// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package stack

import (


// NIC represents a "network interface card" to which the networking stack is
// attached.
type NIC struct {
	stack    *Stack
	id       tcpip.NICID
	name     string
	linkEP   LinkEndpoint
	loopback bool

	mu            sync.RWMutex
	spoofing      bool
	promiscuous   bool
	primary       map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]*referencedNetworkEndpoint
	endpoints     map[NetworkEndpointID]*referencedNetworkEndpoint
	addressRanges []tcpip.Subnet
	mcastJoins    map[NetworkEndpointID]int32
	// packetEPs is protected by mu, but the contained PacketEndpoint
	// values are not.
	packetEPs map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]PacketEndpoint

	stats NICStats

	// ndp is the NDP related state for NIC.
	// Note, read and write operations on ndp require that the NIC is
	// appropriately locked.
	ndp ndpState

// NICStats includes transmitted and received stats.
type NICStats struct {
	Tx DirectionStats
	Rx DirectionStats

// DirectionStats includes packet and byte counts.
type DirectionStats struct {
	Packets *tcpip.StatCounter
	Bytes   *tcpip.StatCounter

// PrimaryEndpointBehavior is an enumeration of an endpoint's primacy behavior.
type PrimaryEndpointBehavior int

const (
	// CanBePrimaryEndpoint indicates the endpoint can be used as a primary
	// endpoint for new connections with no local address. This is the
	// default when calling NIC.AddAddress.
	CanBePrimaryEndpoint PrimaryEndpointBehavior = iota

	// FirstPrimaryEndpoint indicates the endpoint should be the first
	// primary endpoint considered. If there are multiple endpoints with
	// this behavior, the most recently-added one will be first.

	// NeverPrimaryEndpoint indicates the endpoint should never be a
	// primary endpoint.

// newNIC returns a new NIC using the default NDP configurations from stack.
func newNIC(stack *Stack, id tcpip.NICID, name string, ep LinkEndpoint, loopback bool) *NIC {
	// TODO(b/141011931): Validate a LinkEndpoint (ep) is valid. For
	// example, make sure that the link address it provides is a valid
	// unicast ethernet address.

	// TODO(b/143357959): RFC 8200 section 5 requires that IPv6 endpoints
	// observe an MTU of at least 1280 bytes. Ensure that this requirement
	// of IPv6 is supported on this endpoint's LinkEndpoint.

	nic := &NIC{
		stack:      stack,
		id:         id,
		name:       name,
		linkEP:     ep,
		loopback:   loopback,
		primary:    make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]*referencedNetworkEndpoint),
		endpoints:  make(map[NetworkEndpointID]*referencedNetworkEndpoint),
		mcastJoins: make(map[NetworkEndpointID]int32),
		packetEPs:  make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]PacketEndpoint),
		stats: NICStats{
			Tx: DirectionStats{
				Packets: &tcpip.StatCounter{},
				Bytes:   &tcpip.StatCounter{},
			Rx: DirectionStats{
				Packets: &tcpip.StatCounter{},
				Bytes:   &tcpip.StatCounter{},
		ndp: ndpState{
			configs:        stack.ndpConfigs,
			dad:            make(map[tcpip.Address]dadState),
			defaultRouters: make(map[tcpip.Address]defaultRouterState),
			onLinkPrefixes: make(map[tcpip.Subnet]onLinkPrefixState),
	nic.ndp.nic = nic

	// Register supported packet endpoint protocols.
	for _, netProto := range header.Ethertypes {
		nic.packetEPs[netProto] = []PacketEndpoint{}
	for _, netProto := range stack.networkProtocols {
		nic.packetEPs[netProto.Number()] = []PacketEndpoint{}

	return nic

// enable enables the NIC. enable will attach the link to its LinkEndpoint and
// join the IPv6 All-Nodes Multicast address (ff02::1).
func (n *NIC) enable() *tcpip.Error {

