path: root/applications
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-05-30 00:26:18 +0000
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-05-30 00:26:18 +0000
commitd8ba05412c3bd76fead8c512a112a7bf230d2b8a (patch)
treee0c47d6383b0345bb44e7545680b73833caa1b86 /applications
parentd5c47776a5477bb9eaa9cd2585b3d27d10565807 (diff)
* luci/statistics: added diagram models for process and df plugins, adept controller to recent luci core, support models with per instance diagrams and index diagrams, added new strings to language file
Diffstat (limited to 'applications')
5 files changed, 192 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/controller/luci_statistics/luci_statistics.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/controller/luci_statistics/luci_statistics.lua
index 43d082d9c5..566e137575 100644
--- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/controller/luci_statistics/luci_statistics.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/controller/luci_statistics/luci_statistics.lua
@@ -1,27 +1,40 @@
module("luci.controller.luci_statistics.luci_statistics", package.seeall)
-local fs = require("luci.fs")
-local i18n = require("luci.i18n")
-local tpl = require("luci.template")
-local rrd = require("luci.statistics.rrdtool")
-local data = require("luci.statistics.datatree").Instance()
function index()
- -- XXX: fixme
- i18n.load("statistics.en")
+ require("luci.i18n")
+ require("luci.statistics.datatree")
+ -- load language file
+ luci.i18n.load("statistics.en")
+ -- get rrd data tree
+ local tree = luci.statistics.datatree.Instance()
+ -- override entry(): check for existance <plugin>.so where <plugin> is derived from the called path
function _entry( path, ... )
local file = path[4] or path[3]
- if fs.isfile( "/usr/lib/collectd/" .. file .. ".so" ) then
+ if luci.fs.isfile( "/usr/lib/collectd/" .. file .. ".so" ) then
entry( path, ... )
+ -- override call(): call requested action function with supplied parameters
+ function _call( func, tree, plugin )
+ return function() getfenv()[func]( tree, plugin ) end
+ end
+ -- override i18n(): try to translate stat_<str> or fall back to <str>
function _i18n( str )
- return i18n.translate( "stat_" .. str, str )
+ return luci.i18n.translate( "stat_" .. str, str )
entry({"admin", "statistics"}, call("statistics_index"), "Statistiken", 80)
entry({"admin", "statistics", "collectd"}, cbi("luci_statistics/collectd"), "Collectd", 10)
@@ -50,12 +63,12 @@ function index()
-- public views
- entry({"freifunk", "statistics"}, call("statistics_index"), "Statistiken", 80).i18n = "statistics"
- for i, plugin in ipairs( data:plugins() ) do
+ entry({"freifunk", "statistics"}, call("statistics_index"), "Statistiken", 80).i18n = "statistics"
+ for i, plugin in ipairs( tree:plugins() ) do
-- get plugin instances
- local instances = data:plugin_instances( plugin )
+ local instances = tree:plugin_instances( plugin )
-- plugin menu entry
_entry( { "freifunk", "statistics", plugin }, call("statistics_render"), _i18n( plugin ), i )
@@ -64,7 +77,10 @@ function index()
if #instances > 1 then
for j, inst in ipairs(instances) do
-- instance menu entry
- entry( { "freifunk", "statistics", plugin, inst }, call("statistics_render"), inst, j )
+ entry(
+ { "freifunk", "statistics", plugin, inst },
+ call("statistics_render"), inst, j
+ )
@@ -72,7 +88,7 @@ end
function statistics_index()
- tpl.render("admin_statistics/index")
+ luci.template.render("admin_statistics/index")
function statistics_outputplugins()
@@ -83,7 +99,7 @@ function statistics_outputplugins()
- tpl.render("admin_statistics/outputplugins", {plugins=plugins})
+ luci.template.render("admin_statistics/outputplugins", {plugins=plugins})
function statistics_systemplugins()
@@ -95,7 +111,7 @@ function statistics_systemplugins()
- tpl.render("admin_statistics/systemplugins", {plugins=plugins})
+ luci.template.render("admin_statistics/systemplugins", {plugins=plugins})
function statistics_networkplugins()
@@ -108,41 +124,54 @@ function statistics_networkplugins()
- tpl.render("admin_statistics/networkplugins", {plugins=plugins})
+ luci.template.render("admin_statistics/networkplugins", {plugins=plugins})
-function statistics_render()
- local plugin = luci.dispatcher.request[3]
- local instances = { luci.dispatcher.request[4] }
+function statistics_render( tree )
+ require("luci.statistics.rrdtool")
+ require("luci.template")
+ local req = luci.dispatcher.request
+ local graph = luci.statistics.rrdtool.Graph()
+ local plugin = req[3]
+ local instances = { req[4] }
local images = { }
-- no instance requested, find all instances
if #instances == 0 then
- instances = data:plugin_instances( plugin )
+ instances = graph.tree:plugin_instances( plugin )
-- more than one available instance
if #instances > 1 then
-- redirect to first instance and return
local r = luci.dispatcher.request
+ local i = instances[1]
+ if i:len() == 0 then i = "-" end
- luci.http.redirect( luci.dispatcher.build_url(
- r[1], r[2], r[3], instances[1]
- ) )
+ luci.http.redirect( luci.dispatcher.build_url(
+ req[1], req[2], req[3], i
+ ) )
+ -- index instance requested
+ elseif instances[1] == "-" then
+ instances[1] = ""
-- render graphs
