path: root/applications/luci-olsr
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2009-05-19 02:35:25 +0000
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2009-05-19 02:35:25 +0000
commitce6aec0a91e65b16cf42d9f908e06b63d91be931 (patch)
treef1cdca7132c7b7197e300e129369bb0e99690eb2 /applications/luci-olsr
parent7bf803250be75dac62c6e048fa675c93c9093b9a (diff)
i18n: remove obsolete lua i18n files
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-olsr')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/ b/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97a2d943e6..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-olsrd = 'OLSR Daemon'
-olsrd_neighbour_ip = 'Nachbar-IP'
-olsrd_local_ip = 'Lokale Interface-IP'
-olsrd_network = 'Angekündigtes Netzwerk'
-olsrd_gateway = 'OLSR-Gateway'
-olsrd_node = 'OLSR-Knoten'
-olsrd_error = 'Es konnte keine Verbindung zum OLSR-Daemon hergestellt werden!'
-olsrd_error_desc = 'Stellen Sie sicher das OLSRd läuft und das &quot;txtinfo&quot; Plugin auf Port 2006 geladen und &quot;; als Accept-Host gesetzt ist.'
-olsrd_hna = 'OLSR - HNA-Ankündigungen'
-olsrd_plugins = 'OLSR - Plugins'
-olsrd_links = 'OLSR-Verbindungen'
-olsrd_links_desc = 'Übersicht über aktuell bestehende OLSR-Verbindungen'
-olsrd_links_etx_desc = 'Zu erwartende Sendeversuche pro Paket'
-olsrd_links_lq_desc = 'Erfolgsquote gesendeter Pakete'
-olsrd_links_nlq_desc = 'Erfolgsquote empfangener Pakete'
-olsrd_routes = 'Bekannte OLSR-Routen'
-olsrd_routes_desc = 'Übersicht über zur Zeit bekannte Routen zu anderen OLSR-Knoten'
-olsrd_topology = 'Aktive OLSR-Knoten'
-olsrd_topology_desc = 'Übersicht über zur Zeit bekannte andere OLSR-Knoten'
-olsrd_topology_lasthop = 'letzter Hop'
-olsrd_hna2 = 'Aktive HNA-Ankündigungen'
-olsrd_hna_desc = 'Übersicht über zur Zeit aktive OLSR-Netzwerk-Ankündigungen'
-olsrd_mid = 'Aktive MID-Ankündigungen'
-olsrd_mid_desc = 'Übersicht über bekannte Mehrfachschnittstellenmeldungen'
-olsrd_mid_aliases = 'Sekundäre OLSR Schnittstellen'
-olsrd_etx_ff = 'Freifunk'
-olsrd_etx_float = 'Gleitkomma'
-olsrd_etx_fpm = 'Festkomma'
-olsrd_olsrd = 'Allgemeine Einstellungen'
-olsrd_olsrd_allownoint = 'Start ohne Netzwerk'
-olsrd_olsrd_clearscreen = 'Ansicht zurücksetzen'
-olsrd_olsrd_debuglevel = 'Debugmodus'
-olsrd_olsrd_fibmetric = 'FIB-Metrik'
-olsrd_olsrd_ipversion = 'Internet Protokoll'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityaging = 'VQ-Alterung'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityalgorithm = 'VQ-Algorithmus'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitydijkstralimit = 'VQ-Dijkstralimit'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityfisheye = 'VQ-Fisheye'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel = 'VQ-Level'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_1 = 'MPR-Auswahl'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_2 = 'MPR-Auswahl und Routing'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitywinsize = 'VQ-Fenstergröße'
-olsrd_olsrd_mprcoverage = 'MPR-Erfassung'
-olsrd_olsrd_pollrate = 'Abfragerate'
-olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy = 'TC-Redundanz'
-olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_0 = 'MPR-Selektoren'
-olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_1 = 'MPR-Selektoren und MPR'
-olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_2 = 'Alle Nachbarn'
-olsrd_olsrd_usehysteresis = 'Hysterese aktivieren'
-olsrd_olsrd_willingness = 'Bereitschaft'
-olsrd_interface_hellointerval = 'Hello-Intervall'
-olsrd_interface_hellovaliditytime = 'Hello-Gültigkeit'
-olsrd_interface_hnainterval = 'HNA-Intervall'
-olsrd_interface_hnavaliditytime = 'HNA-Gültigkeit'
-olsrd_interface_ip4broadcast = 'IPv4 Broadcast'
-olsrd_interface_midinterval = 'MID-Intervall'
-olsrd_interface_midvaliditytime = 'MID-Gültigkeit'
-olsrd_interface_tcinterval = 'TC-Intervall'
-olsrd_interface_tcvaliditytime = 'TC-Gültigkeit'
-olsrd_interface_ip6addrtype = 'IPv6 Adresstyp'
-olsrd_ipcconnect = 'IPC-Einstellungen'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_desc = 'IPC-Verbindungen ermöglichen die Fernsteuerung des lokalen OLSR-Prozesses durch externe Programme'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_host = 'Erlaubte Hostadressen'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_host_desc = 'Mehrere mit Leerzeichen trennen'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections = 'Maximale Anzahl von Verbindungen'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections_desc = '0 deaktiviert IPC'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_net = 'Erlaubte Netzbereiche'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_net_desc = 'Adresse Maske; mehrere mit Leerzeichen'
