path: root/applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-10-23 02:25:26 +0000
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-10-23 02:25:26 +0000
commit71724c76cbfe80724d408ed9f20e1fde34b68288 (patch)
tree28b230b419fbdc0dd8250fd9fb22a162a46e3b18 /applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n
parent1a830a559bfc7ef2e8f8156d505f85724d7ffcca (diff)
* luci/app/asterisk: add initial cbi definitions, needs cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n/asterisk.en.lua b/applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n/asterisk.en.lua
index 6c59e6b72d..aa5796b4af 100644
--- a/applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n/asterisk.en.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-asterisk/luasrc/i18n/asterisk.en.lua
@@ -1,274 +1,251 @@
-asterisk_asterisk = "Asterisk General Options"
-asterisk_asterisk_agidir = "AGI directory"
-asterisk_asterisk_cacherecordfiles = "Cache recorded sound files during recording"
-asterisk_asterisk_debug = "Debug Level"
-asterisk_asterisk_dontwarn = "Disable some warnings"
-asterisk_asterisk_dumpcore = "Dump core on crash"
-asterisk_asterisk_highpriority = "High Priority"
-asterisk_asterisk_initcrypto = "Initialise Crypto"
-asterisk_asterisk_internaltiming = "Use Internal Timing"
-asterisk_asterisk_logdir = "Log directory"
-asterisk_asterisk_maxcalls = "Maximum number of calls allowed"
-asterisk_asterisk_maxload = "Maximum load to stop accepting new calls"
-asterisk_asterisk_nocolor = "Disable console colors"
-asterisk_asterisk_recordcachedir = "Sound files Cache directory"
-asterisk_asterisk_rungroup = "The Group to run as"
-asterisk_asterisk_runuser = "The User to run as"
-asterisk_asterisk_spooldir = "Voicemail Spool directory"
-asterisk_asterisk_systemname = "Prefix UniquID with system name"
-asterisk_asterisk_transcodeviasln = "Build transcode paths via SLINEAR, not directly"
-asterisk_asterisk_transmitsilenceduringrecord = "Transmit SLINEAR silence while recording a channel"
-asterisk_asterisk_verbose = "Verbose Level"
-asterisk_asterisk_zone = "Time Zone"
-asterisk_dialplan = "Section dialplan"
-asterisk_dialplan_include = "include"
-asterisk_dialplanexten = "Dialplan Extension"
-asterisk_dialplangeneral = "Dialplan General Options"
-asterisk_dialplangeneral_allowtransfer = "Allow transfer"
-asterisk_dialplangeneral_canreinvite = "Reinvite/redirect media connections"
-asterisk_dialplangeneral_clearglobalvars = "Clear global vars"
-asterisk_dialplangoto = "Dialplan Goto"
-asterisk_dialplanmeetme = "Dialplan Conference"
-asterisk_dialplansaytime = "Dialplan Time"
-asterisk_dialplanvoice = "Dialplan Voicemail"
-asterisk_dialzone = "Dial Zones for Dialplan"
-asterisk_dialzone_addprefix = "Prefix to add matching dialplans"
-asterisk_dialzone_international = "Match International prefix"
-asterisk_dialzone_localprefix = "Prefix (0) to add/remove to/from international numbers"
-asterisk_dialzone_localzone = "localzone"
-asterisk_dialzone_match = "Match plan"
-asterisk_dialzone_uses = "Connection to use"
-asterisk_featuremap = "Feature Key maps"
-asterisk_featuremap_atxfer = "Attended transfer key"
-asterisk_featuremap_blindxfer = "Blind transfer key"
-asterisk_featuremap_disconnect = "Key to Disconnect call"
-asterisk_featuremap_parkcall = "Key to Park call"
-asterisk_featurepark = "Parking Feature"
-asterisk_featurepark_adsipark = "ADSI Park"
-asterisk_featurepark_atxfernoanswertimeout = "Attended transfer timeout (sec)"
-asterisk_featurepark_automon = "One touch record key"
-asterisk_featurepark_context = "Name of call context for parking"
-asterisk_featurepark_courtesytone = "Sound file to play to parked caller"
