// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package kernel

import (

	ktime "gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/sentry/kernel/time"

// BlockWithTimeout blocks t until an event is received from C, the application
// monotonic clock indicates that timeout has elapsed (only if haveTimeout is true),
// or t is interrupted. It returns:
// - The remaining timeout, which is guaranteed to be 0 if the timeout expired,
// and is unspecified if haveTimeout is false.
// - An error which is nil if an event is received from C, ETIMEDOUT if the timeout
// expired, and syserror.ErrInterrupted if t is interrupted.
// Preconditions: The caller must be running on the task goroutine.
func (t *Task) BlockWithTimeout(C chan struct{}, haveTimeout bool, timeout time.Duration) (time.Duration, error) {
	if !haveTimeout {
		return timeout, t.block(C, nil)

	start := t.Kernel().MonotonicClock().Now()
	deadline := start.Add(timeout)
	err := t.BlockWithDeadline(C, true, deadline)

	// Timeout, explicitly return a remaining duration of 0.
	if err == syserror.ETIMEDOUT {
		return 0, err

	// Compute the remaining timeout. Note that even if block() above didn't
	// return due to a timeout, we may have used up any of the remaining time
	// since then. We cap the remaining timeout to 0 to make it easier to
	// directly use the returned duration.
	end := t.Kernel().MonotonicClock().Now()
	remainingTimeout := timeout - end.Sub(start)
	if remainingTimeout < 0 {
		remainingTimeout = 0

	return remainingTimeout, err

// BlockWithDeadline blocks t until an event is received from C, the
// application monotonic clock indicates a time of deadline (only if
// haveDeadline is true), or t is interrupted. It returns nil if an event is
// received from C, ETIMEDOUT if the deadline expired, and
// syserror.ErrInterrupted if t is interrupted.
// Preconditions: The caller must be running on the task goroutine.
func (t *Task) BlockWithDeadline(C <-chan struct{}, haveDeadline bool, deadline ktime.Time) error {
	if !haveDeadline {
		return t.block(C, nil)

	// Start the timeout timer.
		Enabled: true,
		Next:    deadline,

	err := t.block(C, t.blockingTimerChan)

	// Stop the timeout timer and drain the channel.
	select {
	case <-t.blockingTimerChan:

	return err

// BlockWithTimer blocks t until an event is received from C or tchan, or t is
// interrupted. It returns nil if an event is received from C, ETIMEDOUT if an
// event is received from tchan, and syserror.ErrInterrupted if t is
// interrupted.
// Most clients should use BlockWithDeadline or BlockWithTimeout instead.
// Preconditions: The caller must be running on the task goroutine.
func (t *Task) BlockWithTimer(C <-chan struct{}, tchan <-chan struct{}) error {
	return t.block(C, tchan)

// Block blocks t until an event is received from C or t is interrupted. It
// returns nil if an event is received from C and syserror.ErrInterrupted if t
// is interrupted.
// Preconditions: The caller must be running on the task goroutine.
func (t *Task) Block(C <-chan struct{}) error {
	return t.block(C, nil)

// block blocks a task on one of many events.
// N.B. defer is too expensive to be used here.
// Preconditions: The caller must be running on the task goroutine.
func (t *Task) block(C <-chan struct{}, timerChan <-chan struct{}) error {
	// This function is very hot; skip this check outside of +race builds.
	if sync.RaceEnabled {

	// Fast path if the request is already done.
	select {
	case <-C:
		return nil

	// Deactive our address space, we don't need it.
	interrupt := t.SleepStart()

	// If the request is not completed, but the timer has already expired,
	// then ensure that we run through a scheduler cycle. This is because
	// we may see applications relying on timer slack to yield the thread.
	// For example, they may attempt to sleep for some number of nanoseconds,
	// and expect that this will actually yield the CPU and sleep for at
	// least microseconds, e.g.:
	// https://github.com/LMAX-Exchange/disruptor/commit/6ca210f2bcd23f703c479804d583718e16f43c07
	if len(timerChan) > 0 {

	region := trace.StartRegion(t.traceContext, blockRegion)
	select {
	case <-C:
		// Woken by event.
		return nil

	case <-interrupt:
		// Return the indicated error on interrupt.
		return syserror.ErrInterrupted

	case <-timerChan:
		// We've timed out.
		return syserror.ETIMEDOUT

// SleepStart implements context.ChannelSleeper.SleepStart.
func (t *Task) SleepStart() <-chan struct{} {
	return t.interruptChan

// SleepFinish implements context.ChannelSleeper.SleepFinish.
func (t *Task) SleepFinish(success bool) {
	if !success {
		// Our caller received from t.interruptChan; we need to re-send to it
		// to ensure that t.interrupted() is still true.

// Interrupted implements context.ChannelSleeper.Interrupted.
func (t *Task) Interrupted() bool {
	if t.interrupted() {
		return true
	// Indicate that t's task goroutine is still responsive (i.e. reset the
	// watchdog timer).
	return false

// UninterruptibleSleepStart implements context.Context.UninterruptibleSleepStart.
func (t *Task) UninterruptibleSleepStart(deactivate bool) {
	if deactivate {

// UninterruptibleSleepFinish implements context.Context.UninterruptibleSleepFinish.
func (t *Task) UninterruptibleSleepFinish(activate bool) {
	if activate {

// interrupted returns true if interrupt or interruptSelf has been called at
// least once since the last call to unsetInterrupted.
func (t *Task) interrupted() bool {
	return len(t.interruptChan) != 0

// unsetInterrupted causes interrupted to return false until the next call to
// interrupt or interruptSelf.
func (t *Task) unsetInterrupted() {
	select {
	case <-t.interruptChan:

// interrupt unblocks the task and interrupts it if it's currently running in
// userspace.
func (t *Task) interrupt() {

// interruptSelf is like Interrupt, but can only be called by the task
// goroutine.
func (t *Task) interruptSelf() {
	select {
	case t.interruptChan <- struct{}{}:
	// platform.Context.Interrupt() is unnecessary since a task goroutine
	// calling interruptSelf() cannot also be blocked in
	// platform.Context.Switch().