path: root/contrib/luadoc/lua
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2015-01-28 22:28:29 +0100
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2015-01-28 22:28:29 +0100
commit8464b98bb440fabdb4e7fdca12f7a79915d137be (patch)
treeab7266a868be91a4a21572e7a7baac73707f7697 /contrib/luadoc/lua
parentc669c01cea36ce09b64a53dc0e597d27411e9c88 (diff)
Remove outdated luadoc from contrib
Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/luadoc/lua')
18 files changed, 0 insertions, 2322 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/config.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/config.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e4b9de3c5..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/config.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
--- LuaDoc configuration file. This file contains the default options for
--- luadoc operation. These options can be overriden by the command line tool
--- @see luadoc.print_help
--- @release $Id: config.lua,v 1.6 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
-module "luadoc.config"
--- Default options
--- @class table
--- @name default_options
--- @field output_dir default output directory for generated documentation, used
--- by several doclets
--- @field taglet parser used to analyze source code input
--- @field doclet documentation generator
--- @field template_dir directory with documentation templates, used by the html
--- doclet
--- @field verbose command line tool configuration to output processing
--- information
-local default_options = {
- output_dir = "",
- taglet = "luadoc.taglet.standard",
- doclet = "luadoc.doclet.html",
- -- TODO: find a way to define doclet specific options
- template_dir = "luadoc/doclet/html/",
- nomodules = false,
- nofiles = false,
- verbose = true,
-return default_options
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/debug.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/debug.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b75f84cb9..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/debug.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
--- LuaDoc debugging facilities.
--- @release $Id: debug.lua,v 1.3 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
-module "luadoc.doclet.debug"
-function printline()
- print(string.rep('-', 79))
--- Print debug information about document
--- @param doc Table with the structured documentation.
-function start (doc)
- print("Files:")
- for _, filepath in ipairs(doc.files) do
- print('\t', filepath)
- end
- printline()
- print("Modules:")
- for _, modulename in ipairs(doc.modules) do
- print('\t', modulename)
- end
- printline()
- for i, v in pairs(doc.files) do
- print('\t', i, v)
- end
- printline()
- for i, v in pairs(doc.files[doc.files[1]]) do
- print(i, v)
- end
- printline()
- for i, v in pairs(doc.files[doc.files[1]].doc[1]) do
- print(i, v)
- end
- printline()
- print("Params")
- for i, v in pairs(doc.files[doc.files[1]].doc[1].param) do
- print(i, v)
- end
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/formatter.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/formatter.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d725389c9..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/formatter.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
--- Doclet to format source code according to LuaDoc standard tags. This doclet
--- (re)write .lua files adding missing standard tags. Texts are formatted to
--- 80 columns and function parameters are added based on code analysis.
--- @release $Id: formatter.lua,v 1.5 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
-local util = require "luadoc.util"
-local assert, ipairs, pairs, type = assert, ipairs, pairs, type
-local string = require"string"
-local table = require"table"
-module "luadoc.doclet.formatter"
-options = {
- output_dir = "./",
--- Assembly the output filename for an input file.
--- TODO: change the name of this function
-function out_file (filename)
- local h = filename
- h = options.output_dir..h
- return h
--- Generate a new lua file for each input lua file. If the user does not
--- specify a different output directory input files will be rewritten.
--- @param doc documentation table
-function start (doc)
- local todo = "<TODO>"
- -- Process files
- for i, file_doc in ipairs(doc.files) do
- -- assembly the filename
- local filename = out_file(
- luadoc.logger:info(string.format("generating file `%s'", filename))
- -- TODO: confirm file overwrite
- local f =, "w")
- assert(f, string.format("could not open `%s' for writing", filename))
- for _, block in ipairs(file_doc.doc) do
- -- write reorganized comments
- f:write(string.rep("-", 80).."\n")
- -- description
- f:write(util.comment(util.wrap(block.description, 77)))
- f:write("\n")
- if block.class == "function" then
- -- parameters
- table.foreachi(block.param, function (_, param_name)
- f:write(util.comment(util.wrap(string.format("@param %s %s", param_name, block.param[param_name] or todo), 77)))
- f:write("\n")
- end)
- -- return
- if type(block.ret) == "table" then
- table.foreachi(block.ret, function (_, ret)
- f:write(util.comment(util.wrap(string.format("@return %s", ret), 77)).."\n")
- end)
- else
- f:write(util.comment(util.wrap(string.format("@return %s", block.ret or todo), 77)).."\n")
- end
- end
- -- TODO: usage
- -- TODO: see
- -- write code
- for _, line in ipairs(block.code) do
- f:write(line.."\n")
- end
- end
- f:close()
- end
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e77fb74417..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
--- Doclet that generates HTML output. This doclet generates a set of html files
--- based on a group of templates. The main templates are:
--- <ul>
--- <li>index.lp: index of modules and files;</li>
--- <li>file.lp: documentation for a lua file;</li>
--- <li>module.lp: documentation for a lua module;</li>
--- <li>function.lp: documentation for a lua function. This is a
--- sub-template used by the others.</li>
--- </ul>
--- @release $Id: html.lua,v 1.29 2007/12/21 17:50:48 tomas Exp $
-local assert, getfenv, ipairs, loadstring, pairs, setfenv, tostring, tonumber, type = assert, getfenv, ipairs, loadstring, pairs, setfenv, tostring, tonumber, type
-local io = require"io"
-local posix = require "nixio.fs"
-local lp = require "luadoc.lp"
-local luadoc = require"luadoc"
-local package = package
-local string = require"string"
-local table = require"table"
-module "luadoc.doclet.html"
--- Looks for a file `name' in given path. Removed from compat-5.1
--- @param path String with the path.
--- @param name String with the name to look for.
--- @return String with the complete path of the file found
--- or nil in case the file is not found.
-local function search (path, name)
- for c in string.gfind(path, "[^;]+") do
- c = string.gsub(c, "%?", name)
- local f =
- if f then -- file exist?
- f:close()
- return c
- end
- end
- return nil -- file not found
--- Include the result of a lp template into the current stream.
-function include (template, env)
- -- template_dir is relative to package.path
- local templatepath = options.template_dir .. template
- -- search using package.path (modified to search .lp instead of .lua
- local search_path = string.gsub(package.path, "%.lua", "")
- local templatepath = search(search_path, templatepath)
- assert(templatepath, string.format("template `%s' not found", template))
- env = env or {}
- env.table = table
- = io
- env.lp = lp
- env.ipairs = ipairs
- env.tonumber = tonumber
- env.tostring = tostring
- env.type = type
- env.luadoc = luadoc
- env.options = options
- return lp.include(templatepath, env)
--- Returns a link to a html file, appending "../" to the link to make it right.
--- @param html Name of the html file to link to
--- @return link to the html file
-function link (html, from)
- local h = html
- from = from or ""
- string.gsub(from, "/", function () h = "../" .. h end)
- return h
--- Returns the name of the html file to be generated from a module.
--- Files with "lua" or "luadoc" extensions are replaced by "html" extension.
