diff options
authorDirk Brenken <>2018-05-27 20:52:31 +0200
committerGitHub <>2018-05-27 20:52:31 +0200
commit31dfa80d4fb4826e77aec0a1b09b19690eba134d (patch)
parent247754431b321d643c9f0431e178eef37ef2865c (diff)
parentd9b6c5dd781fec6603e7941b72774b9af140e858 (diff)
Merge pull request #1828 from dibdot/lxc_fix
luci-app-lxc: fix "plain-vanilla" integration, part 2
3 files changed, 93 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/controller/lxc.lua b/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/controller/lxc.lua
index e15915df5d..f14606ee81 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/controller/lxc.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/controller/lxc.lua
@@ -14,73 +14,43 @@ Author: Petar Koretic <>
+module("luci.controller.lxc", package.seeall)
local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor()
local util = require "luci.util"
local fs = require "nixio"
-module("luci.controller.lxc", package.seeall)
-function fork_exec(command)
- local pid = fs.fork()
- if pid > 0 then
+function index()
+ if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/lxc") then
- elseif pid == 0 then
- -- change to root dir
- fs.chdir("/")
- -- patch stdin, out, err to /dev/null
- local null ="/dev/null", "w+")
- if null then
- fs.dup(null, fs.stderr)
- fs.dup(null, fs.stdout)
- fs.dup(null, fs.stdin)
- if null:fileno() > 2 then
- null:close()
- end
- end
- -- replace with target command
- fs.exec("/bin/sh", "-c", command)
-function index()
page = node("admin", "services", "lxc") = cbi("lxc")
page.title = _("LXC Containers")
page.order = 70
- page = entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_create"}, call("lxc_create"), nil)
- page.leaf = true
- page = entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_action"}, call("lxc_action"), nil)
- page.leaf = true
- page = entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_get_downloadable"}, call("lxc_get_downloadable"), nil)
- page.leaf = true
- page = entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_configuration_get"}, call("lxc_configuration_get"), nil)
- page.leaf = true
- page = entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_configuration_set"}, call("lxc_configuration_set"), nil)
- page.leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_create"}, call("lxc_create"), nil).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_action"}, call("lxc_action"), nil).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_get_downloadable"}, call("lxc_get_downloadable"), nil).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_configuration_get"}, call("lxc_configuration_get"), nil).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "lxc_configuration_set"}, call("lxc_configuration_set"), nil).leaf = true
function lxc_get_downloadable()
local target = lxc_get_arch_target()
local templates = {}
+ local ssl_status = lxc_get_ssl_status()
- local f = io.popen('sh /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-download --list --no-validate --server %s 2>/dev/null'
- % util.shellquote(uci:get("lxc", "lxc", "url")), 'r')
+ local f = io.popen('sh /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-download --list %s --server %s 2>/dev/null'
+ %{ ssl_status, util.shellquote(uci:get("lxc", "lxc", "url")) }, 'r')
local line
for line in f:lines() do
local dist, version, dist_target = line:match("^(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+default%s+%S+$")
- if dist and version and dist_target == target then
+ if dist and version and dist_target and dist_target == target then
templates[#templates+1] = "%s:%s" %{ dist, version }
@@ -90,23 +60,26 @@ end
function lxc_create(lxc_name, lxc_template)
- if not pcall(dofile, "/etc/openwrt_release") then
- return luci.http.write("1")
+ local check = lxc_get_config_path()
+ if not check then
+ return
- local lxc_dist, lxc_release = lxc_template:match("^(.+):(.+)$")
+ local ssl_status = lxc_get_ssl_status()
+ local src_err
+ local lxc_dist, lxc_release = lxc_template:match("^(.+):(.+)$")
luci.http.write(util.ubus("lxc", "create", {
name = lxc_name,
template = "download",
args = {
"--server", uci:get("lxc", "lxc", "url"),
- "--no-validate",
"--dist", lxc_dist,
"--release", lxc_release,
- "--arch", lxc_get_arch_target()
+ "--arch", lxc_get_arch_target(),
+ ssl_status
- }))
+ }), src_err)
function lxc_action(lxc_action, lxc_name)
@@ -123,9 +96,25 @@ function lxc_get_config_path()
local ret = content:match('^%s*lxc.lxcpath%s*=%s*([^%s]*)')
if ret then
- return ret .. "/"
+ if nixio.fs.access(ret) then
+ local min_space = tonumber(uci:get("lxc", "lxc", "min_space")) or 100000
+ local free_space = tonumber(util.exec("df " ..ret.. " | awk '{if(NR==2)print $4}'"))
+ if free_space and free_space >= min_space then
+ local min_temp = tonumber(uci:get("lxc", "lxc", "min_temp")) or 100000
