// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Package platform provides a Platform abstraction.
// See Platform for more information.
package platform

import (


// Platform provides abstractions for execution contexts (Context) and memory
// management (Memory, AddressSpace).
type Platform interface {
	// SupportsAddressSpaceIO returns true if AddressSpaces returned by this
	// Platform support AddressSpaceIO methods.
	// The value returned by SupportsAddressSpaceIO is guaranteed to remain
	// unchanged over the lifetime of the Platform.
	SupportsAddressSpaceIO() bool

	// CooperativelySchedulesAddressSpace returns true if the Platform has a
	// limited number of AddressSpaces, such that mm.MemoryManager.Deactivate
	// should call AddressSpace.Release when there are no goroutines that
	// require the mm.MemoryManager to have an active AddressSpace.
	// The value returned by CooperativelySchedulesAddressSpace is guaranteed
	// to remain unchanged over the lifetime of the Platform.
	CooperativelySchedulesAddressSpace() bool

	// DetectsCPUPreemption returns true if Contexts returned by the Platform
	// can reliably return ErrContextCPUPreempted.
	DetectsCPUPreemption() bool

	// MapUnit returns the alignment used for optional mappings into this
	// platform's AddressSpaces. Higher values indicate lower per-page
	// costs for AddressSpace.MapInto. As a special case, a MapUnit of 0
	// indicates that the cost of AddressSpace.MapInto is effectively
	// independent of the number of pages mapped. If MapUnit is non-zero,
	// it must be a power-of-2 multiple of usermem.PageSize.
	MapUnit() uint64

	// MinUserAddress returns the minimum mappable address on this
	// platform.
	MinUserAddress() usermem.Addr

	// MaxUserAddress returns the maximum mappable address on this
	// platform.
	MaxUserAddress() usermem.Addr

	// NewAddressSpace returns a new memory context for this platform.
	// If mappingsID is not nil, the platform may assume that (1) all calls
	// to NewAddressSpace with the same mappingsID represent the same
	// (mutable) set of mappings, and (2) the set of mappings has not
	// changed since the last time AddressSpace.Release was called on an
	// AddressSpace returned by a call to NewAddressSpace with the same
	// mappingsID.
	// If a new AddressSpace cannot be created immediately, a nil
	// AddressSpace is returned, along with channel that is closed when
	// the caller should retry a call to NewAddressSpace.
	// In general, this blocking behavior only occurs when
	// CooperativelySchedulesAddressSpace (above) returns false.
	NewAddressSpace(mappingsID interface{}) (AddressSpace, <-chan struct{}, error)

	// NewContext returns a new execution context.
	NewContext() Context

	// Memory returns memory for allocations.
	Memory() Memory

	// PreemptAllCPUs causes all concurrent calls to Context.Switch(), as well
	// as the first following call to Context.Switch() for each Context, to
	// return ErrContextCPUPreempted.
	// PreemptAllCPUs is only supported if DetectsCPUPremption() == true.
	// Platforms for which this does not hold may panic if PreemptAllCPUs is
	// called.
	PreemptAllCPUs() error

// NoCPUPreemptionDetection implements Platform.DetectsCPUPreemption and
// dependent methods for Platforms that do not support this feature.
type NoCPUPreemptionDetection struct{}

// DetectsCPUPreemption implements Platform.DetectsCPUPreemption.
func (NoCPUPreemptionDetection) DetectsCPUPreemption() bool {
	return false

// PreemptAllCPUs implements Platform.PreemptAllCPUs.
func (NoCPUPreemptionDetection) PreemptAllCPUs() error {
	panic("This platform does not support CPU preemption detection")