-asterisk_featurepark_featuredigittimeout = "Max time (ms) between digits for feature activation"
-asterisk_featurepark_findslot = "Method to Find Parking slot"
-asterisk_featurepark_parkedmusicclass = "parkedmusicclass"
-asterisk_featurepark_parkedplay = "Play courtesy tone to"
-asterisk_featurepark_parkenabled = "Enable Parking"
-asterisk_featurepark_parkext = "Extension to dial to park"
-asterisk_featurepark_parkingtime = "Parking time (secs)"
-asterisk_featurepark_parkpos = "Range of extensions for call parking"
-asterisk_featurepark_pickupexten = "Pickup extension"
-asterisk_featurepark_transferdigittimeout = "Seconds to wait bewteen digits when transferring"
-asterisk_featurepark_xferfailsound = "sound when attended transfer is complete"
-asterisk_featurepark_xfersound = "Sound when attended transfer fails"
-asterisk_hardwarereboot = "Reload Hardware Config"
-asterisk_hardwarereboot_method = "Reboot Method"
-asterisk_hardwarereboot_param = "Parameter"
-asterisk_iax = "SIP Connection"
-asterisk_iax_alwaysinternational = "Always Dial International"
-asterisk_iax_context = "context"
-asterisk_iax_countrycode = "Country Code for connection"
-asterisk_iax_extension = "Add as Extension"
-asterisk_iax_host = "Host name (or blank)"
-asterisk_iax_internationalprefix = "International Dial Prefix"
-asterisk_iax_prefix = "Dial Prefix (for external line)"
-asterisk_iax_secret = "Secret"
-asterisk_iax_timeout = "Dial Timeout (sec)"
-asterisk_iax_type = "Option type"
-asterisk_iax_username = "User name"
-asterisk_iaxgeneral = "IAX General Options"
-asterisk_iaxgeneral_allow = "Allow Codecs"
-asterisk_iaxgeneral_canreinvite = "Reinvite/redirect media connections"
-asterisk_iaxgeneral_static = "Static"
-asterisk_iaxgeneral_writeprotect = "Write Protect"
-asterisk_meetme = "Meetme Conference"
-asterisk_meetme_adminpin = "Admin PIN"
-asterisk_meetme_pin = "Meeting PIN"
-asterisk_meetmegeneral = "Meetme Conference General Options"
-asterisk_meetmegeneral_audiobuffers = "Number of 20ms audio buffers to be used"
-asterisk_module = "Modules"
-asterisk_module_appalarmreceiver = "Alarm Receiver Application"
-asterisk_module_appauthenticate = "Authentication Application"
-asterisk_module_appcdr = "Make sure asterisk doesnt save CDR"
-asterisk_module_appchanisavail = "Check if channel is available"
-asterisk_module_appchanspy = "Listen in on any channel"
-asterisk_module_appcontrolplayback = "Control Playback Application"
-asterisk_module_appcut = "Cuts up variables"
-asterisk_module_appdb = "Database access functions"
-asterisk_module_appdial = "Dialing Application"
-asterisk_module_appdictate = "Virtual Dictation Machine Application"
-asterisk_module_appdirectedpickup = "Directed Call Pickup Support"
-asterisk_module_appdirectory = "Extension Directory"
-asterisk_module_appdisa = "DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application"
-asterisk_module_appdumpchan = "Dump channel variables Application"
-asterisk_module_appecho = "Simple Echo Application"
-asterisk_module_appenumlookup = "ENUM Lookup"
-asterisk_module_appeval = "Reevaluates strings"
-asterisk_module_appexec = "Executes applications"
-asterisk_module_appexternalivr = "External IVR application interface"
-asterisk_module_appforkcdr = "Fork The CDR into 2 seperate entities"
-asterisk_module_appgetcpeid = "Get ADSI CPE ID"
-asterisk_module_appgroupcount = "Group Management Routines"
-asterisk_module_appices = "Encode and Stream via icecast and ices"
-asterisk_module_appimage = "Image Transmission Application"
-asterisk_module_applookupblacklist = "Look up Caller*ID name/number from black"
-asterisk_module_applookupcidname = "Look up CallerID Name from local databas"
-asterisk_module_appmacro = "Extension Macros"