--- @param modulename Name of the module to be processed, may be a .lua file or
--- a .luadoc file.
--- @return name of the generated html file for the module
-function module_link (modulename, doc, from)
- -- TODO: replace "." by "/" to create directories?
- -- TODO: how to deal with module names with "/"?
- assert(modulename)
- assert(doc)
- from = from or ""
- if doc.modules[modulename] == nil then
--- logger:error(string.format("unresolved reference to module `%s'", modulename))
- return
- end
- local href = "modules/" .. modulename .. ".html"
- string.gsub(from, "/", function () href = "../" .. href end)
- return href
--- Returns the name of the html file to be generated from a lua(doc) file.
--- Files with "lua" or "luadoc" extensions are replaced by "html" extension.
--- @param to Name of the file to be processed, may be a .lua file or
--- a .luadoc file.
--- @param from path of where am I, based on this we append ..'s to the
--- beginning of path
--- @return name of the generated html file
-function file_link (to, from)
- assert(to)
- from = from or ""
- local href = to
- href = string.gsub(href, "lua$", "html")
- href = string.gsub(href, "luadoc$", "html")
- href = "files/" .. href
- string.gsub(from, "/", function () href = "../" .. href end)
- return href
--- Returns a link to a function or to a table
--- @param fname name of the function or table to link to.
--- @param doc documentation table
--- @param kind String specying the kinf of element to link ("functions" or "tables").
-function link_to (fname, doc, module_doc, file_doc, from, kind)
- assert(fname)
- assert(doc)
- from = from or ""
- kind = kind or "functions"
- if file_doc then
- for _, func_name in pairs(file_doc[kind]) do
- if func_name == fname then
- return file_link(, from) .. "#" .. fname
- end
- end
- end
- if module_doc and module_doc[kind] then
- for func_name, tbl in pairs(module_doc[kind]) do
- if func_name == fname then
- return "#" .. fname
- end
- end
- end
- local _, _, modulename, fname = string.find(fname, "^(.-)[%.%:]?([^%.%:]*)$")
- assert(fname)
- -- if fname does not specify a module, use the module_doc
- if string.len(modulename) == 0 and module_doc then
- modulename =
- end
- local module_doc = doc.modules[modulename]
- if not module_doc then
--- logger:error(string.format("unresolved reference to function `%s': module `%s' not found", fname, modulename))
- return
- end
- for _, func_name in pairs(module_doc[kind]) do
- if func_name == fname then
- return module_link(modulename, doc, from) .. "#" .. fname
- end
- end
--- logger:error(string.format("unresolved reference to function `%s' of module `%s'", fname, modulename))
--- Make a link to a file, module or function
-function symbol_link (symbol, doc, module_doc, file_doc, from)
- assert(symbol)
- assert(doc)
- local href =
--- file_link(symbol, from) or
- module_link(symbol, doc, from) or
- link_to(symbol, doc, module_doc, file_doc, from, "functions") or
- link_to(symbol, doc, module_doc, file_doc, from, "tables")
- if not href then
- logger:error(string.format("unresolved reference to symbol `%s'", symbol))
- end
- return href or ""
--- Assembly the output filename for an input file.
--- TODO: change the name of this function
-function out_file (filename)
- local h = filename
- h = string.gsub(h, "lua$", "html")
- h = string.gsub(h, "luadoc$", "html")
- h = "files/" .. h
--- h = options.output_dir .. string.gsub (h, "^.-([%w_]+%.html)$", "%1")
- h = options.output_dir .. h
- return h
--- Assembly the output filename for a module.
--- TODO: change the name of this function
-function out_module (modulename)
- local h = modulename .. ".html"
- h = "modules/" .. h
- h = options.output_dir .. h
- return h
--- Generate the output.
--- @param doc Table with the structured documentation.
-function start (doc)
- -- Generate index file
- if (#doc.files > 0 or #doc.modules > 0) and (not options.noindexpage) then
- local filename = options.output_dir.."index.html"
- logger:info(string.format("generating file `%s'", filename))
- local f =, "w")
- assert(f, string.format("could not open `%s' for writing", filename))
- io.output(f)
- include("index.lp", { doc = doc })
- f:close()
- end
- -- Process modules
- if not options.nomodules then
- for _, modulename in ipairs(doc.modules) do
- local module_doc = doc.modules[modulename]
- -- assembly the filename
- local filename = out_module(modulename)
- logger:info(string.format("generating file `%s'", filename))
- local f =, "w")
- assert(f, string.format("could not open `%s' for writing", filename))
- io.output(f)
- include("module.lp", { doc = doc, module_doc = module_doc })
- f:close()
- end
- end
- -- Process files
- if not options.nofiles then
- for _, filepath in ipairs(doc.files) do
- local file_doc = doc.files[filepath]
- -- assembly the filename
- local filename = out_file(
- logger:info(string.format("generating file `%s'", filename))
- local f =, "w")
- assert(f, string.format("could not open `%s' for writing", filename))
- io.output(f)
- include("file.lp", { doc = doc, file_doc = file_doc} )
- f:close()
- end
- end
- -- copy extra files
- local f ="luadoc.css", "w")
- io.output(f)
- include("luadoc.css")
- f:close()
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/constant.lp b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/constant.lp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e35392ad6..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/constant.lp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-if module_doc then
- from = "modules/"
-elseif file_doc then
- from = "files/.."
