// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package linux

import (

	ktime "gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel/time"

// futexWaitRestartBlock encapsulates the state required to restart futex(2)
// via restart_syscall(2).
// +stateify savable
type futexWaitRestartBlock struct {
	duration time.Duration

	// addr stored as uint64 since uintptr is not save-able.
	addr    uint64
	private bool
	val     uint32
	mask    uint32

// Restart implements kernel.SyscallRestartBlock.Restart.
func (f *futexWaitRestartBlock) Restart(t *kernel.Task) (uintptr, error) {
	return futexWaitDuration(t, f.duration, false, hostarch.Addr(f.addr), f.private, f.val, f.mask)

// futexWaitAbsolute performs a FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET, blocking until the wait is
// complete.
// The wait blocks forever if forever is true, otherwise it blocks until ts.
// If blocking is interrupted, the syscall is restarted with the original
// arguments.
func futexWaitAbsolute(t *kernel.Task, clockRealtime bool, ts linux.Timespec, forever bool, addr hostarch.Addr, private bool, val, mask uint32) (uintptr, error) {
	w := t.FutexWaiter()
	err := t.Futex().WaitPrepare(w, t, addr, private, val, mask)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	if forever {
		err = t.Block(w.C)
	} else if clockRealtime {
		notifier, tchan := ktime.NewChannelNotifier()
		timer := ktime.NewTimer(t.Kernel().RealtimeClock(), notifier)
			Enabled: true,
			Next:    ktime.FromTimespec(ts),
		err = t.BlockWithTimer(w.C, tchan)
	} else {
		err = t.BlockWithDeadline(w.C, true, ktime.FromTimespec(ts))

	t.Futex().WaitComplete(w, t)
	return 0, syserr.ConvertIntr(err, linuxerr.ERESTARTSYS)

// futexWaitDuration performs a FUTEX_WAIT, blocking until the wait is
// complete.
// The wait blocks forever if forever is true, otherwise is blocks for
// duration.
// If blocking is interrupted, forever determines how to restart the
// syscall. If forever is true, the syscall is restarted with the original
// arguments. If forever is false, duration is a relative timeout and the
// syscall is restarted with the remaining timeout.
func futexWaitDuration(t *kernel.Task, duration time.Duration, forever bool, addr hostarch.Addr, private bool, val, mask uint32) (uintptr, error) {
	w := t.FutexWaiter()
	err := t.Futex().WaitPrepare(w, t, addr, private, val, mask)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	remaining, err := t.BlockWithTimeout(w.C, !forever, duration)
	t.Futex().WaitComplete(w, t)
	if err == nil {
		return 0, nil

	// The wait was unsuccessful for some reason other than interruption. Simply
	// forward the error.
	if err != linuxerr.ErrInterrupted {
		return 0, err

	// The wait was interrupted and we need to restart. Decide how.

	// The wait duration was absolute, restart with the original arguments.
	if forever {
		return 0, linuxerr.ERESTARTSYS

	// The wait duration was relative, restart with the remaining duration.
		duration: remaining,
		addr:     uint64(addr),
		private:  private,
		val:      val,
		mask:     mask,
	return 0, linuxerr.ERESTART_RESTARTBLOCK

func futexLockPI(t *kernel.Task, ts linux.Timespec, forever bool, addr hostarch.Addr, private bool) error {
	w := t.FutexWaiter()
	locked, err := t.Futex().LockPI(w, t, addr, uint32(t.ThreadID()), private, false)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if locked {
		// Futex acquired, we're done!
		return nil

	if forever {
		err = t.Block(w.C)
	} else {
		notifier, tchan := ktime.NewChannelNotifier()
		timer := ktime.NewTimer(t.Kernel().RealtimeClock(), notifier)
			Enabled: true,
			Next:    ktime.FromTimespec(ts),
		err = t.BlockWithTimer(w.C, tchan)

	t.Futex().WaitComplete(w, t)
	return syserr.ConvertIntr(err, linuxerr.ERESTARTSYS)

func tryLockPI(t *kernel.Task, addr hostarch.Addr, private bool) error {
	w := t.FutexWaiter()
	locked, err := t.Futex().LockPI(w, t, addr, uint32(t.ThreadID()), private, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if !locked {
		return linuxerr.EWOULDBLOCK
	return nil

