diff options
authorManuel Munz <>2012-06-05 22:23:40 +0000
committerManuel Munz <>2012-06-05 22:23:40 +0000
commit27b7784cddaf4d001375b267dfe4c3f739565b2c (patch)
parent163b224b25d003cc6ca555b305bdbc89b2dd61b6 (diff)
contrib/freifunk-policyrouting: Almost works now. There is still the problem that localhost cannot use his own ipv6 gateway, this needs more investigation
2 files changed, 55 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/package/freifunk-policyrouting/files/etc/hotplug.d/firewall/24-policyrouting b/contrib/package/freifunk-policyrouting/files/etc/hotplug.d/firewall/24-policyrouting
index 014803a7d9..786c5e4ce7 100644
--- a/contrib/package/freifunk-policyrouting/files/etc/hotplug.d/firewall/24-policyrouting
+++ b/contrib/package/freifunk-policyrouting/files/etc/hotplug.d/firewall/24-policyrouting
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && [ "$INTERFACE" = "wan" ]; then
pr=`uci get`
strict=`uci get`
zones=`uci get`
+ [ -f /proc/net/ipv6_route ] && has_ipv6=1
if [ $pr = "1" ]; then
# The wan device name
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && [ "$INTERFACE" = "wan" ]; then
iptables -t mangle -F prerouting_policy > /dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t mangle -N prerouting_policy > /dev/null 2>&1
iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING -j prerouting_policy > /dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ "$has_ipv6" = 1 ]; then
+ ip6tables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -j prerouting_policy > /dev/null 2>&1
+ ip6tables -t mangle -F prerouting_policy > /dev/null 2>&1
+ ip6tables -t mangle -N prerouting_policy > /dev/null 2>&1
+ ip6tables -t mangle -I PREROUTING -j prerouting_policy > /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
# If no route is in table olsr-default, then usually the hosts local default route is used.
# If set to strict then we add a filter which prevents this
@@ -32,6 +38,22 @@ if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && [ "$INTERFACE" = "wan" ]; then
iptables -F forward_policy
iptables -I forward_policy -o $wandev -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-prohibited
+ if [ "$has_ipv6" = 1 ]; then
+ ln=$(( `ip6tables -L FORWARD -v --line-numbers | grep -m 1 reject | awk {' print $1 '}` - 1 ))
+ if [ ! $ln -gt 0 ]; then
+ ln=1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "`ip6tables -L |grep 'Chain forward_policy'`" ]; then
+ ip6tables -N forward_policy
+ fi
+ if [ -z "`ip6tables -L FORWARD -v |grep forward_policy`" ]; then
+ ip6tables -I FORWARD $ln -m mark --mark 1 -j forward_policy
+ fi
+ ip6tables -F forward_policy
+ ip6tables -I forward_policy -o $wandev -j REJECT
+ fi
# set mark 1 for all packets coming in via enabled zones
@@ -54,22 +76,40 @@ if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && [ "$INTERFACE" = "wan" ]; then
logger -t policyrouting "Add mark 1 to packages coming in via interface $dev"
iptables -t mangle -I prerouting_policy -i $dev -j MARK --set-mark 1
+ if [ "$has_ipv6" = 1 ]; then
+ ip6tables -t mangle -I prerouting_policy -i $dev -j MARK --set-mark 1
+ fi
# Cleanup policy routing stuff that might be lingering around
if [ -n "`iptables -t mangle -L PREROUTING |grep _policy`" ]; then
- logger -t policyrouting "Delete prerouting_policy chain in table mangle"
+ logger -t policyrouting "Delete prerouting_policy chain in table mangle (IPv4)"
iptables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -j prerouting_policy
iptables -t mangle -F prerouting_policy
iptables -t mangle -X prerouting_policy
if [ -n "`iptables -L FORWARD |grep forward_policy`" ]; then
- logger -t policyrouting "Delete strict forwarding rules"
+ logger -t policyrouting "Delete strict forwarding rules (IPv4)"
iptables -D FORWARD -m mark --mark 1 -j forward_policy
iptables -F forward_policy
iptables -X forward_policy
+ if [ "$has_ipv6" = 1 ]; then
+ if [ -n "`ip6tables -t mangle -L PREROUTING |grep _policy`" ]; then
+ logger -t policyrouting "Delete prerouting_policy chain in table mangle (IPv6)"
+ ip6tables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -j prerouting_policy
+ ip6tables -t mangle -F prerouting_policy
+ ip6tables -t mangle -X prerouting_policy
+ fi
+ if [ -n "`ip6tables -L FORWARD |grep forward_policy`" ]; then
+ logger -t policyrouting "Delete strict forwarding rules (IPv6)"
+ ip6tables -D FORWARD -m mark --mark 1 -j forward_policy
+ ip6tables -F forward_policy
+ ip6tables -X forward_policy
+ fi
+ fi
logger -t policyrouting "All firewall rules for policyrouting removed."
diff --git a/contrib/package/freifunk-policyrouting/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/30-policyrouting b/contrib/package/freifunk-policyrouting/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/30-policyrouting
index 68eba11cf0..acce981130 100644
--- a/contrib/package/freifunk-policyrouting/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/30-policyrouting
+++ b/contrib/package/freifunk-policyrouting/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/30-policyrouting
@@ -58,15 +58,24 @@ case $ACTION in
ip route add $NETWORK/$NETMASK dev $device table default
ip route add default via $gw dev $device table default
+ #if [ "$has_ipv6" = 1 ]; then
+ # local ip6gw=$(ip -6 r |grep default |cut -d " " -f 3)
+ # test -n "`ip -6 r s t default`" && ip -6 r d default t default
+ # test -n "`ip -6 r s |grep default`" && ip -6 route del default
+ # ip -6 r a $ip6gw via $ip6gw dev $dev table default
+ # ip -6 route add default via $ip6gw dev $device table default
+ #fi
ip rule del lookup main
ip rule add fwmark 1 lookup olsr-default
ip rule add lookup main
ip rule add lookup olsr
if [ "$has_ipv6" = 1 ]; then
ip -6 rule del lookup main
- ip -6 rule add fwmark 1 lookup olsr-default
- ip -6 rule add lookup main
- ip -6 rule add lookup olsr
+ ip -6 rule add fwmark 1 lookup olsr-default prio 16385
+ ip -6 rule add lookup main prio 16383
+ ip -6 rule add lookup olsr prio 16380
# Remove custom routing tables from olsrd