- from = ""
-<dt><%=const.private and "local " or ""%><a name="<>"></a><strong><".+%.","")%></strong></dt>
-<%=const.description or ""%>
-<%if type(const.see) == "string" then %>
-<h3>See also:</h3>
- <a href="<%=const.see%>"><%=const.see%></a>
-<%elseif type(const.see) == "table" and #const.see > 0 then %>
-<h3>See also:</h3>
- <%for i = 1, #const.see do%>
- <li><a href="<%=luadoc.doclet.html.symbol_link(const.see[i], doc, module_doc, file_doc, from)%>">
- <%=const.see[i]:gsub(".+%.","")%>
- </a>
- <%end%>
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/file.lp b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/file.lp
deleted file mode 100644
index 67926b4a75..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/file.lp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "">
- <title>Reference</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="<'luadoc.css', 'files/'>" type="text/css" />
- <!--meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/-->
-<div id="container">
-<div id="product">
- <div id="product_logo"></div>
- <div id="product_name"><big><b></b></big></div>
- <div id="product_description"></div>
-</div> <!-- id="product" -->
-<div id="main">
-<div id="navigation">
-<%=luadoc.doclet.html.include("menu.lp", { doc=doc, file_doc=file_doc })%>
-</div> <!-- id="navigation" -->
-<div id="content">
-<h1>File <code><></code></h1>
-<%if file_doc.description then%>
-<%if then%>
-<p><b><%=>1 and "Authors" or "Author" %>:</b>
-<table class="authors_list">
-<%for _, author in ipairs( do%>
- <tr><td class="name"><%= author %></td></tr>
-<%if file_doc.copyright then%>
-<p>Copyright &copy;<%=file_doc.copyright%></p>
-<%if file_doc.release then%>
-<p><small><b>Release:</b> <%=file_doc.release%></small></p>
-<%if #file_doc.functions > 0 then%>
-<table class="function_list">
-<%for _, func_name in ipairs(file_doc.functions) do
- local func_data = file_doc.functions[func_name]%>
- <tr>
- <td class="name" nowrap><%=func_data.private and "local " or ""%><a href="#<%=func_name%>"><%=func_name%></a>&nbsp;(<%=table.concat(func_data.param, ", ")%>)</td>
- <td class="summary"><%=func_data.summary%></td>
- </tr>
-<%if #file_doc.tables > 0 then%>
-<table class="table_list">
-<%for _, tab_name in ipairs(file_doc.tables) do%>
- <tr>
- <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#<%=tab_name%>"><%=tab_name%></a></td>
- <td class="summary"><%=file_doc.tables[tab_name].summary%></td>
- </tr>
-<%if #file_doc.functions > 0 then%>
-<h2><a name="functions"></a>Functions</h2>
-<dl class="function">
-<%for _, func_name in ipairs(file_doc.functions) do%>
-<%=luadoc.doclet.html.include("function.lp", { doc=doc, file_doc=file_doc, func=file_doc.functions[func_name] })%>
-<%if #file_doc.tables > 0 then%>
-<h2><a name="tables"></a>Tables</h2>
-<dl class="table">
-<%for _, tab_name in ipairs(file_doc.tables) do%>
-<%=luadoc.doclet.html.include("table.lp", { doc=doc, file_doc=file_doc, tab=file_doc.tables[tab_name] })%>
-</div> <!-- id="content" -->
-</div> <!-- id="main" -->
-<div id="about">
- <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" /></a></p>
-</div> <!-- id="about" -->
-</div> <!-- id="container" -->
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/function.lp b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/function.lp
deleted file mode 100644
index a870ff8bba..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/function.lp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-if module_doc then
- from = "modules/"
-elseif file_doc then
- from = "files/.."
- from = ""
-<dt><%=func.private and "local " or ""%><a name="<>"></a><strong><%=(oop and"%.",":") or".+%.",""))%></strong>&nbsp;(<%=table.concat(func.param or {}, ", ")%>)</dt>
-<%=func.description or ""%>
-<%if type(func.param) == "table" and #func.param > 0 then%>
- <%for p = 1, #func.param do%>
- <li>
- <%=func.param[p]%>: <%=func.param[func.param[p]] or ""%>
- </li>
- <%end%>
-<%if type(func.usage) == "string" then%>
-<%elseif type(func.usage) == "table" then%>
- <%for _, usage in ipairs(func.usage) do%>
- <li><%= usage %>
- <%end%>
-<%if type(func.ret) == "string" then%>
-<h3>Return value:</h3>
-<%elseif type(func.ret) == "table" then%>
-<h3>Return values:</h3>
- <%for _, ret in ipairs(func.ret) do%>
- <li><%= ret %>
- <%end%>
-<%if type(func.see) == "string" then %>
-<h3>See also:</h3>
- <a href="<%=func.see%>"><%=func.see%></a>
-<%elseif type(func.see) == "table" and #func.see > 0 then %>
-<h3>See also:</h3>
- <%for i = 1, #func.see do%>
- <li><a href="<%=luadoc.doclet.html.symbol_link(func.see[i], doc, module_doc, file_doc, from)%>">
- <%=(oop and func.see[i]:gsub("%.",":") or func.see[i]:gsub(".+%.",""))%>
- </a>
- <%end%>
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/index.lp b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/index.lp
deleted file mode 100644
index b4b9f5c3b6..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/index.lp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "">
- <title>Reference</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="<"luadoc.css")%>" type="text/css" />
- <!--meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/-->
-<div id="container">
-<div id="product">
- <div id="product_logo"></div>
- <div id="product_name"><big><b></b></big></div>
- <div id="product_description"></div>
-</div> <!-- id="product" -->
-<div id="main">
-<div id="navigation">
-<%=luadoc.doclet.html.include("menu.lp", { doc=doc })%>
-</div> <!-- id="navigation" -->
-<div id="content">
-<%if not options.nomodules and #doc.modules > 0 then%>
-<table class="module_list">
-<!--<tr><td colspan="2">Modules</td></tr>-->
-<%for _, modulename in ipairs(doc.modules) do%>
- <tr>
- <td class="name"><a href="<%=luadoc.doclet.html.module_link(modulename, doc)%>"><%=modulename%></a></td>
- <td class="summary"><%=doc.modules[modulename].summary%></td>
- </tr>
-<%if not options.nofiles and #doc.files > 0 then%>
-<table class="file_list">
-<!--<tr><td colspan="2">Files</td></tr>-->
-<%for _, filepath in ipairs(doc.files) do%>
- <tr>
- <td class="name"><a href="<%=luadoc.doclet.html.file_link(filepath)%>"><%=filepath%></a></td>
- <td class="summary"></td>
- </tr>
-</div> <!-- id="content" -->
-</div> <!-- id="main" -->
-<div id="about">
- <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" /></a></p>
-</div> <!-- id="about" -->
-</div> <!-- id="container" -->
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/luadoc.css b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/luadoc.css
deleted file mode 100644
index bc0f98a5af..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/luadoc.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-body {
- margin-left: 1em;
- margin-right: 1em;
- font-family: arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif;
- background-color:#ffffff; margin:0px;
-code {
- font-family: "Andale Mono", monospace;
-tt {
- font-family: "Andale Mono", monospace;
-body, td, th { font-size: 11pt; }
-h1, h2, h3, h4 { margin-left: 0em; }
-textarea, pre, tt { font-size:10pt; }
-body, td, th { color:#000000; }
-small { font-size:0.85em; }
-h1 { font-size:1.5em; }
-h2 { font-size:1.25em; }
-h3 { font-size:1.15em; }
-h4 { font-size:1.06em; }
-a:link { font-weight:bold; color: #004080; text-decoration: none; }
-a:visited { font-weight:bold; color: #006699; text-decoration: none; }
-a:link:hover { text-decoration:underline; }
-hr { color:#cccccc }
-img { border-width: 0px; }
-h3 { padding-top: 1em; }
-p { margin-left: 1em; }
- {
- font-family: "Andale Mono", monospace;
- padding-top: 1em;
- margin-left: 0em;
-blockquote { margin-left: 3em; }
-pre.example {
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-table.index { border: 1px #00007f; }
-table.index td { text-align: left; vertical-align: top; }
-table.index ul { padding-top: 0em; margin-top: 0em; }
-table {
- border: 1px solid black;
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-div.header, div.footer { margin-left: 0em; }
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-#product big {
- font-size: 2em;
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- overflow:visible;
-#navigation h1 {
- background-color:#e7e7e7;
- font-size:1.1em;
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- text-align:left;
- margin:0px;
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-#navigation ul
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-#navigation li
- text-indent: -1em;
- margin: 0em 0em 0em 0.5em;
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- padding: 3px 0px 0px 12px;
-#navigation li li a
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-@media print {
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- font: 12pt "Times New Roman", "TimeNR", Times, serif;
- }
- a { font-weight:bold; color: #004080; text-decoration: underline; }
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- #content { margin-left: 0px; padding: 1em; border-left: 0px; border-right: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; }
- #navigation { display: none;
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- }
-table.module_list td
- border-width: 1px;
- padding: 3px;
- border-style: solid;
- border-color: #cccccc;
-table.module_list { background-color: #f0f0f0; }
-table.module_list td.summary { width: 100%; }
- border-width: 1px;
- border-style: solid;
- border-color: #cccccc;
- border-collapse: collapse;
-table.file_list td
- border-width: 1px;
- padding: 3px;
- border-style: solid;
- border-color: #cccccc;
-table.file_list { background-color: #f0f0f0; }
-table.file_list td.summary { width: 100%; }
- border-width: 1px;
- border-style: solid;
- border-color: #cccccc;
- border-collapse: collapse;
-table.function_list td
- border-width: 1px;
- padding: 3px;
- border-style: solid;
- border-color: #cccccc;
-table.function_list { background-color: #f0f0f0; }
-table.function_list td.summary { width: 100%; }
- border-width: 1px;
- border-style: solid;
- border-color: #cccccc;
- border-collapse: collapse;
-table.table_list td
- border-width: 1px;
- padding: 3px;
- border-style: solid;
- border-color: #cccccc;
-table.table_list { background-color: #f0f0f0; }
-table.table_list td.summary { width: 100%; }
-dl.function dt {border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top: 1em;}
-dl.function dd {padding-bottom: 1em;}
-dl.function h3 {padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: medium;}
-dl.table dt {border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top: 1em;}
-dl.table dd {padding-bottom: 1em;}
-dl.table h3 {padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: medium;}
-#TODO: make module_list, file_list, function_list, table_list inherit from a list
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/menu.lp b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/menu.lp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fe365202e..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/menu.lp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-if module_doc then
- from = "modules/"
-elseif file_doc then
- from = "files/.."