// Futex implements linux syscall futex(2).
// It provides a method for a program to wait for a value at a given address to
// change, and a method to wake up anyone waiting on a particular address.
func Futex(t *kernel.Task, args arch.SyscallArguments) (uintptr, *kernel.SyscallControl, error) {
	addr := args[0].Pointer()
	futexOp := args[1].Int()
	val := int(args[2].Int())
	nreq := int(args[3].Int())
	timeout := args[3].Pointer()
	naddr := args[4].Pointer()
	val3 := args[5].Int()

	cmd := futexOp &^ (linux.FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG | linux.FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME)
	private := (futexOp & linux.FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG) != 0
	clockRealtime := (futexOp & linux.FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME) == linux.FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME
	mask := uint32(val3)

	switch cmd {
	case linux.FUTEX_WAIT, linux.FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET:
		// WAIT{_BITSET} wait forever if the timeout isn't passed.
		forever := (timeout == 0)

		var timespec linux.Timespec
		if !forever {
			var err error
			timespec, err = copyTimespecIn(t, timeout)
			if err != nil {
				return 0, nil, err

		switch cmd {
		case linux.FUTEX_WAIT:
			// WAIT uses a relative timeout.
			mask = linux.FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY
			var timeoutDur time.Duration
			if !forever {
				timeoutDur = time.Duration(timespec.ToNsecCapped()) * time.Nanosecond
			n, err := futexWaitDuration(t, timeoutDur, forever, addr, private, uint32(val), mask)
			return n, nil, err

		case linux.FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET:
			// WAIT_BITSET uses an absolute timeout which is either
			if mask == 0 {
				return 0, nil, linuxerr.EINVAL
			n, err := futexWaitAbsolute(t, clockRealtime, timespec, forever, addr, private, uint32(val), mask)
			return n, nil, err

	case linux.FUTEX_WAKE:
		mask = ^uint32(0)

	case linux.FUTEX_WAKE_BITSET:
		if mask == 0 {
			return 0, nil, linuxerr.EINVAL
		if val <= 0 {
			// The Linux kernel wakes one waiter even if val is
			// non-positive.
			val = 1
		n, err := t.Futex().Wake(t, addr, private, mask, val)
		return uintptr(n), nil, err

	case linux.FUTEX_REQUEUE:
		n, err := t.Futex().Requeue(t, addr, naddr, private, val, nreq)
		return uintptr(n), nil, err

	case linux.FUTEX_CMP_REQUEUE:
		// 'val3' contains the value to be checked at 'addr' and
		// 'val' is the number of waiters that should be woken up.
		nval := uint32(val3)
		n, err := t.Futex().RequeueCmp(t, addr, naddr, private, nval, val, nreq)
		return uintptr(n), nil, err

	case linux.FUTEX_WAKE_OP:
		op := uint32(val3)
		if val <= 0 {
			// The Linux kernel wakes one waiter even if val is
			// non-positive.
			val = 1
		n, err := t.Futex().WakeOp(t, addr, naddr, private, val, nreq, op)
		return uintptr(n), nil, err

	case linux.FUTEX_LOCK_PI:
		forever := (timeout == 0)

		var timespec linux.Timespec
		if !forever {
			var err error
			timespec, err = copyTimespecIn(t, timeout)
			if err != nil {
				return 0, nil, err
		err := futexLockPI(t, timespec, forever, addr, private)
		return 0, nil, err

	case linux.FUTEX_TRYLOCK_PI:
		err := tryLockPI(t, addr, private)
		return 0, nil, err

	case linux.FUTEX_UNLOCK_PI:
		err := t.Futex().UnlockPI(t, addr, uint32(t.ThreadID()), private)
		return 0, nil, err

		return 0, nil, linuxerr.ENOSYS

		// We don't even know about this command.
		return 0, nil, linuxerr.ENOSYS

// SetRobustList implements linux syscall set_robust_list(2).
func SetRobustList(t *kernel.Task, args arch.SyscallArguments) (uintptr, *kernel.SyscallControl, error) {
	// Despite the syscall using the name 'pid' for this variable, it is
	// very much a tid.
	head := args[0].Pointer()
	length := args[1].SizeT()

	if length != uint(linux.SizeOfRobustListHead) {
		return 0, nil, linuxerr.EINVAL
	return 0, nil, nil

// GetRobustList implements linux syscall get_robust_list(2).
func GetRobustList(t *kernel.Task, args arch.SyscallArguments) (uintptr, *kernel.SyscallControl, error) {
	// Despite the syscall using the name 'pid' for this variable, it is
	// very much a tid.
	tid := args[0].Int()
	headAddr := args[1].Pointer()
	sizeAddr := args[2].Pointer()

	if tid < 0 {
		return 0, nil, linuxerr.EINVAL

	ot := t
	if tid != 0 {
		if ot = t.PIDNamespace().TaskWithID(kernel.ThreadID(tid)); ot == nil {
			return 0, nil, linuxerr.ESRCH

	// Copy out head pointer.
	head := t.Arch().Native(uintptr(ot.GetRobustList()))
	if _, err := head.CopyOut(t, headAddr); err != nil {
		return 0, nil, err

	// Copy out size, which is a constant. Note that while size isn't
	// an address, it is defined as the arch-dependent size_t, so it
	// needs to be converted to a native-sized int.
	size := t.Arch().Native(uintptr(linux.SizeOfRobustListHead))
	if _, err := size.CopyOut(t, sizeAddr); err != nil {
		return 0, nil, err

	return 0, nil, nil