-asterisk_module_appmath = "A simple math Application"
-asterisk_module_appmd5 = "MD5 checksum Application"
-asterisk_module_appmilliwatt = "Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application"
-asterisk_module_appmixmonitor = "Record a call and mix the audio during the recording"
-asterisk_module_appparkandannounce = "Call Parking and Announce Application"
-asterisk_module_appplayback = "Trivial Playback Application"
-asterisk_module_appprivacy = "Require phone number to be entered"
-asterisk_module_appqueue = "True Call Queueing"
-asterisk_module_apprandom = "Random goto"
-asterisk_module_appread = "Read Variable Application"
-asterisk_module_appreadfile = "Read in a file"
-asterisk_module_apprealtime = "Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite"
-asterisk_module_apprecord = "Trivial Record Application"
-asterisk_module_appsayunixtime = "Say time"
-asterisk_module_appsenddtmf = "Send DTMF digits Application"
-asterisk_module_appsendtext = "Send Text Applications"
-asterisk_module_appsetcallerid = "Set CallerID Application"
-asterisk_module_appsetcdruserfield = "CDR user field apps"
-asterisk_module_appsetcidname = "load => .so ; Set CallerID Name"
-asterisk_module_appsetcidnum = "load => .so ; Set CallerID Number"
-asterisk_module_appsetrdnis = "Set RDNIS Number"
-asterisk_module_appsettransfercapability = "Set ISDN Transfer Capability"
-asterisk_module_appsms = "SMS/PSTN handler"
-asterisk_module_appsofthangup = "Hangs up the requested channel"
-asterisk_module_appstack = "Stack Routines"
-asterisk_module_appsystem = "Generic System() application"
-asterisk_module_apptalkdetect = "Playback with Talk Detection"
-asterisk_module_apptest = "Interface Test Application"
-asterisk_module_apptransfer = "Transfer"
-asterisk_module_apptxtcidname = "TXTCIDName"
-asterisk_module_appurl = "Send URL Applications"
-asterisk_module_appuserevent = "Custom User Event Application"
-asterisk_module_appverbose = "Send verbose output"
-asterisk_module_appvoicemail = "Voicemail"
-asterisk_module_appwaitforring = "Waits until first ring after time"
-asterisk_module_appwaitforsilence = "Wait For Silence Application"
-asterisk_module_appwhile = "While Loops and Conditional Execution"
-asterisk_module_cdrcsv = "Comma Separated Values CDR Backend"
-asterisk_module_cdrcustom = "Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend"
-asterisk_module_cdrmanager = "Asterisk Call Manager CDR Backend"
-asterisk_module_cdrmysql = "MySQL CDR Backend"
-asterisk_module_cdrpgsql = "PostgreSQL CDR Backend"
-asterisk_module_cdrsqlite = "SQLite CDR Backend"
-asterisk_module_chanagent = "Agent Proxy Channel"
-asterisk_module_chanalsa = "Channel driver for GTalk"
-asterisk_module_changtalk = "Channel driver for GTalk"
-asterisk_module_chaniax2 = "Option chan_iax2"
-asterisk_module_chanlocal = "Local Proxy Channel"
-asterisk_module_chansip = "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)"
-asterisk_module_codecamu = "A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder"
-asterisk_module_codecadpcm = "Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder"
-asterisk_module_codecalaw = "A-law Coder/Decoder"
-asterisk_module_codecg726 = "ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder"
-asterisk_module_codecgsm = "GSM/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translation"
-asterisk_module_codecspeex = "Speex/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator"
-asterisk_module_codeculaw = "Mu-law Coder/Decoder"
-asterisk_module_formatau = "Sun Microsystems AU format (signed linear)"
-asterisk_module_formatg723 = "G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format"
