// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto3";

package gvisor.state.statefile;

// Slice is a slice value.
message Slice {
  uint32 length    = 1;
  uint32 capacity  = 2;
  uint64 ref_value = 3;

// Array is an array value.
message Array {
  repeated Object contents = 1;

// Map is a map value.
message Map {
  repeated Object keys   = 1;
  repeated Object values = 2;

// Interface is an interface value.
message Interface {
  string type  = 1;
  Object value = 2;

// Struct is a basic composite value.
message Struct {
  repeated Field fields = 1;

// Field encodes a single field.
message Field {
  string name  = 1;
  Object value = 2;

// Uint16s encodes an uint16 array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Uint16s {
  // There is no 16-bit type in protobuf so we use variable length 32-bit here.
  repeated uint32 values = 1;

// Uint32s encodes an uint32 array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Uint32s {
  repeated fixed32 values = 1;

// Uint64s encodes an uint64 array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Uint64s {
  repeated fixed64 values = 1;

// Uintptrs encodes an uintptr array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Uintptrs {
  repeated fixed64 values = 1;

// Int8s encodes an int8 array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Int8s {
  bytes values = 1;

// Int16s encodes an int16 array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Int16s {
  // There is no 16-bit type in protobuf so we use variable length 32-bit here.
  repeated int32 values = 1;

// Int32s encodes an int32 array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Int32s {
  repeated sfixed32 values = 1;

// Int64s encodes an int64 array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Int64s {
  repeated sfixed64 values = 1;

// Bools encodes a boolean array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Bools {
  repeated bool values = 1;

// Float64s encodes a float64 array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Float64s {
  repeated double values = 1;

// Float32s encodes a float32 array. To be used inside oneof structure.
message Float32s {
  repeated float values = 1;

// Object are primitive encodings.
// Note that ref_value references an Object.id, below.
message Object {
  oneof value {
    bool      bool_value          = 1;
    bytes     string_value        = 2;
    int64     int64_value         = 3;
    uint64    uint64_value        = 4;
    double    double_value        = 5;
    uint64    ref_value           = 6;
    Slice     slice_value         = 7;
    Array     array_value         = 8;
    Interface interface_value     = 9;
    Struct    struct_value        = 10;
    Map       map_value           = 11;
    bytes     byte_array_value    = 12;
    Uint16s   uint16_array_value  = 13;
    Uint32s   uint32_array_value  = 14;
    Uint64s   uint64_array_value  = 15;
    Uintptrs  uintptr_array_value = 16;
    Int8s     int8_array_value    = 17;
    Int16s    int16_array_value   = 18;
    Int32s    int32_array_value   = 19;
    Int64s    int64_array_value   = 20;
    Bools     bool_array_value    = 21;
    Float64s  float64_array_value = 22;
    Float32s  float32_array_value = 23;