diff options
authorMichael Geddes <>2009-01-18 12:50:23 +0000
committerMichael Geddes <>2009-01-18 12:50:23 +0000
commit77f31860a094b15ece5fc9bc1971d5a99ff9e4aa (patch)
parent4f1243271d59c58b6cc7ae016189bda22bb118f8 (diff)
Ability to have unatended voice menus.
2 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/package/asterisk-xip/files/uci/voicemenu b/contrib/package/asterisk-xip/files/uci/voicemenu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b046770fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/asterisk-xip/files/uci/voicemenu
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# IVR - Interactive Voice Response Menus.
+ast_add_module voicemenu
+init_voicemenu() {
+ ast_enable_type voicemenu
+ ast_enable_type voiceoption
+check_append_voicemenu() {
+ local context="${1}"
+ eval "local isadded=\"\${dialplan_add_voicemenu_${context}-0}\""
+ if [ "$isadded" != "1" ] ; then
+ eval "dialplan_add_voicemenu_${context}=1"
+ append voicemenu_contexts "$context"
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+voicemenu_list="greeting timeoutlen timeoutsmax invalidmax includelocal localmenu"
+handle_voicemenu() {
+ opt_voicemenu_context="$1"
+ check_append_voicemenu "${opt_voicemenu_context}"
+ option_cb() {
+ case "$1" in
+ greeting|timeoutlen|timeoutsmax|invalidmax|includelocal|localmenu)
+ eval "opt_voicemenu_${opt_voicemenu_context}_$1=\"\$2\"" ;;
+ _*) ;;
+ *) logerror "Invalid Voicemenu option: $1" ;;
+ esac
+ }
+voiceoption_list="digit menu dial goto"
+check_add_voiceoption() {
+ [ -z "${last_vo_voicemenu}" ] && return 0
+ if [ -z "${last_vo_dial}" ] ; then
+ append opt_voicemenu_${last_vo_voicemenu}_action "exten => ${last_vo_digit},1,Goto(${last_vo_goto},s,1)" "${N}"
+ else
+ append opt_voicemenu_${last_vo_voicemenu}_action "exten => ${last_vo_digit},1,Dial(${last_vo_dial})" "${N}"
+ fi
+ append opt_voicemenu_${last_vo_voicemenu}_menu "${last_vo_menu}" "&"
+ for i in ${voiceoption_list} ; do
+ eval "unset last_vo_$i"
+ done
+handle_voiceoption() {
+ opt_voicemenu_context="$1"
+ check_add voiceoption
+ option_cb() {
+ case "$1" in
+ voicemenu|digit|menu|dial|goto)
+ eval "last_vo_$1=\"\$2\"" ;;
+ _*) ;;
+ *) logerror "Invalid Voiceoption option in ${opt_voicemenu_context}: $1" ;;
+ esac
+ }
+ logdebug 0 "Creating Voicemenu dialplans"
+ [ -z "${voicemenu_contexts}" ] && return 0
+ for curvm in ${voicemenu_contexts} ; do
+ check_add_context "${curvm}"
+ for i in ${voicemenu_list} menu action ; do
+ eval "vmc_${i}=\"\${opt_voicemenu_${curvm}_${i}}\""
+ done
+ [ -z "${vmc_timeoutlen}" ] && vmc_timeoutlen=5
+ [ -z "${vmc_timeoutsmax}" ] && vmc_timeoutsmax=3
+ [ -z "${vmc_invalidmax}" ] && vmc_invalidmax=0
+ # Construct a voicemenu - with as small as possible code.
+ local nn=1
+ if [ ! -z "${vmc_greeting}" ] ; then
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => s,${nn},Background(${vmc_greeting})"
+ nn=n
+ fi
+ local againtimeout="(againtimeout)"
+ if [ ${vmc_invalidmax} -gt 0 ] ; then
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => s,${nn},Set(NUMINVALID=${vmc_invalidmax})"
+ nn=n
+ fi
+ if [ ${vmc_timeoutsmax} -gt 0 ] ; then
+ local labagaininvalid="(againinvalid)"
+ if [ ${vmc_invalidmax} -le 0 ] ; then
+ labagaininvalid=""
+ fi
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => s,${nn}${labagaininvalid},Set(NUMTIMEOUTS=${vmc_timeoutsmax})"
+ nn=n
+ else
+ if [ ${vmc_invalidmax} -gt 0 ] ; then
+ againtimeout="(againinvalid)"
+ else
+ againtimeout=
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${vmc_localmenu}" ] ; then
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => s,${nn}${againtimeout},Background(${vmc_localmenu})"
+ nn=n
+ againtimeout=
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${vmc_menu}" ] ; then
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => s,${nn}${againtimeout},Background(${vmc_menu})"
+ againtimeout=
+ nn=n
+ fi
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => s,${nn}${againtimeout},WaitExten(${vmc_timeoutlen})
+exten => s,n,Goto(t,1)
+exten => s,n(goodbye),Playback(vm-goodbye)
+exten => s,n,Hangup()"
+ if [ ${vmc_timeoutsmax} -gt 0 ] ; then
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => t,1,Set(NUMTIMEOUTS=\$[\${NUMTIMEOUTS} - 1])
+exten => t,n,Gotoif(\$[\${NUMTIMEOUTS} >= 0]?s,againtimeout:s,goodbye)"
+ else
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => t,1,Goto(s,goodbye)"
+ fi
+ append_dialplan_context ${curvm} "${vmc_action}"
+ [ -z "${vmc_includelocal}" ] || append_dialplan_context ${curvm} "include => ${vmc_includelocal}"
+ if [ ${vmc_invalidmax} -gt 0 ] ; then
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => i,1,Set(NUMINVALID=\$[\${NUMINVALID} - 1])
+exten => i,n,Background(invalid)
+exten => i,n,Gotoif(\$[\${NUMINVALID} >= 0]?s,againinvalid:s,goodbye)"
+ else
+ append_dialplan_context $curvm "exten => i,1,Background(invalid)${N}exten => i,n,Goto(s,goodbye)"
+ fi
+ done
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 noet foldmethod=indent
diff --git a/contrib/package/asterisk-xip/files/uci/voicemenu.txt b/contrib/package/asterisk-xip/files/uci/voicemenu.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc01b8877d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/package/asterisk-xip/files/uci/voicemenu.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+config voicemenu autoattendmenu
+ option greeting greet/autogreet
+ option timeoutlen 5
+ option timeoutsmax 3
+ option invalidmax 3
+ option includelocal extensions
+config voiceoption
+ option voicemenu autoattendmenu
+ option digit 1
+ option menu misc/press&digit/1&digit/for&misc/operator
+ option dial SIP/101
+config voiceoption
+ option voicemenu autoattendmenu
+ option digit 2
+ option menu misc/press&digit/2&digit/for&misc/sales
+ option goto salesmenu