// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package stack

import (


var _ GroupAddressableEndpoint = (*AddressableEndpointState)(nil)
var _ AddressableEndpoint = (*AddressableEndpointState)(nil)

// AddressableEndpointState is an implementation of an AddressableEndpoint.
type AddressableEndpointState struct {
	networkEndpoint NetworkEndpoint

	// Lock ordering (from outer to inner lock ordering):
	// AddressableEndpointState.mu
	//   addressState.mu
	mu struct {

		endpoints map[tcpip.Address]*addressState
		primary   []*addressState

		// groups holds the mapping between group addresses and the number of times
		// they have been joined.
		groups map[tcpip.Address]uint32

// Init initializes the AddressableEndpointState with networkEndpoint.
// Must be called before calling any other function on m.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) Init(networkEndpoint NetworkEndpoint) {
	a.networkEndpoint = networkEndpoint

	defer a.mu.Unlock()
	a.mu.endpoints = make(map[tcpip.Address]*addressState)
	a.mu.groups = make(map[tcpip.Address]uint32)

// ReadOnlyAddressableEndpointState provides read-only access to an
// AddressableEndpointState.
type ReadOnlyAddressableEndpointState struct {
	inner *AddressableEndpointState

// AddrOrMatching returns an endpoint for the passed address that is consisdered
// bound to the wrapped AddressableEndpointState.
// If addr is an exact match with an existing address, that address is returned.
// Otherwise, f is called with each address and the address that f returns true
// for is returned.
// Returns nil of no address matches.
func (m ReadOnlyAddressableEndpointState) AddrOrMatching(addr tcpip.Address, spoofingOrPrimiscuous bool, f func(AddressEndpoint) bool) AddressEndpoint {
	defer m.inner.mu.RUnlock()

	if ep, ok := m.inner.mu.endpoints[addr]; ok {
		if ep.IsAssigned(spoofingOrPrimiscuous) && ep.IncRef() {
			return ep

	for _, ep := range m.inner.mu.endpoints {
		if ep.IsAssigned(spoofingOrPrimiscuous) && f(ep) && ep.IncRef() {
			return ep

	return nil

// Lookup returns the AddressEndpoint for the passed address.
// Returns nil if the passed address is not associated with the
// AddressableEndpointState.
func (m ReadOnlyAddressableEndpointState) Lookup(addr tcpip.Address) AddressEndpoint {
	defer m.inner.mu.RUnlock()

	ep, ok := m.inner.mu.endpoints[addr]
	if !ok {
		return nil
	return ep

// ForEach calls f for each address pair.
// If f returns false, f is no longer be called.
func (m ReadOnlyAddressableEndpointState) ForEach(f func(AddressEndpoint) bool) {
	defer m.inner.mu.RUnlock()

	for _, ep := range m.inner.mu.endpoints {
		if !f(ep) {

// ForEachPrimaryEndpoint calls f for each primary address.
// If f returns false, f is no longer be called.
func (m ReadOnlyAddressableEndpointState) ForEachPrimaryEndpoint(f func(AddressEndpoint)) {
	defer m.inner.mu.RUnlock()
	for _, ep := range m.inner.mu.primary {

// ReadOnly returns a readonly reference to a.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) ReadOnly() ReadOnlyAddressableEndpointState {
	return ReadOnlyAddressableEndpointState{inner: a}

func (a *AddressableEndpointState) releaseAddressState(addrState *addressState) {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()

// releaseAddressState removes addrState from s's address state (primary and endpoints list).
// Preconditions: a.mu must be write locked.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) releaseAddressStateLocked(addrState *addressState) {
	oldPrimary := a.mu.primary
	for i, s := range a.mu.primary {
		if s == addrState {
			a.mu.primary = append(a.mu.primary[:i], a.mu.primary[i+1:]...)
			oldPrimary[len(oldPrimary)-1] = nil
	delete(a.mu.endpoints, addrState.addr.Address)