- from = ""
- <%if not module_doc and not file_doc then%>
- <li><strong>Index</strong></li>
- <%else%>
- <li><a href="<"index.html", from)%>">Index</a></li>
- <%end%>
-<!-- Module list -->
-<%if not options.nomodules and #doc.modules > 0 then%>
-<%for _, modulename in ipairs(doc.modules) do
- if module_doc and == modulename then%>
- <li><strong><%=modulename%></strong></li>
- <%else%>
- <li>
- <a href="<%=luadoc.doclet.html.module_link(modulename, doc, from)%>"><%=modulename%></a>
- </li>
-<% end
-<!-- File list -->
-<%if not options.nofiles and #doc.files > 0 then%>
-<%for _, filepath in ipairs(doc.files) do
- if file_doc and == filepath then%>
- <li><strong><%=filepath%></strong></li>
- <%else%>
- <li>
- <a href="<%=luadoc.doclet.html.file_link(filepath, from)%>"><%=filepath%></a>
- </li>
-<% end
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/module.lp b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/module.lp
deleted file mode 100644
index daa708628b..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/module.lp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "">
- <title>Reference</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="<'luadoc.css', 'modules/'>" type="text/css" />
- <!--meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/-->
-<div id="container">
-<div id="product">
- <div id="product_logo"></div>
- <div id="product_name"><big><b></b></big></div>
- <div id="product_description"></div>
-</div> <!-- id="product" -->
-<div id="main">
-<div id="navigation">
-<%=luadoc.doclet.html.include("menu.lp", { doc=doc, module_doc=module_doc })%>
-<% oop = ( module_doc.doc[1].cstyle == "instance" ) and true or false %>
-</div><!-- id="navigation" -->
-<div id="content">
-<h1><%=( oop and "Object Instance" or "Class" )%> <code><></code></h1>
-<%if then%>
-<p><b><%=>1 and "Authors" or "Author" %>:</b>
-<table class="authors_list">
-<%for _, author in ipairs( do%>
- <tr><td class="name"><%= author %></td></tr>
-<%if module_doc.copyright then%>
-<p>Copyright&copy; <%=module_doc.copyright%></p>
-<%if module_doc.release then%>
-<p><small><b>Release:</b> <%=module_doc.release%></small></p>
-<%if #module_doc.constants > 0 then %>
-<table class="function_list">
-<%for _, const_name in ipairs(module_doc.constants) do
- local const_data = module_doc.constants[const_name]%>
- <tr>
- <td class="name" nowrap><code><%=const_data.private and "local " or ""%><%=(const_name:gsub(".+%.",""))%></code></td>
- <td class="summary"><%=const_data.summary%></td>
- </tr>
-<%if #module_doc.functions > 0 then %>
-<table class="function_list">
-<%for _, func_name in ipairs(module_doc.functions) do
- local func_data = module_doc.functions[func_name]%>
- <tr>
- <td class="name" nowrap><%=func_data.private and "local " or ""%><a href="#<%=func_name%>"><%=(oop and func_name:gsub("%.",":") or func_name:gsub(".+%.",""))%></a>&nbsp;(<%=table.concat(module_doc.functions[func_name].param or {}, ", ")%>)</td>
- <td class="summary"><%=module_doc.functions[func_name].summary%></td>
- </tr>
-<%if #module_doc.tables > 0 then%>
-<table class="table_list">
-<%for _, tab_name in ipairs(module_doc.tables) do%>
- <tr>
- <td class="name" nowrap><a href="#<%=tab_name%>"><%=tab_name%></a></td>
- <td class="summary"><%=module_doc.tables[tab_name].summary%></td>
- </tr>
-<%if #module_doc.functions > 0 then%>
-<h2><a name="functions"></a>Functions</h2>
-<dl class="function">
-<%for _, func_name in ipairs(module_doc.functions) do%>
-<%=luadoc.doclet.html.include("function.lp", { doc=doc, module_doc=module_doc, func=module_doc.functions[func_name], oop=oop })%>
-<%if #module_doc.tables > 0 then%>
-<h2><a name="tables"></a>Tables</h2>
-<dl class="table">
-<%for _, tab_name in ipairs(module_doc.tables) do%>
-<%=luadoc.doclet.html.include("table.lp", { doc=doc, module_doc=module_doc, tab=module_doc.tables[tab_name] })%>
-</div> <!-- id="content" -->
-</div> <!-- id="main" -->
-<div id="about">
- <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" /></a></p>
-</div> <!-- id="about" -->
-</div> <!-- id="container" -->
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/table.lp b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/table.lp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cd023953a..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/html/table.lp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<dt><a name="<>"></a><strong><></strong></dt>
-<%if type(tab.field) == "table" and #tab.field > 0 then%>
- <%for p = 1, #tab.field do%>
- <li>
- <%=tab.field[p]%>: <%=tab.field[tab.field[p]] or ""%>
- </li>
- <%end%>
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/raw.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/raw.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e880b8830..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/doclet/raw.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--- @release $Id: raw.lua,v 1.5 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
-module "luadoc.doclet.raw"
--- Generate the output.
