// Boxes on the home page and similar. .td-box {} // box-variant creates the main style for a colored section used on the site. @mixin box-variant($parent, $color-name, $color-value) { $text-color: color-yiq($color-value); $link-color: mix($blue, $text-color, lightness($color-value)); $link-hover-color: rgba($link-color, 0.5) !default; #{$parent} { &--#{$color-name} { color: $text-color; background-color: #{$color-value}; .td-arrow-down { &::before { left: 50%; margin-left: -30px; bottom: -25px; border: { style: solid; width: 25px 30px 0 30px; color: #{$color-value} transparent transparent transparent; }; z-index: 3; position: absolute; content: ""; } } } } // Improve contrast for the links in paragraphs. @include link-variant("#{$parent}--#{$color-name} p > a", $link-color, $link-hover-color, false); @if $enable-gradients { @include bg-gradient-variant("#{$parent}--1#{$color-name}#{$parent}--gradient", $color-value); } } // Common min-height modifiers used for boxes. @mixin td-box-height-modifiers($parent) { #{$parent} { &--height-auto {} &--height-min { min-height: 300px; } &--height-med { min-height: 400px; } &--height-max { min-height: 500px; } &--height-full { min-height: 100vh; } @include media-breakpoint-up(md) { &--height-min { min-height: 450px; } &--height-med { min-height: 500px; } &--height-max { min-height: 650px; } } } } @include td-box-height-modifiers(".td-box"); // This allows "painting by numbers" @for $i from 1 through length($td-box-colors) { $c: nth($td-box-colors, $i); $name: $i - 1; @include box-variant(".td-box", $name, $c); } // Same as above with all the theme color names. @each $color, $value in $colors { @include box-variant(".td-box", $color, $value); } @each $color, $value in $theme-colors { @include box-variant(".td-box", $color, $value); } @each $color, $value in $grays { @include box-variant(".td-box", $color, $value); }