-asterisk_module_formatg726 = "Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data"
-asterisk_module_formatg729 = "Raw G729 data"
-asterisk_module_formatgsm = "Raw GSM data"
-asterisk_module_formath263 = "Raw h263 data"
-asterisk_module_formatjpeg = "JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group) Image"
-asterisk_module_formatpcm = "Raw uLaw 8khz Audio support (PCM)"
-asterisk_module_formatpcmalaw = "load => .so ; Raw aLaw 8khz PCM Audio support"
-asterisk_module_formatsln = "Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)"
-asterisk_module_formatvox = "Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format"
-asterisk_module_formatwav = "Microsoft WAV format (8000hz Signed Line"
-asterisk_module_formatwavgsm = "Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)"
-asterisk_module_funccallerid = "Caller ID related dialplan functions"
-asterisk_module_funcenum = "ENUM Functions"
-asterisk_module_funcuri = "URI encoding / decoding functions"
-asterisk_module_pbxael = "Asterisk Extension Language Compiler"
-asterisk_module_pbxconfig = "Text Extension Configuration"
-asterisk_module_pbxfunctions = "load => .so ; Builtin dialplan functions"
-asterisk_module_pbxloopback = "Loopback Switch"
-asterisk_module_pbxrealtime = "Realtime Switch"
-asterisk_module_pbxspool = "Outgoing Spool Support"
-asterisk_module_pbxwilcalu = "Wil Cal U (Auto Dialer)"
-asterisk_module_resconfigmysql = "MySQL Config Resource"
-asterisk_module_resconfigodbc = "ODBC Config Resource"
-asterisk_module_resconfigpgsql = "PGSQL Module"
-asterisk_module_rescrypto = "Cryptographic Digital Signatures"
-asterisk_module_resfeatures = "Call Parking Resource"
-asterisk_module_resindications = "Indications Configuration"
-asterisk_module_resmonitor = "Call Monitoring Resource"
-asterisk_module_resmusiconhold = "Music On Hold Resource"
-asterisk_module_resodbc = "ODBC Resource"
-asterisk_module_ressmdi = "SMDI Module"
-asterisk_module_ressnmp = "SNMP Module"
-asterisk_moh = "Music On Hold"
-asterisk_moh_application = "Application"
-asterisk_moh_directory = "Directory of Music"
-asterisk_moh_mode = "Option mode"
-asterisk_moh_random = "Random Play"
-asterisk_sip = "SIP Connection"
-asterisk_sip_alwaysinternational = "Always Dial International"
-asterisk_sip_canreinvite = "Reinvite/redirect media connections"
-asterisk_sip_context = "context"
-asterisk_sip_countrycode = "Country Code for connection"
-asterisk_sip_dtmfmode = "DTMF mode"
-asterisk_sip_extension = "Add as Extension"
-asterisk_sip_fromdomain = "Primary domain identity for From: headers"
-asterisk_sip_fromuser = "From user (required by many SIP providers)"
-asterisk_sip_host = "Host name (or blank)"
-asterisk_sip_incoming = "Ring on incoming dialplan contexts"
-asterisk_sip_insecure = "Allow Insecure for"
-asterisk_sip_internationalprefix = "International Dial Prefix"
-asterisk_sip_mailbox = "Mailbox for MWI"
-asterisk_sip_nat = "NAT between phone and Asterisk"
-asterisk_sip_pedantic = "Check tags in headers"
-asterisk_sip_port = "SIP Port"
-asterisk_sip_prefix = "Dial Prefix (for external line)"
-asterisk_sip_qualify = "Reply Timeout (ms) for down connection"
-asterisk_sip_register = "Register connection"
-asterisk_sip_secret = "Secret"
-asterisk_sip_selfmailbox = "Dial own extension for mailbox"
-asterisk_sip_timeout = "Dial Timeout (sec)"
-asterisk_sip_type = "Client Type"
-asterisk_sip_username = "Username"
-asterisk_sipgeneral = "Section sipgeneral"
-asterisk_sipgeneral_allow = "Allow codecs"
-asterisk_sipgeneral_port = "SIP Port"
-asterisk_sipgeneral_realm = "SIP realm"
-asterisk_voicegeneral = "Voicemail general options"
-asterisk_voicegeneral_serveremail = "From Email address of server"