--- @param doc Table with the structured documentation.
-function start (doc)
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/init.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 649515de68..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
--- LuaDoc main function.
--- @release $Id: init.lua,v 1.4 2008/02/17 06:42:51 jasonsantos Exp $
-local require = require
-local util = require "luadoc.util"
-logger = {}
-module ("luadoc")
--- LuaDoc version number.
-_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (c) 2003-2007 The Kepler Project"
-_DESCRIPTION = "Documentation Generator Tool for the Lua language"
-_VERSION = "LuaDoc 3.0.1"
--- Main function
--- @see luadoc.doclet.html, luadoc.doclet.formatter, luadoc.doclet.raw
--- @see luadoc.taglet.standard
-function main (files, options)
- logger = util.loadlogengine(options)
- -- load config file
- if options.config ~= nil then
- -- load specified config file
- dofile(options.config)
- else
- -- load default config file
- require("luadoc.config")
- end
- local taglet = require(options.taglet)
- local doclet = require(options.doclet)
- -- analyze input
- taglet.options = options
- taglet.logger = logger
- local doc = taglet.start(files)
- -- generate output
- doclet.options = options
- doclet.logger = logger
- doclet.start(doc)
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/lp.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/lp.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index adf84f9f0e..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/lp.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
--- Lua Pages Template Preprocessor.
--- @release $Id: lp.lua,v 1.7 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
-local assert, error, getfenv, loadstring, setfenv = assert, error, getfenv, loadstring, setfenv
-local find, format, gsub, strsub = string.find, string.format, string.gsub, string.sub
-local concat, tinsert = table.concat, table.insert
-local open =
-module (...)
--- function to do output
-local outfunc = "io.write"
--- accepts the old expression field: `$| <Lua expression> |$'
-local compatmode = true
--- Builds a piece of Lua code which outputs the (part of the) given string.
--- @param s String.
--- @param i Number with the initial position in the string.
--- @param f Number with the final position in the string (default == -1).
--- @return String with the correspondent Lua code which outputs the part of the string.
-local function out (s, i, f)
- s = strsub(s, i, f or -1)
- if s == "" then return s end
- -- we could use `%q' here, but this way we have better control
- s = gsub(s, "([\\\n\'])", "\\%1")
- -- substitute '\r' by '\'+'r' and let `loadstring' reconstruct it
- s = gsub(s, "\r", "\\r")
- return format(" %s('%s'); ", outfunc, s)
--- Translate the template to Lua code.
--- @param s String to translate.
--- @return String with translated code.
-function translate (s)
- if compatmode then
- s = gsub(s, "$|(.-)|%$", "<?lua = %1 ?>")
- s = gsub(s, "<!%-%-$$(.-)$$%-%->", "<?lua %1 ?>")
- end
- s = gsub(s, "<%%(.-)%%>", "<?lua %1 ?>")
- local res = {}
- local start = 1 -- start of untranslated part in `s'
- while true do
- local ip, fp, target, exp, code = find(s, "<%?(%w*)[ \t]*(=?)(.-)%?>", start)
- if not ip then break end
- tinsert(res, out(s, start, ip-1))
- if target ~= "" and target ~= "lua" then
- -- not for Lua; pass whole instruction to the output
- tinsert(res, out(s, ip, fp))
- else
- if exp == "=" then -- expression?
- tinsert(res, format(" %s(%s);", outfunc, code))
- else -- command
- tinsert(res, format(" %s ", code))
- end
- end
- start = fp + 1
- end
- tinsert(res, out(s, start))
- return concat(res)
--- Defines the name of the output function.
--- @param f String with the name of the function which produces output.
-function setoutfunc (f)
- outfunc = f
--- Turns on or off the compatibility with old CGILua 3.X behavior.
--- @param c Boolean indicating if the compatibility mode should be used.
-function setcompatmode (c)
- compatmode = c
--- Internal compilation cache.
-local cache = {}
--- Translates a template into a Lua function.
--- Does NOT execute the resulting function.
--- Uses a cache of templates.
--- @param string String with the template to be translated.
--- @param chunkname String with the name of the chunk, for debugging purposes.
--- @return Function with the resulting translation.
-function compile (string, chunkname)
- local f, err = cache[string]
- if f then return f end
- f, err = loadstring (translate (string), chunkname)
- if not f then error (err, 3) end
- cache[string] = f
- return f
--- Translates and executes a template in a given file.
--- The translation creates a Lua function which will be executed in an
--- optionally given environment.
--- @param filename String with the name of the file containing the template.
--- @param env Table with the environment to run the resulting function.
-function include (filename, env)
- -- read the whole contents of the file
- local fh = assert (open (filename))
- local src = fh:read("*a")
- fh:close()
- -- translates the file into a function
- local prog = compile (src, '@'..filename)
- local _env
- if env then
- _env = getfenv (prog)
- setfenv (prog, env)
- end
- prog ()
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/taglet/standard.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/taglet/standard.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 17a305889d..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/taglet/standard.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
--- @release $Id: standard.lua,v 1.39 2007/12/21 17:50:48 tomas Exp $
-local assert, pairs, tostring, type = assert, pairs, tostring, type
-local io = require "io"
-local posix = require "nixio.fs"
-local luadoc = require "luadoc"
-local util = require "luadoc.util"
-local tags = require "luadoc.taglet.standard.tags"
-local string = require "string"
-local table = require "table"
-module 'luadoc.taglet.standard'
--- Creates an iterator for an array base on a class type.
--- @param t array to iterate over
--- @param class name of the class to iterate over
-function class_iterator (t, class)
- return function ()
- local i = 1
- return function ()
- while t[i] and t[i].class ~= class do
- i = i + 1
- end
- local v = t[i]
- i = i + 1
- return v
- end
- end
--- Patterns for function recognition
-local identifiers_list_pattern = "%s*(.-)%s*"
-local identifier_pattern = "[^%(%s]+"
-local function_patterns = {
- "^()%s*function%s*("..identifier_pattern..")%s*%("..identifiers_list_pattern.."%)",
- "^%s*(local%s)%s*function%s*("..identifier_pattern..")%s*%("..identifiers_list_pattern.."%)",
- "^()%s*("..identifier_pattern..")%s*%=%s*function%s*%("..identifiers_list_pattern.."%)",
--- Checks if the line contains a function definition
--- @param line string with line text
--- @return function information or nil if no function definition found
-local function check_function (line)
- line = util.trim(line)
- local info = table.foreachi(function_patterns, function (_, pattern)
- local r, _, l, id, param = string.find(line, pattern)
- if r ~= nil then
- return {
- name = id,
- private = (l == "local"),
- param = { } --util.split("%s*,%s*", param),
- }
- end
- end)
- -- TODO: remove these assert's?
- if info ~= nil then
- assert(, "function name undefined")
- assert(info.param, string.format("undefined parameter list for function `%s'",
- end
- return info
--- Checks if the line contains a module definition.
