package dhcpv4 // values from and // // MessageType represents the possible DHCP message types - DISCOVER, OFFER, etc type MessageType byte // DHCP message types const ( MessageTypeDiscover MessageType = iota + 1 MessageTypeOffer MessageTypeRequest MessageTypeDecline MessageTypeAck MessageTypeNak MessageTypeRelease MessageTypeInform ) // OpcodeType represents a DHCPv4 opcode. type OpcodeType uint8 // constants that represent valid values for OpcodeType const ( OpcodeBootRequest OpcodeType = 1 OpcodeBootReply OpcodeType = 2 ) // OpcodeToString maps an OpcodeType to its mnemonic name var OpcodeToString = map[OpcodeType]string{ OpcodeBootRequest: "BootRequest", OpcodeBootReply: "BootReply", } // DHCPv4 Options const ( OptionPad OptionCode = 0 OptionSubnetMask OptionCode = 1 OptionTimeOffset OptionCode = 2 OptionRouter OptionCode = 3 OptionTimeServer OptionCode = 4 OptionNameServer OptionCode = 5 OptionDomainNameServer OptionCode = 6 OptionLogServer OptionCode = 7 OptionQuoteServer OptionCode = 8 OptionLPRServer OptionCode = 9 OptionImpressServer OptionCode = 10 OptionResourceLocationServer OptionCode = 11 OptionHostName OptionCode = 12 OptionBootFileSize OptionCode = 13 OptionMeritDumpFile OptionCode = 14 OptionDomainName OptionCode = 15 OptionSwapServer OptionCode = 16 OptionRootPath OptionCode = 17 OptionExtensionsPath OptionCode = 18 OptionIPForwarding OptionCode = 19 OptionNonLocalSourceRouting OptionCode = 20 OptionPolicyFilter OptionCode = 21 OptionMaximumDatagramAssemblySize OptionCode = 22 OptionDefaultIPTTL OptionCode = 23 OptionPathMTUAgingTimeout OptionCode = 24 OptionPathMTUPlateauTable OptionCode = 25 OptionInterfaceMTU OptionCode = 26 OptionAllSubnetsAreLocal OptionCode = 27 OptionBroadcastAddress OptionCode = 28 OptionPerformMaskDiscovery OptionCode = 29 OptionMaskSupplier OptionCode = 30 OptionPerformRouterDiscovery OptionCode = 31 OptionRouterSolicitationAddress OptionCode = 32 OptionStaticRoutingTable OptionCode = 33 OptionTrailerEncapsulation OptionCode = 34 OptionArpCacheTimeout OptionCode = 35 OptionEthernetEncapsulation OptionCode = 36 OptionDefaulTCPTTL OptionCode = 37 OptionTCPKeepaliveInterval OptionCode = 38 OptionTCPKeepaliveGarbage OptionCode = 39 OptionNetworkInformationServiceDomain OptionCode = 40 OptionNetworkInformationServers OptionCode = 41 OptionNTPServers OptionCode = 42 OptionVendorSpecificInformation OptionCode = 43 OptionNetBIOSOverTCPIPNameServer OptionCode = 44 OptionNetBIOSOverTCPIPDatagramDistributionServer OptionCode = 45 OptionNetBIOSOverTCPIPNodeType OptionCode = 46 OptionNetBIOSOverTCPIPScope OptionCode = 47 OptionXWindowSystemFontServer OptionCode = 48 OptionXWindowSystemDisplayManger OptionCode = 49 OptionRequestedIPAddress OptionCode = 50 OptionIPAddressLeaseTime OptionCode = 51 OptionOptionOverload OptionCode = 52 OptionDHCPMessageType OptionCode = 53 OptionServerIdentifier OptionCode = 54 OptionParameterRequestList OptionCode = 55 OptionMessage OptionCode = 56 OptionMaximumDHCPMessageSize OptionCode = 57 OptionRenewTimeValue OptionCode = 58 OptionRebindingTimeValue OptionCode = 59 OptionClassIdentifier OptionCode = 60 OptionClientIdentifier OptionCode = 61 OptionNetWareIPDomainName OptionCode = 62 OptionNetWareIPInformation OptionCode = 63 OptionNetworkInformationServicePlusDomain OptionCode = 64 OptionNetworkInformationServicePlusServers OptionCode = 65 OptionTFTPServerName OptionCode = 66 OptionBootfileName OptionCode = 67 OptionMobileIPHomeAgent OptionCode = 68 OptionSimpleMailTransportProtocolServer OptionCode = 69 OptionPostOfficeProtocolServer OptionCode = 70 OptionNetworkNewsTransportProtocolServer OptionCode = 71 OptionDefaultWorldWideWebServer OptionCode = 72 OptionDefaultFingerServer OptionCode = 73 OptionDefaultInternetRelayChatServer OptionCode = 74 OptionStreetTalkServer OptionCode = 75 OptionStreetTalkDirectoryAssistanceServer