-asterisk_voicemail = "Voice Mail boxes"
-asterisk_voicemail_attach = "Email contains attachment"
-asterisk_voicemail_email = "Email"
-asterisk_voicemail_name = "Display Name"
-asterisk_voicemail_password = "Password"
-asterisk_voicemail_zone = "zone"
-asterisk_voicezone = "Voice Zone settings"
-asterisk_voicezone_message = "Message Format"
-asterisk_voicezone_zone = "Time Zone"
+asterisk_asterisk = 'Asterisk General Options'
+asterisk_asterisk_agidir = 'AGI directory'
+asterisk_asterisk_cacherecordfiles = 'Cache recorded sound files during recording'
+asterisk_asterisk_debug = 'Debug Level'
+asterisk_asterisk_dontwarn = 'Disable some warnings'
+asterisk_asterisk_dumpcore = 'Dump core on crash'
+asterisk_asterisk_highpriority = 'High Priority'
+asterisk_asterisk_initcrypto = 'Initialise Crypto'
+asterisk_asterisk_internaltiming = 'Use Internal Timing'
+asterisk_asterisk_logdir = 'Log directory'
+asterisk_asterisk_maxcalls = 'Maximum number of calls allowed'
+asterisk_asterisk_maxload = 'Maximum load to stop accepting new calls'
+asterisk_asterisk_nocolor = 'Disable console colors'
+asterisk_asterisk_recordcachedir = 'Sound files Cache directory'
+asterisk_asterisk_rungroup = 'The Group to run as'
+asterisk_asterisk_runuser = 'The User to run as'
+asterisk_asterisk_spooldir = 'Voicemail Spool directory'
+asterisk_asterisk_systemname = 'Prefix UniquID with system name'
+asterisk_asterisk_transcodeviasln = 'Build transcode paths via SLINEAR, not directly'
+asterisk_asterisk_transmitsilenceduringrecord = 'Transmit SLINEAR silence while recording a channel'
+asterisk_asterisk_verbose = 'Verbose Level'
+asterisk_asterisk_zone = 'Time Zone'
+asterisk_dialplan = 'Section dialplan'
+asterisk_dialplan_include = 'include'
+asterisk_dialplanexten = 'Dialplan Extension'
+asterisk_dialplangeneral = 'Dialplan General Options'
+asterisk_dialplangeneral_allowtransfer = 'Allow transfer'
+asterisk_dialplangeneral_canreinvite = 'Reinvite/redirect media connections'
+asterisk_dialplangeneral_clearglobalvars = 'Clear global vars'
+asterisk_dialplangoto = 'Dialplan Goto'
+asterisk_dialplanmeetme = 'Dialplan Conference'
+asterisk_dialplansaytime = 'Dialplan Time'
+asterisk_dialplanvoice = 'Dialplan Voicemail'
+asterisk_dialzone = 'Dial Zones for Dialplan'
+asterisk_dialzone_addprefix = 'Prefix to add matching dialplans'
+asterisk_dialzone_international = 'Match International prefix'
+asterisk_dialzone_localprefix = 'Prefix (0) to add/remove to/from international numbers'
+asterisk_dialzone_localzone = 'localzone'
+asterisk_dialzone_match = 'Match plan'
+asterisk_dialzone_uses = 'Connection to use'
+asterisk_featuremap = 'Feature Key maps'
+asterisk_featuremap_atxfer = 'Attended transfer key'
+asterisk_featuremap_blindxfer = 'Blind transfer key'
+asterisk_featuremap_disconnect = 'Key to Disconnect call'
+asterisk_featuremap_parkcall = 'Key to Park call'
+asterisk_featurepark = 'Parking Feature'
+asterisk_featurepark_adsipark = 'ADSI Park'
+asterisk_featurepark_atxfernoanswertimeout = 'Attended transfer timeout (sec)'
+asterisk_featurepark_automon = 'One touch record key'
+asterisk_featurepark_context = 'Name of call context for parking'
+asterisk_featurepark_courtesytone = 'Sound file to play to parked caller'
+asterisk_featurepark_featuredigittimeout = 'Max time (ms) between digits for feature activation'
+asterisk_featurepark_findslot = 'Method to Find Parking slot'
+asterisk_featurepark_parkedmusicclass = 'parkedmusicclass'
+asterisk_featurepark_parkedplay = 'Play courtesy tone to'
+asterisk_featurepark_parkenabled = 'Enable Parking'
+asterisk_featurepark_parkext = 'Extension to dial to park'
+asterisk_featurepark_parkingtime = 'Parking time (secs)'