+ local free_temp = tonumber(util.exec("df /tmp | awk '{if(NR==2)print $4}'"))
+ if free_temp and free_temp >= min_temp then
+ return ret .. "/"
+ else
+ util.perror("lxc error: not enough temporary space (< " ..min_temp.. " KB)")
+ end
+ else
+ util.perror("lxc error: not enough space (< " ..min_space.. " KB)")
+ end
+ else
+ util.perror("lxc error: directory not found")
+ end
- return "/srv/lxc/"
+ util.perror("lxc error: config path is empty")
@@ -143,14 +132,15 @@ function lxc_configuration_set(lxc_name)
local lxc_configuration = luci.http.formvalue("lxc_configuration")
if lxc_configuration == nil then
- return luci.http.write("1")
+ util.perror("lxc error: config formvalue is empty")
+ return
local f, err = .. lxc_name .. "/config","w+")
if not f then
- return luci.http.write("2")
+ util.perror("lxc error: config file not found")
+ return
@@ -168,13 +158,21 @@ function lxc_get_arch_target()
armv8 = "arm64",
x86_64 = "amd64"
local k, v
for k, v in pairs(target_map) do
- if target:find(k) then
+ if target:find("^" ..k.. "$") then
return v
return target
+function lxc_get_ssl_status()
+ local ssl_enabled = uci:get("lxc", "lxc", "ssl_enabled")
+ local ssl_status = "--no-validate"
+ if ssl_enabled and ssl_enabled == "1" then
+ ssl_status = ""
+ end
+ return ssl_status
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/model/cbi/lxc.lua b/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/model/cbi/lxc.lua
index 7040f0ecff..8a8fc2be0d 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/model/cbi/lxc.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/model/cbi/lxc.lua
@@ -14,20 +14,35 @@ Author: Petar Koretic <>
-local fs = require "nixio.fs"
m = Map("lxc", translate("LXC Containers"),
translate("<b>Please note:</b> For LXC Containers you need a custom OpenWrt image.<br />")
.. translate("The image should include at least support for 'kernel cgroups', 'kernel namespaces' and 'miscellaneous LXC related options'."))
-if fs.access("/etc/config/lxc") then
- m:section(SimpleSection).template = "lxc"
- s = m:section(TypedSection, "lxc", translate("Options"))
- s.anonymous = true
- s.addremove = false
- s:option(Value, "url", translate("Containers URL"))
+m:section(SimpleSection).template = "lxc"
+s = m:section(TypedSection, "lxc", translate("Options"))
+s.anonymous = true
+o1 = s:option(Value, "url", translate("Containers URL"))
+o1:value("", " (SSL req.)")
+o1.default = ""
+o1.rmempty = false
+o2 = s:option(Flag, "ssl_enabled", translate("Enable SSL"),
+ translate("Enable optional SSL encryption support. This requires additional packages like 'wget', 'ca-certificates', 'gnupg' and 'gnupg-utils'."))
+o2.default = o2.disabled
+o2.rmempty = false
+o3 = s:option(Value, "min_space", translate("Free Space Threshold"),
+ translate("Minimum required free space for LXC Container creation in KB"))
+o3.default = "100000"
+o3.datatype = "min(50000)"
+o3.rmempty = false
+o4 = s:option(Value, "min_temp", translate("Free Temp Threshold"),
+ translate("Minimum required free temp space for LXC Container creation in KB"))
+o4.default = "100000"
+o4.datatype = "min(50000)"
+o4.rmempty = false
return m
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/view/lxc.htm b/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/view/lxc.htm
index 5b1fb0411c..e02c3a7888 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/view/lxc.htm
+++ b/applications/luci-app-lxc/luasrc/view/lxc.htm
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ table.cbi-section-table td,
function lxc_create(tr)
- var lxc_name = tr.querySelector("#tx_name").value.replace(/\s/g,'')
+ var lxc_name = tr.querySelector("#tx_name").value.replace(/[\s!@#$%^&*()+=\[\]{};':"\\|,<>\/?]/g,'')
var lxc_template = tr.querySelector("#s_template").value
- var bt_create = tr.querySelector("#bt_create")
+ var bt_create = tr.querySelector("#bt_create")
if (t_lxc_list.querySelector("[data-id='" + lxc_name + "']") != null)
return info_message(output_add, "Container with that name already exists!", 4000)
@@ -224,6 +224,14 @@ table.cbi-section-table td,
else if (action == "destroy")
+ var tr = self.parentNode.parentNode
+ var img = tr.querySelector('img')
+ if (img.getAttribute('src') != window.img["red"])
+ {
+ bt_action.disabled = false
+ return info_message(output_list,"Container is still running!")
+ }
if (!confirm("This will completely remove a stopped LXC container from disk. Are you sure?"))
@@ -396,7 +404,7 @@ table.cbi-section-table td, = 'tr_holder'
var cell = row.insertCell(0);
cell.colSpan = 3;
- cell.innerHTML = '<em><br />There are no templates for your architecture (<%=target%>) available, please select another Containers URL.</em>';
+ cell.innerHTML = '<em><br />There are no templates for your architecture (<%=target%>) available, please select another containers URL.</em>';
function lxc_list_update()