-olsrd_hna4 = 'IPv4 HNA-Ankündigungen'
-olsrd_hna4_desc = 'Hna4-Entries ermöglichen die Ankündigung von lokalen IPv4 Host- und Netz-Routen im Mesh-Netzwerk'
-olsrd_hna4_netaddr = 'Netzwerk-Adresse'
-olsrd_hna4_netaddr_desc = 'IPv4 Adresse'
-olsrd_hna4_netmask = 'Netzmaske'
-olsrd_hna4_netmask_desc = 'IPv4 Adresse'
-olsrd_hna6 = 'IPv6 HNA-Ankündigungen'
-olsrd_hna6_desc = 'Hna6-Entries ermöglichen die Ankündigung von lokalen IPv6 Host- und Netz-Routen im Mesh-Netzwerk'
-olsrd_hna6_netaddr = 'Netzwerk-Adresse'
-olsrd_hna6_netaddr_desc = 'IPv6 Adresse'
-olsrd_hna6_prefix = 'Prefix'
-olsrd_hna6_prefix_desc = 'IPv6 Prefix'
-olsrd_loadplugin = 'Pluginkonfiguration'
-olsrd_loadplugin_ignore = 'Plugin aktivieren'
-olsrd_loadplugin_library = 'Bibliothek'
-olsrd_loadplugin_accept = 'Verbindungsaufbau von Addressen zulassen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_ping = 'Pingtest Adressen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_interval = 'Intervall'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hna = 'HNA Ankündigungen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hna_desc = 'Format: IP-Adresse Netzmaske / OLSR kündigt dieses Netzwerk an sobald das Gateway erreichbar ist'
-olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts = 'Alternative \"hosts\" Datei'
-olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts_desc = 'Der Inhalt dieser Datei wird mit in die autogenerierte \"hosts\" Datei übernommen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_dnsserver = 'DNS-Server'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hosts = 'Alternative Hostnamen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hosts_desc = 'Format: Interface-IP Hostname'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hostsfile = 'Pfad zur \"hosts\" Datei'
-olsrd_loadplugin_lat = 'Latitude'
-olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile = 'Ausgabedatei für Koordinaten'
-olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile_desc = 'OLSR schreibt alle empfangenen Koordinaten anderer Knoten in diese Datei'
-olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile = 'Eingabedatei für Koordinaten'
-olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile_desc = 'OLSR prüft diese Datei periodisch auf neue Koordinaten und propagiert diese'
-olsrd_loadplugin_lon = 'Longitude'
-olsrd_loadplugin_name = 'Hostnamen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript = 'Kommando bei Namensänderungen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript_desc = 'OLSR ruft dieses Kommando auf sobald sich Einträge in der \"hosts\" Datei ändern'
-olsrd_loadplugin_resolvfile = 'Pfad zur \"resolv\" Datei'
-olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript = 'Kommando bei Serviceänderungen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript_desc = 'OLSR ruft dieses Kommando auf sobald neue Service-Ankündigungen empfangen werden'
-olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile = 'PID-Datei für SIGHUP Signale'
-olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile_desc = 'OLSR sendet ein HUP Signal an den in der PID Datei angegebenen Prozess sobald sich die \"hosts\" oder \"resolv\" Datei ändert'
-olsrd_loadplugin_suffix = 'Domain-Suffix'
-olsrd_loadplugin_timeout = 'Timeout'
-olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterface = 'Name für die BMF-Schnittstelle'
-olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterfaceid = 'IP-Adresse für die BMF-Schnittstelle'
-olsrd_loadplugin_dolocalbroadcast = 'Lokale Broadcasts weiterleiten'
-olsrd_loadplugin_capturepacketsonolsrinterfaces = 'Broadcasts von OLSR-Schnittstellen weiterleiten'
-olsrd_loadplugin_bmfmechanism = 'Verteilungsmechanismus'
-olsrd_loadplugin_broadcastretransmitcount = 'Anzahl der Neuversendungen pro Paket'
-olsrd_loadplugin_fanoutlimit = 'Mindestanzahl der Nachbarn für Broadcastweiterleitung'
-olsrd_loadplugin_nonolsrif = 'Nicht-OLSR-Interfaces'
-olsrd_loadplugin_port = 'Verwendeter Port'
-olsrd_loadplugin_host = 'Verbindungsaufbau von Hosts zulassen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_net = 'Verbindungsaufbau von Subnetzen zulassen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_net_desc = 'Format: IP-Adresse Netzmaske'