// AddAndAcquirePermanentAddress implements AddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) AddAndAcquirePermanentAddress(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior, configType AddressConfigType, deprecated bool) (AddressEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()
	ep, err := a.addAndAcquireAddressLocked(addr, peb, configType, deprecated, true /* permanent */)
	// From https://golang.org/doc/faq#nil_error:
	// Under the covers, interfaces are implemented as two elements, a type T and
	// a value V.
	// An interface value is nil only if the V and T are both unset, (T=nil, V is
	// not set), In particular, a nil interface will always hold a nil type. If we
	// store a nil pointer of type *int inside an interface value, the inner type
	// will be *int regardless of the value of the pointer: (T=*int, V=nil). Such
	// an interface value will therefore be non-nil even when the pointer value V
	// inside is nil.
	// Since addAndAcquireAddressLocked returns a nil value with a non-nil type,
	// we need to explicitly return nil below if ep is (a typed) nil.
	if ep == nil {
		return nil, err
	return ep, err

// AddAndAcquireTemporaryAddress adds a temporary address.
// Returns tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress if the address exists.
// The temporary address's endpoint is acquired and returned.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) AddAndAcquireTemporaryAddress(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) (AddressEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()
	ep, err := a.addAndAcquireAddressLocked(addr, peb, AddressConfigStatic, false /* deprecated */, false /* permanent */)
	// From https://golang.org/doc/faq#nil_error:
	// Under the covers, interfaces are implemented as two elements, a type T and
	// a value V.
	// An interface value is nil only if the V and T are both unset, (T=nil, V is
	// not set), In particular, a nil interface will always hold a nil type. If we
	// store a nil pointer of type *int inside an interface value, the inner type
	// will be *int regardless of the value of the pointer: (T=*int, V=nil). Such
	// an interface value will therefore be non-nil even when the pointer value V
	// inside is nil.
	// Since addAndAcquireAddressLocked returns a nil value with a non-nil type,
	// we need to explicitly return nil below if ep is (a typed) nil.
	if ep == nil {
		return nil, err
	return ep, err

// addAndAcquireAddressLocked adds, acquires and returns a permanent or
// temporary address.
// If the addressable endpoint already has the address in a non-permanent state,
// and addAndAcquireAddressLocked is adding a permanent address, that address is
// promoted in place and its properties set to the properties provided. If the
// address already exists in any other state, then tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress is
// returned, regardless the kind of address that is being added.
// Precondition: a.mu must be write locked.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) addAndAcquireAddressLocked(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior, configType AddressConfigType, deprecated, permanent bool) (*addressState, *tcpip.Error) {
	// attemptAddToPrimary is false when the address is already in the primary
	// address list.
	attemptAddToPrimary := true
	addrState, ok := a.mu.endpoints[addr.Address]
	if ok {
		if !permanent {
			// We are adding a non-permanent address but the address exists. No need
			// to go any further since we can only promote existing temporary/expired
			// addresses to permanent.
			return nil, tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress

		if addrState.mu.kind.IsPermanent() {
			// We are adding a permanent address but a permanent address already
			// exists.
			return nil, tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress

		if addrState.mu.refs == 0 {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("found an address that should have been released (ref count == 0); address = %s", addrState.addr))

		// We now promote the address.
		for i, s := range a.mu.primary {
			if s == addrState {
				switch peb {
				case CanBePrimaryEndpoint:
					// The address is already in the primary address list.
					attemptAddToPrimary = false
				case FirstPrimaryEndpoint:
					if i == 0 {
						// The address is already first in the primary address list.
						attemptAddToPrimary = false
					} else {
						a.mu.primary = append(a.mu.primary[:i], a.mu.primary[i+1:]...)
				case NeverPrimaryEndpoint:
					a.mu.primary = append(a.mu.primary[:i], a.mu.primary[i+1:]...)
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized primary endpoint behaviour = %d", peb))

	if addrState == nil {
		addrState = &addressState{
			addressableEndpointState: a,
			addr:                     addr,
		a.mu.endpoints[addr.Address] = addrState
		// We never promote an address to temporary - it can only be added as such.
		// If we are actaully adding a permanent address, it is promoted below.
		addrState.mu.kind = Temporary