+asterisk_featurepark_parkpos = 'Range of extensions for call parking'
+asterisk_featurepark_pickupexten = 'Pickup extension'
+asterisk_featurepark_transferdigittimeout = 'Seconds to wait bewteen digits when transferring'
+asterisk_featurepark_xferfailsound = 'sound when attended transfer is complete'
+asterisk_featurepark_xfersound = 'Sound when attended transfer fails'
+asterisk_hardwarereboot = 'Reload Hardware Config'
+asterisk_hardwarereboot_method = 'Reboot Method'
+asterisk_hardwarereboot_param = 'Parameter'
+asterisk_iax = 'SIP Connection'
+asterisk_iax_alwaysinternational = 'Always Dial International'
+asterisk_iax_context = 'context'
+asterisk_iax_countrycode = 'Country Code for connection'
+asterisk_iax_extension = 'Add as Extension'
+asterisk_iax_host = 'Host name (or blank)'
+asterisk_iax_internationalprefix = 'International Dial Prefix'
+asterisk_iax_prefix = 'Dial Prefix (for external line)'
+asterisk_iax_secret = 'Secret'
+asterisk_iax_timeout = 'Dial Timeout (sec)'
+asterisk_iax_type = 'Option type'
+asterisk_iax_username = 'User name'
+asterisk_iaxgeneral = 'IAX General Options'
+asterisk_iaxgeneral_allow = 'Allow Codecs'
+asterisk_iaxgeneral_canreinvite = 'Reinvite/redirect media connections'
+asterisk_iaxgeneral_static = 'Static'
+asterisk_iaxgeneral_writeprotect = 'Write Protect'
+asterisk_meetme = 'Meetme Conference'
+asterisk_meetme_adminpin = 'Admin PIN'
+asterisk_meetme_pin = 'Meeting PIN'
+asterisk_meetmegeneral = 'Meetme Conference General Options'
+asterisk_meetmegeneral_audiobuffers = 'Number of 20ms audio buffers to be used'
+asterisk_module = 'Modules'
+asterisk_module_appalarmreceiver = 'Alarm Receiver Application'
+asterisk_module_appauthenticate = 'Authentication Application'
+asterisk_module_appcdr = 'Make sure asterisk doesnt save CDR'
+asterisk_module_appchanisavail = 'Check if channel is available'
+asterisk_module_appchanspy = 'Listen in on any channel'
+asterisk_module_appcontrolplayback = 'Control Playback Application'
+asterisk_module_appcut = 'Cuts up variables'
+asterisk_module_appdb = 'Database access functions'
+asterisk_module_appdial = 'Dialing Application'
+asterisk_module_appdictate = 'Virtual Dictation Machine Application'
+asterisk_module_appdirectedpickup = 'Directed Call Pickup Support'
+asterisk_module_appdirectory = 'Extension Directory'
+asterisk_module_appdisa = 'DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application'
+asterisk_module_appdumpchan = 'Dump channel variables Application'
+asterisk_module_appecho = 'Simple Echo Application'
+asterisk_module_appenumlookup = 'ENUM Lookup'
+asterisk_module_appeval = 'Reevaluates strings'
+asterisk_module_appexec = 'Executes applications'
+asterisk_module_appexternalivr = 'External IVR application interface'
+asterisk_module_appforkcdr = 'Fork The CDR into 2 seperate entities'
+asterisk_module_appgetcpeid = 'Get ADSI CPE ID'
+asterisk_module_appgroupcount = 'Group Management Routines'
+asterisk_module_appices = 'Encode and Stream via icecast and ices'
+asterisk_module_appimage = 'Image Transmission Application'
+asterisk_module_applookupblacklist = 'Look up Caller*ID name/number from black'
+asterisk_module_applookupcidname = 'Look up CallerID Name from local databas'
+asterisk_module_appmacro = 'Extension Macros'
+asterisk_module_appmath = 'A simple math Application'
+asterisk_module_appmd5 = 'MD5 checksum Application'
+asterisk_module_appmilliwatt = 'Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application'
+asterisk_module_appmixmonitor = 'Record a call and mix the audio during the recording'
+asterisk_module_appparkandannounce = 'Call Parking and Announce Application'