	// Create an endpoint to receive broadcast packets on this interface.
	if _, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[header.IPv4ProtocolNumber]; ok {
		if err := n.AddAddress(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
			Protocol:          header.IPv4ProtocolNumber,
			AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{header.IPv4Broadcast, 8 * header.IPv4AddressSize},
		}, NeverPrimaryEndpoint); err != nil {
			return err

	// Join the IPv6 All-Nodes Multicast group if the stack is configured to
	// use IPv6. This is required to ensure that this node properly receives
	// and responds to the various NDP messages that are destined to the
	// all-nodes multicast address. An example is the Neighbor Advertisement
	// when we perform Duplicate Address Detection, or Router Advertisement
	// when we do Router Discovery. See RFC 4862, section 5.4.2 and RFC 4861
	// section 4.2 for more information.
	// Also auto-generate an IPv6 link-local address based on the NIC's
	// link address if it is configured to do so. Note, each interface is
	// required to have IPv6 link-local unicast address, as per RFC 4291
	// section 2.1.
	_, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[header.IPv6ProtocolNumber]
	if !ok {
		return nil

	defer n.mu.Unlock()

	if err := n.joinGroupLocked(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress); err != nil {
		return err

	if !n.stack.autoGenIPv6LinkLocal {
		return nil

	l2addr := n.linkEP.LinkAddress()

	// Only attempt to generate the link-local address if we have a
	// valid MAC address.
	// TODO(b/141011931): Validate a LinkEndpoint's link address
	// (provided by LinkEndpoint.LinkAddress) before reaching this
	// point.
	if !header.IsValidUnicastEthernetAddress(l2addr) {
		return nil

	addr := header.LinkLocalAddr(l2addr)

	_, err := n.addPermanentAddressLocked(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
		Protocol: header.IPv6ProtocolNumber,
		AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
			Address:   addr,
			PrefixLen: header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.PrefixLen,
	}, CanBePrimaryEndpoint)

	return err

// attachLinkEndpoint attaches the NIC to the endpoint, which will enable it
// to start delivering packets.
func (n *NIC) attachLinkEndpoint() {

// setPromiscuousMode enables or disables promiscuous mode.
func (n *NIC) setPromiscuousMode(enable bool) {
	n.promiscuous = enable

func (n *NIC) isPromiscuousMode() bool {
	rv := n.promiscuous
	return rv

// setSpoofing enables or disables address spoofing.
func (n *NIC) setSpoofing(enable bool) {
	n.spoofing = enable

// primaryEndpoint returns the primary endpoint of n for the given network
// protocol.
func (n *NIC) primaryEndpoint(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
	defer n.mu.RUnlock()

	for _, r := range n.primary[protocol] {
		if r.isValidForOutgoing() && r.tryIncRef() {
			return r

	return nil

func (n *NIC) getRef(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, dst tcpip.Address) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
	return n.getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol, dst, CanBePrimaryEndpoint, n.promiscuous)

// findEndpoint finds the endpoint, if any, with the given address.
func (n *NIC) findEndpoint(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, address tcpip.Address, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
	return n.getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol, address, peb, n.spoofing)

// getRefEpOrCreateTemp returns the referenced network endpoint for the given
// protocol and address. If none exists a temporary one may be created if
// we are in promiscuous mode or spoofing.
func (n *NIC) getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, address tcpip.Address, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior, spoofingOrPromiscuous bool) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
	id := NetworkEndpointID{address}


	if ref, ok := n.endpoints[id]; ok {
		// An endpoint with this id exists, check if it can be used and return it.
		switch ref.getKind() {
		case permanentExpired:
			if !spoofingOrPromiscuous {
				return nil
		case temporary, permanent:
			if ref.tryIncRef() {
				return ref