	// At this point we have an address we are either promoting from an expired or
	// temporary address to permanent, promoting an expired address to temporary,
	// or we are adding a new temporary or permanent address.
	// The address MUST be write locked at this point.
	defer addrState.mu.Unlock()

	if permanent {
		if addrState.mu.kind.IsPermanent() {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("only non-permanent addresses should be promoted to permanent; address = %s", addrState.addr))

		// Primary addresses are biased by 1.
		addrState.mu.kind = Permanent
	// Acquire the address before returning it.
	addrState.mu.deprecated = deprecated
	addrState.mu.configType = configType

	if attemptAddToPrimary {
		switch peb {
		case NeverPrimaryEndpoint:
		case CanBePrimaryEndpoint:
			a.mu.primary = append(a.mu.primary, addrState)
		case FirstPrimaryEndpoint:
			if cap(a.mu.primary) == len(a.mu.primary) {
				a.mu.primary = append([]*addressState{addrState}, a.mu.primary...)
			} else {
				// Shift all the endpoints by 1 to make room for the new address at the
				// front. We could have just created a new slice but this saves
				// allocations when the slice has capacity for the new address.
				primaryCount := len(a.mu.primary)
				a.mu.primary = append(a.mu.primary, nil)
				if n := copy(a.mu.primary[1:], a.mu.primary); n != primaryCount {
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("copied %d elements; expected = %d elements", n, primaryCount))
				a.mu.primary[0] = addrState
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized primary endpoint behaviour = %d", peb))

	return addrState, nil

// RemovePermanentAddress implements AddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) RemovePermanentAddress(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()

	if _, ok := a.mu.groups[addr]; ok {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("group address = %s must be removed with LeaveGroup", addr))

	return a.removePermanentAddressLocked(addr)

// removePermanentAddressLocked is like RemovePermanentAddress but with locking
// requirements.
// Precondition: a.mu must be write locked.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) removePermanentAddressLocked(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
	addrState, ok := a.mu.endpoints[addr]
	if !ok {
		return tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress

	return a.removePermanentEndpointLocked(addrState)

// RemovePermanentEndpoint removes the passed endpoint if it is associated with
// a and permanent.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) RemovePermanentEndpoint(ep AddressEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
	addrState, ok := ep.(*addressState)
	if !ok || addrState.addressableEndpointState != a {
		return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState

	defer a.mu.Unlock()
	return a.removePermanentEndpointLocked(addrState)

// removePermanentAddressLocked is like RemovePermanentAddress but with locking
// requirements.
// Precondition: a.mu must be write locked.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) removePermanentEndpointLocked(addrState *addressState) *tcpip.Error {
	if !addrState.GetKind().IsPermanent() {
		return tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress

	return nil

// decAddressRef decrements the address's reference count and releases it once
// the reference count hits 0.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) decAddressRef(addrState *addressState) {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()

// decAddressRefLocked is like decAddressRef but with locking requirements.
// Precondition: a.mu must be write locked.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) decAddressRefLocked(addrState *addressState) {
	defer addrState.mu.Unlock()

	if addrState.mu.refs == 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("attempted to decrease ref count for AddressEndpoint w/ addr = %s when it is already released", addrState.addr))


	if addrState.mu.refs != 0 {

	// A non-expired permanent address must not have its reference count dropped
	// to 0.
	if addrState.mu.kind.IsPermanent() {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("permanent addresses should be removed through the AddressableEndpoint: addr = %s, kind = %d", addrState.addr, addrState.mu.kind))


