path: root/build
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-10-23 02:23:54 +0000
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-10-23 02:23:54 +0000
commit1a830a559bfc7ef2e8f8156d505f85724d7ffcca (patch)
tree9081102d0ac7164b4b91e6916f4870ad6f23665b /build
parent0ba0030745c3c23a3343484341575e127fb483f3 (diff)
* luci/build: add uvl2cbi code gnerator and license foo
Diffstat (limited to 'build')
2 files changed, 116 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/build/cbi2uvl.lua b/build/cbi2uvl.lua
index 83d3b4cb61..10d956738a 100755
--- a/build/cbi2uvl.lua
+++ b/build/cbi2uvl.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,19 @@
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
+Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+$Id: index.lua 3548 2008-10-09 20:28:07Z Cyrus $
local cbi = require "luci.cbi"
local i18n = require "luci.i18n"
local util = require "luci.util"
@@ -34,45 +49,45 @@ for i, sec in pairs(map.children) do if util.instanceof(sec, cbi.TypedSection) t
print ("\nconfig section")
print (" option name '%s'" % sec.sectiontype)
print (" option package '%s'" % map.config)
if #sec.title > 0 then
print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(sec.title))
if #sec.description > 0 then
print (" option description '%s'" % util.striptags(sec.description))
if not sec.addremove then
print (" option unique true")
print (" option required true")
if not sec.anonymous then
print (" option named true")
if sec.dynamic then
print (" option dynamic true")
for j, opt in ipairs(sec.children) do
- if opt.option:sub(1,1) ~= "_" or util.instanceof(opt, cbi.Value) then
+ if opt.option:sub(1,1) ~= "_" or util.instanceof(opt, cbi.Value) then
print ("\nconfig variable")
print (" option name '%s'" % opt.option)
print (" option section '%s.%s'" % {map.config, sec.sectiontype})
if #opt.title > 0 then
print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(opt.title))
if #opt.description > 0 then
print (" option description '%s'" % util.striptags(opt.description))
if not opt.rmempty and not opt.optional then
print (" option required true")
if util.instanceof(opt, cbi.Flag) then
print (" option datatype boolean")
elseif util.instanceof(opt, cbi.DynamicList) then
@@ -82,20 +97,20 @@ for i, sec in pairs(map.children) do if util.instanceof(sec, cbi.TypedSection) t
util.perror("*** Warning: Please verify '%s.%s.%s' ***" %
{map.config, sec.sectiontype, opt.option} )
for i, dep in ipairs(opt.deps) do
if not dep.add or dep.add == "" then
local depstring
for k, v in pairs(dep.deps) do
depstring = (depstring and depstring .. "," or "") .. "%s=%s" % {k, v}
- end
+ end
print (" list depends '%s'" % depstring)
util.perror("*** Warning: Unable to decode dependency '%s' in '%s.%s.%s[%s]' ***" %
{util.serialize_data(dep.deps), map.config, sec.sectiontype, opt.option, dep.add})
if util.instanceof(opt, cbi.ListValue) then
for k, key in ipairs(opt.keylist) do
print ("\nconfig enum")
diff --git a/build/uvl2cbi.lua b/build/uvl2cbi.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36cf6b736e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/uvl2cbi.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
+Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local uvl = require "luci.uvl"
+local util = require "luci.util"
+if not arg[1] then
+ util.perror("Usage %s scheme_name" % arg[0])
+ os.exit(1)
+local scheme, error = uvl.UVL():get_scheme(arg[1])
+if not scheme then
+ print( error:string() )
+ os.exit(1)
+print('cbimap = Map(%q, %q, %q)\n'
+ % {, scheme.title or, scheme.description or "" } )
+for sn, sv in util.kspairs(scheme.sections) do
+ print('%s = cbimap:section(TypedSection, %q, %q, %q)'
+ % { sn, sn, sv.title or "", sv.description or "" } )
+ if not sv.named then print('%s.anonymous = true' % sn) end
+ if not sv.unique then print('%s.addremove = true' % sn) end
+ if sv.dynamic then print('%s.dynamic = true' % sn) end
+ if sv.depends then
+ for _, dep in ipairs(sv.depends) do
+ print('%s:depends(%s)' % { sn, util.serialize_data(dep) } )
+ end
+ end
+ print('')
+ for vn, vv in util.kspairs(scheme.variables[sn]) do
+ if not vv.type or vv.type == "variable" then
+ print('%s = %s:option(%s, %q, %q, %q)'
+ % { vn, sn, vv.datatype == "boolean" and "Flag" or "Value",
+ vn, vv.title or "", vv.description or "" } )
+ elseif vv.type == "enum" then
+ print('%s = %s:option(%s, %q, %q, %q)'
+ % { vn, sn, vv.multival and "MultiValue" or "ListValue",
+ vn, vv.title or "", vv.description or "" } )
+ for _, val in ipairs(vv.valuelist or {}) do
+ print('%s:value(%q, %q)'
+ % { vn, val.value, val.title or val.value } )
+ end
+ elseif vv.type == "list" or vv.type == "lazylist" then
+ print('%s = %s:option(DynamicList, %q, %q, %q)'
+ % { vn, sn, vn, vv.title or "", vv.description or "" } )
+ else
+ print('-- option: type(%s) ?' % { vv.type or "" } )
+ end
+ if vv.default then print('%s.default = %q' % { vn, vv.default } ) end
+ if vv.required then print('%s.optional = false' % vn ) end
+ if not vv.required then print('%s.rmempty = true' % vn ) end
+ for _, dep in ipairs(vv.depends or {}) do
+ print('%s:depends(%s)' % { vn, util.serialize_data(dep) } )
+ end
+ print('')
+ end
+ print('\nreturn cbimap')