OptionCode = 76 OptionUserClassInformation OptionCode = 77 OptionSLPDirectoryAgent OptionCode = 78 OptionSLPServiceScope OptionCode = 79 OptionRapidCommit OptionCode = 80 OptionFQDN OptionCode = 81 OptionRelayAgentInformation OptionCode = 82 OptionInternetStorageNameService OptionCode = 83 // Option 84 returned in RFC 3679 OptionNDSServers OptionCode = 85 OptionNDSTreeName OptionCode = 86 OptionNDSContext OptionCode = 87 OptionBCMCSControllerDomainNameList OptionCode = 88 OptionBCMCSControllerIPv4AddressList OptionCode = 89 OptionAuthentication OptionCode = 90 OptionClientLastTransactionTime OptionCode = 91 OptionAssociatedIP OptionCode = 92 OptionClientSystemArchitectureType OptionCode = 93 OptionClientNetworkInterfaceIdentifier OptionCode = 94 OptionLDAP OptionCode = 95 // Option 96 returned in RFC 3679 OptionClientMachineIdentifier OptionCode = 97 OptionOpenGroupUserAuthentication OptionCode = 98 OptionGeoConfCivic OptionCode = 99 OptionIEEE10031TZString OptionCode = 100 OptionReferenceToTZDatabase OptionCode = 101 // Options 102-111 returned in RFC 3679 OptionNetInfoParentServerAddress OptionCode = 112 OptionNetInfoParentServerTag OptionCode = 113 OptionURL OptionCode = 114 // Option 115 returned in RFC 3679 OptionAutoConfigure OptionCode = 116 OptionNameServiceSearch OptionCode = 117 OptionSubnetSelection OptionCode = 118 OptionDNSDomainSearchList OptionCode = 119 OptionSIPServersDHCPOption OptionCode = 120 OptionClasslessStaticRouteOption OptionCode = 121 OptionCCC OptionCode = 122 OptionGeoConf OptionCode = 123 OptionVendorIdentifyingVendorClass OptionCode = 124 OptionVendorIdentifyingVendorSpecific OptionCode = 125 // Options 126-127 returned in RFC 3679 OptionTFTPServerIPAddress OptionCode = 128 OptionCallServerIPAddress OptionCode = 129 OptionDiscriminationString OptionCode = 130 OptionRemoteStatisticsServerIPAddress OptionCode = 131 Option8021PVLANID OptionCode = 132 Option8021QL2Priority OptionCode = 133 OptionDiffservCodePoint OptionCode = 134 OptionHTTPProxyForPhoneSpecificApplications OptionCode = 135 OptionPANAAuthenticationAgent OptionCode = 136 OptionLoSTServer OptionCode = 137 OptionCAPWAPAccessControllerAddresses OptionCode = 138 OptionOPTIONIPv4AddressMoS OptionCode = 139 OptionOPTIONIPv4FQDNMoS OptionCode = 140 OptionSIPUAConfigurationServiceDomains OptionCode = 141 OptionOPTIONIPv4AddressANDSF OptionCode = 142 OptionOPTIONIPv6AddressANDSF OptionCode = 143 // Options 144-149 returned in RFC 3679 OptionTFTPServerAddress OptionCode = 150 OptionStatusCode OptionCode = 151 OptionBaseTime OptionCode = 152 OptionStartTimeOfState OptionCode = 153 OptionQueryStartTime OptionCode = 154 OptionQueryEndTime OptionCode = 155 OptionDHCPState OptionCode = 156 OptionDataSource OptionCode = 157 // Options 158-174 returned in RFC 3679 OptionEtherboot OptionCode = 175 OptionIPTelephone OptionCode = 176 OptionEtherbootPacketCableAndCableHome OptionCode = 177 // Options 178-207 returned in RFC 3679 OptionPXELinuxMagicString OptionCode = 208 OptionPXELinuxConfigFile OptionCode = 209 OptionPXELinuxPathPrefix OptionCode = 210 OptionPXELinuxRebootTime OptionCode = 211 OptionOPTION6RD OptionCode = 212 OptionOPTIONv4AccessDomain OptionCode = 213 // Options 214-219 returned in RFC 3679 OptionSubnetAllocation OptionCode = 220 OptionVirtualSubnetAllocation OptionCode = 221 // Options 222-223 returned in RFC 3679 // Options 224-254 are reserved for private use OptionEnd OptionCode = 255 ) // OptionCodeToString maps an OptionCode to its mnemonic name var OptionCodeToString = map[OptionCode]string{ OptionPad: "Pad", OptionSubnetMask: "Subnet Mask", OptionTimeOffset: "Time Offset", OptionRouter: "Router", OptionTimeServer: "Time Server", OptionNameServer: "Name Server", OptionDomainNameServer: "Domain Name Server", OptionLogServer: "Log Server", OptionQuoteServer: "Quote Server", OptionLPRServer: "LPR Server", OptionImpressServer: "Impress Server", OptionResourceLocationServer: "Resource Location Server", OptionHostName: "Host Name", OptionBootFileSize: "Boot File Size", OptionMeritDumpFile: "Merit Dump File", OptionDomainName: "Domain Name", OptionSwapServer: "Swap Server", OptionRootPath: "Root Path", OptionExtensionsPath: "Extensions Path", OptionIPForwarding: "IP Forwarding enable/disable", OptionNonLocalSourceRouting: "Non-local Source Routing enable/disable", OptionPolicyFilter: "Policy Filter", OptionMaximumDatagramAssemblySize: "Maximum Datagram Reassembly Size", OptionDefaultIPTTL: "Default IP Time-to-live", OptionPathMTUAgingTimeout: "Path MTU Aging Timeout", OptionPathMTUPlateauTable: "Path MTU Plateau Table", OptionInterfaceMTU: "Interface MTU", OptionAllSubnetsAreLocal: "All Subnets Are Local", OptionBroadcastAddress: "Broadcast Address", OptionPerformMaskDiscovery: "Perform Mask Discovery", OptionMaskSupplier: "Mask Supplier", OptionPerformRouterDiscovery: "Perform Router Discovery", OptionRouterSolicitationAddress: "Router Solicitation Address", OptionStaticRoutingTable: "Static Routing Table", OptionTrailerEncapsulation: "Trailer Encapsulation", OptionArpCacheTimeout: "ARP Cache Timeout", OptionEthernetEncapsulation: "Ethernet Encapsulation", OptionDefaulTCPTTL: "Default TCP TTL", OptionTCPKeepaliveInterval: "TCP Keepalive Interval", OptionTCPKeepaliveGarbage: "TCP Keepalive Garbage", OptionNetworkInformationServiceDomain: "Network Information Service Domain", OptionNetworkInformationServers: "Network Information Servers", OptionNTPServers: "NTP Servers", OptionVendorSpecificInformation: "Vendor Specific Information", OptionNetBIOSOverTCPIPNameServer: "NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server", OptionNetBIOSOverTCPIPDatagramDistributionServer: "NetBIOS over TCP/IP Datagram Distribution Server", OptionNetBIOSOverTCPIPNodeType: "NetBIOS over TCP/IP Node Type", OptionNetBIOSOverTCPIPScope: "NetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope", OptionXWindowSystemFontServer: "X Window System Font Server", OptionXWindowSystemDisplayManger: "X Window System Display Manager", OptionRequestedIPAddress: "Requested IP Address", OptionIPAddressLeaseTime: "IP Addresses Lease Time", OptionOptionOverload: "Option Overload", OptionDHCPMessageType: "DHCP Message Type", OptionServerIdentifier: "Server Identifier", OptionParameterRequestList: "Parameter Request List", OptionMessage: "Message", OptionMaximumDHCPMessageSize: "Maximum DHCP Message Size", OptionRenewTimeValue: "Renew Time Value", OptionRebindingTimeValue: "Rebinding Time Value", OptionClassIdentifier: "Class Identifier", OptionClientIdentifier: "Client identifier", OptionNetWareIPDomainName: "NetWare/IP Domain Name", OptionNetWareIPInformation: "NetWare/IP Information", OptionNetworkInformationServicePlusDomain: "Network Information Service+ Domain", OptionNetworkInformationServicePlusServers: "Network Information Service+ Servers", OptionTFTPServerName: "TFTP Server Name", OptionBootfileName: "Bootfile Name", OptionMobileIPHomeAgent: "Mobile IP Home Agent", OptionSimpleMailTransportProtocolServer: "SMTP Server", OptionPostOfficeProtocolServer: "POP Server", OptionNetworkNewsTransportProtocolServer: "NNTP Server", OptionDefaultWorldWideWebServer: "Default WWW Server", OptionDefaultFingerServer: "Default Finger Server", OptionDefaultInternetRelayChatServer: "Default IRC Server", OptionStreetTalkServer: "StreetTalk Server", OptionStreetTalkDirectoryAssistanceServer: "StreetTalk Directory Assistance Server", OptionUserClassInformation: "User Class Information", OptionSLPDirectoryAgent: "SLP DIrectory Agent", OptionSLPServiceScope: "SLP Service Scope", OptionRapidCommit: "Rapid Commit", OptionFQDN: "FQDN", OptionRelayAgentInformation: "Relay Agent