	// A usable reference was not found, create a temporary one if requested by
	// the caller or if the address is found in the NIC's subnets.
	createTempEP := spoofingOrPromiscuous
	if !createTempEP {
		for _, sn := range n.addressRanges {
			// Skip the subnet address.
			if address == sn.ID() {
			// For now just skip the broadcast address, until we support it.
			// FIXME(b/137608825): Add support for sending/receiving directed
			// (subnet) broadcast.
			if address == sn.Broadcast() {
			if sn.Contains(address) {
				createTempEP = true


	if !createTempEP {
		return nil

	// Try again with the lock in exclusive mode. If we still can't get the
	// endpoint, create a new "temporary" endpoint. It will only exist while
	// there's a route through it.
	if ref, ok := n.endpoints[id]; ok {
		// No need to check the type as we are ok with expired endpoints at this
		// point.
		if ref.tryIncRef() {
			return ref
		// tryIncRef failing means the endpoint is scheduled to be removed once the
		// lock is released. Remove it here so we can create a new (temporary) one.
		// The removal logic waiting for the lock handles this case.

	// Add a new temporary endpoint.
	netProto, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[protocol]
	if !ok {
		return nil
	ref, _ := n.addAddressLocked(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
		Protocol: protocol,
		AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
			Address:   address,
			PrefixLen: netProto.DefaultPrefixLen(),
	}, peb, temporary)

	return ref

func (n *NIC) addPermanentAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) (*referencedNetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
	id := NetworkEndpointID{protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address}
	if ref, ok := n.endpoints[id]; ok {
		switch ref.getKind() {
		case permanentTentative, permanent:
			// The NIC already have a permanent endpoint with that address.
			return nil, tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress
		case permanentExpired, temporary:
			// Promote the endpoint to become permanent and respect
			// the new peb.
			if ref.tryIncRef() {

				refs := n.primary[ref.protocol]
				for i, r := range refs {
					if r == ref {
						switch peb {
						case CanBePrimaryEndpoint:
							return ref, nil
						case FirstPrimaryEndpoint:
							if i == 0 {
								return ref, nil
							n.primary[r.protocol] = append(refs[:i], refs[i+1:]...)
						case NeverPrimaryEndpoint:
							n.primary[r.protocol] = append(refs[:i], refs[i+1:]...)
							return ref, nil

				n.insertPrimaryEndpointLocked(ref, peb)

				return ref, nil
			// tryIncRef failing means the endpoint is scheduled to be removed once
			// the lock is released. Remove it here so we can create a new
			// (permanent) one. The removal logic waiting for the lock handles this
			// case.

	return n.addAddressLocked(protocolAddress, peb, permanent)

func (n *NIC) addAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior, kind networkEndpointKind) (*referencedNetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
	// TODO(b/141022673): Validate IP address before adding them.

	// Sanity check.
	id := NetworkEndpointID{protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address}
	if _, ok := n.endpoints[id]; ok {
		// Endpoint already exists.
		return nil, tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress

	netProto, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[protocolAddress.Protocol]
	if !ok {
		return nil, tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocol

	// Create the new network endpoint.
	ep, err := netProto.NewEndpoint(n.id, protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix, n.stack, n, n.linkEP)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	isIPv6Unicast := protocolAddress.Protocol == header.IPv6ProtocolNumber && header.IsV6UnicastAddress(protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address)

	// If the address is an IPv6 address and it is a permanent address,
	// mark it as tentative so it goes through the DAD process.
	if isIPv6Unicast && kind == permanent {
		kind = permanentTentative

	ref := &referencedNetworkEndpoint{
		refs:     1,
		ep:       ep,
		nic:      n,
		protocol: protocolAddress.Protocol,
		kind:     kind,

	// Set up cache if link address resolution exists for this protocol.
	if n.linkEP.Capabilities()&CapabilityResolutionRequired != 0 {
		if _, ok := n.stack.linkAddrResolvers[protocolAddress.Protocol]; ok {
			ref.linkCache = n.stack