// Context represents the execution context for a single thread.
type Context interface {
	// Switch resumes execution of the thread specified by the arch.Context
	// in the provided address space. This call will block while the thread
	// is executing.
	// If cpu is non-negative, and it is not the number of the CPU that the
	// thread executes on, Context should return ErrContextCPUPreempted. cpu
	// can only be non-negative if Platform.DetectsCPUPreemption() is true;
	// Contexts from Platforms for which this does not hold may ignore cpu, or
	// panic if cpu is non-negative.
	// Switch may return one of the following special errors:
	// - nil: The Context invoked a system call.
	// - ErrContextSignal: The Context was interrupted by a signal. The
	// returned *arch.SignalInfo contains information about the signal. If
	// arch.SignalInfo.Signo == SIGSEGV, the returned usermem.AccessType
	// contains the access type of the triggering fault.
	// - ErrContextInterrupt: The Context was interrupted by a call to
	// Interrupt(). Switch() may return ErrContextInterrupt spuriously. In
	// particular, most implementations of Interrupt() will cause the first
	// following call to Switch() to return ErrContextInterrupt if there is no
	// concurrent call to Switch().
	// - ErrContextCPUPreempted: See the definition of that error for details.
	Switch(as AddressSpace, ac arch.Context, cpu int32) (*arch.SignalInfo, usermem.AccessType, error)

	// Interrupt interrupts a concurrent call to Switch(), causing it to return
	// ErrContextInterrupt.

var (
	// ErrContextSignal is returned by Context.Switch() to indicate that the
	// Context was interrupted by a signal.
	ErrContextSignal = fmt.Errorf("interrupted by signal")

	// ErrContextInterrupt is returned by Context.Switch() to indicate that the
	// Context was interrupted by a call to Context.Interrupt().
	ErrContextInterrupt = fmt.Errorf("interrupted by platform.Context.Interrupt()")

	// ErrContextCPUPreempted is returned by Context.Switch() to indicate that
	// one of the following occurred:
	// - The CPU executing the Context is not the CPU passed to
	// Context.Switch().
	// - The CPU executing the Context may have executed another Context since
	// the last time it executed this one; or the CPU has previously executed
	// another Context, and has never executed this one.
	// - Platform.PreemptAllCPUs() was called since the last return from
	// Context.Switch().
	ErrContextCPUPreempted = fmt.Errorf("interrupted by CPU preemption")

// SignalInterrupt is a signal reserved for use by implementations of
// Context.Interrupt(). The sentry guarantees that it will ignore delivery of
// this signal both to Contexts and to the sentry itself, under the assumption
// that they originate from races with Context.Interrupt().
// NOTE: The Go runtime only guarantees that a small subset
// of signals will be always be unblocked on all threads, one of which
// is SIGCHLD.
const SignalInterrupt = linux.SIGCHLD

// AddressSpace represents a virtual address space in which a Context can
// execute.
type AddressSpace interface {
	// MapFile creates a shared mapping of offsets in fr, from the file
	// with file descriptor fd, at address addr. Any existing overlapping
	// mappings are silently replaced.
	// If precommit is true, host memory should be committed to the mapping
	// when MapFile returns when possible. The precommit flag is advisory
	// and implementations may choose to ignore it.
	// Preconditions: addr and fr must be page-aligned. length > 0.
	// at.Any() == true.
	MapFile(addr usermem.Addr, fd int, fr FileRange, at usermem.AccessType, precommit bool) error

	// Unmap unmaps the given range.
	// Preconditions: addr is page-aligned. length > 0.
	Unmap(addr usermem.Addr, length uint64)

	// Release releases this address space. After releasing, a new AddressSpace
	// must be acquired via platform.NewAddressSpace().

	// AddressSpaceIO methods are supported iff the associated platform's
	// Platform.SupportsAddressSpaceIO() == true. AddressSpaces for which this
	// does not hold may panic if AddressSpaceIO methods are invoked.