-olsrd_loadplugin_redistribute = 'Verwendete Protokolle'
-olsrd_loadplugin_exportroutes = 'Routen nur an Quagga oder auch an Kernel exportieren'
-olsrd_loadplugin_localpref = 'Lokale Routen immer bevorzugen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_distance = 'Distanz für exportierte Routen'
-olsrd_loadplugin_keyfile = 'Schlüsseldatei'
-olsrd_loadplugin_file = 'Watchdog Zeitstempeldatei'
-olsrd_loadplugin_interval = 'Aktualisierungsinterval in Sekunden'
diff --git a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua b/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b7f6d3c45..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-olsrd = 'OLSR Daemon'
-olsrd_neighbour_ip = 'Neighbour IP'
-olsrd_local_ip = 'Local interface IP'
-olsrd_network = 'Announced network'
-olsrd_gateway = 'OLSR gateway'
-olsrd_node = 'OLSR node'
-olsrd_error = 'Unable to connect to the OLSR daemon!'
-olsrd_error_desc = 'Make sure that OLSRd is running, the &quot;txtinfo&quot; plugin is loaded, configured on port 2006 and accepts connections from &quot;;.'
-olsrd_hna = 'OLSR - HNA-Announcements'
-olsrd_plugins = 'OLSR - Plugins'
-olsrd_links = 'OLSR connections'
-olsrd_links_desc = 'Overview of currently established OLSR connections'
-olsrd_links_etx_desc = 'Expected retransmission count'
-olsrd_links_lq_desc = 'Success rate of sent packages'
-olsrd_links_nlq_desc = 'Success rate of received packages'
-olsrd_routes = 'Known OLSR routes'
-olsrd_routes_desc = 'Overview of currently known routes to other OLSR nodes'
-olsrd_topology = 'Active OLSR nodes'
-olsrd_topology_desc = 'Overview of currently known OLSR nodes'
-olsrd_topology_lasthop = 'Last hop'
-olsrd_hna2 = 'Active host net announcements'
-olsrd_hna_desc = 'Overview of currently active OLSR host net announcements'
-olsrd_mid = 'Active MID announcements'
-olsrd_mid_desc = 'Overview of known multiple interface announcements'
-olsrd_mid_aliases = 'Secondary OLSR interfaces'
-olsrd_etx_ff = 'Freifunk'
-olsrd_etx_float = 'floating point'
-olsrd_etx_fpm = 'fixed point math'
-olsrd_olsrd = 'General settings'
-olsrd_olsrd_allownoint = 'Start without network'
-olsrd_olsrd_clearscreen = 'Clear screen'
-olsrd_olsrd_debuglevel = 'Debugmode'
-olsrd_olsrd_fibmetric = 'FIB metric'
-olsrd_olsrd_ipversion = 'Internet protocol'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityaging = 'LQ aging'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityalgorithm = 'LQ algorithm'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitydijkstralimit = 'LQ Dijkstra limit'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityfisheye = 'LQ fisheye'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel = 'LQ level'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_1 = 'MPR selection'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_2 = 'MPR selection and routing'
-olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitywinsize = 'LQ window size'
-olsrd_olsrd_mprcoverage = 'MPR coverage'
-olsrd_olsrd_pollrate = 'Pollrate'
-olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy = 'TC redundancy'
-olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_0 = 'MPR selectors'
-olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_1 = 'MPR selectors and MPR'
-olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_2 = 'all neighbours'
-olsrd_olsrd_usehysteresis = 'Use hysteresis'
-olsrd_olsrd_willingness = 'Willingness'
-olsrd_interface_hellointerval = 'Hello interval'
-olsrd_interface_hellovaliditytime = 'Hello validity time'
-olsrd_interface_hnainterval = 'HNA interval'
-olsrd_interface_hnavaliditytime = 'HNA validity time'
-olsrd_interface_ip4broadcast = 'IPv4 broadcast'
-olsrd_interface_midinterval = 'MID interval'
-olsrd_interface_midvaliditytime = 'MID validity time'
-olsrd_interface_tcinterval = 'TC interval'
-olsrd_interface_tcvaliditytime = 'TC validity time'
-olsrd_interface_ip6addrtype = 'IPv6 address type'
-olsrd_ipcconnect = 'IPC settings'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_desc = 'IPC connections enable you to remote-control the local OLSRd instance using external programs'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_host = 'Allowed host addresses'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_host_desc = 'Multiple separated by spaces'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections = 'Maxmimum connection count'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections_desc = 'Set to 0 to disable IPC'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_net = 'Allowed subnets'
