// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// +build amd64

package kvm

import (


// initArchState initializes architecture-specific state.
func (m *machine) initArchState() error {
	// Set the legacy TSS address. This address is covered by the reserved
	// range (up to 4GB). In fact, this is a main reason it exists.
	if _, _, errno := syscall.RawSyscall(
		uintptr(reservedMemory-(3*usermem.PageSize))); errno != 0 {
		return errno

	// Enable CPUID faulting, if possible. Note that this also serves as a
	// basic platform sanity tests, since we will enter guest mode for the
	// first time here. The recovery is necessary, since if we fail to read
	// the platform info register, we will retry to host mode and
	// ultimately need to handle a segmentation fault.
	old := debug.SetPanicOnFault(true)
	defer func() {
	m.retryInGuest(func() {

	return nil

type vCPUArchState struct {
	// PCIDs is the set of PCIDs for this vCPU.
	// This starts above fixedKernelPCID.
	PCIDs *pagetables.PCIDs

	// floatingPointState is the floating point state buffer used in guest
	// to host transitions. See usage in bluepill_amd64.go.
	floatingPointState *arch.FloatingPointData

const (
	// fixedKernelPCID is a fixed kernel PCID used for the kernel page
	// tables. We must start allocating user PCIDs above this in order to
	// avoid any conflict (see below).
	fixedKernelPCID = 1

	// poolPCIDs is the number of PCIDs to record in the database. As this
	// grows, assignment can take longer, since it is a simple linear scan.
	// Beyond a relatively small number, there are likely few perform
	// benefits, since the TLB has likely long since lost any translations
	// from more than a few PCIDs past.
	poolPCIDs = 8

// dropPageTables drops cached page table entries.
func (m *machine) dropPageTables(pt *pagetables.PageTables) {
	defer m.mu.Unlock()

	// Clear from all PCIDs.
	for _, c := range m.vCPUs {
		if c.PCIDs != nil {

// initArchState initializes architecture-specific state.
func (c *vCPU) initArchState() error {
	var (
		kernelSystemRegs systemRegs
		kernelUserRegs   userRegs

	// Set base control registers.
	kernelSystemRegs.CR0 = c.CR0()
	kernelSystemRegs.CR4 = c.CR4()
	kernelSystemRegs.EFER = c.EFER()

	// Set the IDT & GDT in the registers.
	kernelSystemRegs.IDT.base, kernelSystemRegs.IDT.limit = c.IDT()
	kernelSystemRegs.GDT.base, kernelSystemRegs.GDT.limit = c.GDT()
	kernelSystemRegs.CS.Load(&ring0.KernelCodeSegment, ring0.Kcode)
	kernelSystemRegs.DS.Load(&ring0.UserDataSegment, ring0.Udata)
	kernelSystemRegs.ES.Load(&ring0.UserDataSegment, ring0.Udata)
	kernelSystemRegs.SS.Load(&ring0.KernelDataSegment, ring0.Kdata)
	kernelSystemRegs.FS.Load(&ring0.UserDataSegment, ring0.Udata)
	kernelSystemRegs.GS.Load(&ring0.UserDataSegment, ring0.Udata)
	tssBase, tssLimit, tss := c.TSS()
	kernelSystemRegs.TR.Load(tss, ring0.Tss)
	kernelSystemRegs.TR.base = tssBase
	kernelSystemRegs.TR.limit = uint32(tssLimit)

	// Point to kernel page tables, with no initial PCID.
	kernelSystemRegs.CR3 = c.machine.kernel.PageTables.CR3(false, 0)

	// Initialize the PCID database.
	if hasGuestPCID {
		// Note that NewPCIDs may return a nil table here, in which
		// case we simply don't use PCID support (see below). In
		// practice, this should not happen, however.
		c.PCIDs = pagetables.NewPCIDs(fixedKernelPCID+1, poolPCIDs)

	// Set the CPUID; this is required before setting system registers,
	// since KVM will reject several CR4 bits if the CPUID does not
	// indicate the support is available.
	if err := c.setCPUID(); err != nil {
		return err