// AddressSpaceIO supports IO through the memory mappings installed in an
// AddressSpace.
// AddressSpaceIO implementors are responsible for ensuring that address ranges
// are application-mappable.
type AddressSpaceIO interface {
	// CopyOut copies len(src) bytes from src to the memory mapped at addr. It
	// returns the number of bytes copied. If the number of bytes copied is <
	// len(src), it returns a non-nil error explaining why.
	CopyOut(addr usermem.Addr, src []byte) (int, error)

	// CopyIn copies len(dst) bytes from the memory mapped at addr to dst.
	// It returns the number of bytes copied. If the number of bytes copied is
	// < len(dst), it returns a non-nil error explaining why.
	CopyIn(addr usermem.Addr, dst []byte) (int, error)

	// ZeroOut sets toZero bytes to 0, starting at addr. It returns the number
	// of bytes zeroed. If the number of bytes zeroed is < toZero, it returns a
	// non-nil error explaining why.
	ZeroOut(addr usermem.Addr, toZero uintptr) (uintptr, error)

	// SwapUint32 atomically sets the uint32 value at addr to new and returns
	// the previous value.
	// Preconditions: addr must be aligned to a 4-byte boundary.
	SwapUint32(addr usermem.Addr, new uint32) (uint32, error)

	// CompareAndSwapUint32 atomically compares the uint32 value at addr to
	// old; if they are equal, the value in memory is replaced by new. In
	// either case, the previous value stored in memory is returned.
	// Preconditions: addr must be aligned to a 4-byte boundary.
	CompareAndSwapUint32(addr usermem.Addr, old, new uint32) (uint32, error)

// NoAddressSpaceIO implements AddressSpaceIO methods by panicing.
type NoAddressSpaceIO struct{}

// CopyOut implements AddressSpaceIO.CopyOut.
func (NoAddressSpaceIO) CopyOut(addr usermem.Addr, src []byte) (int, error) {
	panic("This platform does not support AddressSpaceIO")

// CopyIn implements AddressSpaceIO.CopyIn.
func (NoAddressSpaceIO) CopyIn(addr usermem.Addr, dst []byte) (int, error) {
	panic("This platform does not support AddressSpaceIO")

// ZeroOut implements AddressSpaceIO.ZeroOut.
func (NoAddressSpaceIO) ZeroOut(addr usermem.Addr, toZero uintptr) (uintptr, error) {
	panic("This platform does not support AddressSpaceIO")

// SwapUint32 implements AddressSpaceIO.SwapUint32.
func (NoAddressSpaceIO) SwapUint32(addr usermem.Addr, new uint32) (uint32, error) {
	panic("This platform does not support AddressSpaceIO")

// CompareAndSwapUint32 implements AddressSpaceIO.CompareAndSwapUint32.
func (NoAddressSpaceIO) CompareAndSwapUint32(addr usermem.Addr, old, new uint32) (uint32, error) {
	panic("This platform does not support AddressSpaceIO")

// SegmentationFault is an error returned by AddressSpaceIO methods when IO
// fails due to access of an unmapped page, or a mapped page with insufficient
// permissions.
type SegmentationFault struct {
	// Addr is the address at which the fault occurred.
	Addr usermem.Addr

// Error implements error.Error.
func (f SegmentationFault) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("segmentation fault at %#x", f.Addr)

// File represents a host file that may be mapped into an AddressSpace.
type File interface {
	// MapInto maps fr into as, starting at addr, for accesses of type at.
	// If precommit is true, the platform should eagerly commit resources (e.g.
	// physical memory) to the mapping. The precommit flag is advisory and
	// implementations may choose to ignore it.
	// Note that there is no File.Unmap; clients should use as.Unmap directly.
	// Preconditions: fr.Start and fr.End must be page-aligned.
	// fr.Length() > 0. at.Any() == true. Implementors may define
	// additional requirements.
	MapInto(as AddressSpace, addr usermem.Addr, fr FileRange, at usermem.AccessType, precommit bool) error

	// MapInternal returns a mapping of the given file offsets in the invoking
	// process' address space for reading and writing. The lifetime of the
	// returned mapping is implementation-defined.
	// Note that fr.Start and fr.End need not be page-aligned.
	// Preconditions: fr.Length() > 0. Implementors may define additional
	// requirements.
	MapInternal(fr FileRange, at usermem.AccessType) (safemem.BlockSeq, error)

