package(licenses = ["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary") go_binary( name = "runsc", srcs = [ "main.go", ], pure = "on", visibility = [ "//visibility:public", ], x_defs = {"main.gitRevision": "{GIT_REVISION}"}, deps = [ "//pkg/log", "//runsc/boot", "//runsc/cmd", "//runsc/specutils", "@com_github_google_subcommands//:go_default_library", ], ) # The runsc-race target is a race-compatible BUILD target. This must be built # via "bazel build --features=race //runsc:runsc-race", since the race feature # must apply to all dependencies due a bug in gazelle file selection. The pure # attribute must be off because the race detector requires linking with non-Go # components, although we still require a static binary. # # Note that in the future this might be convertible to a compatible target by # using the pure and static attributes within a select function, but select is # not currently compatible with string attributes [1]. # # [1] go_binary( name = "runsc-race", srcs = [ "main.go", ], static = "on", visibility = [ "//visibility:public", ], x_defs = {"main.gitRevision": "{GIT_REVISION}"}, deps = [ "//pkg/log", "//runsc/boot", "//runsc/cmd", "//runsc/specutils", "@com_github_google_subcommands//:go_default_library", ], )