--- @param line string with line text
--- @param currentmodule module already found, if any
--- @return the name of the defined module, or nil if there is no module
--- definition
-local function check_module (line, currentmodule)
- line = util.trim(line)
- -- module"x.y"
- -- module'x.y'
- -- module[[x.y]]
- -- module("x.y")
- -- module('x.y')
- -- module([[x.y]])
- -- module(...)
- local r, _, modulename = string.find(line, "^module%s*[%s\"'(%[]+([^,\"')%]]+)")
- if r then
- -- found module definition
- logger:debug(string.format("found module `%s'", modulename))
- return modulename
- end
- return currentmodule
--- Patterns for constant recognition
-local constant_patterns = {
- "^()%s*([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*)%s*=",
- "^%s*(local%s)%s*([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*)%s*=",
--- Checks if the line contains a constant definition
--- @param line string with line text
--- @return constant information or nil if no constant definition found
-local function check_constant (line)
- line = util.trim(line)
- local info = table.foreachi(constant_patterns, function (_, pattern)
- local r, _, l, id = string.find(line, pattern)
- if r ~= nil then
- return {
- name = id,
- private = (l == "local"),
- }
- end
- end)
- -- TODO: remove these assert's?
- if info ~= nil then
- assert(, "constant name undefined")
- end
- return info
--- Extracts summary information from a description. The first sentence of each
--- doc comment should be a summary sentence, containing a concise but complete
--- description of the item. It is important to write crisp and informative
--- initial sentences that can stand on their own
--- @param description text with item description
--- @return summary string or nil if description is nil
-local function parse_summary (description)
- -- summary is never nil...
- description = description or ""
- -- append an " " at the end to make the pattern work in all cases
- description = description.." "
- -- read until the first period followed by a space or tab
- local summary = string.match(description, "(.-%.)[%s\t]")
- -- if pattern did not find the first sentence, summary is the whole description
- summary = summary or description
- return summary
--- @param f file handle
--- @param line current line being parsed
--- @param modulename module already found, if any
--- @return current line
--- @return code block
--- @return modulename if found
-local function parse_code (f, line, modulename)
- local code = {}
- while line ~= nil do
- if string.find(line, "^[\t ]*%-%-%-") then
- -- reached another luadoc block, end this parsing
- return line, code, modulename
- else
- -- look for a module definition
- modulename = check_module(line, modulename)
- table.insert(code, line)
- line = f:read()
- end
- end
- -- reached end of file
- return line, code, modulename
--- Parses the information inside a block comment
--- @param block block with comment field
--- @return block parameter
-local function parse_comment (block, first_line, modulename)
- -- get the first non-empty line of code
- local code = table.foreachi(block.code, function(_, line)
- if not util.line_empty(line) then
- -- `local' declarations are ignored in two cases:
- -- when the `nolocals' option is turned on; and
- -- when the first block of a file is parsed (this is
- -- necessary to avoid confusion between the top
- -- local declarations and the `module' definition.
- if (options.nolocals or first_line) and line:find"^%s*local" then
- return
- end
- return line
- end
- end)
- -- parse first line of code
- if code ~= nil then
- local func_info = check_function(code)
- local module_name = check_module(code)
- local const_info = check_constant(code)
- if func_info then
- block.class = "function"
- =
- block.param = func_info.param
- block.private = func_info.private
- elseif const_info then
- block.class = "constant"
- =
- block.private = const_info.private
- elseif module_name then
- block.class = "module"
- = module_name
- block.param = {}
- else
- block.param = {}
- end
- else
- -- TODO: comment without any code. Does this means we are dealing
- -- with a file comment?
- end
- -- parse @ tags
- local currenttag = "description"
- local currenttext
- table.foreachi(block.comment, function (_, line)
- line = util.trim_comment(line)
- local r, _, tag, text = string.find(line, "@([_%w%.]+)%s+(.*)")
- if r ~= nil then
- -- found new tag, add previous one, and start a new one
- -- TODO: what to do with invalid tags? issue an error? or log a warning?
- tags.handle(currenttag, block, currenttext)
- currenttag = tag
- currenttext = text
- else
- currenttext = util.concat(currenttext, line)
- assert(string.sub(currenttext, 1, 1) ~= " ", string.format("`%s', `%s'", currenttext, line))
- end
- end)
- tags.handle(currenttag, block, currenttext)
- -- extracts summary information from the description
- block.summary = parse_summary(block.description)
- assert(string.sub(block.description, 1, 1) ~= " ", string.format("`%s'", block.description))
- if and block.class == "module" then
- modulename =
- end
- return block, modulename
--- Parses a block of comment, started with ---. Read until the next block of
--- comment.
--- @param f file handle
--- @param line being parsed
--- @param modulename module already found, if any
--- @return line
--- @return block parsed
--- @return modulename if found
-local function parse_block (f, line, modulename, first)
- local block = {
- comment = {},
- code = {},
- }
- while line ~= nil do
- if string.find(line, "^[\t ]*%-%-") == nil then
- -- reached end of comment, read the code below it
- -- TODO: allow empty lines
- line, block.code, modulename = parse_code(f, line, modulename)
- -- parse information in block comment
- block, modulename = parse_comment(block, first, modulename)
- return line, block, modulename
- else
- table.insert(block.comment, line)
- line = f:read()
- end
- end
- -- reached end of file
- -- parse information in block comment
- block, modulename = parse_comment(block, first, modulename)
- return line, block, modulename
--- Parses a file documented following luadoc format.
--- @param filepath full path of file to parse
--- @param doc table with documentation
--- @return table with documentation
-function parse_file (filepath, doc, handle, prev_line, prev_block, prev_modname)
- local blocks = { prev_block }
- local modulename = prev_modname
- -- read each line
- local f = handle or, "r")
- local i = 1
- local line = prev_line or f:read()
- local first = true
- while line ~= nil do
- if string.find(line, "^[\t ]*%-%-%-") then
- -- reached a luadoc block
- local block, newmodname
- line, block, newmodname = parse_block(f, line, modulename, first)
- if modulename and newmodname and newmodname ~= modulename then
- doc = parse_file( nil, doc, f, line, block, newmodname )
- else
- table.insert(blocks, block)
- modulename = newmodname
- end
- else
- -- look for a module definition
- local newmodname = check_module(line, modulename)
- if modulename and newmodname and newmodname ~= modulename then
- parse_file( nil, doc, f )
- else
- modulename = newmodname
- end
- -- TODO: keep beginning of file somewhere
- line = f:read()
- end
- first = false
- i = i + 1
- end
- if not handle then
- f:close()
- end
- if filepath then
- -- store blocks in file hierarchy
- assert(doc.files[filepath] == nil, string.format("doc for file `%s' already defined", filepath))
- table.insert(doc.files, filepath)
- doc.files[filepath] = {
- type = "file",
- name = filepath,
- doc = blocks,
- -- functions = class_iterator(blocks, "function"),
- -- tables = class_iterator(blocks, "table"),
- }
- --
- local first = doc.files[filepath].doc[1]
- if first and modulename then
- doc.files[filepath].author =
- doc.files[filepath].copyright = first.copyright
- doc.files[filepath].description = first.description
- doc.files[filepath].release = first.release
- doc.files[filepath].summary = first.summary
- end
- end
- -- if module definition is found, store in module hierarchy
- if modulename ~= nil then
- if modulename == "..." then
- assert( filepath, "Can't determine name for virtual module from filepatch" )
- modulename = string.gsub (filepath, "%.lua$", "")
- modulename = string.gsub (modulename, "/", ".")