// MainAddress implements AddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) MainAddress() tcpip.AddressWithPrefix {
	defer a.mu.RUnlock()

	ep := a.acquirePrimaryAddressRLocked(func(ep *addressState) bool {
		return ep.GetKind() == Permanent
	if ep == nil {
		return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}

	addr := ep.AddressWithPrefix()
	return addr

// acquirePrimaryAddressRLocked returns an acquired primary address that is
// valid according to isValid.
// Precondition: e.mu must be read locked
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) acquirePrimaryAddressRLocked(isValid func(*addressState) bool) *addressState {
	var deprecatedEndpoint *addressState
	for _, ep := range a.mu.primary {
		if !isValid(ep) {

		if !ep.Deprecated() {
			if ep.IncRef() {
				// ep is not deprecated, so return it immediately.
				// If we kept track of a deprecated endpoint, decrement its reference
				// count since it was incremented when we decided to keep track of it.
				if deprecatedEndpoint != nil {
					deprecatedEndpoint = nil

				return ep
		} else if deprecatedEndpoint == nil && ep.IncRef() {
			// We prefer an endpoint that is not deprecated, but we keep track of
			// ep in case a doesn't have any non-deprecated endpoints.
			// If we end up finding a more preferred endpoint, ep's reference count
			// will be decremented.
			deprecatedEndpoint = ep

	return deprecatedEndpoint

// AcquireAssignedAddress implements AddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) AcquireAssignedAddress(localAddr tcpip.Address, allowTemp bool, tempPEB PrimaryEndpointBehavior) AddressEndpoint {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()

	if addrState, ok := a.mu.endpoints[localAddr]; ok {
		if !addrState.IsAssigned(allowTemp) {
			return nil

		if !addrState.IncRef() {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to increase the reference count for address = %s", addrState.addr))

		return addrState

	if !allowTemp {
		return nil

	addr := localAddr.WithPrefix()
	ep, err := a.addAndAcquireAddressLocked(addr, tempPEB, AddressConfigStatic, false /* deprecated */, false /* permanent */)
	if err != nil {
		// addAndAcquireAddressLocked only returns an error if the address is
		// already assigned but we just checked above if the address exists so we
		// expect no error.
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("a.addAndAcquireAddressLocked(%s, %d, %d, false, false): %s", addr, tempPEB, AddressConfigStatic, err))
	// From https://golang.org/doc/faq#nil_error:
	// Under the covers, interfaces are implemented as two elements, a type T and
	// a value V.
	// An interface value is nil only if the V and T are both unset, (T=nil, V is
	// not set), In particular, a nil interface will always hold a nil type. If we
	// store a nil pointer of type *int inside an interface value, the inner type
	// will be *int regardless of the value of the pointer: (T=*int, V=nil). Such
	// an interface value will therefore be non-nil even when the pointer value V
	// inside is nil.
	// Since addAndAcquireAddressLocked returns a nil value with a non-nil type,
	// we need to explicitly return nil below if ep is (a typed) nil.
	if ep == nil {
		return nil
	return ep

// AcquireOutgoingPrimaryAddress implements AddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) AcquireOutgoingPrimaryAddress(remoteAddr tcpip.Address, allowExpired bool) AddressEndpoint {
	defer a.mu.RUnlock()

	ep := a.acquirePrimaryAddressRLocked(func(ep *addressState) bool {
		return ep.IsAssigned(allowExpired)

	// From https://golang.org/doc/faq#nil_error:
	// Under the covers, interfaces are implemented as two elements, a type T and
	// a value V.
	// An interface value is nil only if the V and T are both unset, (T=nil, V is
	// not set), In particular, a nil interface will always hold a nil type. If we
	// store a nil pointer of type *int inside an interface value, the inner type
	// will be *int regardless of the value of the pointer: (T=*int, V=nil). Such
	// an interface value will therefore be non-nil even when the pointer value V
	// inside is nil.
	// Since acquirePrimaryAddressRLocked returns a nil value with a non-nil type,
	// we need to explicitly return nil below if ep is (a typed) nil.
	if ep == nil {
		return nil

	return ep

// PrimaryAddresses implements AddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) PrimaryAddresses() []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix {
	defer a.mu.RUnlock()

	var addrs []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
	for _, ep := range a.mu.primary {
		// Don't include tentative, expired or temporary endpoints
		// to avoid confusion and prevent the caller from using
		// those.
		switch ep.GetKind() {
		case PermanentTentative, PermanentExpired, Temporary:

		addrs = append(addrs, ep.AddressWithPrefix())

	return addrs

// PermanentAddresses implements AddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) PermanentAddresses() []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix {
	defer a.mu.RUnlock()