	// IncRef signals that a region in the file is actively referenced through a
	// memory map. Implementors must ensure that the contents of a referenced
	// region remain consistent. Specifically, mappings returned by MapInternal
	// must refer to the same underlying contents. If the implementor also
	// implements the Memory interface, the file range must not be reused in a
	// different allocation while it has active references.
	// Preconditions: fr.Start and fr.End must be page-aligned. fr.Length() > 0.
	IncRef(fr FileRange)

	// DecRef reduces the frame ref count on the range specified by fr.
	// Preconditions: fr.Start and fr.End must be page-aligned. fr.Length() >
	// 0. DecRef()s on a region must match earlier IncRef()s.
	DecRef(fr FileRange)

// FileRange represents a range of uint64 offsets into a File.
// type FileRange <generated using go_generics>

// String implements fmt.Stringer.String.
func (fr FileRange) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("[%#x, %#x)", fr.Start, fr.End)

// Memory represents an allocatable File that may be mapped into any
// AddressSpace associated with the same Platform.
type Memory interface {
	// Memory implements File methods with the following properties:
	// - Pages mapped by MapInto must be allocated, and must be unmapped from
	// all AddressSpaces before they are freed.
	// - Pages mapped by MapInternal must be allocated. Returned mappings are
	// guaranteed to be valid until the mapped pages are freed.

	// Allocate returns a range of pages of the given length, owned by the
	// caller and with the given accounting kind. Allocated memory initially has
	// a single reference and will automatically be freed when no references to
	// them remain. See File.IncRef and File.DecRef.
	// Preconditions: length must be page-aligned and non-zero.
	Allocate(length uint64, kind usage.MemoryKind) (FileRange, error)

	// Decommit releases resources associated with maintaining the contents of
	// the given frames. If Decommit succeeds, future accesses of the
	// decommitted frames will read zeroes.
	// Preconditions: fr.Length() > 0.
	Decommit(fr FileRange) error

	// UpdateUsage updates the memory usage statistics. This must be called
	// before the relevant memory statistics in usage.MemoryAccounting can
	// be considered accurate.
	UpdateUsage() error

	// TotalUsage returns an aggregate usage for all memory statistics
	// except Mapped (which is external to the Memory implementation). This
	// is generally much cheaper than UpdateUsage, but will not provide a
	// fine-grained breakdown.
	TotalUsage() (uint64, error)

	// TotalSize returns the current maximum size of the Memory in bytes. The
	// value returned by TotalSize is permitted to change.
	TotalSize() uint64

	// Destroy releases all resources associated with the Memory.
	// Preconditions: There are no remaining uses of any of the freed memory's
	// frames.
	// Postconditions: None of the Memory's methods may be called after Destroy.

	// SaveTo saves the memory state to the given stream, which will
	// generally be a statefile.
	SaveTo(w io.Writer) error

	// LoadFrom loads the memory state from the given stream, which will
	// generally be a statefile.
	LoadFrom(r io.Reader) error

// AllocateAndFill allocates memory of the given kind from mem and fills it by
// calling r.ReadToBlocks() repeatedly until either length bytes are read or a
// non-nil error is returned. It returns the memory filled by r, truncated down
// to the nearest page. If this is shorter than length bytes due to an error
// returned by r.ReadToBlocks(), it returns that error.
// Preconditions: length > 0. length must be page-aligned.
func AllocateAndFill(mem Memory, length uint64, kind usage.MemoryKind, r safemem.Reader) (FileRange, error) {
	fr, err := mem.Allocate(length, kind)
	if err != nil {
		return FileRange{}, err
	dsts, err := mem.MapInternal(fr, usermem.Write)
	if err != nil {
		return FileRange{}, err
	n, err := safemem.ReadFullToBlocks(r, dsts)
	un := uint64(usermem.Addr(n).RoundDown())
	if un < length {
		// Free unused memory and update fr to contain only the memory that is
		// still allocated.
		mem.DecRef(FileRange{fr.Start + un, fr.End})
		fr.End = fr.Start + un
	return fr, err