Information", OptionInternetStorageNameService: "Internet Storage Name Service", // Option 84 returned in RFC 3679 OptionNDSServers: "NDS Servers", OptionNDSTreeName: "NDS Tree Name", OptionNDSContext: "NDS Context", OptionBCMCSControllerDomainNameList: "BCMCS Controller Domain Name List", OptionBCMCSControllerIPv4AddressList: "BCMCS Controller IPv4 Address List", OptionAuthentication: "Authentication", OptionClientLastTransactionTime: "Client Last Transaction Time", OptionAssociatedIP: "Associated IP", OptionClientSystemArchitectureType: "Client System Architecture Type", OptionClientNetworkInterfaceIdentifier: "Client Network Interface Identifier", OptionLDAP: "LDAP", // Option 96 returned in RFC 3679 OptionClientMachineIdentifier: "Client Machine Identifier", OptionOpenGroupUserAuthentication: "OpenGroup's User Authentication", OptionGeoConfCivic: "GEOCONF_CIVIC", OptionIEEE10031TZString: "IEEE 1003.1 TZ String", OptionReferenceToTZDatabase: "Reference to the TZ Database", // Options 102-111 returned in RFC 3679 OptionNetInfoParentServerAddress: "NetInfo Parent Server Address", OptionNetInfoParentServerTag: "NetInfo Parent Server Tag", OptionURL: "URL", // Option 115 returned in RFC 3679 OptionAutoConfigure: "Auto-Configure", OptionNameServiceSearch: "Name Service Search", OptionSubnetSelection: "Subnet Selection", OptionDNSDomainSearchList: "DNS Domain Search List", OptionSIPServersDHCPOption: "SIP Servers DHCP Option", OptionClasslessStaticRouteOption: "Classless Static Route Option", OptionCCC: "CCC, CableLabs Client Configuration", OptionGeoConf: "GeoConf", OptionVendorIdentifyingVendorClass: "Vendor-Identifying Vendor Class", OptionVendorIdentifyingVendorSpecific: "Vendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific", // Options 126-127 returned in RFC 3679 OptionTFTPServerIPAddress: "TFTP Server IP Address", OptionCallServerIPAddress: "Call Server IP Address", OptionDiscriminationString: "Discrimination String", OptionRemoteStatisticsServerIPAddress: "RemoteStatistics Server IP Address", Option8021PVLANID: "802.1P VLAN ID", Option8021QL2Priority: "802.1Q L2 Priority", OptionDiffservCodePoint: "Diffserv Code Point", OptionHTTPProxyForPhoneSpecificApplications: "HTTP Proxy for phone-specific applications", OptionPANAAuthenticationAgent: "PANA Authentication Agent", OptionLoSTServer: "LoST Server", OptionCAPWAPAccessControllerAddresses: "CAPWAP Access Controller Addresses", OptionOPTIONIPv4AddressMoS: "OPTION-IPv4_Address-MoS", OptionOPTIONIPv4FQDNMoS: "OPTION-IPv4_FQDN-MoS", OptionSIPUAConfigurationServiceDomains: "SIP UA Configuration Service Domains", OptionOPTIONIPv4AddressANDSF: "OPTION-IPv4_Address-ANDSF", OptionOPTIONIPv6AddressANDSF: "OPTION-IPv6_Address-ANDSF", // Options 144-149 returned in RFC 3679 OptionTFTPServerAddress: "TFTP Server Address", OptionStatusCode: "Status Code", OptionBaseTime: "Base Time", OptionStartTimeOfState: "Start Time of State", OptionQueryStartTime: "Query Start Time", OptionQueryEndTime: "Query End Time", OptionDHCPState: "DHCP Staet", OptionDataSource: "Data Source", // Options 158-174 returned in RFC 3679 OptionEtherboot: "Etherboot", OptionIPTelephone: "IP Telephone", OptionEtherbootPacketCableAndCableHome: "Etherboot / PacketCable and CableHome", // Options 178-207 returned in RFC 3679 OptionPXELinuxMagicString: "PXELinux Magic String", OptionPXELinuxConfigFile: "PXELinux Config File", OptionPXELinuxPathPrefix: "PXELinux Path Prefix", OptionPXELinuxRebootTime: "PXELinux Reboot Time", OptionOPTION6RD: "OPTION_6RD", OptionOPTIONv4AccessDomain: "OPTION_V4_ACCESS_DOMAIN", // Options 214-219 returned in RFC 3679 OptionSubnetAllocation: "Subnet Allocation", OptionVirtualSubnetAllocation: "Virtual Subnet Selection", // Options 222-223 returned in RFC 3679 // Options 224-254 are reserved for private use OptionEnd: "End", }