	var addrs []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
	for _, ep := range a.mu.endpoints {
		if !ep.GetKind().IsPermanent() {

		addrs = append(addrs, ep.AddressWithPrefix())

	return addrs

// JoinGroup implements GroupAddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) JoinGroup(group tcpip.Address) (bool, *tcpip.Error) {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()

	joins, ok := a.mu.groups[group]
	if !ok {
		ep, err := a.addAndAcquireAddressLocked(group.WithPrefix(), NeverPrimaryEndpoint, AddressConfigStatic, false /* deprecated */, true /* permanent */)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		// We have no need for the address endpoint.

	a.mu.groups[group] = joins + 1
	return !ok, nil

// LeaveGroup implements GroupAddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) LeaveGroup(group tcpip.Address) (bool, *tcpip.Error) {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()

	joins, ok := a.mu.groups[group]
	if !ok {
		return false, tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress

	if joins == 1 {
		delete(a.mu.groups, group)
		return true, nil

	a.mu.groups[group] = joins - 1
	return false, nil

// IsInGroup implements GroupAddressableEndpoint.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) IsInGroup(group tcpip.Address) bool {
	defer a.mu.RUnlock()
	_, ok := a.mu.groups[group]
	return ok

func (a *AddressableEndpointState) removeGroupAddressLocked(group tcpip.Address) {
	if err := a.removePermanentAddressLocked(group); err != nil {
		// removePermanentEndpointLocked would only return an error if group is
		// not bound to the addressable endpoint, but we know it MUST be assigned
		// since we have group in our map of groups.
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("error removing group address = %s: %s", group, err))

// Cleanup forcefully leaves all groups and removes all permanent addresses.
func (a *AddressableEndpointState) Cleanup() {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()

	for group := range a.mu.groups {
	a.mu.groups = make(map[tcpip.Address]uint32)

	for _, ep := range a.mu.endpoints {
		// removePermanentEndpointLocked returns tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress if ep is
		// not a permanent address.
		if err := a.removePermanentEndpointLocked(ep); err != nil && err != tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error from removePermanentEndpointLocked(%s): %s", ep.addr, err))

var _ AddressEndpoint = (*addressState)(nil)

// addressState holds state for an address.
type addressState struct {
	addressableEndpointState *AddressableEndpointState
	addr                     tcpip.AddressWithPrefix

	// Lock ordering (from outer to inner lock ordering):
	// AddressableEndpointState.mu
	//   addressState.mu
	mu struct {

		refs       uint32
		kind       AddressKind
		configType AddressConfigType
		deprecated bool

// AddressWithPrefix implements AddressEndpoint.
func (a *addressState) AddressWithPrefix() tcpip.AddressWithPrefix {
	return a.addr

// GetKind implements AddressEndpoint.
func (a *addressState) GetKind() AddressKind {
	defer a.mu.RUnlock()
	return a.mu.kind

// SetKind implements AddressEndpoint.
func (a *addressState) SetKind(kind AddressKind) {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()
	a.mu.kind = kind

// IsAssigned implements AddressEndpoint.
func (a *addressState) IsAssigned(allowExpired bool) bool {
	if !a.addressableEndpointState.networkEndpoint.Enabled() {
		return false

	switch a.GetKind() {
	case PermanentTentative:
		return false
	case PermanentExpired:
		return allowExpired
		return true

// IncRef implements AddressEndpoint.
func (a *addressState) IncRef() bool {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()
	if a.mu.refs == 0 {
		return false

	return true

// DecRef implements AddressEndpoint.
func (a *addressState) DecRef() {

// ConfigType implements AddressEndpoint.
func (a *addressState) ConfigType() AddressConfigType {
	defer a.mu.RUnlock()
	return a.mu.configType

// SetDeprecated implements AddressEndpoint.
func (a *addressState) SetDeprecated(d bool) {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()
	a.mu.deprecated = d

// Deprecated implements AddressEndpoint.
func (a *addressState) Deprecated() bool {
	defer a.mu.RUnlock()
	return a.mu.deprecated