	// If we are adding an IPv6 unicast address, join the solicited-node
	// multicast address.
	if isIPv6Unicast {
		snmc := header.SolicitedNodeAddr(protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address)
		if err := n.joinGroupLocked(protocolAddress.Protocol, snmc); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	n.endpoints[id] = ref

	n.insertPrimaryEndpointLocked(ref, peb)

	// If we are adding a tentative IPv6 address, start DAD.
	if isIPv6Unicast && kind == permanentTentative {
		if err := n.ndp.startDuplicateAddressDetection(protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address, ref); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return ref, nil

// AddAddress adds a new address to n, so that it starts accepting packets
// targeted at the given address (and network protocol).
func (n *NIC) AddAddress(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) *tcpip.Error {
	// Add the endpoint.
	_, err := n.addPermanentAddressLocked(protocolAddress, peb)

	return err

// AllAddresses returns all addresses (primary and non-primary) associated with
// this NIC.
func (n *NIC) AllAddresses() []tcpip.ProtocolAddress {
	defer n.mu.RUnlock()

	addrs := make([]tcpip.ProtocolAddress, 0, len(n.endpoints))
	for nid, ref := range n.endpoints {
		// Don't include tentative, expired or temporary endpoints to
		// avoid confusion and prevent the caller from using those.
		switch ref.getKind() {
		case permanentTentative, permanentExpired, temporary:
			// TODO(b/140898488): Should tentative addresses be
			//                    returned?
		addrs = append(addrs, tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
			Protocol: ref.protocol,
			AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
				Address:   nid.LocalAddress,
				PrefixLen: ref.ep.PrefixLen(),
	return addrs

// PrimaryAddresses returns the primary addresses associated with this NIC.
func (n *NIC) PrimaryAddresses() []tcpip.ProtocolAddress {
	defer n.mu.RUnlock()

	var addrs []tcpip.ProtocolAddress
	for proto, list := range n.primary {
		for _, ref := range list {
			// Don't include tentative, expired or tempory endpoints
			// to avoid confusion and prevent the caller from using
			// those.
			switch ref.getKind() {
			case permanentTentative, permanentExpired, temporary:

			addrs = append(addrs, tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
				Protocol: proto,
				AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
					Address:   ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress,
					PrefixLen: ref.ep.PrefixLen(),
	return addrs

// AddAddressRange adds a range of addresses to n, so that it starts accepting
// packets targeted at the given addresses and network protocol. The range is
// given by a subnet address, and all addresses contained in the subnet are
// used except for the subnet address itself and the subnet's broadcast
// address.
func (n *NIC) AddAddressRange(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, subnet tcpip.Subnet) {
	n.addressRanges = append(n.addressRanges, subnet)

// RemoveAddressRange removes the given address range from n.
func (n *NIC) RemoveAddressRange(subnet tcpip.Subnet) {

	// Use the same underlying array.
	tmp := n.addressRanges[:0]
	for _, sub := range n.addressRanges {
		if sub != subnet {
			tmp = append(tmp, sub)
	n.addressRanges = tmp


// Subnets returns the Subnets associated with this NIC.
func (n *NIC) AddressRanges() []tcpip.Subnet {
	defer n.mu.RUnlock()
	sns := make([]tcpip.Subnet, 0, len(n.addressRanges)+len(n.endpoints))
	for nid := range n.endpoints {
		sn, err := tcpip.NewSubnet(nid.LocalAddress, tcpip.AddressMask(strings.Repeat("\xff", len(nid.LocalAddress))))
		if err != nil {
			// This should never happen as the mask has been carefully crafted to
			// match the address.
			panic("Invalid endpoint subnet: " + err.Error())
		sns = append(sns, sn)
	return append(sns, n.addressRanges...)