for i, inst in ipairs( instances ) do
- local graph = rrd.Graph()
for i, img in ipairs( graph:render( plugin, inst ) ) do
table.insert( images, img )
- tpl.render("public_statistics/graph", { images=images, plugin=plugin } )
+ luci.template.render("public_statistics/graph", { images=images, plugin=plugin } )
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en
index a3d3a61a9d..25a9be674f 100644
--- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/i18n/statistics.en
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ stat_processes = "Processes"
stat_wireless = "Wireless"
stat_tcpconns = "TCP Connections"
stat_interface = "Interfaces"
+stat_df = "Disk Space Usage"
-- diagrams
stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_noise = "%H: Wireless - Signal Noise Ratio"
@@ -53,6 +54,23 @@ stat_dg_title_processes = "%H: Processes"
stat_dg_label_processes = "Processes/s"
stat_ds_ps_state = "%di"
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = "%H: Process %pi - used cpu time"
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = "Jiffies"
+stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = "system"
+stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = "user"
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = "%H: Process %pi - threads and processes"
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = "Count"
+stat_ds_ps_count = "%ds"
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = "%H: Process %pi - page faults"
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = "Pagefaults"
+stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = "page faults"
+stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = "%H: Process %pi - virtual memory size"
+stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = "Bytes"
+stat_ds_ps_rss = "virtual memory"
stat_dg_title_cpu = "%H: Usage on Processor #%pi"
stat_dg_label_cpu = "%"
stat_ds_cpu = "%di"
@@ -66,3 +84,9 @@ stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = "Packets/s"
stat_dg_title_tcpconns = "%H: TCP-Connections to Port %pi"
stat_dg_label_tcpconns = "Connections/s"
stat_ds_tcp_connections = "%di"
+stat_dg_title_df = "%H: Disk Space Usage on %di"
+stat_dg_label_df = "Bytes"
+stat_ds_df__free = "%ds"
+stat_ds_df__used = "%ds"
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
index 1fe57a2257..cdcf9ff3e4 100644
--- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
@@ -419,7 +419,6 @@ function Graph._generic( self, opts, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype, index )
for i, instance in ipairs(instances) do
-- store title and vlabel
- -- XXX: i18n
_ti( _args, "-t" )
_ti( _args, opts.title or self.i18n:title( plugin, plugin_instance, _sources[1].type, instance ) )
_ti( _args, "-v" )
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/df/df.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/df/df.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6045b720a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/df/df.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+module("luci.statistics.rrdtool.definitions.df.df", package.seeall)
+function rrdargs( graph, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype )
+ return {
+ per_instance = true,
+ number_format = "%5.1lf%s",
+ data = {
+ sources = {
+ df = { "free", "used" }
+ },
+ options = {
+ df__free = {
+ color = "00ff00"
+ },
+ df__used = {
+ color = "ff0000",
+ flip = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/processes.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/processes.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17f1e2b991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/processes.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+module("luci.statistics.rrdtool.definitions.processes", package.seeall)
+function rrdargs( graph, plugin, plugin_instance )
+ if plugin_instance == "" then
+ return {
+ data = {
+ instances = {
+ ps_state = {
+ "sleeping", "running", "paging", "blocked", "stopped", "zombies"
+ }
+ },
+ options = {
+ ps_state_sleeping = { color = "0000ff" },
+ ps_state_running = { color = "008000" },
+ ps_state_paging = { color = "ffff00" },
+ ps_state_blocked = { color = "ff5000" },
+ ps_state_stopped = { color = "555555" },
+ ps_state_zombies = { color = "ff0000" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return {
+ {
+ data = {
+ sources = {
+ ps_cputime = { "syst", "user" }
+ },
+ options = {
+ ps_cputime__user = {
+ color = "0000ff",
+ overlay = true
+ },
+ ps_cputime__syst = {
+ color = "ff0000",
+ overlay = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ data = {
+ sources = {
+ ps_count = { "threads", "processes" }
+ },
+ options = {
+ ps_count__threads = { color = "00ff00" },
+ ps_count__processes = { color = "0000bb" }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ data = {
+ sources = {
+ ps_pagefaults = { "minflt", "majflt" }
+ },
+ options = {
+ ps_pagefaults__minflt = { color = "ff0000" },
+ ps_pagefaults__majflt = { color = "ff5500" }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ number_format = "%5.1lf%s",
+ data = {
+ types = { "ps_rss" },
+ options = {
+ ps_rss = { color = "0000ff" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end