-olsrd_ipcconnect_net_desc = 'Address Mask; multiple separated by space'
-olsrd_hna4 = 'IPv4 HNA announcements'
-olsrd_hna4_desc = 'Hna4 entries allow you to propagate local IPv4 host- and network-routes into the mesh network'
-olsrd_hna4_netaddr = 'Network address'
-olsrd_hna4_netaddr_desc = 'IPv4 address'
-olsrd_hna4_netmask = 'Netmask'
-olsrd_hna4_netmask_desc = 'IPv4 address'
-olsrd_hna6 = 'IPv6 HNA announcements'
-olsrd_hna6_desc = 'Hna6 entries allow you to propagate local IPv6 host- and network-routes into the mesh network'
-olsrd_hna6_netaddr = 'Network address'
-olsrd_hna6_netaddr_desc = 'IPv6 address'
-olsrd_hna6_prefix = 'Prefix'
-olsrd_hna6_prefix_desc = 'IPv6 prefix'
-olsrd_loadplugin = 'Plugin configuration'
-olsrd_loadplugin_ignore = 'Enable plugin'
-olsrd_loadplugin_library = 'Library'
-olsrd_loadplugin_accept = 'Allow connections from this hosts'
-olsrd_loadplugin_ping = 'Ping test addresses'
-olsrd_loadplugin_interval = 'Interval'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hna = 'HNA announcements'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hna_desc = 'Format: IP-Address Netmask / OLSR will announce this network once it is reachable'
-olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts = 'Alternative \"hosts\" file'
-olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts_desc = 'The contents of this file will be appended to the autogenerated \"hosts\" file'
-olsrd_loadplugin_dnsserver = 'DNS server'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hosts = 'Alternative hostnames'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hosts_desc = 'Format: Interface-IP Hostname'
-olsrd_loadplugin_hostsfile = 'Path to the \"hosts\" file'
-olsrd_loadplugin_lat = 'Latitude'
-olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile = 'Output file for coordinates'
-olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile_desc = 'OLSR will write received coordinates of other nodes to this file'
-olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile = 'Input file for coordinates'
-olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile_desc = 'OLSR periodically checks this file for new coordinates and propagates them'
-olsrd_loadplugin_lon = 'Longitude'
-olsrd_loadplugin_name = 'Hostnames'
-olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript = 'Command for name changes'
-olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript_desc = 'OLSR executes this command once entries in the \"hosts\" are changed'
-olsrd_loadplugin_resolvfile = 'Path to the \"resolv\" file'
-olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript = 'Command for service changes'
-olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript_desc = 'OLSR excutes this command once new service announcements are received'
-olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile = 'PID file for SIGHUP signals'
-olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile_desc = 'OLSR sends a HUP signal to this PID once the \"hosts\" oder \"resolv\" file is changed'
-olsrd_loadplugin_suffix = 'Domain suffix'
-olsrd_loadplugin_timeout = 'Timeout'
-olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterface = 'Name of the BMF interface'
-olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterfaceid = 'IP address of the BMF interface'
-olsrd_loadplugin_dolocalbroadcast = 'Redirect local broadcasts'
-olsrd_loadplugin_capturepacketsonolsrinterfaces = 'Also redirect broadcasts from OLSR interfaces'
-olsrd_loadplugin_bmfmechanism = 'Propagation mechanism'
-olsrd_loadplugin_broadcastretransmitcount = 'Number of retransmissions per package'
-olsrd_loadplugin_fanoutlimit = 'Minimum number of neighbours for broadcast redirection'
-olsrd_loadplugin_nonolsrif = 'Non-OLSR interfaces'
-olsrd_loadplugin_port = 'Used port'
-olsrd_loadplugin_host = 'Allow connections from hosts'
-olsrd_loadplugin_net = 'Allow connections from subnets'
-olsrd_loadplugin_net_desc = 'Format: IP-AddresseNetmask'
-olsrd_loadplugin_redistribute = 'Used protocols'
-olsrd_loadplugin_exportroutes = 'Only export routes to Quagga or to kernel too'
-olsrd_loadplugin_localpref = 'Always prefer local routes'
-olsrd_loadplugin_distance = 'Distance of exported routes'
-olsrd_loadplugin_keyfile = 'Key file'
-olsrd_loadplugin_file = 'Watchdog timestamp file'
-olsrd_loadplugin_interval = 'Refresh interval in seconds'