path: root/applications
diff options
authorSteven Barth <>2008-05-08 16:20:53 +0000
committerSteven Barth <>2008-05-08 16:20:53 +0000
commitc4d092ff35099a27b0fbdddb3b0f8ed8e30dfea1 (patch)
tree90c819e18c6d5cfc849015857b9aa34fcf7dd1b9 /applications
parent424a6ce48d2c1eba12493ad8bb5a8350a23f7dbf (diff)
* Some more fixes for #2030
Diffstat (limited to 'applications')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-splash/root/usr/sbin/luci-splash b/applications/luci-splash/root/usr/sbin/luci-splash
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fa6bdd4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-splash/root/usr/sbin/luci-splash
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+package.path = "/usr/lib/lua/?.lua;/usr/lib/lua/?/init.lua;" .. package.path
+package.cpath = "/usr/lib/lua/?.so;" .. package.cpath
+-- Init state session
+uci = ffluci.model.uci.StateSession()
+function main(argv)
+ local cmd = argv[1]
+ local arg = argv[2]
+ if cmd == "status" then
+ if not arg then
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ if iswhitelisted(arg) then
+ print("whitelisted")
+ os.exit(0)
+ end
+ if haslease(arg) then
+ print("lease")
+ os.exit(0)
+ end
+ print("unknown")
+ os.exit(0)
+ elseif cmd == "add" then
+ if not arg then
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ if not haslease(arg) then
+ add_lease(arg)
+ else
+ print("already leased!")
+ os.exit(2)
+ end
+ os.exit(0)
+ elseif cmd == "remove" then
+ if not arg then
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ remove_lease(arg)
+ os.exit(0)
+ elseif cmd == "sync" then
+ sync()
+ os.exit(0)
+ else
+ print("Usage: " .. argv[0] .. " <status|add|remove|sync> [MAC]")
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+-- Add a lease to state and invoke add_rule
+function add_lease(mac)
+ local key = uci:add("luci_splash", "lease")
+ uci:set("luci_splash", key, "mac", mac)
+ uci:set("luci_splash", key, "start", os.time())
+ add_rule(mac)
+-- Remove a lease from state and invoke remove_rule
+function remove_lease(mac)
+ mac = mac:lower()
+ for k, v in pairs(uci:sections("luci_splash")) do
+ if v[".type"] == "lease" and v.mac:lower() == mac then
+ remove_rule(mac)
+ uci:del("luci_splash", k)
+ end
+ end
+-- Add an iptables rule
+function add_rule(mac)
+ return os.execute("iptables -t nat -I luci_splash_leases -m mac --mac-source '"..mac.."' -j RETURN")
+-- Remove an iptables rule
+function remove_rule(mac)
+ return os.execute("iptables -t nat -D luci_splash_leases -m mac --mac-source '"..mac.."' -j RETURN")
+-- Check whether a MAC-Address is listed in the lease state list
+function haslease(mac)
+ mac = mac:lower()
+ for k, v in pairs(uci:sections("luci_splash")) do
+ if v[".type"] == "lease" and v.mac and v.mac:lower() == mac then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+-- Check whether a MAC-Address is whitelisted
+function iswhitelisted(mac)
+ mac = mac:lower()
+ for k, v in pairs(uci:sections("luci_splash")) do
+ if v[".type"] == "whitelist" and v.mac and v.mac:lower() == mac then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+-- Returns a list of MAC-Addresses for which a rule is existing
+function listrules()
+ local cmd = "iptables -t nat -L luci_splash_leases | grep RETURN |"
+ cmd = cmd .. "egrep -io [0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+"
+ return ffluci.util.split(ffluci.sys.exec(cmd))
+-- Synchronise leases, remove abandoned rules
+function sync()
+ local written = {}
+ local time = os.time()
+ uci:t_load("luci_splash")
+ -- Current leases in state files
+ local leases = uci:t_sections("luci_splash")
+ -- Convert leasetime to seconds
+ local leasetime = tonumber(uci:t_get("luci_splash", "general", "leasetime")) * 3600
+ -- Clean state file
+ uci:t_revert("luci_splash")
+ -- For all leases
+ for k, v in pairs(leases) do
+ if v[".type"] == "lease" then
+ if os.difftime(time, tonumber(v.start)) > leasetime then
+ -- Remove expired
+ remove_rule(v.mac)
+ else
+ -- Rewrite state
+ local n = uci:t_add("luci_splash", "lease")
+ uci:t_set("luci_splash", n, "mac", v.mac)
+ uci:t_set("luci_splash", n, "start", v.start)
+ written[v.mac:lower()] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Delete rules without state
+ for i, r in ipairs(listrules()) do
+ if #r > 0 and not written[r:lower()] then
+ remove_rule(r)
+ end
+ end
+ uci:t_save("luci_splash")
+main(arg) \ No newline at end of file