// insertPrimaryEndpointLocked adds r to n's primary endpoint list as required
// by peb.
// n MUST be locked.
func (n *NIC) insertPrimaryEndpointLocked(r *referencedNetworkEndpoint, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) {
	switch peb {
	case CanBePrimaryEndpoint:
		n.primary[r.protocol] = append(n.primary[r.protocol], r)
	case FirstPrimaryEndpoint:
		n.primary[r.protocol] = append([]*referencedNetworkEndpoint{r}, n.primary[r.protocol]...)

func (n *NIC) removeEndpointLocked(r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) {
	id := *r.ep.ID()

	// Nothing to do if the reference has already been replaced with a different
	// one. This happens in the case where 1) this endpoint's ref count hit zero
	// and was waiting (on the lock) to be removed and 2) the same address was
	// re-added in the meantime by removing this endpoint from the list and
	// adding a new one.
	if n.endpoints[id] != r {

	if r.getKind() == permanent {
		panic("Reference count dropped to zero before being removed")

	delete(n.endpoints, id)
	refs := n.primary[r.protocol]
	for i, ref := range refs {
		if ref == r {
			n.primary[r.protocol] = append(refs[:i], refs[i+1:]...)


func (n *NIC) removeEndpoint(r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) {

func (n *NIC) removePermanentAddressLocked(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
	r, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
	if !ok {
		return tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress

	kind := r.getKind()
	if kind != permanent && kind != permanentTentative {
		return tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress

	isIPv6Unicast := r.protocol == header.IPv6ProtocolNumber && header.IsV6UnicastAddress(addr)

	// If we are removing a tentative IPv6 unicast address, stop DAD.
	if isIPv6Unicast && kind == permanentTentative {

	if !r.decRefLocked() {
		// The endpoint still has references to it.
		return nil

	// At this point the endpoint is deleted.

	// If we are removing an IPv6 unicast address, leave the solicited-node
	// multicast address.
	if isIPv6Unicast {
		snmc := header.SolicitedNodeAddr(addr)
		if err := n.leaveGroupLocked(snmc); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

// RemoveAddress removes an address from n.
func (n *NIC) RemoveAddress(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
	defer n.mu.Unlock()
	return n.removePermanentAddressLocked(addr)

// joinGroup adds a new endpoint for the given multicast address, if none
// exists yet. Otherwise it just increments its count.
func (n *NIC) joinGroup(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
	defer n.mu.Unlock()

	return n.joinGroupLocked(protocol, addr)

// joinGroupLocked adds a new endpoint for the given multicast address, if none
// exists yet. Otherwise it just increments its count. n MUST be locked before
// joinGroupLocked is called.
func (n *NIC) joinGroupLocked(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
	// TODO(b/143102137): When implementing MLD, make sure MLD packets are
	// not sent unless a valid link-local address is available for use on n
	// as an MLD packet's source address must be a link-local address as
	// outlined in RFC 3810 section 5.

	id := NetworkEndpointID{addr}
	joins := n.mcastJoins[id]
	if joins == 0 {
		netProto, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[protocol]
		if !ok {
			return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocol
		if _, err := n.addPermanentAddressLocked(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
			Protocol: protocol,
			AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
				Address:   addr,
				PrefixLen: netProto.DefaultPrefixLen(),
		}, NeverPrimaryEndpoint); err != nil {
			return err
	n.mcastJoins[id] = joins + 1
	return nil

// leaveGroup decrements the count for the given multicast address, and when it
// reaches zero removes the endpoint for this address.
func (n *NIC) leaveGroup(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
	defer n.mu.Unlock()

	return n.leaveGroupLocked(addr)