	// Set the entrypoint for the kernel.
	kernelUserRegs.RIP = uint64(reflect.ValueOf(ring0.Start).Pointer())
	kernelUserRegs.RAX = uint64(reflect.ValueOf(&c.CPU).Pointer())
	kernelUserRegs.RFLAGS = ring0.KernelFlagsSet

	// Set the system registers.
	if err := c.setSystemRegisters(&kernelSystemRegs); err != nil {
		return err

	// Set the user registers.
	if err := c.setUserRegisters(&kernelUserRegs); err != nil {
		return err

	// Allocate some floating point state save area for the local vCPU.
	// This will be saved prior to leaving the guest, and we restore from
	// this always. We cannot use the pointer in the context alone because
	// we don't know how large the area there is in reality.
	c.floatingPointState = arch.NewFloatingPointData()

	// Set the time offset to the host native time.
	return c.setSystemTime()

// nonCanonical generates a canonical address return.
func nonCanonical(addr uint64, signal int32, info *arch.SignalInfo) (usermem.AccessType, error) {
	*info = arch.SignalInfo{
		Signo: signal,
		Code:  arch.SignalInfoKernel,
	info.SetAddr(addr) // Include address.
	return usermem.NoAccess, platform.ErrContextSignal

// fault generates an appropriate fault return.
func (c *vCPU) fault(signal int32, info *arch.SignalInfo) (usermem.AccessType, error) {
	bluepill(c) // Probably no-op, but may not be.
	faultAddr := ring0.ReadCR2()
	code, user := c.ErrorCode()
	if !user {
		// The last fault serviced by this CPU was not a user
		// fault, so we can't reliably trust the faultAddr or
		// the code provided here. We need to re-execute.
		return usermem.NoAccess, platform.ErrContextInterrupt
	// Reset the pointed SignalInfo.
	*info = arch.SignalInfo{Signo: signal}
	accessType := usermem.AccessType{
		Read:    code&(1<<1) == 0,
		Write:   code&(1<<1) != 0,
		Execute: code&(1<<4) != 0,
	if !accessType.Write && !accessType.Execute {
		info.Code = 1 // SEGV_MAPERR.
	} else {
		info.Code = 2 // SEGV_ACCERR.
	return accessType, platform.ErrContextSignal

// SwitchToUser unpacks architectural-details.
func (c *vCPU) SwitchToUser(switchOpts ring0.SwitchOpts, info *arch.SignalInfo) (usermem.AccessType, error) {
	// Check for canonical addresses.
	if regs := switchOpts.Registers; !ring0.IsCanonical(regs.Rip) {
		return nonCanonical(regs.Rip, int32(syscall.SIGSEGV), info)
	} else if !ring0.IsCanonical(regs.Rsp) {
		return nonCanonical(regs.Rsp, int32(syscall.SIGBUS), info)
	} else if !ring0.IsCanonical(regs.Fs_base) {
		return nonCanonical(regs.Fs_base, int32(syscall.SIGBUS), info)
	} else if !ring0.IsCanonical(regs.Gs_base) {
		return nonCanonical(regs.Gs_base, int32(syscall.SIGBUS), info)

	// Assign PCIDs.
	if c.PCIDs != nil {
		var requireFlushPCID bool // Force a flush?
		switchOpts.UserPCID, requireFlushPCID = c.PCIDs.Assign(switchOpts.PageTables)
		switchOpts.KernelPCID = fixedKernelPCID
		switchOpts.Flush = switchOpts.Flush || requireFlushPCID

