddr: $NETWORK"
+ echo " natmask: $NETMASK"
+# Delete nameservice, dyngw and httpinfo plugins
+echo " + Configure Plugins"
+handle_plugin() {
+ config_get library "$1" library
+ if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ case library in
+ olsrd_*)
+ section_cleanup olsrd.$1
+ esac
+ elif [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ new="$(echo $library | cut -d '.' -f 1)"
+ section_rename olsrd $1 $new
+ fi
+config_foreach handle_plugin LoadPlugin
+# Setup nameservice plugin
+if [ -n "$profile_suffix" ]; then
+ suffix=".$profile_suffix"
+ suffix=".olsr"
+uci batch << EOF
+set olsrd.olsrd_nameservice=LoadPlugin
+set olsrd.olsrd_nameservice.library=""
+set olsrd.olsrd_nameservice.latlon_file="/var/run/latlon.js"
+set olsrd.olsrd_nameservice.hosts_file="/var/etc/hosts.olsr"
+set olsrd.olsrd_nameservice.sighup_pid_file="/var/run/"
+set olsrd.olsrd_nameservice.suffix="$suffix"
+echo " Nameservice Plugin configured."
+# Setup dyngw_plain
+# If Sharing of Internet is enabled then enable dyngw_plain plugin
+sharenet=$(uci -q get meshwizard.general.sharenet)
+if [ -n "$(uci -q get olsrd.dyngw_plain.library)" ]; then
+ section_cleanup olsrd.dyngw_plain
+if [ "$sharenet" == 1 ]; then
+ echo " + Setup dyngw_plain"
+ uci set olsrd.dyngw_plain=LoadPlugin
+ uci set olsrd.dyngw_plain.ignore=0
+ uci set olsrd.dyngw_plain.library=""
+uci commit
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8e143d338e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Setup_splash, takes 1 argument: 1=net
+. /etc/
+. $dir/
+handle_splash() {
+ config_get network "$1" network
+ if [ "$network" == "${netrenamed}dhcp" ]; then
+ if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ section_cleanup luci_splash.$1
+ else
+ if [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename luci_splash $1 ${netrenamed}dhcp
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+config_load luci_splash
+config_foreach handle_splash iface
+uci batch << EOF
+set luci_splash.${netrenamed}dhcp="iface"
+set luci_splash.${netrenamed}"${net}dhcp"
+set luci_splash.${netrenamed}"freifunk"
+echo " network: ${netrenamed}dhcp"
+uci commit \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..150e412de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# sets up a wifi interface for meshing
+# Arguments: $1 = network interface
+. /etc/
+. $dir/
+##### wifi-device #####
+echo " + Setup wifi-device"
+# Get the type before we delete the wifi-device
+config_load wireless
+config_get type $net type
+# Delete old wifi-device for $net
+handle_wifidevice() {
+ if [ "$1" == "$net" -a "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ section_cleanup wireless.${net}
+ else
+ if [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename wireless $1 $net
+ fi
+ fi
+config_foreach handle_wifidevice wifi-device
+# create new wifi-device for $net
+uci set wireless.${net}=wifi-device
+# get and set wifi-device defaults
+set_defaults "wifi_device_" wireless.${net}
+channel="$(uci -q get meshwizard.netconfig.$net\_channel)"
+vap="$(uci -q get meshwizard.netconfig.$net\_vap)"
+if [ -z "$channel" -o "$channel" == "default" ]; then
+ channel=$wifi_device_channel
+uci batch << EOF
+set wireless.${net}.type="$type"
+set wireless.${net}.channel="$channel"
+echo " Type: $type"
+echo " Channel: $channel"
+##### wifi iface
+echo " + Setup wifi-iface"
+# Delete old wifi-iface for $net
+handle_interface() {
+ config_get device "$1" device
+ if [ "$device" == "$net" ]; then
+ if [ "$cleanup" == 1 ]; then
+ section_cleanup wireless.${net}_iface
+ else
+ if [ -z "${1/cfg[0-9a-fA-F]*/}" ]; then
+ section_rename wireless $1 ${net}_iface
