// Copyright 2021 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Package seccheck defines a structure for dynamically-configured security
// checks in the sentry.
package seccheck

import (


// A Point represents a checkpoint, a point at which a security check occurs.
type Point uint

// PointX represents the checkpoint X.
const (
	PointClone Point = iota
	// Add new Points above this line.

	numPointBitmaskUint32s = (int(pointLength)-1)/32 + 1

// A Checker performs security checks at checkpoints.
// Each Checker method X is called at checkpoint X; if the method may return a
// non-nil error and does so, it causes the checked operation to fail
// immediately (without calling subsequent Checkers) and return the error. The
// info argument contains information relevant to the check. The mask argument
// indicates what fields in info are valid; the mask should usually be a
// superset of fields requested by the Checker's corresponding CheckerReq, but
// may be missing requested fields in some cases (e.g. if the Checker is
// registered concurrently with invocations of checkpoints).
type Checker interface {
	Clone(ctx context.Context, mask CloneFieldSet, info CloneInfo) error
	Execve(ctx context.Context, mask ExecveFieldSet, info ExecveInfo) error
	ExitNotifyParent(ctx context.Context, mask ExitNotifyParentFieldSet, info ExitNotifyParentInfo) error

// CheckerDefaults may be embedded by implementations of Checker to obtain
// no-op implementations of Checker methods that may be explicitly overridden.
type CheckerDefaults struct{}

// Clone implements Checker.Clone.
func (CheckerDefaults) Clone(ctx context.Context, mask CloneFieldSet, info CloneInfo) error {
	return nil

// Execve implements Checker.Execve.
func (CheckerDefaults) Execve(ctx context.Context, mask ExecveFieldSet, info ExecveInfo) error {
	return nil

// ExitNotifyParent implements Checker.ExitNotifyParent.
func (CheckerDefaults) ExitNotifyParent(ctx context.Context, mask ExitNotifyParentFieldSet, info ExitNotifyParentInfo) error {
	return nil

// CheckerReq indicates what checkpoints a corresponding Checker runs at, and
// what information it requires at those checkpoints.
type CheckerReq struct {
	// Points are the set of checkpoints for which the corresponding Checker
	// must be called. Note that methods not specified in Points may still be
	// called; implementations of Checker may embed CheckerDefaults to obtain
	// no-op implementations of Checker methods.
	Points []Point

	// All of the following fields indicate what fields in the corresponding
	// XInfo struct will be requested at the corresponding checkpoint.
	Clone            CloneFields
	Execve           ExecveFields
	ExitNotifyParent ExitNotifyParentFields

// Global is the method receiver of all seccheck functions.
var Global state

// state is the type of global, and is separated out for testing.
type state struct {
	// registrationMu serializes all changes to the set of registered Checkers
	// for all checkpoints.
	registrationMu sync.Mutex

	// enabledPoints is a bitmask of checkpoints for which at least one Checker
	// is registered.
	// enabledPoints is accessed using atomic memory operations. Mutation of
	// enabledPoints is serialized by registrationMu.
	enabledPoints [numPointBitmaskUint32s]uint32

	// registrationSeq supports store-free atomic reads of registeredCheckers.
	registrationSeq sync.SeqCount

	// checkers is the set of all registered Checkers in order of execution.
	// checkers is accessed using instantiations of SeqAtomic functions.
	// Mutation of checkers is serialized by registrationMu.
	checkers []Checker

	// All of the following xReq variables indicate what fields in the
	// corresponding XInfo struct have been requested by any registered
	// checker, are accessed using atomic memory operations, and are mutated
	// with registrationMu locked.
	cloneReq            CloneFieldSet
	execveReq           ExecveFieldSet
	exitNotifyParentReq ExitNotifyParentFieldSet

// AppendChecker registers the given Checker to execute at checkpoints. The
// Checker will execute after all previously-registered Checkers, and only if
// those Checkers return a nil error.
func (s *state) AppendChecker(c Checker, req *CheckerReq) {
	defer s.registrationMu.Unlock()


	for _, p := range req.Points {
		word, bit := p/32, p%32
		atomic.StoreUint32(&s.enabledPoints[word], s.enabledPoints[word]|(uint32(1)<<bit))

// Enabled returns true if any Checker is registered for the given checkpoint.
func (s *state) Enabled(p Point) bool {
	word, bit := p/32, p%32
	return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.enabledPoints[word])&(uint32(1)<<bit) != 0

func (s *state) getCheckers() []Checker {
	return SeqAtomicLoadCheckerSlice(&s.registrationSeq, &s.checkers)

// Preconditions: s.registrationMu must be locked.
func (s *state) appendCheckerLocked(c Checker) {
	s.checkers = append(s.checkers, c)