	// See below.
	var vector ring0.Vector

	// Past this point, stack growth can cause system calls (and a break
	// from guest mode). So we need to ensure that between the bluepill
	// call here and the switch call immediately below, no additional
	// allocations occur.
	vector = c.CPU.SwitchToUser(switchOpts)

	switch vector {
	case ring0.Syscall, ring0.SyscallInt80:
		// Fast path: system call executed.
		return usermem.NoAccess, nil

	case ring0.PageFault:
		return c.fault(int32(syscall.SIGSEGV), info)

	case ring0.Debug, ring0.Breakpoint:
		*info = arch.SignalInfo{
			Signo: int32(syscall.SIGTRAP),
			Code:  1, // TRAP_BRKPT (breakpoint).
		info.SetAddr(switchOpts.Registers.Rip) // Include address.
		return usermem.AccessType{}, platform.ErrContextSignal

	case ring0.GeneralProtectionFault,
		*info = arch.SignalInfo{
			Signo: int32(syscall.SIGSEGV),
			Code:  arch.SignalInfoKernel,
		info.SetAddr(switchOpts.Registers.Rip) // Include address.
		if vector == ring0.GeneralProtectionFault {
			// When CPUID faulting is enabled, we will generate a #GP(0) when
			// userspace executes a CPUID instruction. This is handled above,
			// because we need to be able to map and read user memory.
			return usermem.AccessType{}, platform.ErrContextSignalCPUID
		return usermem.AccessType{}, platform.ErrContextSignal

	case ring0.InvalidOpcode:
		*info = arch.SignalInfo{
			Signo: int32(syscall.SIGILL),
			Code:  1, // ILL_ILLOPC (illegal opcode).
		info.SetAddr(switchOpts.Registers.Rip) // Include address.
		return usermem.AccessType{}, platform.ErrContextSignal

	case ring0.DivideByZero:
		*info = arch.SignalInfo{
			Signo: int32(syscall.SIGFPE),
			Code:  1, // FPE_INTDIV (divide by zero).
		info.SetAddr(switchOpts.Registers.Rip) // Include address.
		return usermem.AccessType{}, platform.ErrContextSignal

	case ring0.Overflow:
		*info = arch.SignalInfo{
			Signo: int32(syscall.SIGFPE),
			Code:  2, // FPE_INTOVF (integer overflow).
		info.SetAddr(switchOpts.Registers.Rip) // Include address.
		return usermem.AccessType{}, platform.ErrContextSignal

	case ring0.X87FloatingPointException,
		*info = arch.SignalInfo{
			Signo: int32(syscall.SIGFPE),
			Code:  7, // FPE_FLTINV (invalid operation).
		info.SetAddr(switchOpts.Registers.Rip) // Include address.
		return usermem.AccessType{}, platform.ErrContextSignal

	case ring0.Vector(bounce): // ring0.VirtualizationException
		return usermem.NoAccess, platform.ErrContextInterrupt

	case ring0.AlignmentCheck:
		*info = arch.SignalInfo{
			Signo: int32(syscall.SIGBUS),
			Code:  2, // BUS_ADRERR (physical address does not exist).
		return usermem.NoAccess, platform.ErrContextSignal

	case ring0.NMI:
		// An NMI is generated only when a fault is not servicable by
		// KVM itself, so we think some mapping is writeable but it's
		// really not. This could happen, e.g. if some file is
		// truncated (and would generate a SIGBUS) and we map it
		// directly into the instance.
		return c.fault(int32(syscall.SIGBUS), info)

	case ring0.DeviceNotAvailable,
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected vector: 0x%x", vector))

// retryInGuest runs the given function in guest mode.
// If the function does not complete in guest mode (due to execution of a
// system call due to a GC stall, for example), then it will be retried. The
// given function must be idempotent as a result of the retry mechanism.
func (m *machine) retryInGuest(fn func()) {
	c := m.Get()
	defer m.Put(c)
	for {
		c.ClearErrorCode() // See below.
		bluepill(c)        // Force guest mode.
		fn()               // Execute the given function.
		_, user := c.ErrorCode()
		if user {
			// If user is set, then we haven't bailed back to host
			// mode via a kernel exception or system call. We
			// consider the full function to have executed in guest
			// mode and we can return.

// On x86 platform, the flags for "setMemoryRegion" can always be set as 0.
// There is no need to return read-only physicalRegions.
func rdonlyRegionsForSetMem() (phyRegions []physicalRegion) {
	return nil

func availableRegionsForSetMem() (phyRegions []physicalRegion) {
	return physicalRegions