// leaveGroupLocked decrements the count for the given multicast address, and
// when it reaches zero removes the endpoint for this address. n MUST be locked
// before leaveGroupLocked is called.
func (n *NIC) leaveGroupLocked(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
	id := NetworkEndpointID{addr}
	joins := n.mcastJoins[id]
	switch joins {
	case 0:
		// There are no joins with this address on this NIC.
		return tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress
	case 1:
		// This is the last one, clean up.
		if err := n.removePermanentAddressLocked(addr); err != nil {
			return err
	n.mcastJoins[id] = joins - 1
	return nil

func handlePacket(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, dst, src tcpip.Address, localLinkAddr, remotelinkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress, ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint, pkt tcpip.PacketBuffer) {
	r := makeRoute(protocol, dst, src, localLinkAddr, ref, false /* handleLocal */, false /* multicastLoop */)
	r.RemoteLinkAddress = remotelinkAddr
	ref.ep.HandlePacket(&r, pkt)

// DeliverNetworkPacket finds the appropriate network protocol endpoint and
// hands the packet over for further processing. This function is called when
// the NIC receives a packet from the physical interface.
// Note that the ownership of the slice backing vv is retained by the caller.
// This rule applies only to the slice itself, not to the items of the slice;
// the ownership of the items is not retained by the caller.
func (n *NIC) DeliverNetworkPacket(linkEP LinkEndpoint, remote, local tcpip.LinkAddress, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt tcpip.PacketBuffer) {

	netProto, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[protocol]
	if !ok {

	// If no local link layer address is provided, assume it was sent
	// directly to this NIC.
	if local == "" {
		local = n.linkEP.LinkAddress()

	// Are any packet sockets listening for this network protocol?
	packetEPs := n.packetEPs[protocol]
	// Check whether there are packet sockets listening for every protocol.
	// If we received a packet with protocol EthernetProtocolAll, then the
	// previous for loop will have handled it.
	if protocol != header.EthernetProtocolAll {
		packetEPs = append(packetEPs, n.packetEPs[header.EthernetProtocolAll]...)
	for _, ep := range packetEPs {
		ep.HandlePacket(n.id, local, protocol, pkt.Clone())

	if netProto.Number() == header.IPv4ProtocolNumber || netProto.Number() == header.IPv6ProtocolNumber {

	if len(pkt.Data.First()) < netProto.MinimumPacketSize() {

	src, dst := netProto.ParseAddresses(pkt.Data.First())

	if ref := n.getRef(protocol, dst); ref != nil {
		handlePacket(protocol, dst, src, linkEP.LinkAddress(), remote, ref, pkt)

	// This NIC doesn't care about the packet. Find a NIC that cares about the
	// packet and forward it to the NIC.
	// TODO: Should we be forwarding the packet even if promiscuous?
	if n.stack.Forwarding() {
		r, err := n.stack.FindRoute(0, "", dst, protocol, false /* multicastLoop */)
		if err != nil {
		defer r.Release()

		r.LocalLinkAddress = n.linkEP.LinkAddress()
		r.RemoteLinkAddress = remote

		// Found a NIC.
		n := r.ref.nic
		ref, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{dst}]
		ok = ok && ref.isValidForOutgoing() && ref.tryIncRef()
		if ok {
			r.RemoteAddress = src
			// TODO(b/123449044): Update the source NIC as well.
			ref.ep.HandlePacket(&r, pkt)
		} else {
			// n doesn't have a destination endpoint.
			// Send the packet out of n.
			hdr := buffer.NewPrependableFromView(pkt.Data.First())

			// TODO(b/128629022): use route.WritePacket.
			if err := n.linkEP.WritePacket(&r, nil /* gso */, hdr, pkt.Data, protocol); err != nil {
			} else {
				n.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(hdr.UsedLength() + pkt.Data.Size()))

	// If a packet socket handled the packet, don't treat it as invalid.
	if len(packetEPs) == 0 {