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+config_foreach handle_interface wifi-iface
+# create new wifi-device for $net
+uci set wireless.$net\_iface=wifi-iface
+# create new wifi-iface for $net from defaults
+set_defaults "wifi_iface_" wireless.$net\_iface
+# overwrite defaults
+bssid="$($dir/helpers/ $channel $community)"
+uci batch << EOF
+set wireless.$net\_iface.device="${net}"
+set wireless.$net\"$netrenamed"
+set wireless.$net\_iface.ssid="$profile_ssid - ch$channel"
+set wireless.$net\_iface.bssid="$bssid"
+echo " device: $net
+ network: $netrenamed
+ ssid: $profile_ssid - ch$channel
+ bssid: $bssid"
+## VAP
+ip4addr="$(uci get meshwizard.netconfig.$net\_ip4addr)"
+if [ "$type" == "atheros" -a "$vap" == 1 ]; then
+ uci batch << EOF
+set wireless.$net\_iface_dhcp="wifi-iface"
+set wireless.$net\_iface_dhcp.device="$net"
+set wireless.$net\_iface_dhcp.mode="ap"
+set wireless.$net\_iface_dhcp.encryption="none"
+set wireless.$net\"${netrenamed}dhcp"
+set wireless.$net\_iface_dhcp.ssid="FF-AP-$ip4addr"
+ echo " + Setting up VAP interface for $net
+ device: $net
+ network: ${netrenamed}dhcp
+ ssid: AP-$profile_ssid-$ip4addr"
+uci commit
diff --git a/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..56be8bc717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/meshwizard/files/usr/bin/meshwizard/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# This script will take settings from /etc/config/meshwizard, /etc/config/freifunk and /etc/config/profile_<selected in freifunk>
+# and setup the router to participate in wireless mesh networks
+. /etc/
+# config
+export dir="/usr/bin/meshwizard"
+. $dir/
+# Rename wifi interfaces
+ echo "++++ Renaming wifi-devices in /etc/config/meshwizard"
+ $dir/helpers/
+# Firstboot/initial config
+ echo "++++ Initial config"
+ $dir/helpers/
+# Get community
+export community=$(uci get
+[ -z "$community" ] && echo "Error: Community is not set in /etc/config/freifunk, aborting now." && exit 1
+# Check whether we want to cleanup uci config before setting new options or not
+cleanup=$(uci -q get meshwizard.general.cleanup)
+[ "$cleanup" == 1 ] && export cleanup=1
+# Get a list of networks we need to setup
+networks=$(uci show meshwizard.netconfig | grep -v "netconfig=" | sed -e 's/meshwizard.netconfig\.\(.*\)\_.*/\1/' |sort|uniq)
+export networks
+[ -z "$networks" ] && echo "Error: No networks to setup could be found in /etc/config/meshwizard, aborting now." && exit 1
+echo "+++ wizard 0.0.1 +++
+# Read default values (first from /etc/config/freifunk, then from /etc/config/profile_$community,
+# last will overwrite first
+$dir/helpers/ $community > /tmp/meshwizard.tmp
+while read line; do
+ export "${line//\"/}"
+done < /tmp/meshwizard.tmp
+# dnsmasq
+ echo "++++ dnsmasq config"
+ $dir/helpers/
+# Configure found networks
+for net in $networks; do
+ netrenamed="${net/radio/wireless}"
+ export netrenamed
+ echo "++++ Configure interface $net"
+ config="network"
+ echo "$(msg_start $config)"
+ $dir/helpers/ $net
+ config="wireless"
+ echo "$(msg_start $config)"
+ $dir/helpers/ $net
+ config="OLSRd"
+ echo "$(msg_start $config)"
+ $dir/helpers/ $net
+ net_dhcp=$(uci -q get meshwizard.netconfig.${net}_dhcp)
+ if [ "$net_dhcp" == 1 ]; then
+ config="DHCP"
+ echo "$(msg_start $config)"
+ $dir/helpers/ $net
+ fi
+ config="luci_splash"
+ echo "$(msg_start $config)"
+ $dir/helpers/ $net
+ config="firewall"
+ echo "$(msg_start $config)"
+ $dir/helpers/ $net
+ echo " Configuration of $net finished."
+##### Restart services
+services="network olsrd dnsmasq luci_splash"
+echo " Restarting services:"
+for s in $services; do
+ /etc/init.d/$s restart >/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo " * $s"