- end
- if doc.modules[modulename] ~= nil then
- -- module is already defined, just add the blocks
- table.foreachi(blocks, function (_, v)
- table.insert(doc.modules[modulename].doc, v)
- end)
- else
- -- TODO: put this in a different module
- table.insert(doc.modules, modulename)
- doc.modules[modulename] = {
- type = "module",
- name = modulename,
- doc = blocks,
--- functions = class_iterator(blocks, "function"),
--- tables = class_iterator(blocks, "table"),
- author = first and,
- copyright = first and first.copyright,
- description = "",
- release = first and first.release,
- summary = "",
- }
- -- find module description
- for m in class_iterator(blocks, "module")() do
- doc.modules[modulename].description = util.concat(
- doc.modules[modulename].description,
- m.description)
- doc.modules[modulename].summary = util.concat(
- doc.modules[modulename].summary,
- m.summary)
- if then
- doc.modules[modulename].author =
- end
- if m.copyright then
- doc.modules[modulename].copyright = m.copyright
- end
- if m.release then
- doc.modules[modulename].release = m.release
- end
- if then
- doc.modules[modulename].name =
- end
- end
- doc.modules[modulename].description = doc.modules[modulename].description or (first and first.description) or ""
- doc.modules[modulename].summary = doc.modules[modulename].summary or (first and first.summary) or ""
- end
- -- make functions table
- doc.modules[modulename].functions = {}
- for f in class_iterator(blocks, "function")() do
- if f and then
- table.insert(doc.modules[modulename].functions,
- doc.modules[modulename].functions[] = f
- end
- end
- -- make tables table
- doc.modules[modulename].tables = {}
- for t in class_iterator(blocks, "table")() do
- if t and then
- table.insert(doc.modules[modulename].tables,
- doc.modules[modulename].tables[] = t
- end
- end
- -- make constants table
- doc.modules[modulename].constants = {}
- for c in class_iterator(blocks, "constant")() do
- if c and then
- table.insert(doc.modules[modulename].constants,
- doc.modules[modulename].constants[] = c
- end
- end
- end
- if filepath then
- -- make functions table
- doc.files[filepath].functions = {}
- for f in class_iterator(blocks, "function")() do
- if f and then
- table.insert(doc.files[filepath].functions,
- doc.files[filepath].functions[] = f
- end
- end
- -- make tables table
- doc.files[filepath].tables = {}
- for t in class_iterator(blocks, "table")() do
- if t and then
- table.insert(doc.files[filepath].tables,
- doc.files[filepath].tables[] = t
- end
- end
- end
- return doc
--- Checks if the file is terminated by ".lua" or ".luadoc" and calls the
--- function that does the actual parsing
--- @param filepath full path of the file to parse
--- @param doc table with documentation
--- @return table with documentation
--- @see parse_file
-function file (filepath, doc)
- local patterns = { "%.lua$", "%.luadoc$" }
- local valid = table.foreachi(patterns, function (_, pattern)
- if string.find(filepath, pattern) ~= nil then
- return true
- end
- end)
- if valid then
- logger:info(string.format("processing file `%s'", filepath))
- doc = parse_file(filepath, doc)
- end
- return doc
--- Recursively iterates through a directory, parsing each file
--- @param path directory to search
--- @param doc table with documentation
--- @return table with documentation
-function directory (path, doc)
- for f in posix.dir(path) do
- local fullpath = path .. "/" .. f
- local attr = posix.stat(fullpath)
- assert(attr, string.format("error stating file `%s'", fullpath))
- if attr.type == "reg" then
- doc = file(fullpath, doc)
- elseif attr.type == "dir" and f ~= "." and f ~= ".." then
- doc = directory(fullpath, doc)
- end
- end
- return doc
--- Recursively sorts the documentation table
-local function recsort (tab)
- table.sort (tab)
- -- sort list of functions by name alphabetically
- for f, doc in pairs(tab) do
- if doc.functions then
- table.sort(doc.functions)
- end
- if doc.tables then
- table.sort(doc.tables)
- end
- end
-function start (files, doc)
- assert(files, "file list not specified")
- -- Create an empty document, or use the given one
- doc = doc or {
- files = {},
- modules = {},
- }
- assert(doc.files, "undefined `files' field")
- assert(doc.modules, "undefined `modules' field")
- table.foreachi(files, function (_, path)
- local attr = posix.stat(path)
- assert(attr, string.format("error stating path `%s'", path))
- if attr.type == "reg" then
- doc = file(path, doc)
- elseif attr.type == "dir" then
- doc = directory(path, doc)
- end
- end)
- -- order arrays alphabetically
- recsort(doc.files)
- recsort(doc.modules)
- return doc
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/taglet/standard/tags.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/taglet/standard/tags.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d03df82dfc..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/taglet/standard/tags.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
--- Handlers for several tags
--- @release $Id: tags.lua,v 1.8 2007/09/05 12:39:09 tomas Exp $
-local luadoc = require "luadoc"
-local util = require "luadoc.util"
-local string = require "string"
-local table = require "table"
-local assert, type, tostring = assert, type, tostring
-module "luadoc.taglet.standard.tags"
-local function author (tag, block, text)
- block[tag] = block[tag] or {}
- if not text then
- luadoc.logger:warn("author `name' not defined [["..text.."]]: skipping")
- return
- end
- table.insert (block[tag], text)
--- Set the class of a comment block. Classes can be "module", "function",
--- "table". The first two classes are automatic, extracted from the source code
-local function class (tag, block, text)
- block[tag] = text
-local function cstyle (tag, block, text)
- block[tag] = text
-local function copyright (tag, block, text)
- block[tag] = text
-local function description (tag, block, text)
- block[tag] = text
-local function field (tag, block, text)
- if block["class"] ~= "table" then
- luadoc.logger:warn("documenting `field' for block that is not a `table'")
- end
- block[tag] = block[tag] or {}
- local _, _, name, desc = string.find(text, "^([_%w%.]+)%s+(.*)")
- assert(name, "field name not defined")
- table.insert(block[tag], name)
- block[tag][name] = desc
--- Set the name of the comment block. If the block already has a name, issue
--- an error and do not change the previous value
-local function name (tag, block, text)
- if block[tag] and block[tag] ~= text then
- luadoc.logger:error(string.format("block name conflict: `%s' -> `%s'", block[tag], text))
- end
- block[tag] = text
--- Processes a parameter documentation.
--- @param tag String with the name of the tag (it must be "param" always).
--- @param block Table with previous information about the block.
--- @param text String with the current line beeing processed.