// DeliverTransportPacket delivers the packets to the appropriate transport
// protocol endpoint.
func (n *NIC) DeliverTransportPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, pkt tcpip.PacketBuffer) {
	state, ok := n.stack.transportProtocols[protocol]
	if !ok {

	transProto := state.proto

	// Raw socket packets are delivered based solely on the transport
	// protocol number. We do not inspect the payload to ensure it's
	// validly formed.
	n.stack.demux.deliverRawPacket(r, protocol, pkt)

	if len(pkt.Data.First()) < transProto.MinimumPacketSize() {

	srcPort, dstPort, err := transProto.ParsePorts(pkt.Data.First())
	if err != nil {

	id := TransportEndpointID{dstPort, r.LocalAddress, srcPort, r.RemoteAddress}
	if n.stack.demux.deliverPacket(r, protocol, pkt, id) {

	// Try to deliver to per-stack default handler.
	if state.defaultHandler != nil {
		if state.defaultHandler(r, id, pkt) {

	// We could not find an appropriate destination for this packet, so
	// deliver it to the global handler.
	if !transProto.HandleUnknownDestinationPacket(r, id, pkt) {

// DeliverTransportControlPacket delivers control packets to the appropriate
// transport protocol endpoint.
func (n *NIC) DeliverTransportControlPacket(local, remote tcpip.Address, net tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, trans tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, typ ControlType, extra uint32, pkt tcpip.PacketBuffer) {
	state, ok := n.stack.transportProtocols[trans]
	if !ok {

	transProto := state.proto

	// ICMPv4 only guarantees that 8 bytes of the transport protocol will
	// be present in the payload. We know that the ports are within the
	// first 8 bytes for all known transport protocols.
	if len(pkt.Data.First()) < 8 {

	srcPort, dstPort, err := transProto.ParsePorts(pkt.Data.First())
	if err != nil {

	id := TransportEndpointID{srcPort, local, dstPort, remote}
	if n.stack.demux.deliverControlPacket(n, net, trans, typ, extra, pkt, id) {

// ID returns the identifier of n.
func (n *NIC) ID() tcpip.NICID {
	return n.id

// Stack returns the instance of the Stack that owns this NIC.
func (n *NIC) Stack() *Stack {
	return n.stack

// isAddrTentative returns true if addr is tentative on n.
// Note that if addr is not associated with n, then this function will return
// false. It will only return true if the address is associated with the NIC
// AND it is tentative.
func (n *NIC) isAddrTentative(addr tcpip.Address) bool {
	ref, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
	if !ok {
		return false

	return ref.getKind() == permanentTentative

// dupTentativeAddrDetected attempts to inform n that a tentative addr
// is a duplicate on a link.
// dupTentativeAddrDetected will delete the tentative address if it exists.
func (n *NIC) dupTentativeAddrDetected(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
	defer n.mu.Unlock()

	ref, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
	if !ok {
		return tcpip.ErrBadAddress

	if ref.getKind() != permanentTentative {
		return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState

	return n.removePermanentAddressLocked(addr)

// setNDPConfigs sets the NDP configurations for n.
// Note, if c contains invalid NDP configuration values, it will be fixed to
// use default values for the erroneous values.
func (n *NIC) setNDPConfigs(c NDPConfigurations) {

	n.ndp.configs = c

// handleNDPRA handles an NDP Router Advertisement message that arrived on n.
func (n *NIC) handleNDPRA(ip tcpip.Address, ra header.NDPRouterAdvert) {
	defer n.mu.Unlock()

	n.ndp.handleRA(ip, ra)

type networkEndpointKind int32

const (
	// A permanentTentative endpoint is a permanent address that is not yet
	// considered to be fully bound to an interface in the traditional
	// sense. That is, the address is associated with a NIC, but packets
	// destined to the address MUST NOT be accepted and MUST be silently
	// dropped, and the address MUST NOT be used as a source address for
	// outgoing packets. For IPv6, addresses will be of this kind until
	// NDP's Duplicate Address Detection has resolved, or be deleted if
	// the process results in detecting a duplicate address.
	permanentTentative networkEndpointKind = iota

	// A permanent endpoint is created by adding a permanent address (vs. a
	// temporary one) to the NIC. Its reference count is biased by 1 to avoid
	// removal when no route holds a reference to it. It is removed by explicitly
	// removing the permanent address from the NIC.

