#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -xeo pipefail # Required input. if ! [[ -v IMAGE ]]; then echo "no image provided: set IMAGE." exit 1 fi # Parameters. declare -r USERNAME=${USERNAME:-test} declare -r KEYNAME=$(mktemp --tmpdir -u key-XXXXXX) declare -r SSHKEYS=$(mktemp --tmpdir -u sshkeys-XXXXXX) declare -r INSTANCE_NAME=$(mktemp -u test-XXXXXX | tr A-Z a-z) declare -r MACHINE=${MACHINE:-n1-standard-1} declare -r ZONE=${ZONE:-us-central1-f} declare -r SUDO=${SUDO:-false} # Standard arguments (applies only on script execution). declare -ar SSH_ARGS=("-o" "ConnectTimeout=60" "--") # This script is executed as a test rule, which will reset the value of HOME. # Unfortunately, it is needed to load the gconfig credentials. We will reset # HOME when we actually execute in the remote environment, defined below. export HOME=$(eval echo ~$(whoami)) # Generate unique keys for this test. [[ -f "${KEYNAME}" ]] || ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f "${KEYNAME}" -C "${USERNAME}" cat > "${SSHKEYS}" <<EOF ${USERNAME}:$(cat ${KEYNAME}.pub) EOF # Start a unique instance. This means that we first generate a unique set of ssh # keys to ensure that only we have access to this instance. Note that we must # constrain ourselves to Haswell or greater in order to have nested # virtualization available. gcloud compute instances create \ --min-cpu-platform "Intel Haswell" \ --preemptible \ --no-scopes \ --metadata block-project-ssh-keys=TRUE \ --metadata-from-file ssh-keys="${SSHKEYS}" \ --machine-type "${MACHINE}" \ --image "${IMAGE}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${INSTANCE_NAME}" function cleanup { gcloud compute instances delete --quiet --zone "${ZONE}" "${INSTANCE_NAME}" } trap cleanup EXIT # Wait for the instance to become available (up to 5 minutes). declare timeout=300 declare success=0 declare -r start=$(date +%s) declare -r end=$((${start}+${timeout})) while [[ "$(date +%s)" -lt "${end}" ]] && [[ "${success}" -lt 3 ]]; do if gcloud compute ssh --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" --zone "${ZONE}" "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- true 2>/dev/null; then success=$((${success}+1)) fi done if [[ "${success}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo "connect timed out after ${timeout} seconds." exit 1 fi # Copy the local directory over. tar czf - --dereference --exclude=.git . | gcloud compute ssh \ --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- \ "${SSH_ARGS[@]}" \ tar xzf - # Execute the command remotely. for cmd; do # Setup relevant environment. # # N.B. This is not a complete test environment, but is complete enough to # provide rudimentary sharding and test output support. declare -a PREFIX=( "env" ) if [[ -v TEST_SHARD_INDEX ]]; then PREFIX+=( "TEST_SHARD_INDEX=${TEST_SHARD_INDEX}" ) fi if [[ -v TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE ]]; then SHARD_STATUS_FILE=$(mktemp -u test-shard-status-XXXXXX) PREFIX+=( "TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE=/tmp/${SHARD_STATUS_FILE}" ) fi if [[ -v TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS ]]; then PREFIX+=( "TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS=${TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS}" ) fi if [[ -v TEST_TMPDIR ]]; then REMOTE_TMPDIR=$(mktemp -u test-XXXXXX) PREFIX+=( "TEST_TMPDIR=/tmp/${REMOTE_TMPDIR}" ) # Create remotely. gcloud compute ssh \ --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- \ "${SSH_ARGS[@]}" \ mkdir -p "/tmp/${REMOTE_TMPDIR}" fi if [[ -v XML_OUTPUT_FILE ]]; then TEST_XML_OUTPUT=$(mktemp -u xml-output-XXXXXX) PREFIX+=( "XML_OUTPUT_FILE=/tmp/${TEST_XML_OUTPUT}" ) fi if [[ "${SUDO}" == "true" ]]; then PREFIX+=( "sudo" "-E" ) fi # Execute the command. gcloud compute ssh \ --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- \ "${SSH_ARGS[@]}" \ "${PREFIX[@]}" "${cmd}" # Collect relevant results. if [[ -v TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE ]]; then gcloud compute scp \ --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}":/tmp/"${SHARD_STATUS_FILE}" \ "${TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE}" 2>/dev/null || true # Allowed to fail. fi if [[ -v XML_OUTPUT_FILE ]]; then gcloud compute scp \ --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}":/tmp/"${TEST_XML_OUTPUT}" \ "${XML_OUTPUT_FILE}" 2>/dev/null || true # Allowed to fail. fi # Clean up the temporary directory. if [[ -v TEST_TMPDIR ]]; then gcloud compute ssh \ --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- \ "${SSH_ARGS[@]}" \ rm -rf "/tmp/${REMOTE_TMPDIR}" fi done