-local function param (tag, block, text)
- block[tag] = block[tag] or {}
- -- TODO: make this pattern more flexible, accepting empty descriptions
- local _, _, name, desc = string.find(text, "^([_%w%.]+)%s+(.*)")
- if not name then
- luadoc.logger:warn("parameter `name' not defined [["..text.."]]: skipping")
- return
- end
- local i = table.foreachi(block[tag], function (i, v)
- if v == name then
- return i
- end
- end)
- if i == nil then
- luadoc.logger:warn(string.format("documenting undefined parameter `%s'", name))
- table.insert(block[tag], name)
- end
- block[tag][name] = desc
-local function release (tag, block, text)
- block[tag] = text
-local function ret (tag, block, text)
- tag = "ret"
- if type(block[tag]) == "string" then
- block[tag] = { block[tag], text }
- elseif type(block[tag]) == "table" then
- table.insert(block[tag], text)
- else
- block[tag] = text
- end
--- @see ret
-local function see (tag, block, text)
- -- see is always an array
- block[tag] = block[tag] or {}
- -- remove trailing "."
- text = string.gsub(text, "(.*)%.$", "%1")
- local s = util.split("%s*,%s*", text)
- table.foreachi(s, function (_, v)
- table.insert(block[tag], v)
- end)
--- @see ret
-local function usage (tag, block, text)
- if type(block[tag]) == "string" then
- block[tag] = { block[tag], text }
- elseif type(block[tag]) == "table" then
- table.insert(block[tag], text)
- else
- block[tag] = text
- end
-local handlers = {}
-handlers["author"] = author
-handlers["class"] = class
-handlers["cstyle"] = cstyle
-handlers["copyright"] = copyright
-handlers["description"] = description
-handlers["field"] = field
-handlers["name"] = name
-handlers["param"] = param
-handlers["release"] = release
-handlers["return"] = ret
-handlers["see"] = see
-handlers["usage"] = usage
-function handle (tag, block, text)
- if not handlers[tag] then
- luadoc.logger:error(string.format("undefined handler for tag `%s'", tag))
- return
- end
--- assert(handlers[tag], string.format("undefined handler for tag `%s'", tag))
- return handlers[tag](tag, block, text)
diff --git a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/util.lua b/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/util.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index acaaac8281..0000000000
--- a/contrib/luadoc/lua/luadoc/util.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
--- General utilities.
--- @release $Id: util.lua,v 1.16 2008/02/17 06:42:51 jasonsantos Exp $
-local posix = require "nixio.fs"
-local type, table, string, io, assert, tostring, setmetatable, pcall = type, table, string, io, assert, tostring, setmetatable, pcall
--- Module with several utilities that could not fit in a specific module
-module "luadoc.util"
--- Removes spaces from the begining and end of a given string
--- @param s string to be trimmed
--- @return trimmed string
-function trim (s)
- return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
--- Removes spaces from the begining and end of a given string, considering the
--- string is inside a lua comment.
--- @param s string to be trimmed
--- @return trimmed string
--- @see trim
--- @see string.gsub
-function trim_comment (s)
- s = string.gsub(s, "%-%-+(.*)$", "%1")
- return trim(s)
--- Checks if a given line is empty
--- @param line string with a line
--- @return true if line is empty, false otherwise
-function line_empty (line)
- return (string.len(trim(line)) == 0)
--- Appends two string, but if the first one is nil, use to second one
--- @param str1 first string, can be nil
--- @param str2 second string
--- @return str1 .. " " .. str2, or str2 if str1 is nil
-function concat (str1, str2)
- if str1 == nil or string.len(str1) == 0 then
- return str2
- else
- return str1 .. " " .. str2
- end
--- Split text into a list consisting of the strings in text,
--- separated by strings matching delim (which may be a pattern).
--- @param delim if delim is "" then action is the same as %s+ except that
--- field 1 may be preceeded by leading whitespace
--- @usage split(",%s*", "Anna, Bob, Charlie,Dolores")
--- @usage split(""," x y") gives {"x","y"}
--- @usage split("%s+"," x y") gives {"", "x","y"}
--- @return array with strings
--- @see table.concat
-function split(delim, text)
- local list = {}
- if string.len(text) > 0 then
- delim = delim or ""
- local pos = 1
- -- if delim matches empty string then it would give an endless loop
- if string.find("", delim, 1) and delim ~= "" then
- error("delim matches empty string!")
- end
- local first, last
- while 1 do
- if delim ~= "" then
- first, last = string.find(text, delim, pos)
- else
- first, last = string.find(text, "%s+", pos)
- if first == 1 then
- pos = last+1
- first, last = string.find(text, "%s+", pos)
- end
- end
- if first then -- found?
- table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos, first-1))
- pos = last+1
- else
- table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos))
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return list
--- Comments a paragraph.
--- @param text text to comment with "--", may contain several lines
--- @return commented text
-function comment (text)
- text = string.gsub(text, "\n", "\n-- ")
- return "-- " .. text
--- Wrap a string into a paragraph.
--- @param s string to wrap
--- @param w width to wrap to [80]
--- @param i1 indent of first line [0]
--- @param i2 indent of subsequent lines [0]
--- @return wrapped paragraph
-function wrap(s, w, i1, i2)
- w = w or 80
- i1 = i1 or 0
- i2 = i2 or 0
- assert(i1 < w and i2 < w, "the indents must be less than the line width")
- s = string.rep(" ", i1) .. s
- local lstart, len = 1, string.len(s)
- while len - lstart > w do
- local i = lstart + w
- while i > lstart and string.sub(s, i, i) ~= " " do i = i - 1 end
- local j = i
- while j > lstart and string.sub(s, j, j) == " " do j = j - 1 end
- s = string.sub(s, 1, j) .. "\n" .. string.rep(" ", i2) ..
- string.sub(s, i + 1, -1)
- local change = i2 + 1 - (i - j)
- lstart = j + change
- len = len + change
- end
- return s
--- Opens a file, creating the directories if necessary
--- @param filename full path of the file to open (or create)
--- @param mode mode of opening
--- @return file handle
-function (filename, mode)
- local f =, mode)
- if f == nil then
- filename = string.gsub(filename, "\\", "/")
- local dir = ""
- for d in string.gfind(filename, ".-/") do
- dir = dir .. d
- posix.mkdir(dir)
- end
- f =, mode)
- end
- return f
--- Creates a Logger with LuaLogging, if present. Otherwise, creates a mock logger.
--- @param options a table with options for the logging mechanism
--- @return logger object that will implement log methods
-function loadlogengine(options)
- local logenabled = pcall(function()
- require "logging"
- require "logging.console"
- end)
- local logging = logenabled and logging
- if logenabled then
- if options.filelog then
- logger = logging.file("luadoc.log") -- use this to get a file log
- else
- logger = logging.console("[%level] %message\n")
- end
- if options.verbose then
- logger:setLevel(logging.INFO)
- else
- logger:setLevel(logging.WARN)
- end
- else
- noop = {__index=function(...)
- return function(...)
- -- noop
- end
- end}
- logger = {}
- setmetatable(logger, noop)
- end
- return logger