	// An expired permanent endoint is a permanent endoint that had its address
	// removed from the NIC, and it is waiting to be removed once no more routes
	// hold a reference to it. This is achieved by decreasing its reference count
	// by 1. If its address is re-added before the endpoint is removed, its type
	// changes back to permanent and its reference count increases by 1 again.

	// A temporary endpoint is created for spoofing outgoing packets, or when in
	// promiscuous mode and accepting incoming packets that don't match any
	// permanent endpoint. Its reference count is not biased by 1 and the
	// endpoint is removed immediately when no more route holds a reference to
	// it. A temporary endpoint can be promoted to permanent if its address
	// is added permanently.

func (n *NIC) registerPacketEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, ep PacketEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
	defer n.mu.Unlock()

	eps, ok := n.packetEPs[netProto]
	if !ok {
		return tcpip.ErrNotSupported
	n.packetEPs[netProto] = append(eps, ep)

	return nil

func (n *NIC) unregisterPacketEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, ep PacketEndpoint) {
	defer n.mu.Unlock()

	eps, ok := n.packetEPs[netProto]
	if !ok {

	for i, epOther := range eps {
		if epOther == ep {
			n.packetEPs[netProto] = append(eps[:i], eps[i+1:]...)

type referencedNetworkEndpoint struct {
	ep       NetworkEndpoint
	nic      *NIC
	protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber

	// linkCache is set if link address resolution is enabled for this
	// protocol. Set to nil otherwise.
	linkCache LinkAddressCache

	// refs is counting references held for this endpoint. When refs hits zero it
	// triggers the automatic removal of the endpoint from the NIC.
	refs int32

	// networkEndpointKind must only be accessed using {get,set}Kind().
	kind networkEndpointKind

func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) getKind() networkEndpointKind {
	return networkEndpointKind(atomic.LoadInt32((*int32)(&r.kind)))

func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) setKind(kind networkEndpointKind) {
	atomic.StoreInt32((*int32)(&r.kind), int32(kind))

// isValidForOutgoing returns true if the endpoint can be used to send out a
// packet. It requires the endpoint to not be marked expired (i.e., its address
// has been removed), or the NIC to be in spoofing mode.
func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) isValidForOutgoing() bool {
	return r.getKind() != permanentExpired || r.nic.spoofing

// isValidForIncoming returns true if the endpoint can accept an incoming
// packet. It requires the endpoint to not be marked expired (i.e., its address
// has been removed), or the NIC to be in promiscuous mode.
func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) isValidForIncoming() bool {
	return r.getKind() != permanentExpired || r.nic.promiscuous

// decRef decrements the ref count and cleans up the endpoint once it reaches
// zero.
func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) decRef() {
	if atomic.AddInt32(&r.refs, -1) == 0 {

// decRefLocked is the same as decRef but assumes that the NIC.mu mutex is
// locked. Returns true if the endpoint was removed.
func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) decRefLocked() bool {
	if atomic.AddInt32(&r.refs, -1) == 0 {
		return true

	return false

// incRef increments the ref count. It must only be called when the caller is
// known to be holding a reference to the endpoint, otherwise tryIncRef should
// be used.
func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) incRef() {
	atomic.AddInt32(&r.refs, 1)

// tryIncRef attempts to increment the ref count from n to n+1, but only if n is
// not zero. That is, it will increment the count if the endpoint is still
// alive, and do nothing if it has already been clean up.
func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) tryIncRef() bool {
	for {
		v := atomic.LoadInt32(&r.refs)
		if v == 0 {
			return false

		if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&r.refs, v, v+1) {
			return true

// stack returns the Stack instance that owns the underlying endpoint.
func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) stack() *Stack {
	return r.nic.stack