package(licenses = ["notice"])  # Apache 2.0

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary")
load("@rules_pkg//:pkg.bzl", "pkg_deb", "pkg_tar")

    name = "runsc",
    srcs = [
    pure = "on",
    visibility = [
    x_defs = {"main.version": "{STABLE_VERSION}"},
    deps = [

# The runsc-race target is a race-compatible BUILD target. This must be built
# via "bazel build --features=race //runsc:runsc-race", since the race feature
# must apply to all dependencies due a bug in gazelle file selection.  The pure
# attribute must be off because the race detector requires linking with non-Go
# components, although we still require a static binary.
# Note that in the future this might be convertible to a compatible target by
# using the pure and static attributes within a select function, but select is
# not currently compatible with string attributes [1].
# [1]
    name = "runsc-race",
    srcs = [
    static = "on",
    visibility = [
    x_defs = {"main.version": "{STABLE_VERSION}"},
    deps = [

    name = "runsc-bin",
    srcs = [":runsc"],
    mode = "0755",
    package_dir = "/usr/bin",
    strip_prefix = "/runsc/linux_amd64_pure_stripped",

    name = "debian-data",
    extension = "tar.gz",
    deps = [

    name = "deb-version",
    # Note that runsc must appear in the srcs parameter and not the tools
    # parameter, otherwise it will not be stamped. This is reasonable, as tools
    # may be encoded differently in the build graph (cached more aggressively
    # because they are assumes to be hermetic).
    srcs = [":runsc"],
    outs = ["version.txt"],
    cmd = "$(location :runsc) -version | grep 'runsc version' | sed 's/^[^0-9]*//' > $@",
    stamp = 1,

    name = "runsc-debian",
    architecture = "amd64",
    data = ":debian-data",
    # Note that the description_file will be flatten (all newlines removed),
    # and therefore it is kept to a simple one-line description. The expected
    # format for debian packages is "short summary\nLonger explanation of
    # tool." and this is impossible with the flattening.
    description_file = "debian/description",
    homepage = "",
    maintainer = "The gVisor Authors <>",
    package = "runsc",
    postinst = "debian/",
    version_file = ":version.txt",
    visibility = [

    name = "version_test",
    size = "small",
    srcs = [""],
    data = [":runsc"],