+asterisk_module_appplayback = 'Trivial Playback Application'
+asterisk_module_appprivacy = 'Require phone number to be entered'
+asterisk_module_appqueue = 'True Call Queueing'
+asterisk_module_apprandom = 'Random goto'
+asterisk_module_appread = 'Read Variable Application'
+asterisk_module_appreadfile = 'Read in a file'
+asterisk_module_apprealtime = 'Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite'
+asterisk_module_apprecord = 'Trivial Record Application'
+asterisk_module_appsayunixtime = 'Say time'
+asterisk_module_appsenddtmf = 'Send DTMF digits Application'
+asterisk_module_appsendtext = 'Send Text Applications'
+asterisk_module_appsetcallerid = 'Set CallerID Application'
+asterisk_module_appsetcdruserfield = 'CDR user field apps'
+asterisk_module_appsetcidname = 'load =&gt; .so ; Set CallerID Name'
+asterisk_module_appsetcidnum = 'load =&gt; .so ; Set CallerID Number'
+asterisk_module_appsetrdnis = 'Set RDNIS Number'
+asterisk_module_appsettransfercapability = 'Set ISDN Transfer Capability'
+asterisk_module_appsms = 'SMS/PSTN handler'
+asterisk_module_appsofthangup = 'Hangs up the requested channel'
+asterisk_module_appstack = 'Stack Routines'
+asterisk_module_appsystem = 'Generic System() application'
+asterisk_module_apptalkdetect = 'Playback with Talk Detection'
+asterisk_module_apptest = 'Interface Test Application'
+asterisk_module_apptransfer = 'Transfer'
+asterisk_module_apptxtcidname = 'TXTCIDName'
+asterisk_module_appurl = 'Send URL Applications'
+asterisk_module_appuserevent = 'Custom User Event Application'
+asterisk_module_appverbose = 'Send verbose output'
+asterisk_module_appvoicemail = 'Voicemail'
+asterisk_module_appwaitforring = 'Waits until first ring after time'
+asterisk_module_appwaitforsilence = 'Wait For Silence Application'
+asterisk_module_appwhile = 'While Loops and Conditional Execution'
+asterisk_module_cdrcsv = 'Comma Separated Values CDR Backend'
+asterisk_module_cdrcustom = 'Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend'
+asterisk_module_cdrmanager = 'Asterisk Call Manager CDR Backend'
+asterisk_module_cdrmysql = 'MySQL CDR Backend'
+asterisk_module_cdrpgsql = 'PostgreSQL CDR Backend'
+asterisk_module_cdrsqlite = 'SQLite CDR Backend'
+asterisk_module_chanagent = 'Agent Proxy Channel'
+asterisk_module_chanalsa = 'Channel driver for GTalk'
+asterisk_module_changtalk = 'Channel driver for GTalk'
+asterisk_module_chaniax2 = 'Option chan_iax2'
+asterisk_module_chanlocal = 'Local Proxy Channel'
+asterisk_module_chansip = 'Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)'
+asterisk_module_codecadpcm = 'Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder'
+asterisk_module_codecalaw = 'A-law Coder/Decoder'
+asterisk_module_codecamu = 'A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder'
+asterisk_module_codecg726 = 'ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder'
+asterisk_module_codecgsm = 'GSM/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translation'
+asterisk_module_codecspeex = 'Speex/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator'
+asterisk_module_codeculaw = 'Mu-law Coder/Decoder'
+asterisk_module_formatau = 'Sun Microsystems AU format (signed linear)'
+asterisk_module_formatg723 = 'G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format'
+asterisk_module_formatg726 = 'Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data'
+asterisk_module_formatg729 = 'Raw G729 data'
+asterisk_module_formatgsm = 'Raw GSM data'
+asterisk_module_formath263 = 'Raw h263 data'
+asterisk_module_formatjpeg = 'JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group) Image'
+asterisk_module_formatpcm = 'Raw uLaw 8khz Audio support (PCM)'
+asterisk_module_formatpcmalaw = 'load =&gt; .so ; Raw aLaw 8khz PCM Audio support'
+asterisk_module_formatsln = 'Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)'
+asterisk_module_formatvox = 'Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format'
+asterisk_module_formatwav = 'Microsoft WAV format (8000hz Signed Line'
+asterisk_module_formatwavgsm = 'Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)'
+asterisk_module_funccallerid = 'Caller ID related dialplan functions'
+asterisk_module_funcenum = 'ENUM Functions'
+asterisk_module_funcuri = 'URI encoding / decoding functions'
+asterisk_module_pbxael = 'Asterisk Extension Language Compiler'
+asterisk_module_pbxconfig = 'Text Extension Configuration'
+asterisk_module_pbxfunctions = 'load =&gt; .so ; Builtin dialplan functions'
+asterisk_module_pbxloopback = 'Loopback Switch'
+asterisk_module_pbxrealtime = 'Realtime Switch'
+asterisk_module_pbxspool = 'Outgoing Spool Support'
+asterisk_module_pbxwilcalu = 'Wil Cal U (Auto Dialer)'
+asterisk_module_resconfigmysql = 'MySQL Config Resource'
+asterisk_module_resconfigodbc = 'ODBC Config Resource'
+asterisk_module_resconfigpgsql = 'PGSQL Module'
+asterisk_module_rescrypto = 'Cryptographic Digital Signatures'
+asterisk_module_resfeatures = 'Call Parking Resource'
+asterisk_module_resindications = 'Indications Configuration'
+asterisk_module_resmonitor = 'Call Monitoring Resource'
+asterisk_module_resmusiconhold = 'Music On Hold Resource'
+asterisk_module_resodbc = 'ODBC Resource'
+asterisk_module_ressmdi = 'SMDI Module'
+asterisk_module_ressnmp = 'SNMP Module'
+asterisk_moh = 'Music On Hold'
+asterisk_moh_application = 'Application'
+asterisk_moh_directory = 'Directory of Music'
+asterisk_moh_mode = 'Option mode'
+asterisk_moh_random = 'Random Play'
+asterisk_sip = 'SIP Connection'
+asterisk_sip_alwaysinternational = 'Always Dial International'
+asterisk_sip_canreinvite = 'Reinvite/redirect media connections'
+asterisk_sip_context = 'context'
+asterisk_sip_countrycode = 'Country Code for connection'
+asterisk_sip_dtmfmode = 'DTMF mode'
+asterisk_sip_extension = 'Add as Extension'
+asterisk_sip_fromdomain = 'Primary domain identity for From: headers'
+asterisk_sip_fromuser = 'From user (required by many SIP providers)'
+asterisk_sip_host = 'Host name (or blank)'
+asterisk_sip_incoming = 'Ring on incoming dialplan contexts'
+asterisk_sip_insecure = 'Allow Insecure for'
+asterisk_sip_internationalprefix = 'International Dial Prefix'
+asterisk_sip_mailbox = 'Mailbox for MWI'
+asterisk_sip_nat = 'NAT between phone and Asterisk'
+asterisk_sip_pedantic = 'Check tags in headers'
+asterisk_sip_port = 'SIP Port'
+asterisk_sip_prefix = 'Dial Prefix (for external line)'
+asterisk_sip_qualify = 'Reply Timeout (ms) for down connection'
+asterisk_sip_register = 'Register connection'
+asterisk_sip_secret = 'Secret'
+asterisk_sip_selfmailbox = 'Dial own extension for mailbox'
+asterisk_sip_timeout = 'Dial Timeout (sec)'
+asterisk_sip_type = 'Client Type'
+asterisk_sip_username = 'Username'
+asterisk_sipgeneral = 'Section sipgeneral'
+asterisk_sipgeneral_allow = 'Allow codecs'
+asterisk_sipgeneral_port = 'SIP Port'
+asterisk_sipgeneral_realm = 'SIP realm'
+asterisk_voicegeneral = 'Voicemail general options'
+asterisk_voicegeneral_serveremail = 'From Email address of server'
+asterisk_voicemail = 'Voice Mail boxes'
+asterisk_voicemail_attach = 'Email contains attachment'
+asterisk_voicemail_email = 'Email'
+asterisk_voicemail_name = 'Display Name'
+asterisk_voicemail_password = 'Password'
+asterisk_voicemail_zone = 'zone'
+asterisk_voicezone = 'Voice Zone settings'
+asterisk_voicezone_message = 'Message Format'
+asterisk_voicezone_zone = 'Time Zone'